Milverton Sun, 28 Mar 1907, p. 8

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¥ UR METALLIC CEILINGS «WALLS fh artistic and serviceable. Popularly used by practical people Interior Decoration Oa This is an illustration of the material that is taking the place of lath, plaster ape and paper. cA Submit to me the sizes of ly applied—most moderate in ire-proof, sanitary and won- ‘derfully durable—with’ countless designs to select from. ‘Write us for booklet telling all about them, METALLIC ROOFING CO., Limited ‘Whol ‘TORONTO, CANAD: lesale Mfrs, quote. prices, th JAS. S. LOCKIE HARDWARE MERCHANT NEWTON -:- ONTARIO Additional Local News Families in the iS villega desiring work at home call at the J. G. Grosch Felt Mr. J, E. Beatty, C. E. hasreturned from hee wrens he spent several days this w icf spe we are glad to hear has ‘% far recover illness as to be able to sit up. Mr. John Milhausen, G.T.R. agent at Walkerton, is at present lying in the hospital there where he recently underwent an operation for appendic- | ° itis. The coroner's jury dealing on the inquest management of the Grand Tra way Company running a 91 ae engine over a 674 pound rail at an excessive rate of spee ‘err Bros. haye purchased ae Maryfield | prices Clydesdale stallion, which they will put on the ns of er to thank the route as soon as the season opens. | teachers ‘of thie vicinity for thelr | Woods will always be in 5 Prince Maryfield is a beautiful bay hearty co-operation in * tourna-|no other Rees pelt ‘ke the 4 with white face anid white stockings | ment. ae ade it pare place of wood in the making of fur on hind lags and weighs we realize the hardship of tra hire fine horse was bred by Patna McFan ling over Friday’s roads. is only lane, of Stirling, Scotland, and was| fair to state also that Mr. Hutchin- “MILLBANK i by Messrs, Smith & Richard- | 800’s, of Newton, suggestions were the son. of Columbus, Ontario, Messrs, | Dasis of some of i features, Mr, Winkler paid a business trip it for bringing | ‘222k those wh part in the | to roronto and Hamilto on last week, Kerr Bros. deserve credit for bringing ine ani ity, (Program, both children and adults) “My. ‘Schmitt, as secured. the ser: stich a fine animal to the community.|and the Milverton people for. thei Cat Mie ETRE Fees The fact that a small blaze broke out age planets Andie Hnitinor tor this We believe would have resulted in a panic great loss of life, Itis not hard imagine the steep and narrow descent from the hall choked wit! humanity solidly wedged i inan inex- of egress should be provided for cases ¥ of emergency ‘The Toronto papers have lately been ging the railw: grant cheap excursion rates to and from the city a couple of weeks, so as to enable coun- |} try people to get fo Toronto for their spring shopping. But it does not look ing, Will be conced ed, Il excursion tive wil ished, and a uniform rate of two a mile each way, be established. "tw cents This now gets a goo f extra tra ae ba greater part of this trade wi off em two cent rate. There would then no inducement |e lately. ago since husband and father On Friday last Miss Rebecca his recent of country eleven years and to be the most favored part of the organist of nity wan presented’ one tease a living | dre Miss Eprra bette RT; & =S 5 cS 5 < means of helping many to noble It is not| Piral | pation ill be abol-| init ihenie | Sgr eral of the Listow. el lodge, AF, the Milverton ; tas with their work on evening. Monday The Easson family, of Stratford, have had their own share of ble it is not more than A vale Mr, Andi was entombe Unlike Manitoba ani nin the West. Card hk Thanks on THR EDrTok or THs S Suy,— Dear Sir,—I wish through the col- wish to roeny, thanks ee underta’ oe T. CURTIS, Principal, Address and Presentation Miss Edythe MeCourt, the popular chareh, Elma, evening recently | purse and the following ad- rt Ont. RAR rien am the members our esteem, uture as in the music may be the ler as- Benet ‘on behalf of Trinity congre- SPENCE, Rector. GE RABRETH,) Wardens. A. F.’s Low Fee. Be on MacLaren, M. P. tr in, and gave his ‘rom the railways ed people to go to|name and address. The doctor asked = city at one time more than an-|Mr. {MacLaren at once if he knew ae the cheeseman of that name. The tears confessed ae (Sater the mn Friday last the School; Spelling |™an