Milverton Sun, 18 Jul 1907, p. 3

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Mrseekimina Stolt, of ~ |CHINA’S GHEF BEGGAR COLLECTIONS FOR TWINS NG _ ee ees — Appleton, Wisconsin. Ag7 Meer emcee rb, |‘ ost nen Facaniee advised me to use Peruna.|UNCROWNED- KING WITH POWER|FUNDS RAISED FOR SOME VERY VE by Dr Eerie 1835. SOS eae aster OF LIFE OR DEATH. STRANGE OBIECTS. ora Makes Baby Strong bp menpea A co ste impressing U , ras Restores the little ih fact. ib Te must’ be bought oul ab ; : ‘ any pric He Rules Over all the Mendicants of | A Concert was Held to Raise Money no cates harris rk hotording to Mr, Stead, Mr. pares One Part of the Flowery for the Purchase of a’ Wooden | _ Nothing you can wear costs you 20 litle in real ene ‘as rich as ever he was, ee Lew. ‘comfort, real service and real satisfaction as ones icher : na beggars © at once attract 4|. Money is sometimes raised in ver} y stranger's attention, Around every cor-| peculiar ways, and for eculi Pen- An 24 le INHERITANCE, OF THE DOG. wer, alang: canals and ane, Any, mat] Sn Mss cee ‘objects. oon Ket’ places, atuthe potn out | tener, some ne time stce the See Some eee Horn Wis Stop jons at the morning and évelling ser- i) 5 " | viess at the parish church of Langwith U n der WEP) 55 tre environment of his forbears | 70 ate e ‘s everywhere, seit, Derbysh: mpiends were made} for generations back you may kno’ mone: puso gAE one cannot }én behalf of twing who had. just made Sisal tf coon sty Soran the dog. An Eskimo, oF ‘sledge dog, oF any of them are crippled or | the pearance A ine Mielghboniood. ‘won't Made i ped Chinese ‘chow cl er and the New, afflicted with leprosy, and all are dress-| 7! re» the ee a. poor} aioe vee i fopa,a «ter or Eran Aeep ilendehip that a Aeneas ; i the i hes ‘pos, the: 08 pie had died only & ee > a English shee} x or collie, |! sum i nich he stat or ab wid i mee mpabie of did, PE eee apable of Ming a Utie hate in the tanss of his h Years vidore any of us wero thought | Wealih. Two of his later gifts of 810. WIFE IN THE COLONIES at tie os ast of bur: | 000,000 each, did Suit wc acai team 1, {ole ' ives capital, but as if to mock his sare MRS, EMMA STOLT. spotlessly white, ‘with, blue atc, ies of $61 wollen tive een Bic is “motor” power, begrudg- foil his efforts, tho value of the de- Mrs, Emma 1080: Oneida St,, | 0% the roof, an bas lo devote ine offertory to @ mo! necessi benture stock in which Appleton, Wis, against the wall to fiolograph < T bla object. tha ihe Lenett ot the widow | LIFE AND ADVENTURES IN LONELY “roruria has ae a me & great deal of parods, an the ug side ‘of the ca publ and the fat 2 good since | began taking it ona Tene Bock ‘entleman’s | _ Accord iteg ce {he Pall Mall Gaielle, PLACES. r 3 Movays glad 0 sea ee coe ie a ‘ain cond es etn pies of worth = aL Ne cnesvecdacnk Her thn ha he. beget hte diate WILSON'S and. not a few made How ©: a desce se | richer than when he began his distribu- beggars, 1 asked an intelligent young |i Migaliant liltle Wales” for a very dif-]A Woman Writer Tells of Roughing it eueanred, cuffed and buffeted ani- | tion, condition ‘with backaches, hearing dav ‘hinaman lead my interpreter who feted object. It seems thi past ‘one of the ef raals not to shrink from the uplifted vabclinies: wale ae ived in this fine big mansion, so un-| Welsh regiments ‘of so) had been With the Daughter of an and an i —— nat I could. not hake ye: abduh. My |usually well kept for a Chinese house’ al g the neighborhood for the Officer. friendly overtures? All é ‘ Lugs sts Iittle astonished when 1 was | purpose a wise for him and his forbears hos been A DISTINCTION. P A DS. eed, succeed in ars ago 1 was in a wretghed ‘ud inflammation an jtation, and ; allhough 1 used different