Milverton Sun, 16 May 1907, p. 2

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leaving school, The causes, too, dven: when school matters were connected) will ence fe na their strongest elements in the hoi In more than a third of the cases toor ot punishment, dread. of examinations MAD CONVICTS ESCAPE] KIDNEY TROUBLE) Pelee you ect Pen-Angle Suffered Two Years—Relieved in Three Months. CAPTURED AFTER FIERCE BATTLE ON PRISON ROOF. shame at failure to p amina- s tions was the prime cai Bu ee: many of these cases pS @ Major- ly of them, it was the attitude of the An Escaped Man Defies Warders at Wormwood Scrubs for Five parents, oe oF tee that led di- rectly to The Teek Pe ee Pondence betw S pet SOUR ee Pan Hayes the actual: powers of many children and fol Toe” reas 2 veduty and There hav Dee few stranger scones he results exacted from the a hi en few str r id school system often fori To tes cep YOUR HOUSE cheer- at Wormwood Scrubs Prison, en. form’ the bas tuland bright throughout sume than that Poa fe Salurday, when a ot trouble. But the thing that renders mer and winter. convict escaped to the roof of the pri- it acute is the cee of irreflective = brand YOUR HOUSE with Son, practically wrecked it, and, for parents that the child must be able to siulet elegance amongst its f ‘ close.on five held a smajl army io what the school exacts of it—what of warders at bay. The man is believ- other children ‘Pee Sa ae eS EA SRE OS can if he wil” was de e1 suddenly to “have become insane, of the speake says the London Daily Mail. Crowds of people watched the man’s ed by be eqns pro- king diclum, as common as it is fool- Write for our Post Card Series “'C,""_ showing how somé houses | | Made Well and Strong by Dr. Willi: cells, Then he gave a great ns Pink Pills After i Had Failed. Hoy and began brawling along the sce Before deciding where to locate turbed, he the Family Doctor. in the West, let us tell you in est, let u two bottles af Peruna A pure, hard Bea = sé & gs = 3 In a variety of fabrics, styles and prices, are painted. mad feats on the tiles, heard him sing- ne Fe sizes for women, soe and | ish, since it agniares the fact that suey F i shouting, and finally saw him Gamaiecl Gr. coat own eings are so often deficient in the ' C0., = Montreal, E HEART OF F LOUIS: XVI captured after fe exciting struggle on e> to win, 4 Est. 1843 45 PAINT MAKERS. Jp i i sn, wan atte ae ne prison stated that {iis Oo Raw ec vairer hatte going paar chose sista IE Right PAINE ThRQBNINT.AIGHE ; to play at Budi 5 re h . tts ps Journeys ¢ Over Europe—Cur- the damage done to the root is estimat- ne brome 350 ree Seg es ve ee us excilation ina pathological degree. x Sa re ee ING a OS Be Noe eg eae eects Tala ta Agee: pte ln eart of Louis XVII. now rests in CLIMBED RAIN SPOUT. _ | follow him around the world and hear | h° A be G alcohol: | “I believe De: safest financial course ‘ the mausGleum of exiled French. royally Gin acest Gye wat ato en niflered with kidney and blad him play. ASU ES ae sin | 88, femperate LAGE CURTAINS erche few" at Goerz, in Austria, it is only after the] saned to. the fot on Saardeys der trouble for ten years past. io. |, “But I am quite happy here. I never oul vexpentlan ena sone cae i how can ue follow such a tt al most parenedioaty Taree pe a th Boe padcheie “Last March I commenced using the, |XPew @ real home, for father and I at pat LEWES ea ec SURES counee at money is tight?” fnirien auzs!¢hH BYaia U0, be 18, Mentred Sealed n a glass jar, hidden behind the | Ey" oe: eebeatans ie hee a vio. {rune and continued for three months: | ere separated. 