‘DOCTORS USING PATENT MEDICINES e 5 The Honest Physician is Anxious ta Cure and Uses the Best Avall- able Remedies. a "The discussion of the bill now before *the Dominion Seana for the re- |wulation manu! e and sale jof patent or prop! aos aeaticlyde is one of the utmost importance, and |Fecetving a great deal of attention, only by the proprietary medicine manu: | retail and ‘brought out the fact that the best | Canada and on the con- |tinent approve of and prescribe Psy- | eh he it difficult leh: ent instance of the patient had been using Psychine. Yeading United States specialists Wore consulted, in saat nto te jeminent Canadia pon Potty a se he “patient wie ‘using, a ‘sample of Psychine was taken and analysed, with the. result the physicians’ adv its tinuance. (Whey pr t | Physick: nize this fact. rae the ag my Tings were in terrible state. adie, grippe the ept stead, I was before my siokni “MRS. H. HOPE, “ , Ont.” Psydhine, pronounced Si-keen, is oa Logs ‘of tonics, bulidit the the appetite, pater fens ‘tho “Diood, ae a ligestion, and acts and lungs, cast Whe eit’5 ia to® the Sia ‘system. @At all drugeis and oe Dr fA. Slocum, Zanes 119 ins \Btreet we RSE RGAE SMART BOYS, Mr. Samson Bigg: Rincee precan and Patties BY the ings of punctuality are, as a rule, pe. five m ance of twenty minutes is i ‘s) on. But even Homer nods, ad ig Res Ze PS |the pupils there was the }who was not s ‘offence, nor to quote from ‘own lectures on the subject. 2 FRE ES Yes, boys,” said coe when he shad listened to the smart bo; 'Nichol- ts and, a8 T pimish.you, t iy fai you should “punish mie. $0 you ‘hall al stay and keep me in ‘for ‘an hour after school this after- a ys CRYING BABIES. s do not cry for the fun of it, nee always hecalse Whey ave hun’ {gry as so many young moliers think. inélimes out-of ten. baby's ery indl cates that his little’ stomach is out of Mothers will find instant. relief Hforstheir sulfering lie ones_in 's oe spe at baat cure els. Gent cbslasis nsti Yione indigestion or Vomnnting. 4 ae ’ Tab: let now an en to the, peel ‘child will keep it well. Mrs. P as, Ont., siys: “Baby's Own rae have been a great benefit to by. ‘They havé made ni ‘apry, jpeacetul a and ean ented, when. before he fused to ery all the time. “I have more comfort with, him ante giving him the (Tablets than ie ever now 'sils and and Tauighs while 1 do Ey wot Ww hat greater pri ‘give Baby's Own Tablets. ‘druggists or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co,, {Brockville, Ont. peel Es ANE THE ORDER. a yw that pretty daughter of old amudgeon ? Young Jinks is paying he er attention. er he's’ borrowing trouble.” eeplessness.—When the nerves ara Penis and the whole body given up ‘to wretchedness, when the mind is’ filled with gloom and dismal forebodings, the result of derangement of the digestive a pay, tO tb If only the subject could wi mn. for while and temporary relief Parraclous ills only. ind ill act so beneficiaily {hat the. subject will avake eaaeres and re- Blored. to EaDpiet oe WON OU OUT, Beckem, after a year’s absence: “So she finally gave you her hand in mar- at least ae “Yes, 1 80; “she now fs mes cad hex thu eee your corns hifder-. to remove en those that others have had? Have they not had "the same kind? Have they no! been cured y sing Holloway's Corn Cure? Try a’ bottl HIS SPECIALTY. : ban the millionaire, “is a ence. “What, has he invented ?” eeAbout 3,000 reasons why I should wgive him money,” replied’ the father. to pePaboolmasice, ple: ome of his | 7; ‘Indeed i een the one man audi- | cag hat SOME FUNNY EXCHANGES G CAN BE TRADED FOR SOMETHING ELSE. Marmalade Recipe for a Motor-Car — Humming Bird and One Dollar for a Baby. The man who owns an encyclopedia se of the weapon, He simply ad- Vattises the excharige required, and has, ‘luig ‘difficulty in getting | ie VEEN aded for comethiig else, offers. made in advertisement sometimes afford very amus- t intr a6 Oe fe a BS offered in cigars; &@ ig eded by @ man who has Bigs for disposal; a third de- change a fancy waistcoat for a rolled gold albert; and a fourth ha: s prints and a shion-iyred safely, which he is willing to give alone eal Some are willing to give work in ex- change