Milverton Sun, 28 Mar 1907, p. 1

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} Ed H. M. SCHAEFER WK Oe ‘ @ issuer ofr D> { se sISSUBR OF... | 4 ee coneee Marriage Licenses : i rything Confidential > Strictly Confidential MILVERTON, - ONTARIO Z MILVERTON + ONTARIO 3 “It Shines For All.” MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1907, Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher THE CANADIAN BANK Vol. XVI—No. 10 the 3 Seo ob oh oh oh oh oh byob heh ye Pitovtend a) be a drug on The Sovereign Bank of Canada LOCAL NEWS 3 ("he mu tow waned. 3. rose] ‘elt, Job Printing HEAD OFFICE : TORONTO REEEEEREEEEBR os oair of 0, 1M. ©, Hose Sup- OF COMMERCE Seok ¥ tock afideeete Five girls wanted at J. G, Grosch | porters.—W. K. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO BSTABLISHED 1867 ook over your stock a : andolph aicar President you don’t need some printing eects conve. ae cnr fr seed potatoes) B, g, WALKER, President | Paid. -up Capital $10,000,000 : Wellesley Spring Horse Show will with J, R. » $10, A, Allan, Vice-President done, such as... be held on April 9th, By ‘ aes are LATED, Omen re | Rests = é : ‘otatoes, prime cheese an our al- |. IRELAN!] peritede of . | D, M, Stewart, General Manager Bill Heads, The town of Ingersoll is taking steps ae hand at Mohr’s grocery. Branches Total Assets, - 113,000,000 a Letter Heads, to obtain « Carnegie library. dozen curtain stretchers just BANS : Capital Subscribed e +$ 4,000,000 « Noic' Had 2: Get. a: Batrington Hat, sone ae nee, ‘at C. R. Honderich & Son’s,| Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England | en ae eee ote: Fleas, ways stay black, —-W, K. Lo e sole agents for cree A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Mrs. J.B. Yost is is this ae Goods in Milverton. — W. COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS’ PAPER DISCOUNTED! week with her mother at Baden, Loth, pict So 8. | use numbering has been complet-| Mrs. John Ropp we are pleased to SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Ho s. ed in Stratford,—now formail delivery, | note is recovering from an attack of Envelopes, Etc. If'you do, don’t send it out of town, but to... + pmenss pte General Banking Savings Department Interest credited quarterly m Miss Bessie Acheson of St Pauls | Pneumonia. Deposits of $1 and upwards received, and interest allowed at Marmora Millbank, Newton, Monkton The Sun Station is at_prosent. visiting fiends] | Daioh setts fo Ih, dried apples 7e| eurrent rates. “The depositor is subjest to no delay whatever in MILVERTON BRANCH in a village. b,y potato onions Se Ib., at C, A.| the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit, ~ A.J. CUNDICK, + Manager, - snber the Spring Stallion Show Pinkbelne’s, witch is to be held here on Wednes- MissOlare Stone, of “Hawkesvile WM. MAYNARD, Manager, STRATFORD BRANCH z lay, pent Sunday with her friend, Miss RMerkesterterferdeetestestentertentestententertete teste nfertestestentententestentententestestentertestestestertesters | 7, ;, ee that 6000. miles of| 20" Broughton. railway will be built in Canada. dor- » | ing the coming year, > | . Callin and see our new line of Baby % ae Go Carts, nar tO, R. Honderich & Mr. J, Ertill, of Diecie spent a few hours in Milverton last es as the guest of Mr. Geo. Burgm: ‘S| Messrs. Schaeffer & ee are at » | present having some improvements and extensions made in their store to PRT the increasing trade, For Sale—Two. two-year-old colts, > | one of which is a general purpose and the other a driver. Also a brood sow. pply to Wm, H, Tanner, Newto: | From Saturday, April 6th to Satie: Miss Gerda Tucker, of Norwich, spent a few days last wae with her brother, Mr. Ralph Tuc Mr. John psig = Atwood called on Mr. Chas, Broughton, Wil- liam street, one day last week, _ Wanted--2,000 Ibs. Dutch rest On- ions at Bo 1b. and 500 Ibs. of Potato Onions at 4c lb. at W. K Toth's, Tate new spring jackets, craven- aes waterproof coats, very latest. an Merial ae tC, A. Finkbeiner’s. Dutch Cleanser. Monkey Brand Soap, Sapolio, Gold