Milverton Sun, 16 May 1907, p. 7

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cn ated f DEAL IN TIMBER LIMITS The Victoria Harbor Lumber Company|\*" Buys Out Cook Bros. A despatch from ‘eal in lumber, proper! ee ha A sha. it been ‘closed which is the a “Mate pur. | ftmer cor chase in per ‘trade of Cana are Ne it is Pt of the lumber Immense properties “ae the purchase price, Millio: dollars! The sale, ecanted on Wednesday, mark: h athe paes, away of one of the pioneer lumber ‘ecmpanies of the. coun ry, and greatly increases the prestige and power of the Pein pour mts the Cook Bros. “the purchaser, Mr, John at the Victoria Harbor ony Garis Ww alate is ae is in the neighborhood of me G ber Company. The _ properties trans: ferred are all those belonging to scare een and an Indian reserve on Georgian Bay. The ebariment ‘was. unable ey ut it is under- t it was very-little short of {wo million dollars. ber Company becomes the second largest company in Canada, and the third larg- _ NEW COATS FOR SUMMER. of some sort? I you did, you pa a to repeat the ex. periment. It m not to menti visits—well, it is almost better to stay ‘at home ihan go unprovided with a slylis the days when a knit Was considered tho height of elegance are i pie gon: hg gee Street weur in the day- time “S evening use over thin frocks they e ner nore in evidence. There: is 2 ranked saplinctiog between this: and last si Lines are distinct D, ren, Every- icter, loose, holes and with full flowing sleeves exactly like a kimono, ‘They are in all lengths, from the pictur. esque short coat ju Une to those covering the hem dress, ne : 3 B 3 be zoe of the French anakers are turn- ing Out coals ef the 1 .ouis XV. and Diree- tolte period, which reveal the’ lines of the figure, yet are of a very. graceful and type; but ‘the prevailing along Japanese ) embroidered kimono, you a gongratulato yourselt you are in the Parisian style as mt ip this style nag not been given, as they ost difficult to make, since their style Aoaeans on the real oriental silks used in {hem and in their gold em- Materials for the summer wrap are also quite different. Linens are relegated to the background, and, ge iightyerght clothe are nauch used The white coat, which has held indis. avi cit peach ti @ tones harmonize with almost any gown, The new shade of blue is also much in evidence. Very stylish is the model for a hip- Jength th lightweight biscuit: ol cloth with self-toned bands of sof his coat baa ‘one 0! ly Tieeistocatg. a which are so popular this year, and one so useful by keeping the cout in place whenopen. A very strik- ing iol is given the whole coat by a ‘set design of French knots about the size ola “igs sit on the edge of the ribbon. Ribbon Hy a ioe for the ery angie, iTuié nek! wamewhiet tet coat, of soft Nowere od. sil violet and mauve, is ed all around with a broad band of wall dyed gives an air of riehness to any le an air has the next coat despite its simplicily. It is of poi ral oe ‘immed with a silk braid the same shade and ball fringe, ‘The vest is embroidered in different tones of blue and with roses, This Ne neat somewhat difficult be omilted without aout. the. Niect ot the coat. ing lines, is develo) in pale blue broadcloth, with a ribbon binding 01 and one-half inches wid hi Silks and rajahs may now be picked up ich bargains that any one of these 2 in. for separate | Y | Wishes King g wi n./night to: the colonial Premiers, t The last ages wrap, with its slop- stimmer wraps may be copied at com- paratively small cost, eee, ANOTHER FAST TRAIN. Montreal to or in Eighty-Five hp itesraleh. trom: Montreal, says: The P. R, have decided to add & new fast ist reaching the hip | doul lespatch from Ottawa says : liam Butland, ior the past 30 the” Domigion Beam in. the fowt tre oy residence, Russoll Road. he was (oat ered by his wife. He had been aead some time. The deceased had been autfering. ‘fom fils of despondency, and den of mental derange- je was a native ngland, and came to {hia country sont 45 years ago. ee a \f body KING Them Prosperity at Royal se at Badkloghats Palace. espateh trom London Rey gave a diliner edn say iy Minis-~ Mother Counti ‘wislted thent. God: sveed on their voyage home. CANNED FOOD INSPECTION. New Act Will soled