Soe = H. M. SCHAEFER : 3 @ issuer of —® : : Marriage Licenses C 3 Everything Confidential - MILVERTON, - ONTARIO “It Shines For All.” Marriage Sacenscn MILVERTON Strictly Confidential + ONTARIO Vol. XVI—No. 24 MILVERTON, ONT.,- PERTH €0., THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1907, Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher The Sovereign Bank of Canada HEAD OFFICE TORONTO. Auras Jarvis, Esq., RG; President. Job Printing Met, Hsq.; : Grieie Manager. Look over your stock and see if you don’t need some printing BOARD OF DIRECTORS: done, such as Zimiiius Jarvis, Esq., President Bill Heads. RANDOLPH BAsoeate: Heq., First Vice-President 4 A. A. ALLAN, Esq. Second Vice-President Letter Heads, Hon, D, McMit1an, Hops PETER MCLAREN, Note Heads, ARcH, CAMPBELL, Esq., M.P, W. K, McNavca’, Bes , MPP. Envelopes, Etc. A. E. DyMEnNt, Esq., M.P. pes Bruce, Esq. Savings Bank Department. Interest at best current rates paid quarterly, Pe z If you do, don’t send it out of town, but to. . ‘MILLBANK BRANCH : W. R. Alger, Manager * LOCAL NEWS ‘Tua Sun may. be ae to the end of the year for 40 ¢ with friends in Lis! aster Gordon feo is at present visiting friends at Underwood. aie aie cousin Mrs, Switzer, of At- She aan ca ye G28 tela tl i SiO ac a Ra SCHAEFER & WHALEY THE + SATISFACTORY + STORE THE . B. K. SHIRTS : WORKINGMAN We sell the finest line of shirts sade) in Canada. he shirts we sell are built with the bes work- manship and made from the best of pntuitole | Here are four good reasons why our shirts are leaders : 1—Buttons sewed on by hand. 2—-Button holes bar tacked can’t wear out. 3—Seams all double stitched can’t rip. 4—Gussets re-inforced can't tear. They are roomy, comfortable and easy to work me We are’sole agents and the prices are just as & as the poorly made, tight fitting shirts. Prices 50 Cents to $1.00 . 6 - JULY SPECIALS =- 6 NO, I NO. IV, a fadies’ Wash Turnover Collars Men’s Underwear 5 dozen each, Shirts and. Drawers, taped and well made, white and pale 3 dozen only Ladies’ Turnover Col- | blue shades, sizes 34 to 40, each, .,.25¢. lars, ficely embroidered in silk and cot- ton, special July price............10c each, F NO. Il Ladies’ Raincoats -8only Ladies’ Raincoats, full length good coat for summer driving, sizes 2-10.38, each,.......5..cseccserem 7S Cents > NOH Lace Curtains 25 pair Nottingham Lace Curtains floral design, full 234 yards long, a splen- did bedroom pirat; at per pair......35¢ NO, V Ladies’ Vests 4 dozen only Ladies’ Cotten Vests, neatly trimmed, short sleeve and with- out sleeve, good value, each..,.10 cents ° NO. VI Ladies’ Hose 10 dozen only adieg- Hose,. con- sisting of plain ¢ashmeres,’ embroidered cashmeres, fine Lisle, ete. at per pair ONY poavio aiestvebe meee «425 cents REMEMBER, if you buy anything from us that turns. out badly, tell us about it, we will make it right. ay” BRING US YOUR PRODUCE We'll use you the very best # FE & Ps q & 4 done us yet. we retain the shoe tory and have secured the cup. |} Dr. London, "will ‘3 at the Queeni’s hotel, “> | Milverton, on May 21st, June 18th $% | and July 16th. i Mr. James W. 4 P 4 x heme from Hollen, where ke hat S & S) fishin rods, For Quality and ore, ask your NS | dealer for the new big ply se] Stag” and Cas rency”' ” Cliewing Po- » | baccoes, ~16— ng has for y draft mare «colt, a ies of it. Bos’ ee net s old Y orkshipein i% | rice Kines who have beon toaching at Berlin and D spending their y Messrs. Noll and Rustin’have cor pleted the sinking of a well at: the C. ation having hy an of water at a dopth feet, of thirty Mr. eoagel \d, ‘of Mt oat has P| been Eikeal charge of the track Milverton on the G, EG. R. ».. | while Mtr. Elliott has been transferred | to Monkt ton. Don’ "efonget that Hollofreund's studio willbe closed during the month of st, only, and will re-open Mon- aay, Sept 2 2nd; enieaeck the date Among those | attended the champlorship football Seats see on Monday. 