himself. After ugh ex- Toe took place at Milverton tty Speers the famous eolalist gave when ten schools entered the competi- | ig advice, and for his fee. ‘Gon: vin 4 = : T thought it srovla ra Ge all whos 2 4, 2, 1, rom $200, fornington, 6 Elma, 9 Elma, 8 Ellice, of the oral and written contests are|had i ne sie is in Bp to program consisted of duetts, orchestral select- 4 ions, recitations, choruses, songs, dia- logues. monologues, All, anda fen a eral seenipe: match, the vari is of Se Maratiigka: P Elma, ‘Welle lesley. Ellice and eee ‘ing part. We hay at there was hard- x It was regrettable M er, that Mr. Torrance, M. P. P.,{captain of one of the sides was ane ren, ashe told'fthe ee: io pis parse epee his pi a “but was the modest sum at $7.50, 9 Eftoronto Batnedee Night. The Spelting Tournament, Prizes in written y work : ar. LY class icture won by §, 8. No: IV ge ras § No, 1; lass V, pleture, won “by Milverton, The following pupils had no errors in aS work and will ee rizes : r. LV, Eva Op} o, ply SCalbtietseh, RRivertos, Jr. Raby Ke eae Ne 0. a8 Bostic 0. So 0.4, P Wittig Honderish, Class, r Dar he following paplis’ won in. ti Matchen Tigre IV, Mosse Nats tres ion F i erton ; FV. Clas, Walter Davidson, awa: tt & meeti at an- rnament.. other point and could not be present. |in written wae vie as foll 8:8. 8, . 8 Petrie, however, made an i: , 4, Mornin} , T. Hutchinson, ert one The aie royal | teacher ; No. 1 esningiom D. Dav- ae teacher ; No. ington, ce between Rey, N, D.. Mc-|; le Y Kine cat sie J, Garee; tie see a PLS teaser: to: J.T. g ing, Miss E, ‘ean e,, teacher ; No 1 r coming out victorious thus leaving Morkinces on, W rtmann, teach- atford, gave out ie words to the ‘ante , While the coe Mr. |er 5 gal) E. E, Slaughter, teacher ; tks e, K. Robb, teacher. 8: we Milverton ; No, 6 ornington, Po i nd bi iL Tore ony eae He an onegal Mr, Morlock and Dr. |®2 ee Beker Naismith. ‘The proceeds of the even- rN PMorniog 2, Car 1g amounted to $77.90 all of which Class V, Milverton, Carthag will be applied tow: ri and other expenses of the tournament, and N ‘No. 8 Ellice, 8. J. coer seaoke ingti r, equal, No, 2 “Morni claims believes it trust 1 bi 1d male rust you ey re e spared to serve the Shit ch ii a le Kk} bea vidson, Fried Pauli, Hilda Opper, Milye Seige RN. Brart¥—At the Western Hospital, Toronto, puThureday, Mare glee to the ‘wife of James B. Beatty, C. B,D. 1.8, r, Mary Cul Serge Topping, on r Welines sday, March Sth, the wife of Jacob Jutzi, of a Navgionn At Rilice, on Priday, Mar, “15th, the wife ot Andrew Nafziger, of a Beatty—At the Western Hospital, Toronto, pu Sunday, March 24th, Marx Cullen, infant datighter, of Mr, and Mrs. J. Newton The young child of Mr. and Mrs. Gustin is at present seriously ill ui pes for recovery are still catettaine “BRUNNER Thursday 188 hogs for which ‘he paid $2586,87 or $6 70 per ewt, ‘The total weight of the shipment was 39,610 To Publish False Statements. (Wall Street Journal. bill ae been introduced into the willfully. exaggerate, or whieh shall havea tendency to give a less or eiteralucts iingiastde uouieie property of sueh corporation, copart- nership or individual. SAE BOOTS, Let Everybody Plant Trees If every land owner would plant in every available place such trees a ment the largar work of a government the preservation of an adequate supply i good timber would be much simpli- je white oak is naturally only a forest tree. but the black walnut, which in- rinsicalty is even more valuable, will grow almost anywhere and in a much sane is-true of the chestnut, sorry to say tinat Mr. Alger is ae sonfined to the hou lec, of Mount Forest, spent Bat ‘saturday with her brother R. of the Anglican church | + ha is returned after Mr. Freeman, relieving took charge of the work in his ab- Robes. W. Winkler intends opening op. his store the beginning of next Mise Adeline Baun and her see Emma has returned home again after 3 “tlstowe several weeks with friends in r, Chas. Raby is laid up with a en attack of La Grippe. Mr. J, H. Schmitt will hold his mil- inery open nings on Friday and Satur. day April 5th and 6th. iss Melunis, of Blyth, will be in charge. eS AEE, Bill Ney’s Cow Advertisement. con oo the admonish once had a milk frequently. not fear death in any form she would @ great. boon. he is very much attached to her present eae