'S AGGCCCGGSCESSEEESSEUEEIESSESSHSSSESSSES Goods. Vicunnas and Priestley’s guaranteed Dress Goods of which we are sole agents in Milverton. Our Children’s Clothing has not arrived, but we expect it this week, and, as usual, our prices and qual- ity will be right. Men’s Pants ~ We added our clothing department a large 1ange Men’s Pants, suitable for Sunday wear the price is moderate from $2 to $5 00, Millinery Oo Se ws nM Thursday to Wednesday, 27th, 28th, 30th Caroons, Remember, we give 10 per cent. off on all Clothing. Se You are cordially in- vited to attend Rosettas. These are Prints— your choice, stock of English Prints, which we are selling at 12'%c. Canadian Prints at We have a very large Come early and get loc. our stock. Ready-made Clothing — We are again to the front with that cel- ebrated Progress Brand Clothing. We are making a special drive this season in Men’s, Young Men's and Youths’ Black Venetian Suits. black suit for spring, havea look through We willsave you from $8 to $10 0n a suit. If you want a Fit guaranteed. Corsets—The Skirts—We h our blacks.in stock n a few weeks, If cannot get your dr skirt, come to us, and have it made & A. Corsets are again Corsets from 25 to 35c. other lines we expect in maker to make you will take your measure D. rington will be our leader ave ml Maple Syrup 25¢ wine qt. E Ib. tin roc. You ‘Try our 25 cent Black an 'eSs- the leading factorin this stock. Mostly in white. department. Ranging but are able to sell themat nearly the old prices, in price from 50 cts. to $1.00. Girdle Tape as usual. Quaker Puffed Rice 1oc package. d Green Tea. WANTED--At once, A Girl to learn Millinery Trade Ladies’ Silk Waists—We have the Minerva Celebrated Silk Waists in We expect the blacks in a few weeks. Stamped Mats are at hand. Get your choice now, Men’s Hats—We expect our full shipment of Hats this week. The Bar- Our Grocery Department is as usual stocked with “ine groceries, 2 boxes Smoked Herring 25¢. Quaker Corn Meal ‘roc package, GLGISSIIGISHISSSISITSISHSHSEHISIISESHESESEESHGIS§SSISESISGSEEOSI SGS$SEGSISSISGPUSSIGISSSISESSSSSSESSSSNSSSSSSssEssgssS Ghe Right House Spring will soon be here, and we are in a position to supply you with anything you require. We ask you to call in and look though our well assorted stock of Dry Goods. Dress Goods — Black Dress We have a very large range, consisting of Wool Voiles, Satin Cloth, Serges, Cashmeres, Lustres [5585 SSSSISESESSESES Prices are higher, Old Dutch Cleanser 1 a we for you. 15 different styles to choose from. W.K.LOT SHSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSIS Milverton % Ontario. SSSISSSSSSSSSSSOSSS The ADilverton Sun Is the best Local Newspaper in the County of Perth. [t is the Best Advertising Medium, Rates reasonable. Subscription $1 per year, strictly inadvance. $1.50if not so paid,—M, MacBeta, Pusiisuer Don’t You Sleep Well Better Correct Matters Be- fore Nerves and Health are Shattered Without sleep “there ean be no bod- ily or mental vigor, consequently sleeplessness is a dangerous condition. Nothing so surely restores sleep as Ferrozone; it’s peialoe an a nour- C. P, R. Time Table ARRIVE DEPART Mixed, .11.45 a, m. Express, .8,50 p.m. Expresi Mixed. G. T. R. Time Table {Trains due to leave Milverton. GOING SOUTH. Ex i kaehe ishing, toni Ferrozone vitalizes. a part of the body, makes the nerves hardy, com- pletely rebuilds the system. The cause of sleeplessness is remoy- ™-1 ed—health is restored—you can work, | Res eat, sleep—feel like new after using Ferrozone. Don’t put off—get using Ferrozone today, it does cure insomnia per box at all. dealers, — Osonhyatekha’s Will. (Ovtawa iuunik al) will shows that the THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1907 Helps Men to Work Hard. Just think of teen enormous strength ening power Ferrozone possesses.