Milverton Sun, 16 May 1907, p. 8

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BANK OF HAMILTON DIVIDEND NOTICE No TICE a8 HEREBY. widen pe of tne Bank, ve gat the 4: Poras this. for th and from Hamilton, 22nd April, 190° = = | the MUNICIPALITY OF MILVERTON daughter, of pier ley COURT OF REVISION for hearing and, detés. Monday the 3rd of June, 1907 commencing at 11 o’elock a, m. cordingly. The ass t rollisin the office of the clerkcand is Open for inspection during office hours, W, D. WEIR, Clerk. TOWNSHIP OF ELLICE! COURT OF REVISION 1907 ‘The first sitting of the Court of Revision in respect of the Municipal Assessment will be held al Harloff’s Hall, Wartburg Monday, May oe 1907 at 10 o'clock a. davai goed the cle tion to appeal w y of Me ‘The Assessment, Roll Clerk's office, Ro Oflice hours TOWNSHIP OF MOR COURT OF F REVISION). “1907 vision on the of Mori the fi The Court of Rev Roll for the ‘Township. be held at Newton, o: June Assessment ngton will Monday in ‘The Court of Revision on “The 14th Con id Monday, Jen ard, Ap. ma, ngton, Executors’ Notice to Creditors ys ‘the | attended the ball in Baden — week, if tne pulpit of the woops! IDE. Miss Bertha Freeborn atrived home i Chatham on Thursday nor is a aepomd with br ee this week. Haig, of Millbank, oc- eupled the pulpit B riore ola oe day. amk | Sand Mr. te hristian Bellar who has been in the h tes for sometime returned home ae Friday. lively entertainment which con- views and in man, and “MILLBANK” Messrs R. Alger and R, Grieve Quite a number of childre Wallace, of Lindsay, oceupied Presbyterian church n as stated ast wel Se r. Mr, Wallace ‘is here 1m the ins Terests of Queen’s University, Miss MacGillivary, of Stratford, see ey with her sister, Lytle, of Linwood, spent Mon- aay in the villag The Ladies® e Anglician eburch,purpose holdiigg: a concert in Ey Hail on May Oaten and ae paige: of uilvetion, spent a day last week in e village, Chas, Pinder has returned after raending s few days in Strat- for WELLESLEY ws regret very much to M.S. Wilhelm is nursing a very oe ae Green is able to be out Mr. J. W. again although unable to do any| Street Chur ork iardening is the order of the d and everybody seems to be kward spring caused See We understand the Women’s Insti- tute meeting for this month will, be held next Thursday, 17th, Kerr's residence. Ail are and requested to be presen Miss Elmina Schopp spent Sunday in Hawkesville and was the guest Vera Ottm "The Misses Suse ‘and Johanna, Mal- len returnec na two weeks visit to their howe in ‘Chepsto Jacl tate wal got pide adied awhile, Several carloads of Inmber will have be taken to Baden shipment from the Ba atz The man Koch spent Subday with friends in Haw vi ur sch igo} se closed last week on ease of quiney although = be symptoms. of letina, Pro: action was taken in this case at ane The Ontario Farmers’ Weather| cation at be half that all credito: having claims. against “the fe of ti NOTICE is hereby given pursuant. to the statute Roceipere ors c o died o 25th ¢ D., 190. ship of Rroenington iit the county nd rep za ol ture 0 any, held by them, und th ni named date the ex re will distribute the deceased among ‘the par o, having regard only Of Which they then shail hs who! Dated at Newton thls 14th day ‘of May A. D., 190" CHRISTIAN YOST, Newron. BENJAMIN YOST, Porn. ecu tors. HOMES For Settlers WwW. General Agent, = - Insurance Mutual Company. The first Company of its kind in Ontario ve.| Head Office : Grand Valley, Ont. Organized May, 1904. Incorporated August 18, 1904. President... William Vice-Presid . A. Wansbrough. maging Director, John W. Rounding. Policies in force . . nae Pe Asset: inpasssiced in force, over $2, 300! 7000, 00 x bu storms gee farm hae « M. YOUNG, Milibank, Ont. weeks before det ‘Write to-day for free books and anything Zou want to know about the weat and how C.B. Fi Dist, Pass. Agt., C.P. me tee 5) Fall Wheat arley eas, COMMERCIAL. Mutvenrox, May 16, 1907 Fall wheat per ‘bush Barley per bush ss Oat: 87. 87 70 70 Apples per bag Se IS SO ‘otatoes 85 85 ay per ton . + 10-00 10 00 Buit per pound Fees | memes) Eggs per doz. SUNT a7 ard... 1212 Tallbw 55. q turkeys per pound gre Sean TIME TABLES stewing double daly Hogs ite @ weight .......... 635 635 to Winnipeg and Gigeny en nnn Service Bor, owt 240 240 . ran, per ti 90. 