Se ga ee a ee ae ————e CHAPTER 1,—{Continued), Pe aed still hung about the town, freques Joguities 4 effec Tl Thangs wall 19-88 reader by recommending him fe ue Tok <u the map for if, or for Vau' bs ate peewee perhaps he ‘vill, ae was beginning to think the dusk was falling, racking hig brains for devices to reach one who ou himself off from, every pds ssible. means of com! nanleallon win nee auice world, and rejecting 6 that ented i in fk any he ae too lal- “One en the oa atin, the ee. and righting the sive Balward took off his coat helped th Sev what was happening to the injured been laid aside upon it when he had done all e could, and was standing in his shi es wiping his face and the now moonlit dusk at the righted ay, he saw igure bending over the injured man, and bandaging ibis head, tt was ae at of a paly His ant gavi (itis, hd sien ped tie haw a @ way-side trees) and Avelebet the trlars ministra- tions in silence. rosently a light cariole came up, the ree into patient was Owe, e iole, and friendly peasants, and, turning, went swiftly on his way in the lo by side with him where -he pot “oi, ” he said—“Paul Annésley:'* the Th face i swiftly in every direc of escape, but, seeing AAI st still, with laa hands, head bent and down: Ona anal ried Edward, 1a: sie a ‘a tae on each of hi made ail ibe ‘aifereneo.! jazer's heart was sangria to by. { , through whieh Bi old familiar friend. rae Still ‘so could not realize that Brother Se- be put o Withhtt ‘perhaps; the Unes‘ot suffering in Thojsibit face, ‘The friai eyes gazed spell- Spud ond Aa ot unspenka feelings hl@eMho Tamlliar pod orioe so hajod (ach, On. which as well as on. rhe oWIe the r yu] ae nl lips moved aunt i a an: ie if so much sadder than in “nis young days, sti leeply. “f thought you dend all this time,” Edward continued, lon’t. know ‘ou what it Seeter ae ou best ian died fo faded like a dream in's. re proach was so keen and yet so different fo what he had expected, ee mL, re growin ae yet and more ‘tout to} in evening a box arrived at the Manor. ‘Alice's heart sunk when ‘she hes it, "Sibyl wae slightly pained to see how BA Alig seemet in. the had Bice difficulty in. per; sing her to try it on, but at Japh: ege -after much: coaxing on her part, ang much’ persuasion tom the dress: NE Vite aimed’ Sibyi,, when- the Ywelahly, ust hieved. and ‘stood Don't sti oD and one Ben for youn re cold, miss,” mie the dress- for Alice was maker, 5 must hepe for a sunny He for the ily to- eens To be sure, it is “Very chilly,” replied Allc®, lis ze a Ra as yi wind and i ba ne minutes. | minutes: aug whic Als save g 4 ins, 100! Rickman, stood flection of her tall white salt 1) use of” alterations, ie) the sar hile ne Mies thus occupied he did not looking in | zeer rd | sadness in the while moonlight nd ‘looked | id from you would lave] Na of alent. red him so] hee tor-it,contained her. wodding-| hen Mr. Rickman finally arrived, ‘own so deep that qandiée, tho delay in tg Which kept Alice sll Jonger in her con sl sition, so. thal ast, when ah was properly “tiuminated, ‘and the scrutinizing her nthe in the satin folds and veil “ndseriminat oly togeth er. e position often. in. produces’ that effect,” OMe. Rickman ob- erved afterward; “to move but one limb relaxes the tension of every muscle.” “IUs the most dreadful luck,” whis- maids, am er fact ‘The iter fathier ioe ae Meunier to. make some of innumeré P es cannected | $! with the wedaliig, but Alice excused: her- ll sell from accompanying them, tea “qt is odd,” Sibyl said, when starting, 2 feet and ‘wil et ough,” Raysh Squire said, wher drive through the vil- it face, Tay. uss, set off for a walk when tho eac-| Sh ringe had ‘started; she passed through bie fields above the churet and at work, putting the’ final | § graves. touch ia tre little fresh-turfed i ney than contin I seen changed, a solem stayed upon her ti moon, and the grass Pht all as plain as Yaylight, the ship by the hil I seen a man coming tow’ sho] epuped Ml, vu ti a cok in the eyes that wen rin say what that look was like, { ued. his rapt gi ER in rapt ex} evidently forgetful of all Alice held her breath Sng, EEE: at wil; sometimes hejstonred