Milverton Sun, 13 Jun 1907, p. 2

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- souldnd would—| _ from revolutionary plots if the people 4 . hitas were conyinced that he not only _ platonically wished Russia glory, peace thelr eahnaston and make revolution wholly unnecessaly and absurd, Unfortunately the czar's advisers are mostly fanatical reactionaries, who think of their own privileges and those of a small class rather than of the peace and prosperity Russia has so long been de- nied. Take the situation in the douma and the latest difficulty It is connected witht the” Sonia “agrar- fon question,” or the question of more land for the underfed millions of pea- _sants. The majority of dhe dota. pro- "poses Ceara idehneee of the land nol but governm w Aes te els excuse a dismissing the And since the government's alterna- tive land osal is grotesquely “in- adequate, the peasant deputies are up ia arms and saying that if they cannot get land through parliament, then down ry fears result of douma a nd as a the c than its acceptance. lock is ais theeatened, with dissolntion of the douma as the sequel. But if the] peasants find that the government, not | tte douma, is responsible for the failure to satisfy their land hunger, what will happen in rural Russia? What will they think of the czar’s desire for glory and peace for Russia in the light of the atti- tude of his. ministers and court on the land question, the deepest, and gravest < mato ae living, for save doean = |The Battlefield of To-Day Is the hum and the Highway. nse to the call of patriotism, ie abe not love one land above all gh eee use it is ue own land, can- any land at all, cannot enter "8 coun: eo ie Service for her welfare are part life. else for a city or a nation is relig- ly stands for simple evasion of known culy to the present by deferring: fea to an indefinite ule The ane thing is not thal you ld gi nea city ie God, but that it should come lown Pate’ lotsa, after file simply is ving for and working others, whi nation. ee j ah always has seemed so easy to Bree: come,” and then to wait FULL. ORBED FROM THE SKIES that we have forgotten that every such ayer wails he the indorsement of our es {o bring all that that kingdom ism bees Soaipaing ie leceinghess: ck pay ths ‘The man in whom there awakens no, asm e soul and substance ot every true di wh 8 udu nets rial hen s | motives. will full price of cadet There {s no bet- ter way to ‘dead than honor- lably to live ee Ge things for which they died. We hear no. thrilling call fo arms; ve or martial enthu- those ready 1 for more glo their patil in aie ‘of. yesterday's migh' ty works "TO-DAY'S hD . DRESS’ PARADE. muppets of: Hoste enthusiasms,-| Pristake emotional memories for the captain ‘of all the forces him the set remind us of sword wo y, |'be the scars‘of hearts phieed and Se backs bent and hi fear stained, nee n loving, lowly. Dias ay) made se § cur fellows v the state: whoever helps his fellow citi- his city, The battlefield -f to-day is the slum | ‘and ihe Riana the are. grees lust; riolic be Pane includ’ oe love men, high aspirations for our land, ‘nce in ming se the glori: against ine for ih glorious i that. Ont the King. IENRY F. COPE. “|THE S. S. LESSON INTERNATIONAL LESSON, JUNE 46, Lesson XI, Israel's Escape From Egypt. Golden Text: Exod. 1%. 3 THE LESSON WORD STUDIES. Departire from Egypl.—The local 6 Isr of all the questions of unhappy Russia? a a Bit TB 5 LONELINESS IN NEW ZEALAND, Gieat Stretches of Country With Few Houses and Towns. nothing in Europe astonishos the S New Zealander so much as th owds, i id. is vie a Is st 50 pomnog as Ne prising to Englishman as the stretches of “ininhebite ed ach roads Bey easily tra ssing & site house, (he most. popular. re- fifty miles of high ay, ther sone mat re Orses: ndent of Macmillan's: Ma a ne, and ‘one Masti village with a soli et roum, blackened shimps still stand, land with patehes of rough pasture. ‘And {o each the far-famed lakes of ths Soulh Island, beautiful enough when Bea bole de mds according to the y its Siar way a “ de a ge A even the anted by splaties