21-00 ae ‘OURIST SLEEPING EFING CARS Manitoba flour 60 2 60 79 Toronto daily. Comfort orts, per ton. (op 22.00 sae Llis- 48 an ere Corn, per bushel. 60 yenience. reserved (thro nearest CAP. Agent) a atleast two auvMauvH Sel pkiinie telly woYPAOS[ BUtOT Sie 2 z a 0, ea inp pue Buoys mq 4uBpoa uy aaa ‘1003 aS “IVA 9ROId WY 0038 Ino ur ae TEs “nok wondiiosep A1oa0 jo eremprey Buridg Co migration, Winnipes or the local agent se for given ee at Ottawa of intention to. apply: for Synopsis of Canadian North-West Homestead Regulations NY even, nuumberd séetion of Dominion nds in Stunitona OF the North-west Sang peri whe family, or any male over 1e eee of one-quarter more or less, ay be made personally at tlie local ce for the district in which the lan ithe homestender desires, he i he Minister of the mmthissioner of Im- eive authority for some one to make entry him. sec ‘The homesteadér is required to perform the conditions connected, therewith: under on ¢ of the following pla (A) At lease six ionths’ residence upon ‘and cultivation of the land in each year for three-years, farnrin a wibinity of the land entered for|Thé opening ie 8! ‘Six months’ notice ritin; ton the Goailasionerso should be Dominion eputy of the Miaister ofthe 1 ikestor Rev. W. t sapien: the pulpit of of school sbingeuntordhe WhOdcin’ caus act say that |e as angen alaaine i with eae seem- yet for ; | outside players fan an am ob hd ob obo heby = LOCAL NEWS *|- LEE EERE EPR Queen V: iotoria, the Spaniah Queen, has given birt rN rron, of Stratford, was. the guest nt Mrs, K. Lett on Sunday Any person wanting good building lots on eary terms—apply to Welling- ton Smith. Miss McDonald, of the public |e! school staff, spent ae week-end at her Nome i in Listow. The North Perth Farmer's institute nelph, O. A, C. will take place cn June 26th, M. Hafg, of Millbank, oc- Burns. church, morning Milverton, on Sunday, evening. Don't forget to pat the° Station Store for the biggest values in the country while the mee slaughtering sale lasts. Good sta able me ee bation con- aE OF } acr ply Ie Tans ae Gentral irae Mie ‘ton, ntario ie week to a depth Serine from half a h to ten inches; as a conscience ie air fora day or ee was quite ‘The ca: ¢ Holmes v eto fies Ferron ‘Thu oon. Asettlement had ie r however betwee x the parties d. fo") Ee) and dism Holmes stores “Mitchell. with obtaining money under be pretences. of the ch will meot at North , Goderich, May 30 th. Th ondon Conference sana Ch te Tamilton ponlersnes: at n, May 29th and 30th Owing to the a of some ons the County Coun Perth wat called to meet at Stato last week and after considerable business it was fed d that the rousedin ge were sees owing to the fact that members had not been given full ten days notice. Stratford Presbytery the, invitation of the has accepted} q, Jubilee Commit- Dr cMullen, of odstock conduct the Jubilee ‘ser ces on Sabbath, Ah and 8 sonal gatloring tak place on. the eoniiing: OF Sept. R. W. D. D. aes of New Ham- hare. paid tlvarton lodge A.F.&A.M. an official n‘hursday eve of last oats he uantiber’ ak snerdhiene { Elma lodge, Monkton, and Beans ee, resent, were pasnened at the Grand Centr ral Hotel atthe close of the communi- Mr, J, A. MacDonald, of Mr. Phineas MacDon; who has been thirteen year t to. eldest son nald, of Aeneas abroad for me last Botnites home ae urday las' it the friends ae the home of his Mr. MacDon- ald has seen eae of the world and au sxncuensed cmon of adventure ifferent. p the globe, He v ith gon ee an troops ving the war in the Phillipines, He a seome- tne ta Japan and later Riad acd lhe in the gold fields ‘ot California, Of lat te years he has engaged in the latter in the rich copper mines of old Mexico, i] mths issue will jppneet the ady of the: Ontar‘ Se Apes Tages nal Co. 7 Seared years ig ines when fills a long felt. want in that it insures gi or damage caused by windstorms, ey: clones ent en nadoes ank, ie of the Company and wi to transact sees desiring to protect loss by tempest. ill be prepared with farmers A grand celebration will be held in Elmira, oe Fe day, May cour 1907, under the BE. . Program will consist of :—Morning,—10. a. m. eet match, Elora. ys. Bey Afternoon, — Base-ball te ealh linitecee: winners ot morning ees foot-ball match, St. Jacob: cigars bun performance two 2 anes 's best artists, “the aatians i eee tees concert