In [ttt beets ttt t+ th+4 ———— ‘| the middie of a sentence catch in| ¢ é J | bus breath, sometimes he pont at ‘Alice + | tor sympathy, soi polishes away over the| t + | windy landscape, But at this point his % + | manner altered ; ‘he turned-his face from Ur (i arm + | Alles and seemed to forgel her presence rjand his own identity a Ke | deeper om more fluently, sia with Sees ‘ , + | count: nt, : @SS08990 Tal Soon gaton thé sleps’ oh Ihe: Buk ‘tere Set+++ t+ttttessttets +4% ; : . $| ne said, pointing to a wheeled and mov-| - KEEPING COWS, ; , 1] T| able jtouses, “X_was afeand to goo in| a sens BE: = ut a lay down leave the yowes, an OR, GERVASE RICKMAN’S, 14 t"feil acthinking of they dree ‘gain; and| doesn’t pay. Tl is a waste of time and : | tho tltiest That pretty! ‘Then it came | Money-and lots of work. I'm not talk- AMBITION. Tl over mo agen as though I should rive}ing about daftymen. I ing aout + | asunder, and I-shet my ae and bended | those who keep cows, those who. +|my head down’ anc aned, ant crit kno - Aeneas st ae the’ cows keep them + | my arms tight over m: sche ae oe it} that’s the Sr ara rane TPT aH 44444 we sey eee yer a es se hat eoro eae “unk eh aN junds of bulter In a year isn’t pay- ing for her=f You are keeping *her his _ face is paying her expanses, keeping a tal ame }of your dead-beat cows, and’ possibly giving Ries liltle profit above all that Keni Get ‘the ‘kind that keeps you, Or handle at you have in such a way that you will not be keeping them. What would you think of a man who said he was fall a fine made, | keeping 160_acres: in a farming disivict? Keeping a yn The very Mdeat The farm ought to p him. That's what ‘ arene by keeping cows. ou are Ki hey are keep. é| ing you, if ou hawet the right kind and supply them swith goo shel- ter they i an will “keep: you-and mily in comfortable circumstances, GOOD CALF REARING MIXTURE. The following is one of the most suc- tures when use with a cake: Two paris, by weight, of oatmeal; of corn meal; one part <f ground flaxseed. hey ane stag ahead, a 4 say what you would, |) hinking thoughts that Alice dared. u hese theals shouldbe. finely. ground ‘ Penton cnt one een une sy ane It is: prepared for use by boiling with tec he, Hae Bag look up We bill-hook | water,or by scalding with boiling The little graves went to Alice’s heart; vatery owing: it 10. stan she know what a bitter blank they made twelve hours, ‘The calf rearer is recom. in her friendis home, populous as that lille home still was, and she went on hes way, wondering-at the mystery and} ™ ot iy “No, (hal rs Hubert Moiadet on alone or trotted at ae happy and Re pirate ine they too were unvered” ii “moral problems, It was a chill, gusty AGHA day, with wan sun-gleams and flying sew torm-driven gulls flashed thelr bright plumage against the Black curtain rain-cloud; belated swallows skimmed the ground, fluttering against ee wind. lure was not in one o eetest Hiods yet she was fascinating: “rather an si ott only one had not to live,” thought one might mingle with Nature) 08? aa ho stil.” By ome apparently aimless wan- dering, she Gauge sight of what she was ure of Daniel Pink, moy- which al ge ind, the old military great-coat he wore over his smock-frock, “He was driving some sheep into a waitled fold, and: she waited e had finished and fin flock by binding hon he went under the lee ot a hedge, and, taking of his cont, set | work to poin| ish-spars_ with te bill-hook, approuched him ‘vith her usual friendly greeting, and the lnies on, his rugged ace eet He} his coat and placed it-on the bank for A 4 iF own ae iinet ost sat down: and satchel the]! white chips fy, cat Uubert crouched at feet, @ Rough, the shepherd's doe, now pany superannuated an and inexperienced ies And he litle graves, ne they bol very pea ears “ren, but Joie ey a the church-yard, which “he see, ant ene on chopping. onl he said ; ley inued Allee, “that Ray anh and having the same form, Form alon Freedam of speech has blasted many Goiltgaveup felling for them all “otk Mrenumen tow. be the wetersidee=” | ey: paint Trae Dut form| a reputation for wisdom. ci id bear this @ Ma and family performance z should o man-ever