Milverton Sun, 15 Aug 1907, p. 7

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THE WORLD'S MARKETS} “0%? Sanerts: — | GONDENSED NEWS ITEMS Canadians Smoked Over ‘Three Hun- dred Million, REPORTS FROM THE LEADING A despatch from Ollawa says: The HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE TRADE CENTRES. land Revenue returns twelve GLOBE. “Caused About $50, 000 Damage i in Montreal Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and ada 4g grewing: ofan” winning rate Telegraph Briets From Our Own and Other Dairy Produce at Home Other Countries of Recent Warehouse s ne : 13%, as comp: with 93 Events. . and Abroad. A Sending period af 195.008 Origen Boe My . 13, — Flour— Ontario | increas A CANADA. E wh "cent. i mber if ente! for 2 x Mexican sonslate is to be eslab- A despatch from Montreal: says + Maurice Street, occupied by the Tamil-}.dcn h 3.35, ou i ished at Winnipeg. ‘A despatch from Regina says? i kande Tea & with great~ foree, the} ers x yers' sacks, outside = ars ago is y 28.708 000, = Two Fee postal divisions, Edmon- = i vas s Saoaliiee i yes Wines sults John fis Sa fs yliron pillars and supports sh -xport. M or the) tay an sejaw, have been created. by 0 vs that a number of eyed ae through the roof and smashing it like so | $93 Secor . a {Ss “She 50, ee sendin 2 i When: the new Canadian Mint opens | bearders at Steele's restaurant on Torn e their eat Hepa fae y{much matchwood: ‘The crash was s , $4.20 to aia ‘ 193,816,575, practica ame as a nickel penny may be introduced. Street had been poisoned by a eat There is, however, severe that all the people in the mela Wheat--No, 1 Manitoba = Tike ge Pieediog Prelic months. gare | The Ontario Government is about to i idge arlaken of ie that all those Stee importers, 170 McGill ‘Street, fell with a| boring buildings ran out into the street. | !@ke ports oot ore, ie, lake rea ddapiror: Canadian jeamee sumbere rey himenoe the suri of the Soo-Sud-| by them at. breakf unused oatmeal confiscated terrific crash. Fortunately le} Much of the water from the tank ia an a ie Be re He Spee ae as - ¢4 pared with 3,172,466 ey trunk hi By he proprietors of the ae Fe portion. of it Pes 4o Dr. eae Bakes epee very 1 while and r : ee @ contract for the R.- exten- Charit : eat : : x harlton, Provincial Bactetiologist, who a were ruined. it dots ond suiside ; new whea nption ol co of all kinds a sidn-from nae Taw oe Edmonion has ese proprietor of ja ae certified to the presence of ssc! Th "Are Polboned ; may vionden N. R. cars in Winnipeg are being 2 wblle-are noted at 43 to cord, sys cally. and detectives | Cook the morning meal. “Mrs, Steale ana ide, at s6c'on Wack, "To<) nn 0. spirituous liquor, the | have been at work nt ‘ight or nine guests ate © westward the large supply | cras! ard’ as ONew cals atpeauOled al Mic oul ees eS the latgest} “The car shortage in {he Crow's Nest | ari se pe was eee at the top of the build-| ground. sie s plants bent Manitoba s ‘or the twelve months, it Sens pon to delle a famine | Seiz with severe internal pains ac-] twe weeks ago a quantity of alias @ sand in a few minutes the water. ha Phe “fore: all i in the | oats, cl ‘onto. of fo rei ns per head, as com-| jy: est this winter, companied by RLS vane) Ges ali of which had not been used, burst through on the five storeys like a and bent ironwork si — dul with prices purely pared with 5.255. gallons per gs ip The T. & N. 0. ‘Buay Commission | Son and sum valid reason he tha¢ woken dam, and every room was soon] perts a e trian; r base fominal. 