get Ramsay’s Paints. If youintend to have it doue— insist that the painter uses Ramsay's Paints. They go farther—last longer—hold their freshness and beauty longer—and cost less in the end—than any Tether good paint you can buy. Write for Post Card Series “C," showing how some houses are painted. A. RAMSAY & SON CO., rotot makers since 1822, MONTREAL. BEAUTY HIN Helpiul Pointers to Seekers of Phys Perfection. PUBLISHED IN INTERESTS OF YOUTH AND OLD AG To. rediice your flesh incr troubles, emove freckle them gently out wih @nutpick. Should this tail, try blast Beilliancy may be imparted {o the complexion by powdering with diamond dust. ase your Progressive Spirits in China Raise Burning Question of Bin Girls’ Feet, Nair on the lips may sometimes be sxolded by requiring the young man to have before calli vi eres anevenioiy ways of removing| blackteads, in. the South lyn hing is much in vogue. ps Nails which do not yield readily to the manicure may be driven in with a ham. mer. One (a auld latest innovations in the ‘s hat sive spirits of the coun- try. A burning topic of the day is still the non-binding of the feet. For developing the grace and beaut: gee Of lortuve,-wehish the milssiqn he fingers Prolhing Sune ta Titan | Bohools have been so largely instrumen- exercises, provided police protection. be ms ay available, When “crows as do not yield to massage, fill them suddenly with ce- ment a smooth auicly A ie A trowel. in and Shanghai, are ‘The “drooping las! much’ affec . aiso answerable for the spread of West- HH some, cnt Be encouraged by sitting | orn ideas among the younger gener- ——* DANGEROUS PURGATIVES. STUDY IN JAPAN. ff the Chinese married women Medioines of ‘This Class do Not Cure |.a3-quite a staid ma ‘Their Effect is Weakening. ture into the United Slates Of study -at ‘@ aehoc Nothing could be amore eruel than to go over (odecminathenitte on. cou sity, or fnduice @ weak, anmmic person to take | por(unities for receiving ‘instruction ai a purgetive medicine in the hope ot find- ay of access than in their own coun- ing relief. Ask any dottor and he ‘will tell you that.a purgative medicine mere-} ‘Phe varying fashions of the Western yy gallops through the pawels, Weaken-|yorld:are a. source of some tender ‘is ses ell you] te tive cannot possibly these es -eye = ate Mould up bad blood year, in replacing it dis weak and w yo skin n-light pro: the tem is run dow next, no doubt ‘oe joes sppear “anricins thing needed—is th while the coi neal I but you right. toque and is “equally a tonishing. h ams’ Pink Pills Pale dose of these pills ac- new, rich red blood, which fills the veins, reaches every o gan in the body and brings health and slrength to weak, despondent people. UNALTERABLE F > Beaudr Amh Mag: e style of garment i Que was | custom, 9 one dreams cn “oatiale ie ing from Fi pay a ‘tho least exertion, and I aut. he \ y from severe headaches raight tunic, "fastening at the side; dic which eae fo the Hee woman’s ‘costume is ad- eee tos wares The res d ne) skirt, slipped on below tite was advised to try Dr, Williams’ Pink | tun’ a half dozen boxes have made meras well as ever I was. They have done me so much good that [ would t ON. prescribed by of depart- he young girl there trousers and As for’ Chicas ilies ute taking the opportunity that offers in some of the English and American mission schools like every weak girl in the land to try leaching the chi Others have them.” pectic as Ne tae st in giving en- It Was the new blood Dr. Williams’ fetcnments for charitable purposes. Pink Pills actually najority, however, remain in 3 chico reffrement. in: the paterrtit le dwelling where there is little to do but and in the same way they will restore ng all sufferers from anemia, indigestion, |Svervise dom work