for benefits of one kind or ai “Best conversation, in exchange for ther person, evi- att groceries” while ano @}dently a dentist, will exchange DI ISTRY FOR HOUSE-WORK, in other words, mend the teeth of chars “woman if she ee in return keep ings vaiier palbclles ts “Wanted—piano lessons for laundry worl in exchange ine a Sant -working laundress with a dau; ae hier whom she is anxious to edu- vell, fact, many of these exchange ad- yertisements tell their own little story ne person who offers to do stenography icine | 2 ee ia. the evenings in ex- lady’ icycle betra: aa es a se ly- ta girl oe longs for the means of gel rday afternoons, “Speaking of & changes, an a veitisement of this type- appeared some ‘ays her- as ——— exchange steerage ket to Capo Town.” had this; appeared than gentleman to whom she had been en. gaged. THE TWO HAD QUARRELLED, and hence a the trouble. IS eX- it the confidence re- ie Cape. Certain of these exchange advertise- ments it is hardly ble to take seri- sly, but-whether the followin any rate, actu- ally ae ae in the London pont Post, in May, 1905; “Mo! 1, going Groat's House and Land’s End in six hours without hold a parly of eight p change fer oMplenald” retipe: Torkanaines @ Chicago sjupertox Court Hhads ax Gino wees in April last, the di- rect result. 0 jet prevousiy’a MreckioiratA of New York, being badly~off and un- able to keep her baby, had exchanged it with a Mrs. Hummel, of Chicago, - circumstances having improved. abe bt kc her bargain, and reclaim her child Ww ars seems. far from fie that the Court ordered the child t RESTORED TO ae PARENTS. ha Sanford, lason is makin; dl thing out of a large tract of pine for- Halted (He eran boat,” he said. “Mine's leaking, and T've got to catch that fellow,” pointing {to the vanishing boa m refused. The “other offered him five dollars, all the money he had. But Mason said that: was no use. The other signed agreement, never sew il or the man ognin is som still owns the land, over 2,500 s deren: —Pearson’s Weekly, eres THREE TIGERS AT LARGE. An Officer's bas Got Them back in ir Cage. nee memes as desirable aalae passengers yeare at a Warklecers Lie,” tells how crossed the Indian Ocei company with three, young tigers. that were larger than and ‘wilh several_hundred Mevea pik ‘i Thi arive the tigers ihrough-a lame partion of-4 consequences, but @ who saw the Pin Pa Sie Pes Pe Pe a, Pe, Ps Pia a Bo oe ee ew ee ee eee OO SP OP PE Emulsion. Certain relief and iisually complete recovery will result from the following treatment: Hope, rest, fresh air, and—Scott’s ALL DRUGGISTS; 60c. AND $1.00. PS eS a PS Consumption is less deadly than it used to be. me | deck t Nurses? & Mothers’ Treasure Fie ere medicine for baby. pReeE iewult in 1855. Makes kes Baby Strong ty pate elle" Gee en tte other fae Bees see 25c. igs renee ‘National thing too, Jate to interpose, it looked. su- premely rhe one oF oblaining their liberty for the first time in their lives, took dif- ferent direction, crouching in tbe Nearest corners, lay snarling and eé: ing their teeth, showing paint fear—a us fear. pilgrims exceedingly There was little confusion. ‘That eat a respectful dis- third officer, The the keeper and 1 0 short discussion followed. nird oflicer inquired if the tigers been fed that da were always fed r three chickens from the Taking these, he threw one in the face of each tiger. ie chic oe wee simply res, glued to wi motion- untaneous ne HESS coolly took the loos wack of the neck vei one hand and the tail with the other, and using all his force, dragged. the heavy br: nite along the ‘cage and forced it throug! jon acted perfectly. object but ti He gro owwied fearfully, bh teeth crushed through his unsheathed claws clasp- ed and pierced the quivering body. Red: hot iron would hardly have made him loosen his eop ee on the bird. PEEPS INTO WOMEN’S LETTERS|* re. It our readers ecu spend. one mora: ing looking the Jelters ‘receiv. ed from all nada by the 7 ng am-Buk did od office in their home, daily writers give permission to i erat tes- he following “a oe some weeks w hands and arms and h did me ios Zam-Bu emed to en ae burning ¢ ae ape was um in using a salve whic iguesbere