ee ey Te ae eae Oe H. M. SCH > »EFER “© issuer’. % MarriageLiu, ‘ases Everything connaentiin MILVERTON, - ONTARIO Che “It Shines For All.” Sun, MILVERTON W, K. LOJT H ISSUER OF. Marriage Licenses Strictly Confidential + ONTARIO Vol. XVI—No. it MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1907, Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher * : ys SS eithibaeiaeiaaishdsiiier"deteiceceton debate The Sovereign Ba Bank of Canada HEAD OFFICE : FFICE : TORONTO afandolph sey President A. Allan, Vice-President D, M. Stewart, General Manager Capital Subscribed Capital Fully Paid Reserve Fund..... Assets Over.... General Banking 0 998; 300 00 500" 000 i a Department Interest credited quarterly Marmora Millbank, Newton, Monkton A.J. CUNDICK, + Manager, + MILVERTON BRANCH Job Printing Look over your stock and see if you don’t need some printing done, such as . Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes, Etc. Ifyou do, don’t send it out of town, butto... The Sun SEK E nH he hehy LOCAL NEWS * LEE ER EEL ES EHR Caustic soda, potash. Gillett’s lye at Mohr’s grocery. Hollefreund in Maitland’s old stud- io tales good pictures. ime September cheese 17 cts. a pets at H. Mohr’s groce Mes. A, Clarke, of HoneyErove, has — somewhat indisposed for some day: iss Gerda Tucker haa taken a posi- tion | in the office of the mayor of Saska- toon, Sask, Mr. Tebb Lambert left on Monday for the West where he wlll probably spend the summer? Mr. Ezra Finkbeiner we regret to hear is at present ina very precarious ceo ol th. Mr. Thos. McVarthy, of Stratford, did Site duty in Milverton on Wed- » sd lad ac le dil eg i a i SCHAEFER& WHALEY iMG SS ~ See SATISFACTORY + STORE te 7 | slagietestestestenterterkerterferterterteetesterte sfvtevtertefefeoroeototntentooeoeoeoeoe MADE BY SKILLED TAILORS good price in every market. =e are reflected in the Bi Cd spared of Remnants, Flanneletis, Ete., from 1 are made by the highest paid tailors in Canada. and in the finest, — and cleanest tailor shop in Canada. aracter of their work, The only reason that 20th Century rand Garments can be sold at the prices they are by us, is the quantities they are made in. Quantity fixes prices in clothing as well as in everything else. We charge $13.00 to $20.00 For Suits and Overcoats Our Great Remnant Sale *°2 23° they won’t last lo: elling. See our tables loaded with Remnants in Dres: are moving our Carpets and House Furnis! from. 5 ee s yards, a we will clear = son half pate, also six ends of 4 yards. yards. regularly sold at 8: Sse our Saint Sale—it will pay yor ie Fine goods of any kind cannot be made by cheap labor. skill, taste and determination to make fine clothes and these qualities command a You save just one-fourth to one-half i buy FRIDAY MORNING. which opens F1 long. We ant. to clean things up after two ‘oods, Prints, Muslins, Ginghams, Etc. We are ee our store to sake room for our increasing business, and we We have a number of ends of Carpets running hings upstai d $2.25 per yard, to clear al It requires experience FINE TAILORED GARMENTS FOR MEN They work only 49 hours a week Their surroundings that under any other conditions of manufacture would not be of is same quality and could not be sold for less than $18.00 to $25.00. These facts are ee to thousands of men in Canada, but if you were not aware of them before, you have learned something that will save you dollars. WE ARE SOLE.AGENTS y at our Rem- We will have month’s big spring Cottons, Linoleum running $1.65 Per Yard xt ‘SCHAEFER & WHALEY | LLL DRE E EAE E ALAA LEELA eodententestertesterte ste teste | on Maple Street and is ‘moving in in this eek, ee! eee J. ©. Morlock delivered in | Berlin last week his lecture ‘‘Commer- 1 and Spiritual Railroading” which r | was well receives >| Written calling cards are not good , | form—we the newest type at the Sun office where you can get them neatly printed. f Stratford, ie - ev. J. ‘orlock leaves this week | for Conference at Crediton and as a ‘ANTED. oe class general ser- 2 oe will per month and way ae Bok by letter to Ate: S. G, Grosch, Calgary, Alberta F # Fe #4 E> F 3 4 # 4 4 4 2 4 #4 E 4 . # lay last : week looking over the situation of the new cemetery. on it. #%| Over $740, has been subscribed by Fe ie admirers of the Stratford hockey ms and each player is to be pres- * | ented with a diamond ring and a Le #2 | wate 4 4 P #4 4 # ES FE E E F- F F- #4 #4 Sare—New Pandora y | with warming closet. Can be used F for coal or wood. New last fall. Will be sold reasonably, Apply to W. S. Whaley, Milverton. new graduates just an- Ontario Veterinary on, toskopf, Sebringville; and° James Anderson, > | Brussels. ‘The class of graduates in » | all numbers