pales ae Hes lichen sesembling no- ¢ so much as verdigris. ete Zealand they Pyalie land b; eat number of sheep it will carry, and this is five or jeep, and # merino sheep vile the carats passes fings ‘out post- k in peunae and once in winter. the coach Tenge san ea Lie ain how few they are—and “are. often. eit eed ‘taille in brie es the post ers alone at ur, or the p to his horse's girths, an ee have business abroad do ile or wait at home for better weal uckily, te no ne of New Zealand and so severe é ~ in, the wonder ia not tha’ hat there are at cany roa any big runs, whieh, years of ioit have gone to make, winter's stores. must be hous t tater than April, heciiee syne i Ds come only ‘a pack-horse can travel long the ar to the township, and tg % on difficulty ; joney for f, <alas a must, ee “8 loss of oxen an 0 | oR hausted © with “goods are dear. p and it 160 t aoe is n ‘the’ alking diatanch, but so. ie ‘thie, unbridged sit ini for at the | j, a seeded. ‘d to Etham, “in the eda ‘ot the Etham 1s in all probability to ia Bene ae a fro Ou same name (K khe- 2 this: his with ed ill the initial stage of a5 been q Win the modern Te-ot-Ma marks the site of the aie ‘aly Te ¢ h again is the Egypt at tho time. oe the is no less than 600, n bese children, nue anae by men" is ere, as in Num. 1.. 3-43, only males. atave “ewenty seme g that therefore the entire body o cannot suppose thal this entire company point from obedience to previous orders, started o1 the same day from all paris 0 Goshen’ tion, has been proved beyond the possi- bility of doubt. It is probable that. al the time of the exodus the waters of the e Isthmus of Suez differing to the Tsracliles-a. way of eseape, is suggested in our explanation of verse emigi ated a Harden Lit, ay here are the ie eee sald to ened, It is entirel ord with the general laws which ae human na- ture that the Tosi WI ich is set on pur- sullig a eertain course sieua pes ome tn its fattatten to follow inet sotlons Salis gah the honor anon PhapaOhe Among ancient peoples the only’ sten- a deity was jude vine iles @& liaving been destroyed and har: rie him, Henson Cl ae The angel of God—Compare In- troduction to Son Studies for June 2- Stood behind them—Took a fixed them and the enemy du fat thers was. the: dloud end’ (ha gunk yet gave it light by night— le this translation is the of fe Pass a tittle plainer : “An oud and darimess to them ithe Havpuiens), but it fave light: by night to these {the Israelites}.” 21. Caused the sea to go back oe me | bi it “mixed multitude.” We are. also to travellers from. ever; oh te Doing ‘accompanied by larger ee ‘smaller herds, which they hi Egypt. It was thus a gi migratory movement of a as might well cause ing to re consider hia prey jous SiO} pel fo the memorable record of this attempt we are to give our attention in our study of the present. les- s@ 13, And N aid uals the people Who MeN Sin. belween the at and the ppronohing nosis of the nitellliye Egyplians, were in ject terror at the pro: rospeet of being res take en by {helt oppre ‘ ns W noth ye have seete 0 eas ye have seen the Gavplians o-day. ei ie ae ‘wll Mngt for you—It 1 the unwavering faith fogeintt wilh, the mar- tation power in th ein beta which guaran id not. exercised oie (Bx ‘overcome i ear at-this juncture. 15. Where! WI hile See ite patina the. pied Mass nuy. in discouraged nest bear fo Agee yah in some pee multitur 16. Litt up thy rod he erd’s crook whi or E a ‘the, "hes a Iter art: ca the. t nomenon al this place. as ha. 5 | suggested vi : | see ted above, The ae nee the Red aay is ; 0! j Pea TH, verses 18-2 {tome of the ss hue him tell Bridget to ‘Let her z= tho of “ho. iivelies indy strong east wind all the nia and mi the sea dry lan esual ae s been extended at this ¥ a sme Bitler- Lakes, ther {muady points at vhloh i ‘eas exceedingly allow. trong southeast by driving refors fakes Tonnwart: together with a simul- taneous ebb of the tide in the lower gulf, might easly. produce the effect de- scribed in the ae ihomnit a.m. and s' watch—Between 2 | Egyptians through the pillar of fire an f cloud, an comfited