really worl ked until he aaa and that you could ear Tiny ing And the long iB over the hill! ae the Raia panes We Started in. to ava x0 mk cae “Ay,” he replied, stopping. tn his work! my souly wilt thou farther fare? believe this to fe fie Weal Sieg ele praclios religion is. the kind ha to look inquiringly at h Here is plenty and here is peace. animal breedin, % helps you to live; and not only to “There is 80 At et in the aes blessed, beyond compare “Grubs” or elves inthe flesh cf} Judging by the epitaphs on (ona world,” Alice ait Ne yeah el ae ee secure in? their tranquil ae backs of young cattle are’ detri- pone sinners-are rfre articles in this seems so difficult to bear." The t : cental to them. ey ee i ate Su . Cea MAREE oe e8, and her ora aed i . a they may be pressed out by the, fin-}~ One advantage of being on the water- ee si E eee aan take with’ thanks, what: the gods | 0h MTN cas the aninele ate’ very wich| wagon is the fun you "have falling olf| 4 ‘The she| {down silently on af Flower, and fruit, of thé fields they pare th et the spots | again. pile of asht cies hah thought fora few 8¢C0) teen acy rep] ied al last, “When they was. teal T couldn't, zim to bear it Sonaw Tne pretty. ways of ‘em, and the little ia it owing {°THS bige wast! vee old. ‘They | Never year now'd ere td a turned the carner in Theso, his. De 10 ere till all was 5 who ei pees he colonia tat mie ah that Malle him some One is time, th after : mentee at a heats have’ given| wise to him. / fa iad then an ditetne al ene ce at Aber woul Khise Ment using details of their iny ions: t me te cannot understand that ot lown. ‘Then I took on thinking.) —ynholly happy, ae simply. wise; Me a a missionary, on’ their] there i ference. between genins and thinking of they deee and their. pretty] Never fo-are @:boon! ented, return. y said Hae when hi oon ways I could never see no more, and) fap aaventen is vain emp) first, saw. the, splendor of Liverpool comes when a man realizes. ow: they was took ,off avore we could a foot. from the toot “shot os he was ie y but when} t brs he iinsell could not have improved cou pes Jook hround and all, and L.took-on that |” The cla fay Past was to garnered treasure of the athe “heautifal songs of great thought of the ious 0 nothing seems hard Yo bear now, neanertt 2” she asked presently. Near nothin, a power ing leet seemed scarcely to Taaog UWfoughts that no words could Pink could oe baa “acarcely halt a language with “whieh ple his the glory of ments and Pigoainchie ae human to him. denied the: low: wail to look lo Cora Hi the news fs face ep-scui¥ gales into very spot a there | aie ee THE LONG ROAD OVE and meadow, stream; voices, calling stra, And the Yoilering herd; and the plod- eum; hamlet, ing the fa lay Blossomilig orchards, branohing wide: ili And tarry, content, while the travellers By‘ the long road over the hill. Never the call to strife they in of the “m r, the But i ae greeting, and sounds eae matin, ans a Pipe oi and-babbke of rill And Me inkl ‘at bells, when the slow come To hes hamlet under the hill. vay! a a “oul be cer rath ae his arrival in ‘Tiverpoa a “he went 0 over: the hill, very oe that when: he went "kg soa Young, in Sortbner’s, | into the street he was. horrifi ie Be 6 fel EC, RE GOLDEST MAN ON-EARTH, Frank Dennis, of Columbus, Ohio, is ie Ou ircibte 928 adel lifes long enough, but 1 (fo be continued). SONG: the aNiwheel's drowsy mended to hegin withe a quarter of a pound head only old, new milk bel rd now, plase ows I lazing through cloud in mi pllne “itisced ‘cake par ‘head dilly, FARM NOTES. fiven if-a little good grass is trampled Gown in the-operation it will pay well natal tue woah and other weeds out t the mowing piilentnvopist’ ohms along ped homeword, ip in heat not even Tee ee the blank, the “thovahits ol him the refine- life, Alice's Yet in reverence before him, he| {urn the mone; fo a swindler. reat prophels and) By painting The ingide end. bottom Wagon: boxes once every year, the box igs wiltroutlasl eny- Wagon. most suc- had now] cessful farmer we ever nce told feanhaal ihe Shuedisyanie andVeaneeonline tuntcby leg hie pnd ees at tho three little} tion he had