Milverton Sun, 11 Jul 1907, p. 8

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LOOK OUT But do it through a SCREEN. DOOR or WIN- DOW. The warm weather is fly tite; which means “for you to look after them with doors and windows. We have a good assortment at” BOTTOM PRICES See our PRESERVING KETTLES before buying elsewhere, they are ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED, JAS. S. LOGKIE, sewron Hardware Merchant Cup Comes To Milverton|' Guelph Rovers Defeated ‘by ) sam. ee o 2A, Milverton sbuterees on Monday even ing defeated the Rovers, of Guelp are now ae core team :— “The victorious Rovers, yesterday evening, met and defeated by a score jot 2 to I tho most, powerful “enemies to face. The ¥ “ LORITURRY | n July 4th ther Girls and noble service to God when e closed a ‘ite of Additional Local News A carload ne bia salt for sale at vr ate House for a fe Wm. Hartmier, See adyt. in another column, thaaaptons ip of nd was the closest and most exciting alle with yt, erritor until Getarin Becker, veloved wile off Mei J H. Yose; of Toronto, spent| Wn ene vag Keke Go. th » Peter Wiederhold, passe ito aie with his parents at the G.T.R. séhbinabinn, and with nd tush life paaramcrtal after a brief nee ie Station, ook the ball right down the field and monia. Death o is oe ie aa rpectedlye Deceased was born in| ~ Miss Ama Baits of Benin is spent peered Te Salk ie Ree he township of North Hasthope, and|ing a couple of weeks with her fri good nee ofthe Milverton baal later on mov Oo verton, where | Miss Minnie Ritter, Elma. ars well up in their art to allow We Mea: Gite “Abippell to, To- Giuelph’s centre to score. The play 2 ed b: ys. ‘Leibold, iltora in ‘English and Ge wifeand Wouier gre deyoted to her Bees untiring in ae was an ideal friends who were bereayement. ce. | ronto on Monda; Miss Janet G d| is. at presen her mother, gner and . nian. = ting M c J.B. auth fora aacuiges: where a pas pollesarton of her ho Win. fponen to the Trea 1] village in the stead o} -| resigned, in the fyture,—A. Collegiate Institute, so helpful in their MARRIED the Presbyterian chur inesday morning, accor her friend. Miss Blanche Magwood At last Sabbath evening’: Liss ‘Hold thou B m ‘0 loads of cattle. rt. Jas, Coutts shipped one load. cLellan, of Glencoe, ‘at the . Peter MeLellan home oe Le a home she teaches i her aoe Zimmerman has ‘been or of the outs hip Naismith Bopemter ue Btrattord: Her; ‘ald ex- Sat Norio arog Secured a now and dat r views will have prompt attention R. 5 ollefreund, Miss Ella McCloy, of the Stratford returned hom mpanied t ‘ch, ryice in| Ger was then kept down on the Milverton after 4 minutes hot playing around the Guelph goal, a sorimuake in goal proved fatal, evening the score, and nfitr ained eo tantip balknos af Yoo ast half which was characterized by es, battr sides playing excel: Tent ball, but neither ‘appearing to 1, |. Whe second half stay continued their good work. / t-| but unfatal serimmage in the Mils in right wing, after five minutes play, Both were then foaght hard, but the: y matched to allow anything the doing unvilatter 15 winutes play verton placed in. outside ne| tight, Preston, who DIVE ini TE Stratford senior ass hit nd. Y | was almost an, impossil bility. ‘They kept Preston in goal and for the bale a rs tmost to n this they - | keep down the se thewhistle blew succeeded, for : : trude Weir sang my wrote by Ray Muyer Me, Willer Hand,” by C.S. Briggs in a most] {0 Score femained ¥4 for the red Gateke to Miss Carrie Noll, both of |acceptable manner. The referee, MoLauchlan, of Strat: Milverton, RRO Fes Smee, ford, was not HESSON. ONTARIO LIQUOR LICENSE ACT License District ingly R _Dateiiat Listowel; this 6th day of Juty, All persons will govern themselves accord- cit a lisa Appie Brenne: pate St. Cat! sister, Mrs. Me) of North Perth Mi bert