TRCeNCIAS: | lightning Proof Buldings ed or shingles. us, as we can giv are those buildings which are-covered with Galvanized Iron either corrugat- If you are building, before buying your roofing, consult e you a shingle roof with a GUARANTEE for 25 years, Call in and talk the matter over. JAS. S. LOCKIE, "Ewron Hardware Merchant Via C. P. is 's New Guelph and Goderich Railway. THURSDAY, SEPT. 19th, 1907 Under the auspices of the Guelph Musical cae BY STEAMER oui, special arrangement, M. Duff, Sec-Treas, Gh ing adds roo per enjoyment for years WRITE US FOR CATAL E.A.REA A Kodak on a day's out- the pleasure, Aside from the pleasure of taking pic- tures, a Kodak will yield when by looking over old views, groups and pictures, you can re- peat in fancy, trips made years a KODAKS 3 $1 fo to $25.00 tician, Next Royal Hotel, Mar- ket Square, ¢< STRATFORD BRONNER cent. to to come GUE Denggist and Op- A number of the yi Young folks of this |vieinity gathered Henry | Schmidt's on ‘Tucada: ay evening and spent 4 very pleasant ¢ hn acta ee | itedat Me Wm. Fischer's, near Strat- |ford on Sunday. Several loads of ne oats levator, The far re arene. are are busy sowing their fz Feport of & 8. and Mrs G Kalbileisch on Sonday for it month of August ‘WOODSIDE: Tuesday for Neb., after Coad a week with relatives here. Mr and Mrs A Miekus of Wellesley ae Sunday at Mr Jacob Schnei- . fons Mies Dotan Rireuront annie pale by ew days this week at the home of Mr and Mrs Alex Hammon APDEE SEES Misses Janet Chalmers and Appropriate addresses will bedelivered | MoRuer spent a day last week at the by railway officials and other leading | home of Mr and Mes iW" Gatucee men in Harho Park, Goilerich, begins | "Mra Tames Biayberryand cone Mas ning at 1.3 er Stewart a spent Monday with friends bere: Mrs H. Hamilton, o! spent the eek with’ her sister, Mrs ‘ROSTOCK, Wm Hamilt 2 y an i r these trip d by the}. Mrs Allen ai fine bands of Gael sh and God eee eturned hom ‘Three Special Trains will enable all ne several weeks with the former's rother, C Ras Mr and Mrs to Joe Mal Mrs mt ees have returned to Berlin. kk vane relatives and friends in. this vieinit: ittle Eddi seriously kicked by_ family vis-| go about for sue of a sore T seriou Ww Haga bean aoetned already been brought to the Brunner We certainly wish her a speedy recov- pp, Allie C; paatora) ive dann Sunda winks Eedy, Gordon Daub, Gertie err. Jr. I--Gordon ee Becker, Sarah Nafziger, Myrtle a or, Maa r, II—Nor- George, Sehitiat, Lotte c) io ae He Louise Kei cit la Becker, adie Movbliman nn, ee Reis, John Nata er Bade Moehiman, Mageie Taylor. f T(a) Annie Ke err, Willie Taplor Nooo Av i “NEWTON. | few at Aa young people spent a miss’ Lydia Hartmann, | spent Sunday with h MILLBANK | fti| Rev S Crookshanks pibent a few days with his brother, Chas Ni of Br motion spent.a few day: Jas Nicholl ya Varna attaaeree foe. friends in Elmira. : spending his v: 8. J. Coulter, Teacher. | fPending b cthee genie oenee a penta few here before resuming his duties at Wind es id Mrs ‘able evening at Wn. | spent ‘Sunday i When answering this advertise: ent, Please Mention The Sun. A house and lot consisting 0 1 a quarter fan acre of land numb For further p: 10 HENRY KOCH, Milverton. Wanted NEI ERVANT. Ap- Up b wobenane tees Doug- incent streets, Stratford. ly ta Mere, Noraw and St. Vin STRAY ED HAMILTON, Milverton, Ont. ROOMERS WANTED HE UNDERSIG NED has to let two or furs rooms, Conveniently situated. or terns and further pariiealars apply to— ee29 MRS. DAVID MERKLINGER New Brick House, 8 rooms, hard and soft water, cement cellar, date lot. For terms, etc. appl House For Soiel wa Strayed mber of fruit 00) > | THERE str ndersigi con, 1 caly ed from 4 the premises pei with tren sn ine three Lo LIST MORNINGTON. 1 p nd he Voters’ Li: ington for 19¢ WILLIAM WAL of f Mornington eptember, JR Eto chee bay Miss Blanch Klefer left for Ch ni a Lantz, of SUE called en trina here on Su; Mrs Patrick Dougherty oe par ‘a few Parad of last week with friends in El- fe Whaley, |" jilverton Ontario Liquor License Act License District of North Perth. OTICE 3 . September, 1907) at the hour of one o'clock ‘Atl Persons will govern themselves, accord- Toronto and mir Miss Oc Br ter's ‘ Qu ies BORE from. here are at- 2. CROSSHILL. Hastings Bros are attending the me wae sheep, We wish them Robt Campbell, of Berlin, vis- | @& i, au ited rfelonde here over Sunday, Fall Wheat. Barley...... Btigcts, per tS “Ontario Liquor License Act] MP, Inspecto: R, 7. KE Dated at Listowel this 20th day ‘of August, 1907, : License District 0 of North Perth OZICE, 18 HEREBY GIVEN that Wm. Brunner, Station pike visited at J H Campbell's on non s0ont Mrs Fraser and children, of Parl here last |; ooh hn Fiavlowt and family of Leba- pondey in in the villa, Mrs A Gilmar is visiting friends in ners Dr Hammoi ond and daughter, padi. of de Bt ster ‘is| of tinneapolis, visited Win Ham for: his premise Tas outs be held at the city of Stratford, on Satur: ay, 14th day of September, 1907, of one o'clock p.m. Actvegues will gone themselves accord- ingly. KEMP, Inspector, Dated at Listowel aig 20th day of August 1907. COMMERCIAL. Sept. 5, 19 $ 82 45 we oe | monday i iwth he villa; Mrs Anticknap visited friends near | ron at the} Listowel over Sunday. port a good tir lie Cress from aeete of Miss ‘Henrietta Ottman for Mise Maftic Gaseho Mied last Friday | arg De- je Misses M ne ‘Stable. are visiting sein tisees in the win City for elem. days 3 jast oe ighton, of 8 epee thee New ys’ Reunion, and re- The Messrs Agnes eaves and Til- Wat 0 were the lays. & illness. Mrs vid Re REVISION OF VOTERS’ Nagai itt on Monday to visit and Bima are evaure friends in will add Bees to the our oe e Mo tending the Toronto. Exhibition this| «J a et ck Elmira spent Gropp, with bis family here, on ride M London” Exhibitions | spent m | ter, Mrs Joho 1 d the wee lay. W MeFadden and wife of Shakes. | \ Peare ‘ealled on friends illbank, spent spe 21 Master Toot ‘Kirkland lett for ‘To- sone ‘with h Mitchell & Hawi velipbedatedsasl of lambs on Tue; Masten Carl Smith, of pea pprne a few holidays at Bh uncle, Mr where sl re have f List yietiing their anata, “tise Lillie Yost, | ing ell | spent Saturday McCom! neating a few day: miss Washburn spent a few days at le: byterian a ekie aire last Friday wil be no ser’ ng: wil be service inthe wethodiat chureh nto. Sunday even ning. oss and daughter, ane those who have gone to 0 EX noe are: Mr. an Mrs. H, | dist t char, Millbank are being well ery ill for | @ttended and awakening considerable | some time is improving. interest. ‘The inusical sort Mr. and Mrs. Wallsbiry cial feature, ‘Th is | have moved into Mr. Ha: Mr. 2nd Mrs, ies and daughters, Mand | to fo: urch here sf Mr J @ ae ena Juss in Watetloe, eb ‘s John Ament were at- nd tending the funeral ef a friend in Miss Bornhoint Inst: week. Ga ial services in the metho- z ably MORNINGTON ¢ counciL The council inet on Monday, Sept. d. at Newto sieks for the t for the rains, aa a few days with ‘iene ia i tavist as = bylaw num ere sir Wan Murat spent Labor Day in| (B® at is remodelling and se to his residence id when completed appearance of ntal roof. bert spent Sunday ry Rubl left for the West] Gas nnd 's Schaefer, of Waterloo, ate anya oe the latter's si Among and that the aah hela ae fhe 4th of October at 11 a, m, ‘toed by oe Thos. Dewar, ree besanthorieed nses. 8 rei The bylaw for the Peffer’s drain was een sea redit of the count; sum of $2. 000 ie the Sovereign Bank I at Millbay i Moved | hy A. Dewar, that, ‘the council atone slo tbe time for acoe Clara Riddell Tett., ‘on puoniey nASoead o'on See gay. Bier ppenaiig, the i ? Mrs Thos Whaley and son, Archie, oe ca spent a few days with friends. ta BAG es ratfor ipa Klodl Kloe! oe cont ford Mh at ectii 3ss Walterina Murray left on lay by a urpose at a returned to his home in Port Rowan |® Fri es Faulhofer and Liz- Bal are visiting the ae ee “ohn Schmidt, riday last. irs. Dougald McKellar toe bh v's agnt, eae ve ffith, re vy Nieklin, 15, 00, ract town line ‘Mr Man ro Davidson left on Tuesday ee bined morning for Stra ool Mr John Mar Go cartel eciine was held on Mon- contract townline ing aah on 96, oe rarest Pounders: : Geo Yundt, aaa Sinlthy 308, repairing eulvert; John F spent Sunday with arr and atrs 's Rose, of Milverton, —Emma | ed on Mrand Mrs E assisted A abd choir of the charch, e Whirl Creek andthe 14th con. ae for the Freeman drain ad and provisionally adopted, he Court of Revision for Morning. ton will be cba held or Get, 4th, at 2 p.m, ai hat the township ee! in construction till t Sept, Carried. e following orderg were issued by the reeve and eler e *MeCloy Carri Bella Eydt spent fri ia ds in Tavistoc! mand Mrs Jacob. Siegner spent Hxeursion to Goderich Seville iB tan mond teft_on/| fia s home in Beatrice, ‘oward, f Poole, Millbank, nd dat danghter. of Detroit, e on Friday after spend: asman. Chas Ritter, of milver- and son, Wesley, They Y 8] fe ie erecta: who was rse about a is: trouble, as she bas similarly before this. ee ae on Debus, of Milverton, epeents Jas, choll and Miss enrol at mr id Miss Bonn are visit- has been acation in Italy, Scot- land lays with his mother Fewings and family in Goderich. as returned after in St Thomas. services in the purer, Milverton, there | e in ae Presbyterian ext, Sabi There | ir was visiting ‘esleatee and St by neighboring n, for general business, authorized to.ask for own nship's debentures art of evision be Beggs, seconded b; to place to t! o “The People’ s Store” Milyerton’s Greatest and Best Store, pier We do as we Advertise, with few merchandise ; to give shopping place for you. Have we AND BELOW, our New Fall Goods. $1.50 for 75 cent: Dress, you can buy it here at yo! The Store That Has the Goods and Wants Your Business HE AIMS of an individual ar such as ours, Our aim has al ialty. : We take ss. Goods display, also € no more important than the aims of a store ways been to offer you the best and largest var- y of goods to select from ; to give you the best store service ; to furnish you unbeatable value ; ina word, to male this the best succeeded ? And we're still aiming at improvement. New Dress Goods and Trimming It is a settled fact that. we are head mings, we make it our speci of our Fall and Winter Dre quarters for Ladies’ Dress Goods and Trim- great pleasure in oe the opening Trimmings, Nettings, Allover Laces, Special Veilings, Etc. Our display includes all the newest and the Queen of Fabrics : ; Tartan, Plaids, Tweeds, Ladies’ Cloths and and green, tan, brown, royal blue, that you can have exclusive su are certainly reasonable on popular dress materials, such’as_ Broadcloth, Panamas, Henriettas, ahost of other s red, black, greys, itings and styles. such materials, Ladies’ New Fall and Winter Jackets and Goats Tt will be a pleasure to show you our New Coats, which have just arrived. They are certainly swell. Also Misses ahd We invite you to sce our lines and see the New Styles. Special for This Week Only We have decided to clear the balance of our Whitewear positively AT , as we do not intend to carr Children’s Coats. Fine Lawn and India Linen Waists Tucked and pleated, lace and insertion and embroidery, regular price 31.25 and S, regular $1.75 and $2.25 for $1.25, regular $3 and $3 SILK WAISTS—Regular $2.50 and $3 for $1.75. ALL OTHERS AT CUT PRICES. Underskirts, Corset Covers. Drawers, Etc., all must go at about Half Price. Do not miss this chance for goods that are worn all year aound. Muslins and Summer Dress Goods All summer Dress Goods must be cleaned out so if you’ wanta nice Muslin ur Own price, Fine Muslins and Delaines, regular price 12%, 15, 18c for 1ec per yard. Summer Dress Goods in varied materials, regular 12% and 15¢ any piece 8c yd: We still have a nice line of Prints, Etc., which we are clearing at 5 and 7c yard. We will have special bargains all over the store. MOTHERS, do not forget to share in®our special sale of Boy’s School Suits from $1.00 to $2.50 treastirer the ges, seconded b, pting tenders on ths |CHAS. A. FINKBEINER ts ecount to/date; Venetians Serges, plendid weaves in colors navy, etc,, and the beauty of buying here As to prices you will ae that they OST y any over, and we must have room for 3-50 for $2.25. north; do ine; John Lang- 0 coun- lank to cou Waddell, clerk, A BUSINESS OF MANY LITTLE ITEMS gathered togetner uitaer one roof, is a Fine Hardware Stock such as ou 2 tha sssorinent aot price—our hard- y drain and Finkbeiner’ s heer The Sun to January 1908 for ea 30 cents | NEWTON | The Up-to-Date Stores | MILLBANK | J No} duced price. its. Count the number ‘ou carry them away. CUT PRICES! 0 pounds Redpath’s Granulated Suey, se ee 100 pounds Redpath’s Granulated Sugar = Sasa RIPE TOMATOES this week at - - - Have you tried our Deliciou: Newton on Wednesday and Saturday. ow is the time to buy that White Waist you were wanting at a re- White Waists re; Teg. $1.25 for 90c, reg. 50c for TH. pe $2 for $1.50, reg. $1.75 for $1.. 35, When wanting a Ready-made Suit, either boy’s or men’s, come in and let us show you what we have in that line at lowest prices. $1.00 Cash $4.75 Cash mber we carry a full line of ss and Shoes, and are still sell- ing ae ilies aod Prices. Give us ac -- 40 to 45 cents per basket. is Ice Cream ? Tfnot, you should, AG "ifaw | H. G USTIN | BUTTER 18 cents