B. Meyer and Mrs. Meyer, CARTHAGE of Minas were this week aes ns ot Bac of ee . Meyer and Mrs, Meyer, of A number of our sports: attended % Milvert the football mateh in Newton on Sat- tnt Sof SHERWIN-WILLIAMS S There will bea meeting in the Grand urday night, 66 99 HEEL MARKS), , Central hotel, on Thursday eyening} Mr.)R, Johnston and daughter spent FLOOR FINISHES; ae pirposs Bt coganicing « villnes (iaet ‘Thursday with the. former's ——— baseball de ae brother, Mr, B. Johnston, Milverton, son met with an aes W. Thrower and. family left Milverton’s Greatest and Best Store, “te ote We do as we Advertise, e. West Extr a Specials Ae of Month Coxs 1 au ‘Poesdal which wil la last week for their home in the West F O O P R I ee eel ace aera eee While ater rapendidgawe aintae rich fone i engaged tat caring do nid build- | 2° ie he oat ieank sold inh We are sorry to'feport the:iliness of ir. Hone etaade hi ak ess eS ugly gash nec hope an sala ein Some of our. ‘itizens are, erecting : new fen dds greatly to t OF PEOPLE . Pretty Wedding appearance of hetowm Sans Soucl, the residence of Mr. F, ene Our Correct Clothing Sale has been a money saver to many during the past W. Gunther was the scene of a very pore week, both in the men’s and boy’s department ; and in order to give everyone an who are on the right road for Weiestay, F Magi Peek hi Codie Wometts Toni atpiitanahold GOOD PAINT. opportunity to procure AN EXTRA PAIR OF TROUSERS FREE with every man’s suit, we have decided to leave this offer good for another week. ay fl ighter, Clara, ste the bride of | ing their annual meeting on Tuesday T VEL, Howbe. af London. Poe diest abthe heme pf Me Taco Mele: bride, who was charmingly dressed in |hauer, at which meeting oflicers will white chiffon, trimmed. with, white {be elected for the ensuing year. Dele- silk lace over white taffeta, and bridal | Sates for the anoual meeting at Mil- weil fast ened daintily “with orange Yerton anda paper on Literature “in blossoms, and. earry peal me, prepared abower bongnat, was given awa; ill be given, 1 s Ss LOCKIE NEWTON her fat Her.goinaway gor cordially invited to attend, JA of pale greer m sili. ‘The ei r. Wallace, of Lindsay, who a a j Sarees ie gy meg was performed by Rev, Mr. Blun soligting -alit. ton iene Coens atson, y EA Fund, oceupied the pul- The| pit in the Presbyterian church last Sabbath and will visit the people of costly pres-| the congregation daring the week. ternoon | Ars. MV rel n their bridal tour, stopping at | neur Shueecmerea Mat eps frends - ents, Ea Sache Notice te Creditors a Ni agara, ffalo, New Remember, we are headquarters for the best clothing for men and boys and you will only have to see our stock and compare prices and you are sure to buy. of Hardware Merchant at s Suits—in all the leading shades in Tweeds for only. 8 and an extra pair of pants FREE, sold regularly at : not acent less than $12.00, : | apes a farmers from this vie- St. John, fee cestck to tn . St. Joho nity haye their enttle on grass t i all creditors patie se Hodis senres. ns against the | vista, Ingleside Place, South London, Ee of Perth lth e guests were: Mr. and Mr: R. POOLE f the 6 oo | Hower and tase 2 Siegel: Nir Fred | i xt the to Mea red. yl etcdiosleda ONT. e and son, Mr. Oliver ag - ELLorr & MCLACHLAN, PainciPas Men’s Eneuse Worsteds—very fashionable, correct 1907-08 styles for. ‘$10 and an extra pair of pants ‘worth $3. FREE, ‘regu- lar price $15.00. oe ier f Berlin, “were pices ak att chao: equaintances in this Gaace Stephens Seaforth: the Sue the tiene part of this week. Mr and Mrs. J- David Kropf, of Waterloo, spent iM aoe Sondiy erat Hiaeone id Mr Mai Miss|Fanny Spenier, of Baden, spent Spence, Mi; Su nd Monday with her pai senting, Milver-| rand Mrs, Pete rt Spenler Mr. Kahl, of Detroit, a Doeraw, of Wellesley vere Sunday tors at the home of Mr. P. Doer- Briel ee! Mr MUNICIPALITY OF MILVERTON COURT OF wcutalae Real Bogie Clay Twills—a very fine suit which we put on sale at... G1 2 and an extra aed of Trousers FREE, regular price from $18 to $20. the any pernon or petsons of wht shalln i have had notice. Dated-at Newton this 4th day of May A.D, 19 sta eS oe Town Parliament OL. ecutors. aan Monday the 3rd of June, 1907 Milverton, May 6th, °0 B. Steer, the blindman, and his commencing at 11 o’elock a, m. Milverton Couneil met this p. m. will bet pt antigtiter: 2) schoo! Wee F in ‘ : AN parties having business at the Court TOWNSHIP OF ELLICE! a eeve day evening of. thi We have just received Young Men’s are are her ‘notified to govern themselves ac cha : at : qcounelllors | Honder week. A yery interesting evening is . 