9 H. M. SCHAEFER @ issuer ofr @ Marriage Licenses Everything Confidential MILVERTON, - ONTARIO Che “It Shines For All.” + Marriage Licenses MILVERTON Strictly Confidential * ONTARIO } Yol. XVI—No. 17 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1907, Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher Ll The Sovereign Bank of Canada Notice is hereby given that a dividend of one and one- Z) for the current quarter, being at the rate of six per cent. (6%) per annum on the capital stock of this ank, has been deciared, and that the same will be payable, at he head office and at the branches on and after the 16th, day half per cent. (1% of May next. 15th day of May, both days inclusive. Toronto, 30th March, 1907. The transfer books will be closed from the ist to the By order of the Board, D. M. STEWART, General Manager. Marmora, Millbank, Newton and Monkton J. A. CUNDICK, Manager, MILVERTON BRANCH done, such as... Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes, Etc. town, but to. . Job Printing Look over your stock and see if you don’t need some printing If you do, don’t send it out of The Sun | aged obese ebook ob ode oe ofege i® LOCAL NEWS |" Re Be Bee fe eho fe fo PR Patent medicines all kinds at Mohr’s grocery. Your ‘dollar will buy a By bundle of goods at the Station Stor Swiss cheese, Tilsiter ae and factory cheese at Mohr’s grocery. We pay 16c cash for eggs, 17¢ trade, 18¢ for butter—W. K. Loth. Mr, Jas. Roe, of Toronto, has been spending } his holidays in and aroun Milver Cosmas No. 7 will drill on ues- day; Friday and Saturday evenings on the school grounds, Mr. Henry Grosch has returned home from Toronto University after & sfesfeoteste hisieininininiiteinitotininiintotetettndndedrtetetotag + SCHAEFER& WHALEY a SS oo Se SATISFACTORY + STORE aifeeertotntntntententeteteteoententetet Mlsteotntntentefefeoeotstetetetetefeteel steobestertestertefotestestentestestestertestertee! Our Spring and Summer Display of MEN'S SUITS was never better, either in point of var- iety or style. Our clothing is selected from four of the largest manufacturers _in Canada. You may depend upon it, we get the best. There are suits that that will please every man and our guarantee goes with every garment. We have reliable suits as low as $7.50 and we have suits as high as $25.00. It will be wise for you if you will just hold on to your suit money until you give us a look. stake your faith on it as “bare facts,” nothing more, nothing less. out fear or challenge, that the same money will buy as much and more sterling worth of clothing at our store than in any other store in the county. = -- +--+ “Bare Facts’ Are the only thing we deal in—no exaggerations—no word trickery to get your dol- lars—nothing but good wholesome truth. When we advertise a thing, you may We assert. with- An Umbrella Do_you need an Umbrella? If so, here is a chance to buy one at a small cost. 22 only Umbrellas, good,’ strong frame, Gloria Cloth, will keep out the —— Each 50c. A Hat Bargain 30 only Men’s Fur Felt Fedoras, ranging in price from $1.50 to $2.50, to clear this week at Each 50c. Men’s Underwear You have probably thought more than once of laying in that heavy under- wear. We have the weights you need for this season. We mention an extra special this week, of course, we have many other lines. 4 dozen only Men’s Shirts and Drawers, good heavy ribbed cotton, very durable, for this week at Per Garment 25c. Dress Muslins Ladies, buy a dress of these beauti- ful Muslins and you will be in trim for the warm weather. About 400 yards of fine Persian Muslins in neat patterns, easily worth 18 to 20 cents yard for 15c Per Yard Look for our advertisement next week, we will have some interesting prices for you on the balance of the Station Store stock. ee ee ee ee en steofe ay SCHAEFER & WHALEY LoMeoieenaeesnneeaseeeRTe Benicio a a assis writing on his examination. mber from Milverton have signified their intention of taking in the sports at Elmira on the 24th. Mrs. C. A. MacMahon, of Perth, is at present visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Liying- ston, Don’t forget to yisit the Station Store ne the biggest values in the