3 1905-06. ‘The consumption of spirits | jy a contra new engines | natural means aa stom thie umps the k possession B tie red. Corn—No. merican corn is quoted} was .947 gallons “per capita, and c ingst aco Works. greater part of the food Spar jected, Kui tote et e As the tower fell across the narrow | work fell was erintcred into er at a to Toronto, lake and rail. | wines .092 r hea fh prac- | ¢ vestern ¥ cues have been ‘ lane at the back of the building it Ning wood, ‘The damage is estimated at| fa pate: eons outsiae, | Ua We Same as. fer the: previous iyzed by the ‘Inland Revenue Depart: —--— stuck the opposite building, 18 St.| $50,000. BL tg year, nen. bra: found Bi a Your ame's Deate isn't it?” shorts are sae at $20 outside, eae Claims for South African war medals , . eae i z a * COUNTRY PRODUCE. Syl ot, ho’ en orialnedsatier SDacerabes “] We se ». BARGAIN SALES IN JAPAN. .... WEDDING: BY: BULLETIN. & BED-SORES, Bock on as 2 ee . arate i : — | Beans—Hand-picked quiet. at °$ w. ythe, formerly a traveller for nam in’ into the — An Unusual Law Complied With in and© primes . te io § A hed-sore is ‘an ulcer that fore on. AaKinion a €o., has been arrested at 3 tap. ‘ mae No, 0. BIS: Winnipeg. oe : rom het coted at $13) the: skin a nekent who, ore son of | Br : charge of swindling ‘The Scrimmage is Absent, but the Shop- iferpise Noy: BH Re ae $12 {6 $12.50 ; ns a ine seine] sit i Even in placid Japan they have bar- A despatch from Winnipeg says: The & Pp Brantford will nate an automatic tele- gain sales, but-they conduct themon | following notice is found on the | Stray 50.a ton on track here.| generally: the d cel af OE Seite phone: system working by “the end LOST. ye different: principles from the scrim-| btllelin board in the Gily Clerk’s offize.| _Polatoes: e 906. 10) pressure in one spol. Uc year, according to General Manager ot it ike, “other folks,” murmured mages we have ‘over here, says the Eng-|“‘Take notice that the marriage is in-| Per . fhe parts of the body most lis ely to} Mack ee One morning Mintie Dean awoke in} P > ; foe Ladies’ Pictorial, An amusing | tended to be solemnized in the English | | Poult urkeys, alive, 11 to 1 be affe are those where enry Williams, a colored porter }a strang ef Popp ns chickens, spring, dressed, 12 to 4c per'| pear the surts : de room.” She was frightened at} Poppy stood silent eee qootlonless, f embodied tee x= | Cl Cathedra Shan u pring, P the surface, such as 0 <n the diiecosions al Railway, was ar- ,. then “she remembered. bei vellbig alone in Japan | China, : ° 9th y th; fowl, 8 to 9e. spina . and: someti rested at Montreal on a charge of rob- ried; half-avake, | from corres hist Duthie . i ig Butter a see atten ae ot jather’s arm AS ‘aye gathered a uu rolls. are ed 8 tient to th ed for Kk 4c S are spendin, loo much ra cs srqpeon of a s at the ipentesk tr L se rolls are quoted at 17 to 18c. ch as typhoid r, are the| money on rs an ees id a Dumping a the carriage ye aE mind for ever, ing house in ia mes pans sell al 21 to 23¢, and ines in ‘which bed-sores ate-most a MM trea) bai nee in accounting for the | she asleep again (o}@m a man- So goes dice no flung about, They | China, missionary, and Jessie Winifred ta develop, although in many