Milverton Sun, 4 Jul 1907, p. 8

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Flour .. Flour ia NONE BETTER! PRICES RIGHT! Meyers’ Renown Flour Every Pound ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED We are SOLE AGENTS 2 ‘JAS. S. LOCKIE, Newron Hardware Merchant y Additional Local ‘News Championship Football — Monday vg. on Exhibition Park. ‘This game | p; decides the junior championship of the WF. A. The largest artificial lake in the world will soon be created by the United States Goyernment in the val- ley of the Rio Grande River. The pe en that ian a be dale up of concrete’ betw two he a Folia Pek 65 feet tap the bed of the river, and its summit rising Hs a height ot 190-feet above low wat- er, The dam eat ue 250 feet long at its base, 400 feet 1 will be 180 feet tatok at the an The resulting lake will be 45 miles long, and its waters will irrigate 180, ie acres. of ates land in Texas and N exico. ‘he dam will cost over en million deters ‘The by-laws for loaning the J. G. Grosch Felt Shoe Company $8000. for factory extensions’ and Pfeffer Bros, $500 for a switch were carried on Tusadey by the property owners of the t bottom lage. ‘The list comprized 174 voters ot which the by-law for the Shoe Co. 118 votes, or” exactl: thirds of the entire vote’ This. under the circumstances was not needed as CROSSHILL. y C Sweet to Eat |». 'wenty-two candidates from the Lax-ets ‘A Cand Bowel Laxative, surrounding villages wrote on Farm For Sale er weil ell tngotits toes of she eld Mille WHIR, Auetio i ree bid i a oman Str ‘achan, oy Mi ch, ai Mr, and Mrs. ¥ e fbf acces the |@nd-danghter and Miss Williams, of a: | Mitebell, were the guests of Mr. soa | Mundell over Sanda ing oe around Mrs. Jno. Hove se gon, Reynold : Renee ue: 8 ene Vat of ‘daly in IQeaiventarat: wed aaite easily: the yote standing 113) ' til March th ‘and Mrs, H,-Ballard, of. near The ratepayers shall be paid, yecae akoniite visite dat Sty B ft Milverton certainly did a good,days Se eg ke “campbell, Mitche Ganoealre cuceul usiness for village. when they Mrs, Ed Gilles} ie ae children, of spoke to retain the shoe factory. We Baden are holidaying at Mr. Wm, | anderstand, that Grosch Sons now intend expending on their Stn friends in Plattsyville Mr. Bad Mrs. Mrs, Webster's. on F a day last week in Hai bore spent at Mr, Campbell's MONSTER the | ority or 105 votes pies maalaaiion here last week. Mrs r and daughters Rerat votes. to spare yl visited frlenis in Tresastle over Sun- Jas. Hastings and daughter, spent a few H. Mundell and|¢q y: iss Maud Peteb, a Rens is visit The M Lisses Lydia and Emma Shantz oyer Mr. and Mrs; Fred Hilker, of Cone” stoga spent Sunday at her home here. PS oe 3 ibe! . J.B, B. Knight and Guerre ot ‘Gecko are holtdawiuee at Mr. G. peer visited at Mr. and Mrs. Jas ees of ae jay which would have been’ 35, when only a three-fifths maj- were necessar; give it force, therefore the by-law had where a two-thirds wminjority: is re- quired is tara under all cireum- stances, difficult to carry. owing to the fact that considerable trouble is in- volved in getting out the vote requir- ut where strong opposition is offered and facts misrepresented to the ‘| unthinking and indifferent ratepayer. then it is rendered doubly’ so. The ty. a for the switch on which only, ity vote was needed was car- extensions pales amo uae than the loan which be of undoubted® benefit to the Mite generally. CARTHAGE mber of our. citizens attended the horse races held in’ Listowel last Mrs, Hi, Bickle and daughtersspent we ; Ben. Johnson of Milverton. paid a flying aU gto a lew ot huis friends Wednesday Miss oe ‘ary Martin, of Hamilton