Memedies they | ld BEATING UP RECRUITS. in Canada, and in Africa, and in ll | play the brute and make life & etry Five-year-old Mary has fretted most 0! ig me Mo good, ‘TT BEGGAR CHIEF OF SOOCHOW. parts there are women | hondage, the day and made herself generally dis- “A neighbor who had been using Pe- | an); The martial spirit, for which natives whose courage one could almost |” “And in ail parts ot te aces where | agreeable, and at night her elder sister a advised. me to tty it and | am This led me to make Inquiry about | of the eearany t ae ine ee ee neel di I wrile particularly <«f} {nq struggle for li perate, | put her to bed with a f 2 lef. gid tha Laid. | began’ lo Improve as | ‘he # c famaus, seems 0 have} yong bee Beep Sot inh Mes Ja a} ns beet ae them nd’ people, ahs ie oe ate “there, child,” she said, as she Kissed aes anor mi CENERAL Sr, took it and 1 felt much bet- a "4 E Sriau ous by i 2 ee rom 1 this RS Het one ge 5 ) - utes, of sem! ; Sra ehh see savage, 80 | her oe les “] hope you won't be so 100. pet si irast eek C 2 are gs oO! Bs cross to-morrt thank Leas for ae ine sane. tasttutone + ral was indeed, i, Maroves, tei and lek © operate inten; s votiunds, vehi atte Mary had cuddled down under the a jodset sick Wwo- Tae ie a " 13 i in wilds ustralia, it ee a ees be The s a fine residence must have heen sadly missed. gy un an Gertrude Page in the | thet am: aa Phan but at this speech she sat up: TR us Sunday r he had Ic man, who man; rs a “i MCNTARR or ae INTERNAL doling, and he is in the best of | accepted te ing’s shilling’ i-| In such a piace as this 1 stayed once | into ‘subjection, fake aiealion, ‘2a ees ee rk woes soe s socie!y—but only aero ‘he is not known. churel ] in the backwoods ot Meera with a] With the $500, $1,000 and on ne say ‘nervous, ty Miss Theresa Berlles, White Chureh, | As a Maret hi ak ignity he moves about | t r vorship) {| British officer's daughter, who had lived ein brother: sarin AMChiERi DYEING CO. fo, writes: with a long stick, which is allowed the appointed time and Nhmounced the | until her marriage to a speinendent (is tits ST} Reinet qrasera ite “ 1 gutered wil eatorrh ot the, stam: Ty ithe city y authorities, He also has | object of the collection in the following |e Canadian Pacifie Railw : See ees ernal organs. Ev=|the power of 1 ‘ard ale ‘of town life. In her new | they ese tenet aaa Shaoe oat SEW! mace “pies a a rn ore ine, | beg@ariy subjects end. punishes all ot<| “And now, my brelhern, we will 1 was. 16 : ie cu 3 how passage 0 bowels | committed by them. 6 a subscription to buy the _dschargs tion i i nd | starvation did seas THe real ones, at Singer st Buy here OF et red “The beggar chief is @ regular atlend- : unforhinate young ww | tere wns cid ae nd deal with the Saane nen "he a lin they gu eir all ; And of the | $! pent andr "4 fs ere sponsible; ‘op Naas ger, 7 er & V Cleaning ant at the marriage ceremonies and| has recently joined the ars bie @ pain In my left ae ud the Baca ct funeral processions of private families | pily the amount taken was Heh iikewise yout clearing. tement. made me short of | i i 0 d in order to get his pay for keeping BY, M led. EXPRESS WOKE THEM UP. he th: been held Ison, machines, 5 ies C Ene not a “Now, after taking bbe for six otherwise would hinder Ns ‘ ny a kinds of objects at diffe Twice. pach a goin; st_ and jibes wing Machine months) ain a8 well as 1 ever was. Pe | proc in w disagreeable, noisy way. ent il X pron ‘ine. strangest dion Phel Rail ehunishly snarl at a ‘soongers greeting. CM ro ae tae worked aan for i 11 was told that the beggar chief of Soo- ore such an entertain- me Sa tel Peruna, is the best medicine in |chow has an income of about $15,000 | anent was retin at Briarfield, in| ton, nd, 80 to speak, Woke U uD. a LAINTS. the. “world, and 1 recommend it to my |a yea ‘rhe: bi he i lent Was Creare; some time ago.