Schedwitz, i see at the former’ Helm 0! afterspending a COMMERCIAL. all wheat per bushi Mr, Andrew Gobl of D newing old acquaintances ‘in this vi- Nally, at zer’s for a few days last week. faggie Sort renter Se Mr. Ida bel ee ton Berlin on Monday troit is r and Mr evenir few weeks at their r. Alex tharines were the goede ite espn Havel Sanday, Mr, Buckley, of Oshawa, visited his | ¥° Fr. Dant- in fact, at times, it i tinetly heard coaching them. 001 of dissatis- Milve er rtons. been withou id haye gained a far ‘s arrived in Milverton we ag Mutverroy, July 11 1907 sy to the alle in order. to accompiny | peatedly in the remaining time there it band boys, was no rate scoring, the er de- nap a Ba, Shae ix leaving ont midst} fence talking no ebances and when 45 Toronto, where he las secured a hard presse. bal whys anatieged to: kick 40. 40 ae potion sn iia crosety” establish ment the ball ont of the Boi 10 wiki @ second halt was more hotly Peak One Pathwaster Kennel has just comn-| eontested than the frat, and open fa OO 10. on phot a nice pigsecbb gents sidewalk on velth fast combination and. brijliant 00 one of our main ‘ashes on the pa teams. or eae lawn focial will’ be. held next Teach, the auburn haired, inside 4) Friday. evening in the public saiobk ight of the Rover te Purkeys pov out Host gs live we Nant Fl ve aes per ba, Potatoes ree Bape brary ning with us, faenise by the ils bpent's few days rs, Jacob Ort from ere and were t gromnde, ander the auspices of our eleome and bring ‘your "rans along fospend a ple ant hie minis Nal be Kurtz- um made some dangerous rashes in this half but was always brought‘to9 halt, before he Teached Milverton's goal ither teams game np until the whis! ew for time leaving them still fied foetne ohateplonsli: the referee ordered that 10 muinutes ie Ice Cream Vanilla, Lemon, late, Strawberry, Nectar. With Delicious Flavors CRUSHED 10 Cents FRUITS. : Orange, Choco- Strawberry, Pineapple, Peach; Pineapple and ICE CREAM 5 CENTS Chocolate, Cherry, Maple Walnut, Tona Cola, David Harum, ICE CRE to take home by the Pint, Quart or AM Special prices for wholesale and parties. Gallon. i LUNCHES SERVED AT ALL HOURS “<3 | JACOB KELTERBORN ke old timers. the teams"were as follo Milverton ae. mith Goal uenther /Backs afegibbon roseh. Seddon 88 Halves. McGowan jartmier Moule 018 Com reston Porwards -Moriarity rb A Gowan Robertson Leachmai encer Harris mith Williard ree Ward, of Stratford, rout oe Oka ral bly. clean, He is ubt the best official in the thee without d W. Cs ee = tury, ; | L1I—To Pass 396, Herman Schmebl goal, where after twenty-one minutes | ( k. fenmns Be on e band paraded to the grounds} POOLE ite and Mrs. gina Mayberry. a few eh 8 last eek with tends in Britt rand. Maa ‘Daub Mrs: Wettlaufer. of ame” ‘peat Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. P. Doe: Miss Emily Large bas returned froma week's visit with friends in rd. see Beatrag inet of EAL S| Miss Gr Roy Kin Stratford Collegiate # are Gbitgeyine at | their home here, 3 Macdonald of Hamp- stead is,yisitinghis grandmother, Mrs war, Mr, 8. Morrow, teacher of our pub: lig sehiooh, Qo 2 Mornington) and Lar; 6 of Top Moroingtom to be Dee Aanulated upon the siecess of thelr edtrance pupils at the recent exaininations. TOPPING. Promotion Results invU.8.3. No. 13 Mornington: Promotion to Sr. TV— Required number of marks 516 or 60 per cent of the total; Willie Luckhart vee 786, Agnes Alexander. 