country while the great. slaughtering . Butler, eye spccialist, of in, wal be at, the Queen's Howl 2ist, June 18th eee July 161 r, and Mrs. W. Hearns, Mr. and ue Chas. Wokwine and Mr rs, W. Finkbeiner ime auras with friends at Listow Wall Paper! In. our ad. we say papers bought from us will be noe at 8c a roll should read all papers 20c a roll and over will be hung at 8c. W. K. Loth. Mr. Jas. Coutts shipped 2 decks of hogs from Brunner on Thursday to the ‘Whyte Packing Co,, of Stratford. paying $6.60 while others were paying $6.50 at Milverton, If you = intend, to purchase a new bugg; year don’t forget to call ont ne Ro oe the Deering agent, up-to-date aes prices right mre AE guarantee The Longboat aid fan opened by the Globe for those desir- ing to contribute has been closed with the contributions sone ing to $1 ‘The amount will not go far towards educating the fleet footed Inandi* All subscribers of Tam Sun residing in the Unii tates whose subscrip- tion is paid in advance will have the paper forwarded to them without extra charge until the expirary of heir time after which the new rate, $1.50 will be charged. Kelvin, owned by T, A. Woods, ‘Toronto, won the of re te 5 Bil- pea "which ran third had Bee of 100 Seagram’s Half-a Crown ran a close second. At the he posit om the Standing Commi he Niagara Synod of the Church Sat England a meeting on June Legislature to amend the License Act by closing bar rooms on Christmas ay and Good Friday, A circular just issued by the Grana. Trunk announces an advance of ten per cent. in the wages of roadmasters, ada and sectionmen. ad- ‘ance went into effect.on May 1, ai it affected 1500 men, It is said the ee is not the result of any ultim- le issued by the Trackmen’s Union + it is given as the result of repre- sentadban made by the men as to the increased cost of living today, com- pared with a few years ago. a A number of newspaper publishers that have been voting annually at the Canadian Press Association meetings for resolutions to be presented to the | P' Postmaster General urging for ‘ta re- vision of the postal convention be- tween Canada and the United States” are now making quit they have been hit. and not be caught napping again. In speaking of legislators whom it dubs “parasitic ornaments”. Collier's it says that ‘‘our reatment of ‘anada is another relat of what our legislators can accomplish. The| i Dominion haa now ate up her mind to treat us to as harsh laws as can be of a century she has waited patiently, while one sident after another and one Secretary of State after another, devised treaties intended for the mi ada and the Unit time the Senate, Hees itself exist for sequestring benefits desired by the well-intrenched, has protected its clients against the Administration and the people. Calmly, at length Canadian leaders have seen fair measure of reciprocity could ever pass the Senate, and she has decided to do all in her power to stop trade with us, to deyelop it with England and her otha toloaler 3 to favor all e United States, to develop hee aa incaleuable resources ‘We wish her well. Whatever harm our ass policy brings to us has en folly and painstakingly deserv 80. | Visiting friends in Ontario and Michi- "e- Weekly does some plain sUking when | de devised, and her decision is wise and | of har re- | ke; that no/ mas See Bastendorff’s new assortment of silverware, All places of business me be closed in Milverton on May 24] Messrs. C. Hollef: ates and Harry Geach spent Sunday in Stratford. Mr. Chas. Deitrich, of Ayton, spent Monday with his father, Mr. George Deitric! Don’t you think that the 24th would be a good day to have your photo tak- en by Hollefreund. Rings and solid gold brooches set with pearls—the very latest in design a at P. H. Bastendorff’s. Mr. and Mrs. James Roe, of T to, are at present visiting Teens Be relatives in and around. Milverton. r, Charles Schneuker, of Seating; Miskigas edt prepent ond pink eo his mother, wha haa been quite ill. of late. Watch our windows on Saturday for Rankin’s baked cakes, cookies, HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO E, WALKER, President ee. LAIRD, General Manager A. H. IRELAND, Superintendent