| was like a lelepathte era dae R BO friends.” hai eity is wor' pout $5,000. Most] ‘The concert was widely adyertised, an At the sign of illness du the © storekeepers /héve an agreeh th ing, pulsating wo hot verte give the ite ones ae the beagar chief to 1 i 7 Sena shall neyer forget pe an one had hours the TIGER MEDIC mvays They pay about St year ed QUITE REERBSEING caNDOn ecmetines whee es cure, Baby " Loaded 8 Seihis trifing amount ine asta ae sta ub dgVINE. us = hin the best medicine in the ‘Ihe Wonderful Effet It Had Upon al the chief gives a printed recer ean ft o feis, ig fdull ache that teil ane som . |wworld to: prevent summer complaints it AL Ferocious ‘Brute. storekeeper, which, the taller pastes ‘on ane more nor less than t ing toll or snes as site ae oe iice, nil cr Siara aetoibin,: aeaesatd ace wanainie, bidowrau: nad: et one! to the effect that he has paid iflicient money for th nase ¢*| Wha mimst itifave been to the womee Sore atokpe edly. e pr | complaints annually make time the. distinction, of possessing the lax ‘and My ‘Skempt fronk a len leg for a é who were. there for years’ Yet fan iil. trouble | ance at ay i finest male tiger kept in captivity any- THE DEMANDS OF BEGGARS. f i cont auiuer oe words of complaint were of the rarest | de me ot | th where in the world. | Mr. Percival Lan- eee joak place. It only}occurrence, What few _ ther re | 0 ike cticumbers, mean: a] Mone in “Under the Sun," describes this eu are Het ent kinds of beggars. |x § fo be-said thal il proved a 'suc-} laughed over each other's slitile faili an oe ator deseo this me ad mauve persue iene veetaee TORONTO: JUNCTION v Lda tala a scandetyaiaierestite dy Oar eb, Upsets oF Lho yen ting (the | cess, am tha of $20 a- and said nothing of the | ho Tablets ought, therefore to from eating these (Conipting inge, but whieh he de s strictly true, proba ean’ “old man’s. button”) have object in view. ay, ta cir Het in the noe at all ties s iy Ve nob. abstain HO have Dr. Probably mo. parallel in the world,” ass fas th e furs 3 ttle in return, as. Warren, Nevis, ays: D. Kellogg’ pe ordial and i in regrd to it. nz e of them descendants of the an- | for 4 of abject | ThU tiger, a glorious brute of white pe ine es $ of the an-| for all sorts and ¢ e ects. D as greatly tro bie u fale a few Pisbatia ag ts | res the Poreatne qua pick: with, steel: Bin cient Ming be Reel seas and antly relat-| Within the pounaaries Bite ie of CHINKS COME HIGH. XM ach And ye Hees ny A few doses |¢ramps: and peas Ge nee CUEAECSTEANSHIPCOMEAN ews and teeth like 8 kh & nee tte Pore aero t Penn ylvania mney have done s he The gentlew. 1 was staying with of 's Own, Tablet 7 t fuenier Wraliiaatire ts ches every sulkily in his cage and growled. i ai atte y fin: ngs, but be een hadi ac Aloo wn pbing nang? in him. H turbance of the bowe daun, the attendant, spake o te Bethe une tare. S d of four: and fiv sa sy quite ex- | and cleaning, pene epee ‘at n¢ | the Tablets in ine tee i all phdc as’ he wild .s6 the heas oon me gos ay, temere 2 elves oh this eee : é a pt a Chinaman, who jauedicine dealers or by mail al 25 EDnle E “You have three pairs of glasses, pro- weak self. fur’ y against the panes opens ar ed re “asi re- Pp ar ¢ n having a ‘ares a y 7 Tl a veg: ‘one to read with. i y Sette Te slender’ hand under | ogni ed pecaise they are allowed. tc nd thrown into prison to await his a nown quant ne ata distance, and the third! MIVEE ANG WUT OF ot awrence alothings end pulled out a litle Seas, gooments ni the bya yellow | trial for murder, of which he. inhabi-| ly, and almost the only help procurable ‘ ‘tna ‘the alee