Milverton Sun, 27 Jun 1907, p. 8

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= Flour . . Flour ABSOLUTELY We are SOLE AGENTS ‘ NONE BETTER! PRICES RIGHT ! Meyers’ Renown Flour Every Pound GUARANTEED Hardware JAS. S. LOCKIE, Newron Merchant and Address +. Donald Davidson, after two and close, M. 3: Mornington, June 24th, 1907. Dwar Mr. DAvipson, The time has come when our rela- tions as teacher and pupils must cease, ‘on leave us we wi to express onr appreciation of you Asa slight evidence of our regard you to accept: this to y ameate of your stay among us. "gn 1GNED. the evening the young people PRSEBRS: Mr, John faves aid son, of Mary- borough ee isle oyer Sunday ab) Mr. J. J. Oar ey ae under syne fon ef Inspector Irwin” have considerable ABPLa Sea to ic school groun Mr. W. B. pcbsti, of Millbank, and Mr. Geo. Hamilton, of Marden, Man., spent Sunday at Mr. H. Pef-| fers. Me, Robt, White and his gang of carpenters are busy framing a_ stra barn for Mr. R. Barrett. Mr. Millar, istowel, was guest over Sunday with Mr, area Holmes. Quite a number took in the excur- sion to Guelph on ‘Tuesday. ‘Trinity church annual garden party |g the event of the season is to be held} again this year on July 4th, fac Rt SRT ROSTOCK. . Peick, sr, who has been in wary or health’ oll spring was to! Stratford hospital several days last week, He has returned his condition haying somewhat improved, Mr, Henr, MILLBANK ‘8, Chas, Sager, of London, was visting Mr and Mrs. J. Ament’s for were. ota rece ent is Cane = fre in Soaforth aad. “Bre assels. HESSON. Mrs, Donald Steenson, of Galt, returned home on Monday, |spending a week with her mother, ie = Kooblauch, sr. Peorl “Smith and | Mr. (Cos bee of Listowel, were guests at «the ho soe itey Mrauuatnane oe | Mr and Mrs. Gustave Beisinger a hter, Annie j circus at Stratfo: F. Dantzer Guelph Mr. Schifner, of St. Clements was pee bt eae of Mr. Joseph Helm on ‘Me. Fred Seiling is building a new bara, wil ich he intends to raise on ent rd last Friday. spent ‘Tuesday in A fow of Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Coote's merous friends gathered at the’ {home on Friday evening and sponta most enjoyable evening In dancing |and social ¢ fA Hebert ee is home fro Cartha, age suffering trom blood soleamt ing in “Master Albert Helm and Joseph Bie uitorate as rapidly as ie Hs eee of Chicago, is’ this week visiting with her son, Henr Our boys did not play the jaye ridge team last Wednesday evening, on accouunt of tain.. The game was played on Tuesday evening of this week ox resulted ina tie the score being Ib is dice that a football match will be om the prograt in, connection | # with the picnic here on Friday next. A nuniber of the village and » vicin- ity attended the circus in Stratford on Friday last Mrs. D. Busch is Gonfined through an attack of sraallpox. Several of the neighbors had been to see her before the nature of the disease was. know: in the excursion tothe Oa at Gata on Thursday MONKTON During the severe ere thunder ioe mr of Sunday afternoon, Mr. David Hood, ofthe 16th con, had two valuable cows killed. This vicinity has had plenty of rain of late, the down-pour of Monday The growth in meadow and spring erops has been phenomenal during he past week. On Monday evening, the newly elected brethren of Elma lodge A. and |. were duly installed, R: WwW. Bro, Elliot, of Mitchell, officiating. ae he following officers were installed : Mod. 4 Elacott.; And Gandicke: W., O. Dufield ; id. Wy J, Fe Suter gee J. Tilman ; Tres ie ic henry cf 4 + Go Clee the He “| Mayperry—At Britton, on ane at Mr, Denyer’s to have an evening in Mr, Davidson's honor. A join with his frie Dayidson all success in his fature un- ertakings Glenn-Lang. took place at “Belleview” - farm home of Mr, and Mrs, Elliott Lang on Tuesday, Jone 18th, af eleven o'clock when their youngest’ daughter, E. Mande, ‘bestia the bride of Mr Wm: A. Glenn, of Buros. The ceremony Rie puani ty Ben he ee Wear. gate, of Atwood, beneath an arch of evergreens