and make a neuralgia,-rheuma: skilled tise: of thelr needles. ‘Te such erruption to the daily round, = hi FRANCE IS A Ql a The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, — Ont. Anomalous Conditions Surrounds Death nie mers Penalty, The anomalous conditions in Fran No, #ordelia, the cloak of friendship | surrounding pe _uestion of the weak 4nd ihe mantle 6 ly are not made | penalty, which is no more inflicted, al- res the same piece of cloth. frougle ha statute still eae papi al punishment, caus linual discussion. M, more or I Deshler, ava Goes WHAT DO PROPLE NEED wnoare.ran down r ““Borcovim,"” the bea, ; It gives now life, ly ono“ Mrorovim. Higgins: “Old Millyuns is a distant ~ relalive of yours, isn’t he?” Wiggins : au “Yes; and tho richer he becomes’ the |! wane, and never have the sore’ distantigeise oe spEONUNGat ap Tea deal ere ences. ‘wenty-nine condemnations to. death were pronounced last year, a number never before known in any such period. A Liniment. for -the Logger.—Loggers tend a life which expases them to many lays, Or nearly threo 4 aie wherons | § formerly there were few years'in which “above ten condemnations, perils. Wounds, cuts and bruises, can- Rode ese et sik te Bee nol bo alipgether voted in preparing | cuired to-execute them, he asks himself timber for the: drive and-in\ river-work,-} (ues He “sec pave accom Where wet and cold combined are-of |they would .average one. every. dozen Vaily ‘muscular pati ic Oil, en applied 10 fhoma” ware ail- the injured or aaninistered to the Hi years as ext vever, he tou “his “punishment | # ing) Works wonder: Bite A told only TiS Racine | quietly. When liberated he show 2 ter more, during the last eight oe he had | Signs A woman is apt “Yo maice ‘somo very [more ey ent ae ae pee he od home hh found Ing remarks “when she “has occa! ong only one in Pa n the previous day, sion to hit her, husband fora litte pin naeceypeaten 5 tietions, M, Deiber Re ta Lie ‘There is little for remorse | W8S 0 § : res Sniefh, consider: 199 nig amps thal Rote, Ee on One of the areatest plcssinas fo par- with. When the man died at once, Salomone wail Thave had busin ents is Mother orm Exter- th minator. _ It ‘effectually expels worms | sfate-in suppressing them. Ot 4 and aives health in @ marvellous man-|executed only ‘one was shove othe little others were all fro 0 26 Who . fies tive wat lies eon A Teacher Now, “Freddie, its very | what ed they would have, ‘committed Hone of vou to, quarrel “with Billy | ad they” lived. a longer jan to harbor such gefill | Asked ns to his Sretoos at an execu- “feelings against him. Come, nov lion, Deibler sald. phis- duty ‘was -pracl mise me that when’ you meet Pilly - cally a surgical operation, and h night you'll forgive him.” _ I more right el emotion than a 2 ‘ell, when I meet et to surgeon did in culling u, ii per big brother is. with him TH f son, ‘The first time he found himself a mt. i ‘ol. nearly ivallop. 1 ‘he, ite ° little uncomforlable. Afterwards it was out of Him a habit, POSS OOS S OOo OOO SooS 7 3 é The effect of malaria lasts a long time. & You catch cold easily or oe run- @ down because of the after effects of malaria. ép Sicatgylen yourself with Scort’s @ Emulsion bd } : Ik builds new blood and tons up your nervous & system, } ALL DRUGGISTS; 50c. AND ey 4 Pa Ps Pa Pe Ba Pe a Petry ae se TPP PEPPY PP PPP ep OS ? THREE BOLD BRIGANDS TWO MEET TRAGIC DEATHS—ONE FOOLS PURSUERS. Magyar Who Mutilated Captives Shoots Himself From Ennui After Reforming. Three brigands have been the subject of more or less romantic stories in the European newspapers in. the | two on account of their deaths, the. Ui with “which he spectacular rd because of the skill has so far baffled the ea rwenty- five years ago he was the scourge of the