Milverton Sun, 4 Jul 1907, p. 3

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_ HINTS ON POTATO “GROWING Special Investigation by ‘he Provincial Department of Agriculture, ‘The Ontarig at tN of ne is making an investigation into the » pol th industr a the ov ince iy 3 By smi : Bs Afler visiting the Heat “important potato-growing sections report, more serious giles of affairs than Is) so Bontvelly apepoeeds the following re- endatioas: with itt, ares ni upo’ immediate action, “Ontario. “prod 1906 than te ever single yeal cia earths a ‘been aaleoting: sere tion concerning the acreages annually Maevoled to farm fithin the past few years 1 area planted to aliines in this province ie decreased by 50,000. acres j the pro- nus ticle has been prepa! ey ak pe. with the rot has been failure in potato five dollars or acre of potatoes with rdeaux Mix~- ture, and this mixture properly ma and’ consistently and intelligently. ap- ied is a cerla: of Guelph, at Ottawa, and at practically is shade from the following formula Copper water 40 to 50 {s inconvenient to weigh the rat the time of mixing | and quite impracticable to Keep a sup- Bordeaux on and, and suspend it near the gallons of water in a barrel. surface in ik Tt will dis: duced fewer potatoes tn | ¢| keep de quired, Paris. rot. pil ina few ie and every gallon ardent Eee me ther, $ gallons of the bi atone solution into a 40-galion barrel (an ly and h water, stir thoroug! is ready for use. a spray pump will be r and mater- ie Bay one year’s spraying of one acre of potatoes will usually pay the entire cost ofistich ait fiance, but if none is at hand, Bordeaux may be applied after the same manner as Paris Green would be applied in solution for bu; meet is to covered with the mixture during *tho-eeason in. which ie liable to occur, and while modern s| hese days must be} ing machinery does this a little Deller ato is to be} than anything else, there are scores of sfully accomplished, that this|farmers in Ontario who are obtaining their disposal. ture where any kind of ¢ used, always strain the lime sclution. wlien mixing with ue- stone, “The lime sometimes“ slakes lumpy and clogs in the nozzles. Green may be applied wih ths Bordeaux, adding half a poun Pals Giesnt eich ‘Darel of ths nite ture. Spraying should begin about duly 45th ond the vines kept covered till Seplem- oninanily it A best to use ene mixture least four ti Bordeaux is ie ‘only effective remedy et. devised. for the eontro lato ight. “It 8 ensy to make and a to ply. where properly made and eet aa applied is cerlain to be effec live. ‘The only serve in oe te) he proper way, and ‘in applyin fo keep the mixture o! the season that blight is likely to ap- or basket} pear Parliament Buildings, Toronto, June, 1907. THE MAIL SUBSIDIES. Amount Paid Out During Last Fiscal Year Tolalled $1,128,876. A despatch from Ottawa says: Dur- ing the gig tn the ful Ofsthis ‘6 666 was fol f 801; petroleum, binder twine, $13,595. ——- lead, 81,904; CANADA AND SOUTIL AFRICA. Trade Between Two Countries to. be Developed. A despatch from London says: Sir A. Jones, referrin rant of free pee sage to mercial travellers be- ween Canada and South Africa, says theresshould be an enormous trade a e~ tween the two countries. The Eldei Dempster Senna would do all they ould aoraere\ lop i accede crests MARK TWAIN AT OXFORD. peccivee pews Along With Many Dis- guished Men. tc eae _Oxtor, England, BABY FOUND MOTHER DEAD. Lying on Floor, With Lace Twisted Around ‘Throat. teh from Toronto says : is noe ocuawantert Wie teers knotted six times strangulation by her little four-year-old son Norman. al Y 1S: His cries attracted Mrs. day night. Louisa Miller, who rooms in the same house, and who informed the authori- lies. Mrs. Hawes had in ill-heal for some. time, suffering particularly f rheumatism, which was aggra: ated by living in the two rooms which ooming house o Teh lwo. milan a boy aged and a girl of three years. —_—* BREAD IN SEALED BAG! four