Milverton Sun, 18 Jul 1907, p. 5

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The combing! is a good, ‘‘all ound” furnace. Burns, with equal Ce alt ata Coke, 00, if you prefer eh so perfect i is ike combustion ev 5 What he in the ash-pan is not worth sifti - Sunshine consumes es fuel to its perfect system of BURNS COAL OR WOOD _ M‘Clarys |, TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, ST. JOHN, N.B, The Milverton Sun — |. THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1007 dampers prevent the escape of the hot air up the chimney—compels it to come out through the registers, You pay for heating the inside— not the outside—of your house when you buy the Sunshine. If your local dealer does not handle . this most geopamtss furnace write tect to us for Free BooKLer. J. Rothaermel & Son, Agents, Milverton GENERAL NEWS - CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES ie follo by lowing is es as one of the secrets of /longe: ry less i vide ne breathe more ; eat chew more ; preach less, more.—Hilton Record. sees a work on the new sec- tion of the C. tween Proto! on, on section, through Durham and H. over to Walkerton, is being rapidly pushed. This branch is'38 miles in Jength. Eighty per cent. of the grad- ing isdone, and the laying of the track will soon commence. The salt block is in Kincardine, Bruco County. The works able of producing 200 barrels per day, and are working to their fullest capa- city night and day throughout the year, except for occasional | Stoppages | 0: less, practice walk more ;| cap- | la Pre Shonaad ae $202, 000 to her only sister. tr. McKir inley's fortune of several Bee eine doltars ad to his lirect ansas man lost a $5. be Dill and rought it to him, After- Peer ‘the Kansas man found his money in his vest. pocket, ie sure it pays to advertise. ‘Tei is said that a solution’ ot meant of |; lead and alcohol is a cure ef- fects of poison ivy. If alenhord fe ap- plied at once, this is usually sufficient, but ifafter a few hours it will }found necessary to use the lead All the pupils from the ' Wellesley Public School, who wrote at the re- one entrance examination were suc- sful, There names are: Oliva Gabe CAME Bontare’ = Mayas Hare mer, Edward Gingerich, Fredevick Egerdi. out pone $206, ings } per mon’ i board $21, 61; ane Bees 1, a2 ; domestic servants, Es month $8.81 cent, pure » Itis Vora up from a depth of 900 feet —Reyvi Free, for a to. prove merit, a Trial of Dr. Shoop’s Catarrh ees Tet me send it now, aling. _Such pees ihe ite Dr. pare jars sold te The Public ee Stor Tf school aconelas soul spare time from the prepar: mina- mails Notice Per ie laced Post- ing of Vote! VOTERS’ Li LIST 1907 MUNICIPALITY OF THE Village of een NOTICE 18 HEREBY 6 CEVEN th hat 1 ha’ transmitted or delivered to the ersons mentioned in sections § and 9 of the ‘Voters’ List Act, fhe “conics required by be mitted ox dellvered ‘ot the list, made pursuant, to said raous appearing by. the tas revined Beayment Roll ote said Reger eS ae fice |i a j specifica “A ons pi Sof tous 0 i 5 ake tmmediate proceedings. have fhe sald errors corrected according & ated at Milverton, this Sth day of July, W. D. WEIR, Cletk. Heart Seng Heart Strength, or Heart Weakness, moans Norv sa hans tin w hundred | jerve Weakne: pitively. poh ous rea heart i fs ere itl nerve ua eal ee ‘ile at, eat “and mm ian contrite wel Without ort rt must ates 1 an 3 at You: cee ( ., renter these ves — ts needed, with Dr. Shoop’ s\" Restorative| THE PUBLIC DRUG STORE. C Sweet to Eat A Candy Bowel Laxative, Lax-ets TENDERS ‘WANTED EALED TENDERS w vill be received by the undersigned, ‘ked Tender for drain’? up to's o'clock p. mi, on Monday, July 29th, 1907 for the repair of a municipal drain in the tberashin o of Ellice known as. The Corcoran Drain accordance with the plans, profiles and red the Plans, pro- empl ion of wo 4p t H , more TENDERS WANTED irked '"Peu apts orelsck pets On Monday, July 29th, 1907 for the repair of a Municipal Drain, in the Township of Ellice, known as [The North Black Creek Drain ee with the pl repared ther for drain” 8, Profiles and spe 0: files.and spe Clerk's rey two sal nt pe uretics mpletion 9! ri abated at Paatbeks tile Sth