and apple blossoms, a bank wries forming a backgro' he bride, played the w Little Miss Marjorie Turnbull, niece ot the groom, acted the part a aoe er while master PF. E. oode, the ales son of Mr. and ire, oy Stafford, performed the part of ring bearer, he bearing the golden sirey on a ribbon about “his neck. ster Earl Tanner, nephew of the bride sees ed the part of page. The bride’s robe ‘was of white swiss batiste with valen- éiennes insertion, n trimmings, She carried a shower boquet of lily of the valley, her veil being apie herp ya small white roses. The only jewelery the bride wore w a beaatal gold crescent set. wi pearls, the gift of the groom. ‘The | groom’s gift to the flower girl was a ting set with rubies and pearls, to the page and ring bearer, sterling silver spoons embossed with The bride’s going-away costume was x navy blue ell serge with gim and satin trimmings and hat to mate: i Mr. and Mrs.-Glenn left on the 12.10 train for London, Surnia and other points, On their return they will take up their residence on the groom’s i mat Burns. A a pag prospérous. and happy career is the wish. of their many friends. The bide will be at home to friends after July 1st. BORN. Wednes- June 11th, 1907, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mayburry, a. daughter. ung paneer ‘At Wellesloy, June 9, nd Mrs; Havry. Kelterborn, a eae iter nd} case of royal fami remain | of honor uneaneeled “by the lapse of sh f fe brightest’ and. happiest} cic A auiet but “very pretty wedding | a e ENGLAND'S KING A DEBTOR. Payment of $200,000,000, May Be De- Waive ay Years? Interest. Rep cently revived that the Sapenentedien of the 2 ancient Floren- tine family their claim upon the English royal facnily for the liqui oaks made to the first three Sen to institute special ies in Florence, ‘he ‘chese Vicenzo Pei the ssent “Teed vot the: tirise.. is Dey away in London for his m: ge with Miss Betty. Gan ae daughter of a deceased mi . The other mem- bers_ of thet to kn ‘The sum of 1,000,000,000f. (sen a6 000) does tok represent the real total advanced by the merchant Probes indo Peruazi, and Baldi, lent, ena a a to Dbeldine Perussi, "as to hie acces treasures thomsetved uz2i an faithless debtor: RELIC OF MEDIAEVAL LONDON, Crosby Hall 1s In Danger of Being Pulled Down. Crosby Hall, one of the most inter- esting of mediaeval London, is now fn danger of being pulled down so that the site can be used for bank mn was purchased for $1,035, must, be of enormous value to-day, situated as it i very heart of tho city of Crosby Hall, which is in a fine state of preservation, with the-original of Gloucester purchased it fr ’s widow.” In the coun- cil chamber of the hall the crown was offered: to Richard -Crookback, the Duke of Gloucester, in 1488. ter Richard becam: Hing th hall he res hi ae cat Northampton were the next ‘ : ine ‘ east of here are quatantined, 8: S.| Soawarg + "iene ae O'Gnavs—On Juno th, to. Me. and “Becaping tho great fire in London it No. 4 Ellice andthe Gadshill school | the slore of the ceremony all the| Mrs, Jas. P. O'Grady. a so became a temporary prison for malig: mibers present, some forty in nua- 2 it was a Presbyterian are closed on that account. : orn 5 Rae aroti MARRIED chapel, ee Be 1678 a sal ep eeaeaes Mitchell and Milverton, in addition to | Gx ANG—At the residence of the | “a @ ity of tapestry, a good ol WELLESLEY those of Elma lodge repaired to the ride’s ee 10th con. ° Stor wn- | 106 and a black girl of about 15.” In _ Rotel: where “mine host) ington, on Taesday, Tang 8th, (SD it ras 8 nL Salt a Mae jaurer hai readiness a splendid| js ndia Company, In it was re- The Sabbath School Convention supper, which was done fall justice moat gris! paneer 2nd) paired and restored by public. sub- held here last Thursday was yery well }to by all. After supper, a short pro ig; to = meee scriptions and a-dliterary and scienti- wttended and was an entire success, gramine way run ote Which consisted 2 ee by Rev. H. P. eat: fic institute _ wy instal Tt