1 spent most at my lite J mceond a ober shame eh the & - books of the library of the poveiclad Who Lien: autheeak and be h pun. |! have not used it since, nor have a! a boarding school. Here The influence of morbid borne |. The trouble with blowing bubbles is one a Bh ieee nahin s ished for assaulting wa eh tall, Bei nae eee ee (ee ae work, and my gusterin oa Mlstinedly he conan that some fellow may come along and se, stolen by that doctor’s assistant, ! elie z for curi- : kick over your bowl of suds, enshrined in the altar of a Cardinars | middie-oged Hanteaen vs seeving 10 Hore ive: my hlapeas commendation. \ enough ive" were. al School to: in ds could be. found for the our bow! of sud oratory, robbed and desecrat yoa Z % the cural ualities of Perun . and now we are the ondilions of mo si Tiotous Parisian mob, recovered trom a} “Gh “Saturday” ae Pa nis, Sa SABE, Kidney treat nL ghins Waele rene ig cach: ally, lle lea pt es among ‘uly ta VETER AUNDRED -BEYe G op, wit heap ot-olla! and dirt, put up at public} rossing the ‘exercise yard with olher|,A® 02. H. Simsers Grant, Ontario, in the ol Ne: DES NEE pe alegre OE es ee Ae Pees IRRIGATED-FARMS | auction and then conve; with much 7 a re J. Ree. i ~ * ire: ceremony. across Europe first to. Vent Teele aa ae fae from) “+1 "had nol been well for nd Jose's wife, belonged to a rrronded conti th population. vestigate. Jolin J. Biggs, Loudon, OMe, : IN and then to Austria, the adventures of ‘ i i Sidney. ACOnne 2a y ele was married to . water. spout. to the.roof x ly nearly all the time. ae = e Sie S A Mae are anna Pagers | Cmping. with merieion is sme got so. very Dad See pea ae UNNY ALBERTA re royal personiages'in the better |Peached the root before the other con ry Peruna, sot w CRIPPLED WITH SCIATICA. ir t sleep will remain undis- viets had been hurried egan at once to take eons | with the repose of tho illustrious dead.|'0, one of the comer, turtols. 7 land one of Manalin, ‘and now 1 fee Mr HWE Awalltis oneal the 108 Manitoba about these lands. The bes Curiosity ipts many to open t See Teac pint nd With this as | Detter. than I have for some time ing merchants of Hemfor dN. S., wheat fields, the richest grazing’ mb of the great personages who have | Piec® of lead a g. oMone the ridge| “I feel that Peruna and Manalin cured few yenrs ago he was a great suffer bene for bakers and others demand- land, are in this province, mad sory in mes long ago.” And, Benne eee a eo. a sky: | Me and made a nee yee rae from that most. excruciating: trouble | fing strength, color and uniformity. ‘ rangely 2 a coreg | | aitogether. ess the day: I picke i reruns : a Ce aes | Set apr tts and shouting and singing all the | 3% Tit ook and read of yout eruna cl ile sags “AG th ae 1 was STRONG aWH HITE Write us for full information whom lias been confided the It is the panes of the kidneys to mei ‘Thesatiacks-was So. severé thal about crops, climate and special care of these dead, Nels THAT WILL BE JOYFUL.” com pres all poisonous | sto; 5 ibe home of I He been oft: work for some time: The T YOUR GROCERS railroad rates fhe late Archbishop Benson. of Canter. Having Ginees all the glass in t thst: be active all the |p It was given to bm by a gri ale, cords of my leg were all’drawn’up and DEALERS EVERYWHERE SUPPLIED WITH bury used to speak with horror of a well- row is MeCoy attacked i lem sulfers,. There are ful young lady, \ e one day an I could only limp élong avith the ald AND FEED. © WRITE US. Local sppinseptalive wanted in mown and popular English dean who eS windows on the roof. Walking | times when they need a litle assist-| said sho had @ She was about <fa stick. The pain I suffered. was ter-| | weat Asoc sinc mano om each co boasted that during his tenure of office along the narrow ledge in front of the | ance. lo be married, and married to the onl: ly | rible. 