8 apa ts ee ar Mitchell ;M Kerr, Bee ies Mr, Jas, MeDousia, Lon- { Mics: W: Code, Roadmaster of Toronto and‘, O'Hara, Bridge and Building Master, of London, of the , )P. R. were'in the vilageon Tuesday having come over the road from | Bly: N.D. McKinnon’ will attend . ae Pre aby tery meating’at St) E | today [Thursday] in eon ction the induction of Rev * Morden in- thes baetocaiee ok Me chureh, ‘lion he wil nddvess: the” congrepa: tion. S A long distance ‘phone has been in- stalled'at the Sow office, making the total number now in the more shortly in business places when phone communication will: b ae facilitated. £ the meeting of the public school cae ‘on Thursday evening, three the teachers of the staff wer © | gaged at the following salaries ; J.T. Curtis, principal. $600 ; Migs O'Neill, first assistant $400; Miss | MacDonald, second assistant. $325, - | It is the intention carry on the ‘work @uring the fall unless it So term with three teachers should be found inexpedient. The showing made by Milverfot: ¥ ponte school in {the »recent entrance: . | examinations must 1 paetisulaety piatifying to all concerned. nine pupils sent up nine were success- =| ful and all obtained marks considér- L | ably above tie fee | required to pass, The result reflects great. credit upon Principal Curtis, who was some- © | what bandon in his work during . | the year o1 to the low deel of the classes wher oe took cl The rainbow lawn laa cA ‘on \ the lawn of ellington Smith on + | Wednesday evening, July:3rd, aiaee . }the auspices of the young peo: Burns church was well pation Tea was served at seven tables form: into an arch-each bedecked in one ‘et b: pe ie of the rainbow. and. waite; yy two. penny ladies arrayed in corresponding color: and was pS in attendance and furnished the pro- gram, $45 was taken in at the gate. The pupils of Miss Lotta White's > | music class held the last recital of the July Sth, =] 22.2 eee = s S| Miller, Wilfrid Grosch ; duet, Spanish F dance (Seeboeck)’ Ruby and Wilfrid Trim and Wilfrid Weir, =eRCOTE DRM Girl, Flossie Connell ; Schmidt ; Damask |t Oe § 2 ae Bi = S z = ete ie é Se Be 8 = @ S 5 é Vite} dated ak Sige LEEEEEE EGP PER Potatoes for sale at Mohr's grocery, Miss Annie W alg goat Sunday Miss Mary Smith is at present yisit- eee train service was inaugur- ated ne een Milverton and Blyth on NHEVERTON-BRANCH : - AL. Cundick, Menapert 5 — ~The Sunt Well, greedy old Guelph hasn’t ont- fae~| on Frida; ler, eye, specialist, of Schmidt returned a couple of days putting up of ‘Bobs’? sale, a #$ |. Miss Clara ttiddell and te Beat-|4 a a ‘good | OW from a distance who|t T. Ry a time table, while possibly affording a © Ye-en-| and 1g ;| Miss Rose as a delegate for their ser-| > | Weir ; theme (Kohler) Homer Grimm; | Maiden, Wherefore Weepest ‘Thou; Willot Kelterborn; song, Lenore > | by Ruby Weir; Air from Bohemian} whos reeltston, The im ; Mazur~ : | | : : . i : oe | 1S LAA ALLA ALAA RAH RIAD SCHAEFER | & WHALEY: 4 F wm c Pe 4 Ea ES E #4 ~ 4 Fe 4 4 # 2 ae 4 + 2 FP a # F 4 4 4 4 r a +" a a ES 4 4 #4 F F- 4 44 aS 4 +4 4 # F 4 Ee E c 4 Ee a 4 E 4 a 4 + y | Roehm. ‘The date bl iete tne (Gugleman} F Erde Bale 4; march (Berger) John Ament ; Firé- files Carnival, (Krogmann) Kate of class reopening will be eae in the Sun later: Furnished es ean to eb Apply. box 16, Milvert Two eae a pale for sale at the ee planing mi A. J. Spencer, of eae is ve present visiting friends in Milyer- ae John Coutts arrived home from pee last week where he spent-a few ne Milyerton Sun and Mail and oe from now until Jan. Ist 1908, for 70 thts Spbaribe now, The members of Milverton L. 0, L., 1083, are requested to meet at the hall on Friday, aay 12th, not later than Tovtlock a GIANT ie “Currency” “Bobs” and ‘Stag’ Chewing. ‘obac- Benjainin Johnston left on | coes, in big. plugs. Sat Woronto# niece |the same,—16-39, ‘The Ladies’ Att ot the_Bvangelical church held a very. enjoyable prenig| WM ernoon in Mr. J. G, Hamilton's grove on the banks of the Nich At Christ church on Sunday eyen- ing next, July. 14th, Rey. W. J, Spence will preach a special sermén to young men. ‘The a will show the place of athletic sports in the de- hes lopment of character, and useful lessons will rawn from the game of football. - All are invited to attend. Whe garden party held under