eases of | money stringene “ale seer: ep En ave shown {o advantage in locked cases, | Singleton of he ‘eily of Winnipeg, in esas tls sell ab 18 to 18% 2) paralysis ‘and some.d of ne ‘Dominion | Gdverameht’ has’ Fee et a aan ct ae ene ip dow 1 ne tna os ane the Provinee of Manitoba, spinster. Dat- | dozen. se ang | Sbinal cord they cee Sopensue guested American Mshermen. ho tniend ee tee ed in eo Inet eal ee ea ed this mth day of August, Cheese—Large quoted “at 12¢, and ljy “and seem to be traceable less to pres-| citing trap nets in the Gulf 6f-St alpen! a ; phe ely is is the fist lime that the City | twins at 12%c. sure than to some diseased condition-of | rence to apply for special licenses, ie ey lo see? ocean pene be Bt ‘secure bargains, perfect order pecttas Bel pos ich oe PRODU: is ° ve ge nee he} Out of 30 samples of ginger gio bro a Se a Ie quiet. prevai a notic jit is being done a : L e the. function of which i$ t0! various parts of Canada anal aero, Sy a NORTHWEST WANTS WOOD. Babies loddle. about quite otitis ‘ably3| sult of adv Dr es in. ca ‘¢ nomina aes “nm the nutrilion of the sl the Inland Revenue Deparment, ew, 9 t 7. E olliers sleep on {heit mothers’ backs. | Js . ‘The notice will remain | Bacon. lang" clear, ihe vee per. t in)” Of course where they develop spon- found to be genuine, ind: peRtee ae a Fuel Famine May Bes “ More Serious Haye oferty and quiet though the | posted for two weeks, when the bride | Se, lots; mess BAL 0 $2130; taneously no one is 46 blames. indeed, Thanksgiving Day this year will te] 50M well! id er ans i UR AS to ases of Severe injury to the i iE pekinese ) hat the notice t to se 3 a oe central nervous — system they may de} 46° commer travellers induce the A despatch ‘from niles ie ‘me “teresting to heer thitt Wyecdeleclive’ “=| wns pasted ane nae, ste “hins een. for | 6. heavy, 1c; Shoulders. | velop almost iinmedial Gevernment to ais 8 expected fuel famine in the noi yin’ the Flowery Land as| (we weeks a resident, in Winnipeg, Avene “ite Daeks, "16i4e; breakfast [pereenee tothe position of the” patient I Canadian. agent in The kimono sleeve is a < 2 1/e+ jis. iny » N.S.W.5 says the new Australian “Not this morning,” receptacle for % oH a ‘$Ro; “tubs, 1245 alls. the cas e ordinary, bed-sore occur) ta ritt will be Higher with a resultant shell be ‘unpecking, and. you ehildren FORTY YEARS IN PRISON. BUSINI ML a le case? OF iesetess de MSY bats soeentage to Canada, caine get lost if y sven alone. But oe ae Montreal, Aug. 13 loc 3 sa fe reproached -sPresident ‘Winiam Mackenzie. of the [it will. promise not to go-oft the | he hundred thousand tons which ~ Heavy Sentence for the Leader of a Bad} market for oats is tnenanged, Ee He tepanter SEO AD Ree Dawes Hd (ie naa Northern has signified his as- pavement nor off the Street you may ra 4 be eats along the line of the ovr > 5a elves rigidly to. this sent. to the Saskatchewan Government's | go downstairs a little while, C. ne eels a ae IMISTIC CROP OUTLOOK. Gang. ing ‘firm: under a good {rade for local | rho reason for this sivietness is. that a Seer aoe 60 ? % aS a Ne elie: < Sade A he atedunl = Witte TBalese DY tune’ aks Oleg ete thing for prevention eaihar i Us apenas hae ane, vince piel “wet nat ® ea Mintle] Conndian Nor ais es me ae The co is gee and No| A despatch from New *York says :} Manitoba 2 while, 49%¢° for car}, re Seni 1s pPRURRLIBE Ie FONE Th oe Fahrig, the convicted Teader | 0 and 49¢ per hushe ROTI ‘GREAT BRITAIN. 