Milverton Sun, 27 Jun 1907, p. 4

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C. P, R. Time Table ARRIVE DEPART Mixed. 12.306, m. Express, 7.00 a.m. 00. pm. Mixed. ..4,00 p.m, _ G.T.R. Time Table ‘Trains due to leave Milverton,” GoING NoRTH, GOING SOUTH. Express 7 a.m Ps m|fulin the connection, and will refrain The AMilverton Sun Is the best Local Newspaper in the County f Perth. {t is the Best Advertising fadium, Rates reasonable, Subscription $1 per year, strictly inadvance. $1.50if not so paid.—M. MacBerit, Puptisner THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1907 Why Burn Your Toes Stop using ‘Acid C Corn’ Salves, use Putnam’s Painless Extractor; ib_ costs a little more but it’s far the “Putnam’s’—25c at al Pai a Sects Pious Jockeying. (Montres| Gazette.) r. Kettlewell, of ‘the Nia- committee of his conference’ to\ im- prove their own positions. It i: trusted the politicians will be merci- rom saying anything about preachers, a I ETT, Just where the p-Ranger Lies Tn many Pan Gaoes, cocaine is the largely used ingredient; in conse- ence the drug habit may be fora. To be really cured of catarrh, to d quickly, safely and pleasantly, oan Catarrhozone is superior other remedy. It heals sore places, | of stops “discharge, prevents hawking, spitting and bad breath—does this by first destroying the ante Ha the dis- Your Wisest Course If you are caught in the wet, get/a or muscular Begin prompt tres peat with Polson’s 8 Nerviline. cold, eases Peseta neuralgia an pain, saves you from a lay- uf in ca No 25¢ purchase can bring comfort than a bottle of Polson’s AS viline; it’s the cleanest, strongest lini- inent made. Sold everywhere in 25¢ bottles. in the North-west Everyone wishing to-sée Manitoba and the great North-West provinces, with a view to alice a home Sate or morely verine a apie Bilge Py and Siauld make a” point of securing a free copy of pamphlet and full information, which obtained of any C. Jaly.2; 16, 30, Augus and 24, and tickets within sixty days. ee at West Spending Too Fast Mr. Bryon E. “Walker, in an interview on the financial ditions in the West of the situaion as follow: rse no one can ral until the erop that has been kept back to what extent that. relief the will meet western people's requirements, and to what extent it will get them out of Teis perfectly clear in any debt. event, and it did not need this winter scopt from settlers’ houses to railway build: ig, we cannot but expect that next|i fall we shall havea recurrence of the money tightness of this winter, except in so far as the trouble this winter was caused by the tie up of the grain. Tf we don’t slow up in our expendi tures, we shall inevitably have. tight - money again. “Of course’ to be forewarned is to be rn furearmed . ing in the condition of money for the next winter itisasign that there will bean in- stinctive “quite possible that there will be nov contraction here and enough capital eoming from abroad to get us out of ible.” Mr. Walker says there isa yery large amount of foreign capital com- ing in that the man Yn the street does not know anything about. = Ea Rt SORES The Tel pEonese on the Farm. There is no matter along the line of general improvement in which Gxtar- io farmers are more interested ab pra- sent than they are in tliat of tele- phone communication. It is well sie this is so, because there are few . | petite, of quick communications of messages. To the ordinary resident of a town or sity a telephone is a mere convenience is household supplies come. Th family on the farm isin a wholly dif: ferent position ; the nearest neighbors are quite a distunce off, the doo! and the veterinary surgeon—either of whom may in hurry— are far away, and the railway station at which goods intended for the farm frequently argive by freight or express is, in Most cases some miles. distant, To-be able, without a long walk after a hard day’s work in the fields, to’con- sult with a neighbor about