is ander the paternal vi 12th July Celebration To Farmers ! verton, Flour always i1 Newton, Ont will be held in d Corn rBros. Mite T ROSS, Mr. Chas. and Miss Belle Gamble of ‘oronto Bit Hatta td with their father Mr. J. Gi Mrs. G. rae and Mrs, A. lean of TOWN OF ST. MARYS Oy the auap ives of the Go y Oran The meeting will AI5 For Sale CRE FARM on the 9th conce Wellesley ‘Township sui g spring. Appl this village, accompanied by Mrs. J. iddell, were visltors last oe with thelr brother, Mr. Wi, Campbell, Sts of . Robb left Friday for her jens in Stratford. n en including a cha) he Bi an aug 8 G.8. GROSCH, match at 10. @ is spar- aa ing n one the most, suece! ns ever held in) House and Lot For Sale Perth, Tall partion a a to trains and rates‘can be had at any G, T, R. ticket The undersigned, is offerius fo : ic e pne of RW, ug? HARTMIER, Milverton. Dr. 7 a 8, J. Boyd of Rich- mond pent ue holidays Suit the Jatter’ 8 mohan Mrs. D. Ken i eo Ea eae Milverton Council Meeting The Milverton Council met on Mon- day evening in regular meeting. For- mer minates confirmed, Je2z WM. Farm for Sale HAT PARCEL. OF | are being. the west A. 0. Us W. Nineteenth Annual 2 Excursion !|))2.2% New driving § shed 24x40. Pos anytime. er particul Via Canadian Pacific Railway Niagara Navigation Co, & Gorge Route to May 30th, 1907, JOHN M. ROPP, Poote. ic devieat lon i 's apply to. pply i fi.) from the County Clerk read, with ‘notice o tes for the year showing rate to be 19, payable before fith December. @ Reeve stated’ that $2,000 would Paived the ni 1d to he pai ames Ruston, labor, $9.50; George Herr, 1ebor,. $245 Eli dagobs, remo’ i Mill stree' - Toronto and Niagara Falls, N.Y. Mu Fall wheat per. bush ovens Saturday, July 13th| five px, Beri We acksduls wad Fates. ol pres Apples per bag Potatoes ** ‘* COMMERCIAL. Time | Toronto, Niagara Y; $2116 Milverto: ) | Hay per ton lite 708" Arrive in Toronto 1p tine'co batch the 9a, m, boat for Niagara Falls, nee train leaves Younge St. wharf on arrival of inst ont, Saturday, at 11 pam ‘pickets from sitiveston to Welaenburg, in. elusive, t fal train, a ila ai Tuly {Beh fram Baalok an Hasse oni ‘al shee goed antil ily 16th, Children between five and twelve. years haif aboye Adult rates, LVERTON, Bed Rt Mee & Moved he: Samuel “Wwivaley, second: ed by C. R, Honderich, That the con- stable be instructed to collect se un- aid dog taxes, and to prose a Feralas Ratios ing dogs & Who have not, 85 obtain ddog tant within ten dors Were r of Win. tile, $12.25; and Andrew Coxon $2 for poles for cemetery. The clerk was instructed to ask for r 400 yards of gravel to be taken front Whitney’s pit. Council then adjourned. W, De Weir, Clerk. SSaeSnSsas Ca ne Address re erasentation: SSSR On Tuesday evening about Alty of the members of the Milverton Luth- ies at Philadel- phia. lied in feeling and gnitable terms as did his father, SRG a Haas ASE S a 5 5 der of ae evening Was spent in pleas-| M Pineapples will be the last week. ‘Strawberries once as the season will be short. J. Kelterborn} = Any who. wish to get Pineapples for canning this season should order them at once as this I will also have some nice Strawberries in this _ week. The first are always the best. Order at ant, 8 To es “Sah BuuncKk,— Blunck—We the members to avail ourselves of this opportunity of showing you in mm @ Re = 3 i 2 3 o for your great work in ina ble ‘h your efforts, F may, are. visiting Hawkesville on Wednesday es iy little son, of Mild: Mr. Schnurr's parents. on Saturday. ev her friend, Miss Edna McKay. spending a few holidays at home. smile these days. Its a, for Milverton, where she spend the summer in Linwood