some 400, an exce;tion- ally large class. ship Engineer George L. Grif- > | fith has opened up an office in the » |room just above the Bee office. He and his assistant are hosting with Mrs, John Switzer. Mr. oh will ‘> | move his tally to town ith can secure a suitable house, as Rett is much more central for his work. We welcome him to our village,—Atwood Hon. W. J, St. John, speaker of the Ontario Legislature, who was op- g z 2 = z a 2 3 z es ss Se: se Re 2 = 2 B lea His death is uch regretted by both parties in the legislate ashe was generally held in high ton and Brunner last week three cars > | of hogs for which he paid $6.65 per . |cwt. which he patie was equal to $7.00 the week previous as there has the same ‘aying out $6,000 for cattle and hogs. He is also shipping two cars from > | Brunner this F |left on Friday morning of last. week drays along with the intention of go- ing into the draying business at that Fe Fe FE a a a 4 a FE FE a a FE a Fe a a a a FE FE: a a a FE FE Fe s& | the lump of foreign population which 2 em contiaaly flowing in ‘and filling * T bridge work on the Guelph- 2! Goderich Ry. has been completed be- a a FE FE a a a a a a a a a a a * # E # 4 *% Ee * * F * % ork on the second i Tei is expected that the mpleted for far as Saltford, Pooch lies across the = ees from Goderich, by the first of rein Betee Elma, annual ves- asheld in the church vestry Monday afternoon. The war- den’s statement showed the church to be prosperous financially, The e2n- tributions and collections exceeded that of any previous year. > | was carried that contributions for rec- 4 ae be paid quartely by én a improvement to the was discussed also a horeh ropert; * § 3 = © & 2 5 . | placed on the styles in| a passed favorably |" sec range rs irevioally died on Sunday last. The} Milve a | show. Mr. 8. “porle shipped from Milver-| C. ne} ist’ L. Butler ; Roadster, Ist BL Bundscho, in, weel ap) Mr. Isaac T. Langt ford and family ‘or Regina, Sask., where ig intend | 4, and Goderich. The| bread -| He thought there were enough pecple ton. | home-made loaf, using traffic as/ asked them stipend and schemes of the) bread b; Good envelopes at Tum SUN office 5 vents per package. Miss Coupland, of Toronto, ‘spent aster with friends in Milverto! roughton visited friends in Elmira last week. Mr. Thos, Crawford, M. P. West Toronto, has been elected Sls baa of the Assembly to succeed Mr. St. ‘oli Miss Jennie White and her brother ‘ohn White, of Monkton, left on spades for Dauphin, Man, hey will spend several months. ler, eye specialist, of onan will be at the Queen’s hotel, Frame roe on Thursday Jan. 10th, Mar. 14th, May 9th and July 11th, 1907. ‘Work upon the new Normal school at Stratford is being rapidly serps on, q ie work of excavation started and pallens snaterial is being ge Daring hed Iatters part of last week there was a decided improvement in the condition of the roads but the wet weather at the beginning of this week has again left them in a very sloppy ate. He it a Dom:nion Day Celebra- tion for Milverton % ? now to make preparations. William Henry Drummond, otf peed known as the ‘Habitant” poet, because of his many contribu- tions aa French-Canadian ts was seized by paralysis at Cobalt last week, whither he went to look after some of his miners who were reported to have had small pox. After Bogen. ing unconscious for a weel died there on Saturday last. Through his death Canada a ee one of her most distinguished c' At the Wel tate spring fair, on Tuesday Messrs. G. and C. Kerr car- and, also carried off the D. McFarlane, of Shake- spate sok onsen aul P> Mager of ird. In the Agricultur- mburg, 3rd. S an Bundscho eee ma with Flying Sid. Mr. George Gropp has purchased from Aes Ea | Mercer, of Mark- dale, that endid imported Clydes- dale sti atten Koig ht o! ate oe paid is.a beautiful bay with four prey stockings and white stripe on face. He is perfectly formed und has a inity during the coming season. The Milverton spring stallion show held here on Wednesday of last week Sekine te successiully although it would have been more ade had there bent more pea peal of the classes. the interest centered in the Cly acotly class where competition was very keen, people were present to witness the The judging was done by Mr, R. J. Brownlee of Ravena, ihe expert sent up by the government. e ‘izes were awarded as follows :— Clydesdales, 1st George, Gropp, eorge Kerr, 3rd ossman ; Hac! 2nd M. Bundscho, grow more wheat? Why do not the people of Ontario buy blended flours, containing their own home-grown is neither as inviting in pearance nor pleas’ LD comes right down to quality, blended in the world. Yet sa of our own aware of the facts, tae the Mani- toba