: 2 a x iS ¥ oe — t “ & a coe ach which is partly the ever-recirting fam- MILLIONS FOR GOFFEE|BURGLARS GRY “POLICE Stops: ao oe Celluloid sy ete nets CARPET DYEING ‘of these ilems that the sie Is a apecialty with the ban ie _ poe "ny tie h cently had 1o call for an internal Joan of Barris! AN AMERIOAN DYEING 00, GERMAN BANKERS HELP BRAZIL TO | THEY SHOUTED FOR THEIR ENEMIES Colie &: v3 fan eleeen Starc Neen eae ae ca Laren) sae treet «ight rho ARKET THE CROP. WHEN IN TROUBLE. <. 00,000, and both of these loans Nee 4 M Easier froning gives |e aied down on the mdget WW SSTERN, BUSINESS — iF vod pate z = Nurses’ sx Mothers* Treasure better finish on things |{roordinary receipts.” uss large liste; hotels Wer) stable ‘They Loan $10,000,000, Which Brings |Old Archie and the Bulldog—A Burglar cba Cl 3 starched ee ee eR ee ie wieee ca Ree ne. oe Mans Bi the Brazilian Coffee States ome : can only d_ approxi Dul| Nothing you can wear cows you so Klein real. | C0.s business rokeis, Suskatoo \d-water st: ; ro Fand to $95,000,000. Another loan has. been: mad ing to $10,000,000, in furtherance Ot nite jan ‘of leading eotlee Merchants of this ecuntry e coffee profitably. yaaa ‘of coffee raised wil he oe Wok fave taken over on lease the Eoraeabana Railway mpany, one cf important railroads’ of Sao mnounced in. the cnley trade’ yesterda connection with the coffee ria Was made by the Dresdnér Bank ‘of Ger- many. x NINETY-FIVE MILLION, Adding th (0,000,000 now: pledged through the lease of suance of the plan to improve th trade of Brazil. 1 stated’ hart local members of the syndicate that tere are now held as collateral. 7.500,- < Still more is to be-bought from the finds ee Ee the loan made by 'Dresdnei WAS “NATIONALISM. The plan, in fact, has evoked hi jeviticism from — many interests of +f economic Tae 6 ques as a natic question of the Molten Slates, ‘The Pre- ‘sident’s me: ated that, the federal governmen| guarantee for the line States to the amotnt of _ $75,000,000, which _.was. agreed upon and was enacted into law | op m August | 2,000,000 BAG cardin| STORED. Aci to lerman Sieleken syndicate go originally among mer-|V ry arms s to assist the coffee trade of Bra= bigs al calles as, colisters] for advances sash; made the ‘pricipal coffee ny hen the first loan on coffee was made in behalf of the several ags. were stored ‘in thi . Hamburg, and’ other eG merehants, members had: w ravebotises was subsequently found necessary increase this onl Bitealise aactne removal of 2,000. bags from the m ket had no appreciable effect in advance ~ Was Received With Open ~ Arms, One would: scarcely imagine that, bur- glars would ever regard policemen save in the light of their eaturas and deadli- man, turk h 1d -Aréhie, tho voleran burginr, wo, after: pursuing’ a life of crime { Angee! nalts vcentiry, been fovnied character and a leading tight 0 the Salvation Army, once had to appeal ity his nefarious calling. He broke into ws warehouse An: Londion through ile Hie eee tn the cepof, intending’ in slidé “to the “basement: by-means “of a rope which he atlached by a hook to a Biatbeset In piteh anne he slid slowly ‘town the rope, but just as he floor his Z2 & Ee S2 _Arehie 1 of non mauiah its he managed fo out the dog's thrant wilh ieee: te they Next morn. ing the burglary Aretile was arrested and sentenced 08 long of penal servitude. Ren IN HIS OWN TRAP. Some years ago 0 burglar was caught i his own trap in a curious manner a psrigion, England, It happened that the d arranged their meeting- place. tae ips. aight al tho Very house whiete the burglary was commilted, On reaching ea pee they cama a window sei, Which naturally aroused. their suspicions, ‘They quietly walched, until they saw a bundle dropped from the window, wi esently, followed ery arms of the police was so alarmed: at:-find! a’ rough embrace that, forgetting his unlawful errand, he be “Murder !” ee Lo aides thats ang ‘man: grounds, at the separated from {he Regen by a low wall. nieglae not ful in éntering 0} y the draw night was dak 8 voices in the streel outside, the’ thie Additional advances were syndi- formed, and it is now stated that uty 6,000,000 bags are