Saturday. former principal of the public school here is renewing old acquaintances in and around town, at , | men’s Institute will Bele and machinery a much |¢ Reeve and |i to day with to LINWOOD and Mrs. P, Lobsinger, of Mild- Mrs. Lobsinger’s arents, Mr. and Mrs, A, Spahr. Miss Ida Goetz returned to ¥ and Mrs. Jno. Sch are per may, Miss Annie Ce ‘ett for Hamilton Miss Beane of Berlin, is ‘visiting Miss Carnie Sutter, of Elmira, is lyin Shirk is wearing a broad Miss Laura Goetz left: on Monday intends, .to Mr. R.H. Long, of Waterloo, was Mr. W. Grant Beaton, of Clinton, HAMPSTEAD fe pamber tron, ‘this vicinity | attend- Alex. Smith’s raising on (huraday last Messrs and Misses MoGillawee spent wgoclal evening at Mr. Chas. Pryfo- Mr. John W. ot oA ve for the @ sles today Miss Janet Hart. is home. after at- tending the London Normal School. Mr. Arch. MeGillowee, who. has been on the sick last week, is able to. be around again Mr, Roy McMillan of Stratford spent the holiday. with his parents. Hr, Henr: new gasoline engine, as his ‘other one was not large enongh for his increas- ing pases 288, npstead branch of the Wo- scrape meeting: a’ d Peter MeDonald on Saturday, July 6, 8 p. m1. Mies Laura Rose of ies Helen’ MaMiixchie of Ha on will adviress the meeting: will be served by the members ladies aD ca mee! to at n Saturday, Sane 20th, to the wife ot Petar Wahi, a son, “The People’s Store” Milverton’s Greatest and Best Store, sis «We do as we ‘Advertise, Full and generous measure of VALUE is the boon that every shopper has the right SOLID ‘to look for from Tuis Store. Best of all, every choice is founded on the FACT Solid Rock of “QUALITY,” the like of , which for your outlay is hard to find. - That and that only, is the kind of Sotip Honest Quatity that prevails in this store. To get the Greatest Value for the LEAST MONEY, Tur PEOPLE'S Srore is the place. Ask your neighbors, noe Tts Colored Muslins EVERY GOOD VARIETY HERE — Organdies, Batiste (plain and open) Mulls, Swisses, Cotton and Silk Mixtures, and so on. fine line of White and Black Muslins ranging in price from.. EXTRA SPECIAL FOR: THIS WEEK Also. a ‘8 to 40c yd. Goods, SEE NORTH WINDOW. Plain and Colored: Muslins, and Wash Dress Over a 1,000 yards of Muslins, Batiste, Cotton Voiles, eerie, Cotton De- laines, regular price 15, 18, 25 and 35 cents. and as many yards as you wish to buy for only per-yard. Your choice of the lot 8 Cents Bed Spread Special! 100 only Large Canadian Crochet Spreads superior quality already hemmed and ready eg MONKTON The Brussels Oil Company held their anal meeting at Brusgols on th, when the old directorate retired and the following were ap- sel meee win, Monkton, man, Milves ‘on and Jenkins, wel, As oil has actually been’ struck Io thelr WellgawiGeh lies of6 ilo wet of Monkton; it was decided to. con- tinue the work of drilling. pects are favorable from dications. The company ized at $100,000. On Monday, June 2 of 8.8. No. 8, El te present in- is capital- 24th, the pupils “noble profes: a. four years’ course n dentistry in Toronto. The best wishes of the seotion go with him In new wo “Pollowing i is the address: Dear ‘Peacher—We the undersigned n behalf of the scholars of 8, Elma, on this, the ey ir dé parture from our midst, desire to e ress our regret that the time has come for our relationship as teacher and seliola 8 8 affectionate duct ally and morally to properly fill our 5 ealings 's in life. a slight token of. our apprecia- u tion of your services we ask you to aceept thi ist you may be no- dora the ble protennieee and that your ite may be one of usefulness, happiness and prosperity. Signed, Susan Hammand