ae —e oven is perfectly »yentilated. The air in the oven is constantly being drawn through three vents between oven and fire-pot doors, and the cooking fumes car- } ried out oven never smells close and. stuffy, as do the majority of range ovens. ‘ood cooked in it is more healthful, as well as more appetizing and satisfying. If your local dealer you complete information about the pees write direct for free let. —— Se through another set of vents in back end of oven, as shown by illus- tration, Pandora renewed with fresh air LONDON, TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINKIPEC, ary. ST. JOHN, HAMILTON J. ROTHAERMEL & SON, Agents, Milverton The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1907 GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES D, G. Anderson, the proprietor of ats Atwood Bee for the per five. years, has sold out to Mr, nest ing. Mr. Swing ue been ea for the past two years ‘Trial Catarrh treatments are being mailed out free, on request, by Shoop, Racine. Wis. ‘These tests are proving to the people—without a pen- PURITY UNIFORMITY are the three essentials combined in JEWEL FLOUR QUALITY couraged the idea of submitting a by- GUBLPH Central Fair’ TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND TAU! SEPT. 17, 18, 19 ‘The Best After Harvest Holiday ro| NEARLY $5,000.00 IN PRIZES 5 e ny’s cost—the great value of this ‘ eae ae scientific prescription known to drug-| SPeeding on Wednesday and gists everywhere as Dr. Shoop’s Cat- arrh Remedy. Sold by the Public Thursday ig Store. 2.45 Qlass . 1. $150,00. Review learns that officials off 3°12 Gass" *_* * $300.00 the Dominion Alliance are about to 2°28 Class... '. $150.00 start a local option campai; gh. in Kin- cardine. e Alli-| Single Balliay: Fares, good going p.m. ance here discussed the te, Sone trains, Sept. 16, good to return Sept. 20 ally and got the views of citizens pri-| 17, LOCKWOOD, wy. LAIDLAW, vately, with the result that they dis- President. Sec. Box 1467 law on the ground that in the present state of feeling it would meet with defeat in that tow: An exchange says nat takes a sharp knock to break an egg from the out- side, while a weak chick with its soft bill can break out from the inside. a the same knocks from the outside have little vote fect, but the business interests ol a a the blows at home that hurt Ore is stated that the government will _ Pureha: ase the well known old ted in i eautifully wooded eeouuds ona nak bluff, overhanging the Rideau a is near Rideau Hall, the ania wards. e Government will furnish it most ola Boral tely, purchasing valu- able statuary and other rare decora- tions. they are not only safe decidedly certain and. prompt, ventics contain no Quinine, no lax- atiye, nothing harsh or~ sickening. the “sneeze stage” Prevent- hard and Ontario hard winter wheat. Manufactured by... . Always of Pure Uniform Quality. Can’t be beat for bread or pastry. ade exclusively from the choicest selections of Manitoba No. 1 Pfeffer Bros., mitverton GEOGOGEGGESGEGISSESSSSSSSEEEE FANCY CHINA! ies will La Grippe, etc. Hence ventics. for feverish 48 Preventics 25 cents. ‘Trial Bets, Sold a the Public Drug Store. eather during July and August facilitated srork ‘on the con- struction of the C, P, R. branch from pinvecd: and a good deal of the heay- been finished, Five cae of the track out from Linwood were gra 0) ve section would begin this ag ak: Tt will, how- ever, be probably a pie or six weeks yet before they will be able to lay the steel at the Listowel end of the ranch, It is expected that trains will be running over the line before the end of the year, At the last meeting of the Trades and Labor Council a committee was str AES announce the far‘above the aver ly in the barn, a sapere for the statement that the yield will be the b package. Public Drug Store, some other plac adyantages are well. Free mail delivery was inaugurated in Berlin on ‘Tuesday, There are five rots, one with three deliveries daily, one wi three sits fw telly ates att partial two deliverles daily, and oe d Mrs. James J. Mason, of -|to Mr. George H. ee. of Toron- The marr- fage will take placé this mont The yield of fall wheat this year is ge in twelve years, ardly average 50 per cent of ae years Barley is righ |fair but the turnip crop is likely to be tla poor one on ee nt of the louse which is getting in its work quite sci- f the Governor-General, and is _at|sutin, lly t aS one the property of Sonor eae cally this dig letWece + Chiesley On cee last on one of the local soetarmnicl was pretty well crowded, couple were looking for reaching a quarter where aire was a little room to spare the young man remarked to his bashful companion, “Don’t you think we d Jack thought they might, —Pr Sct Times. all pains can be prompt andae blood pee at the mee Dr. Shoop’s Tread: blood pressure, and acine, Wis., and BF Large box 