ie Force on First f Augus! A. despatch oe Ottawa says: canadian Gazette contains a tion bringing into force on Aug. 1 next the .Act for the . inspection 8f can cods, meat and fish. The regulations fer inspectors are being drafted. Some 45 inspectdrs will be required, and {t will take Beit vhs to enforce the Act The Veterinary Director-General, Dr. Rutherford, zwilh have charge of the in- Eade eal GIFE AND LOAN TO JAM. AL British peitgrcoar Will spe Recov- 'y from Earthquak $4,000 to assist the: inhabitants of Kingston ecover from. the elfecls of the recent earthqual Ke, Henry: Cole, 0 man arrested on suspi- ion edt in the recent Norther Pacite train "roi was shot by a policeman at Butte, day, while attempting to a lh FATE Besfossor Poirier, of | ; Paris, Killed ‘by the Disease. A Seapatch from Paris Baye: In the death-of Pro! oirier, u has lost one mr le peel dislinguis experts. ° Prof. was a consunt ‘mate type of si TTastlOnaule medical man, and it used to be jokingly said that one Bake not up to date unless he pe an operation at his “The. oe i ae is exemplified in his fi Poith y {lo wealthy elie yee did mat devati, mn ers frain canes ie treated eae one day “ast January in fear of resh cancerous growth. fray cate: ‘ully examined her and said:— case. A. frie declares that Poirier] “it’s nothing. It will be some yeai died of pies onic kney years} before you may need a fresh “apexatlon: past had_mat him for its victim, and ee by the way, I shall not be able tells a touching story. —Durin, cent | to years Poirier had given special attention eotihy doctor, do you refuse to treat to cancer cases, and il is works on the subject, and his representa CN ‘No, my poor child, but I shall not {ions before the Academy ot @}be there i oe it, I also have a can- of the-need of special effort to combat] cer, and it will be more rapid than the 1d disease, -that fl vr Te- sete starch. fund was opened in France, the|’ If the story is true—and it is ficst subscription received francs from 5* Saron Henri dé Roths- hi ,000 by tained bet tore be tae last & ask of art est on the Continent of North America. Me Old Employe of Government Suicides at Ottaw: ie a Hage ou ot pickle, pean tectte Ti ters, High Commissioners and Agents: ie Manitoba Hine ea pags, $20 General of t Toni@s, at Buckingham | (.g22; shorts, $22 to $22.50; Ontario. bran, lace. Several members of the Royak| i. pags, 20 to. 83h rs, a family and a number of Cabinet Minis- si oe : ‘eos teresa aisle were me ae aa resent, ‘The King gave @ hearty wel- é come. He wished prosperity and hap- Me Ba for Dig, 1 We wince or the Oistinguished’ slatacrnen Fp ates rater aD deen pies ewe with | &:, $10.50 to SLi per ton. in ear tots. trusted they would carry away, with | °%,0052.00 $2 Per ton oar t tach impression of the |, Provisions short cut mess =] 98¢ £00! a his time | $ ov suff LEADING MARKETS BREADSTUFFS. Bede AY 14.—Call_ board quota- West Ontario No, 2 winter, 77 C, R. east; asked in store, Maautreate “No! 2 Bi ‘Te asked, out- side, WI! ee Manitoba—No, 2 2 spot North Ba; Conn end 3 yellow, Toronto, ther prices are:— , Wheat—Manitoba — Lake ports—No. t hard, 900; eas 1 northern, 883¢c; No, northern, 550 asked, spot 2 northern, 86}c. Wheat— Ontario, No. 2 white winter ‘7c to Tic; No. 2 red, 76c to 70; No. anne . 2 white, 40e to 40340, oct- eee 39%e. all rail; om, ae 6 She; pues a) extra, sake. to 53c; No. 3, —Ontario—90 per cent, patents, se.78 bid; Manitoba, Srst-patens $4.5, K 0 §: quoted at $22 to $23, outside. ~~ GQUNTRY. PRODUCE. Butter Hecelpts re the market i: Creamery, reins e,| do solids . Dairy, prints de tubs Aoi increasing, and Lt ions. “Unehan ed at 12% for Tore twins, in job lots here. e combs, a according to hana-pieked 7 805 eastern, is on track here, 308, per on tor Hog for. Aightweights sil BORIC heniea Riethens te lots nominal. ae Short Wy 1, mess, $21 Smoked am ey Salted Met ares ong fear bacol Je to 11}4¢ for. tor St medium anid Tight, to 16c; heavy. 14340 to 150; backs 16%40 170; shoulders. f1c to rolls, noked. 12%c; - tubs, 3.50 to $24 per bar- ierces, 18340; pails, 18346. MONTREAL MARKE hen tents May 14. ‘a oats now quoted the same grade Ontario. Ze per bushel. 