the auspices of Trinity church, Elma on the lawn of Mr. Coskwell ‘on Thurs- evening, July 4th, was one of the most successful ever held in. the his- tory of the church, The programme was of a very high order and. reflect: 8 one of the features of the evening. For some time it had been expected that a special train would be run over -&G the G « Ry. to Blyth on Jul 12th, but Mr. C, B. Foster states that ving to the heavy traffic on. their lines on that day that it cannot. be done, but that excursion rates will be given on all on that day. GT. - for St. at: 8, Milverton ea Brunner nd 8 a pare 95, 90 ai Till stop your pain free, ‘To show you first—betore you spend a penny— Whit my Pink Pain‘Tablets can de: T will mail you free, a Trial Package of them—Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets. iod pi ¢., ave due alone to. bloo congestion. Dr. Shoop’s Headache Tablets simply kill pain by coaxing away the unnatural blood » pressure. That is all, Addvess. Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Sold by The Public Drug Store, At the Conservative conyention held eon eee which was the largest in the history of the associa- tion, a full deloueioy being: ee Mr. ee rep James Torrance, M. Kt inated as the sans heey Mr. H. B, Morphy, of Listowel, contested the convention with Me Torrance, the vote standing 7: in favor of T pel Resolutions expressing cot eee inthe Dominion opposition and e Ontario government were carried meaner iv. The recent changes in the G. T, Montreal) The | Hi banks and business men are now com- pelled to get out their correspondence home of Mr. Wellington Smith was very well attended, The speakers were Miss Laura Rose, of Guelph, and nm. In the afternoon Miss Helen MacMurchie Heres a demonstration in the cooking of me: got i talk on Pood Values which was Woman” high ‘orougly appreciated by all present.» The. meetii for lunolt in the village that evening. resses for the © ‘he addresses were listened to most intently by all present. A Short mus- ical “programme interspersing ~ the addresses was very acceptable—the participants being’ Mrs. K. Lett, oe Honderich, Mr. . Grosch, Rev. N, Kinnon, very efficiently oceupying a chair.” The Institute was certain] heat: ‘fortunate this year in securin, ies o! Fittest! ings. Her name come @ household word throughout the Province and. as a lady orator addresses’ are bristling with most healtful information and gestions pertaining to the home, she patie is Sipe Her ota ‘ilverton a future ocecassio: sei be Tooked 1 eet to with” rig est. Miss MacMurchie, who came here as a stranger created a most fav- orable impression and she also will be med. back : | present visiting her mother, Mrs, Jos. Weber. ents is at present visiting her son, Mr. Miss Helen MacMurchie, of Harris-|to the bedside of rh mother at Harris- to) 40n, who is véry local slpe gang are being} assisted-these days itr tha ee lift by a gang of about sixty Dag mn | week to speni friends at Markdale, e | the forearm. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1867 E. WALKER, President hire LAIRD, General Manager ‘H. IRELAND, Superintendent of Branches atl Capital, $1 0,000,000 Total ‘Assets, < 113 000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England $ A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS! PAPER DISCOUNTED SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT 91 is of $1 and upwards received; interest allowed at posit: current rates and paid quarterly. WM. MAYN ARD, Manager, The depositor is subject to no. Quality always pres akira el in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of a = = STRATFORD BRANCH Caprrar PA UP: $2,500,000 Deposits of $1.00 sae upwards R.J. RANNEY oo oe TOTAL Ai ‘ ‘Thirty-two Million Dollars BANK OF HAMILTON A General Banking Business Transacted SAVINGS DEPARTMENT fe of interest allowed. 