3 ‘ aley a a r 2 peanessment rotinin coe omee ot ie | COURT OF | REVISION | Mists ot former meeting were ren a, en ae Two-Piece Suits for $5.75 clerk and is open for inspection during office and confirmed. ill bespleased to an S hb 2 hours. F: ou ise from the pleased learn that she etbae *. W. D. WEIR, Clerk. sate <enof te Proviacal Beard of Covering from her er long illness. Sold everywhere from $8 to $10. Very stylish. he first sitting of the Court of Revision in ith approving ofsite for cemetery. apers of sued talelpal Anecsaeent will he de " HESsON. held at soy following neeouaits were pre- The Larmour School)" ssi nan, wanoue joi‘ Gia HARES | rear ales Stoser Ba. Holos and Ma W Mothers, we ask you to examine our Boy’s shovelling clay 50 cts. on L.| Win. Wanner Spent Sanday in Berlin. —or— eee May 2 27th, 1907 | & W. Co., gas for se Dre Miss Linda Miller, of Stratford, is . * ; Seek eae i Cine Baka Ma SBtM; | spending afew dagd with ho. fiend, Suit Bargains Telegraphy and Railway Instruction | Intending mipalfantananet notity The: ah ais ig Mis ss Annie Rete in writing of Ulelr intention to : and Mrs. Joseph Helm spent insta Th nittee eiezoted by ‘ojtizen sony at Bamberg nS Co. a ae PRR ment, Roll can be the | to fibers terns wi Mr. 6 0. Voll and, ‘Miss Forwell, of ” iS a : + e a hab eae Aare 5 Rostock, at any time daring reported that G roschs photag loanbtt Garlio pees gvegie- oF appar You will not find a larger or better stock in the city, and i ie oe Spee ae ine qus' $8000 for eleven years interest to be | Helm last Sunday. we guarantee our prices much lower. We will sell you a boys thout delay.—Wri ; ci e Court, Mr, Herbert Kennedy has engaged 2 aslviseetull information: Clerk’s office, Rostock, May 18t., 1907 with Mr. Klockman, of Garthages as Norfolk and Sailor Suit with bloomer knickers, lined well made for ——— | payments of prinetpal to be paid back | assistant cheese maker for the eowing R, LARMOUR equal anual instalments after the | summer. TOWNSHIP OF MORNINGTON ! en ofthe third year. ‘They agreed |” 11.5 Ro, osy Cook entertained a num- Principal and Instructor put up an diated tecthe felting sect Stratford, Ont ION departaient dd soy 40 hands Mov. |,ip& in honor of her friend, Miss Ida COURT OF REVIS 0 oT hy ob A seconded by} Tad detroit, who has been ©, R, Honderi t the f Ghe You cannot buy this suit anywhere for less than $2.50. ay ris assisting Fr. an, Se, Ansnment | ranted submit. of Logan, Tor aier days this week. fornington will | ted to the snueparsreter thelpeaoroes A number of men from near Kin: on, the Sret Monday. in| al and that the Clerk struct HB. / Kora arrived Jast Wednesday | and Our Extra Fancy Suits are beauties at from $3.00 to $6.50 ! hy to draft. an agreement be: bave eon mnenced work on the “Begg: Cheaper Way !) [Born fo draft an agreetyent te muenaed rk ou the Bees % m1 la and the teehorstien. ‘of Milverton in Gusta ar the aihises: ecordance with the proposition.| My. William Ramneas i is’ wearing a ; ] It is said by some that it is ees scam hae eaved by Samuel Whaley and. 5 ne salle ieee ner ale Extra Special ! 