the host—In 0, where ‘an epi- (events here narrated seems di, lighinings ~ lightened 25. Took off—Lit., bound, hampered in heir turning, They drove them heavily—Lit., “And Manulo them to drive Heavily.” ‘The refer is to the wheels whieh, sinking into moist ground from wheh the valers had receded, were clogyed with sang. 27. Sirengih—Wonted ow. eee SLANG FORBIDDE! “Thi isha remarked Mr. i in se aeons tone he guv'nol id this mor ping qT go! Where does he pick up such abaniinebie stuff?” Sai only: knows,” Mrs. Sieebe ied. iM school.” continued nee father, “of altogether ll make a home le may. hear some of it at home,” sug ted Mrs. Sharpe, with motherly eS. ¢ SAE hoin erlbd Me Sharps. Ss i i that could befall’ a fier came to her her 9 wenaaver” “Joves his neighbor glorifies | j - | drove -| ing cost ten Finally, as if to prove the intended pening 481 Yehovah dood tontldipon the host ot (Oe T=} German squady x ve boy of ours. Aes toe full, arr fe. Yardsley. boys. Ke. ‘ty, that eae, ‘and f1 Age him. Au q ’ he oe ‘The old “Hoodoo” Which Seems to Pursue veo sels Whose Names Begin or i End with “A.” ~ The seal fishery of 1907 will be long. ered i lewloundland for: viet sealing hee During het here she w 1898, and “went downstairs,” io Beane her whole crew with her. a Pee of her Almost every coi ata eas, we eventually, after running for many years at s heavy loss is sold to a German up at Mensur Ano- oe Inman iver, ie ie of Berlin, like- as tery. being the: vi rt a several jisasirous en with an iceberg on s, un- is service and is now the United States, Hea Meade, FATE OF THE ALASKA. The Guion Jiner Alaska,.in her day one 2 we ae racers on {hie ocean track of the Oregon thal sank in NeW Yorke ‘Bay at pre- as @ coal hulk on the Clyde, after hav- ing met reverses and’ misha) during several yeats, so that her continuance in active duly. re unprofitable. In this connection it is her noteworthy that marine ine underwri | fight shy of x = end in eter. syrian went ashore neat Cape Rac 1699, became a total wreck, hull and at $450,000, and ed. rhe T Cape Race agai grief in 1902, ahd the Aretbusa and Mati . Philadel- Ea Et within. aia was lost. with a yaluable cargo m from San Francisco @ Orealia, from Melbourne reie beac! startliog: eaquence of misfortunes. many. losses at- a be Coles aie ete ike Columbia “Tost twenty men he Beast and the Unatilla’s Sica that this ill luck atten Br the blowing up 6! Jena a few weeks ago, ples not easily to be disposed of. LOSS OF ‘IHE CHINA, in February 2, 1007, ae Norwegian Sere ‘Theodor, from te Ki many year Craniceolib pes OF the Wansaianti mal in the days of t York in ten or northern roule and stopping info. a sailing ships bul mention ue a ious ghe had: about forty-! old Lue Solaire he the end her 100 AL Regi: he | ciassificalion in Lloyds’ 7 sister ship, the Scoli 6 pioures of passenger ship consimuelion was 80 ring ent cEMoRE eighteen Gort Rives, whither she, bind gone vi ith ac al. The Bh alesse ‘Topaz, the See anon State na Venezuelan port was ace which oked the bombardment Pisckeds of iat const by rilish, an vents ao; was jst the. ensuing aimmée e Ray while proceeding ine Newloundiaat “Prenchshore” with a cargo on naval dotiliaon patrol there. Niobo, which won this bey patrol CHANGED ‘THEIR NAMES. apn O18s time clippers have not disap- peared. but merely changed their names. Three running between New York an rurope—{he usin enlarged to nearly wice her. the esland ; the eae te eat: a ike Algeria as ‘Baltic, os) White of those days, was p' nace a the Nofheniands ores me ye Vendaam, and did ‘t 1899, whet earance unto him 2 Horeb had served ne : mediuin of smiraculous ma njfestations me northwestern | Mrs : vet ee ‘sea and divide it—We ars eo extrel “You are penitele off y pur my 8, Who lang here sso obubly Tam addicted to it,” was 0 ) been eet being ho | Louis, fam Sun aesdam were tomer ‘te White Sta nese neek reply. Ps a vice son better get rid hen ; ee ses ‘is, mart of inne. hat kid us Bet rm err ang again and ait give it. e ‘him right and Srenules while sh King and Bay, An Quebs spe in de a eat Ys Ear in the Gu the G was eventually suctemcoee ol i stand as exam-| 05 mon ‘ month for a service this fine : na eal anes the * one the | fe ructed of iron, is ok i Newfoundland route, ving a ae ‘in conimiaien: Since a was launch The Me liners Ciroassls: and De- vonia. Nat sold a few sian Aenea whi ve ae A t ently refloated, mpar e as | elt ‘nis Her sister He Gee Pele NEW phone IN WEST. ‘There is a pee Lack ol ‘poarding.