farmer to get richer, and driving the Ontario farmer to raising less pro- fitable crops. ies really knows the worth of blend- efforts of one man— Weston, the baker—that this is the popular be- ‘eston was running only two ovens. in Toronto who would appreciate the difference between quality, and he de- m: Wes carried his bread to various grocers, to offer it to their cu: eorge flour. p, 2n } Belgians, ize b Why do not, the farmers of Ontario eat? Manitoba wheat flour makes | Ow our, And it is largely due to the| Hi When Manitoba wheat flour first ap- | °ven would take sc] xt day | the bride of Mr. Jol Hen ery loaf was gous, end the grocery | TeaET eet traee of nt of ded dipace ae ath: eek. he! delssohn’s wedding March played b had to:start new. ovens, and WAS | Miss Olive Helson, of Toronto, niece not long before he was se 50,000 /| of the groom, the wedding party en loaves eck. is is Si blended | tered the drawing room an flour did for one baker. Of course, | their places under a beautiful ever- THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO B. E. WALKER, eee | ALEX. LAIRD, G “| A. ao TeELAND, “Dopericteaedl 02 ESTABLISHED 1867 er up Capital, $1 Here t ty Total Assets, - 113,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED D COMMERCIAL AND FARMI ERS’ PAPER DISCOUNTE! SAVINGS BANK. DEPARTMENT 91 posits of $1 and upwards received; current rates and paid quarterly. interest allowed at The depositor is subject to no delay whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of leposit. the de WM. MAYNARD, Manager, STRATFORD BRANCH i OF SAVI INVI MILVERTO! R. J. INTEREST PAID QUARTERLY NGS i ACCOUNTS TED N BRANCH RANNEY, Manager IF so ci Can You Guess £ 3 THE MILVERTON PHOTOGRAPH STUDIO OME TO AND WIN A can make premium to the person who jar kept at the studio, twine in a seale A guess with every SOMEONE HAS TO WIN, BETWEEN MARCH 30th and APRIL 23rd ; ¥6x20 PHOTO ENLARGEMENT OF YOURSELF FREE OF CHARGE ‘ing purchased the Milverton business from G, of Stratton! I shall haye the studio open ain: ‘in the future. ‘Therefore, in order to introduce my bus Call and be convinced that hereafter hd will be able to have First- 3 class yore done in The [Milverton Studio. 4 A. R. HOLLEFREUND, BEAUTIFUL, F. Maitland, Lam offering the above she Am any ‘guess of the length of $3 worth of Photos. IT MAY BE You Successor to G. F. Maitland. ~ Card ot Thanks To the people ‘of Attverton and sur- 0 have patron: d me for the ki welve years I re- turn my most sincere thanks. Hav- ig now sold my Milverton branch jsiness to Mr. hur R. Hle- | freund who has been in my employ: ment for tie Aa! Ican recom- men photo; eraehes who will by eonelontiguny turning t first class and corteous treatment e1 dea var tion to all who favor him with their patronage. G. F, Maitland, photographer. [We do not hold ourselves responsible for x tl opinions expressed by correspondents, ] For Greater safety Mr. Editor: As a resident of our en- from the hall now kn: Hl. Itis with a feeling not at all ples t thai hi hat Yours for safety, One Interested: ete EOE Henry-Hart. er Roe etty Raster r wedding was cel dnesdi April 3rd, at brace Heights, santa, the home M hen eer by Edi i a attired in silk, trimmed with ilk wrabeolderes i . nnd and Nears gd ie sen bh give satisfac: show eee Audie partook of a splendid de Jeu ne bri ide was the renonts attesting to 8 attestin; poe ‘oro! ‘eterboro, iatford, L Bebringvileaind peda m left ami ‘he bride’s going away was a travelling suit ot Venetian cloth with hat to intel will be “‘at home” after M -——-+——_ teachers of Milverton public Paes have resumed work in the yar- ious departments. The addition cf = Miss McDonald, of Listowel, to the staff has caused the classes to be re- organized and it is expected that work na will be much facilitated as a result. * e t (ESTABLISHED 30 YEARS) British Mortgage Loan Co. Market Street, Stratford 3 1-2 ec Per Gent. ny pays in- terest at the'rats of 4 pore me “a 1 e Trust Funds. Its et a pplique, she wore the regu- assets, thon aneag to $1,425. 628, are West- Jation bridal v are or ape tario First Mortgages on Land, eat white roses ad ri boguet of | theyre all hela ao see Se aehebent oe wen : des attended by her and Gebenture hold Ie akes DO. loat sister, Miss Janet, who was dressed in| whatever on notes or any kind of 3 01 - “industrials.” ‘The rity is the ate 7 white Persian ort with Va she highest ‘clgkes Mcaleg ous at poeiannes lace Emith, -0 of f° steagr ville, any The | mony and congratwlations over, the H Tet the the +. | DOOD by nail: “Further pattieulars on application to wn. Lahitvespraiel nager. bridal l party Ale h aes e dining where the yumbering | paucanrr ne, = aaa os eet ee