Milverton Sun, 18 Jul 1907, p. 4

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e ‘ _ ae Pie B shitis. J The Milverton Sun seni iacsatey bing ol 8! of Perth, It is the Best Advertising Medium. ‘Rates reasonable. Subscription $1 per year, strictly inadvance. $1.50/if i THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1907 orale at ue township hall, ‘ firs ond When You Eat Too Fast you have inaigesaty perhaps cramps, or in any case the system is overload- ed with matter fae should be elimin- ated,” Breath gets bad, eyes look dull, headaches bald frequent. h whote syste stomach, pa the blood, and assist ye overtaxed digestive organs? Eas- ly done with Dr. Hamilton’s pills ; wis action is most gratifying. In sleep like a top, have a clear cotor, and restful sleep if pon sealate your system with Dr. mil tor Pills. Price 250 per box at aie Ses ae Offer to Schools An offer which is worth considera- tion by trustees, teachers and pupils of our schools is that of a shield made from the copper of the armor of Nel Strathcona has di wards placing such a shield in’every school in the Dominion. All that is required to secure such @ souvenir is the contribution of one dollar or more from the school towards the British and Foreign Sailor's Society, Every boy or girl giving or collecting 25 cents will receive a Victory charm made from the same ¢ suggested that the thee be used ip connection with Em; Da; awarded for the year to the etal competition on a pattiotic subject. = ———_——__— Rosy Cheeks for Pale Girls ebarred from strength in to illness an ra z Don't, be and anit, don’t give air. Terrozone su jowing statement from and su id, —M, ‘a, PoslaisurR not so paid,—M, MaoBar as gi, at ollidedlcis ‘| but “He is older ing vapor is breathed right into the jungs, destroying the cause of asthma oe in the most chronic it. Two sizes, 25c and The Age of Democracy. (Comber Herald, Don't be whining about having a fair chance, Throw a sensible. man. out of the window and he'll his feet and ask the nearest way to his work, ‘The more you have to. b gin with the less you will have at the end. Money you earn yourself is dead men’s coffins. A scant feast in the morning of life paae a the appetite, a) a feast. later in the es e day, aes ae ihe the business. made meat out of mushrooms. sees saree SP Conversation Dont’s Don’t say. ‘You was,” but," You Don't say “He don’t,” but “He doesn’! Don’ “Not that I know.” Don't say “He is older than me,” than Don’t say “Between ‘you and I,” but Between you and-me.’ Don “She is somewhat better. t say “This is the finest of ” ae “J dislike her more than ne Don't say “I was raised in New England,” but “I was reared in New England.” Don’t-say “I rarely ever go any- weiss » but I rarely, if ever, goany- wher t say ‘Hither of the three will do,” ie “Any of the three will do.” PRAMS ask Cd BE HAMPSTEAD fo. see last. week) erat ford, Wis, (Too Dr, Henry Wable accompanied by. hi ea ‘Not as I know,” but i: n't say “She is some better,” but cor A jury in Blankville were sent out. to decide a case, and after deliberating for a time came back, und the foreman el ured | told the judge'they were unable to i 5, so thoroughly by Catarrhozone that it|agree upon a verdict. The latter}: Ta.the est Local Newspaper in the County doesn’t return. : Catarrhozone’s heal-) rebuked the jury, saying the case was a very clear. one, and Ronin! them back to the’ jury room for cond attempt, adding, “If you are in’ there too long, I wil have’ to sen you in welve suppers.” ‘The foreman, in a rather irritated tone, spoke upand said, “May it please your honor, you might pean Suppers and one bundle of jam, a negro padi of a. southern to aj well informed on all abies His master'had installed electric lights the workings of the fluid to as follows. “You see, the whole thing comes from the dynamo and goes:into the wires, and then into ‘the lo you understand?” ‘ sah;” said. Sam, “I Pe aaa al =f bout dem dynamos and other things, t what I wants to know is how do 0 . I de keresene squirt troo dem wicks ?” man, recently married early in the spring secured a suburban place, mainly with ae ses of “fresh home-grown: vegetables.” . Ever evening he would on through his supper and rush out to garden where he displayed more energy than skill, But when many little green things began to break the ground. i his neighbors gardens, his own remain: ing as bare as the Sahara. “It cer- tainly has got me beat,” he confided toa friend at his office