100 Bed Spreads zi Covers, pure white, . fea’ 2 ded t R. Hondei that this es = ] : : just as cheap to buy flouras y otee gets, |euoeg Py OH. Hogaeriely shar lle BURNS full bed size, well made, always sold at 1.50 for 98 cents, to exchange grists, this is ueat Roll will have | G uelph & Goderich Ry. Co. torun a ch or spur ne along the North| Miss Annie Tolinion: of Carthage, 8 eae from’ the main line to tebe Eaudee, the guest of the Misses Protter Bro Land across the street Davi h not a fact; a farmer can saye about 10 cents a bush- Ladies’ Waists at 48 cents i the J h Felt Shoe Co. the as exchanging wheat for task ivbebunt ee near as possible NE ogee Nowhere will you find a larger and better as- “| the Souany limit of the street. sortment of Ladies’ Waists in Victoria and Persian : : t ‘Mr, Helm and his gang of carpen- % oreir lave prohibiting theinterment |, Mx, Helm and bis gang. of sarpen: Lawns, India Linens, Muslins, Silks, Etc., than Pp COMMERCIAL Wha seatanl-huplly GaRsed: ployed remodelling the houses of Mr. here, All sizes and prices. ER BR Council adjourned. OL GING Ons Seam Ora gs ose ane ares pil, John Campbell ‘attended the EXTRA SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK on 8 80 80| “MILLBANK ‘ociety Resort Nelddt aration: 38 4 Next Sunday wikis Fiowar Day in| giver ee ae pureb ae a 70 70} the Methodist church here, Rev. R. y Z Gerard street], Mrs. Thrower and ehildren who s thareh, foronto, will ad-|Bave been onan extended visit with Scholars at 2.45 p.m. frends here left last ee for their home at Battieford, Sas Hall whent per bush The Ontario Farmers’ Weather Baaloy per bas Insurance Mutual Company, | Sores ac A fine lawn waist, fancy Werk trimmed" and mice roti! price from 75c to ‘or only ? * 48c, 85 d Ff + { ‘ 10.00 10 oe Mowe the &§ The first Company of its kind in Ontario te bet ‘oui 17. 18| Everybody welcome. Regs per Mrs, MeComb, Mrs. Babb and Miss We are sorry to report the illness Get a pair of our C. M. C. “PE slasey Support: - Head Office : Grand Valley, Ont, | t1- 2] Olive Babb spent a day last week in pia ee Women who is at present ers—for ladies, misses, girls and bo ys. The won- * Stratford. - derful new C. M. C. spt holds firmly on corset 1 tin etita Dowd who received . Organized May, 1904. 5 feiecise J, He Sebmitt ‘spent | aries aga result of being throwa out and stock d with all sew- Incorporated August 18, 1904, a Nic shall of Toronto, is vis-| &f ® Ng is slowly convalesei ing and with belts, atl ce buttons Har hooks MD etieak Wie bite Here. sderend et Brea auilers hove from : : 25 to 50 cents pa resident “wa, Nalliane Park. 2 00| Miss Annie Bown spent Sunday in Completed thelr contract with Mr. Pee Ube egress ifr Vice-President A. Wansbrough: bis stowel. e rao fea Bldcell Rg ye Secure Raed Managing Director, Joha “W. Roundiny Ed. Campbell and sister, of Bane spent Sunday in the village. Policies in force . . Assets $78. 00, 00 Insurance in force, over $2, S58 000.00 | Pe: pi Ur Re WELLESLEY rh I ; isfort: to | The Messrs. Amos Leis, Ed. Faber Pee ren oe Herb Kaufman, from Berlin A. FINKBEINER | vel a day at their respective age Og | will be Alspensed in Knox ebsireh cea lapest, Sundby oe ae joes. Vi & Be hald on Mbareday. morning eons| 7: Migs, Leona sSchiariach, of Berlin, ts : fe by the Mowing ducted by Rey. MeKinnon, Milverton. the gueat of Miss ils Otemans for, a vite ny orp Daktly ble owen wdownot any salle aM 1 SEE ing insured by this Company the same being Tc "Miss 1da Berdux and Mrs. Landreth shiny without bing Secale et LINWooD from Tavistock visited the latter's x tioned. Purely a Farmers’ Com ip sisters and brothers aaa ee jay EH] : Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ottmann were W. M. YOUNG, Me. and Miss Lillie} EH trasser “spent ee at- Riverside, /the guests of Mr. and: Mrs, Adam EH NEWTON hi <to- General Agent. - - Millbank, Ont. Hawkesyi!l Doering at Doering's corner on Sun H The Up-to-Date Stores | MILLBANK Miss Lake Little, of Galt, is visit-|" Mr. Christian Kennel and his | : Synopsis of Canadian North-West ing her cousin, eres Hie mother went ona pleasure trip last { | CORN ii co | Homestead Regulations | Miss B. Crowe left on Monday to | Priday to visit the home of Mr. and ia . RN ! CORN Spur ne a tars Filter, | Mee skin Lehane ae rete et 3 se ninto t ly of this place, and other im- ees StcoNo-cines nounocrmir AN Sa Cats section, of Domiaton| Mivs, Reid, Watrle, mediate relatives and friends in that North Dakota White Flint, Cornpton’s Early Yellow Flint, EXCURHIONS T vinces, excepting 2 not res ed.