of Branches Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ESTABLISHED 1867 000 ad ge aaa sUUU,! Total Assets, - 113,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS’ PAPER DISCOUNTED! SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT posits curl Betas rates. The di , Manager, of $1 and upwards received, and interest allowed at lepositor is subject to no delay whi the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit. WM. MAYNARD, atever in STRATFORD BRANCH cream es etc., at Mohr’s grocery and baker: For a and Quantity ask your dealer pore the new big plugs of *‘Bobs”” “Stag [Ourreney! Chewing To- fascocs ates plat to know that Chief Harter has ir recovered from his recent antag as to be able to be on street the again. Mrs. Norman H. Honderich will receive for the first time since her marriage on Wednesday afternoon anid evening, May 294 Mrs. Henry Ebert returned to hei home in Port Elgin on Monday after spending several weeks with her father, Mr. George Deitrich. A concert will be held in Ritter’s Hall, Milloane-on, the evening of Vic- toria Day un e aus.ices of the adios Patieh Ald of Grace church Millbank. Rev, John Harrow, missionary from Liberia, is at present at home on fur- fang where he will remain for a year yr two in his «, OF : SAVINGS y ACCOUNTS Rede INVITED INTEREST PAID QUARTERLY arecisoce MILVERTON BRANCH RANNEY, Manager Shauisteg health. F. J. Oaten will on Sunday next occupy the pulpit of the Toronto Gerard St. Methodist church wnile the pastor of that ohurch will ocoupy the ilverton and Millbank pulpits, rs, 8. G. Grosch, of Calgary, Al- ta., oh 10 has been spending a month gan spent a day or two last wee! newing acquaintances in Milyerton, he regular monthly meeting of the ‘Women’s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. W. Connell.on Thurs- ay, A conveyance will leave the residence of Mr. Schaefer at 10 o'clock a m, one welcome, Byery= | P an.” _Musie will be furnished by | °%* local talent. Admission 10 cents, The prosperity of a town not guarded by the wealth of its inhabi- tants, but © uniformity cari which they pull together when an im- portant undertaking stabs agcotn pitas (ESTABLISHED 30 YEARS) British Mortgage Loan Co.|\.! Market Street, Stratford PANY has er tine, Sateen he rate of 3 1.2 per oi In fi on the highest “class, HON, THOS. BALLANTS AALJAL 3 1-2 and 4 Per Gent. HE BRITISH MORTGAGE LOAN © a decided upon paying on Short a period of} eave n ture on ounke aon and upwards, interest e computed daily ‘The Epworth League Anniversary | on'whatever amount may be ac the credit of the Methodist yeh will be held | the depositor, and the interest will be. paid to the depositor @ times a year. Deposits on May crag atthe On Mabraatd fablect to. withdrawal by. cheqne. On . Richa ‘obbs, jonds or debentures the Company pays Toronto, will pr ae both moi creat at the rate of 4 percent. Ts" auth- ne aged orized by law to recelve Trust Funds. 1 a evening at lla and 7 asncta, amounting to $1,425,028, ure West- ern Onta ortgages on Land, nearly onday Mr, Hobba will daliver ailin Perth and the adjoining counties, and his porelke lecture, ‘The Triangular | they are all held as Yor: aepoate makes n0 loa Monies can he sent by Further particulars on application to WM. BUCKINGHAI meee ed. at town in his heart can do more for the upbuilding of it than the millionaire who locks up his capital and snaps his fingers at home progress. he consuming public is so used to raw ce eke nearly all kinds of paper advanced in price from eight to ten per cent. week pees receive notice that wood pulp boards have gone up; abother week that all book papers have been raised in price, that card-board stock is on the incline, an that print paper is to elevated a notch. This demand for advanced prices in the cost of paper must necessarily fall upon the consumer at large, for the of printed matter ; and the duplication of orders at former Dict is soaoelye to be expected to continue.