8 patch On See says: sail ies lenis for, nearly six| $5.90; cheice “seconds, ce i ae, ‘They 0 hoe pangs crop report for seve as on Wed ser . ; m5) four So often in patients v sibi ‘The British Government has urged | weeks as handed out by the G. P. R oe ¢ Sing Prison fora term. of for Te Niece, st S ie 3 ties s Turkey to. withdraw “her weops trom |hng, | Poppy, counted. twenty lems * on ‘Thursday—"Weattier favorable; crops| years at hard labor, by Ci = $2.10, o EL65 to Persi be on meshes SHOE and. 5 oe 3 - anitoba ae th bags: are pr 5 vith a ores of jeard a ee, ey: a aenikae § to $25 pr ton, Ontario a ee : para UNITED STATES. Le eam eS Mice along PROT ea anata S er 2 e y for Winnipeg dealers, but S. they a yy fo appear, a sharp look) John D. Rockefeller. wil tive 10 be Ot, r 1 wn the pavement. Tihey ‘complain thal there ate no ‘cars $28 Per} out will naturally: be kept. ‘ays his physician, ve Biggar. n run! intie to move i 2 qT arionienee i his i ck 2 x mrs hag. been. call@d in the United ; y eee e Slales. wal dow: IRGE VOLVES. long i centre, as. the flirealened part can} Me, F, H. MeGuigan has resigned trom | wasn in-sight. ‘Ther aly Reece Eee | ny ee Sisk fo sot gt an i a the ¥ fee ce Dl:the: Great -Northe | a-swondérful n wheels with Woman and Children Dragged Out and $8 ; hole, is ki ern Railroai v z Balan 2 : alee acon, 10 to 11245 Me een el be. pro ton can be} The survey has been completed for a Baten. tut ech Societe et eae ot be $14 to $16; half-barrels do, $7.50 to| arranged to same service. | new canal from Lake’ Erie to Ue Ohio | followéd | a venue, ani slop atch “froin ee “says: Ce ee ieoManilcha:. are *hoding it eeeereubarty <1 Shes tive: enerwill 5; barrels heavy mess beef, $10;| Cleanliness is absolut séntial. . The} River. ee ood th " listening un-| Word cooled from Fort Chippewyan, fA difficult task in sceuring farm sate ametntr ko hee “hone ia Viny ines ‘and be- | Heit-barrels do, $5.51, com lard,| sheet must not be sek ‘ay re| Chicago's Health’ Commissioner says | til it_was out of sight. ‘Then they turned} under date of July 1, indicates. that - gpd mow, harvesting tn Bris. 20 close eittliig ant : 4 fo. 10a0; pure. lard. 1% c!| must be no. crumbs in theibede “The| the. men an thé eity are living 80 Ler | and strolled slow : the on fs becoming somewhat ne Z 133403 hi matress should be springy, at level and| cent. faster aha the women. penien is our house?” said Minlie. : . is se ae ee to 15%40; con, 14 to 15240: | firm, Dr. Leonard S. Taylor of Elgin, 1.,| “Ho! can pick it-out in-a minute,” | and two children had beon dragged out ELEVEN KILLED IN WRE 1 ie r ae 15 to 15340; tres ied | ‘The affected parts of the body should | died ping zavoived Tear a ae Poppy. Phere were lions on the o pe dd devoured. pa nes s We sivatan | Oe Kept perfectly dry. Some ‘chemical | needle’s: prick during. an qpetatio ~ ‘Three Passenger Cars Tene on|alive, 8 2 boule Le sed Sael tjasane mother i Balthnore, ‘Md.,| Bul Year me, there: were six houses German Railw: andied, ee strangled her. two then- begged that had Hans on the steps. “The hil: “A despatch: from Berli ais oA eee “Cheese—Westem, | ana may bined wil s:| the police not to awaken, them, dren Jooked. al each, er, with grow: lespatch from Berlin says: “A pas- sc. i jc “ack is| Charles Hunt, a