aa of July, 907, guerurs KREUTER, erk Tp. Ellice Rostock, P. The Ontario Farmers’ Weather H.MOHR’S RELIABLE GROCERY AND BAKERY It's Worth Opes While Just to see the fine display of Fruits and Table Delicacies to be found at our grocery. —Everything is as fresh as it is possible to secure it, that means you are sure of getting the best and at the most rea- sonable prices. —We invite you to call and see us. Make this your head- quarters for your supplies, —_—_—_—_—“_—_ Highest Prices Paid for Produce. AL. MOHR, Milverton Tan Shoes ! { Ninety per cent of the i people of Toronto are se wearing tan Bo to-day, ain Insuraneé Mutual Company. The first Company of its kind in Ontario Organized May, 1904 Incorporated August 18, 1904. President iam Park Vice-Presiden 1A Wasebrough Managing Director, an W. Rounding ke in foree . $78 Se $00 Tasanc in force, over $2, 5Gu,! 7000, 00 is Company insures dwellings and out dating a ainst loss or damage by. wind qtorms, cyclones. and, toruadoes. Vehicles estock are held in ing insured Kis Com in or around any. of the ripe ome ‘tioned, Ww. M. ae General Agent, = - Milibank, Ont, n willbe received be the Head Office : Grand Valley, Ont. 3 tions to teach ar the decencies of decorum they* id do a good deal to remove the growing ashi that the ered as he ought to be. et cut out a lesson in phy: and substitute a lesson in nanan and hospitality to strangers. They might leave out one period devoted to patare study and teach children that. iti eee deface property, leaye ont a lesson showing the effects of alcoliol on the human stomach and give the pupils a lesson in the gi tle art of accepting osieny priceltlly in ee realm of sport,—Kincardine Revi Ont Talay regular traffic ora eds between Blyth and Toronto, and th liue was well patronized, A large crowd gathered at the station to w al- ue *|come the first train, whic nok cAcauniierdt atislalalot the railway were on board, The train remained there over night, ro- turning next morning, ‘The line is now practically finished to. this side uburn, and gangs of men are working that Village towards Goderich. Teland will be. ready” next week, hence it road should be complete from G iestbs to the foot of Wellington et b ay day of the Toronto ane ae will mail you Tbe, just to merit, samples of my Dr: c-| Restorative, and my "Boo Dy: SPRL The Heck or rte Kidneys. roubles Stomach, nineve stencils deeper ailment, and. no eaken these and inevitably have weak 8 ere il Restorative has made its nee GN even claims t nerves 1 ves.” Also for bloating, Gilbcar wea, bd esti os complexion, use Dr, Shoop’s Restorative. Write me to-day for sample and free Book. Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. _ The Restor- ative ia sold by Tho Public Drug tore, In his speech at the Jamestown Exhibition on July 4th, President Woodrow Wilson, of Princeton Uni- ersity, said; The elaborate secret manipulation by: which some of our go called ‘*financiers” get ee ofa voting majority of the fock of great railroad or manufactur- ‘der to effect vast aeeaupiputtns of interest or vee erties, incidentally destroying the ‘value of some stocks and fictitiously sueveanitrg the value of others, involves first or last acts which are in effect sheer thefts, making the property of ay ands of stockholders si uch waste paper or arbitrarily dectoasing tits Te “| thous: pai earned cash ; but we have ne’ sought to bring the details of these transactions within the Aeeons 8 the criminal law. | Not do ‘Synopsis of Canadian North-West | ;; Homestead Re 1 Regulations and 26, by any. person w! amily, oF oF male over 18 yen one-quarter fees) ‘Of 100 acres, more of I ait Winuipeg, or the local agent jority for someone to make entry fun mestender is required to perform the onitiodk cont tee therewith laseie's One of the following pla TAS gultivation of theland in each year for “(ay Trae father (or mother, If ehe father ts deceaved) of tiie homestendter ‘realdes upon a farm in the vicinity of the land entered for the requirements as to residence may be sat- Ima iy noel petted residing witt 3 ie father “@) Ifthe getticr has his eperianede fais dence tt ee een satisfied by land 0} his i honvestend ‘the require: said oun md. ey