4 was in misery both day and | ff THAT HAS CAINED GREAT FAVOR AS A CENERAL Eve | | | 1 | @ g) ry monrent caused me such "ALL PUI roses FLOUR. See a eee g mem | When @ foolish git, she had flirted with | pain as only those who have been tor- Telfer & Osgood | he had and examined every tomb| \, he pushed the piece of piping | Peruna is exactly this sort of a rem-!man she loved | but, unfortunately, et in his cathedral; and the primate was TORE eb of the small panes with It has ; ts) his indignation when he ister by rendering the kidn cr-|@ young cousin and had toon ns tured with sciatica can know. I was TE CAMPBELL MILLING Co. i fo hat during his absence 1! were at a time when Mis were no able hi f hi treated by several doctors, but they did Eastern Selling Agents, of his own cathedral at Ganterbury had) amesing. Every mom > seemed in fa basa (hath Son sbunieoes eetein. hy thee tee puye RO UNE TION: 2¢§ CORISTINE’ BUILDING. broken open iy tomb of @ mediaeval} Genger Q ; i BE as > = Tommy, as, it $0, there would was “4 MONTREAL. Archbishop of ¢ lorry and had. re-}{).. wv." He waved his cap, be less trouble in sma an. alteration, ve itre. of loth. 0 old, a ring] the : U His name was quite different, and a, chalice wi ee f ne COUNTESS WEDS FIDDLER}: SNUG nson always refused to look at them, | Hig kept. the: ont wale MEO cuinien ony aiden EA DF: sis, when In company | fen declaring: that his doing so would con: i te 4 SEEMED ONLY TO LIVE WHEN HEAR-| ir paced [ewkins, when in company “ Began Ia sone eve je ie tilute a sort of tacit recognition on his | 8 of the breaking gles ING HIM PLAY. of orange peel from the pavement, to the | : 08S, Dr. s re- brough my altention, I got chalice w are now preserved | threw his boo Is over, and then his pri- thambei journal the t al 2 halk dozen: boxed’ 1 tied tised nt behind glass in a recess in the northern | <¢ isige the. pri- were redone with milk, althowgh an ugly the entire quantity before I found any, ambulatory of the pasilica, In fact, Dr. alls, Th re wa: h to secure eae scar pana enefit,; Bubci was eney puraged ‘and got Bei ai sar Haw and before you want to he Joy. De 2 in living in this Canada of ours ; i ny P tro appear at Springtime you soap piesa, wi Ss you in’ touch wilh part of what had been do) Toadway, replaced it, with the w ards 2) put a it gives you Exerciso, Fresh Air, aa baad opel. —+ ° north side of the pri spray anes ed es way, as it willbe readily ceeprsiae CHILDHOOD AILMENTS, son soe! a inant ns i octane Jilted Noble Fiance, and Now Living in | 'h 2 Ls ar lene Sie Methe West that’ the as anes ti ae 1 tats nt RIDE A GOOD WHEEL AND - — i . ee eels 3 adly run dow: ; . alive.” a One-storey Cottage in Town Bnd of London wil {sit and provide SE a liams S RS A Began vs a oadioy iin fr sng, olnera gis ae |<ant sen 9 yO De, Nain FEEL THAT YOU ARE ALIVE TORS he, NOR Shae Scat er sett nnd et weoulealt lesve nay I vice and medicine spensary. for Pen NSNeI ia: cthar sulter hese. ‘Dablota vo Se ulinsaneh tle wooden put for you,” were samples the: recent runaway marriage of the| sixpence, Contra fbriedisaen cee - ‘figms' Pink Pills sclati- icy tettGenleaties Gomustinaty ments 85't of the melod Countess Vilma Featitics with the gypsy] paid. It seems that tens of thousands of ly sbecalise they make the rich, CONG) «a Copter: constipation, . diar.: va Rudolf Nyari, has created a | families in Great Britain, by the contract | © lites ‘a imple fevers. They. break SSS ON HIS HE. destroy worms, make teeth ba Whee ing painless and give the child healthy |, BY {his time all the prisoners, had ) va are hy re oclee ia cal son oflloers were using all their skill |tne first fae a families. Her fa-| pence a week. Medicine and dressings fect Rae Absolutely. Ma Mag. [in efforts to capture McCoy. her is Count Paul Feslties, and her | are even provided. int els are absolutely safo Hiss eliniben-ohillousy [stele la’Goani taeciie an immensely gray hajed, worn’ looking practi- a aR a sos at cut on the roof McCoy wrenched oi wealthy magnate, through whose wife, | tioner, clever, ak only thirty-five, once ‘That Is why they se tho, Weg and Murled: them trom th fary: Hamilton, the Coun} said that ne ‘could rolire had all dels red blood that soothes ps _strengtfien aching nerve: That is such Hee “troubles as tial sensation among the aristocracy of Ba-| system wt i belongs to one of | ca roof, yelling as each one crashed en so ae ted with the English paid by former and presen i : the ‘ground, “That's for any (with an The Combis wee: engaged very doctor has to think & greai eat bills 20 4 4 B ifndl lg Joath) tries to take me."