SS YEESEEEGSEEEESESEEESESSSESE SSEEEGESESSES. ity Ww) Goods. Vicunnas and Dress Goods — Black Dress We have a very large range, consisting of Wool Voiles, Satin Cloth, Serges, Cashmeres, Lustres Priestley’s guaranteed Dress Goods of which we are sole agents in Milverton, Our Children’s Clothing has not arrived, but we expect it this week, and, as usual, our prices and qual- ill be right. Men’s Pants — We added to our clothing department a large range Men’s Pants, suitable for Sunday wear the price is moderate from $2 to $5 00, 999999999999999999999999999S9999999999999999999091 9900080990029 ea999n9eebo Road nsaab OAS a OOaO~bA Ghe Right House Spring will soon be here, and we are in a position to supply you with anything you require. We ask you to call in and look though our well assorted stock of Dry Goods. Millinery Opentys a Thursday turday 27th, 28th, 30th Wednesday, and Sai Caroons, Remember, we give 10 per cent: off on all Clothing. ee You are cordially in- vited to attend Rosettas. These are stock of Englis| your choice. Prints—We have a very large selling at 121%4c. Canadian Prints at toc. h Prints, which we are Come early and get Ready- We are again t our stock. to $10 0n a sui ebrated Progress Brand Clothing. We are making a special drive this season in Men’s, Young Men's and Youths’ Black Venetian Suits. black suit for spring, We will save you from $8 made Clothing — ‘0 the front with that cel- If you want a havea look through t. Fit guaranteed. Corsets—The department. in price from 50 cts. 1.00. Girdle Corsets from 25 to Skirts a few weeks, skirt, come to us, will take your meas and have it made A, Corsets are again the leading factor in this Ranging Tape 35¢. —We have our blacks in stock now, other lines we expect in If you cannot get your dress- maker to make you a WANTED--At onc D. stock. Mostly in white, W: to Men rington will be our leader as Maple Syrup 25c wine qt. Ib. tin 10¢, Ladies’ Silk Waists—We have the Minerva Celebrated Silk Waists in but are able to sell them at nearly the old prices, Stamped Mats are at hand. Get your choice now. n’s Hats—We expect our full shipment of Hats this week. The Bar- 1. Our Grocery Department is as usual stocked with fine groceries, Quaker Puffed Rice toc package. Try our 25 cent Black and Green Tea. — ereraer rere ase ee e, A Girl to learn Millinery Trade 4 e expect the blacks in a few weeks. Prices are higher, usual 2 boxes Smoked Herring 25c. -Old Dutch Cleanser t Quaker Corn Meal 1oc package, we ure for W.K. you. 15 different styles to choose from, SISSSSHSISHSHSSSSSSHII SSIS SSSSSSSSSSSSISSSSSSS SSS: SSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSOOS Milverton ¥ Ontario. j LOT he! ( SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS The Milverton Sun Is the best Local Newspaper in the Count; $1 per year, strictly in advance, not 4o paid. —M. MacBern, Difichnsisa C. P, R. Time Table ARRIVE DEPART Mixed. .11.45 a, m. Express. .8.50 p.m, Express, .7.00 a, m. Mixed..,.4.45 p.m G. T. R. Time Table ‘Trains due to leave Milverton. GOING NORTH, GOING SOUTH. Express....8:02 a.m, Expre Expres a.m, Express +6:44 p.m. Express, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1907 Workings of Predestination. (Louisville Courier-Journal.) The Rev. M. B. Moffet, who sued the Big Four Railroad Company for $10,000 damages for killing his father, was awarded one dollar by the jur; after a hot legal battle, Lawyers for the rairoad showed that the Rev. Mr. it sua that vhe death ° matter, holding that it was inconsis- tent for pivesher of \ Aepngrame to ask for damages in a d oe feet ae work wonders, the i cleansed and purified with Dr: Hamilone Pills? A true laxative, a perfect tonic, harmless and wholly Ae etable in composition, they you good. To loo! ie your best use Dr, Hamilton’s Pill’s, 25¢ per box at any dealers. REE RARE ehveiSinbe Alberta’s saver. Laws Attorney: oneal Cross, of Alberta, has introduced in the legislatuse sev. eral ieporahe: nts to wl in a