years Direct From Baker to Consumer is Idea of Winnipeg Controller. A despatch from ‘Winnipeg eayst En. cased in a oiled paper bag a direct Pia paler without handling by deliver: alorektepers, is ‘the way Controller J. or Would like 10 see loaves of eae raatieced to oe in Win- nipeg. He is now bringing the matter before the health. aaithetileas and a move along nay be expected in the near future. art eel nce or letters, degree of doctor of civil laws, as did General Booth. GRATUITY ee LORD CROMER. lish Government _ _to Present Him With 8250, 000. lespatch from London says: It is f gine that the Government will award Cromer, who lately resigned his st. of British and aah away ao Egypt, the sum of $250. ‘ecogni- ‘of his services in thet eocinteys VICTIMS OF AUTOS 1,570 Six Months’ Record of ‘Accident,|., in Germany A despatch Aen Berlin says: An ac- curate record’ of motor accidents and. 4 inalysis of the statistics shows that during) tt anes Sept. 30 st @ 2,290 jobile acci- dents in Germany, of whic! cal injury to perso he number of perso kitled svounk amount! eres including 51 killed. Of the ew chauffeurs, nine passengers os the Aomobiles, and 33 other perso! CAUSES OF MISHAP. oe In 1,024 lapis the cause of the accl- Sanne id In 488 cf loo. rapid running a ee to Te bikes “ncvng natal a Of ge rd “a gna tye) wre yee Misalie, 17% through lack 0! per precaution on the part of persons ‘cn the streets or roads, 48 through pery Heath 20 of rts of the ju the co! cases, ‘and. ft 628 were sagen chauffeurs, ens ee a MACHINES. 27,026, a 27,026 page r cycles, in total 1,211 aul tomobfien ere used Pi narayage an sti Be Due ifs Rese, ane t the 15," were nee ea and only. 10, tis aviomoblies fa tnp,'us 8 More than half of the latter were of eight ee Tn the City of Berlin there ara 2,408 this barrel’ will } 9 strong bakers’, 84.05 ey Whe 5240. vines during |. 1 @ vines during | Vt THE WORLD'S MARKETS QEPONTS FROM THE LEADING TRALE CENTRES, Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Dairy Produce at Homa Abroad. ! Prices of Other t—No, 1 Mai nil Paid ed Be ro, Aake ports; No. 1 Nove at Northern at-9ic. On- d red Winler quoted at 90 to 91c¢ out- . 2 American corn is quoted al. coMe to “6le, Toronto, lake and rail, eae E market is eer with « it $19 track, Shorts ean at $19 sg ena Ton Tee white cere 89¢ bid. yas 506 bia aulaide! SAME LOR Jona, Seplember. or Gelaper delivery. Na: 9 extra also A8¢ eine ‘or October, No. 3:barley, 50¢ bid bid without otter ora onlaide No. 2. offered at 8ic outside, without bids. ats—! No. 2 white altered st 460 out- side and at 40240 on a Ge rate to ‘Toron- to, with 44}4¢ bi COUNTRY PRODUCE. 1 timothy Is ugiod ot au 5.50 hiere, and No. 0 8 w-—$7 to $7.50 a Ge on fee otatoes—Ontario, $1.15 to $1.20 p bag on track, and Ne Brunswick, vr ba coals td rkéys, alive, to THE DAIRY YY MARK PS. Butter—Pound rolls are quoted at 17 rolls are quoted ie ae to ary, prints gall at 20 10 ee, fond. solids 1934¢. —Case lots sell at 17 to 18¢ a zen, Cheese—Large quoted at 1230, and twins at 12%c. HOG PRODUCTS. Dressed hogs in car lots are nominal. Bacon, long clear, 10% fo 11% per tb. in case lols; mess , BAL to $21.50; stort teectuesinimn/eeises rolls, 112¢; Soraden 16%e; breakfast bacon, ny heer pard—Tierces, 12c; tubs, 12%; pails, BUSINESS. AT MONTREAL. Montreal, Jul eal market for oats remained steady under a moderate demand for car lots, Man: wile, sold at 49 to 49240, Ontario he Dat 463 fc, and No. 4 a so to oe ae Four_choice spring 5.10 to Grain— Thi ; winter wheat Pata sualeht rollers, $4.10 to $4. 90 to $2; ied $1.60, 0. —No. 2, x Cah Ne: 3 cash, 52 ver “b “end “com honey al $2 to $2.50 fe ra .