785, Ezra Boshart 673, Annie Nafziger S66, Melinda Fink 619, Edith Mohr, Arthur Whitney 602, EA ack a Slara Nafzig er Annie Hei 54, eaactnn to Entrance 564, Janes lent work done, ss—Huella Wilhelm Alexander 477. resuorn lott Monday He also intonds visit: | er, at Wal Mick Clrkes Wr weritos - after gpending @ few days in. Stratford. ecompanied home by her in-law, Quite a number of our boys took { the football nate ae. Milvayton- ont } Monda: ey night. M Helm feiends in Now Senate for days, Mr. and Mr spent Puesda: Schmidt. Mr. Alger spent Sunday out of| town. ujaived, Sel wal ‘thelr son, Mr. ter is sbending ‘his yeihion sins ‘oher, Joh Miss 8, McCloy, of Toronto, sia 8 her home here, is vis- Quite a number intend taking in iiaaesubatonto Wineice Sauer ee SES MONKTON A ACM, Padham oF Toronto ting her parents, nd Mrs. , fora couple of Miss Winnie Fitzgerald returned to her home in Niagara Falls last Thurs- .& train on onday, day, after Uepend lie a week visiting Al-| co! spanied bes a dozen sport: her friend, Miss Hannah McCarthy. | . spent e taken c oy Mine} Master V..Gordon Gi 8 one here. Host Pan i of whe. Qadens. ee ; al | Stratt ford is "at ae eae =| and_ Johanna Schie- oat atin teams firstrel 888] Hogging in Monk (ee | Mr, Jamies Erskine fs) improving about 6.! ae: in. and EEE their tus ppeaaic “of his property by oe artiyal Referee Ward got the ‘game | coat of paint. ies fonatly and her brother, going. Neither side gained any a An drew Terry is improving his Buel ier, are spending a few weeks at vatitage in position as the night was| property on Selby avenue with ce- 1, KEMP, Inspector. | the home. of their miece, Mrs, Bek calm, The ball immediately’ travel-| ment foundations, hardt, at Dubli: I 8 The contractors from Listowel are aan Sr. Coa : frat expected to start the foundation for na ast} the new Presbyterian church this WELLESLEY right ne alee sie | week the Rover goalkeeper tailed torhandle Quite a few of our citizens intend tak band evened he ao det oe le who ale for en ing in the Bei ursion hex Satur- Although the h ome boys rushed re=| eee eee ee a al eat were suc jnntor pupils ‘A large number tended. the esstul, three of them being of our youth at- isses dAl- d John erg an Jury are at present laid up with the e The Misses Jean and An She: win, of Waterloo, are Bpecitiog a cou- | ple of w ‘ under the parental roof; Mr, 3, Robertson spent Monday | atternoon. “in Milverton visiting his brother and also taking in the foot- ball match in the evening. Wellesley, her- | “The People’ s Store” Milyerton’s Greatest andBest Store, ote We do as we Advertise. JULY CLEARING SALE |} Straightforward Methods and True Bargains E WANT YOU TO KNOW THIS STORE, sim- ply as one that never charges more than Tue Lowest Price at which a good article can be sold, and in order to make the usually quiet month of July a busy month, we will offer BARGAINS, real bargains and plenty of them, to in- duce our friends to assist us in having a Record-Breaking Clearing Sale during the month of July. ae ae “ ie * ; Big Whitewear Sale Blouses and Waists in fine Lawns and India Linen, Dotted Muslins, Silks ; White Underskirts, Corset Covers, Drawers, Etc., Waist and Corset Dmily tore, 4 Teacher, |] Embroideries, sce babe a . 25 per cent. Discount on atts oii pion,» of Aes e-| ‘ f eon with her motion fe! ow all Shirts Waists Is. Tokiseh and chien, sone tl wa. ge visiting at the and every waist excellent quality well made and this season's latest styles, regular prices from 50 cents to $5"on which_a straight 25 per cent. discount will be allowed. Women’s and Children’s Plain and Ribbed Cotton Hose Perfect fitting and of good quality, Having the fashioned leg and we seamless foot, guaranteed dye, from regular stock worth 20, 25 and 35¢, Reduced for this sale. . . ? 