Phi ig ttror senger tain: was derailed “on Tadley = piri e tiae ae ARKETS! serves {0 give tone to the parls and Tene bee adopled by--0 Chi “[ wants my mother,” said Peepy, with ze = . der them more resistant.Youth's -Com-| and has assumed the name, Roy sS ae a8. fe Bol ieAbB ee = Wheal—No. 1 bard, | punion. - Sing. : “D, Dean," said - Mintie, Siena 3 : ; yc; ‘Na. ape: 96%40% No. The Lake “Shore; Michigan Centraly arth a her own Voice trembled, “don't} Soe ry h Sees ember, 9524¢; ne ee ae = Waals nk Four. Railways el ursetare 16 beWhat Saale 6 cine UND A na FACTORY. “| Prince Alexander Begololf, twa = ber, x NATURE. CURES. oa with the Reece rate inv Michi- oe think? ‘And don't ye Hee tL i a 3 9 ae 2% ti ah i : R an Police Locate Wholesale Sup-( Cw") evn cune ot who- Wis pele omer oe uber 1) rurnips._are “for nervous, dis + Campa er % = wet vel wa _ ply Establishment. panying co The street was a quiet one, between ai ; us a awhile ree forlorn joe ER . te 10; si Ss | Souls marched drearily ue. and CHRISTIANS SLAUGHTERED. 5; Hs cles, $3.18 to 83.65 Se ee Gite vena mmission St y Owe: _ fle: 85. fi oe aie a Sau at uj g| Ninety Persons a a Turks Invad- i f1,{ fo1 use-as-a naval training ship. here comes a Peneteten, a “whis- spatdh ere “i ll pered.. se orn Tatest: a the fron- tye a al ee ae Han 2, find the: Tellowi ic | tier say thal pe a conn iroons. which sa r | tecenilly crossed the- northwest outer oash; 85 10 bxes ‘September, xe bid: | Spinach 3 Bala to hose Ai poe ar and knew that they Rite? wore biue| 60 Pekela tui “nave ng on Urumiah,| aye MARKET. __ }with grave! 2: sae ty ation "*[uniforms, és a Re . to jee sharontoy AUG. Esper one & ee ee at the Siete te fone ae what the; quiet. ‘The top peas repated as 8 Blackberries as a foie Useful in al “S00, investigating the death of Miss| \es2"gg with, los child KANSAS wnest CROP. and “ninety eee cinghedig many | 00 ‘ ees ; forms of diarrho Cadenhead, a Canadian, as a ne ot car Mee le Sa paaee 8 ee ‘ott, 0 were made at prices | Honey is wholesome, strerigthening, | DX DB eeiteatea Mae utter e Hein enesn an pointed | 2 “at (2 S. “t Sees we se, _hushele—Deerease} «panic prevails seus iad. ranging around $4.75. © eleansing | os especie Moores baal einer separate Suils, —ageregating upward SARE sinall, "uneertain fore: se Ug i Jn buteher cattle was, brisk for ft nen food for those sullering from | $120,000, have been filed against. tour igor. the refrigerator came from is Werte: SHORT OF Waren. sad ng it$£00, with good medium | chronic dierchoen. caloomieeners nd our property: -own/ ee at Bs said the policeman,| tery, : Jatesx 2k sing Thom @1.20: te Sk75 com | Lemons for feverish thitst in sickness ers in Morrison, TIL, because; it is al- ooking up al: the sky, with a. grin. One of the - Big Pumps. Has Broken re ‘sold = for biliousness, low fevers, rheumatism, *) “come a ihe Nay down last night ? any previous year, “Down. sweet ; | colds, coughs. and tiver_complaint. ie Must have got some wet, 1 guess. There aanaged to come out with, : os 30" t0 ny Se «Celery is Snvalysi.08 8 to those | dent afterwards on Dec. 12 was consid’ble “ shawér "betil: four imately 65, iN despa from Montreal os to 83 Con a ym cows sold any form of eee ie the alsenss of the nerves and n She hed ncbecaetinss “podem, athe she had seen many sSiota es “of them, Ee 5 GENERAL. on a Mintie found her voice, : » Sehsor onghoe