| © ses. to many very serious Tati i a weston town the lack of a @ she was 0 pa ‘ ear Dean by. a ar ie tyes irae \ an! ee : al ing in Eee tb Adantle on | Peesteesseteseteereet alter we Larsen, lord o! @ vast fants patie ‘ei 1 wens: came down the cedar astle with an. OER con ghia was “gnaing “The Braes ot sada in @ house, and a a piper th the distan nh the 10% ade a eas area cere e singing and the pipin, he’ castle mi to the ozone of the Atlai i eae fhe “house b loors and win ‘The hall beneath ee “decked. with | forest and lake trophies; epee pee i ee ier fee a | Pile, a1 * and ‘ ple oat anipat hold, | pired for the passage of the nullion- “ie nodded and went forward, “Nurse!” he called. He swale: seat ‘Hy to. meet hers, an Highlanders, “eet ‘him | 3 al ing tha to 0, aniees she had tre there’ wasn able secommodalian for Iddles in thé The Indy dil not have friends there, so sho 15 still in Winnipeg. TaUILES ON THE FLOOR. In nearly all the small western towns TRUE re cases young mei wor rivate Tees and ky people eectng room and NEI ARY TO BUILD. So much, a the great: need there is for boarding houses, and now comes the auSuIo of the cdstat start. in is true that in most westér rent towns have given a bonus, and doubtless there are would ie firel-ags “oarsing be necessary to but ene “0 building Should not east more (han three thousend dollar nthe. smaller to whore lols are ‘ene sriall tone dnote 2 City, But- ter, pgs, mil 8 eat, can be bought Deer taracitis - faunas tte The light, water, telephone and tex ety small in, the coun: he city, heli ta much “Geen, Galiei and Poulthobor airs splendi ie ele: tired, and are Juiny quis Wages {welve dollars per month for Aiahet Wwe and thinly dallas a ae Dire MODERATE, ‘The usual charge is from In man: ‘md "ATbert houses were iy ‘e unmarried Bere making’ (ieir living'in this ways These two had fine houses, well furnished aa storied lo be doing well, a AN ABPETIZING, TRADER, Q German, Morcha Difficulty in Escap~ ig Cal nnibal. Tribe, The tens Gazette santa account al prac: tices in the southern Cameroons, of the ing + ent, who visited Nsimiay vee of the Fiala tr the. en mber,, 1905,, the Maka people not, only vent Ane prisoners war, the tribes. i seuthern’ region of the 5 ralgelaral pest a man was in child- i had to “oles ‘a eee Tiel Sabet of the erimes. He wi ue pith oi he .. ins _|foriunale ee ware calen = He ‘hima ai f ce with aimientty for. Nsane’s sn ‘considered him De ale. agg Hone war aravan was al meas coarapeulel a sgt the wes eee ee territs ae is tribe killed |i! eae bearers they "across i in : she ee ae of we travels s the. ne | smestone ae m is seer ie te an tribe at Ke tie publi the Hamonion Journal, This lack is | a suit}. range from ten to | ended’ wi In private boarding houses, in Winnt- |! four-fity | glow =| on Habiting: iho but) anc “th an} people who are omen adh torueRtie teat Tie ered that cannibal-|‘ extent by the 201 Jooked her intently for a moment a two. “Fell T want him,” said. Ho ae ‘on. the palusivade: and haled the ae ua air bse oa tiieled: it dee) And si he smiling at hi fla: Sa eat them Wai ‘as “1 send you a line to warn you, Br Ke after | your little daughter. I ont young | wan rse!" ‘ald the mil- lionaire cance pod whe tore, the let- and dropped them piper i Mer piped; child in the house sang on, The piper’s: heart was bidding ‘him only speak oul once more and tell the woman was coming to him so ealmly that is uunrewarded love for Ter was almost jood out needing DO: * tateoun” said si “An “Towant you, Susan. womai ever have & comforting Se footer like those Ser: but ‘he ‘graced uy ca man. He was n¢ yants in the taste p “TL is n h non- sense," she continued impatiently, “You are as