Dust, Peculine, Washing Amonia at Mohr’s grocery. Mr, Henry Sc! eee oe ee tock who recently suffere ralytic stroke, we are glad ay nea ta recover- is. SCHAEFER& WHALEY SATISFACTORY * STORE Ee # SAVINGS ACCOUNTS INVITED INTEREST PAID QUARTERLY Seiad MILVERTON BRANCH R. J. RANNEY, Manager Fos further particulars apply at her Mes. fues Midgard 4 10H coined r bed asa result of falling out of - se J.B, Yost & Son have dis- the Ros, one day last week, and in- posed of their od store business! jarin, - her spine. at Milverton Station to Mr. Paxton| Bying along your horse clippers and who will ‘open out in the course of | get them sharpene > | few days new. Satisfaction quacnnieas Cooke b| Mr, ee Stewart, of Toronto, | beiner’s Hardware. spent a day or two last week with his} Farther particulars regarding the sisters, Mrs. 8, H. Pugh and Mrs. | Spring Stallion Show which will be Malcolm MacBeth prior 3 his leaving held here on April 3rd_ will be found > | for a trip through the West. in another column, oy estan @ the Easter Song} _ Mrs. MoPheraon and daughthers LW erytea hpld- cae Jennie and Annie, of Macton, spen| shuns Sunday arene choir | Sunday and Monday with the former’s render some high-class music also | sister, ‘Mis. Chas, Spencer, z aie and duets by seen ters of choir.| Dr, B. F. Butler, eye specialist, of s, Jas Madde, ofthe 73h line London, will be at the Queen's hotel, SLPLLEELLALE LE eee erent Can You Guess ? IF SO COME TO THE MILVERTON PHOTOGRAPH STUDIO BETWEEN MARCH 3oth and APRIL 23rd (ithe 4 F 4 Fe Fe FP 4 2 F 2 3 4 F 4 4 & 4 2 Fe Fe Fe E 2 4 4 4 3 4 4 E: 4 +| Milverton, on Thursday Jan. 10th, IF YOU WANT THE NEWEST AND BEST OF EVERYTHING _IN vonily Grins Se Rene t open 0! (Mar. 14th, May 9th and July. 11th, AND WIN A BRAUTIFUL ; P They are a hi ome span -of mares 1907. co 16x20 PHOTO ENLARGEMENT OF YOURSELF FREE OF mea - d tip th les at 3610 Ibs, Let’: Lindsay Male2!m, son of Mr. Geo. ed Teac wits Gan beat Shite? "| Malcolm, of the Stratford C.I:,- has verton business from Mr, G, F, Maitland, of Stretiord y Pal Mhieve the praliys open permanently in the future. Therefore, in order to introduce my business, 1 am offering the above premium to the person who can make the closest guess of the length of twine in a sealed jar kept at the studio, A guess with every $3 worth of Photos SOMEONE HAS TO WIN, = ake Ladies’ Neckwear, Ties, Shirt Waists and Belts We’re devoting more attention to this department this spring with more to see and A feature of our trade is Subscribers to the Sun in the Wes-| ¢j, #% | tern Provinces and the United States | tj9) ante of $1300 per year. ‘> | would confer a favor if they would ‘X mesbingoh the paeea ok She refer to the label on their papers, and Ff thoy find they are in arrears, remit epee Chon factory wil nt Deceg trge at once, as we need the money badly. peer ceanid# epbasthrd more worth seeing than ever before in our experience. an Se eertal ‘ ; = ,| Mr. J.D. Pai a of Okotoks, Alta:,|in the fact aie IT MAY BE YOU the fact of new styles constantly adding — instead of repeating lines that prove who was on a business trip to Ontario" she factory rod, he seagate Call and be conyinced that hereafter you willbe able to lave Firsts purchasing machinery for the firm mg 9} ctass work done in The flilyerton Studis themselves popular. which has gone into the lumber -busi-| Walon March dauh died-at, hic, home| 4 ness in British Columbia, spent’ £6 | 1’ Owen Sound on the following Fri| 4 AR. HOLLEFREUND, = ; M da, e 1 if 3 If you want to tone up your Easter Outfit and make the best possible show- oe baa gi eae e leaves-a.wife and litte son). 