2 yellow, 55 exstore, 3 in carload fe: wheal, $4, 0 $4.60; -s $4 to $410; Winter ‘wheat patents, 0 to $4.2 siraight rollers, $3.6 7 S, 5 ie "St. 75; lo $23.50; half aga pra, to a fat backs, cut aes mess, $20. 30 lo 10.75, ta Bat dr long c ta barrels pu beef, $13 to S14; half bartels do., $7 £7.50; Bi a 'V SS be els e Ta! eh mse to according to size ¢ fo 16c; Windsor bacon, te ae Bes ay dressed bs $9.50 » $9. 0 $7.3 ee eH nite made at oxi abies ‘ols were er—So and ier 23340. oe ie ese—The English hed is strong: and shows an 1s, while feliig: howe quoted. "at- 636. end cmoredls oes Egas—Prices are steady’ at 18c. 17% to fothing dein pa W YORK WHE. AT M the RKET. wv York, May ete seu, No, 2 Sor 90%e elevator; ‘No. red, 90% Lo.b afloat; No. $1,00% f.0.1 ae panel, LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Toronto, May 44.—Though. the offer- ings of cattle were moderately large, trade: was active at the ‘Western. Markel cattle were more $1.90: goo 0 $4.50, an dium ‘cows, $3.50 to St per ew. _cllensy feeders. 1,050 fo, 1.100 ths, sold 0 $4.75: shorl-keeps rough st 85. tnd stockers wet selling $3.90 Pde Pe Tea nantes quoted” at t common Jambs at 3 - | fer nothing. One avoman on whe to s wht spring. aD to}. A despatch. Se Suita says: had prev viously: operated without a fee, ch ¢ export be: firm at 36.50; | Stephens, an employe of the Sim Lite an aa wn her gratitide by ries $4.50 to $5.50. Insurance Company, was arrested o1 ending flo vent to see hi vat a Liberal dellories of hogs were re-| Thursday night charged with bei eing 1) is were firm and fats brought peer The prices. of selects at $6.50, and lights $6.25 pel RE Ee TWO NUGGETS OF GOLD. Twenty-five Pounders Picked Up r Lake District. despat at aft Sault. Ste. Mari Bat Murdo well-| ae weil man, aes eat nuggets o. near the fare r Lake distriel. He ae con orts gold finds in ye ue orth of tno 8 Se ate Sone na es Sue Great Interest Is 2} made many trips, supplying the Malian local market white Manitoba and’ ‘4c for in 0} caused by a broken calls and the news of hier death by suicide has anita, Dutt fot “Ei No.2 hard winter, | in a King and Queen Anxious Concerning Hel ion, NINE DAYS IN LIVING TOMB. Miner ee Case to Saving of patch from. vel B.C., The’ eee Man ‘ou, mine ‘by divers ‘under circumstances s in’ a living tomb while divers trled Aetoletlly to rescue him b; wading the flooded mine. Hughes and Hearn, divers of the Bo le Mine, z with light and food and miner was almost dead, being too weal id and unable to get from the cago without assistance, a ge ENGINEERS’ CERT! ‘ATES. The New Act Goes Into Force After the st Day of July, 1908, The Legislature of Ontario at its re- cent session in act respecting slationary engineers in which engineers and employers are alike interested. B vo] The C.P.R. ing between CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS ;| GAPPENINGS FROM ALF OVER TUB GLo} Telegraphis Brlets From Our Own and Other Countries of Recent Events. CANADA. Fe se US has» abolished the curfew a ramalion - o Holiday will be the first Monday. in ‘tour a been increased 20 ate Ange fre are raging at many points near Vancouye denies «the -cumor prince riper is to be abandoned. lanitoba flour riving American : brands out of Newfoundland. Provincial revenues for the first four months of the year reached $3,173,280. Carnegie Library at. Woodstock. early fourteen thousand itumgrants have arrived at Quebec during last week he Government is sending o' eee Egeivicllan of the National ‘Trans- continental Railway in New Brunswick has -commenced, Teceraghers on the western lines of the . have received an increase in pay. rushing its double-track- “ort William and Winni- peg. Great irregularities have been discov- red in the customs house at Niagara >| Falls, first, those who on the 20th of a er" ave to pass an ation forms for certificates by ppidressing the Seatelary -Depasiment-ot griculture, Toronto. TWO ACC 'S TO TRAINS. Misplaced Switch Causes the Death of an ineer. fa whieh “Engineer charg of ate he _wreel i Hi At 8. 