city or taining at least forty dwelling houses within an area of not greater than 960 acres. More than Hag there is. to be a restriction as to the n to re- Jobn i S = eyer, refused to go that length, alleg- ing that public sentiment was not yet strong enough to support such a radi- cal measure. The Saturday News, of Edmonton, in the main a supporter of alf past eleven to ten At anyrate it would appear that the y A choke in the throat and for bi s The Grip, Tt is charming “‘seasonable” weather when two out of ev are laid out with the “grip’ them may appreciate these lines: Au ache in the back and a pain in the head— That’s the grip | yearning t's the gri A river o! pian then a shiver of cold, ‘A feeling of being three hundred years A. willingness even to do as you're told— That's the grip ! An arrow of pain, now in this. place, at— at's the grip ! ‘A feeling of doubt as to where you at's the gri A stupid acai course, wholly new— A foolish depression—why should you ue m|4 doubt as to whether this is really That’s the grip ! Strange visions at night that deprive un of re hat’s the grip ! A taste in your mouth and a weight on your chest— 's the A tired eect that runs through your vein: A oe combination of aches and of st— A stp “admission of absence of brains— That’s the grip } Great Specialists in Stomach Catarrh. Though often they fall to give even temporary relief, Mr. W. Seymour, of Huntsville, Ont, cured himself with Ferrozone. “My t trouble” he says “was chronic catarrh of the st Is. Ferrozone gave me great relief, and I also used Catarrhozone which is r ass for oe Although it took a number of lay am quite ‘or stomach catarrb, indiges tion, and Us disorders nothing | ne. thousand cases it. hi pees ed a wonderful suc: cess. Try it yourself 50c per box at. all dealers. PES EE NREL eae A Remarkable Scoop Creighton, License Inspector for South Perth. as temperance sentiment is active in the West. ee ? GET THE BEST |e GRAND PRIZE ‘Highest Award WORLD'S FAIR ST.LOUIS Recentiy: "Enlarged 25, 000 New Words w Gazetteer of the wos chad moro than 25,000 titles, baséd on the latest ei New Biog iepeas RIE Dictionary containing the names of over 10,000 noted Persons, date of birth, death, et. Edited by W. 7. nh. i Unltoastaces Commuastonsvo! Baueses, 2380 Quarto Pages a New Plates. 6000 Llustrations. gy Rich Bindings, Neededin Every bibiie ‘Also We febster’s a Collegiate, 1400 Tilustratione, in 0h Sbindings.- Acccutt ied 116 Pages, Regular Edi De Luxe Edition: « ME! ioe - jare the keepers of the dives you need. 25¢ and $1 00, sold every-| Constipation ae oe apples, with some people, bring for Constipation. strikingly true bs Tegard to Constipat ain treo in Callfornla-—Cas- cara Rigradi mers @ most excellent aid to this bing Dery Elm Bark, Solid Extract of Prunes, ete., tl same Cascara bark is given its possible Power to correct constipation. A toothsome Dr. Shoop pation, Bi Sallow Complexion, ete., is indeed prompt and satisfying. No griping, no unpleasant after effects are ex- Perienced, and Iax-ets are put up in beautiful Mthographied metal boxes at 5 cents and 25 cents per box. For something new, nice, economical and effective, try a box of Lax-ets: THE PUBLIC DRUG STORE: No need of Soldiers. Ta Re Brownsvi ille, Fort Reno, and Fort Leavenworth soidiers shoot for idle guns to-do, As long as we take men from arts of production ‘and peace and make | t of soldiery a profession there will be trouble Soldiers who do not want to fight are like preachers who do not want to preach, or musicians who do not care for i music, A homie guard is allthis, country ipeetls, With brery-nian: pc loldiee, atid every man at work eyery day in field, factory, mine or office. Any town that has a fort alongside . of it is damned—mentally, morally and financially, The city of Leaven- a worth, Kansas. is a hell-hole of _ vice. ‘The only people who are prosperous ru Fe shops. The town is giver Beelzebub, Booze & Co., all the fort, three miles awa: Ts this because soldiers ver ‘val are bad ? cate them to idleness and vacuity Mele i undirected cats forces turn to ri “OF cbubse? youlnny, “bub ssidiers are not idle.” ‘And the answer i is soldiers dono use! ofa thing—their inereians by the thougl A soldier’s life is eared and intel- Tectual degradation. A soldier.