— consider what it did for H. V. Potter, 8 and lack of vigor. ate any breakfeast and felt satasble all day. ‘ervous, easily excited, troubled ‘ge heart weakness, I was Ferrozone restored and apeatist me back to health in short order.” Whatever your weak- ness ina: rrozone wil cure. Price, 50c per box at all dealers. Miss M. Klenk _returned home nr Favistock’ 61 day, where tte has been rae a few days. vis- iting friends. Mr. George Kalfleisch lost a valu- able horse on Saturday. It is said to have died from inflammation. He has since purchased another one. Mr. George Reis also lost a valuable horse on Sunday evening. Mr. Coutts had a yery large ships ment of hogs from Brunner on Mon. day. A large number attended the sale at Mr. OC. Kerr’s on Wednesday. The sale was a large one and everything brought very good prices. A large quantity of pressed hay is being shipped from Brunner this week, A large number from this vincinity attended market in Stratford on Sat- urday, ‘There is neither sleighing nor wheel- ing around her eg great chief of the Independant Order of Foresters lett behind him an estate valued only at $75,000. OF this $35,- 000 would.be easily represented by the invesment of savings on his salary, It seems not to have occurred to him. that tbe immense money of the For. on were anything but trust funds, If it had, the opportunity for amass- ing an immense fortune lay ready to is PEO a When Children are Sick They eat something that disagrees, catch cold, have cramps or co! f there is pain just apply Nervil it’s good to rub on, and for the insida it’s most comforting. Effective and Pleasant, you can’t find a household panacea to equal Polson’s Nerviline. sed with satisfaction for a f and one ills that constantly arise in the family. Large bottles at all deal ers for Shirl Reali ilies asc The Negro Problem. (London Mowauk Post. There are ten million negrves’in the United States, They cannot be got rid of by transportation, nor even if they could, is it possible for the South to do without them, Forty years of |* freedom without discipline have done little or nothing to improve the negro. Both morally and industrially: he ap- pears actually to have paaoarede since emanicipation. same time he is far more conscious A he was of every injustice done him, and therefore more resentful. Neither North nor South has faced the pro! lem, Prejudices that amount toa species of frenzy, much obstinacy and more short-sightedness have combined to confuse every branch of the question. Yet it is one which unless taken in hand with patience, sta fe and sympathy threatens a convulsion of appalling dimensions. The Sky Pilot out of Piace. (Ottawa Citizen. “Ralph Connor” will enhance his reputation by keeping out of _ politics. is sweeping denunciation of _politi- cians on Sunday was as untrue and unfair as could come from the lips of of politics, bot eral and provincial fields. who know the and the worst. workings of the political} arena know this: also how difficult it is for those engaged in an active pub- lie life to keep themselves above sus- For an irritated young wan in the antisseptic atmos- phere ee the pulpit to undertake _ to tall n to those w! out ke raedtinien of this great young country on what are after all, fairly straight ae may not be an Uae eae ek pe fe Do You Appreciate a Saving on Shoes ? >If you do, NOW is your ehanee ! Ne We have just completed stock- taking, and have a number of odd lines in Women’s, Men’s and Children’s Shoes that we are clearing at from one-quarter to one-half regular price. x Also a.number of lines of Felt Shoes and House Slippers, we are clearing at less than whole- sale prices. WE CAN oS YOU MONEY WM. ZIMMERMAN, Indigestion Stomach trouble is buts symptom of, and not in itself a true di Heartburn, and Indigestion as real diseases, yet they are symptoms only of @ certain specific Nerve sickness—nothing el __ was this fact that first eee led Dr. oe Hoey-Dr _Shoon's Restorative. Going direct taut favor t ah shoop and his Restorative. With- out that original and highly vital principle, no For stomach distress, bloating, biliousn