held score or more of coffee apes ers | pe oe chants of this country and © LEASE OF RAILWAY 2h Schroeders London and the Nation City Bank brought out a coffee [ho ae months fee Ha had the refusal on any more loa The first Schroeder he ‘amounted to present loan, 15,000. completed yesterday, was. broach (instead of coffee as collateral ‘on a lease Seracabana eh de Company. a0 Paitlo,*one of the srincipal coffee Slates, has now advanced $5.0 bag ¢ , 7,500,000 bags of coffee, and has raised altogether abou 5,000, rious loans. The State of Rio has raised $10, 000,000, and it is understood. that the federal government vt ail guar- anteed a loa ft 000 to one of the coffee States, gee tia s __ DELICATE CHILDREN. Fuby's Own Tablets have done more dicine to make, weak, feonfidence, os she has the guarantee of a government analyst that the Tablets contain no opiate © or ful drug. Mrs. Laurent Cyr, witthe Caseapedia, have used Baby's Own ‘says: for colic, hobs troubles and © than pleased who a box. fro varias €O., Bro eR ON “So your wife refused to marry you fo her. . Did made. a fortune. When I came it-was. she who did the, pursuing.” A. Magic Pili—Dyspepsia is a with which men constantly geap- yling but cannot exterminate. Sub- dued, and to all appearances vanquish ec in_one, it makes its appearance in ano ay dl In many the diges- tive “apparatus is 1s ~delicate as the raectianism of @ watch’ or seientifie in- strument in which even @ breath of air sons disorders of the stomach, ensue from the most trivial causes and caus truch suf ‘o these Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills are recommended as mild and sure, é “From the grammatical standpoint,” said ies fair maid with the lofty. fore- head, hich” ‘ou consider correct, ‘Thad rather go home” or“T would rather xit at the aoe way along when he suddenly made a false step, and found himself precipi- tated ine. the ‘muddy wwalers of, the cana). “Help !". “Help!” “Police 1” shouted. His cries iWekily veuhedite ears of a constable, who came running to the assistance of the dro g man, and mueb-wanted and notorious cracksman. IN THE GRIP OF JIU-JITSU. Some of the most daring burglaries of modern days have been committed in ann notorious eracksman, a man of sin- known to tow ADE pal Fe 6 that busy centre of the cutlery trade. all the lai eek: scientific implements, he broke into a g se and soon succeeded or Ke aioe in Aue ‘s dant terfere ‘or attempt to s| ittle eaten, wee er fl Sten aan powerful burglar lifted arm with the intention of delivering a knodk-out blow. He skil- fully ‘oid the blow, and direc oly. Seiavoards the Blue Dragoon was lying oan ‘on the floor. seream- ing in his agony Police !" and der !". for Ee dislocate his shoulder and leg. Dra; present enjoying His “| Maj hospitality. and Sees con- siders ‘thal teaching Jin-jitsu 0 be rade dia cdminal.s altenices a earentre panel aes WHY IS A HEN ANYWHERE, ANYHOW? Learned English Judges Spend Two r the Point a hen the wight fo endanger. the Wad litob OF arryolisl ot the high way eat rendering its SHEE Mable for That interesting question has engaged Has: the attention of two, eminent judges of the King's: Bench’ Di rming- ham, England, and several Jearned and costly. ro whole days, And in the end the, judges did what the fowl failed to do—they dod, Their deci- sion leaves the’ question still unseltl but the abt eee for the present rests with the hadwe “il of Birmingham was cycling recently along a country roa hen belonging !o Mr. Righton flut- gre in the, oyclist’s fe home” “ “Neither,” promptly. te-| broken’ head, @ smashed machine and & lipoinica’ (ha phurig antics “Vasntion ta: detinctstow!: «3 ther s here.’ Mr. Hadwell brought an action for Le Lecte cle pep ep ep odp ep ep ep Oe ep Sop Sp eth eto et That hacking tough continues ‘ 4 Because your system is exhausted and gf» your powers of resistance weakened. & Take Scott's Emulsion. @& fai " It builds up and strengthens your entire system.) : P It contains Cod Liver Oiland H: 80 ¢ prepared that it is easy to take and easy to digest. ALL DRUGGISTS: 50c, AND $1.00 “3 ect decided in course; | 6 his aoeident led to tho capture of a | e | will. alw damages against te Rigten Thi inthe Birmingham Cau he @ tried before “bude shes, Judge ihe owner of the hen, on. the Peunaenar aera no ¢ ¢ to show that it is the com- mon ‘paclee of hens to run into bicycles, and that, in any event, there was na evi- anced show that such was the disposi- the popeniet fowl in question. ¢ Bray: alforded a brilliant of f the Ponta Nigence } on it whenever 8 évast draws ually wails until ‘the wheelman is al- mosh: onto it and then starts off madly. in. one “Givection: suddenly: to i verse ils eounée a manent lat spill is fgeried iy ier Welt tne Une due either to the extreme rauger ie Hee ‘or sheer good luck. A barnyard fowl! at on highway was no place for creajures whose behavior under excite- meft was so erratic as that ue foy Tho man who allowed them to stray there should he held respon sible: for: eny damage resulting from their ways. a knife which he had upon him. Shee teat e hel fe Dreught oUF ABBE when: the-hen le Wwas too faint from loss of bl00d) yan into Mr. Hadwell’s whee as be- and pain to attempt to secure any of the | ny: chase Be tener Chae Valuables of; which he had. come in | judges ae opportunity ta dodge. the ‘ss: seare ie his way sue, Tn giving thelr decision, they said building and dragged imselt alnlly re ete gety er ekeads ch te decide along. un polic whom |hat were the respective rights of fowls he begged to escort nim to “the Rogpltal. | Sal were | ie = iigeveve They: he The kind-hea able naturally no, precedents fanted the oyelis to “appeal Senn ulghen colt the end is perhaps not yet. ——# AFTER DOCTORS FAILED. iams' Pink Pills Cured a Se- ‘ase of Anwmia-and Weakness, nemia—poor lood—is the ndtiso Of most ot the misery. which. i nikind, The. housewile, espe al} wey to it. é-dong: hours close confinement nets in performing her household dui her strength. an nd often su ull “vere € SEE ap omes run gee n mi They fie nee toed. ols, ei blood hanishes ot wo- known es Chailions, -Oue through — Dr, She farmer. ot St » found new mi ams! Rink —“A year ago I was wld not atend “fo tremely my. woi sulfered from my head ached: any Pe find @ bad-cough and the doo was going into consumplion. ‘cwed their treatment for: some: oe but without. rele af. ed and finally was ‘villiams weak. 1s ry Dr procured fore they were all Fa Tfeit reliel, The seadaches izziness became less frequent and I felt a little stronger. gontinued the pills for «cou the pains ‘had left. me, my aerae was good and Tel as sainoae and Waly as yer ud. I cannot say too much in Dr. wiltams’ an Pills oe T cer! tainly owe my. go0 Ith to ther e Bete in the eee the man in the office, the boy ‘or girl in ae se) ee find a friend in Jiams’ Pink Pills. These Pills “cam make new, rich, red blood plood banishes rheumatism, bility, general ae: kidney troubles and’ those aches from The Dr. Brockville, Ont. Williams’ Medicine Con RECORD IN MATRIMONY A MAN WHO MARRIED ONE HUN: DRED WIVES. A Dentist’s Amazing Career of Poly- gamy in the United States and. England. to-day he would no doubt be consumed with envy of certain gentleman, whom we will “Dr, X—,” who was run Meenas jong ago. in America afler an amazing career of polygamy, the story Gf which leaves fietion-wrilers impotently bi a brief sketeh of them can scarcely fail fo artes our readers, X—_ was sae font -five years ago, ed a a man of athletic pull ae sient ne exterior, and with a strange hypnotic] f power which he has done ample justice over susceplible females. Until a years ago he was known ag an ex- ceedingly clever dentt, and seems ts have content. with that useful, us spples ‘unt he discovered tar ther SS ane eee’ for his ‘lenis thst the hea: ir pa- tients than in their mé ne of his ure experiments in the domain of Cupid wa: petty -pa- tient’ who pectin fel ee victim to. the fascinations, and. whom led to el i nee of marri He iss’ was bri for, fer. borrowin; Say from nS iethersins “law, ostensibly 9 buy a Bt eae A DENTAL PRACTICE, he disappeared, Ks lat few weel 1 of another bride at and WW and He™ married Polish widow Indi If the. legendary Bluebeard were alive | Rive WILSON’S FLY PAD: S: ao DRUCCISTS, GROvERe AND ib GENERAL STORES 100. per packet, or 3 packete fe will last a whole season. Every packet all cules bcs fe bakers and others demand: th, color and uniformity. STRONG 2WHITE AT YOUR GROCERS DEALERS EVERYWHERE SUPPLIED WITH widows in Brooklyn, all of whom he ) fo $15,000. To each ferent name and appe in a aise k ges: Now te ras le ha no shav he ere asted a abe mo Mr. R.