Maggie MoCallough Olive MeCoart MILLBANK Whe Grace church garden parly D, B, Greye’s orchard on the evening of Domieion Day was one of the most successful ever held. The Program was most, excellent, and the as rk, | proceeds amounted to Arnold Meurer of London has been engaged to train the choir of Grace chureh for the summer and fall months. The District of Mornington L. 0. L. will attend divine service at Knox Sunday morning. A xpeote Mr. and Mrs, MoGloy spent the holi- day in Toronto, Mr Cummings, of St. Louis, and his niece Mag Smith, of St, Marys, spent x fled 8 last week at Chas. Pin- matte Allie Stewart attended the n qeocine of her consin, Miss Adam, at Macton Saturday. Mr and Mrs aeecase: and family of Atwood spent Sunday at her home Sie balaiaw spent a day last week in Guelj De and Mrs hes Nichol spent a few faye in ‘Braattor id Mrs 'T’, Ww. Btrscline are re- newing URN tee her ee is wilting friends in lelp! Mr al Babb, Miss Babb’ h {and ifr Conch of tic spent a few days with Mrs A. iss Ada Conticr Ba eiraiton pee Miss Ida Coulter of Hensall spen: sehecat ed at their ernie 's, Mr Ww. oul- 8, Mise Mefnnis Gnilliner) left Satur- ae for her home in Blyth. ir ge eer a Business trip to Tents tele Ritter’ is visiting friends in wees ev. Heght spent the ist in To- 10) nt tf Rey, Oaten 0 the al a a the MPthodiet chureh mi be oceup’ te ERE Miss Millie Magwo next Sun pent Mon ue uy eae ge Sitter Bee a Muleahy for use, Very easily washed, snow white, heavy and wear well, VERY SPECIAL EACH 98 cents Waists, Blouses and We Are Headquarters Whitewear For $1) For $150 For $2.25 Drawers Underskirts price from $2.50 down to. LADIES’ WAISTS—Latest creations, all well made, low priced too, sizes 32 to 42, White Lawn Yoke and Panel of Allover Eyelet Embroidery and Valenciennes Inseftion, three quarter sleeve, with cuffs attached collar with lace. A good saving Fine Sheer White Lawn, Fronts Allover Embroidery, similiar to above, but best quality. A Bargain. .) fore. “Ladies’ Whitewear’’ Fine Japanese Silk, front trimmed with wide panel of Embroid: ery Net, rows of Insertion and Tucking, worth $3.50. A dandy. Ladies’ Whitewear Special Cotton, Umbrella Frill, trimmed with tucks and frill of 35 lace, at per pair. c A Finer Quality and Extra Trimming, at per pair... othen ieee 150, t0,00°C-ents Fine Cotton, deep flounce of Lawn, trimmed with tucks and frill of Embroidery, Laces and Seance ranging in 75¢ Night Gowns Fine Nainsook, trimmed with fine Valenciennes Lace ai iNt Insertion, Beading and Ribbons, very fine, rang- 1 ing in price from $2.25 down to y) Corset Covers from = = 20c to $1.25 GHAS. A. FINKBEINER The Sun to January 1908 for... . 40 cents * SELECT ‘Your Hardware here if you want good quality. Our stock is first-class. It has been gath- ered from manufacturers noted for the excellence of their products, Our prices are no higher than you often have to pay for poorly-made goods. Remember that even on. little things for’ household use. we can save you money. .|Finkbeiner’ s HARDWARE Every Wednesday and Saturday. Pal Ls EWTON- | The Up-to-Date Stores | MILLBANK | STRAWBERRIES ! 12 for. $1.00 ‘he season is at hand. Leave your ree | early, ee delay. We guarantee to give you... ~ SUGAR Redpath’s Best Graticinegd ae ais cwt. CASH. . CROWN FRUIT JARS ‘Wine Pints 75c dozen, Wine Quarts 90c dozen. Imperial Quarts $1 per dozen. Wine Half Gallons $1.10 per dozen, Imperial Half Gal- Tons $1.25 per dozen. e 3 MILLET SEED Just the thing for pasture. Can be sown any time before July 15th.* Per bushel ° $1, 90 “Delicious Ice Cream at Newton, $4.85 [eH GUSTIN as

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