coun INGE ler was Sale, and et tre- @ too scare geen farn id ans the sur CHINESE WOMAN'S PAPER r ave rendere b at eT nae aeunered stern wand nd the vould ager: for: some g|ments of remorse and the fear of judg- _| sympathy of the v nis Fr of c_selze people ansome. If his de- mnands were not satisfied hie did not, Kill He became such & nuisance at last that a small army was sent out to hunt him. » fell into their: hands by accident an was sentenced t IMPRISONMENT FOR LIFE. In prison he became softened in spirit. He turned religious, uid. his, repentence Was $0 sincere that the Bishop of the distelet at last inlereeded with the Em- per all. He Scanianente cand retu village, where he starled to make chi livelihood as a herdsman for his bro- as a robber hi pject of a whole library a ane. Bes novel man and Hui Ho at-once made @ collection’ of these and read them over and over with ayi- dity, commenting on their literary merits to his friends and correcting their historical inaccuracies. plainly re- gurded himself 6 <_ great public figure and revelied in his a while, wee his rn pall on him. He lost i gan to tin and de- ent his time roaming reel “ene tovesia: whees Wie re performed. sing for several sand he was favorite hiding peaceful pues grew morose and COND BRIGAND st met a tragic e ‘an- ‘who. flourished ie aid in the. sae ood of S laly. He he became the viclim of an accusation which he de- ful life until some time ago clared to be false and was convicted nnd entenced on what he declared was per- jured testimony. As he was taken to wore that he would devole his s released vendetta, fields and onl; vol i ed himself absolutely to his He hid in the woods and emerged from time to lime to some one who was conc Some he missed, sev more or less seriously. One man he maimed for life only a week before his own end came, because he ‘otieved him fas a spy ¢ e he Peri akg acl Ga aympathy from the eduntey people that the authorities coum get no ice of him, althiough they picket a forest known as t shoo! he Faiella, in which he was supposed to lurk, “by day and night ly it waa Dy (eqneiig: women aria siepe. 3 posed to bo his Sweethearts ond Rane a thabthey docated him Inclder nally that=there were seve these and they-earried all his supplies ot ood and amunition to him from the only Tal Anpeer linet, of apwoncli-to hie le ea pltchell beta viene result, ‘and is said to have fired sixly-one train guns ‘and pistols before ie a killed. “None of the soldiers was hit but the nullets whistled clos: then “and tn6g fo keep well Se va. save: thalr lives, ‘The brigand’s body when they pile und te wave Hott TWENTY-NINE’ BULLE’ Ulusebps. Salomane 18,0 i at large, though a ing about $10 fore been the pater fought politically, pene the prosecu- tion and he was sentenced to (en years imprisonment, Bs pes “God,” Hie. sceenttsel sts ii ourt on his conviction, sree Dy make thé ea cree and swal- low up these false w I ment. Since then Salomone’s life has been the ordinary oné of a brigand. He robs ond Tevies blackmail gn: the villages and even’ the towns of Sicily. He-has the 'y poor, who kee] him posted on the plans made to catch uid 10 be a inost daring fellow. acquaintance with Judges and other pub- a shaken ‘hands with fh a Slelllan newspaper: -—— — THE LESSON. Sabbath School Teacher: “What does the parable of the prodigal, som. teach epobby ND eae “Not to be an calves, -|fnto a well and growing hi iv m . Suis and iaindred summ < ina so much USED NO SOAP. Our Ancestors Were a Dirty Lot of eople, R-r-ring goes. the alarm clock at about al f-pi seven in the Aer and with a drowsy grunt that you woul like to turn over’ and enloy. quarter of an hour's doze, you get up and perform your. matin ablutions, Perhaps i ws to you that this unclion was oy