two, i ei shades. Characters are | tants believe t fu nnocent, | was an occasional a an wh ‘ould a r ‘isos 1 i painted in black he back and tront |'gteps tak Ems CURR kene cul or wiundne SE ee ine | Frend—“Didn't, your, husband, rave “You, nde or ston ete Suramer Cruises in Cool Latitudes ea their robes to denote thelr profession, ich : is def rhese | winter the oald nae ae god-| When ‘you she oye | im, the dress maker's ood oi tet Wertore Gornte | . Twin Screw Iron 88. “Campana,” with electri e the: opening ih her veing, offen. ond often bill?” Wife—“Rather. F ‘And tna Weaver's Sy p make short work of all blood | lights, electric ae a all ae comforts. vet cap ornamented with a brass bul-| day of evil any de er “bed in the local | even safe to go oul Liye ilies in a ms 2 os 3 ON MONDAYS at swspape ¢ sun scorched shaw im . the “My husband His a pho ctteea sgianiow | ena eh ke sa oth and 20th abet * na e ies; 1 ua, 28rd teredicand Ke she would then he became absolutely speechie SO tupice avin AES Ta nite eat rater bit ard me ner indoors until late in the, after- day. hy. (hei ‘ ne 0, Gi Bay, Doren, Gaps Cove hundreds of them in Soochow. TI oo ‘The bazaar was held in’ a but ting fol Beek Tasaied eHhG Ment: Pale, _ sickly children should use | 4° Ht ae no s saver, sume Pil and 8 Se ° i Mcther Graves’ Worm i down the main s he ge Re eee san vay ye BESOHCH ROUGH IN AFRICA, c 4 e beautiful Vision of ‘ani ack- announce their ari a 5 Tul e] iciary wai 4 ishil ihe a . Worms are one of the * caust pills ey death ee are over 60 years of age e he language he. repo : In South Africa 1 nave a friend who | of suffering in veld cond Uhould be aie BERMUDA ery expensive hotel?” {Tama friend of the proprietor.” ped mir appear- ihe hot wea- ago the tiger had found | that "he ‘ittle buck door of his den was |! he ceastin “Ot the tie. mena- sd J find him loose i mn, the ne io |. When first I saw them I took them % ea Jammn's streets were |. " Soe ae aE fe tigate a dead oily, No mon hinel te old ae : BRILLIANT AND SUCC He reached the jungle, ; a ABS Hed from th strains of the san penetrated to the} ca vom the West Ei London= | ¢apelied frome Me Always a Good Friend.—tIn health | summer Excursions, ys RH, the and happiness we need no friends, but | Serew 88, ‘“Bermudl Sona” Baling ot are and “prostration ome we gad 10th June, fra tt a alee oe t k for friendly aid : They are, of -¢ too aristocratic to} one of the aper's, the| i Brifish’Central Africa Tk vornen hands, Fa ea Yer, “Fame eh en get be under the rule of the ordinary beg: | Presse, er a. mild sensation by who amiea thelr “usbamds 10] 4. you are Neryous and nial, take better than in rubbing in Dr. 1 yen so de veaton for health and gar chic set cr ever-stricl 5s, ot only, toe a AS hs grentneyro a blo tas Eclectric Oi, for when. the ; cH ecm fim and vanis! n hour later Nada eame -backe to iail and cheered the heart of the lonely | me craig, yoman—ani bis na Tae heard the nev y qirianed pris ‘ i It a woman is willing to let a ma minutes afterward another solitary tig: a icense ft agistrate. | In the first year a he present entry ite because she has nothing 6 na the stil emply bag yee ee son Jost to: slat in. the jungle nour Tater he, returned, barehead- the sun, Al his heels, fawning tnd ion Slouched the tiger, and | "as 1 nals, One of: thes There’ seams (6 b6 | Mere charitable- <0 was loosely tied one} 217 he re was one ggar ba ako as exiled Queen had ite how ane Thad almost continual fever’) Tess - as oiee with fe prema : while pugree. It was | "> complained to some of her friends and | for two years, ‘and how, once, she had n than there is with the sisterheod o! FROM BEGGAR TO EMPEROR | sympathizers ine the French. capital| to crawl a long” distance through | woman. MADE IN CANADA ral she had nol hid a now dress for) brushwood ov her hands and knees = aun Bupbebly beats the record of any dy- he cy rs. This must be quite a hu-| ce ae Hoey strayed where there | Holloway's Corn Cure is a ee for Complete se and Nal nasty in Europe. In pious i ession for even the hum- {hy yemoval of corns and warts. W ne hee in| brance of ‘his former profession Tung | ples of -her_sex within the realms af ae never heard of its tailing 10 re Launches ae Wu instituted ‘this order. At pres civilization, 0 what must it be for move even the worst kind, at tie nist pit of whats tig ses | Que i éoonds'he was')tlval) are, mad city, wall, Th Poaring oto. her dusky Majesty's se lated ertve seatctie stony the Government that had expelled | 6 fr nat Mack got. on his wedding-day?” ey. 90 feet. wide; the inmates are, very | her, feom,-and taken posts ‘of, her jive—"Yes, indeed—I was there semtorebiy lodged, -and, are, decently | Gominions was teens Het with stich | are shut of iticipating in them. | saw he ituety at’ the powder, | (essed, but they are Sadioled ie ophum De ardlitad SS ouidorattord i he pay and. his | $™0 ing to buy a new dr $ Mi : lon him, bag sbcking valms.these imperial | <cription so gallantly. started by the | sun-headaches, ni rs ious i és 5 aust ‘be kept. go about the country and ob-| Presse to make good the shorlcomings | inuny instancess ey ahimals cured in 30 minutes by Wo HAMILTON MOTOR WORKS, Ltd. i ar s 's that be. No doubt the THE UNPALATARLE ROOD: a i jon, It. never fails, Wanieron: Oe yi e 5 forthcoming and the HE LE Sold by all druggists. 5 3 Rh BN Ua Se gaa hey een Was made happy once more— Stranger: “You the only gentle- uch sought after, because for a London Tit-Bi man in tho room.” Guest:-“In what aes yet such a.beggar' to may grumble over way, sir? sitanger “When I slipped) sweet svi awa bei ae ae vants’ dalinguenies, but one hears the tn the dane, and went sprawling on the the case ae Magistrates are liable to WEDDING ON A TUGBOAT. SOS oe ten yelnie with leughter tearing my fair pariner’s dress, ray the imperial, ey allowanes ps : r : a A serv | dearest even it the only one in the roost ae? va bu said Ot-| pian of a Norwegian Couple tot ‘Geeks your money to oifer large rewards eThe as they, know well that be 14 ant for your recovery, and get you bad 100", iu we Bia not langh.” Guest: iady is my | Ker to do So, i ih sirloin i fr wife, and I paid for the dress these beggars are pol in want the Operation ’of a Scottish Lal erage anit nea por! | again" Heiress-="Dear Jack!” Nuptiol knots have been tied at times | ridge for a bath ed ous t Ay In Nankin, agg is quite a| a unique object. It Be s 40 provide | isclated from their own sex and suffer | will be anew person by, ie youhave used a | pain is ‘oul. It Queen Ranavalo, the Sovereign of uretehed health, nul 10 be often. afraid | bottle. $1.00 botttes, All dealer paustnds who SthGukiearollde be Madagascar, with a new “real Paris” ogo 9 ‘out of doors alone for fear of deod friendless brought relief i ARTHUR Al ABER Secretary, Ribas ‘A, E. OUTERBRIDGE & CO., Agents, 29 Broadway, New York. his int few sghilsh eins | inside 1 nie—"Did_ you hear of the awful his back veal ng the oe PEs his huge paws, like a kitten at Nadaun very naturally vetoed apa Heiress—“Which would you rather ¥ jisiniashah Alera in strange places and under _peculla Weraiete Tonic for the Debilitated.