pi . as jmionument to Victor all Poe nee age Ad aenien ete fferings were lig! lew loads of erec' er ae 6 bal hs pr ode, accountan'! aie hey os anal : Tood for those| Sie" opium, dens of Chin: gh bet Se ere es ment of Trade and Comi ‘ | on i is i omnon sete sold 1) oe closed on Friday by sear aes ThateAavay a ler queso. mn me ‘ti % ‘ é ‘n crop is mal King. Pala. and tt t - Fea h @ fruits’ are excellent for: The King of Siam faf? purchased jew- then Min- 2 a growth and will be up to] something of iter famine again: an “ vere 8 A Z pang the blood and toning, up the| ars De aie walucd at $3,000;000:sitie0 : ip and w of} whi iat are ine at by ue. hs é year’s seat output Ae So [thatthe water pressure. maybe very rib: 5 ~- *"| system." As' Specific remedies, oranges mg arrival in Europe, houbes; they aie. ‘ooked at the Be Meg aR ks eh nae here ays ‘ouiee bushels. peor in Some districts of the city, . "sh are apel Sent on oranges are highly|\ floating dock of 4,000 tons, built) 2&4 a hes . was somelting iy his face dapat nth secupricndet for rheumatisni. in England, has. arrived at Port. cft{ {a id : rei dade wir aise thers. We don’t. know," she’ said yh ant. rh ark ves were quoted from g W Y ys L865 : Be. ‘ a ib CUP ily 8 it. AL A Co ST to Sh Th Ket Ge Sedan e ne od German oe bie ee the fat Pear a with: ce ed at een iene ai £ RK neuneed that satisfied with the | 8% ht he weve aay MOWer Ot ee SHARKS EAT BATHERS.. Terms of the new Anglo-Russian agree-| | “Never mind, desn sett ee > : Man and’ Woman. Meet Awful: Deaths Ueaare -oq | Digger and cone fulks than y¢ ages nS few days since received mixed up over these houses. tit” looks o of et the wheel er house Peet StC is ee woken down and the ies. Cae hate in ho, a es came to- ats Selects were ene sini the -Adtidlie: Sea. a ile ae of over 100. Americans e from all parts of the United Slates. pl ny : : dso from: Vienna Says 3 1Two | #00 Dt cpurkish ‘oops wi fee ie Bee “7 5 4 : in’ the slast few. days it jan | Uiery crossed into Persii e S A -CREES ON TRIAL FOR LIFE, ‘ Wissel Siivbvic Apne ao Persian force and killed 78 ina . ee a\e ming. a-friend 1 Vegi say * -! + : hen his fri him utter a pi ed in F teas = : SiS: és U t Two Chiets. Coane With, Murder’ in sa bee North. 1| to Ne anaes A feciaicncy. of fatal accident A despatch ten ee : : House, Hua - mi 7 pa ees eee Which she had probably ng son’s Bay, says: 4 a sit death. vard of $5 : 4 per | {0 seo again, and in her anutude anes chiefs for murder. ft | lo eve ph tend OPS oy. chi GED ED TIS LIFE, ress, in order shat is the result o! i iti p ad é in| the Canadiar even to pu as increased of late i "| leven Man vied in Alemipiiag 16 : ~ Saye Another. = Coope ition tha k afl intless_ articles} Mr. Cope cannot fell just wi ip- | of a& an by por- | pened the young lady left the | <1 re possessed. of il spirit or + =) a" ee es i fi gh slsing [ones vat “the dootor’s address, and he “mist be k 3 5 5a Gal eee sean tacning ete eater eae go =| he cee yen sue = pe, at 3 their “sou ny oat Ep if 5 il Layee ental : ‘despatch from | Monson. ND sas sain fo fell on the pave pment neh tft ‘Muso famous Malian brig- | tay a, holas ‘Thomas : ance of a large deer caused | oie slay: ately trang ae piel the as Seve fe life: sentence, 15 going | ced on S et -ab Sxcil fas hen od wile claw of one of them, ‘with ’ aare

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