“ be- comes a soldier, and: there is-one thing thas he always kills and that is time, .|and to kill time is to. kill yourself, There are exceptions, but these prov the rule, $ & A soldier nand a remittance man like the devil, is a dead one. Where does Consumption Begin? The first little tickle becomes a lungs, ‘Creat throat trouble before is ets , Jatarrbozone — Leals, ays inflammation, cures throat at ean) trouble quickly. A marvel ‘or! ‘atarrhozone which prevents chousends of tarrh victims from unfailiug. Catarrhozone is just what pamphlets, ‘RRIAM CO., Springfield, Mass. Z where, ting | ti Up the town, Satan still finds amiachiot /Shoe Sale! Womanly Troubles Should. not be ‘Allowed to Under- mine Health deal depends in getting her ‘oyar this critical stage, so that in years to come she will not develop green sickness or consumption. ‘When she-complains of flushed face, headache bearing down feelngs give her a course of Ferrozone which will carry her past the crisis In the adult woman if any regulari- ties occur, Ferrozone will be found seeas of remarkable potency and Terosibet is the ideal fect = causes all organs of Bis 0d m.their work pro) oe purifies the hood, ‘tones up the nerves and vital energies. The stom- ach is strengthened, and digestive and |assimililative processes are S uBBraTet Lt y the good work of Fer e dark circles from under the eyes, removes and cures all manner of skin eruptions, gives brightness and. bril- liancy to the eyes, a rosy tint to the cheeks, whitens the teeth and develops a well bounded, plump atide handsone orm. Ferrozone is the ladies’ favorite, and should find a place in every h hold. It is prepared in the form of a chocolate coated tablet, convenient all: druggists. Sema Fi ewe PS Receipe for Kisses Kisses—To one piece of dark piaz. zaadda little moonlight—take tor granted two lightly two ounces of attraction and men. And bad people are good folks : ' who misdirect their energies, nd |? er eee ae Realm bse when you ti one, two, or: three | folly 5 stir in ‘a float Re rane ao 2 oe or two whispers ; disales half a dozen glances in a wel silence ; dust in a small quantity of hesitation, one ounce of resistance two of yield- ing. Place the kiss on a fiushe: cheek of. two lips ; flavor with a slight scream and set aside to cool, YANKEE GIRL. ea A See The Public is often Faked. pa- | be in Milverton every Thursd: and pleasant to take. Price per box, ae “ nth, Aa a wee so hall ik ‘otha jon’s hardware store. 500 or three boxes for $1.25. Sold by.| yf ‘siting brethren avert Welcome, W. Business Cards Dentistry. RR, LEDERMAN, Dentist, Lic: entiate of Deni ber urgery and Mem! aaa E , It is impossible to go into details | o¢ Royal College of Dental. Surgeons of] New Method Entirely Successful.— A onmescil school of the ie on this nibs but the experience of | Ontario, Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- | situations provided for graduates |p Bighest, school without many a an who is ssreoled versity. Re; Soe of teeth, Crown and | vit our del ‘Write for Catal @ superior na he Dominion, . Cat- for Wie shat Glues che dida’t Bridge work Specialy. Hours 9 a, 1. fall ior tite for Catalogue,| B ‘logue free os ls ee aoe in. Office above W. F, Finkbein: | &iVing full information, s good remedy in time, should be a| ys hardware store, Milverton, Elliott & McLachlan, warning to others, Peete When the first stages. of woman- Principal and Instructor Drincipals, hood appear ina young girl, a great Medical. ) Ont The Larmour School Telegraphy and Railway Instruction cr —or— CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. F, PARKER, M.D.C. Honor Grad- Medical C.M., uate and Gold