made every box oullast the i on hls. yises "A Gone aie naced 8 ligd prayed to bo s loving y-cit ts troquently as good as paintin For general crop purposes, a fertitiz: canine about three per cent. ni- 0 per cent, phosphoric acid i ent. potash would. or- din seful and this is about the Bes of Merllizer thal can be made by form cf ilrate of soda and dried blood, pho: phori¢ acid invdissolved tock, and potastt of her engegament im muriate of polash. A very good ished; ral iene hi is to hese potash for one ton of the mixture. LIVE. STOCK NOTES. BR THE HILL. Once each week ev should ing | bav ZW sil-stea bran and wimpling| have a big, warm, welialoanisa ses mash, combined with a pint of Maxsee the flocks -that air in (he dying with Kerosene emulsion, or brush light im- hear— sG iling “ Bae a and of profit to the owner, — NOT HEAVEN, A Black Boys | ao Misislen Idea’ of id evel tg Onitsha ats from Wes! at him ‘Soon He wears | ‘ 180. nt y "a even more surprised to find that Englishmen lig) ant p| For. really. have (a cessful of home-made calf rearing mix- | ¢) paper on the etinenotr wall than to] ¢ -| Not so much as a folded nap! esp ie dene people: from asking A COOKING-SCHOOL BRIDE, Can she make @ loaf of bret ‘This fair maid that you would wed t Can she make a eats read 2 ell mi ee ui) “Nay, she cannot make my bread, But a fine souffle ins! And i ae Wy not complain, why should she cook a good beefsteal Maton making a mistake? Can’she cook a d beefsteak 2 ‘ell me true !) but then, her. restid cream. as a dream And it's ts something that my mother could Can she brew a cup of Good enough for you a me? Can she brew & aupo tea “Ma But she'll freeze a cafe mousle, ray can you Helen Knight Wyman. = 4 TRAINING HORSES FOR WAR. Fourlooted Regulars Haye to Take Long Course of sons, “many needs 1,000,000 for ane and artillery to put her colossal the France requires even Great Britain man; in South Alrica while she was fighting the Boers. Althou; England time mounts ae two-thirds of her uae her h year—a 2 figure army. Tn most countries omnibus. farm and domestic horses are registered as hotng available in time of war for mi i exonyting year may be & general rule, says a the Ci nite and live yents old and changes ‘ary’ from fitleen to and sharp rules: i oat their shape, here are regular walry sixtoen hands remely interesting to seo jnouland orca vod recruits drawn up ri ‘ound the instructor, who opens the proceedings wilh a sharp shot feom an army. t The animals ia lhuight lo wallop Teeneay upeacliee square of infantry who are blazing away with their rifles, of course loaded with blank cartrid Lastly comes of quick-fring cannon, — It is worth not- that when si mole came Tibveengral teeth aH Uhat thot sands of horses Which would with out flinching tho smoke of pees using powder balked and shied at the sinister flash and roar of cordite and a le. appears to be as much indivi- dual. among horses as among men, a take the Nosh and quietly ond ars ras to more on e ee Is. while ‘others Seat end Wry holt in abject ter through no fewer than 112 separale les- sons in revisions before he is considered is horse, which is traine are taught o burdened with full equipment bolt-aré. thotatighly: aceustome sorls of startling noise: lea counlbrelor ihe Canepa. val parked artillery: the: tie Haingechoo! “sealing, there is al niry wilh replete: jumping over hur. dies, and even over the dinner’ ‘table, where a silver set feast has been spread. an maul be displaced by. the Dying leap of the cay. airymap righ edabiecs/ One part ‘of the Schai cation ‘shows. him how to lie DROS con the field of battle, S$ {Nb alattor.avavabs- ponutu the aft ful Gress feclly are cavalry horses trained that aes great war beholds the curious spectacle of riderless horses "alo ping © he chargo in perfect line. clava the front rank of one was compost almost entirely of s_ hoi their masters haying heen dropped by tie Russian sharpshootera. pa Haar PITH, POINT AND: PATHOS. Ir aeath: etune(o nalli on a man snore than once, the inan might lose his re- specttor 4 Success in politics ts the ability to for explanation seldom recognizes the until too late for it to helps