one. day, * pis) and. tomatoes.” Perhaps seeds were defective,” the friend sug- ger tha gardener replied, “for I got. the very best—paid fifteen cents a can for them.” “Au Trishman, who was a red-hot. ‘angeman, went into a restaurant. to te dinver. He was scated ata table across from another Irishman, one from the south of Ireland, who was not an Orangeman. ‘You may bring to me,’ said the Orangéman to the, waiter, as he cast his eye blind. oyer the bil of fare, one of those ‘nice yellow oranges T saw in the window ne I came in, and also one of those low buns. and a bottle of pale waiter: went to the other Yo can bring me, id lettuce Tr sai hie. ‘some nico grane grape cucumber, ts, Isidore Doissoneault:. “'T take [rg eritie Gis parents, oe ant Mee deep pleasure in testifying to the| freq Wahl powerful influence of Ferrozone. For Race years my daughter has been pale and sickly—showed signs of advanced anaemia. Her lips got so. white and her cheeks so devoid of color that I feared consumption. I can certify Ferrozone made an excellent cure, and today my daughter’s health is the best.” 5c per box at all dealers, co Si sosget SSA WELLESLEY COUNCIL. ‘The municipal council of the town: ship of Wellesley met at Crosshill on Monday the 2nd day of July at 130 Members all present except Mr. Hastings; the reeve in the chair. seconded by R Lintick, that the sa issua orders in payment of the follow, ing accounts: W W Martinson, bal of ac. $4.00; sno Manser, cleaning ditch- 6,00, W Gibbons, rep bridge. and put: ting in two cilverts 23.50, 7H Wag: 32,50, use of Mrs $34; 1 idges $132, Thos. cleaning ditch $1.50.; 1 Smith rep culvert and cleaning ditch hp Sey Ay Beatie wire fence bon- D ay 1 0; ring refund statute Hate 1908, $7.; Peter’ FF. Schumer, fees re Beggs drain $32 85; Thos Burnett, bal as per bills ren in full to date $60.80, 3. one half of new culv’t and breakwater $8.5 H, B, Lichty cement Doerbecker, bal bonus for” wire fence, 1906, $6.24. — wy Carried. Moyed by 4 Reidel, seconded by 5 Lintick, that the sum of $6 be paid to gacob Runstedler as reward for killing two dogs in thé act of worrying sheep, and that the reeve-issue his order. in accordance therewith,—Carried. Court of Revision Concluded. ‘The members of the court of revis- fon met at the township hall in Cross: After due consideration it was mov- ed by H N Huehn, seconded by R. Lintick, that no action be taken in the appeal of s L Huber, and that, as there are no other appeals, this court. do now adjourn and that the rolls Crowley & MoDonell, the contractors of the Brenner drain were present and the agreement for the construction of the said drain wa: duly signed and completed by the aia contractors and this ofrorevia hich Gros ‘sb in ‘August, 0 10 el Kk a, oh PETER F, SCHUMMER; Clerk, a ag ‘St. Clements, July 07. ay. 5th, Pease a Lg lanl ald Blin: Here Itis! A friend and conatonte, an unceas- without. once, family safeguard nothing is known to excel Polson’s Nerviline. are) The Christ of the ees Tine, i atte smaller. eb the large 25¢ bottle from ‘your || The Misses Skelton, called on ce in this vin day last w: Miss Cate Maconal of Welles- ley is visiting herd sister, Mr. and Mrs. Arch, *MeGilaw Mrs, Jobn Heney of _ Sebringville spenta couple of days with her parents, ‘The Women’s Institute held a very successful summer one the Tripod of Successful and gave many usefal suggestions Miss Helen MacMurchie gave success ful demonstrations and also an_ inte esting address on “Books in the F fete? Master oer tebe id, ord is epending his friends here, The Christ and the Andes hie poem refers to the’ colossal statue he boundary line between Chili and Pecan See, where it stands in its beauty, Where the earliest. sunbeams shine; .| Pall and stately and splendid, The Christ of the Boundary Line. Forbidden the evil impulse, The Christ of the Boundary Lini As we yiow this beautiful statue From the mountain tops below, e its face eternal es a aren peace the si and a prayer in Rabie The “ohise of the Boundary Line, Between man’s state of error, And the Kingdom of the Saint ; Builded the Image and Likeness, In each human heart the sign; Redeeming the race from bondage, Size of seta’ Boxes. There are to vy no small berr ae this year, The fruit cee ih e been after the box munufactu : Hh hive dered hgtioe un all “and sundry thatanything less than the contain not less than four-fifths of a quart. TI he law was on the statute books for a long time without any attention uate paid to. In the first} w place it was the duty of the trade and commerce officials to administer these two departments were too busy be worry about the size of berry box- and the result was they kept When they got down to about two-fifths of a quart the administration of at the Work”.and ald, 0) wacation” with gra ‘ites me Td main vin ye can t! th’ gintlema’an across Ab able, like some wa’an ¢’ talk ” A certain gentleman oe the Em- erald Isle who of this countr: by a m2mber of the sporting fraternity This person offered to impart to him, for a modest consideration, a } Airybank Faim, the home of Mrs.