has ‘ eeches froin Bro. a 1 see “fast generation an ‘te ; ie re utheran Pongtecation ae Ritcuell: ‘Mr. Ja aus Prysaih eidbunho? rated their annual missionary festiv » Dr. Lederman, M ee Wn sarin opt Witecldo; te Mies To-nb other cocnus) says one news- last Sunday wlien the Revs, Gri nd others. Habn, of Heidelburg. paper, could such a building be al- from stars and Thun fre nlivened eae proceedings lowed to fall into the hands of house gdeen Jay ‘several son; wreckers. the fore affa~mteay d Rev. Battenburg poling in the evening, Collections were taken which amounted to about $60.00. We are informed that our band has |§n readine engaged to furnish the music at the Millbank lawn social next Monday Hi Son of Mr. Geo. Bast tuneately had a runaway with : load of milk on Monday mornin; ut fortunately no one was hurt although ten the waggon was turned up si The cause of the mishap was = wiflle: tree becoming unhooked while going ioe by ti ightning. down a small grade when the. tongue however, passed off harnilesely to the rSe8. Elmer Small has severed his con nection with the Maple Leaf and left last reer ie his home i in Arthur. Mr. Ed Koel him. at@ach service | Milverton and Blyth has been an very unfor- {rumors count for anything, we are-soon to have a regular train ser- vice here, The road bed bi med up aud work completed on most of the crossings rendering everything The sp ire of the Methodist shoal y lightning during ‘the sree Pagns in Monday afternoon ightly Aarrered Thi th third time that it has been. ged In the sine way, thus destroying the ree of the old adage that lightning not strike twice in the same Darla ing ees thunderstorm on Sun: of Mr. A. Stewart was The current, a of the globes‘on the red which can easily be replaced. rf. ee very. ‘unfortunately met with an accident in Ratz Fleischauer’s plaining mill when the emery stone flew to pieces, a part of. which hit Mr, Hammel on the head causing severe wounds but is doing well under the circumstances, Mr, Ernest Bellinger, of Toronto, is holidaying here at present with his brother. r Me, Ed Kelterborn, of Milverton, Spent ae! here with relatives. Mr. Geo. Walton and his aunt, liek Perketc hon Seas spent few days with relatives and friends. sF 12th July. Celebration 1907 MONSTER Mr. and Mrs. 0. F. Ottman, H. Forler, and the Misses L. Berd: and Lucinda Bellinger attended the annual meeting of the Farmers’ ‘Women’s Institute last Friday at Sb, Jocobs. ate qT agons have commenced at the Tobaaentod walls on Mr, J. Peppler’s house, Miss A, Becker, of reas: spent Sunday at her home will be held in TOWN OF ST. MARYS under the auspices of the County Orange Lodge of South Perth. The meeting will be addressed by prominent speakers, A full programme o} match at10.30, The committee is spar- Quite a number Keith hes went to Berlin to take ia the circus fasb | urday . ing no pains in making ‘this one of. the Faotbiicsacahittoishea igus tyae held te Perth, Full particulars as'to trains and sales ean bead at any G, T. R, ee, be ticket 1 | Newton, Ont. =| ing cand: the ahi! of, cee and Pro Local associations Will meet at their nae places teats ‘on Wednesday, July 44 8 o'clock p. m., to pe delegates oe com cents WM. BELL, WM, WHERRY, President. Sec-Treas, Newry, June 21st, 1907, Muverton, June 27, 1907 Ball wheat, por ‘bush 85 Burley per bi 45 Oats 42 Peas ack oe 7 Apples per bag 5 Potatoos 00 10-0010 Butter per pout 17 Bet per 16 12 sports will also be giv-| Bi en including @ championship Base Ball] ™ To avibors | Car of Feed Corn, for DRO: verton, Flour always in'stock, ae SE Eg Tricked the Police. A curious story comes from Belfast of an inter~ Baie House and Lot For Sale ‘The ‘undersigned is offe: house and lot on Maple St lit ing for sale his Jateben, Stable NORTH PERTH :|Conservative Convention A Ck one of the North Perth Gonserva- ¢ Association will be fe in MILVERTON, y ing SATURDAY, JULY 6th, 1907 an for the purpose of & Stratford, June27, 19 ran 85 Apples, et bi Points po ans of the lough near the