4 Suocessor to G. F. Maitland. ir. Glaister is bui id a itil e sath FETT ¥ ¥ ing at surprising little expense, these prices will appeal to you. » | telephone line ‘t alli High school entrance examinations Seen bere. Why| throughout the province will be held ce , , 1 bth, 27th and 28th. The| Mrs. K. Lett is at present visiting] Jersey Cow, pure bred, fi te . +P 1S ive years: f | Pieter eae neg {ehen | 20n-professional teachers’ and other | at the home of her parents in Cobourg, | old, for sale. Apply to ‘Wm, Burg: > i oe ivoubof the ground. jcpnnnts! examinations, will begin| Colt for Sale, sired by Raven Jun-|man, Milverto Silk Collars on July "2nd and eontinue until the ner’ oles anti dancer of wndingtlgrame is] tc roa at Homebeinns Hartent| Arthur Swit, son of Mo, Raber -|shown in tl ‘ ii rs ‘ 3 dozen only, Embroider- 4 dor only, Ladies’ Fancy aon Gana sy ameate ng Story i ve| Me. George Cline, who for some] died at her home there on Weilnesday aerate cis now fe Sp Wash Belts. They are silk OU new and n y|made a speech at Derby, and. being | time past has been acting as operator of last wi m : ; good value at25e. 2G he eee aa 260, elunable todo so because the heavy |*dticket. agent at the G.T.R, station,| yy, J, See RT last: week |p, Ube Youngest daughter of Mr. Jos. ch. 5G aCe ae F | rains had destroyed the, branch all agentat MiWeeont Be pointed aida as a most successful alfaix netting ea eee | way sent ba tolageaeran follows : “Can-| eer an Guelph by Mr, Steachea him bo 2000, | Croft, of Rockwood. set daughter of Mr. Jos. . A. J, Cundick, manager of the Don’t Forget Your Easter Hat Come in and see the Handsomest Display of Spring Millinery every dis- played in Milverton and at prices that bring the Latest Styles within the reach of Everybody. Don’t forget the Children. Our showing of Children’s Hats, Child’s Silk and Lawn Embroidered Bonnets will please them and you. Give us a call. Easter Clothing and Furnishings for Men and Boys The best place to provide Men and’ Boys with fresh Clothing and Furnish- ings is at our store. Boys’ Clothing The choice here cannot be improved. What- ever is newest, whatever is stylish, whatever is right third of his price. No back Numbers, everything to be had is here. Clothes for Men The elegance of the best merchant tailor at a Pick out a pattern. There is no need to give a thought to the style—we have done all that. Easter Neckwear x Elegance The oe fancies of swelldom are all here time. New New Shirts, New it Easter ae Tinetertiste SEE OUR DISPLAY. store. BRING US: YOUR TRADE = --)° = Fashionable Hats The best hat makers reach you through this See the King Hats. We are Sole Agents. We'll use you the very best. Y | thrive if you P| with outside concerns? F | Mz. Paul Heinbecker died saddenly | heve and in Strat not come ; washout on the line.” In a few hours the reply came ; ‘*Nevei mind ; borrow a shirt, The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jacobs, 56 Wellington Street. will loss they have sustained by the death of their son, Nelson, who was in his fourth year. Pneumonia following an maar e uw etery.— Water! ‘hronicle. . sears to hear cae on Friday last, Mr. ete Jacobs were called upon sth e loss of another child, The hand of aati tion has been laid heav- ily upon them. Is it fair.ta your town or. to-your- for goods that can be merchants here? ‘There ig not the F | slightest doubt but that the people of town contribute more towards the in- rchant here. ee or individual get- in return for ‘is magnanimity? Do these outside your town? spend your earnings at his father’s residence, New Ham.- , | burg at 7p. m., Friday, March 15tb, of hemorrhage. of the stomach. had been ailing since the previous was 37 years of age and * | He was well and popularly known tford and other to’ Stratford, met W: e to) left. j. | iences.” At a meeting of the Executive Com- mittee of the Football Club, held’ on Tnesday evening it was de support the application for reinstate- ment of Robb and Hanna, of Atwood, and of the Preston Football Club at the annual meeting on Good Friday, Mavor Gordon and Aldermen Hard- ing, Magwood and Mclharagey, of county council last wee! to| ed together on the administration of justice. The city has grown in popu- lation in recent years and furnishes a rge amount of litigation to which it contributed only 15 per cent. of the cost. Under the-new arrangement it will be compelled to pay 24 ter cent, the See to last for five years. Girls of a Hrenteneen le age do not like e tell you how old they