| excursion CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS UAPPENINGS FROM Aur oven TUB GLO} ¢: i ae i Telegraphi= Briefs From Our Own and: Oiler Countries of tecent Events. CANADA. Fushimi donated £50 to Toron- to diana institutions, ports receiv ‘aronto hat rece tains have drowned out the hee around Thessalo athe Fruit Inspection “Department has Bar ecided that small berry boxes must | M , Gmployes ‘of the Rossland, ‘fell 700 feet down the that and was killed. The Temiskaming & Northern Dalat Railway will be completed by the end ‘of the present sei to the two hua- dre eae Cae KG... in a a to the ae ateteg? that, the chilaren . 2}of Toronto were probably the worst on the. continent. The Canadian Northern Railway has run @ branch loose Mountain, ues Messrs. Mackenzie i en 'y large iron ore de “The London & eonaweltern Railway bas settled with Mrs. Walter Barwick, ef Toronte, for £10,000 in an accident on last Dominion Day. GREAT BRITAIN. The British Commons over- by whelming vole fete restriction of the wer of the Li UNITED STATES, United States railmalers offer a perfec Kked quoted 1.50, Ber! ond oe primes Biss 5 to. $1.40 se pall tap on, Wreek-causing oa ined quoted at 11 to 12¢| COst 888 Seven persons were killed by the fall { a tenement in the Italian ‘quarter of a York, on Tuesday. . Brewster, of Atlanta, Ga., ae "shot and killed during a riot on an train by French Tarly, negro. Because the parents of Carrie Strom, | and is adge, Kan. .emon and her son ar four: stantly ae in St. Paul, Minn if wile: talkin, the ly wash Bs ss BY lightning flashing along the wire iin meant was sworn oul for the ar- AeA oe Chucenes Eye: at New York, Chistian Solentist, wh ec AnBh ied of pritumonia Spithaul, medics! ie ‘eatment, Herbert Dabl, ‘a Chicago waiter, com- plained in court of being struck In the ace with a lemon pie and injured other- wise by James Vallo and John Azzata tn a restaurant, of Winnipank, self in a mill pond, is-father, ‘im drowned him Get had weak nsey cal belonging to an im- oh tr. Arthur Rieck wed ara: paid $32,000, enjoyed an automobile ride from Chicago to Mt. Fores I., the other day, as the guest ° GENERAL, Sir John: Hall, a former, Premier u New Zealand, is dea has been restored in. the wine: growers’ district of France, France and the United States ar en- deavoring to negotiate a new commer. cial treaty. TE at, IT IS. SIX MORTIMER. Lieut{Governor Among. Recipients. of King’s Birthday Hoses: The King’s: birthday honors aivae Yond fol- lawing— ronete: arene Ivor nada. Nathanial in Herbert, ex- . George liam. MacGregor, indian Knight Commander — Hon. Charles F npanions — Mr. James Stewart Newfoundiand; | Captain “1 H. Royal Navy; fired Duclos Decelles and Mr. Martin Joseph riffin, night achelor — Licut.. aia Eee Renin: Clark and M. F.C. elier and Mr. Robert * Giesple Reid ta recognition ‘of services to found nd). Viel fot Order. Knight Commander— Farl Dundonald and Sir T. G. Shaugh- nes: John Herbert Bi com- local forces with 1800 95. jubilee commemoration in 1897 in command of the colonial ies ee wai | seven amici A NEW COMET. Member of Dominion Senne Staff Makes Disc lespatoh from Otlawa says: Mr. 1. s. *ptastetk who has charge of the bi ‘of the Dominion resale da ys ago liscovered a approaching the sun growing more-brilliant. At through he early morning, he southensl, dnd in: 6 nak 2 cara ie tin September, when it will be nearest the s TUVENILE COURTS IN ONTARIO. Juvenile Courts ie Province ¢t Ontario, Canada, preceded those on the W estern Slates, and were established in Toronto an ‘other cities in 1894. The courts have n conducted in a quiet and Hace tee manner and have not attracted “anythin like the publicity given to the movement in Chicago and Denver, but. they <have, nevertheless. been doing effective work and saving e continuance in con- cilies Pel heing sufficiently large as yel a n Toronto ef a Hamilton and 0 a the number varies from ont fiundred and fifty to three hundred, i R Alle A Marked Increase Shown in Natural- year probably represents + 2 5 ton ; ‘Galati bran, ; j oeen aj 822 t at mated mile, 62 lo 88 per ization Statistics. n, and. straight grain, $30 to $32. Provisions—Barrels short cut mess, $22 to $22.50; half-barrels, $11.25 to $11.75; clear fat backs, $23.50 to $24.50; long