|to marry Spreti when. she fees, his expenses are so| the full ne Gee Medicine ‘2, Brockville, Every time ‘Head. appented'a| ea. "Tha. Countess we. has Rypey tne eee Verpsrtely: dopeee medical man for Pale People, 01 eb tile whinaed past it and are now living in a little, one-| become rich. fawson Tait sets down the ult on the eleep roof, up and |storey, throeroomed collage ins, back | average income of medical ston In Eng: “Didn't you find it hard to oe . ae nly the frenzied man ran, was street in a provincial town of Olden-| land at 200 pounds a year. None of the bo name for the baby?” “Not at all. He}impossible, so it.was decided to leave|purg. A recent caller describes how a| research work done in hospitals is paid|ing the Dr. has only one wealthy uncle, you see." | him i a ing direct i And. so, for over three hours, McCoy | yas opened for him. A forbidding look- | Doctor eT Se as Worms derange the whole system,Jran about the roof ripping off tiles, ing Cea /Brpsy woman, who proved | quette ‘trom suing mats is thelr bills, “Has young Dudieigh sh, ere The Massey “Silver Ribbon,” Cleveland, Perfect, Brantford, Imperialy Rambler, vo ie Flyer—with the latest improvements, cuarsniat always oa Sai eal tes ie, OF Ane ha ae Brockville, Ont. smooth, easy and pleasant going. Manufactured and guaranteed by 2 for by. Wilyliams! Medicine ‘Co, i) ae = 3 3 i ® é 8 S Molen Graves! Worm Exterminator de-}which he threw to the ground or heap-|fo be Nyari’s mother greeted him. Her aa ed the dear pe mothe ndeed he 7 ranges. worms and gives rest tor the su od onthe ‘copings; and aineshitig the | thos releced comentatene tne object of aes © git “aise ratelng CANADA CYCLE AND MOTOR CO. LIMITED, oon % cents ta try it{sashes of the broken window: his visit was explained, and she said, MAKERS OF THE WORLD'S’ BEST BICYCLES, tnd: by convinced. Ooo ‘he actually stood ‘on Pe Me Mico te aot, 7COORE AGHING F FEET Hi in the centre of the roof, divesting marriages. They are just giving a con- —- ITCH, Mange, ‘Prairie Scratches Toronto Junction, 3. Canada, Father, Lam not sure whether 1 shgil |himself of his coat and shirt, presum-|cert in an inner room.” The visitor SOOTHED BY ZAM-BUK. ery torm of contagious Itch“on sae Role Winnie w, pair asl % be specialist for the ears or the teeth.” Jably for the sake of greater freedom | found two fair-haired, ‘beautiful young Men, women and girls engage: ce animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- Branches :—Winnipeg, Van couver, HERG) AUS. irnoose the teeth, my boy, everyone has|ofemovement. He communicated by |women and two remarkably handsome, | stores’ who have to be on their fect ford’s Sanitary Lotion. It never fails, oo ae thirty-two of ther; but only two ears.” |signs with the roe. below. swaritiy. young men, all in evening} aj, day, oe ‘suffer agonies from chaf-} Sold ie all hekicisee tt 4 4 WARDER PARLEYED. dress. sitting by the lamp-lit table in al ing ‘sores corns, horny patches, y are Carefully Prepared.