— Fie was ‘bearded like the pard,” as Mr, B—— wore side whiskers only, a 80 on ane the whole gamut of FACIAL r And thus he continued his career of lygamy,-finding a fresh wife and new source: revenué onceya month until, it i timated, he bad won and deserted a hundre; d brides. When he had exhausted the States he transferred his misguided talents to ondon. ae Manchester, dean behind him a wake of abandoned ves, of fate ina warrants for his res ‘til + last Nemesis, in t forr one vi k fs ed a less Pleasant ‘and ‘more restricted field for their ex Asa crane polygamist Dr. has established a record which cerely hope will never be approtehel, So far, hig most dangerous tive was one Emile G—, a nalive of Lyons, ito n the cae of six years wooed and won thirty-six wives in various parts of the Continent, and was finally shot by one of his victims x me poney mooning wilh the Tést of his br The Deron, ‘Dysp times st wa. 8. populat. pellet that. de: ions maved visibly through the am- bient air, seeking to enter into mien and At the: present dey: the Jarge in. th seeking habitation in mihose unwise living in- same Way, unten. foe is: Patmcles's regctable Pils, which are ever ready for thet In March, 147, there was such an a peaple. were able: walk part of the way across vyeshod ING-MACHINE REPAIRS. 150. fovine ee oil, of absolute Sot an ie bese meedlee: andar eretipete neato fer all imbelines for the Red S. Singer Sewing Machi ‘rite us a ng Evamers, Toronto, for set of Bid Go rds fre “How lovely you look in those vose- Ulossoins, Misg Maid!” sold the devoted young man, “8 the sour favorile MOH yeh T anicvers. fon Lore epli ied N s Maud; “but, do you krow, 1 anatne ike ne Bes Now | would look Hint taken. If your children ae me fire rest- less during sleep, co nawake, of Septic pate counten: St. ‘Petersburg corr: .| utter impossibility of rathoming the elu- sive steries ey ~ intricate ‘document nee lent ye reader, yel such ‘Aaiees ‘as one is able to grasp and appreciate ue absorbingly. interesting and insttuc+ ive: ordinary. revenue .of the country to details, the bud| = | House alone receives over ,000, pert estimates the toxation at, 690,000,000, These pe covers the imperial family,. the Govern ment, thé various Ministries, State slals, law and poliee, ete. The nigeria sides an enormous revenue ‘Tein the imperial estates. $31,000,000, as agains! $22,000,000 for education - See aeat as UNLUCKY ROYAL SAILORS. Maree of Princes Who. Ab Fol- the Sea as a Profes In view i) the fact that Prince eee ot Wales has entere ie Nav , the eae ‘of Wales, and the Duke of, ‘Genoa. - Somehow ya: and imperial Princes who have a agopte e] seafaring life as a profession seem to be pursued by fl luck, The Grand Duke Alexis, Lord Hi Admiral -o ussian steam- hithe put his have been secs has handsome ension from the Pr for a serio wound resulting irom. his carelessness in handling ‘a gun, iApebalike Jone of Aut who is in eoetnt ofa , who passed r the. examination necessary to secure ares as a licensed aulEDes dis- from sieht a few years ago wie rounding Cipe ben in hls ahi. g looks more ugly. than to see a NO A SAR ga with warts. Why have “these aimee ments on your person when rover of all warts, corns, ele fcund in Holloway's n the days Jan VI. Scotland had 51 different Bee, of which thirty- four belonged ee Hees Highlands. is millating to have a skin cove idk foul eruptions pg painful, too, Why not Sud tho trouble and restore Zen kin to Ste nat tural fairnoss with Weaver's The Pitch Lake of Trinidad lies in the cumference, and though at the edges the pitch is cold and oe in the centre i: is hot and_ boilin; A Medicine Chest in Ilself—Only the well-to-do can afford to possess a mei E ughs, c ee astima and a potent 1 eset for wounds, cuts, within ine reach lo its