cut. heavy mess, $20.50 to $21.50; half-| A despatch from Ottawa says: The ré-) migration. of thirty to forty thousands barrels do, $10.75 to $11.50; dry salt as sin ence is re- Tong clear bacon, 10% to. 11340; barrels | urns = aaeten ra ie Ser quired it-will be seen that almost the plate beef, $14 to $16; half-barrels 1906 been tabulated by the whole foreign immigration of 1903 £7.50 to $8.25; barrels heavy mess beef, | tary of States Deigaleet sae scome naturalized by. law $10; half-barrels do, 0; compound) that a end jarge roportion of oe The an naluralizations of immi lard, 10% to 10%{c ;pure lard, 1234 fo] ada’s new cilizens from foreign eoun: grants. trom United States were 3,888, ase ete rendered, 13 to ea ie | tries are alii the oath of legianee. | wh ich, compared whee the Penal ae 14 to 160; breakfast bacon, 14% to uring the year the naturalization figures of 1902-03, show that nearly. all Sunder 153% 1 shea totalled 10,242, as compared with 6,632 | {ho American rapioryoltees inahe Wash killed abattoir dressed hogs, $10; alive, i the ead year, inérease cf|are taking the oath of allegiance to the to $7.25. aes 164c. Butter— e Naturalization Act requires | British C ‘Townships, 20% to 2c; Quebec, 20340 ; fares ns residence 5h tho Dominion] The total immigration for the month ie) 200; ae estern dairy, 1734 to| before papers of citizenship can be taken |of April w compared with eese—Western, 11% to 11%] out tne ia sai fn Ap o va ea, An nace ye. sideration 0 \. Tovinsine 1405 Quebe, aloe ge, heads of families and | July 1 to April 30, ‘he immigration was UNITED STATES MARKETS. ite men over 21 years of age of for-| 183,718, compared with 124,031 for the Milwaukee, | July. 2. Wheat—No. 1| Sum birth need ‘to: take the oath of al-| corresponding months of the fiscal eae $1.02 t 0 $1.0 No. 2 northern, | Jegiance, the total f 10,242 for last} year, an increase of 4,687 or 36 per Ot; Sepienbe, ie a foreign im-' cent. 88 Oe = Stat edit Europe, is now Export Caitle, es guilered severely. {ro Export, choice 57% 86 00) Cionged cold weather during Manch, k 530 5 50) Kpril and May; and on account of prob- 4b 475) ANE veduction in yield of hay and other light . 450 45) Mager , but particularly because most Butcher’ Cattle, fields of clover are killed out in Butchers’, picked . . 60} races, it is anticipated that the are et 4 35| Pi for red clover seed will be consida Do., cows . 8 00! ably below the average for Canada, an 2 if a thet the supply of good, clean, No. 1 tackers, choice 4 25, in be short for the se ls 8 Dae -, com 5 3 ‘of the present conditions of tie Heavy feeders: .: i % ein dover 8 eds the red Sheep and Ibs. clover crop, 1 desire to farmen Sheep, export, ewes 500 85] fn the Province of Ontario that it will 0.. DUCKS + s+. 400 50} be well for them {o consider the expeid- Lambs, grain-fed, cwt. .. 5 50. well to consider the expedi- Do., common see B 00! ency of utilizing as far as possible those Do., yearlings 6 75! that can be made clean by weeding, and Spring lambs, each. 8 25] of saving them for the purpose of see Cy 6 751” Experience has shown that the largest Do. lights and fais... 6 $0] yields and best quality of red clover seed jalyes, fair to. choice 5 10 00} are obtaine: the seco jp—the - first crop being pastured off we maou e 20th, when all roug! re REREUTS EW) BULLION LOAN: treat should be trim: with a itch from Montreal says: The | mower having the cutter-bar tilted well c of iene - ear fe ith this method, 4 ravages ci fecling s temporary loan of two million | the clover seed midge are largely avold- dollars Bngland, ‘Tt was at first i “t the first crop be for Mage the e a loan of five millions | cut should be taken as early as possible. for the usual period of forty years, but| In taking the nd cub of red clover ouee to the unfavorable it seed, it is well to remember that each te sie 3 market the dea was aban-| of the w ribgrass, catchfly, curled aed uaa Joan for a smal-| dock, and others—produce