onan 0 popular wilh your ancestors in the good pia really quite a ace 2 fee yd the fact by isis ne Billing: perfumes hing one's hands, which was only tee by. the zope meant dipping the fingers in rosewater ry: itig: them on mans of tho vere probi a napkin. Even the Ro- lime of the “decline,” who hems y to us, but 4 ample, Chinese musie, which millions of Orientals think cae STARVING BABIE The baby who sutfers pe taaliges. tion is simply. starving to loses all desire for food and oa ii ite NEW LINEN FIBRE FROM BRAZIL. The Brazilian linen plant is expected te exert an important influence upon the textile world @ common weed which reaches ght of eighteen feet in twelve months, hen carefully cultivated’ “it matures within three pus and can yield three rops in a yéar, bre h qualities. nece. for watrengtt fineness, ing ation wae notamment thé’ Stale Government, and mow o have emerged from the ex: gerinaenial state sstully, cher of arith- “1 thin’ ventured. small boy. “Well?” asked the teacher. PEN-ANGLE Pen-Angle Under« wear is Sorm-knit yo d not to buy by the trademark (in red). 206 cal boy we UNDERWEAR —It name her evenings in. ys part of the aie the violin, and I have a daughter rand | wi No of a pill is the the ington “ne ais up the pill of WRONGLY PUT. Walley—What evenings out cui be easier to amounts gather intecat Oat ‘quem ao BANKING BY FAIL is Dumley—"Thi house he piano, her @ lady in the other earning to play husband is struggling ning to get used reply. ta Navseatng Pi Phe excipient ee which enfolds nclee’s Vegetable Temple Building, 174-176 compound caeeette preserve th Your Mant Can't Help Inoreasing If your serings =e corte au you can’t run in “y moment and draw onf you'll be more apt to let aa if you visited the Union Trust Co'soffices in person. Wo sllow 4 per cent. Interest on Deposits Interest is compounded quarterly, Balances are always subject to cheque, THE UNION TRUST CO., Limited the principal lie end as Safe and Easy Bay Street, TORONTO it does take does no good and thechitd Wee tec Sah Boor Send for Booklet; © Banling by: Malt is peevish and restless? Mothers |j4 Laas HaCul omnes mote sari Rawr ill find Nb ‘other wedicing memeampt Om Bicnallic Meby Pit on ierte ssl hi datan pera ian Pala noel 'o cure as Baby's Own Tablet p them 1 trom adherin, ‘olled in < reins always do good—they cun's possibly do whlch prove. nanséauings Wo | Soe See eae, har Ree moe, Th boner ‘Baby's Own Tablets chitd would have been in her he was completely run down, w ae food, and othing I gave her did her any good | until I be; the use of Baby 's Own Tablets and these have aged tee ‘ Sold cents a Medicine or by mail at The Dr. Williams’ Co., Lae bile: cont: more charcoal Hungary uses than other European country... Its an- consumption is about 2,000,000 nual S. tho e who have had the experi ae can tell the torture corns caure. Pain with your boots on, pain vith them ah path ilghi-and' day: but re lief is s eto those who use Tolloway's Cure The cannon-ball t a myrile which rows tb a height of 80 feet, has pinkish lowers, and a fruit the size of a 32-Ib. shot. ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Ilch in human or animals cure din ie aclaalee by V Ole ford’s Sanitary Lotion, It n Sold by all drug ta, o the year 1873 the né ea and men. of Army. were allowed one ene sen ce beer-money. ually from r complaints, who might have been saved if proper remedies: had-heen, sed, It allacked 40 tling a bottle o! ontery Cordial, the me- citecl. a, eure. it tacts promptly: fee “thoroughly Sonic the pain and disease. nany per Bees will fly as far as 5 or eve miles from the hive to gather none i supplies are scanty nearer at hand. a ae Ges ee miles is their outside tim MARIC THIS DISTINCTION: & puvoly loeal disease peme