breath and self what it can and will do. We sell and cheer Dr. Shoop’s Restorative THE PUBLIC DRUG STORE. WELESLEY COUNCIL. Wellesley township council met pur- suanu to adjournment on Monday March 4vb. All the members present except Mr, Huehn, the reeve in the chair. Minute of the previous meeting read and adopted. Communications, bills and accounts were read and disposed. of. Council formed into court of revis- ion re Beggs drain, reeve Robertson in the chair: Evidence was taken ré the appeals poo the ene gentlemen: Albert H. I Ww. and all the evidence re the aforesaid ap- peals was taken it was moved by no action be taken at this meeting, and that this court adjourn until March 11th at 2. p. m., at the council hall, Crosshill —Carried. = repeal bylaw to the bonus paid foe building wire fences along the public highways in the township of Wellesley be now read 4 first and second time.—Oarried Council then went in Soamaities of the whole, with Mr. Hastings in the chair. After filling in and Hicowsletisy t He aid bylaw it was moved by te, jeomonded by J. Reidel, chan os 9 590 to repeal bylaw 2. BT, ste elaine to the paying “t Fontana ‘or building wire fences along the high- Niahways in the township of syraliay be now read a third time and passed. ete reupon it was moved by epetooe sed, R. Tine ‘that committee resume in open council.— Carried. On motion of Riddel and eh carried by the Reeve, orders were is- sued in payment of the following a mount Thos Orookshanks, bonus for 40 rods wire fence $4.00, J. Gerber, for spikes 25 cts ., Noah Leis, dog tax refund $1.00. do bonus 30 rods wire fence $3. ‘Alex. Urquart, plank account .88, Anth. Heimpbell, rep,g bridge teaming, etc. $3.70, Leo. Ament, 45 loads grayel h p $4.50, Hahn: & Me- Carthy, rep. Martinson bridge $10.51, M. Martin, 135 loads grayel $ 13.50, J. Frame, taking pauper to poor house $3.00, Maple Leaf, =e re ae Beggs drain, papers, postage, $98.7! Waterloo Mutual ee Nee cauce Co., assessments on township hall $1, 80 Wellesley. libeary grant $25, Hawkes. ville aes $25., Linwood ditto $25. Moved by R. Lintick, seconded by}, J. Reidel, that this council do now ad- journ tomeet at their next regular ineeting at the township hall, Crosshill on April Ist, when path-masters, und—keepers and fence-viewers will be appointed. PETER F, SORA NER, OLERK. R. | be Lintick, serended by J. Reidel, that! pid They All Failed. Many have tried to devise a corn cure equal-to Putnam’s but after fifcy yeare nothing has come upon the market that so painlessly cures corns and warts. Don’t experiment, use the best, and that’s “Putnam’s.” Brae es TEE, RET Going After Opinion (Washington Star. “What are your opinions on that question” “My dear sir,” Senator Sorghuin, “this is no time ask a man his opinions; the chief uso in adjourning Congress is to give great men a chance to get out among their | constituents and stork up with opin- ions.” ns “Skidoo” for Vour Headache Ascertain its cause and the cure isn’t hard to find. Look to the stom- ach and bowels, Aren’t you consti- pated, isn’t your liver. sluggish, isn’t the stomach failing in Their effect is lasting because they aid all the ailing organs flush out all un- healthy matter, and tone up the stom- ach, ith Dr. Hamilton’s Pills your stomach gets a chance to recu erate, and does so quekly. For real buoyant health use Dr, Hamiton’s Pills regularly. 