ep as Tee de wie Se Ai EC a POOLE The Milverton Sun bbb bbb bbb bbb bbb hhh hh ee % iS late for last week) Mis: a Mayberry, of Britton, has pat Arar a wees visit. with friends in this vi Mra. _P. eek W. res 5 7. eee AEE THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1007 ve maa Ss wind anill. ‘West half lot aor con. 7, Wellesley. Por particulars apply BUTTER "ee Wrappers a BOs +t. AeA Ont: Farmers, we can supply GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES To Farmers ‘The memory of the red man, Tt lingers like a spell BOUT the 18th of ata, ae axe] On many’ a storm swept headland. a large quantity, ot seed of clover Caskaad seal M, Opper, rs, ne and. Miss” Lena Schmidt have gone to Michigan t i Wee Rey. Louis mua rs, Schmidt, of Sebenw Messrs, Louis aad Philp Opner loft last week for Moosejaw, An interesting debate was ea last Thursday in connection with the bit- erary Society, ‘Tho subject ing, “Resolved that winter is preferable to ‘The committee decided in of the negative which was up- Dr. hetd ey Messrs, Ed. and Geo. Hain snow white, creamy, healing antisep-| mo. ti ief t you with the best Ger- man parchment paper— eCGeeee @Ceeeeee @Seeeee ‘The memory of the red man, n it pass away While their names of music linger On mount and stream and bay?” deavor to give the public. the very G ary lowest prices ‘kindly te either plain or printed, SEE five mea trial. Your isaac Atkin, paiicaceee. ‘ a Mitverton, Feb, 7th, 1907, (8m) For Catarrh, let me send you fre ‘or $1.25, and you get just to prove merit, a trial size box of em i a_cent.a pound more Farm For Sale We print 500 wrappers Always Acceptable A box of our Confectionery Ib is absolutely pure and wholesome, i gshed.| ‘Phe London Times’ special ue his cabo inildanes 8H ability, rs a ic balm that gives instant relief to * . freshly made and delicious to the taste. for your butter. Try us. HAT PARCEL OF A TAND knows a8 cast | Gatarth of the nose and throat. fe rs. Morrow and Fleming will rT) PYou wi ver’ i half of lot 29, con. 10, in cows prone our Literary Society in the AYou will find every variety of good of uma, containing 60, eres the Towne) | the free see. Address baci nheemaliat ter Ape Candy here at, lowest’ prices for the bs ie gee 3 acres art 1g. goed hare wrogd “bua oie Shoop, Racine, Wis. Large jars 1 best. Pace tt y B : neti isnot inten Bribe the cents,’ Sold by the Public Drug| ciety, of the 7th Con., Wellesley, on ; o etter present at Easter e place is situated a good | Store, ve evening of March 26th. Subject Time than a box of our pure Candy ? whi - cuinnal ate is “Resolved that money 0- ar N ad y arriages best T Ss bara. 503 t stabling, h b & Gib <auod pig eau e- UW ie naa 7 9 mile fae Donegat post es iat ool, | pon GEORGE GUENTHER| Milverton pe spire at Confectioner THINK OF IT, ed BRUNNER A new line of the latest American designs just n{_ Mr. Sam. Schneider left on Monday for Stratford where he has secured a good position as tailor. A number from this vicinity attend- recently unpacked, Call in and look them over. Tenders for Abutments |," affairs will acce} statement as et within tis realm of probability, “Notice 0. ALL. OWNERS of dogs or bitches, in Milverton. Call and get your tag and have your animal registered as having paid BALED TENDERS, marked “Denders, for ¢ Abutments” will ceived, by, dg the uudessigned up till two o'clock p. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EERE EEEEEEEEEEES ‘ Meteosat dene sroet The bea available statistics deal- |ed the spelling tournament in Milver~ i¢ ‘urtain Stretchers For Settlers || sss sex,20r Se |. MONDAY, APRIL Ist, 1907 ing with Gnores in She United, Stats 10008 Rida and all report god caNADiAN eee aan for the constra ta eth gE ton, 70,908,987 jefinele, ah280 8 Fin Priday aveniameet aR merce Is what you have been looking for. Prices TER! 4 # Prepared therefore, 7 young people gathered 4 MANITOB: Tenders for Drain Peplitlsn se | javorod, 198,808. he late Gropp's and spent. very enjoyable from Ai gato $2.00 d SASKATCHEWAN Sarr cA tendering must Se cient item anny Sede sue data to Rater) evening BALE! a She on poner aOR he work. | who are seekin; nswer the ol REA | | Stare tars rerh aban | Bee tesian wie tech sc Bi | quuion, Ie maratage tale?" he will be received by the adenine €d up till two o'clock o: MONDAY, APRIL Ist, 1907 ecent rain and thaw has made ‘he roads very. muddy and almost. im- passible. The young people of Brunner spent Cal Newton, ex Wendeg ADH ast, 15 JOHN DAVIDSON, Reeve. Sometimes it may be eviden' The United ages oe year book for 1907 is now reed ly, and presents How Hele ot me woes Latest Popular Songs 25c. Burns, March 8th, 1907. sig Fu ft SETTLERS" GUIDE Er GUIDE fie at pgeain | | (37 the comateetion of Mepitpal Deain tn some interestin ere are in|a very pleasant evening at the howe . pong pb ENG ps TnMarch «THE BEGGS DRAIN’? ———— | the United States ae, 013 Jews of|of Mr J, Hartman’son Wednesday Tone omer! ightrnten Executors’ Notice to Creditors | whom 600,000 dwell in. New York. | evening. Agents for GOURLAY & MENDELSSOHN eee eerie re celotions at. the | ecco snace wit Diag, profiles and speci- iis New York has more Jews than Tur- in Friday évoning last. th 1 estern conditions. ications prepared therefore. Plans, profiles . key, Persia and Egypt combined, and y | ibcabaitos etd 5 alt PIANOS. Information inratunole to seers er iReations may be seen at the clerk's | NOTIC vs P 1 of dé papa Evangelical congre- .¢ pa ani burns, “Ont. “The contractor, when | ay ioe yas many ae a He a Se on gees paririee Darya WUE showing double dail rust pive: suificlent security 40% | against of Ro ert many an ium. Russia, however Mg TIME TABLES nex scene stmt Eiccompiction ofthework. “The lowent, Or | HES Pow athip of Morimaton in the County | hag 8.6.80, wand’ Aastra Hungary home of Mr. Tsaae Kuechtel, ‘A very peg and Will be opened and rconaldered at Donley’s | oh Aleceased, who ‘died on or 2,076, large crowd was present and every- TOURIST SLEEPING ( age Hat Meo Ss pmaeametess /- ee i = ; ly had a good time. ‘To show their ‘Leave Toronto daily. JOHN penpean eee po Nine years ago actual oe a) i . POANe or cnctorarsrateo Fully cualpped Reeve. pie-| there were 1,247 bi egsiea around tl pean fo i bits seb bis Saty ‘with bedding, cooking range andevery'con- | | Burns, March Sth, 1907. Ay | juneti ne} they presented him with a purse an ° Yenfence, | Bertha should ‘be | reserved : ress and fall pare | Janetion ot Broadway and rents an address. Speeches were given b (throu wi nearewt O.P.R. Agent) atleast two ut of their Second Street, New York between sun. ato Mi mie att bs ‘ + Mil Write to-day for free books and anythin; ed ae and sunset one mber day, } a 5 i ‘ i youn irastto Woe about tne wet abd bow Se comes Notice to Creditors | =: eeutors | 8g and suns automobile, "One day [Sebenek and appropriate singing Furniture Dealers and Undertakers, Milverton a last week a similar count was made, and seer! were fot meee ae eae BBY given pursuant to that behalf that all credi- whieh dseusdilinisesis oicasas satis REEEEEREEE EEE EEEEEEF EEEEEEEEEEEELEEEEEEEEEEE Dist. Bae ree Ora Toronto } | tors ana sae theestate o cease roa i ee ofthe Stow: vi ve tiabte | automobiles. ine years the|in games and amusements of various ea said ansets or any, part thereof, to Gade Me i co | ais person or ps ge ini tes | bicycle has tel Soya aaornsblle chtel and family in- ay ot then fave eres notice. q ti me ds ab rst aves ttle Dist day of March | 288 © what, wll the count show sa hig for Michigan on Wed- q a #100 | xD. atime pease Henve? fo ‘the. under: 2 pt Tae OES EN SORES RS, . 