from’ 10,000 The loan} to 50,000 seeds, or @ ‘one hundred as produced by as are iced see fee ino now paid in fe a io Beeebs O ssptetnber, 583%. asked, RED CLOVER SEED. suey No. 1. seed ill sont. 8 i 2. Wheat —Inly, . ee pape Ba tt ae ay ies M nN Se hart, Anticipated a It Will Again Be Short 5 ye aureunt ee ey to phe a : ‘ ; r acre, ise is more thi $1.02 ; 1 northern, $1.01; No. & for the Season of 1908. double the cost of the labor required to northern, 99 to Mist Biante at pa failure in Cana-| pull remove such weeds from 95 to 96c._ | Flour—I aa Seana b.80 tel de a “the v United States of the 1906 crop | seed crop before it is cul. Before market 81.05 10 BOs ie eeore ds to. $3.60; se-| of Red Clover see Srarge quantities were |ing. farmers are invited to send a smal $4.90; Sed clears, he race ha Gnported from Europe for the past sea-|cample of their grass or clov bond pleas, OE g imporrade, ‘The supply was depleted with their name and enclosed, bulk, $15.25 to $15.50. Sarly in May, and the retail prices have | whi ple should be accurately, re- LIVE STOCK MARKETS. forty inusually high in consequence. | presentative of the "pull Tol, addressed i uota:| NO e) 6, caret the Seed Commissioner, Denk of Agri- _ Toronto, July 2 the range of quota) .¢P or next season's trade. ‘The ted culture, Ollawa, and within three or tions at the Western Cattle Markel was) | only in Canada fut in {four days they ‘will recelve in return statement sI ig its pereenta ie puri andthe Kinds, en ro nde. ious weed seeds, if any, that, ie con- tained in it, With such they will better know its vi compared with the current quotations for seeds of the various grades of qual- g \ T. G. RAYNOR, Seed Inspector for Ontario, ok. STARTLING \G EVIDENCE. A despatch from si. John, Ba me ys ensation was caused on da, at the inquest. at Cole's Bland inte the burning of the ital Stream, in which four men lost their ives, hy the ay 2 Be: tesli- ee thought Captain eITy er Aberdeen, who 0 formerly ae on. steam the Crystal Stream, the a meant as having at ihe steamer. Cap- on imputed ing he nee influential in having her dis- charged from the steamer Star some years ago. oat oe ene n English mile is 5,280 feet, a nau- fe mile is 6,080 feet. Dunlop, in No Less Than 9i Fatalities Reported During May. A oe from Oltawa “says: Re- ports fo the Lal Department show. ve the ape ‘of trade disputes dur- ig May was 49, an increase of twelve oie the corresponding month o! St year, largely due to the strike of coal miners in-the west, and of longshoremen * lonircal. There were about 411 firms and 11,697 employees affected by the various disputes. ane re W irked upward tendency ly all lines of indust nstry ducing ie mebin, The muniueriol Nee inj us ae agreements with respect to wages re- ported to the department was. ler~ ments were on the basis of gies wa schedules, In the majority of cases vgs yee between employers and em- uring May there were 287 we Re injured in industrial sede vot Meee iin heiays peas Railwi re respons tan fatalities end thirty ie ee were A des} - | rible tty oveurred at: Arnprior carly Ww. \ Cook of the Crystal § Stream in Fear of x Fire. FALLING OFF IN WHEAT AREA. ‘The Manitoba ae cites Issues a Crop A despatch GR Winnipeg says : puter fealtng with the condition of ercps, live stock, ete., in Manitoba was issued on Thursday morning by th al Department of Agriculture ans indicate promising conditi ‘section of the province. in the acreage of wh substantial increase in the acreage of fo ats and barte t acreage reported in last 's June bulletin was 3,141,537 acres, ae 2,789,553 acres this year. Last year there were ge bet acres of | FO onts, this year 1,218,5% barley acreage Tae year ao the figures show the cattle fattened during the winter and the MUTILATED THE CORPSE STORY OF AN ATROCIOUS CRIME COMES FROM CHINA, 1d a Murdered and, Body Cut Up by, ‘Law and Members of Husband's Family, 8 of one atrocious morning. It ap) pat @ family living near qe