questions which arise during seed time and har- vest is an advantage of no little im: portance ; to be in a position to order by ’phone repairs for a broken binder. or mower may evsily save more than the’cost of a ’Lhone for n whole year ; to secure immediate information as to «| tribution, tor in the quickest pene time may be the means of saving a A telephone may not be an actual necessity on a farm, but, where it can be obtained at the rate prevailing “in most sections of Ontario, the service is worth a ae Re more than what it tal away all trace of ete fees good to return President of the Canadian Bank of eee fi tor | ti and discussed the situation, 0 experiment, it is na and pi eure that guaranteed for bron throat, and Jung catarrl sizes 250, and | $4.00 at all dealers. Hopeless. (Morley Observer.) ‘A tourist arrived- at a Highland “But how do fyou do,” n old woman, ‘when any you lke are ers il? “Oh P said A “we jest the 0 “But ‘if that ae them no just. gi’e then t even is a third ‘one does them no good ?” “Oh weel; if three glasses o’ guid whiskey disna cure thein, they’re gaun tae dae ony- way,” “Bu J pin Sa ER System Beanies! Frequent Not only outside, but inside as well your body must be frequently cleaned. Otherwise it becomes loaded with wastes that clog up the wheels of health, Uae lation of lasting good health. r. Hamilton’s Pills bring ae and vitality so much. sou; today; “| they infuse a feeling of freshness and gave | ls fies spirit in those who have been ailing for years. Really no medicine so potent, Price 250 at all dealers, NS TREE Potato Patch in ope the “Grave- ya Relatives of deceased persons who have been buried northerly Side of the Hast End Cemetery very indignant at the action of the Cemetery Committee which has had a large portion of the grayeyard plough t}ed and converted into a potato patch. Quite afew graves, some of which have tombstones, have been ploughed interred are unrecognizable and. svar- cely any indication is left of their aia action and the aly excuse giv that it was a pity to allow the o be unused. when a revenue could be derived by the sale of the ush the market next fall for the Dae grown in the Hast End Cemetery. —_—_——____ Greatest Female Strengthener on Earth ‘Thousands of women are van, palid rundown and dispirited. What they need-is that nourishing tonic Bee zone Soon they regain these Jaugh- ing eyes, bright spirits and rosy cheeks. Ferrozone does this and more'as Mrs. LF. Adrianson, of Whitney Pier, C. B,, testifies. “My daughter was very much run down and had consider. able troube at times, ~ Often Iwas at aloss to know what do. I was Nsayisad 08 give her Ferrozone and I did so. Ferrozone cleared up al the troable, made «my sae healthy and well. Duets gives good ap- “regulates, Mecan thane: consider it snbdiping e feel her best. is Rebuild with Ferro: zone, it is King of all cures. Price 50c per box at all dealers, pa AAS oe Big Car Shortage. The Ontario Coal Dealers’ Associa: | by-coal men from all parts of the pro- vince. Asked if coal prices were consider. ed, an officer the association plied that prices were never touched upon by the organization, that these were a matter for local consideration . Wholesale men ftom the coal cen- tres of the United Stotes were present Tt was generally understood from them that while there would probably be no ad- vance made in wholesale prices, that the danger of a shortage was mote, Coal is plentiful at the mines, tot the difficulty in getting cars is seriously hampering the work of dis- The first effect. has been to stock up the ie 80 ne ae year's shortage will n¢ This is geleyitg the saying in ts Sioa for Ontario m all re elected. Mr, ay, the el president, of Li Hp is again ab head of the organiza practicing themselves what they com-|P mend to others. of | he are} of at], re. |call ye Paybody, to The oflcaee of the association were flivies ee Short Stories Retold Several ladies sat in their club a