2 pair 5¢ ‘ Hosiery Sale ! A Great Millinery Sale The balance of our Millinery must be cleared out, in fact “giving it away”. jozen of fine new this season's shapes, that cost us from $1 up to $2.50, choice... All flowers, foliages, oa and plumes 25 Cents at any price, 3 ‘ert, see Our Bargain Gounter Where we will offer all kinds of odds and ends, useful and ornamental, at prices from 5c to $1, and worth double the prices. ~~ New Collars, Ties and Belts ! Ladies, see our display of New Collars and Belts. You never saw such a fine display of novelties in Milverton, ‘From the ordinary turnover and wash collars to the very latest in “Peter Pan” Collars and Ties and the dainty pearl trimmed fancy collar, The very latest. All sizes ‘at all prices. CHAS. A. FINKBEINER ve us mail by train tee Bettger vistted SEGRE in wae Grove on Sunday Weber paid a Sey be to Mitenett teow ek, e Miss aoe ae is sianiiog. her sis- ter Mrs, Mri. O. "Tltapott Te coke ing w ‘a trip ont west the latter part of John McNaught al pases eee vars of coal in the village last wi The Monlitoh Cheese Pacory is now in fine co: bly ition and is being taxed to its ost capacity, Mr, Knipe the owner as one-of the best ea upped factories in Wester: Mr. milton his head feats eae ae t the cheese 88, ors the All Sai ints, ‘of Toronto. for fhe eham- pionship of Ontario, . Ritter, of St, Jacobs, has\bought out the Bateher business of Leonard aes Mr. Ritter cones well reco- ed. Finkbeiner’s guests of Rev, and Mrs. Battenberg and Wie Da paved eaOle teinann, eee eecatd core off th stivec.| Mr, J. H: Marshal of Linwood has| fille Mr. and Mrs Nickel and Mr-} ware. | From ae kick-off the forwards | Veen appointed station agent at this om Wallace, nade | in yellow and black rushed the ball | point, Krom reports socal vod: w be- : soe als heres. pion eusiailinsSuridag,| SUA Ce Revere oak test ooo | leverti®.. Mavebek ty splendid in Lishon, with friends on theit. way | minutes played the: fastest football | type of man, and we Pini him to . homeward, ever witnessed on Hxibition Park ata de f \ iss Alma Prochlick: and her consin | Phe balleame out froma serimmag r J. E. Beatty, engineer of tlie 7 a 11 trom Berlin spent Aan at home ii fronhor Guelph:goal'to Dan ee a 90 1 17 d f y o) Es 27 Gh| Wiekcanenor trey BorlMtyapeut, Eutdey | poo ceutrua ta feat Cha the goel| Blyth and Goderlotty waa.Jg the vi The Sun to January 1908 for... . 46 cents 16 00} at home, iy et Dan Le A her he aries Mr. J.B. ee win left on Friday last d of loosing his arm and Referee Foe ra a eaters eae for Hamilton t to attend the funeral of Bae ntinne the game.| Mr. W. Hamilton has been very 5 I . ‘ Hs teserMGo ae tad [stent nthe ear [NEWTON | The Up-to-Date Stores | NILLBANK@g n ss. For the Serine, Welling- | OU" rE WETy BOG" - ce ream d 00 rio S ton Smith played on the forwarding eet ey eR LOTT , reston taking his position in goa), | A'Bely nerensed “from thonth to The playing of the home team | ™onth. ° throughout the ganfé was fast, t) Over $55 were realized at the U.S. E > ae & ~ Phosophates, All Flavors, 5c combination of the forwards being | garden pa a at Mr. Rooncaiared ‘ : FB har eat. 18. fence 30 far ie other eve: —————— al this season hashad but 8 goals seored | «We would li ice to see a petition got- The crop is about done. We expect a few more, but no quantity, at on them, uone of these being tallied) |ten out requesting the post office de lowest price, Soda | Sundaes 10 Cents g [pits toneses A eae aoa: _ SUGAR ° s Redpath’s Best Granulated Sugar, per ewt, CASH hits Wei a oeee POe: Your Hardware CROWN FRUIT JARS here if you want good quality, Our Wine Pints 75c dozen. Wine Quarts 90c dozen. Imperial Quarts stock ie first-class: It:has been gath- ‘$1 per dozen. St i a Gallons $1.10 per dozen, Imperial Half Gal " Tons $1.25 per di ered from manufacturers noted for "MILLET SEED Just the thing for copie Can be sown any time ‘before July 15the Per bush the excellence of their products, Our prices are no higher than you often have to pay for poorly-made goods. Remember that even on little things for household use we can save you money. $1.90 Delicious Ice Dsdati at Newton ‘Every Wednesday and Satarday. : "fee Hi GUSTIN [nr | 14 cents a HARDWARE

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