aes, ya- layan, China, recently 1e- exe into the household a wi wife for one it number 0 bomita gee took aitle Milen {#0 ‘The ignorant and. superstitious District— fattened. cows. | mother at once put’ the blame on tho South weclerh seams tran aaughiecinlaws cleimioey. Hat North-wester Dcig'gngy =< g,97e| Same mistake. ha made by the North Cen Beag gp-aig | Seomancer reckoning with the Sout Central aes 17.197 | eht Stee and that a fe ere, i ‘one psychologically us 3.213 20,001 it or intended hori r So. brought bad luck and evil influences, Totals vsssvr ssevcees 202 10h,682| © late he employment and farm labor prob- icin is shown ke Farm han oyed 2 Farm. hands eequinen Female servants employ death penalty, and pi it poured oiling ‘oil over the poor an drove five big nails into her brain and TWO THROUGH HER NECK, > Female servants required .. 5.1 he mother-in-law was assisted in * the or eed by ple of other fe eee males in the family, ‘They cut the flesh SEAMEN BURNED: <if portions of the body, but afer all Explosion of ian a Fire in ae #0 ones ana nn nbteeare Engine-room witich the water’ carrier had brought, ey A despatch ae Sault Ste, Marie says hesday night in one of {he first marine Coppen-Mine Pein ‘ity miles west ae the “Soo,” Canadian si At ten o'clock fire was discovered in the engine-room, due said to the explosion of a lai es Ganley, all being landed safely. e “Soo” on Thursday ig Shamrock ‘none the ie Batchewana e sured, but. the Ganley Line ‘will. lose heavily on tho disaster, FAMILY BURNED TO DEATH. Mother and Four Little Ones Perish at Arnprior, h from Otlawa says: A hor- on Thursday morning. four voit oni d to death. Mr. and hout on strong ing into t Bae. Ses of se a z 3. james, rm- aes is not konwn, but it started in the ‘The fi ihe scene fire in a short time. ‘The laundry was completely destroyed, all the walls fal- g in. him him see how ternibly the poor heen mutilated called, this others, und together they. ried the co} sural teCaaiti eee old woman had given the men ered ike wil fain story ranguae the ears of ee ofa and citizen, and the hsien was pelled lo MAKE AN INVESTIGATION. tried to quiet matters by ma e would SS e story. He wi ke, but I will fot ici beckons rd, e hsien Lie to make a trip to bod, vo engle sailed demands were being mado for an exemplary. execut! pi cece PICKPOCKET'S HAUL. Thousand Dollars Stolen in Winnipeg Building. patch from Winnipeg says + piempeciele are busy here, and numer: ous reporied. J. J. Miller, an lowa speculator, was relic a @ sand dollars in the elevator in the Bank of Hamilton building on Wednesday afternoon just. after he had cashed @ |THE TROUBLES OF RUSSIA War Department Revoluti Headquarters of onaries. A despatch from St. Pelersburg says: ‘The police on Tuesday night searched ae ON. GUARD HOUSE. atch pon Krasnoyarsk, Si- on the on ards ant the latter replied with volleys. During a fusilade lasting over an hour, ac Soon was killed. The prison of Kras- one of the halting is vats political prisoners on their w more distant places of Siberian eile: SIXTY OFFICERS ARRESTED. | A despatch to a London n pie from Odessa says es de auton ‘ively reported that sixty of the south- ern military district, ee etal ‘of them connecte Odessa garni ‘ison, aye been oes BOMB OUTRAGE, ‘A despatch from Tiflis says: A wag gon containing $125,000, escorted Jy Cossacks, had reached Eriven Square, on Wednesda imperial Killed and others. injured, The moncy bags disappeared. TERRORIST ATTEMPT FOILED. A despateh from St. Petersburg says: Ar atlempt was madé on Tuesday night by terrorists to force an entrance into the: magazine pI und near Sl. Peerless sn sa a large amount of explosi ry was ae at and woun unded y the men en- inthe Lie Sut Phe shots Gaused: a pattol 10 and the terrorists fled. TORPEDO BOAT DAMAGED, ies the manoeuvres 0} eee aS boat Ubedii Taha, which explodqd. mi to the spol, struck — mies a eo dane Pee saa to the eleioree

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