in E. . band eee seats 35 cen The Mib oe Back Football Club journeyed to Li: thened by two uch heavier team than that which ieee At last Monday evening. - Al- thous our boys had the best of the the forwards lacked ‘ollows: goal W. Smith ; backs Guenther, Ross ; half backs, Forrest, Hartmier, iteis; ce Robertson; left wing Smith, Spencer; r. the will be Sinn me ‘ilyert must win Le game to make a show- ing in the district so be d ni cheer the svalloe? and black to victory. Game called at rp with J. W. Ward, of Stratford as Feleres, The and | typhoi Snow fell at a number of points in Lt is Meee was | J after- he | paper ©/afracture of the it gelist, did | Milverton; simon, Mi W recently been appointed. aN agent | in themselyes from| His romai - | dered Waterloo | Kati “seve ring and fan Eileen Asthore, Miss Minnic ‘Dietter | ; 1 | Solo. pia = uch! sd Nan bevstsin's ee | WitaLEY.—At Milverton, on May 9th, the Your dollar will buy a ig bundle of — at the Station Stor pay 15$¢ cash for saci ate 200 for butter—W. K. Li Miss Fullerton, of Toronto, is y ing at the home of Mr, T. P, Roe. ate Mr. Henry Rose is spending a few days this week with friends in Berlin, Don’t forget the Atwood-Milvyerton tootenlaatok this haetay Sanne: Game called at Sa ean the Station ce will ry _ evening P. Sehte and Whaley. Messrs. Bert Stewart and J Hatha, of Blyth, spent Sanday? with friends in Milverton. imon Rupert, we regret to hear has for several weeks bee! m- fined to her bed through an attack of 4 id. nd Mrs. ohn Brydone spent rican at Mitchell, where Mr. Sega ee Mr. Dien’ stock Mrs. oe Holey, al Winnipeg. Man. spent afew days week with her uncle and cee ee read Mrs. John Pfeffer. Chas, Broughton and daugh- fr . Lambert have return- home, 2 er eae a kee visit- oe friends at Monkton. John Geo, MacKinon ane Passed he ane year examinatio: P. ‘0 University cas is now se Paine: on the T, & N.O.R. R. Wall Biya In our ad. we say ght from us will be hung ab Ge a roll aigbla toad all papers 20¢ aroll and ver will be hung at 8c. Wok. Miss ee Dowd, of Burns, while returning from church on Sunday last was Spee: n frem the rig and suffered. arm through the horse shying. We regret. to hear that Mr. Wm, Livingston who is confined to. th e e fe with a severe attack of la grippe progress to- Be the that his family not ards 3 he i ou are ae to Siok a new ret this ye: all on T. P, Roo the Deering agents he has sates up-to-date stock, prices right and stock guaranteed. Terres ne ae Bese evan- ‘he Montres “at | in compelled after considerable s] bomba: ig Mr. Norman Murray, all costs in connection Why should git hire soul savers at hee ved y and pay therewith. ae FE se pastors ? Bat the mingiler is to blame. frequently There was a crowded house at the illustrated Le eture given in the town hall on Friday evening last’ by Rev. we a se he at lverton. The ere. particularly te ay ftltiettated Cae development of the Britith Empire during the ntury, many Of the battle s tend and sea being included. esting eviews, they were sated aaabhy so by the accompanying word portrayal of the gifted lecturer. The lecture was given under the aus- pices of the and young thoroughly enjoyed. it.— Listowel Standage. Ray Hoffman, well-known oldest jnhabitant after nanny fines 56 passed away on Monday ee ee in the ripe old age of 92 years and some days. Mr, Hoffman was a native nerd Germany and immigrated to Canada in mide life. He was the father of a family of four sons -and four daughters Be chawliom aabeire im, They are as follows: Hen: ree a chigan; Geo: Sebringville; John, / ae hea Bundscho, Mrs. J. G. ‘osc! ch, Mrs. i M oor nderich Milverton. He was the erent of 38 children and the grea’ father of 38 pe ildren, 84 jacsonante all, Mr. esday afternoon, A large number were present to pay thtir last bores of respect, The sealint held by Miss White’s music class in’ Cook’s hall recently was well nethiae’ and the SRN ee which was as follows was well ren. us, A Spring Song, senior member: of class assisted by Messrs. | Grosch; Cu 0, Smith and MacKinnon ; Miss Hester Guenther ; duet piano, i Auris pee ss ey Ada tet Ruby Schmidt, R Raby Weir, Floss Knechtel, Lenore Trim, Hester Guen- ther, Wiltnd Grosch,. Wilfrid Weir, Williard ee rit feetborn r hi arr 5 piano ato "Schuberte Impromptu, Miss Barbara Grosch; Glee, Hail no, Willo' the, Wisp, Jung- mann, Miss Mae Riley; chorus, Canada Our Native Fan paso duet, Mazurka, compased for them by the teacher, Miss Lncy “irninarnia and |i i ping! tenhansen 5 2 avin Flossie se Pa d Lotta White God Save the age Pie sae ists. were Miss Ruby Wei s Ida Schaefer and Miss White. BORN. HaMMer.