with a stay chain, aM she will be sold to piieg T will also throw in-a shotgun. which away & week or two an ed a with a tall, red calf with wabbl Her name is Rose, I aoe ones sell her to a non-resi- Sarah Maxwell, (Toronto. Telegram What does Canada owe porte the Hochelaga aes ‘a school was not a public life—technic- ally. ie larger, nobler sense no life could be more public than the almost nameless career that was neyer heard of until it ended in the sacrifice of self to duty. The unthinking, instinctive nobilicy of human nature at its pat was illus- trated in the triumpant death of Sar- ah Maxwell. The old, old choice be- tween life, with all its asures and duty, with all its perils came to this irl even as 0 the mat- tyred daughters of the ‘faith, The noe that urged the heroines of old to face the lions of Nero carried Sarah Maxwell into the flames of d A week from now it will be eer except on one more deathless page of that Book of Remembrance where shine the names of men and women who have liyed out in service the truth the poet has taught in song: “So nigh is grandeur. = our dust So near is to mi When a ay sahispers= Noe ‘Thou The yous replies, ‘I can., ” Mr. Boyle shipped from here on|° forest reserve that reforestation and ache precious and almost indispensa- shorter time, and will pay for itsclf trom the time it begins to bear. The There is no question ee Salat ae: sBisk le, of London, occupied the last gent has agent g0es | Michigan, is visiting .| with her, In May athe usually goes ol h jon Thursday: evening from DeATHAGR Sugar talking i 3 the order of the lay in our vinci: Mrs, A, Seeusien retured home after a short visib with friends in h Seaton and Milverton. Miss R. Harvey, st akantoy is visiv- ing her eae Mr. lrew Harvey. rom ee re vatteddea Mr. B, Moffet’s ies service on Sunday in Linwood, Miss Nellie Johnston returned to her honte in Milverton after spending aweek with her sister, Mrs, Simpson. Soe Nebraska Greens. rt, Samuel Smith, who has been Miss Sara Ropp, who resides in Mornington, is spending a couple of days at her hom Mr. George Schmidt and Miss Car-| tie pare spent Sunday with Mr. Jonas Jacobs. Mr. Christin Ropp is at present | visiting Mrs. John Ropp, of Morning: | ton. , Mr. Jonas Jacobs was in Berlin on nday, attending'the funeral of his hild. inter al S 1A. Pysiop of Brussels, is again| oe ground, making ready to oper ae atatiie rede aie tie BIG Cieek drain. Mr. and Mrs, Jonas Jacobs are at present visiting friends in New Ham- rg. HESSON. Mr. Ed. Helm, of Berlin, returned home on Wednesday~ evening. He intends to work for his. father during ies and ba: Charles, of New- * ae spent Sunday at Mr, Wm Giro- brother, Mr. Bred Strangway for a few days of last wi It is our ae dat uty to announce the death of Mr, Martin Sr., of Dor = took plage on, Thursday ased had been in Hesson in mies returning home in the canon and while putting some hay own it is supposed he slipped and ll from the mow dislocating his neck. ‘he funeral took place on Saturday eee from the residence of his son, Albert at Dorking, and was | Albert, of Dorking, LINWOOD . Wismer shipped fat cattle and} sss on Monday. res are sa be closed on Good Biden in Linwi Mrs, W. Hoek has had a_ relapse and is very sick ag Miss Luella Flacts, ot St. Clements, a Saturday at‘hom: ~ Y. Fish’s millinery openings | tie ce Saturday n y Hosea is we Spree very | ili vi 4 attack of quinsy, Mr. Fred Heinbuch, oe visit- ed his parents over Mr, and Mrs. P. feccpswrstsie ‘went to pang Monday evening. Mr.-F. Jackson, of beta Allen, was a Sunday visitor in Linwood. Miss Nellie Little went aie to Toronto on Saturday. evening. Mr, Frank Schummer was in Berlin last Tuesday on a business trip. There is Reiypteke or talk of Abie ing Linwocd into a police-villag Miss Stone, of Hawkesville, alle on her friend, Miss Strome on Sunday. Mr. C. Harris was in town ut week looking after some ©. P. ness matters, r. Alf, Hewitt, of the 9th line, is recovering slowly after a sickness ot about a week. Miss Annie igh of Mill. bank, called on Mrs. (Dr.) McEachern on Saturday erehings Mrs. Nelson, of London, milliner at Mr. R, Y. wien Tenewing frlends is in tow. Messrs. 