are, but you can Gud: Gut by following the sub- joined instructions, the young lady doing the figuring. Tell h aan the num yy two ; then a ; then multiply | ° it by 50; then add her age ; ope substract 365 ; then add 185 ; ask hér to tell you the amount she his denote her age, and the 7 aroha month of her birth. mple the amount is 822.; she is 2 aie old ae was born in the eighth month August. ry it, ‘ce Cream so¢ial and lecture in the Methodist church on the evening of ‘ay, Tey 5 ave charge aud will serve the refreshments and music and the pastor, Rey, Mr. Oaten will lecture on “Manitoba and North West exper- This lecture has been recent- “most is] i) 4 3 & ly spoken of as ‘a rare treat,” ro which she was born ; ii then multiply it | George W Phe two figures to the right vail ied Sanigle: we a glad to hear is recov- oe) from an attack of appendicitis. er Doering has latély ouse, being with en attack of bron- The roads are in a’ most deplorable those travelling most on them claim that they do not ae remember seeing them in a worse ondition. r. F, H. McGuigan has resigned his position ‘with the Grand Trunk to ecome first vice-president of Bis Great Northern railway the road own- ed by J. J. Hill, The akes of the post office coe oe opened and mail Friday between 11.30 o’clock a. ots and 2 30 o'clock p. m. The wicket, will not be opened at night. One of those happy events ok place at the gins of Mr. #Isane Atkin, sr., on esday_-€vening, March 20th, 1907, when iis daughter, The nuptial knot ie tied by the R #v. N. D. McKinnon in the presence of the immediate rela- ae T.e community joins in wish- ing fest a happy and prosperous mar- ee ae isn’t. law—the law is the the Jast jadge who adjourned court at five o’clock. lom change, but judges’ opinions do’; and by “ Just as we go to press wor es comes ik that Mr. Gustave rear ae started to work on linge interpertation of the law given by | ent Soversign bank, is spending a day or two in eh ronto this week on business. fr. Re J. Ranney, Manager oH ae Bank of Hamilto ton, was this week on business to the eae ee fice. Phillips, the wrecker of Nhe York Loan Savings Co., has given a sentence of five years in ie Kingston peniteniary. : ‘The barn of L. D, Brown, of Bast Nissouri was strv.« and destroy: ed by. ightuing on Tr y8day morning during the thunder <iorm. Gags St. John, Speaker of the Ontaric egislature, ee sersously ill and +, Crawford, M. P, P., of .'Tor= sak Shes been liar to succeed him pone Easter Seryices will be con- ducted at Christ church, nid eee next Sunday, at At a. m. and 7 Rev, W. J. Spence will ie ge cand the choir will gs appropriate music. All are welcome. On Good Friday, at 7.30 p. m. Divine Service will be held in the Reseed church and the Rector will pre: achieved ional knowledge and tor the emergency reserve, the superfluous labor that equips a S| man for everything that couuts most in life.—Cushman K. Davis, > During the severe electrical storm. on nog ea the new barn, imple- of cattle, as and oa of Me Wiltse, of Clinton, was destroved| loss $3000, i insurance $1500, Mr. Wiltse had given an order for lightning rods which were to haye interesting and instructive this (Wednesday) morn-| been placed next week. The barn of i it Jesman | abounding in humerous incidents” in fat oo the jigger dead. ir. J. Laxon, of the Huron Road, .|through to Stratford and Mitchell| ‘listened to with evident Siyuae Krajaes! re ec troubled for some| was also struck and completely des- for so! freshments served before the pro-| time eart and it is thought troyed. rn SCHAEFER & WHALEY SS kk years past. e nd visting towns be-| gram. musical part of A pro-| that the action of pumping the jigger| W: > | tween here ‘The family | gram will be sustain W. dH. | brought t failure. The have the heartfelt ‘apanbalge of the Grosch, Sydney Spencer, choir of the} fun will likely be condgated un-|hogs were killed, The loss to the community, chu rch and others. Admission 15cts, | der the auspices of the C, 0. F. ee er ee en ee er er by

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