Sane plied it, and it really s isnt! The itching and bi ed, in a few days tested and hea: ‘ ok: Butehard, of ‘North icon ZAR eRe — fp had suffered 01 ‘8 Mrs. Gladden, ot “Zi ct of blood nin my family, and 1 Wish to mnt you he great. blessing it ha: proved,” is the effect ot Aleiter fears Irs. Webb, of Dovercourt, Dod ea negara x on quoting ex: {rapt after exiract, showing how tems Buk cures me soeese TIGea cae Seesses, ‘bad leg, itch, and blood. poi- n; takes the soreness out of ents and hurler grows new, healthy skin ver injured or diseased places, All : sell at fifly cents or the te Buk Co., Toronto, at mail for Price. WHEN JAG IS | IS ASHORE THE FUNNY LITTLE WAYS OF BRI- TAIN'S DARLINGS. British and Russian Sailors “Fraterniz —Jack and the Spanish Soldiers. “There's a dale more done ik Bh field ane there Tes ae occasions me of his ex) might very well are been allen with for instance, when matte “e quieting (own AL, wee cectieaaved dencaliey 00 diplomatic Bee ie a OES should he allowed that they might frater- nich as possible w:.a the Rus- So! away went the boats of both fleets full of tal mn creating the ssians were all went merry as a mar- riage bell, until UNTOWARD INCIDENT OCCURRED. Owing to some little inisuhderstanding with the Russians, a burly boatswain’s thle from one of ihe Brilish ships wi suddenly pitched out o} We bole OU 4 erarihi an landed in a silling posture in the middle of the road, as his ‘seattéred senses itueiuc hin, he seccived ari veneenline: pulling out his boatswain’s i , which brought his heller-skeller from the cafes and wine-shops to his si When the matter was explained, all thoughts of the entente vanished. The ticular cafe where: the oulra: reed Was speedily neduiced to a slate wreck, and a party of tars having been despatched to the beach to Slave in up, bal Thad ft leaked SG aaa] pean Gary GRAVE. COMPLICATIONS uld have ensued, for popular feeling Sane Russia was very high at hom at the tim A less eerie pistons of sates pEy Before you get Pen- Angle In a variety of fabrics, styles and prices, in all sizes for-women, men and children, and guaranteed by your own dealer, Before deciding where to locate in the West, let us tell yet about these lands. e wheat fields, the rich land, are in this province. Write us for full information about crops, climate and special railroad rates. Local representative wanted in each county. Telfer & Osgood ‘astern Selling Agents, 216 CORISTINE BUILDI rr fin ways sachet at Algeciras, when a ot. sen m a bull-fight, of their cootivaden y of the civil guard 0 be a most re Idier, and they cap- i men that there Piet some sort, but either their knowledge of anish Was: nob equal to the occasion, r else the police were ‘ ite conyir that the man ‘vas just) ested. A long and heated argument followed, till at last the Spaniards; fearing that the for reinforcements in the shape A DE OF SOLD! Si argely had these arvived, aie “the s of several concertinas and mouth- organs were heard sagprsoshitie from a distance, and a few moments later a strong foree of Jack ‘Tars returning from hove in sight. They were marching in- fours, as is their custom, headed by their oe band, and no sooner did the p the siluation-than they sailed into ihe Span | iards in their usual cheery. fashion, dis- armed them, ‘and, forming. eat round the sergeants down. to Jen 8 and police follow ‘Absiveashiero; “We ered. the ap: fiches {o Ihe Waterside with and’s own rifles, until the sergeants had embarked upon the ti take them across to Gibr ng and orted them gaily “ihe “excilel soldiery zl ay i Ae then, with much bow many apologies in more or less courtly Spanish, they politely’ handed: back’ the “borrowed Kk ae ae down into their boats, and shove Tho. Flagging Energies Revived. ort application to business is a tax n’ the €nergies, here: be i#iot delnealionss:inenmide (i000 depression are sure lo intervene. ‘These e comes from stoniachie troubles. The want ct exercise brin ties, and the stomach es toa late food properly. this condition fegotapls Pills will be found y rare power, restoring ine organis-to healthtul-cetion: dis spelling epression, and reviving the flagging energies, on mesionise i Ssimi- ifteen years ef fatal a poole ibis ago the iperrec pines ip. tne, Swiss Alpe was nny. threo times that . Now mumber. Put out the fire in a hot, itching, unhealthy skin with Weavers orate, Use st for eczama, nettle rash, tetter and salt rhew Homnburg: hag ate firemen, in com- parison with her population, than any pa oir city. ‘There 300 firemen to every 100,000 peoples: ‘A Good, Name is to be Prized.