—Pills small room, .the rest of which was oc- Pre In ole cases long sien and}. An artist is a “man who puts _ his. MADE IN CANADA vata dissipate pease in the sto-} About four o'clock he was driven by cif by beds, while in a corner a little walking leads to bad leg, varicose veins | dreams aie such shape that the rest of fich cannot be expected to have much |@ shower of rain to shelter in one cf} o., sy A in a red dress was playin; = tffect upon the taleatinee) and to over-|the corner turrets; and fhe ‘warders’ Silat a ultlehe The taller girl tee e ue Oe Za Buk ke the world can realize how beautiful they come costiveness the medicine admin-|chance had come. They climbed quiet- Countess. She has pleasant, ica tion and psien from stocking-dye, snd are Complete Launches i Islered must influence th m of |ly. up the winding staircase inside, Tae ahehied aS these Parmelec's Vegetahle| McCoy, hearing them, rushed out and|Imen were Tudelt ad hie, Scune bre generally pies 1,28 Fongue Ave St aa root andra, ty 2 ond 4 Cyclo ; Pills are so made, under the supervis-|swarmed up the smooth coping at the ng | Mrs._K. Watkins. ! 8 move ie Engines a trae md of the” roo! of C blosk, © Stiding | emery Joset: The other girl was Josers | nyo, Montreal, says: *My boy had al ine use of Holloway n them intended We cperate on. the tex down on the side, he found tel! sore on his heel aes was rubbed by Others who have tried at have the ate i Unes is retarded in action until they |opposite tower full of warders and be- a COUNTESS’ LOVE STORY. ee rate serpsetpe meats experie! = ess through the stortach to the bowels, | en to climb back o tower par-| rte Counless, in an ingenuous, tmpe- | imgatinstanty, and. healed. the wound _The fst organs Duilt in tho eleventh lle "TL Jet dion tier out levedwatchin. tordeienet Rie allention | Sho. said: Me vatallvinieewithceny cree (at anondetullye Sekt : tell anybody.” Willie: “I pro-|while Warder Dennis climbed althersienfimleh at: thes Senna pein m-Buk is equally good for cuts, ant ad fo be struck with the a Migecorth ve iit, but T won't promise | window and a crept ‘ater ne Mede-wianal Tatsaad Rudi. Hecwes bruises, eczema, scalp sores, (ee oe Lew ae etre AMILTON MOTOR WORKS, Ltd. not to repeat convict along the giving a concert in ee h fo | Der’s ash, blood poison ‘an beat tone “erbutids ip ine systomy, gros HAMILTON, ONT. ; injuries and disenses. All stores and] tne bat n, EE gegen aaa eee av LAST. which my fiance, Count Spreti, took us| injuries and diseases. new life, makes pave ot onarally described by the word eros, in att Vista MeCoy reached the high ridge {°NS evening. I was fascinated at, once, ee! rom. gat eee 5 = complet igo by an rer Corate woe in'gon|of the roof Warder Dennis struck’ him Ha ei eres oho ee. Pi hesie Bie ye rai thot!” Mies, Peckem : “Here's an invitation to fection wih Weaver's Byrup. heavily on the back of, the knees ond |Seeiaty lady,» for hud!'s, playing ‘had he man ao ari has any ek fy cousin's wedding, Will you cas men, 88.4 ae 2 eee sprang ce im 4 is had time to re-) made him famous, < and he hi aan out the dustiness o! Peckem Ns i Lett a sete - for figures. ‘That may be why it is al- blue wander, MIPW cheered the |acked to many of the best houses in the| 71,9 way some men live they evidentay | {més wish T ban mast impossible woah cia atc aL eteunrgn ai On the two] ono'but hime Leanly eae ee eet forget that they” cannot hire an atlomey| wide Sphere of Uses age correctly, towers had warmed up the ridge and !nearing him play. 1 asked Count. Spre-| © TepFesent them on-the udgment Day. | oonsumption of Dr. Thomas’ Enel 0 Drv J.-D. Kelloga’s Dysentery Comdial fn ona mingled heap of wiking, vet: bul yeaa aM TY, emangeMeN |g Smet pl, bul Power —her feast the «foot That tos | y SoA mr in curs a pS ha ee ha, at rh Be [ne a 2a 0 i a m was over, he and his band had to | 1 ee : 2 ‘cn nee mn oe {he comer towers, warders belaboring return to Oldenburg. I was Iniserable, | Setable Pills. to be lacking. It i a andthe demand “for it in that | ‘i nh My one EAMES Rar A AE hut we corresponded, and as he asked | Ue wonder among pills. Sv pe user sprenily. Mopeaseds,— * few minutes Tater and McC me in his letters to come and marry | iM Size it makes up in potency. h en By