| Mrs. Dave etson was visiting | vicinity. i MANITOBA ___|Hisce eartiehiyeny gern 5,9 | naeimorher, Mrs Mset a ate | Ve Nive each Neen ser, Angel of Midnight Yellow Flint, sof age, to the e1 e-quiar' here wi rien i ‘ ri A een section oF ABO acres more or fees . M eee o ae it Hi 1 ane ge eee ine Aeamteee ‘nae By White Cap Yellow Dent. Farmers, if you want good, reliable seed corn ALBERTA sclinleg may be made personatty at ene focat| WON Vi. Avnio. Ruler. “spent. Staday Welderhold, of Milverton, were here at lowest prices, give us a call 5 land office for ane ois a ict in which. the dat re last staking 0! y Le E: KS'situate, or ithe homesteader desites, he ca foundation of the house of Mr. Henry DATES dongles. Smee may, on ppl cation £0 othe “Miniater of the ae Notices Be pie ne Neeb for which they have the con- There’ Roots Sugar ickets | migrat vinaly h al agent re- 1 * tra s a i estien within sinty days trom going an alee ome ‘to mane: entry town on Tuesday evening, May 28th. |""N" Henry Schmidt, of Hampstead, rope a We still have a stock of the best | _ Red; ath’s Granut Ace haste from ll pointsin Ontario 1907. ‘There will also be drawing for commenced oneratlons atthe found-|Miany Things . .. Mangel, Turnip, Carrot. and Gar- | $4.88 per eve Gaeta, Suet at * RA Ranging irom $321 = ‘he homesteader is required to perform | prizes. See that you secure a ticket. | atio: h hotel stables c = den Seeds in bulk at lowest prices. aa o> ae ex to $43.50 Toundinp Le Ex. [the conditions connected: therewith under Signed band. 4 ehioli will likely be Phinsled’ along as in a Hardware'Store that’s need- Z Doints in theNorth-west. | One of the tollowing plane: ¥, Paveill Mites hs quickly as possible. ed every day, and owing to lack Giant Yellow Jntermediate Man- Clothing TOURIST SLE SLEEPERS A limited number of | (1) Ai six months? residence upon | _ Miss Verna” Parsil iss Louise] “Among those. who attended the Of eficer wa oean Ob WiREHOR RIL gel 15 cents pound. forget the ee oat Fit Scoping: Care and ealtivation ‘ofthe land in each year for Sule and Mr. oe = Boppre spent Sun- | sunday School Convention at Sebas- ene hee ry and M sachin, NY Sitinoee eae pis ree Y day in St. Cle tapool on Monday were : Messrs. oe of them here. However, Screens E sede Long Red Mangel 15 hie: sue and sell aver at x aoe ‘smart porter in charge. Berths must be (2) 1f the father-(or mother, if the father is = et: + ; Glebe, Charles Koenler, Jac and Wire Netting are in great cents pou) Price is and ae, ey through local ‘agent atleast six di Am*ng the ae visitors in town Inys | deceased) of the homestedder resi | yas Mi. James Welsh cot Sates than, Martha, Koebler,, Ide ida ‘hicks, demand just now. We've been - + “4 * ‘3 ‘4 lossie Peppler, Oliva supply the people with their : coLONist T SLEEPERS Sate tensa Miss Strangway and’ Miss Melvin; pha Delicious Ice Cream____ ie ir own bedding, cil ed ste asf fat Of Hesson, Spent Satarday evening in Danger in:60 Gorn Saives HARDWARE eens 5 4 place of ordinary 6) i Gaeta pon Linwoodswith friends: Shas it ve bia ~ REMEMBER, we intend making Ice Cream on Wednesdays and ben tran contained Be ite is.an to-resldcoce may be satished oy.| ME Mrs. Ay Spar arrived|. Thoy usually onan acids and} ii their wants in the various Ssturdays this season at Newton: ba opy, or write to dsidence upot the said land. home nttee apelin eli days with ai the flesh, The one safe cure in} seasons, ete. <= i= i= : District Pass. Agt., C.P.R., Toronte | six months’ notice in writin pinpaid be thelr son in Wellesley. iquid form is Putanale ‘Painless Corn ss en to the Commissioner 0} e a 1 : : » BUTTE cis and Goriformation ce |faate i dtiawt tr ienon ty Sgt | -Mesers. RT. Calbert and _E, Enitctor billie pursly Wee ao iE inkbeiner’s|§| 17 cents Ss IN Rog tent, si tnas Gingerieh visited in. St uae foe causes no pain and cures in one a 20-21c | derson, Agent, Milverton’ puty. of the Mintateecorem wrecttor faaye- > Don’ forget the Ulan ie Mas HARDWARE : :