25¢ per box at all dealer: pS Fon BARE CHI Brain Storms (Goldwin Smith, in Weekly Sui un) Anger, says the Phllosobar is brief madness, and in the samme sense every ine /coubeatvedd un- der the influence of passion is an—act| of madness, But if murder commit- ted under the influence of passion were to go unpunished, there would did he ought to die, a hioy that he should die rather than live a Cain. teas canes sna meager Views of Literature Hamilton Spectator:—Dr. Bain, Public Lil of Toronto, is report- ed as having said that there are to many trashy novels in the public lib- varies, and that “every librarian will ok forward to the time when the or- dinary novel of the day will be entire- ®, eliminated from our public librar- »” which seems to indicate that the cd librarian of Toronto doesn’t know tit the public libraries are not estab- lished for the purpose of pleasing the librarian, but for the use of the great public. If the people of Toronto are satisfied with the bocks they get at Dr. Bain’s shops, that_is all that is necessary. ‘They should be allowed to cultivate their own tastes, and_ not jietated by the librarian. Se eens Rang All the Bells. Mark Twain, in the North Ameri- can Review, tells of a visit he and Geo. W. Cable made to Mr. Grover Cleve- land, when Governor of New York State, at his office in the Capitol. The Governor aud the novelist were once fellow citizens in Buffalo, and Mark Twain, in his usual free and easy way sas on the first thing that ene ae sehucl b bapponed to be the corner of a table. After telling aede the | ¢ Rage Mark Twain proceeds: There appeared to be about sixteen doors to that spacious room. each door a young man now emerged, and the sixteen lined up and moved. forward and stood in front of the Gov- @rnor with-an aspect of respectful ex- Pectancy in their attitude. No one pokesfor amoment, Then the Gov- 8 Senne; Mr. x2 dismissed, were and that is how I ‘March, 1907. a answered | °’ to} . | tains representatives of the Salvation 'P-| the White House. | branches ne seyen distinct “acts of s' union, were final compelled to adopt a course of ending |; just-right to enal th Clerk’s offic, St. Clements, Teh FWliclé-of teats ‘le me to cover. the| Mil Church Union The Presbytery of Bruce held conference on church union on March 5th and the subject was ilteoneed from many stand points. dress of Mr. C. J. Mickle, of Chesley, who spoke on “Union as rega' the Pew” may be taken as illustrating the spirit of conference. The con- cluding portion of Mr, Mickle’s ad- dress was as follows :— ‘There are those who sry that or- ganic union will never come. There re those who say that it is imminent, but there are many who do not agree with either, who believe that after a period of education and preparation, union is inevitable, and for these rea- which we live points to it. of events is towards it. The thought of men today is breaking down the old barriers of distinction and separ- ation ; Itissoin the social world. The times have changed, old manners gone, The King of England receives the representatives of labor and their wives and daughters at a royal fune- tion, The Governor General enter- Army at Rideau Hall. The President ofthe United States horritivs the South and electrifies the North by welcoming Booker T. Washington at Ibis so in the litical world. The French Catho- lic of Quebec and Scotch Covenanter of Ontario join hens and an empire and the born Common- wealth buries tba ak and religious animosities of the past in oblivion, the self-governing colonies of the Empire dream of an imperial feder- ation greater than has been, the long diyided branches of the Anglo Saxon families join hands across the sea, It Particular Wearers Appreciate They’re All Alike new and wearable. Thats the trouble with ready-made suits. big boxes, each garment belongs to a big lot which are exact counterparts of each other. on the-quiet to think people will buy themin preference to paying a trifle more and getting something, elegant, There is no economy in ready-made clothes if you consider wear and style. They come in Even the clerks smile Knechtel & Smith Milverton’s - - Leading = - Tailors Wedding Invitations Promptly and Neatly ate at the Lowest Price, when printed al The Mitverton Sun lis soin the church. The Pi eburch in Canada is a noble and en- during monument of organic unity— from 1817 to 1895 fifteen divided nally weilded into one. The peepee Shue a eget is another examp! By acts of ayiet in 1874 Ae 1884 five different branches were united in one and it is only a