96 Branches throughout Canada; Interest Compounded 4 Times a Year MILVERTON BRANCH & ; saprahth tgs ann received, ky highest current * * LINWOOD Miss Lizzie Bortet. Guelph, is home on ¥: w cases of riniae nak been re- ported in this. vicinity lately. Mr. Kowman of St. Jacobs was in Linwood on business on ‘Tuesday. Messrs. R. Y. Fish and Wm. Boggs Were at Berlin Tuesday on business. Mr. . A. Spohr are at pres - ent visiting friends at Shakespeare. Miss Verna Parsill was a visitor at Milverton i week: for several days, Messrs. A. Hartmier ani pluner: of" e, Aggie Weker of Chicago is at the week, Mrs. Frank cent, a ee is at. ies be visiting Alex. Schmitt ack a Marshall, our genial sta- CESTABLISHE nd Gench, of | Gemwar® Tea cebo as spent Sunday in the vil-| rt, Rennie of London‘spent | ‘? Sanday at the home of his parents 2 re an Mr. Ed. Heimbuch was in Berlin] and Toronto during the: forepart of} the m British Mortgage Loan Co. Market Street, Stratford 31-2 and 4 Per Cent. HE BRUTISH MOK « ie peu ORTGAGH LOAN com. 8 decided. upon paying on des posita, lett for however ogre oy siete time, interest at the rate of 3 1.2 por cent. sit to the date of with: . In future, on all sums of one dollar and upwards, interest will becomputed daily n whatever amount may be at the credit of the depositor, and the’ ita aa be paid te depositor A. times a year. Deposits subject to withdrawal; “chen ie. its bonds or debetitures the 1 an fy erest at the rate Of: orized by lay ‘The’ sect highest class, nail. Further particalars on application to WM. BUCKINGHAM, nager. ON. THOS. BALLANTYNE, A-LL-PAt Presidént tion” agent, has beén transferred to lonkton. Anumber are talking of taking in the excursion to Niagara Falls on Saturday with her friend, Miss awkesville, Mr. Alton Baker of the Sovereign Bank, Watton, is spending his holi- ‘Weber, of for Toronto and {the sc not later| days at to) than noon in order to gett away. At the postioffice the result 1s a clogging Mees coe ooh ener a of the evening and morning mails. voit teat ie ns : The change Sate more disadvantages erie ae Gohl, of Dott tte ae than good results, . oat Mho'sammer meotings of the Milver- pres ree anti deta Pao ne ton branch of the Women’s. Institute eu : of |held at Milverton on Monday last at| Mrs. ster Schuthinot of Bt. Clen- Frank Schummer. r. McHacheron was recently called Mr. W. J. Collins is ie at the station here pending the appoint- ment‘of a new station agent, Miss Eliza Montgomery left id a few weeks. with Mr, Alvin Oakley, while assisting Mrs. Dr, McEachéron has returned ding several weeks at her Tittle, who ie ae sng time here, A’ surveyi connection with the c ag re ‘3 Biuetoa hore for a struction of the on the interes ranch, about a mile from to the station, A bed of gravel has m laid, and preparations are being mode to cement it as far as funds’ will p permit, The civic holiday will, we understand, be used for 0. fenry Poomer, our pathmaster, has the township road’ machine at y removing wood and the officers will be pleased at any time to enroll those peeing ie! dpns piles and. es open heaps from the beat Miss Edna McKay spent Sunday|% Going Bast am. p,m, 8.5.05 ne couple i ft on of Jonmer Pp rere. An effort is being ce te part e ‘enders pe- | of our citizens to build a cement walk ented ed hie order for the ©. P. R. Time Table ime table on the uel Bat Godeeteh raha came into ‘inwood and Bl arriage with’ Mr. Jno Hedonaa J eldest son of Ma. B, a, of New formed by Rev; WW. Spem ipiscopal church, ore eng ti dinner, the They will pend a few a atiord to, after which they, will leave foe British Columbia, pemeeemset ACEI nd Milverton Council-Meeting ~ at Mr.Rennie’s raising in, as ivorth Milverton, ahi at bth, ae ho; tiie misfortuno to havea}, Milvent aneil mi piece of timber fall on him, breaking | {9@. om Ts sri pieient, Minat ar queeti ng read and ap- Naismith, Esq., tendered his Seatcbktloeee treasurer of the vil- dhs home in Toronto, She is ac-| lage, which was accepted, to peat ef: companied by her sister, Miss Hildred, ey wp oth fae elt is made satisfac- m. Zinwecnak applied Toe the offies of ee second- Mr. Zim- re pre Pa Aa passed, and the Raovaiae s same; work grading up Main street. It is 505 Weir, f to that after onr streets are Efree months salary a 5: Be ween Pitter an pa Jaco Herr, § mie poll held Be ot ‘o ‘Grossh Belt pate no Counel th ¢ Bylaw Connell ‘then a Moanin