2 ae 5.1907, thele arb “Preventios” will promptly check @ dese and full aims, an oct ue pe rt a e Uurtain Yuestion and ¢ that after the | named dat diate the Seater ore, : the "sneeze a ge.” even! ; ed among one Jane ent cure seated colds as well. Sorte Sap is running reed Vides sine hik 1s By Morph Poni yo the claims eo tere ce | By, ephy. se Uhl candy « ool cure tablets, and vicinity who have Cane report. a 0 (Listowel P, : be 8 , Wis, will gladly slg it at be “fo any mail you samples and a book on colds |8°Ce "2 We've made. great preparation to meet the peporons es ol saint eae free, if you will write him, Tho| Mr.and Mrs. Christian Schmidt spring demand for Lace and Tapestry nShated at C 20th day of March samples prove their merit, Check |}and Mr. Geo. Schultz took a trip to Curtains, The fleshly imported eartaine ‘ a ated at Carthage th Woodstock @ week ago Saturday. Messrs. David Chalmers and Gu MeMillian spent Sunday with friends in North Eastho; Mr. Alex. Hammond owns pair of brood sows which recently gave birth to 37 pigs. Beat that who can, just put in stock, are perfect in design and weave. ven the cheaper grades have pretty patterns ill arthage: Ont. BE xecitortor said ‘ecensed; a dle ‘Public Drag Store. : Synopsis of Canadian North-West) The Domi La Seana sentient i in rectifying railway fares an: = getters: Notice Credltors lishing that the 3c. a mile rate is not In the ree of the estate of the late Homestead Regulations New Nottingham Curtains, in serviceable qualities from,........80¢ to $4.50 per pair. to ANY even numberd section of Dominion 4 Lands in Manitob ir the Gi +t! rest q Bate ceeeeee Provinces, excepting S and 26, not reserved, | also corrected inequalities in a f The eel is the standing of the TICE I ss Some may be homestended fares to the west of Toro: For in-| pupils of No. 7 at their promotion e statutes in that behalf that the cred>| 14 Fuge, to the extent 01 ss follow! ates to Toron-| examination hata on Mareb 3 f eo é | felon 68 ce sie of one-quarter | stance, the followings r On ee tena ter wien tee LY h Fae ayy New Swiss-made Applique Curtains at a from.... ave iter reduced Oto $1.45; Berlin, $1.99 -$6.50, $7.50 and $o. $1. $1,905 weet ford, $2.75 to $2.60; Entry may be made personally at the local Jand office for the district in whieh, the Jand is situate, or If the desires, he 08 application foahe Mt Marks required to pass $ no 323, Mevd Tiaauens 294, G ister of ‘he Woodstouk; tatrbased'€3.60 to. $9-10.1 franc Be THT wo Je: TV, sretke coadt Pai cust te Goacrate Rt idke; etyleawn 06" Intetlor, Ottawa, the Commissior rom Sr, v. TV, marks requir- + ihe Porpivmsr waToans bur fom | Sear "a erie Noaies ce a SAE acy | Hemaler, not many sous agi ves] pe 812, Sam Lichiyet08, AQ) Ate WATE & CO., Stratford die mature of facie securities ( him. sidered next thing to dead. Prop-|die Hyde 427, Ethel: Freeborn’ $97. : P, H, Bast d riff theen and that aft he gmestouer to eae 9 pectorm|ety was practically unselexble, and] Maggie Hammond $26, Robbie For-| The. First Furniture Store East of the Post ©: ‘ , FL, Dastendo the {| ou oftnetollowing piaas: |e place presented a forlorn and dilap-| rest 924, Lillie “Swith 260, Gordon appe Today, owing to} Hammond 289, Alvin Clarke 313. set 1 I it six nth Jeweler and Optician, Milverton nel aden OF negra the proptenive policy adopted by the| From Jr, TI to Sr. III, marks re fon the sald assets oF = Durr thereoteouny| £8 seat: of aaee several good f4¢;!quired to pass 312, Florence Chal ‘ person oF persons of whose claims they shal siete sa he father (or mother, i the father is tories, the ing an i : herman er it al mers 397, Elsie Hai 2 7 a eS non any or ma | gaan nee aera aaegs | stan evan, The viagra ion Chaliiors 384, ohm -Ropp 206 iNet rasan fescns’ cl ruary, the ‘quirements as t ‘ides loan of 0 1e H. MOHR’'S SMR aH aS From Sr. IT to Je, IIT, marks. requir: () KERR, [MORGH BERR. Bxccutors | Hed Dy 8e Hoisting Machinery Company, which | PP tc carried with only one vote against the 8 to pass 312, By-law. RELIABLE GROCERY WE STILL HAVE AND BAKERY (8) Ifthe settler has his