hic in writ should US he iia a race ition to Ge ce Dominion, i (4)'At lense six months’ residence upon tr like hi eae robber: ies of ve aaa barons. Iti ted that the eduational au- thorities ee Toronto, or at least ae examinations on Saturday, this Nee the Jewish Sabbath. We are sory decidedly of the opinion that thi an improper Ponat for the Gayot tbr to take. Canad, t a. Jewish ova country, and see Jews come here to a) live they should be required to con- of citizens for this country wm any aetie icine They toil ae neither Hace, and Fi te offensive a the assertion of their pelastiliey: aes le for eae but the sien of and this they pursue with a feral brutality that stops at noth- ing but fea prone youngster is not as well|@ way as to For Saree Messrs. Schneider have been wee from their Couch & missing small |“ millinery depart- secreted himself foig fagenoura. in: tie ten store and was rewarded for his trouble in {it Bigs way ore? a long pole which sheran through a window ‘and snared lists, pledes ol ribbon ‘As sha seemed penitent and ance iit che Bak aida no prosecution, Mit There were over six hundred acci- ents in the various factories in On- tario during the year 1906. her report Miss Carly lepanas the women rather than put up t eqvavelene erator tery have threatened to strike rather than be dictated to as to how they should dress their hair while at work.—Ham- ilton Times. The Salt Lake Tribune, which fighting Mormonism with great vigor, congratulates Senator Burrows, of Michigan, for urging an anti-polgamy amendment to the He ed any Constitu- tion, and says : Sena’ eBatrers sees the situation pr nie There is no Rano na hatever iC be placed Kol of the Mormon church. power in the eee Government: wn- Jer the laws as the: He get be- tehood and power. Butitmust be dealt with, The only thing to do, then, the proper hing. thi ry waned ihe: National " Gonstitition in bh | ward 8 A ancouver, 8, "| few: days ago, 0 treat the | fle re such manner as to give the SO the fiction ead will en- able it to oe in al p and enforce tise esbunte ‘y laws aes polygamy. wie T. H. Race's many friends will nt MeKinley’# widow left a So ane ° | a little astonishm: Average rate of oak paid’ farm abo arly much larger than | the planta turn Out more bricks and the rogtilation as to the style of |lo “ot deal with this question by the Federal |? Federal | “Pina Sux may be had to the en of he be ie 40 cents. men have begun 2 crus: le in ter to saye their sistas fat the tobaceo habit. Dr. Gertrude ling, the chief onde uch a taste oe a oansete saat one is etc their children, **Wom- He says AO bay girls ee eeate society women do. It is shocking,” ‘We read from time to time with not. ent of the money de- rived in English « cies from es he gar- This instances. more are ee the cost of collection and reduction, and in ad- dition to this heat, light and power are supplied for sniiuieipal eras: ‘A notable instance ii ttingham, ngland, where a third elias is ut to be erected which will be wo existing plants. In this city one the by- products of the plants is manufactur ing of bricks for paving or building. Thé clinkers from the furnaces are mixed with cement, and under hy- draulic pressure formed iit blocks, which are said to eens and more enduring thai drawback in this ea sed. can w if this gan be done RR HF EIS SE . Thorns in the Flesh Even worse is the agony of corns, Why suffer—cure is waiting in every drug store in the form of Patnam’s Corn Extractor, which relieves at once, cures thoroughly and without pain, For good results use only “Put- nain’s,” —__——-—_ Ohtani: Wheat Tn view of the fact | thatthe freight rate to ee 1 from Manitoba is as was ibis ntario points, the success of he veflorts of the ae millers to catch the market Ma ritime Provinces are nothing Shee of picenmenal, e farmers of- Ontario haye lost hagas in ne decline in the demand for Ontario wheat, which has resulted not Rater lower prices for full wheat but in nee present ae of high prices for bran and short Farmers and stockmen need faealy blame the mil- lers for these conditions when agricul- turists contribute to Western pr ee it uying Manitoba instead of [Ontario blended flour when they pur- “base the