50 on Wednesday morning mixed train No. 154 had two coaches derailed two miles aust of Poulos on the Br don-Mineota. branch the passengers received cuts and bri F. Bilis, Hamiot Ss. W. Hamiota ; Geor; Stone, Rapid Alen M, Stewart, of Winnipeg, and M Rosby, of Hamii es also received 801 mefalehiaetind “wero cbadiy ahelen ate Damage to rolling stock was not heavy. ke DEATH OF ISS CLEMOW, i Young Ottawa Lady | Found Dead With john di Wound in Head, A despatch from Otlawa say Aileen Clemow, one of the 1 young ladies of the city, was found ¢ “dead » Miss Cle daughter of the Tete: Betelor Clemow, caused a great sensation among society people in Ottawa NATURE STUDY AT GUELPH Proposal to Hold Teacher Training Classes There, despatch frob Toro he province for this y propgsilion is being considered by Hon. ie department has in: t ae qualifying under thesAgt of Jost ee: SAID TO BE in “BURGL. AR. Insurance Company mare Arrested «Winn ie principal of a gang of burglars who have been operating here. The Dalles have be days, young En, man, THe right name is believed to be Hawkins, = PRINCESS VICTORIA ILL, r Conditiol A despatch from London says : Tribune says that King and are anxious eae the condition of their daughter, Princess Victoria, who, it may be recalled, was ye severely. and te an_ operat ! sination Trom. ainbush at Orang Wi eee Kd Canadian customs officers will receive an increase in pay from ten {o fifteen r cent, Cal has 1,600 child liz teat roll s, an inc cent. non the pub- {3334 per ew ‘Maspnle Temple, cosiing “he. tween. $40,000 and $50,000, being Regina. ord Memorial fund. has contribution of $250 from n ihe “Ea monton-Dawson trail on Ss by ihe, Mounted Police will be resumed that I 1s have been let for the new . out extra | Surded a: ae "rangers to protect the pine foresis of | GRAVE SITUATION IN IND Armed Natives Crowding Into Lahore--- British Troops Concentrating. or A despatch from London says: ee Was the 50th anniversary of the o distant from La fae a A Saar S ne Indian ae which. Hogan Government realizes fully the extremo { Meerut on May 10, 5 The coinci- | peril of the situation, and is red eae se apes The news | for mil ions itary oper a lal from India, which dominates. Friday aaa haere orning’ hewspapers with this. sir jubilee, increases the 10 Hou: se of eof the ablest and moat | ministrators ld have summoned big military: re: inforcements to Lahore and postponed his own departure from that city, is re- a is adding to the gravity’ of the situation. ‘Thi ice issued in constant eer cation with the Viceroy.” Pending some official declaration. {he newspapers. com: tment sparingly, but print thetr ow and the news agencies’ news conspicuously. Such comments as printed call for firm action by the Government, Some recent statements in the House : of Commons by Mr. Morley and his ap- Proval of the deportation of Lala Lajpat Rai betray no sign that he is disposed situa ee IN EASTERN BENGAL. Although for the moment the Punjab seems to be the chit entre of the trou, ble, it is noteworthy that there is in- creasing unrest Ei engal. to centre in the Mymen Singh idistelet of the Tet ter province, whieh is a thousand miles to underestimate the possbililies atthe na is tong the natives in |iy Nevertheless, its failure to check the itious movement prompt added, 1 it revolt. Tousands ot Dacoits, consisting of both Hindus Mohammedans, are roam- ing in the Sree Singh district, plun- dering and burning villages, and ill- treating loyat ee many of whom ve been mi MANY SEG ARRESTED. Thirty-seven agita have been ar- rested by the maitary police, who are trying to: stamp out the movement. The despatch further says that seditious lit- throug Easter info a, trumph “of “the: natives: against the British, Loyal natives of the belter class, aro x ing to the newspapers and authori- urging the necessity for pro rnessures. They declare that the anti- European movement iS SI her, wi as to relinquish his post because ho ined to su press ae present. agitation in the native scho: The partion a Mohammedans in Ss shows Clear. first The flow of lava is increasing, smoke is abundani and the Earth summer, The Valican gard ight inspectors of mining sa Ra ses 000 worth of atk eae the Holy See been appe sohited by the Govei cannot afford, so old specimen of work in northern Ontario. renaissance eae leat will have to bs Cattle shipments from St, John this demolish season t 30,628, against 34,561 the] Several trawlers near the coast of previous season Winnipeg's assess! sment commissioner Gstimates