Medallist Trinit} C Telephone connection with Poole Brunner, Moserville and Rostocl H. J. M. ADAMS, sucsessor to Dr. Kvaismiihe Office in Pfatf’s block. Telephone connection with Poole, Brun: Rostock and Kubryville, Calls ans: ered: day or wight fron Legal MORPHY & CARTHEW, Barristers, Solicitors, Ete, Solicitors for the Bank of Hamilton, Money to Joan, | Milver- Permanent offices, have been arranged Yo for, miber of the firm will H. B, MORPHY, J. M, CARTHEW, Veterinary. . Calls by. tele- phone or otherwise promptly attended to. Societies. iether nts Se Pei a eae RI Particular Wearers Appreciate | = They’re All Alike Thats the trouble with ready-made suits. They come in 2 big boxes, each garment belongs to a big lot which are : exact counterparts of each other. Even the clerks smile on the quiet to think people will buy themin_ preference to paying a trifle more and getting something, elegant, new and wearable, There is no economy in ready-made clothes if you consider wear and style. ‘ Knechtel & Smith Milverton’s - = Leading Tailors 0. No, 99, Milverton, ‘meets every ncaa and last Tuesday of every , C. R., 8, H, Pugh, Ree-Secy. ESO aE peat eter bbe diate “Silver Star Lage,” Sto, * 9, Milverton, Wedding Invitations — : every Friday night a 7.30 in thels hall over Babine Drag Store, Visiting. brethren. alweys wel come, Daniel Ross,N.G,, W.K,Loth,R, 8. Notary Public. Promptly and Neatly pricks at the reel ion we Price, when printed The ‘Milverton Sun .W. D,. WEIR, Notary Public, Auc- tioneer for the County of Perth and atecibs, Conveyatinns> Desde Wills and rtgages drawn an Village Clerk. Office in the Wor lock Sade over the Sovereign Bank of Can: Unserupulous eles actuated by | ain profits often recommend corn wires “as good as Putnam's’ ‘There is only one genuine Corn Extractor and that is Putnam’s Painless which is a miracle of efficiency and prompt ness: Use no other. Special WE WILL SELL $5.00 PATENT LEATHER SHOES FOR on Saturday, March 20th, only Shoes on display in show win- ~ dow. sks them. ae SENSES Ei Sears aie ale Neila se sale jotels. # OPEN TO THE PROVINCES ‘ Gren HOTEL, Bronner, Ont.| e John Gropp, Sn est liquors $ and cigars, ba ae laa ae He THE MILV . RTON % commodation ro Névgo ital ey me | ae % GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil *€ verton. _First-cla: mmodation for] it commercial travellers and sihert. ‘Theat we e large, Somple rooms. | Good _stabling. eo ; Chas, Ritter Branson and ier x will be held in MILVERTON on Ee 9 QuEENS Homi, stir, on,| 5% WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 07% The best accommodation for commercial travellers an and ae oct, ange sample es when the following prizes will be awarded: ; 001 » Li- 203 a Swe as .00. .2nd $4.00,.3rd $2.00 aiebioe Clears a Paul Reopttowee | Mee eve $7.09 3H Percherons or Belgiums.......... 1st $6.00..2nd $4.00..3rd $2.00 yg Cc Coach Horses, not Ghi . rede 18 108 Mande) ne ist $6.00, 2nd $400. .3nd $2.00 : ? e Se Hackneys 00... cece essere ees Ist $6.00, -2nd $4,00, .3rd $2.00 ie Way !) > Roadster # ma) Cheaper ay: a inharness iersiprlagiotl Tobudler fet $6.00. .2nd $4:00. 3rd $2.00 : % Per Sweepstakes. 8 vie ese dvaspes velece ats +++, Diploma % : . . ; It is said by some that it is z ENTRANCE FEE.........ONE DOLLAR < just as cheap to buy fl NE eee rae a Ht ries to be made with the cry Ants of the pee at Sun office % to exchange grists, this is Fe not Pn ten 12 o’clock (noon) on day of show. Judging to commence *€ ait a Neat alae eee at 1 o’clock. Prize money to be paid by 5 o’clock p. m. on day of show. %e | ; ease xbout10 cents ® baa: # ae ae Bare ape ee beh ‘way with the judge will be liable to be * “ ke el -by exchanging wheat for = Horses entered i cinptiin must be shown in the otis towhich s flour t x they belong and the judge shall award the prizes accordingly. } Jas, Hamilton, W.K. Loth, M. MaoBeth, ¥ # a E A number of horse buyers are expected to be Present during the day. 2 neha Sot geile ae oak her os z