\jue «av Peter MacDonald. Miss Laura Rose | ssoney without working for it? was quite at home in her addresses on |the bewildered Tab, when oe “Dairying” and ‘The Head, the Hand, | other was through explaiaing. “Sure gentleman placed Pat's nioney atiodds of five to one. -And the horse won backes and to one side, he asked in a. voice abate trembled with excitement: “Oi say hag long has this. thing been goin’ a Nerves Unstrong!g You Feel Limp Loaded With Worry Unable to Sleep Tired and Excitable You'll Grow Steadily Worse Unless the System is Better Nourished certainty “of Berrozdne. ‘Thousands was deplorable. ‘Though I employed the! most skilful medical aid I grew steadily weaker, In fact I was in such a low condition that it was im- possible for me to walk across the room. My heart was very w nd -|L suffered from terrible Palpitations were fro which the doctors said were ti Rableipeculiarts Wowene? Reeds urged me to try Berrozone, and T bought six boxes. When I had used The palpitation {t would be impossible’ to speak too highly of Ferrozone, All weak wom- en should use it. I hope many suf fering sisters will use Ferrozone, for it will surely cure Sie D.D., pastor of Be Bap chur Suny ove, bears to. the Ive her to ee ® truthtul, honest wo- an.” This adds additional force to the Lana ony. o Jeffry, and gives assurance to other sufferers that Ferrozone does. what is claimed for ts ‘Ss! Three weeks ‘treatment costs one six boxes for $2.50, at all druggists ing lack seaso1 started after the small fruit men last summer with warnings which wei 6 é e this spring. The result is they have reported to Ottawa that they, have so found no ee ta boxes on dj state that none. have been or market, and the manufacturers) ™ ered, The boxes from the United States are | all reported to be up to the Canadian standard of size. “T hardly think it was that,” | - h ot = a Hamilton. thing. All the “work wou, aa to do is to count themazuma.” “T'Il-thry it, Baten urgeon, said Pat, So they hied them to a @ of Ontario Veterin- -coutse, where tlie sporty-looking | atY.¢ riteal Alonbanl diveasen| 4 of dome nimnals. Calls Pat’s joy was unbounded when he was|* d W: build you up with the the third box my old-time vigor and | roo 'Y| strength returned. (of Ontario and M Makes the ae eee fe tae Ree aa The famous Bread qualities of Ontario fall and nutriment. “ Made in ‘This is the sign ofa Blended A Blended Flour WHITEST BREAD - LIGHTEST BISCUITS j TASTIEST PASTRY DAINTIEST CAKES BLENDED FLOURS are TWO flours in one. with Manitoba spring wheat, which adds strength : BLENDED FLOURS are not only the best for all home baking—they are also the MOST ECONOMICAL. They yield MORE bread, cake and pastry to the pound than any other i Try it, and you will use no other, anitoba Wheat) and Pastry making wheat—are combined Ontario” Dentistry. L - DERMAN, ~ Dentisb, Lie: DR. R. entiate of Dental Surgery and Member f Royal-College of Dental. Surgeons Ontatio, Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- Rega’ ation of teeth, Crown and eM LEN ONT. is | Team, CENTRAL on work a Specialy, Hours 9: a, m, m, Office above the Sovereign ass Bank, Milverton Medical. Honor Grad- Medical »M, ledallist Trinits old and Silver ersity, Toromtge ii Ff, PARKE nate ous {Ee ity Us to Dr. Reber 1 Tel fephone connecti gui with Bronner, Moserville and Rost? ae H, M. ADAMS, sncsessor. to, nith, Office in Pfaff’s block, Tle Aes ee tion with eet Brun- , MORPHY & CARTHEW, olicitors; Money to loan, Milve porrmanent aides shave be A member of the firm will by Mibvantatveveps: einen Hf, B, MORPHY, J. M, CARTHEW, { Veterinary. sticated an Jewel Flour —A blend of the best grades AGSSGIISISSIGTiG$SS§PSSSPPSGPEs “The Right House” 99> “Specials” For This Week : —4 only Ladies’ Craven- ette Coats, regular $10 and $12.00 to clear at each, srree$7-90 —White Cups and Sauc- ers per dozen. .,.65 cents * —Extra Heavy Cups and Saucers