cigar just aes he has taken a good meal, But I suppose on CAR ayerage, he doesn’t smoke e once a “We fish ** said a Sei own day, “are continuall ybelug accused of intémper- The accusation is fal empty ek are scattered is the oe place Some little While ago a papal writer visited a jail in ord notes for a magazine article o1 ie life. On returni an ome ees ibe seen, and. bis ep pression mind of Hie utile ughter, Mary. The writer and hi Mensibesn-wesk Maton <“wers train together, which stopped at a station near a gloomy building. A rriage, by 3 “is ‘that you were in, arte a ncdde of the Irish een te an told of Lor by excursionists. returned with the fetling that whatever hind happe ned his. rain would al was suooked to find the wall “enclosing. a ne Sure, I pulled it one and. buil se oe the ey TI ra of a man who had be fri aia Russel! 1 Sage called one ay, asking for a loa $10, ia that he would r ee in a week's Sage let him have the money mittens undue fuss. At the hour appointed the young man reappeared, laid the $10 before the millionaire and de- arted. Soon afterwards he called |again saying that he wanted a $100 for a sound and excellént. investment. Tf Sage would let him have the money he would refund with interest upon a given date. ‘The old man beamed Kindly upon his young friend. “My boy,” he said, “you disappointed me once, and I don’t want you aga nin,” ne me back that $10 when I never ex: pected you would. Now, if T let you pay i Baeotuaat is enough at my Hine life, my boy.” And he Besant) bowed his yisitor out of the of An automobile dashed Hee country road. Turning a curve came suddenly upon a man with gun on his shoulder and a weak sick looking old dog beside him ‘The dog was directly in the path of the motor ear. The chauffuer sounded his horn, but the dog did nob move—until he was struck, After that he did ve. The automobile stopped and the it mo! one of ite men got out and came ; for- war once paid’ a farmer 810 for killing calf belonging to an “Certainly looks "Very valanble dog!” “Well “VEN $5 entisty you!” Vell, then, here you are,” He handed a 85 bill to the man sith if we'd killed him.” ale the other & he as the bill. “Not going hunting? Then what were you doing with the dog and the gun?” “Going to ‘the woods to shoot the dog. A good story of John. Bright and Peabody, the Philanthropist, is recall- ed by Mr. Justice Johnston's interest: ing reference to the fo in his charge to che jury at Limerick in ae action of William O'Bricn, M. P. judge pointed. out that it was Bright, who came frequently to Ire land to fish abt Jastleconnel, near Limerick, that they owed the initia- tion of the action to buy land in Ire- land for the tenants. ins Peabody sre Keen anglers. they made a long day of On returning lin the evening Bright, noticing a policeman on the riyer bank,. ‘asied yen sum they were entitled to for comenle said any- ‘ixpence to ten ay Han; have you ieee half crowns?! The millionaire produced the coins end gave them to one of the boatmen, who said : “And is that all ye're giv. in’ me?” That is all,” replies body. ‘Well, That bates all; T heard,” observed the boatman, suing, as he scratched his head.’ “An. they Faith, I should call you Paynobody!” The manager of a big factory is re- ported to have assembled his men to- gether in the time office and told them to yote as they pleased in an election that was hearab hand. “i the books and guide | Stop That Cold 6 Gripe Hlth “Proventies ‘Pneumonia, To siop & 3a iy righ entioH ik aAfar than to fot te rum and be oblige o chock ens colds eae a val aie Haven ora thlcen ean ee head.o# o hese ly. safe too. Uf you feel shitty it you st ote ‘ache all over, think of Proventies, frneas IF the pocket, also In 25¢ boxes of 48 Srvvonties: " Insist-on your druggists giving yOu = Preventics THE PUBLIC DRUG STORE. The Sovereign Bank. Shareholders and depoistors’ gener- ally will be glad to know that the af- fairs of the Sovereign Bank, regarding