man seems to be mighly hard for the 1 to act Sensible when ou The more knows about any subject the inate cautious he is about disessing ite F has a Bad habit of com- ust whien. you “tinppen 19 Scissors invent- ed, more geniuses in the world. Ste) Seach Schoolmistress + ee fell ae ne truth, Johnn; ts Ww will happen if you ae a st oon ite ie, Johnny Jones : tee: Pe place,” Sel sohboti nd that isn’t the worst of i You'll ag e expelled from school.” The a een oe the: ae blast furnaces as at present used, is credited to Ne plied by four or five for the German |\'s., ! a hinge pon. batteries | © r part of one’s men- at | cess, and will do the same ihis ee FATAL BALLOON VOYAGE AERONAUTS FELL FROM FIVE AND’ A HALE MILES HEIGHT, Life Spared in Miraculous Manner, the most terrific: experiences ia the history of ballooning was that of three acronauts who in 1875 made a ascension in a large and well-made _bal- Joon, the Zenith. In.this voyage they object was to reach the greatest possibte. altitude, rose to a height ub five and a ot this Pant 5 samen appease nn ever Ini since @ the joonist, Ti ndier, vas ab the the ace sensible. But the fall, and finally aittoh the ground mi miracle, perhaps best’ told in. Tissardier’s own. feet we were crelOg. up in the car. Sivel, who ha ae - ae a ment, was reinvi Spinelli fies oye in Sion of # ae, 1 felt stupetied anc ut ing. conscious of il, them fro offort that T oi doing so. ‘They are traced in a hardly legible man- ner by a hand TREMBLING ye COLD : “My right. hor are all ” Fog in the cirrus, He inhales We are all r ght 28 with little core: Grooe pants, bee closes be ey! Sivel ciuuively- ities cand nnd he tee bags emptied themselves, and we ascended rapidly. “When Sivel cut away the bags of bal- last at the height of 24,000 feel, I seemed to Sey that he was sittin, ab the batton the car, and nearly in the same position #8 Croce-Spinnelli. For my was in the angle of the car, port I was able to n felt too weak even Ly thiunlar (SAvhich ‘xb S ds ding.’ ‘Temperature, 1 throw out baltest, “Barome: 2.4 inches, We oonding. el aad Gene all eee » fainting late tthe bottom of the ear, Descending | & very Yaris a “Hacdly haa T written these lines when a kind of trembling seized me, and 1 fell back® weakened again, There was a violent wind noting s degrees, A VERY RAPID DESCENT. After some minules 1 felt myself riding m inteusted with the | 3p hon bee ee eens at nied education of these horses are specially | Croce, who had revived, ‘Throw out selected for their quietness, induc Fanaskt HPGAIO AG eae We arb Beemeo ee ited with| ing’; but 1 could hardly open my eyes, lute con-| and. did not see, whether —Sivel was. ried and consummate! awake, 1 called to mind that Groce un- Hor , are} fastened the aspirator, which he then trained together in tho various armies. threw. age and he threw out bal- The French cavalry recruit goes “extinguistd, for ned to mo that I Was dying. aaa lone in that the balloon, relieved of a grea weight of ballast, al nied to the higher regions. p.t ened my eyes again. I il “aveatuly pledy “ond oppressed, but gradually fon speed, cee tet Suolataes two, companions “were Inudded up r tonles: face \ mony: ~oce’s e! maul was iy. relate what happened afterward is was open res were half eigesas, eae Ny blood ht mom Iie Moos on eanitnircld, (he arotne wes droadtnt. hese leon osmmed a8 Wit wore being 4 thought it 2 gain scoters th ha fallen; Dub the wind was. high, an feross fields, thio, anchor, not of my. unfortupate fri bout in. the car, and 1 thought every moment they would ba jerked “ott: e jowever, seized the ‘val e stepping out a fover- ish attack, a ane ‘dwn and thoug) for a moment that-I was going to: join my friends in the next. aa but T came to und. the bodies “i ot the Zenith tok p place in the plains 155 rom Paris, as the crow flies, atest height ae in this ascent is estimated at 28,000 feel SF a8 t year a man in Chicayo ‘hil ona {wo months, pronounced i “suc People who live all year in the cot tty pny a ee in the oy very muh and hi a plan diy aie Decne and ote rally heir wishes at little cost. Some men never allempt to. accom- plish SEL because they are unable