at per doz,....75¢ + —3 dozen Men’s Shirts, regular 60 cents, to’ clear —Tanglefoot Fly Paper at.. 4 sheets for. 5 cents 49 cents + —6 dozen Ladies’ Vests, regular 15 and 18 cents, + —Quaker Wkeat Berries per package,..,..,10 cents + to clear at, 2 for 25¢. + —6 Child's White Wash Suits, regular $1, to clear We Have in Stock a Few Ladies’ Hats the 12th of July at half price AF RAE Ss 85 cents + —10 dozen Ladies’ Hose, regular 12% cents to clear at per pair, +. TO cents + —500 yards Muslins, re- gular 10, 12% and 15¢, to clear per yard...8 cents |-__+ WwW. K. LOT issuer of Marriage Lice: MILVERTON ceaasocannarnnngpenseseaseesscgeaateseessiaOtS eat. Always makes de- icious & nutritious bread. PFEFFER BROS ONTARIO LIQUOR LICENSE ACT License District of North Perth ‘ony will govern themselves accord- R, T, KEMP, Inspector. dat Listowel, this 6th day of July, 24ns C, 0. F., No, 99, Milverton, second and month, at 8 orclo ss Re tobhisermel | | aia fceen oh \ meets ory Felhs. Star Milverton, Frid fay nigh their half over Public fen Visiting brethren always wel- Dr. Lederinan, el GoW, XLoth, tkin, 7.30 p. 1m, Store, . Beoy Notary Public. Wij DM: tm, Notary Ree Anue- tioneer for Perth and over the Sovereign Bank of Cana Hotels. EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner, Ont. John Gropp, Proprietor, Best liquors and ci the bar, First-class. ac- he commodation and large stabling GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, | Mil yerton st-elass accommodation for commercial paves and others, hree large somple rooms, Good stabling, Host banda Wisnis of liquors and cigars, Chas. Ritter, Propeistor, QUEEN'S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. ‘The best accommodation for ms, quors and Cigars at the bar. Good warm tables, George F, Pauli, Proprietor. Lax-ets 5 S.instsi, The Larmour School] ors Telegraphy and Railway Instruction New Method Entirely Successful. — Situations provided for graduates without delay. —Write for Catalogue, giving full information R. LAI RMOue Principal and Instructor SECOND-CLASS ROUND-TRIF EXCURSIONS TO MANITOBA* SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA Exoursions leave Toronto Tueed: dunes tes duly 2,10, 305 Au DATES guet Hn ept. 18 24. Tickets feed to to rotten within aixty ays. from wolne BATES cas otee oe a potas ate Fanging, from round-trip to 19 $4900" round-trip to Ed- monton. Tokers to all points in the North-west, TOURIST SLEEPERS Aourtr Sleoiny Cae excursion, fully equipped wi smart porter in ohare Sacha cen ISSSISSISSSSS SSNS SSS S 56 Wedding Invitations Promptly and Neatly Done at the ee atto: Price, when printed at The Milverton Sun ¢ ‘| SUITINGS I Have you seen our swell line Ob ae SUMMER SUITINGS They are certainly beauties. Call in and see them. Knechtel & Smith Milverton’s - - Leadi Tailors i {nd paid for through local a which thére is no cra charge fot COLONIST SLEEPERS 2 passengers suplying their own bodng, sri be vod su fat Ble nate of ordasy esata 9 infor ober contained in free pampit Ask nearest O.P.R, agent fo for a copy, or write to C.B, FOSTER, District Pass. Agt., C.P.R,, Toronte For tickets and full information see W. H, Sanderson, Agent, Milverton JEMELERy) Call and inspect our large assortment of Silverware, Neck Chains, Brooches ALL GOOD THINGS must win” upon their merits. The International Dictionary has won a greater distinction upon its merits and is in more general use than any other work of its kind in the English language. jie LL.D. D.D., of 0 Caiversiig’: land, has rece ofits lan said) Tels ate iE mageyelous Work {tia yplement Heit Chat ay toa date. a ae es ‘with a feeli sstonishiment a ite completeness, an and fhe in unt Of Inbor that as been put} into. Stratford, Ont teach patte ir $1.78 to $2, E GRAND PRIZE fotos crn, 91.90 to 1,50 Per Yd, shee re me iver to the dn No time to itant it you’re aitteciabed: FREE— fiche : caion COM |e. WHITE & CO., Strath G.& C.MERRIAM CO, (n't 7 «, Stratford Seri INOFIELD, Mags. “ebiaiber The First Furniture Store” East of the Post Office, . Watches, Chains, Lockets, Ete. P. H. BASTENDORFF, JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN MILVERTON, - ONTARIO i. “‘New Carpets’’ |. AND RUGS We're harder to please than our customers. That’s why we’re so sure we have carpets here to please most anybody. Here’s a special inducement to come to “Whit ‘tor Carpet 300 yards of beautiful Velvet and Axminister Carpet, only 50 yards

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