which there has been some apprehen- aleion lately, are again on a sound basis, dt ju ough going investigation of the bank’s affairs by taking the shareholders aud publio generally into their confiden is to their findings, ite bank Gierl business under the ne Business Cards 99 SISISESISSISiSSS9SI9SGI99 Dentistry. R. R. LEDERMAN, Dentist, ae one of Dental Si versity. Regulation of teeth, Crown aud Bridge work a Specialy. a, mM. to5 p bare ie Raeie Bank, Mavextin F, PARKER, M.D,C.M., Honor Grad- igbert. in Public: Drag Store. oid SeCRRC IN Poole Bramier, Moserville and Rostock, DR. H. J. ms ome sucsessor to. Dr. Nai asin in Pfaff’s block. ‘Telephone canieton oth Poole, Brun- ner, Rostoe ville, Calla ans: tat davsoe aight tanieection Legat PHY & CARTHEW, Barristers, selene Ete. Solicitors for the Ban! of Ham loan," Milver- IeOAR Peiienent oles Me ay ed for, A member of ithe firm pect be in Milverton every ‘Thur H. B, MORPHY, J. M, CARTHEW, Veterinary. with $3,000,000 of paid up capital, ene | $13,000,000 Se a over $29,- -| 500,000 of assets, With or doubtful account written off 1 by such pied, conservative and experienced. bank as President Jarvis and eae Jammett, the success of the institu- tion is assured every bad W. BARR, Veterinary | Surgeon, Milverton, Graduate of Ontario Vi ary College, Toronto, ‘Treat: of domesticnted animals, tel poke ouOiinr wise peekipily stteuiod i Societies. (cs 99, Milverton, meets every seoond Gulia Tuestey of every hh, at’ o'clock, in their hall over ae GENTRAL fp STRATFORD, aie, 111, Seoy., ont Hethadrmel’ dr "Sons andipire’ state: Visiting brethren always welcome, W. D, Weir, C. R,, 8, H. Pugh, Reo-Seey.. F., ‘Silver Star Milverton, ny Friday night at Dinaucteehetr ally over Public D Visiting brethre . Lederman, Isaae Atkin, R. Secy. Cheaper Way ! It is said by some that it is save about 10 cents a bush- el by exchanging wheat for flo :' PFEFFER BROS |= The Larmour School —or— Situations provided for graduates without delay.—Write for Catalogue, giving full information, R. LARMOUR Principal and Instructor Stratford, Ont Telegraphy and Railway Instruction : Now Method Entirely Successful. —| Notary Public. W. D, WEIR, Notary Public, Auc: tioneer. for ‘ounty “¢ and Vaterloo Canvey Deeds, Wills and idavits ‘made, er the aorersian Bank o Hotels. EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner, Ont. 3 i Best liquors hee. class ac GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil erton, First. commodation. f commerslal travellers ane: ottetes large. somple rooms, Goo Best brands brands of liquors and cigar: thas. Ritter, Proprietor, QUEEN’S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. The Ontario Farmers’ Weather not |= HOMESEEKERS’ SECOND-CLASS ROUND-TRIF EXCURSIONS TO MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA DES epee ae food to {9 return wrentacaintyanye fromm goin ar | RATES a iiigog ia 84200 voundstrip 16, Ef tmonton, Hakets to all points in the NoFth-wes TOURIST SLEEPERS #,.imi'ei, number ri ‘Tourist Sleeping Cars excursion, Hfully equipped with bedding, © smart porter in’chatge-, Berths must ie, a gad p nd. pela for nou igh 1 apie ‘agent atleast six days COLONIST | SLEEPERS rupplving thele Are the same from all & Fanging, from, $62 Duta: In which there is no eahre chasge. fot berths, passengers own bedding, will be u ued as fot place of ordinary Rates and full information cont ania Homeseekors! pamphist, agent for a copy, oF write G. B, FOSTER, District Pass. Agt., .P.R., Toronte For tickets and full intormation see W. H. Sanderson, Agent, Milverton free Ec eeinearest CPR, Insurance Mutual Company. The first Company of its kind in Ontario Head Office ; Grand Valley, Ont. 28 Sone eu gaviiesapeneas geievewansaasan *‘The Right House” The Muslin Season HAS ARRIVED i _ We have a very large range to choose from rang- ing in price from,........,..5€ to 835e per yard ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF THOSE Celebrated D. & A. Corsets, No. 298 The only Corset to} give perfect satisfaction at per pair....... 4.00 siacdsabaccengesecpe estnerterevtngenvas WE HAVE LEFT IN STOCK One Dozen Child’s Wash Suits Regular $1 each, in order to make them march quick, we are offering them at, 8 cents Have You Tried Straw Matting ? Put the next room down with one of our nice pat- terns at. : 25 cents REMEMBER WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR Progress Brand Clothing for Milverton. Try a suit of our Black ee 3 555585 SSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSE SSOSOSSSSSSSSSSSS WE HAVE LEFT IN STOCK ABOUT 5 Gallons of Maple Syrup Price while it lasts, per gallon..............75 Cents aA, I 1 O Te uer of Marriage Licenses. MILVERTON ag SSSSSSSSSSSSS SN SSSSSSSSSS PRESENTS FOR JUNE BRIDES ! UR STOCK OF WEDDING PRESENTS includes some of the finest Cut Glass and Silverware ever seen in Milverton. Also Bracelets, Brooches, Lockets, Etc., of the very latest style, Call in and examine our stock, we wi!l be pleased to show you our goods whether you buy or not. Everything is guaranteed and at moderate prices. Pp, my BASTENDOREF, JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN MILVERTON, ONTARIO Wedding Invitations Promptly and Neatly Done at the Lowest Price, when printed at The Milverton Sun Organized May, 1 Incorporated August i too President . yy a Park Vice-President A. Wansbrough Managing Director, soe ‘Ww. Poets Policies in force , Assets. Insurance in foree, over $2, Lay 300; 00 ‘This Company insures ane and out buildings against loss o1 by wind; oes. Vehicle thie company in armers" Ww. M. YOUNG, \ General Agent. - - Millbank, Ont. ALL GOOD THINGS” must win upon their merits. The International Dictionary has won a greater distinction upon its merits and is in more general use thanany other work of its kind in the Bisa language. Wr @, LL.D. D.Dy, LES esa eee fee extinstivesund complete. Everyt ings in mere a only: what we might ¢: H, Say versity, Te latter aah a at its com) fie acionnt of labor shat Bas” ‘Death p GRAND: PRIZE Ginn iven to the In. set ‘av lho Wonae bur St hous ‘Test in Pronunciation,” in- Petes ier entereaining farm tn the vidioity of the lands lofted by or mot oe Aree dence upon farming land owned by him in reside Six m fi to the Commissioner 0; Synopsis of Canadian North-West Homestead Regulations. ANY even numberd section of Dominion Lan Mapitoba of the North- zcepting & A ag may the bale heed of e ie vendiy oe oF any 18 years of age, to the extent hee arter section of 160 deres, more or I jay be made personal; land oftce tee the Slettict in whi is situate, or if the ho: sires, may, on a pplication fo the Minister of fhe Tuteri tawa, the Commissioner of 1 tnigeation, Winat ez, or the local agent rev ‘Sri authority for some one to make entry at the local eh, the land he The homesteader is the conditions connecte 8 feauired to. perform ‘one of the following plans: therewith under G1) At least six months’ residence upon gpd cultivation of the land in: each ‘year:for im Nat rite re faite (or (or mother, ifthe father is the requirements as t such (3) 16 mie iee has his permanent resi- the vielnity of hie ores oe require Tesidence nee pon the said land, nse onths’ notice in ee should be Dominion nds at Ottawa of intention fo apply for epity Of the Minister oF ene tateetor “| SUITINGS! Have you seen our swell line of Spring and Summer Suit- ings. They are certainly beaut- ies. Call in and see them. Knechtel & Smith Milverton’s - - Leading ~ - Tailors “<New Carpets’”’ AND RUGS We’ Seat Diets re rae Slee) That’s why*we’re so Sure we have carpets’here anybody. ‘He +s a special inducement to come to ‘White's’ for Carpet x 300 yards of beautiful Velvet and Axminister Carpet, only 50 yards Steet mui ieaeanee 75 to $2, $1.35 to 1,50 Per Yd. Re thane © To0Ke it you" re interested, R. bt & Bt Stratford

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