permanent resi. dence upon farming land “owned, by im ie vicinity of his ho Flour pel yer them—and Mr, and Mrs, John Tabbert spent week visiting friends in Berlin one next seu Ifye iy to Sons and sees. tok — a prapel ition to make to in. H the eats RGSS Jr, IT to Sr. IL marks required to pass Two Souvenir - Executor’s Notice to Creditors | anince .ceuiens, fag, = mtsiet Hy] Am old engineer, wating about ral: 315, Katig Lichty 412, Nanoy Tichty Ranges . ea ‘Six months’ notice in writing should be 322, Peter Chal 323, p he Commissi ‘of Dominion | Democrat, ‘sums-upthe whole matter i mers 5 PWG Wissastea = Bisuc:getihina Tae nee A Vek, Ss ie ne and ditawa orinention t0.apply forlin the following paragraph : ‘Just | Freeborn 351, Boyd Hammond 337, Gh’ nena whieh 2 Oe ‘ Mixed, 25 cents a package. lao w. w,cory, imagine, it yon please an engine|Joe Ropp 313, Willie Forrest 847. at a Big Sacrifice j AD ie eputy of the Minister of the Interlor | weighing 150 tons, a passenger. train Fab Gawnce Tekaban s GORE MT ant Sa of eight aM, cars bok as 3 chy hole! ig simpl' i have them out of ou ng Lait A oi the rate CR Aang) ALTA wat ¥ is summer, as our room is - =o a RSS gs Smainse tte es cates cra ni : ¢ r are of “ron 90 to “ies per NEWTON Tn anil crt somess || Gtaisecena 1 tensive Auction Salelsit ah atest eet ; > a i Are you thinki bout bt ey miner creel Se oace ces Extensive Auclion Sale| sre meta "ke ve gine ai tap . a and Waterloo. Mr, and Mrs, John Schmidt We q a Suncer. mee visit friends in Prest SEEDS if SEEDS Ty ri Farm Stock, Implements, Seed Grain, }manv of i) Ete. ne ‘a full particulars of \e nature of threiesccuriies and that after the last distribute ‘50 1b. sacks 25 1b. sacks cul THE, PEOPLE'S NOCTIONEER ’ has | re. strain there m' os nam e sald exeoutor, will ceived instructions from Messrs, Neilson‘ i she if ld de d & Turnbull to sell by public auction on ery now ant en you see an ac: < Potatoes : t fi meric terete having. regan 13, Con. 1, 7; ff Maryb me nt of a disastrous wreck caused. by} Mr. Thomas Whaley is very busy We beg leave to announce that our onty to SER TD A aca Cae lee ene RRC ban est ey the Babe apiling ot — rails, No com: | this month sawing one of the cies Gopt Onan St erp or ce gia eet at (the old Schneider 4) Par, << of ‘eee ever laid down in his yard. Clover and Timothy Seed Spanish Onions... seat jose claims. t a segues Shes peta Pure Hee Cough mas Brimstin, our popular hab ach U ived. We-will make an effort to have all kinds of FIELD AND Se RE ES Oe ng ate Seat ye ath das of Kev-| Thursday, April the 4th, 1907 care Bibs would be needed, if all wstant has disposed of his. shop} [GARDEN SEEDS always on hand, all through seeding. We hancle Wm, ; Highest Prices Paid for Produce. ruary ge wnt ine Satcga Cope dR pa "bd sonot Cough Cures were like Dr. Shoop’s| and to Mr. Donald Ross, of Mil- Rennies’ seeds of Tor * RRgent for the Rxecutor. ing property, which will be Sold wlithoet ore. | Cough Cureis and has been for 20) ye aioe. in. Milverto SITS Homes Spans wits a vents. The Netidnal ew Mew Ste Ab nie res contest held in Mi. J. R. YOST & SON _ MOHR, Milverton ;SOpOUE ages veto Hotta | YS" nat ey polone str ino us u Tey Ghee Hees Ores | cough mixture, it must be printed on | Yerton there is a Fat a rie, 008 Syed: mare, stand. For for the man bringi the biggest. a Mortgage Sale i rareag na i is reason ging igge ‘Oliver Wilkes, Rponiaeseen’ gaadie ie: mothers, and others, should insist on | !oad of le, we mie ie strates to fc As pec! te Pe cars, supposed to ve in foal to, Fly-/ having Dr. Shoop’s Cough Cure. No|enter right now; he broke the record Y " ; 5 se i j 120 ACRE FARM |cSiiii ign ssp pnt ails | poison marks on Dr, Shoop's, labels) by bringing home fit sa d ‘wETHE,-, SSE es eer 2 yodrs, 7 steers and ty. Leet he abet monte aie sip Among those taking part in the big 1 Seated ; calves, SITE a 5 ling bee, from here, at