Boel tk buaiars tah is cure: i Woaver's one. “ut whore the tat 4 stepurity, euch as. 1's Syrup 280 should be used. 8 four’ aL af table Pills rmele e e agreeable tasi Pa e's ea pipore? oD: they the most delic: MADE IN 2 and 4 Cyclo Engines A pure, hard Manitoba z flour for bakers and others demand- ing strength, color and uniformity. STRONG aWillTE MILTON, HAMILTON MOTOR WORKS, Hal ONT. T YOUR GROCERS DEALERS EVERYWHERE SUPPLIED WITH FLOUR AND FEED, WRITE US ROUSSE i, Stand for Excelience and Perfection of Pro rst: Rus ssse1 turned out over three year tion towacds shis construction we the Russ 0 for his The. Beane) i. ‘proved The Wo! lorkmanship th: And the factory close at hand an Soe WA SY SSN MS Bh he wheat fields, the riche land, are in this province. Write us for full information Sbourcr ob climate and special railroad rates. kel Steel’ iny all sea the reation, and now this Niosiga i is the most approved and ah tondate, |. Throw g,srent on perfecting detall and adding im oney than anyone ols 1907 MODELS heal tthe engine in front under the bonnes “rite ‘Htgl-torday’ revaing thy sat a erally tho trond of rly med 0 0 th aval tag pein Tthew whit @ Materials aro the Beat, 8 nost skit He d disposed to uso you right, pw Metal-to-metal Dise I uth, Selective Stiding Gear Transmission, and shafts. Lhe most powerful braking system Local representative wanted in each county. Telfer & Osgood Eastern Selling Agents, 205 CORISTINE BUILDING, MONTREA\ S calinder, 18 5 PbO tach “whselbaess cylinder 2511-0. ‘Canada Cycle BRANCILES—Ottawa, ‘Attached to large drwins on MODELS FOR 1907 By 104 tn os whoolbaso, 82 inch x h whealbare, double hs 30 inch: x 3} inch. tres, ‘4 inch tfros nition, magneto and iokg Limited; sae A. and ‘Motor “Co., | Sere hNi eeagbrees CANADA, eg, Voarcourar, and Motbowrne, Australia, ral, Yanon, and Mahe. The rant d sae ea files, and population rout 2 How to Cleanse the System. Parme- egetable Pills aro the result of ‘entific suludy of the cffects of extracts r00 Of ertait sand herbs upon the de ive. c emon- nstances. that they re- Elinto“the welionest Ue liver and the Kidneys, purify the blood. carry cif all morbid accumulations from the in|system. ‘They are easy to take, and their action is mild and benefic Gibralfar was first fortified in 711 A.D., when the Suattehs made it ase for their operations agains In 1861 the rainfall at a , on the Khasi Hills in Bengal was 805 ee ete hee! fall Fee is 610 1 mania of the, “british Tstes | ne weight of rain which falls each acre in Cherapungi is jai on 60,000 tons. Leber ee is cd outina facto has CLEANIN LADIES’ . Gitta eae TO INTROMUCE: OUR LATEST: gees 4 60-DAY OFFE FACETO FACE WITH ys Senile Seo the Spots ‘on the Sun. Spek feortainy sepa AW, RV are. brant tonwit on Pallinenredt Con Grvtrant. Theil withiaecs Ny. roar sau enorme REESE EROEe Sass ase, ras BROS. & Cd pre AUHROMATIO TELESCOPE, WITH Thi ft ENTE or money retunded, Wit leamuire of observing an Relipes of tho Suns "Your Solar eee ieiereae dh Tae ‘fo'mo ‘on tats occa 8 STREET, "RW. Yor TARGR,, Pov: BOLAREY TSRER NEEDED ON PARM, SEA 0 = BY efi ce one of the 38 HOUND. Frfound aud adjusted: on) reading. People 06 Odiwa Rl ee ee oa Made in ONE QUALITY ONLY,—of 2 semichardened STEEL donbi apace They lock on all FOUR sides—the ONLY T, Get tthe facta Shingle that ade NO CLEATS, Easy to put on—a coe Pr mer and a snips (tinners’ shears) are tools eno th. Cost 2 rae root last | any other roof, Tel Se the any roof on on your place a oa ERC 1 COB on SBT on co BIE, so eng eee on Tour Grandsons Will Be Old Men Before This ‘“Oshawa” Roof Wears Out era weather-proof, ru Arete 4 in poapantin keeps ty 80 at of Te to the man who buys ere cost to Rei ty right. Secret ib Lead alt Bere pends Sasonier Monten a au “Joka, Winnie