W nad and with his legs aeapped, him if T loved him enough to be the wife | Temedies which It carries ars put up in| ever introduced fresh supplies are con- , was bun ugh a aneq | these small s, because : \pigity “an never fails to conquer the | {he {ower and carried down sits. 2 sine Be ey PaVetal: eee omni aeeeeare eel ypurerise = No care need | (ene One ‘ad been on the roof five hours| mediately and discovered my hiding-| Tred. The full strength of the ex-| Im 1850 the fastest steamer afloat was Compounded Quarterly they nave 4 bolle of this mediaine con: fits few minutes, and. had practt. place and took me beck to Munich, He| {acts is secured in this form and do} tho Asia. She could do 11 knols, and Sit See said I must marry Count Spreti or ho| their work thoroughly. held the record-until the Persia betes naars, ee would have me locked up in a convent a launched in 1856. , A a or lunatic asylum. We only come of D MANY. Sas s Send for booklet Domestic servants at Wellington, New MUTUAL BENEFIT. age here at 24, so I had to pretend to| “MILD SUICIDES IN GERMANY. ey of getline, jn naming thee ; ealand, have Rich Man: “My sn i gus oneet Be T ns shut up in a boarding- ing TEN lown, ‘called ry, becaust 6 E mand that their work on Mondays, ‘Tucs-| has cost me a great deal of hool at Munich and carefully guarded | Number so Great That Causes are Being as they Said, “that’s the only place ; Youth: “I know it, asa, inl think what | until the ans last month which had been Studied Cites Not to: Blaine, were peace, prosperity, and happiness ro always. found. ape eee acta set ot prs Satie a ar me eatraanstnat Wob | ec Ic explains how our Savings Department is n0 feud teal ois es week ae the wedding authorities are devoting es fur. her fronr you than your nearest mail box» is funny to hear a man w oii shia arrived, and then Left ev-|tion to-the causes of it. In Prussia : : cept on Thursday, when they may stay|given a nickle fo a begaar pie nabs ing, ran away and came to stay| alone there were 1,152 cases belween - out ti midnigh tural verses on, charity. with Hudi's parenis here till we court 188 ang 4265, or soimething liken Capitai and Reserve married. I wrote to Count Speti and| month. ‘The yearly num een $2,900,000 hAtd Abt thbAhh nea told him how sorry I was, for he had | even foe in ‘he last Ro ‘yrs, it , ’ ij J POOP PPP PPPS PPPS POSED | stvays been very kind, but T could tovel is. cai eneral discussion of the ‘ ; > : @® |him no tonger. Ail my relatives were| subject tooie place lately in. Berlin at a i 3 } Scott's Emulsion strengthens enfeebled @ | "eit Fe MEE IR eee q 9 © | coud ‘not de! anything, thes t 2 : ¢ = moth ything, though my fa-} Of {he number given above, 812 cases : & nursing ers by increasing their = and & |iner sent « lawyer to try to bribe Rudi | wero of children attending ‘tho lower ; ‘ ® nerve force, not to marry m grade ‘ot school and 42. the higher, : 2 $4 bd COMING 0. AMERICA Pant te SEs ote ee ee : TRUST Co. Limtep gy = cide appears increase wi 2, aS It provides baby wi a At this point the Countess turned to-|{he number of children over 15 years PI ides with the necessary fat ene ee gee with a a smile, and] who kill themselves was Shon Jour ‘ * Temple Building, - = Toronto and bj he replied with a loving kiss, Then| times as ‘at as the number below mineral food for healthy growth. . } {ste continued: “We were married at| that age. ‘The boys ae, sete four times Resse <ALL DR ie registry as soon as ible, I set-| as numerous as thi UGGISTS; 50c. AND $1.00. } jouse in Budapest, which I own-| In a great majority ‘ob bices the: pul A PED ooo drdodrdedrargedp odo | 28 my own right, and other proper: | cidai act was commnitled at home «| ——_—_—e - fy on my husband. I shall not stay in] near home and not at school or after ISSUE NO. 20-07,

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