of th ola River, and comman- deered all the available small boats, rowe the island, The birds re soon brought fac face, and number of battl were fought. Meanwhile half a do: ices tived at the bor here the men mbarked, but all the pe pee hi ing been taken away they pelled to watch helplessly ‘the vial tion of the law on the island 1: thi out, and did showi hat many of the fishes | tibetated there und their way into the Lax-ets 5 “The People’ Ss Milverton’s Greatest and Best Store, = “Store ie oie We do as we Advertise, OLID FACTS which for your outlay is hard to find. That and that only, is Full and generous measure of VALUE is the boon that every shopper has the right to look for from Tuts Store. Best of all, every choice is founded on the Solid Rock of “QUALITY,” the like of the kind of Sotip Honest Quatiry that prevails in this store. To get the Greatest Value for the LEAST MONEY, Tue Prorte’s Store is the place. Ask your neighbors. oe Goods, And Now Its Colored Muslins EVERY GOOD VARIETY HERE — Sen Batiste (plain and open) Mulls, Swisses, Cotton and Silk Mixtures, andso on. Alsoa fine line of White and Black Muslins ranging in price from, 8 to 40c yd. EXTRA SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK SEE NORTH WINDOW. Plain and Colored Muslins, and Wash Dress Over a 1,000 yards cf Muslins, Batiste, Cotton Voiles, eee Cotton De- laines, regular price 15, 18, 25 and 35 cents. Your choice of the lot and as many yards as you wish to buy for only. per yard....., 8 Cents 4 Bed Spread Special! 100 only Large Canadian Crochet Spreads superior quality already hemmed and ready: for use. Very easily washed, snow white, heavy and wear well. VERY SPECIAL EACH. 98 cents Waists, Blouses and Whitewear We Are Headquarters = or = “Ladies’ Whitewear”’ ing in price Drawers —K Firer-Quality and coke ag ee Underskirts price from $2.50 down to,... LADIES’ WAISTS—Latest creations, all well made, low priced too, sizes 32 to 42, For $1.0 ery Night Gowns Fine Nainsook, trimmed with fine Valenciennes Lace and from $2.25 Corset Covers from = - 20c to $1.25 Whi of Allover Eyelet Embroidery and Valenciennes Insertion, three quarter sleeve, with cuffs. attached collar with lace, A good saving For $150 similiar to above, but best quality, For $2.25 Ladies’ Whitewear Special Cotton, es Frill, trimmed with tucks and frill of lace, at pi Fine Sheer White Lawn, Fronts Allover Embroidery, Fine Japanese Silk, front trimmed with wide panel of Embroid- ite Lawn Yoke and Panel A Bargain. Net, rows of Insertion and Tucking, worth $3.50. A dandy. axOe Fine Cotton, deep’ flounce of Lawn, trimmed with tucks and frill of Embroidery, Laces and Insertions, ranging in '75¢ at per pair. Insertion, Beading and Ribbons, very fine, rang- pee . L100 A. FINKBEINER [NE WTON | The Up-to-Date Stores | MILLBANK | MILLET SEED , Just the thing for pasture. Can be sown ay time ushel . SELECT Your Hardware, here if you want good quality. Our stock is first-class, It has been gath- ered from noted for Farm for Sale ‘HAT PARCEL OF LAND being the west half of lot 17, con. -4, Toe con. New dri ving sh zs 24x40. R. W, SWITZER, : W. RS. ‘anytime; the ck th, the excellence of their products, Our prices are no higher than you often have to pay for poorly-made goods. Remeinber that even on little things for household use we can save you money. |Finkbeiner’s HARDWARE before July 15th. Per b e: im $1. 90 ee SEED still have a stock of the best varieties of Turnip Seed, vizi— adie 8 Breas Top; Hall’s Westbury, Kangaroo and Grey Stone, SUGAR. Redpath’s Best Granulated cae per ewt. CASH.. $4. 8 5 Buy Crown Brand FRUIT JARS Wine Pints 75¢ dozen. Wine Quarts 90c dozen, Imperial Quarts id ee a Half Gallons $1.10 per dozen. Imperial Half Gal- ons $1.25 doz STRAWBERRIES ‘We expect them in ‘next ‘boys Don’t delay buying too 1 expect the season will be short. mele) Bare a Delicious Toe c . Every Wednesday and Saturday. er on Newton 7 “eons | H. GUSTIN BUTTER

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