the really. assessment, for 1907 90,000,000. @ Anafilat slalement for” the vent sa surplus of $18,000,000, the most pea aie. DonuidtGHT Chie -oveh mepeneial: William — Williamson, a Hamilton Street Railway conductor, was we tity dollars for being drunk while 0 thousand dollars will be “hung for the racing department miouant the 1907 Edmonton Exhibition. ‘The Governor-General’s Foot Guards ill leave on Jime 28 for a Bang pues ce os ve reduced = aA works at London carlson, while smoking in his yard ecte regalullen by. Pretnier Deakin sing ton eae foreign imports for {hig purgase-of ring ta se ee is to/ th Fri report a strange occurrence, sheets of fire and smoke appar ently com: ing up out.of eet b2 a voleanic distu bal umors of serious trouble at Morocco. City are reported from native sources, It. is declared the powerful Rahma tribe ha @ town, and given all for- eign residen's orders to leave within’ a fortnight. — SEEDING IN THE WEST. ee a Smaller Area Be “4 Sse to Wheat lespateh ak Sina, says: The i pacenae spell 4 hich-has great- ia “hampered —agrici sa ged roughout western pee da, be ed to the fire doparine nit. causing considerable anxiety The bill for the inspection of canned | ness ci which are 80 ¥: ons goes: into effect on August 1 and|ested i crop. Reports 45 inspectors are to be appoin dicate that in Manitoba 15 per cent, of Canala’s ohanyhersla! agent at Leeds} the wheat has been seeded and in Se , fn enormous. increase in the imper-|Kalehewan ab 10° per cent. L tation of our apples has been noted. growth is reported from any point, with ing| Th enlargement . of the | sae single excepti f June. he area sown to wheat will be considerably less than Aelna. and Stromboll: Continue tn active Pina ene alarming the neighboring villages. Stones and ashes Sir re being poured out in great quanti- veller, ties. The authorities are preparing for cae, We the prompt .removal of the inhabitants lay, fo. Miss’E heir properly-in the event of more Charles McLaren, acweallliy- iron: masiets | ovape acorn cnte rhe, eoterkt bales STA’ joyce, the wifeof a New|h has ordered the troops to help all they possibly can. The utmost _Drecautions: Mrs. have been taken. he advice Yo Sa iomcblie dealer, was killed at] Ricco, director of the Mount Aetna s Park, N.J,, while racing a train | so rvalory, who regards the a 8 bei ery alarming, because the Newcomb was. shot _five| eruption of tone was. preceded. 'b t instantly. killed, ‘Bt ar phenom a, on Tuesday, who is 4 lumber Aiile: - ey Hot into fd SAW-NO G and: Troy pute over some trivial ‘inate, Newcombis emptied his. revolver isto body. As the result of two iowa al opis T B killed The dead 0) ro oflicer, an by nl iene persons s he was leaving a negro si le lay night, one laa Ww and two ines BY unged: Stuyvesant ‘Fish Reports Little Damage to Wheat Crops. A despatch from New York says: relurned on ‘Tuesda a 7 mile trip over the Gould lines@in the southwesi, the first inspec- tion trip that he has made since his recent election to the directorate of the was shot five’times, all the bullels rarer trip had convinced him that the co ing his body and producing ~ instant} j, right—west, north and south of eath, yall street. “While great damage ha: been done {to early fruit. in is soul! and west. Mr, Fish said that he ‘did not see any ol a aa damage that Ane ‘and the ayn ie aeetroien; sid yj ta the winter “green bug” was sien erop. found business and ra lo have d “Nar. Bish ilroad’ men in the west hopefil of continued business ac. me es Bu Tatas; aS | tivity. d, only tl ns ap Tost their liv tal “publseveral: sve Si injured, MUST BECOME CITIZENS, GENERAL. : Sk oe : i Several battalions of Turkish troops |“ New eS os ay With the were cut to pieces during a battle with rebels eae A despateh from win nipeg says: J. ‘Thirteen political prisoners were liber- colonization agent, stated on ated by revolulionists, al Alexandrovik, ‘Wednesday that.the sohumisslons head Hossia, on id completed Negotiations are in progress between hobors. Japan and France which will still fur- en! ey adopt in me complete the isolation of Soe is $i to compel leven’ thousand Herrero tribesmen, | th, ut na ation papers ged of resisting the Goemep. oes Pets! end become full British citizens, ‘Those ‘of starvation on. ynply and make regular Ne land Sup! 