—There have been ‘imitations of Dr. Thomas’ ectric Oi which ny have bee b in- jurious to ame, but if sc tains has only re _tenporary. Goodness must aly o the front and ‘throw into. ane ae whieh is worthless it has been with Ecle Oil; no. imitation can maintain fiself against the genuine artele L SWEEP. we are in need ofa “were you~ employed Merchant: “Y janitor. — Where last?” Applicant: Merchant 1 Applicant : that.” “Ina bank, sir ‘Did you clean it out “No, sir, The cashi a did sergeants would attempt a rescue, sent n ESS SMa Carbon. Wire—woll prove stronger in servico, JAPANESE NAVAL IDEAS. Belief in 6. Inch Gans—Praterity and Discipli e London Seas naval corrés- See writes : “Japanese gunnery experts who watch- 2 S ene wor! iced the enemy she would not feel the want of 6-1 un. tim must occur when light and sea conditions will. make it necessary lose inside a zone of 6,000 yards, understood that the is Japanese pennant will carry twelve inch guns, “Japanese naval discipline, is‘@ marvel lous thing to English re are no p police and. there is practically NO punis! shinent, An officer remon- He reminds he man trant the OMeee slaps his fa0e onde sor ‘That is senses. brings him to hi: The elations between a ers ‘and men are fraternal, like the French, and owing to the cal pun- ishments and also of crime the terms ex- isting rand low Ss greater tendency to drink on the ‘part of seamen. is a mistake fo think that the Japanese have copied the English incother than mechaniest polnia: dt ott the arrangement | and ‘They think for them- r discipline, strategy and e-rangements for the vie- the Si of Tsushima were worked out by a Lientenant on the staff at Tokio. Admir ral Tore, to his eterna henor, accepted the plans of his junior who has since been promoted to the rank of commander. the > = amsays Paints For Spring Painting. the woodwork, paint the floors, brighten and bright as aew—get Paints. or color—for every use. Mixed just right— of the right ingredients—to wear right and look right. us the right way to mix paints, 65 years in business prove that we mix them right. showing how some houses are painted, A. RAMSAY & SON CO. = MONTRBAL, mE a 6 BAY te Whether you are going to ‘touch up” porch, or make the whole house fresh Ramsay's There's the right paint—the right tint 65 years of paint making have taught Write us for Post Card Series ‘C, Paint Makers Since 1842, 62 D'G tou ON A Ge DANGER. Many People Weaken Their § Dosing with Purgative Medic A spring medicine purities that have the life of the wink Thousunds of peopie recogn ve mistake tor and ie ‘wil tell you ina “the ce of purgative medicines. weake e sy tem. and cannot possibl: er n the spring the system needs puta: ing:up—purgalives ‘weaken. ‘The blood hould be made rich, red and pure — unnot U What is a tonic, and the best tonic Mpalanencidnaaoe Aes nce has yet ‘teviged is Dr. || nosteity thetewost and Taoat up-to-date of Atlantic iia Pink Pil y dose of re od rooms, aver 5 a e AC ew yom comman pepe mi bat ania menioineced se Wye make ene glass in every chambor.” Temporature tegdlaved by Blood, and. this. new. blood: gtrengthiens an shenting. Telephone in avery room,» Golf priv very organ an the HOTEL TRAYMORE ON THE OCEAN FRONT. ATLANTIC CITY, N, J. CHARLES 0. MARQUETTE, Manager. completed, making this famous -prvot addition Je dust belng completed, making th now feature is the ty Hotel nd wyater, Cheval: Wndadt, dhs latest daveloparent ta Capacity 600," Weite for iihustrated TRAYMORE HOTEL COMPANY, D. S. WHITE, President. why Dac pers: Siedaation: neuralgia ‘and’ a oe as cther troubles that come alery ‘blood. That ta-why the men and women who. use. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills "eat well and-sieep well and tect active and strong, Miss Mabel Synnott isle, i Wis ‘poe teed vente an pieally. tron” heads Bi aren, Watt nating to help me|{ 4 pure, hard * Pink Manitoba * Is. TI ve comple eel restored my health and I lose: the day T began taking, them. flour for bakers and others demand- ing strength, color and uniformity. HITE AT YOUR GROCERS DEALERS EVERYWHERE SUPPLIED WITH LBERTA FARM 1 LANDS—IN THE FAMO! Wotaakiwin distrit: tite eraniou Heaton, Dy Rasta & 4 OOP Bog 308, LEANIN Or ine PADIES G Sulla! outina. SSETaN AMERICAN OVEING 00. MONTREAT, TORONTO, OTTAWA & QUENTO‘ UR. FORTUNE Fr FREE and to cnt atamp oth Meth dae and 1 et ut be sure get the genuine Pills with the full name, eeDr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People’ on the wrapper around each x—all other so-called pink pil raudulent ead ious; Sold by medicine Sen or by Leg OUR 50 cents a box or WE ALSO MAKE *QUEEN CIT from The Dr. janis’ Medicine bo NAT Brockville, Ont. TEACHER. WANTED: A SCHOOL TORON Difficulties of Obtainin, d: The British colonial office is not pro- fessedly a humorous institution, but oc- casionally its plealions, especial those containing ondence with outlying colonies, snavermnOns Or Yess ais following letter | man,” us to pi req ie re. he man es a variable twist. Nn is bie: oak stan da Cun-| fe had ha. That neglected Sslend™ had sought! man o Ihgolugh the office to gel a schoolmaster. | of the five shilli “Tam sor island, "ihal ig anos call whoever individual in ane pontulion of the salary. here ‘was any possibility {o. seli| | Son yearly sum of our property, which ¢on- | to colds than SU Heat fle teheep ni potatoes, we be |rangements, of and willing to pay t Sioned wee a salary for a the Island ; also fo use, we have not all the ely ie ee aan to. build one, ‘especially Mrs mi “No; he just elbows, comfortable enough for a man, who in- 1} pushes canes fend do aa Rplth his: wife: an cpeaRe tee how severe “if there was a man wie choose to the ond may be, You cannot afford t come live wilff us for ort lime that|bo without a remedy. like Bickle's, tor When a married man. goes astray. his: - Lee be for charily but ae ‘for made.tive | jt ie the best,. ‘vite always blames his bachelor friends. f it, So he may stay wilh one of the —- rial family, and he will share off with Santa Darbara, California, is-an} “The healthy glow disappearin, things we el fom Passing ships and) orchard containing 10,900 olive. ames: the offeek-anel moaning et meetin eee of the Island. 000 walnul, 4,000. immon, 10,000) al night are sure syiniomns ‘of worms ne sa the. wonderful ean ae aumiond and 4,000 rather fruil trees, ia childres not fail to get_a bot- se fade in ar ‘sn w have the ene tle of Mother Graves’ ern rex fpaaiit sideration. to ‘you, Se possible for Foorslobe et pad 1 i ce da effectual; medicine. Ws = e persons are from the slightest ca A Nt HOUSEHOLD ‘ALL PURPOSES* FLOUR. Te CAMPBELL MILLINGCO va gun yy a-such sum which schoolmas- which be the mos' the Island is the member of the Church of Ei gland, but he better be a unmarried ward paying his passage home. others, contra the ‘pulmonnry wah gt } bol ple ee “ine jler or deliver uld be none cold water, se CAN'T stick. ‘by stays taut. Painted WHITE over korg PAGEWIRE TENCE OM PANY Sted ieee fue poisiets rise, chon oa tie tele it to you. COILED—not crimped. regis é APPROACHING THE CZAR. osing one of the Czar's Minister: fentns an extra not pleasé his Majest? Ieulolh ae and trusted Ielend ssian interview aie ae announe A inessnge, ie the wiser, to ae i Afler he was allow lo speak to the more Suceppb lo grant it, Peter nper ie had’ ber cenducted from room to roi and cine WEAR BEST Mplraoistiaee east proof. Experienced t need at : Beds HE GOT THERE . “Does he mingle with the ONTO HIM, “No,” said Hi Tragedy, “l never take- ‘a Sleeper when I travel, I don’t think the berths are sanitary, and besides, in f, accident—" Yes,"_interrupled: Lowe Comedy,“ suppose walking is safer of three it to sh ihe Dear Mother re ones are @ constant care ia: = ast te ‘Winter weat! gah Sad,” Do got know crate a Emperor obtain an audience with the Czar-is next to an ime paps Ebipeess 1 = ‘Got illustrated book, cher ee Lends nll fn enlos ‘oronto, sth ahi at St John, mh eesti