Milverton 4 i i i Ilice in the | P55? A582" boo Sure 1 Oxfort Bonen Kz | only safe, but it is said to be by those ppeha Lane ‘ 33 nvestigation {|Township of E' 88 begod noe with 7 pigs five 5 on Friday night of Inst week, were Mrs te County of Perth sg ee fig ill 68 a that know it beet 6 OaNy remareane | Aleda Mitchell, Marthe Jack, Win. Seca aae Son Shree rcs ith, jst| Dunbar and Thos. m and by virtue of the powers contain: w j Maxwell mower, Frost | ticularly with your children, Insist} hos. Hute ae peated Ghe Royal Commission ed i oceeak de which will be pro- Deering; Mashey-tatris i See Hoe Gut- on haying Dr. Shoop’s Cough Cure. Among those who. sesed the é best value or your i aie : the tine of tale there will be fr | Cleator Deere tise eae m har-|Compare carefully the Dr. Shoop] spelling match at Milverton last week Thoneyancslilts to order ya showed Sate raped) {a Ransng lll alin Hinbst neve 1G loader ste package rie othe oe . No| we noticed Mrs. Rhoderiek Ross, Mrs, money in'suits to order ‘i B 3 ' : a ~ ube On Tuesday, the Second day | wassos snd venue: civ, luabe| Be on the anfo sige by demanding’ Dr. {7: gloette = W. Dantir, “Mes. that it is possible to ob- waggon et of 4 truck wheels i ste jam, Mrs, T. Hutchison, BOS BS ERE RP DOMINION LIFE of April, 1907 _ aoe Ra ee es Eo “ee Simply tetose | fises Martha Kirkland, | Marth tain anywhere, Great ‘ sleigh, McLach- 2 ” Kinkead, nd avidson, J : EGER aa propenee eee e ece gai 3 ete harness Ea oe Davidson, M. Davidson, and Messrs, care has been exercised Davidson, R. Ross. M. Dunbar, J. in the sel Number One [1] in the si: 1 ie selectio: bey cetsion ofthe paid away OF Biles, om Ellingham, H. McDonald, Re Tanner lection oa Clean Throughout [jiseees. iss Ae sae a ee - Squires, Mr.and Mrs. Wm Mit- materials offered ai they are thoroughly dependable in < ne tion GRAIN “100 bushels, goo That's how you feel with neuralgia. hells Kk barn, + 600 bushel S, i every r snd 0 caida sg arid, and a log home, PACE cat: pens haere quan iets But sete lie awake at night, grumble) Tye Newton-Millbank Orshestra ery respect and strictly as répresented, re The with: well .and | and straw. 200 cords hei jain—pet but ae @ bottl Or On raiaE ‘Well and Economically The them de well watered th Bet cai | Aaa ineae “auaaticy a nabs, will be” sais | OF comPlain—got buby k part in the program at the Mil- ur reputation for square dealing is well known to Managed. vation, 40 acres plowed ang. a0 ates. decile ed | privately any Sages baaeles “neater of Nertiline, Tt does act like magic, | Jerton spelling and acquitted . a a a ove F x school sa enna one half wiles from eley- atalino race wan "3 seh 5 | seeks oe oe and Retr ee it. selves with great credit receiving our customers and we would like to have you become wr esictne sorevner mma py [SRS tn SRT PHY [neti 00 popular va Nevvling. for{ =m eRe AORTA one and prove it, WILL YOU? Representative for Perth County Sf the purchase money | icks, ete. TERMS OF SALE—All A e square-timber men visited Jan : : sperectt ata cient SE ee ore oe go and under, cash, Grain, Hay, aches and pains of all ki aS Ge Potent) and secured a M. M. BRICKER, Berlin, Ont. yp, one thi ied ofthe purchase money within | Straw and Wood, ‘strictis cash, “0 nionths! [for lumbago, test ib in rheumatism, | ocality ly and see! K elt e b Gh T il : i ishing’ a| 7 enion mmorteage ters The Palace ony [joe notes. A discount of 8. pet sent, pet prove it in neuralgia, pleurisy or colds. r Cc rn, e al or me on cor iutber parriculars,apply to | annum off for cash on credit amounts, You'll soon acknowledge that Polson’s Mr. Blatchford, of Exeter, has clos. & : Head Office : Waterloo, Ont. McPHERSON & DAVIDSON, |W, D. WEIR, __NETLSON & TURNBULL, Necrlies beats them all, Sold every-| ed for hay pressing. Sev- Opposite Post Office % % Milverton ee Pre ig aad aye HN WEIR, cine in B50. bottles. eral carloads have been shipped. = S