matter of history that the _bit- terness between two of them was greater than the hostility of either towards Presbyterianism. Union is in the air, it is the abn ies da ontesy; it is the spirit of surely as the apple falls to fies earth so sure- ly will the churches of Christ gravi- tate toward nnity. Is Obrist divided? If we agree in the great essentials, Dentistry. Business Directory - Notary Public. entiate of Dental Surgery. R. R, LEDERMAN, Dentist, Lic- and Member er’s hardware store, Milverton, | over the Sovereign Bank of in: surely thea within the pale of organic union there will be found ample room for the enlightened age of tomorrow ‘or individual difference of opinion on non-essentials. Will men continue to say ‘Tam of Paul and I. of Appollos| © a I of Cephas and I of Calyin and I of Wesley, or will men unite to sa Tam of Christ ? It is the past more than the present which hinders union. The fetters of use and and wont, of habit and association hamper us, but is it not glory and Scone of Protest- anism that it unbinds and _unfetters. The growth of Protestantisin spells fi In the it has stitutions. Protestai ganization, it isa tendency, glory of the Roman Catholic shnedts| 2 is that it is unchanging and unchang- ed thronghout the ages | as is the slory ot Protestanism that itis ever ~ ing toward the light, towards a anon eer ‘The prayer of Protestan- im is the dying ory of the greatest of re light come in.) dition or prejudice, moye forward more and more towards that more perfect union for which in His last hours the Master prayed “that they may be one eyen as we are one,” then will come to pass the sion oc id of the New England poe “Out af the shadow of nig The world moves into light Tt is daybreak crepes? B. F. Butler, eye specialist, of totibas will be at the Queen’s hotel, yerton, on ‘Thursday Jan. 10th, Mar. 14th, May 9th and us neh, Let tis, therefore, uashackled “by tra-| Medical. ¥, PARKER, M.D.C. uate College, alto Gold and Silver nity Uni sity, Toronto, a ‘Dr Store, Brunner, Moseryille and Ros: C.M., Honor Grad- Id Medalist ‘Trinit Publie D: Tals ilecneientibe n with Poole Me preatishs Snecesso dical ee ‘Telephone connection wit! ner, Rostock and Kubryvile.- wered day or night from o} R. H. J. M. ADAMS, ‘sucsessor to Naismith. Office in ae Gas oe’ begai x iavellare ait others, Tooms, MORPHY & CARTHEW, Solicitors, Ete. of Hami Money 01 mi arranged for. . MORPH’ Barri A member of the firm will be in Hllvertot every Thu ureday. |. CARTHEW, jarristers, Ballot tots for the Bank Veterinary. ARR, Veterinar, JW. B surgeon, Milverton, Gradwiate of Ontario Veterin= . Treatsall diseases: . Calls by -tele~ ¢ or. otherwise promptly attended to. W. D, WEIR, ts Public, Aucé tioneer for the Con of Perth and Waterloo, Conveyancer. De eodsy Wills and Mortgages drawn. and’ Aifdavite-imade: Village Clerk. Oftice in the Weir block ‘anada, Hotels. EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner, Ont. John ett, stiquors: GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil verton, class accommodation for ape peries and cee large s ita blis ing. Best ieanite beande ot liguors and cigars, Chas, Ritter, Proprietor. & QUEEN'S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont = lation commercial, ‘Two la ree le nly the choicest of Ine sist and Cigars at the bar. Good stables. George F. Pauli, Proprietor. BUTTER -: WRAPPERS “PRINTED AT... THE -:- SUN = OFFICE Ghe Cheaper Way! % Societies. 0. F.; 99, Milverton, meets a - seoond erie Tuesday ot every mont 8 o’clock, in their ‘hall over Rothae: Ret & Son’s hanna store. Vistng SUAS ee D, Weir, C. R., 8, H. Pugh, Ree-Sec It is said by some that it is just as cheap to buy flour as me pos ‘shose sixteen clerks. 1907, “Visiting brethren ie. Daniel Ross,N.G: W.K, F., “Silver Star Bars: Milve la d rida, it at) their lalvoven Publis Dro wel- rath, to exchange grists, this is not a fact; a farmer can ‘save about 10 cents a bush- el by ee wheat for ~ flour : +H