—From Montreal Gazette of ‘April ‘20th, 1007 We have just lived long enough to be eciain that the people who ‘invar- iably get along es "inancially are lecidedly not the ones who go here and there screwing down prices, always buying cheap articles. We find that in every case it pays to article. pair of boots, *. paul of Ness, a caaclineee or anything Abe or even a glass of whis- | shoot sy, that is in question. is a class of people who almost always do get beat in a deal, and they arethe ones who are constantly patting them-| Go, selves on the back eles they think they have made a good bargain. Every merchant and Tactics man far and near knows them and is Prepared | 3 simply the price at which the thing can be bought. It is always the present price they consider and not the last price. The r are buying so much roftetc er than those who take into account. quality as well as pales that in the end they die no better off than when they started and terhace not as good, for they have missed the respect of the community in which they lived. A large orgs of pennettal cut glass at P. H, Bastendor! “ Mr. D. M. sown of ae Sovereign | ‘ b Cider vinegar 40 cents a gallon at Mohr's grocery. has resigned ‘his position as Oran TRIPLETS ‘‘Bobs” and ‘*Stag” Chewing Tobac- coes, in big plugs. ing ther ponverted into a were the result. day morning was quite severe. The opening football match of the feesn was played last Thursday eyening when Atwood {ahi lines ‘he game clock the visitors kicking ish. aan general manager. Rey. Fr. Dantzer, of Hesson, was in the village on Tu number of his parisioners. Mr. 0.8. Clarke, Chief Inspector of the Bank ot Hami making inspection of this branch. The Sacrement of the Lord's Supper. will be despensed in Burns church, par on the first Sabbath in esday, calling on a ilton, is at present “Currency” Quality always printer has already all the burdens he| the same,-— 16-9 can possibly carry in the general ad-| ‘The temperature on Monday took vance of x and supplies. Buyers | avite a drop an w snow flurries ‘The frost on Tues- on Exhibition Park the home it even ors were abou the first half neither side doing ny scoring. The second hall Milverton’s, the ball very seldom pass- ing centre, all through pee hard o was all oe forwards yn Atwood’s a tani which Guen- Smith ; Backs, Guenther, Ron Hall eks, Ha rtmier, ; Right Wing, Fulaher. Left Wing, G. Smith, Spen- cer. Mr. J. W. est ; Centre McGuire, Reis, F Ward, of ‘Stratford.| P The band played sev- ni eral selections during the eyening. BORN. PrrpLer—At Milverton, on Wednes- day, May Mp Bees BANK OF HAMILTON DIVIDEND NOTICE N ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that n div idend of 2) a 8 The ‘Transfer Books will be closed from Seth ko Sister: Both inclusive, order of the Ho: J. eGeuarel General Mana; Hamilton, 22nd April, 1907, wp 'y do people publish births, mar- vinges « sae deaths times asked. Because to be born, to be married and to die are the three important events that happen to individuals, and because the interest of the co: _ Ontario Wheat Daring the last ten years the great milling industries of the West have Pp raising wheat. The ites to western. proaperttyc instead of putting money into his own pockets te patronizing an Ontario in- cine istry. Ontario millers Hees, ‘in rio, This competi- tion of the western wheat lands is a. tremendous fact; in the aggregate the decline in the market in Ontario for the flour manufactured in this pro- vince has amounted toa loss of mil- lions to the farming community, No proof is needed to convince the |gener- al public that th n -flour is “stronger” that is, richer in gluten, an its yard rival. put that the lavor and o io flour is superior nok Shs Baoane even by» wn East, in the Maritime Provinces, the demand for a first-class te jour has ee. of the eastern and western wheats in such proporsione that enough glut- a is added to the Ontario product to bring it up to the strength of western lour, while retaining the delicate and tasty qualities for which Ontario jour - Soe Considerable pro- made in flour blending in Ontario, nae after nearly ten years of experiment on ae art of expert millers and baker: tae ch Ms qual- ity of the blended ela been de- reason in favor of the adoption ty tho people of Ontario of the use of sue 16th,|the wife of Amos Provii Peppler, of a son. ae