daft as your brother: Angus. “You stil exclaimed ihe riper flereey nodded, either in dissent or mere Enpatinee and tr m him mnillionnire. looked st forgot why he had who had come for mt “On, y Tye had a lett threat well, no, not that. Bul keep. your eves Spell, and don't go about win your revolvers anid: never let en ont ght, vou. know. ee you, usa Gra "he bt x cther iaanapoing bo I can laugh nt “ily ap aout nd you may go on with ere, ir," said Maleolm Dun- i. It was Hilda's birthday and, she in- upon the usual tea-party in the ot Loch. | She al Skydfa Castle, and always theit Rilertoons tid pignie a ee 7 oaks lovely islet and ine brok He Wale: oe ue abbey. ‘The fire to be made and Mghled: by Hilda, ie then tea from the nbers, buttered scones, . fruit and the finest of sweeties; slowly back whil child's eyes unspeakable — happiness She and Susan would, pare sing together on the water, So home, to be pelled by every- one unl “ner bedtim r ay now,” anid inne his tite Mr, Larsen to a 1, daday?” eried the the Hoe ‘ridiculously’ caret eat smileds his’ appreciation ~ of such censure, “Ye it,” he sald; “f will be very eeu pet star! ae child's Paik hai Von bn a millionaire ete that ser ca ofa fortnight ag: and ue eyes: keen as he looked a “But he believed ‘there: was mnathihg: to fear. “Well, pet, good: tea fo youl? said: Mr. The picnickers went. down the ¢ to the gardens east of the ae: Ky ile. ‘9 the fores! sled edge f the glassy loch ‘aii ULE initroned its nieoas to the tnt and vey io the and a nice cup of arsen, and, singing at lie eth happy Iiftle oe oe was, Hil- the brackens and’ nettles vent “Malcolm sat on, tis ipa Toe of the on val ror ae They always made the picnic oe were flat stones for pores ant ‘the pretheae: in dg aepue. aay aveloante scree! at oe fate *presomed to fill his’ she i when ‘his finger was 1 ple Sr etiods uty so his a and Ate Most He glanced again at the letter in his cl as but the ge vere deéd than have { that his” ili girl was | And Re thief his wash | be cks under the |S Teva it with ae acounaeet brother i ‘she a Joys tween he ae fin, fling of ig! seh oui quiet al seule dae hi ard ‘Malcolm! We're 1 He was on his feet in a Rromnta now: then, he rust L into nes “heather usa *; bien ine child, large~ a rand flushed cl @ her hand. chant Hate he gasped. Heavy ‘sis folded ie oli iat pana \d_ bade “ ns rooting saning Mb Tha forget child ae terrified a her, and we went wi ‘ts ae the boat and, ene: the 1 e ny : lee e eae, set Re es was feeling tae elbing <I put [I couldn't get I Doylin until ‘hey. al frshed =) the pitied es: and a rn im ea ex ‘clutching his [not an made him tie the ey ‘one's ne feet 40) ee ange ae are, 3 Niatcotin the piper sos sone wall the ands ‘only, hands in his sant” o said. odded al at bee Hays him, in fun measure all 1 @ craved, And then sudden’ ne ponies the > eviless of you,! ae at OF reverence and love, pres and sete, her “fo: won a rennaly in goown-up iifo of ae anne ‘br ‘he Bae velo dela) fe grouse. Ue ee ed was wane a4 him on Ue fer sou said "aatoalins ¥ to Fie for a few © minutes ‘The millionaire stepped {o the edge ot h his piper, and, leaning @ batustrade withthe i he sul bret fis vk “bub “CO Neat 2 ised, Wi iene had heard all he Astle, snd teleura whied o ‘aiiee a Mie ne Wealbay, foie mlles awe, H Ae excil ie ini red the 1u Pex er’ pat rant, Not hi vou! e ecg Pecan isk hs be the hand. “I shall nol. for; his qT mi to his child, whom he kissed ani TOMMY SCORED, wate Tommy Atkins, the Regiment, was consi eve the sinastest’ 2 Ae on parade that morning, so ha Ww told to. report: himself “i ae msn ingt office agave ‘atid dvess-belt, a Prompt to. ine cea ‘ate ae de NHR 1o be smart, knocked will 6 commanding officer. who was fat having. his vd ie ‘rap; rap," thundered fort) “Fons Gatune and sah ing officer's reer mant ding ~ Office! “Dor aoe ys ne Ped Yous fe ac manding officer 2 “Tommy ee sly a + Commanding Ofticer : ow. you. — Just’ consider officer, for the si. ate sh he pany Ras order he ecmuBtNe S ql up ‘ehind, tuned ube key, ted himself in the

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