cheapness. house. ores tt aod be) in every The University of Glasgow was found. ed in 1451 by Bishop Turnbull, Que Mary gaye to the Galversiiy Aninicen acres of land. ‘The heat of the Troples roiy ch tateg Torte’ is ths te inka ae, ts, you ap It aioe ihe system, Tt makes tl ae i Ttis ant to take. All druggists tit Captain Bailey frst establistied | hack= ney coaches in at 1634. anes were faite ee Sater ‘and stood a pole in the Strand. ITCH, Menge, Prai Seratches and Jord 's fails. Sold ts all angpa Prospective Employer “Your parents left something when they died, did they nel?” Boy="Oh, yes, sir?” Employer “and what did they leave you, my » “Boy—“An orphan, sir. ysentery Cordial kr Boi fo the ee J lloga’s Dy is prepared from drug pI thoroughly sudtesstull a number tilts. Uf summer complaint suffe it ts: just the medicine, that will cure ng from “any bottle, It sell: what ie letter has made you thin Ky and yay ies to. have the last word.” ee Eerie comfort, real service and real satisfaction as. Pen-Angle Guaranteed Vader cer her wouter, RoBSon ‘he Cream of the KOOTENAY If you a) interested in Pruit Lands write our booklet. Ita FREE, ea & McHARDY, Ne | QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY Big Money in Wheat. $10 buys Puts or Calls on 40,000 bu. ee: further risk, a perenen Write for Circular, at Wheat, at 5: fe 6 makes you 86. $800, ete. FREE THE STANDARD GRAIN CO., LIMITED, River and Gulf of St Lawrence Summer Cruises in Oool Latitudes ‘Twin Sorew Iro! "with electrig ie eter balls uxd ail modera comtorte the busiest a: tario; the hot nent street aiasent to the tate Dealer, North “Bay. A Licensed oe in North. mages one 5 oh 1 is situated en x Sra bor. “‘tempe 600 Schofield Bldg., - Cleveland, 0, sails pega on. eens ah sar Taal eh June, Ia FARMS FOR SALE. eae: agus Ob, 8 Bay, 2 eae Ne improved and unimproved farms of oi sie ito, Pek. and Charioes in acres acre and higher; ase ‘B ret ie posta! card stating requirements will bring you par- $, J. B. Gowanlock, 354 Agnes Street, Winnipeg. For Sale. er Beery 88, ae Tot h June, 0, By a ota oe ee _ st, 4th, an joptember, n= ines a eet hc ct ne ene rth rend 0 6 ‘breezes 0 de er Migmte hnest trips of the weason for health and ar AHERN, Secretary, Quebeo OUTERERID oe & CO., Agente, 20 serene New Yor! TH. abilit T IS—the y smooth, level or al work fresh In stool in all gears and shat onlating Hee EL Wa eli theh in povertals Speedy, ah the abel fo saatal ai oe and strong as at the oulset, Aske anyone who owns a RUSSELL why he is STILL DRIVING A RUSSELL, Invariably the answer will “ RUSSELL CARS 3 ARE GREAT CARS. ELS 5 B.P., ght touring ear; wheelbase, 90 inch, tires 80x34 inch, tiring car, Whoolbase 104 inoh, tires 82x4 inch, MODEL I singe, wie, voor ‘ear, wheelbase 119 inch, tires Six Sok in front Comtortable and Handsome. Canada Cycle and Mo TORONTO JUNCTION, CAN. BRANCHES—Ottawa, Winnipeg, Vancouver, and pepe Australia. ease and comfort to Pees tt jeep, sandy or eye an Tee at drive, jal double brakes ou "The Great Essentials of an Automobile To With: Power to To Retain the ‘rig Lustre. Power to Keep “Moving. To Ride Comore ‘tably. Power to road, rough embody th is high standard, liding gear transmis , positive lubricating 0.00 Write tor ian tor Con Limited, SS 2 and 4 Cyclo Engi MADE IN CANADA HAMILTON MOTOR WORKS, Ltd. HAMILTON, ONT. Complete Launches The Good Old Days Looming ne game this seaso Toronto J Deas en dozen la deficit’ of $184, O/ 0 Many bicycle riders who have not ridden They. San thal after all, the wheel was a good ti ne nels them to enjoy life ealthy and’ pleasant means of teenie eee and as a time saver the bigeals is siding its levely eal les this year already demonstrates this Its re Up Again for years are getting Beale nie ter. wo rth 7 recognized. The large increase in cl. “Silver Fl2bon”, Perfect, Cleveland, nctio ISYOUR AFAIR . ee The Ma: Brantford, Imperial, Ramblor and Blue Flyer with Cushion Frame, Coaster Brake, “MAKE ALL ROADS SMOOTH.” ‘\Ganada Cycle and Moto “MA! ae OF THE Pies LD'S: as BICYCLE: 5 see eds Garade: Branches sewiniieae Vancouver, Saliieaios: Aust, MONEY EARNING INCOME come back to’ each day's