—Parme- o Prevent is Beller than to ba giitions, Dub the Dlece chosen for aly bl (table, and palook Joe's, Vegetable. Pill Pills by. acting mildly. hape of the si wedding which took plac other is colleague 1 the river lo | but thoroughly, on, the secretions ot are known as BUYIN VILLAGES TO DROWN. yas per! r y. bei vash the 0 ents they vot! saaeseiod he body are a value for administer: erfor hoard a tug-bont’ ir f igitors ivi tating the lagging organs a : e @ Tvgnpet Corporation Purchased a Vil-| Firth of Fort m. Lei lunch, She sees use lo | acti as and restoring Hees to vigor. ve * msn Submerged It. and, says The London Daily Mail. the white ‘man's food instead of forks,|They can be taken in graduated doses N @ mone; rties 3 int. and so used’ that they ct discon: ies it often that an. sents village fe i s not y gians, the bridegroom, Captain Olse Here and elsewhere I a ler m, tinted at any time witht vet of the pe ther da ae the skipper of he p cablaln Olson) | Hore. and <leevvteage. should go. un-| ailments which: they w oreay Compounded Quarterly, pride was a lady named Miss | recogniz pee, shen rtie ian : a Pe the blood they clear the up eiedented: Hii son. The Unimak arrived at Leith women is a current topic of con+ pe vee mt dpigsleclions Probably. the “inet occasion; at the kina] Wi" & core? of wood, and it had been | sideration. MADE. $200,000,000 IN A YEAR. &, (ola ees — gend for booklet hat { “Yau young seampl’ roared, the old aie age eee mony shou! mn Broker, rushing in unexpectedly. 1] HOM IM nd fate Ree of ene th yal Mine Hatisen. who ld} The letter i" wae hot monty | How Mr. giser ee Made This ‘ x you didn’t smoke | PIGS (ire, with chalybeate. spring ray | dotted tiitine fourteenth century. The mense Sum. ; B ANKING BY M AI ‘Siparmites, Beda se nd. casino. complet SL Per Nance dela at platen NSIC ieee dalled ‘i 4s in a manuscript dated | pir, ee ceo tie Hola ohiRagenlas en?” os 1 5 Pe h i fo ane diseovered: that an Scottish. lavy deseibes the impreesion PARTE me It explains how our Savings Department Is no ~ come th id wit ade a marriage “in land unless 2 jneidentally how Mr. amegle made further from you than your nearest mall boxe ing all thiree’"Yes; hut you don’t eateh ‘3 : tlie contracting — persons resided PANT $200, dh-aveinalé Wee eee went : swestry, | Mwenty™ rt Be cit Pein Soe ALN a oey sar before Me. Carnegie 6old his Capital and Reserve a i i valley of the E ¢| yo ced a Meee ys! he to interest in his business for $30,000,000, $2.900,00 “ age (ook place in connee-| fnvention,” > hie had offered F § CONT, sil ae ate ta Heth a roca prs y and its site n forms a portion .0) the INUVUE and HP tne vast grifelal lake, the cons| Meet Meee red ot ear ine Z si mead: 10: pa i & ; mn 080 who are gaining flesh Abe ot whibh was reideted neses-houih gore. trends ‘hetuing the -ablat =F Fh } sou and ; ; older ee m site RU SSER RD sry. y fete in muh) te it engl he kine | A Be eee cue Be funn ae Scott’s Emulsi and. namieis were bought and submersed | Stans, Niowene er, -the ng hy Camogie wh Bis relied with for Reon ieee sal ia Egypt in 1900 and 1001, in connection | ipo oe ih of Fon whee i S é tune of -§100,000,000, but as the money ‘ fn not weathert ae see with the great Nile dam al Asso the dae wens i eo ai condatu| WWM Z was nat Hoa icommini e mailion natats TRUST So. ‘ Limited nS, in i 7 ind a litt 43 raat Naled on reaching shore by those who | My it o n had heard of the Feanantc tielden Nom TIS .¢ the Carnegie concern. i ext Temple Building, Toronto = an became ag in \ % au Nir igatkacher tg is fat reat Wodeenearte In Norway wheat can’ be grown ut 70 See {yy d ie iY tees : rae BROWNE, Chemin. aeates hori” while, on the enstern | | Sound wil travel four times as rapid: iba eaeanig é is St i : pea aid 2 aii alegress 's she | ix theowgh, weler as. through air, $5.09 cats. hoster th fimit he i ueaealtth Wheat farni-| seventeen 1's sore re apy tough competition Mr, egie * as f ivon that through air. ISSUE NO, 20-07. $> sell his shteoeste “whieh he had pre-

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