—At Mornington, on May 9th, the wife Of Jacob Hammer, of a ddughter. wife of W.S. Whaley, of a daughter, ~ MARRIED HEWER—GUENTHER—At Milverton, on Wed- . Blunck, Hs “the i “The People’ s Store” Milverton’s Greatest and Best Store, oe We do as we ET you have to sired by critical dressers. boys and youths. GEG MEN'S AND BOYS’ CORRECT CLOTHING E HAVE NO “MONOPLY” W on any particular high sound- ing “brand of clothing” where pay for the name and “fine clothing illustrations”, we have practically a monopoly on stylish and best clothing for men and boys at. low prices, It is a settled fact that we have the clothing and men’s furnish- ing trade of the town, because in var- iety of -materials—in the little points of finish—in that “made-for-me’” air, our clothing leaves nothing to be de- We. have just put into stock an immense range ofthe very latest clothing for men but Ss uits! Think of Worsteds, Tweeds, Etc., for complete suit at. q All the pope shades. Fan $8.00 English Worsteds — Fashionable greys, striped and overplaid effects, latest models, per suit ey: $10 to re the fit ; per suit.. Black Suits e have Men’s Suits as Low as : $4. 50... The fine English Clay Twill Worsteds and Vicuna Cloths in these suits are the best quality materials, and you ought 12.00 Raincoats i areca spring overcoat for Sunday and evening wear, made wet-proof by the thorough» Cravenette process, long and loose, shoulders padded and lined, all sizes from 34 to 44, at tron Sy to $10 FREE--Exrta S$ in price from $8 up A FI ecial j Asa epedial inducement we will give abso- lutely free with ever: Men’s Suit ranging PAIR OF TROUSERS worth ‘from $2,00 to a 50. A rare chance which you cannot AO to miss. BOYS a SUITS HERE--WHY ? Because we make a specialty of boys and youth's clothing. We carry the largest stock and our. prices are the lowest, A finer range of Boys’ Suits you cannot find in the large city cloth- ing stores Our Leader in Boys’ Suits is a Norfolk and Sail-_ or style with bloomer knickers, good” quaility and stylishly made, sizes from 3 to 10 years worth from $2:to Sa fori ccie gat} .00 Children’s Fancy Suits Buster Brown and Russian styles in Serges, T'weeds and Worsteds, bloom- er knickers, sizes 3 to 10 years at rom,.... 2.00 to $5.00 range from For the best and newest Reais of WALL | PAPERS, see our samples, prices Haseeeueseesseees 5C tO $3.00 per roll Large shipment of Ladies’ Long Gloves in Silk and Lisle Thread : . A big shipment cf New Lithograph Cushion Tops, v Cushion Tops prec, ais i Py ed pretty, Te sold everywhere for 50-cents, 25 Cents your choice for GHAS. A. FINKBEINER Dr, B. F. Butler, eye specialist, of London. will be at the Queen’s hotel, Pek tees ra my 21st, June 18th ud July Ata aoa meeting of the Council on Monday evening the agreement between the J, G. Grosch Felt Shoe Co. and the Corporation of the village 2 a sles was read and signed by on Monday morning the residence ot Mr. John Weir, near Millbank, caught fire, it is believed from burning chimney, and befoi was noticed by neighbors: uertiarage arene aping high in the air. By herenlans of quit in despair but again renewed their efforts with determinat- which were at last crowned wit save ir. Weir was away from home at the time and Mrs. Weir who had pee ecently confined had to taker neigbor’s but fortunately i i band will be in-attendan NEWTON. | The Up-to-Date Stores | MILLBANK Roots ! s! Roots ‘e have a stock of ratco of Fresh Select- oan Manges ,, Turnip Carrot and Gar- den Seeds in bulk at lowest pric Giant Yellow Intermediate Man- gel at-15c Ib. heomety Long Red Mangel at 15 cents I Ready-Made; Suits forget the fact that we not anni Boys’ and Men’s Ready- made Suits and sell them at Right Prices SEED CORN Has arrived. Farmers, if you want good re- liable Seed pcan at lowest prices, give usa Potatoes eee $1.00 per fst for cooking or for Bang tate along and eet whaty a Redpath’s Granulated Sugar $4.75 per cwt. cash & A TRIAL SOLICITED ® o> EGGS 17 cents H. GUSTIN | BUTTER 20-2I¢ 5 4

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