find. an easy mark to oy up the) son, a Seoteh en: cae ne patent ht up afler sunset and still ap on inde 4 money, ‘Two Were Instantly Killed—Third Man's} on hegan a rapid fia such a fri dg ‘ul st Sivel Croce-Spinel killed. istnt while anes s ite was spared by The account of this frightful fall is from below upward, de-] ¢ wwe coe Perr +++++ a “CORRECT ENGLISH: HOW 70 USE IT.” rosephine ‘Turok Baker, to of te oo oti Ree a aee $444 +4444 +444 . . tott4t+tt t+ See ae FeeweN It +t WHAT TO ae AND WHAT NOT ++++ Don't say: ai pon cae - that; lor This is that; sa This is ditteren from that. TRO ok thing differs from another wt is ing some Place toby; I can't find it an: place; im going somewhere tee n’ a is he? say: W Per fous tired,” rae iit is an American a provinglalism and should to ae ded. im afraid [ can't go; say erie Pies ae ne Note,— The pean “atau? sha not heused in the set “feat.” Don't mmaode you; Say 2 I fear that £ Lane incommode vol tone tie a favorite word, because con- venient a 1, 18 apparently obsol escent, and, a the United States at least, ‘incotamodo”” is taking its place. COMMON ee OF THE CARE FUL SI PEAKER. the educated person, fesquentiy of the offense; if he had never seen. & grammar, ho would say, ad,” and he ye we correc! e same per adly would never think ise, It occupies a dubious mn. “L am. not feeling well" if on not in good physical condition is a better ¢x- Tiere “Tam. feelin; dor un- happy” if one’s feelings other than physical are affected. Yau ok nicely” ther error. rs le by the person who aims to use’ cotrect English If vas even more than one's “grammar.” [oo A LURID PAGEANT. (By a Banker)... almost the Het ies this series of made feebly to describe free hae: excep- tionally gorgeous display of sheet light- 1d for Since that article was wrilten a mos 1 and quite ‘startling exhibition of brectreat enerey assed Over a por: Hon of the Brilish Isles, which in iti specis was altogether diverse from oniinaey thunderstorm, and quite nitler, ent CN oe int electrical display Amt ferred fromenialely ‘atlor the mn intermi luminosity from time twilight had ling and Cr ascape was lighted up ‘as though It were broad daylight, . Still gathering more ant more in intens s of electricity dart ee wi Pha hurtling downward to the teeth, # very pssibl iee f were sill 9,000. feet hig remain-| convulsive srasm & cloud of flame issu- cil in the car two bags of ballast, which | ing forth from a broad, riven cleft in T threw out swing near, the] ihe firmament, until the heavens earth, 1 look y knife to cut the| raging chaos of turmoil: and whirling ‘small rope whieh ale: Ine pbenoe hanya ae ing to the sublimily and could not find i the grandeur of the spectacle, an the E centre of one of those. great outbursts 1 WAS LIKE A MADMAN, Tutt hres a oming globe or al, of continued to eat! ‘Sivel! Sivel!’ By [great splendour, suddenly appeared for food forkiine 1 was able to pul my hand|a, moment and’ then os suddenly. van- upon my lelach the anchor | ished away, probably descending to tho earth, its descent was not ob- erved, And all through: this Bite Keaton of thexelements rad though pealing, broadside of great guns h reverheraling the lurid ger flash, and quiet ude and calm once more assert vs bi sway. But once there was a far more’ terrible and awe: lepine display “of thunders and lightnings, wh the Majesty ot Heaven citer to visit this earth of ours in order to deliver {o His servant. Moses the ‘Ten. Complentinants) writlen, with the finger of God, which are the com- mands of the Almighty to all mankind for all time. And yet how minty: waning to ign these commands ; d, wor still, also fatuously. refuse to RERSBr the gl pee commandments made—b; of God upon the cross, b: Mile sharon | Fray con al ever will may become an inheritor of eternal life! of those 'L_ wonder," remarked) & Pay ase Ww at you thought of mo as Saturn.” “Indeed | Why?” “Oh, swell, you know, * didn’t, you tell mo that Saturn has a) ring?” ies brought her one on the fol- lowing Wiggles : “Every piece of money 1 get i i wilh my teh Bigalcs | “Bub aren't ie afraid of microbos ?” [- Tam es Bb i'm mvc les ie ir ted ot ting to ongy..”"