8. J, Millar and H. J. Lytle were in PHewkaniin on Friday eyen- ing and took in the concert. Mrs. Bullock and sén, Earl, from Mrs. Bullock's parents, Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Parsill. All accounts against the Linwood skating rink are tobe handed in to Ed. Gingerich, Secretary, by nee formerly store is r. fel those who took in the con- Fert Hawkesvillee Friday night were the ace Ida an Na Goetz and Mr. G Smith, Miss Verna Parsill returned home Drayton, where she has been spending the past three or four weeks Shipping is serene greatly = Linwood. Mr. R. ¥. Fish has ship shies! he ot two car loads of ts to New Mr. Stangway, of Elora, visited his |§ “The People’ s Store” Milverton’s Greatest and Best Store, =e We do as we Advertise, ST ER GREETINGS” GRAND") Millinery Opening We take great pleasure in announcing our Millinery Openings for Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday March 27th, 28th and goth, (Friday being a holi- day), and extend a cordial invitation to the ladies to honor us with their presence, We have specially fitted up our showrooms for the occasion, with an eye for your convenience and comfort, Our milliners have endeavored in Milverton. se stock at their command, to make this the finest Millinery Display ever attempted Our show rooms are filled with fascinating new designs in Pattern Hats, besides the Imported Models. our own workrooms, where th Most Beautiful and Original Effects.” Easter coming yery much earlier this year, it was impossible t have our openings earlier, but we have arranged for extra help, so as to fill all orders for anyone’ wanting Easter Millinery. Beautiful New Easter Dress Fabrics | (and most admirably succeeded) with the. immen- Do not fail to see the ‘‘real beauties” from he metto, so Pees Salen is “Latest Styles, NOT MI DON ha OS We would advise placing your orders at once. ing letters is COME. ves will do the necess ary French Wool and | Mulls—The peer of wash fabrics. Handsome effects, figure and son's effects, rom... Latest spring prettiness that fashion has devised com The one word we like ta print in flam- The goods themsel- floral patterns at per yard............35 to Cream Serges—Made of pure soft wool good washers, per yard... Fancy Grey, White and Black Checks— Swell checks, stripes, plaids and plain effects fi -25¢. to $1.50 per yard. talking after that. and Silk This sea- Silks 75c. «see 50, 75¢ and $1, Whitewear In Blouses, Waists, Skirts, Corset Covers, Etc, We are simply using the words of onr cus- tomers who have already seen and bought “That Finkbeiner’s have the finest display of WHITWEAR ever shown in Milverton and prices so very reasonable”. We cannot quote prices here, Every article marked in plain fig- es. e will have a ge display. for Easter. Come ‘and see them PRINTS—1,o00 yards of the very best English Prints in scores of different colorings, guaranteed fast colors, good washers and extra wearing quality, regular ro cents, for. 8 only Cc. A. FINKBEINER | Easter Greetings ! “We wish to ne our friends and customers a joyful Easter: Greeting, and to assure them of our best services when buy- ing Garden Hardware in such a way as to promote their wel- fare and happiness. COMMERCIAL. Minvanrox,: March 68. 10 Fall wheat, pen bush: 8 Beclay gor. bnat. 6 37 eee & Apples per Arp bi 83 Hay per ton 10 00.10 ; | Butter per pound 20 Eggs per Land. ie Tallow ad Turke 13 Hogs ii 670 6 our, re 220 2 ran, per ton , 20 00 20 usioba flour. 240 2 Sho 22 00 "22 pee per bushel. 58 8 Stratford, March 28, 1907 Ball ie $ 68 68 40 1 73 Apple bs 10 Beta pe er 95 95 22. 32 20 22 Finkbeiner’s Hardware Newton | The Up-to-date Stores | bank Farmers, Attention! Best and Purest RED CLOVER. ...$10.25 Spot Cash. z = ae aia ALSIKE ee a ee Spot Cash. rding to quality. ver Seed has advanced Basti but having bought a stock at the old aac we can save you one! give you.the best seed money can pee ve tpth Steele Briggs’ “Lion nhs and Jno. A. Bruce & Co’: & Onions Wanted! Dutch Sett Onions Wanted, 2 limited quantity at 8c per Ib. ly of Sugar for the soning ow is the time to lay ina mega ae re ugar per cwt. CASH. an Redpath’s Best Granulated Wall nee LA o not forget us when wanting Wall Paper. whether you oy or not. We have it vant here in take it home wit See our samples in stock and you can you. Santee same price per roll as wall. Prices from 5 cents per roll up. S EGGS | BUTTE igs | H. GUSTIN | 08,

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