family groceries at the gen- So @e\l store. Even those districts wife wheat remains a staple, it is no Pate wheat to tie mill barrel_or bag Hoses ancl e is g some well-known Western bearing brand, ‘estern flour partly on its merits. be sorry to learn that hemet with | vos | is accident on road home- He a oe ae pores will, he (the Welling tor ay "| Canada to the national Exhib! passed through Wellington yesterday on route to eee unable to got out on foot owing to a knock- Ae ahi ha teanigedoe -Cheistakureh When he was run over by acylist. Mr, Race is at an age when sich, an agcident leaves offeats for wards, and he had to be helped up the stairs at vo d- n standing the whole time he ~-Mitchell Advocate, spoke.” its fe spring wheat disputable fast that the fla Onidig tear is Joy ule h superior. As sana de West at is added’ to up the ae tion of gluten, the Ontario blended flour that Ontario millers have cap- tured the Martime market, to the mu- tual advantage of the millers and the farmers of this: province. inoreased market for Ontario flour is a matter of vital i farmer rs an incentive to pe will enable stockmen eed at living prices, The pw red a blended flour for home use will elp ereute a demand for the new flan "ight here in Ontario, andy n enlarged market for ey ieee The Stratford Herald's -=6 === THE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM =—— 3- -Day Excursion Saturday to Monday, GOING. TRAIN Special t leave Palmerston 200 tm. on S: Kay, + Biol: tothe tnt 9.90 ‘his train runs nat ‘are good to re ecial leaving Sa in Town Stat Hy 23, it RAIN—For Ranged of Sai Tow Station at m, for Steationd and Palmerston. ‘This new feature will af fard «splendid one-day outing Make up Your Parties | for this JULY 20th ) TIME TABLE AND FARES July 20 Adult ly Child mH, Palmerston, splendid short Holiday Outing | Excursion +. will be conducted by The Stratford Herald from Sarnia to Detroit mm will be by The last Sout Ww St., Monday, July Hatvern Staudatd in for the 3.30 eee oan Kering ‘arrives ne dik : plabe to ee Soing at rs me as 3.30 p. ‘at Sarnia with pecial train which runs through to Palmers Boat Tickets, good for Three Days, Adults, 75e: Children, 40 cents Papel. SPECIAL FEATURE Wess from year to eee it “he re ir for a train service that trip to Bev and return oe ) One-day exeursioi pists mi J ay 2th, for for the deligl ie p. Mm. sree ‘The people of Ontario have taken| _ Heinen priced pianos. trious name it bears. - E HAVE. ON’ OUR FLOOR W a beautiful highly polished new =< style D. Mendelssohn Piano, in | “Walnut case, full size and Possessing | — both quality and tone equal to higher - k We can assure you it | is in every detail worthy of the illus- For the next thirty days, we are quoting this piano at a sacrifice, in fact, giving it away. Come in and look ite over. Absolutely guaranteed for 5 years. New Sheet Music, lately arriv- ed, 25ca copy.3 Latest songs. G.R.Honderich & Son: The Big House ARHAAAA AAA TERAR AREA IIR II Milverton, Ont. : Ghe Warm Weather Is amongst us again and with it comes the fly, and why not be *“yeady-by having the Screen Door hung and the Screen Wii dows in Phiecani Qh? stock is complete now and by ¢heosing early you have the stan io over the date buyene Screen dors Fresh air must be let in and the flies must be kept out, that means that Screen Doors are necessary. Call and see our line. = $1.00, - $1.25, - $1.50 - and - $1.75 Window Screens Patent adjustable Window Screens fit She bee the sash in leaving no place for the flies to enter. 20c to .. I sizes, Lae each | J. Rothaermel @ Son: “The G. T. R. Station Store’’ Poeohantas Smokeless Coal! HAVE YOU TRIED IT? TRE If not, why not ? We got in a car- load sometime ago. We would kind- ly ask you to give us a trial order, Tt is fine for the cooking stove in summer, If you give it a trial, you will use nothing else. TRY IT. J. R. YOST & SON hion, Why not have both ? Our sys- tem of measur- ing and cutting _ is particularly adapted to the modern require- ments of fas~ Up-to-Date Tailoring | and Perfect Fitting Garments Our poheniy ‘Suits. Tgiimeval because we find | it ire to. A the austangat es ed OO on pe

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