'D- el ‘ant mn holds the validity of the law preventing | which to maintain themselves, but will Un! vessels employing New- ti hy he foun ane fisherm ors. an Boe coupe of ‘Mount Etna continues. auceplable proposition understood to consider this an mn. is thought to | 501 -| the contagion spread WORST PEST TO. ORCHARDS. Brown ain ide Discovered for First espateh tom Halitey ‘says: rowan tt moth, to the Agricultural Department St Gulawh for ronaee Ae experts there have positively identified it as the dread- Since then a num- ber of specimens have been found in Dighy and other:poinls in the fruit re of this pi Principal Cum- Scotia Agricultural ihe first invasion of B 2 BLEEy & B e @ spread and do untold damage 1s, very, ren. He sounding an slarm and eniling on all farmers ee oat esto nee er vigilant in cenmibinis for the insect and destroying it. He tells them that in this ¥ alone cai D ible ravages. Agents of the De ¢ holding meetings and Potnting. aut to. th ardists what they must do. None of ever before saw the brown tail moth, a pest that has brought ae damage in New England and that atlacks not only fruit trees, but rest trees, eens aé North, Baltletords had his pipe WERE SIX DAYS IN OPEN BOAT. smashed a ae rifle bullet fired by some Be t of last year, instead o! leen per . sare: careless it would have been had | Terribte Plight of ‘Two Fishermen PR. ‘shops at Fort Wi ittiam, | for the usual spring Picked Up by Liner, ones will shortly with steam ‘ill be a largely in- pores Mae are engaged now in pulling [e wn to barley and} A despatch from Halifax, N.S., say im the wiring oats, and the amount of flax will prob-|‘The steamer Born, from Vera Crur, Joh ably’ be larger than for some brought into port on Wednesday two ea Given fine, warm weather from now on | American fishermen—MoPhee and Steoto room he could see the buildings of old] there ts nothing to prevent the west|—whom sho picked up off Cape Sable, Fort Famonton, inside which he was| reaping splendid crop. But in the ater they had spent alx days in an open Lorn %6 years ogo words i farmer, “there is not an} dory, it food or water. ‘The : St Hott to. lose." At Uys ‘peeaent: oh bright fschoorien: Mantes, ‘ob HoMba stSa/niGh GREAT BRITAIN, days, the west is enjoying about fo ie men belonged, was ng oft Sir William Ramsay denies that he|teen hours of sunshine out of twenty-[ Brown's Bank, when, on account of tho has a formula for inaking copper. four, and if the wind would but move fog, the dory containing these men got Brilain has decided to place a second-|to the south and stay there al separated from the schooner and lost, class cruiser on service in the West In-|yet be well. In the meantime there |The m great hardship, and aia no cause for misgiving. were on the polnt of collapse when they Pedlar Palmer, the English pugilist, re ae een cine Rae 5 z We ore F ; r ite ela Arcee eae oe VOLCANOES ACTIVE. most similar efreumstances, were lands Shabir y Resta at @ point on the cons miles up ie Tiros “objects oy tie Se routs nit ines “Being Powred Out i9| fromm ‘here, "The Born Was. bound tor a Cobalt promoters, who offer the “apie He ; ie le hs eons British investor no particulars, reat Quar Monteael eC H ein Bs fen als G0u The Imperial Confer iS asi hom apie Waid Bb acs > paeicrerememtl i Ui Feces for I plete NEL Y THE KAMINSKY MURDER. ‘The Mounted Police Make Arrests at Rosthern, Sask. Rosthern ae from his Maxim Stadnik, who are believed tot Wie guilly parties. The preliminary ex. Hea jon was held behind closed doors, tee known to indicate that the Laat ae of thelr men. arrests are expect ra a te) HEIR TO SBANISH THRONE. 5 | King peat Niece Gives Birth to @ lespatoh ia Madrid says: Queen Jeune gave birth on Friday to a sor Who becomes heir to~ the Spain. The son born 30 and Qiiten Victoria wilt, ccordiny lecree of the Spanish Government, Doar the ae of Prince of thi ed imitation cf Wales, given to the b sciape sons ot English Kings. ge at ANOTHER SM ABLEOS CENTRE. ed Anderdon Toomey Ae st Provinclt : Heal Board's we despatch ros ‘inde says» T ‘pers af a smal reak in ieee it from. Sandy ey where’ thera yeas ep pulbreak no

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