25 cts. at the For a village which has got som hard knocks of lato Wellesley is hold. ing out in gratifying style. values and Propert: rentals are steady, build- ing operations = fairly lively, while with much. greater Wellesley’s business is built * | sizes sold by. all dealers. Pain anywhere, pain in the head, |‘ painful periods, neuralgia, toothache, ah canlGie Sa equalize ats un-| 5, natural mediately departs. Write doing nearly so| was The Orillia Packet says: ‘‘Goderich has two of the best loca! papers in |a—papers wort thous- ands of dollars annually to the best ee of the town. And yet pe 1 has this year passed thes pagers by and handed the: printing oe the yoters’ lists over to a job cause of a trifling differen me would hardly expect a town like Goderich to choose councillors so lank: ing in good sense—and, indeed, gratitude as well. During the past week the whole surrounding country from tremely from by the excessive drouth of the sum- mer and the prevailing high winds. During the day the atmosphere is hazy with smoke and at night the lurid ap- pearance of the sky in different direc- tions indicat reity of wate produet wiil be very small as compared to other gat SSE NES, The Deaf made to Hear. Deafness because usually due Catarrh, is quite curable, pr the ear, the soothing vapor of Catarrh- ozone relieves the inflammation, de- stroys the seeds of Gaiscrl ane thereby allows nature to re assist herself, ‘Try and $1.00 Catarrhozone yourself, 25e “Toney” goes Free. Antonio Beltram, an an Italian who was working on tl Honor Judge Doyle Honor holding that there y cient evidence to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the wound was inflicted by The Crown Attorney W. ©, Proudfoot, K C., The trouble took place on the 6th of August, and it ap- eats beer had been pretty freely indul- din, “Toney” himself owning up to w La me * a x ca x n| # # Ea # a # # # x > Ea > * Years, Py x # # a Ea # # # ea # # # x Ea a # # # x * x # a # >» * # * SENN IE SMS NEE SL a AME a A aM Se aie aM aM Se x % % C.R.Honderich & Son : . a Furniture Dealers and Undertakers « R q x a E Bedroom —————$<$<—___ a ry x Furniture! ~ } urnl ure | : ; a x Suitable furniture for the chamber is one of a our proudest specialties. We have the prices. _ _Come and see them, everything marked in a “plain figures. a x We ask you to come to this store for Furni- 4 ture, because we believe you will get the J kind you want. 1 Our stock includes all those prices that ap- peal to good taste on account of their design finish, character and richness. We can show you the newest ideas and the most popular furniture for the home that can be found in the county. New designs in Iron and Brass Beds now on display. Goods delivered free. C.R.Honderich & Son The Big House - Milverton, Ont. AICI I ISTE I ICAI Ale Ale the Ah he he Ae eA NE a a ht a ak DSS ESAS ISAS AS AS PRS AS AS AS AS TS AS TS IN TS IS IS TS IR IS TS TS IS OS, Le PS AS AY AS ANAS AS AY IS SEN AS AS AN AS TS AS AS BS IS IS TS TN aid Toney 4 a his hand which disappeared during the tussle, and His Honor thought there was jase a poseibiltty that the ring migl have' been broken and in some way inflic- ted the injury complained of. " Other ways tn which the injury mii : been caused were suggested and the pris- enefit of the doubt al let go with a warning.—Goderich Sentinel, This case upon a sound financial basis; it is the in the interests of society should be appealed. g foreigners altogether too —We have a large and up to-date stock of Fancy China, which we wish to reduce, and are offering it AT A DISCOUNT ‘OF 20 PER CENT. for the next thirty days. If you are in need of anything in this line, call and see what we have. we will be pleased to show it. ; ESSESEESESESSSESSSSGs Jacob Kelterborn 2s eh bead cad al the adhe ad g ge 3 ; SISHSSSSSSS SSIS SSSSSSSSSSS Western Fair = The Exhibition the People all Like to Attend EXHIBITORS AND VISITORS FIND IT PROFITABLE TO GO KNABENSHUE’S AIRSHIP daily, : and a full list of Attractions, with plenty of Music. Fireworks after programme ing with that grand display “THE SIEGE OF each Seas conclud- GIBRALTER” eae Send to the see for Prize Lists, Programmes, id all information. W. J. REID, President. REDUCED RATES 2% ALL RAILROADS A, M. HUNT, Secretary. LONDON, SEPT. 6th to 14th ouncil chamber on Monday evening, but did Mat i among rere: lent to use the knife in.a row and. i hee that when it gets railway con-| *a0es and magistrates are going to 1 nection it will jump into Ey high place | them off with a warning itis quite possi- in population, peace and im-|ble that men attacked will resort t portanve in the ounty.— Wellesley | means of defence that are not in ac le Leaf. ance with the law of the lan Stomach seoale Heart hd Kid- can be quickly correct- ed with a prescription known to drug- gists everywhere as Dr. Shoop’s Res- Bs E 8 - stomach, causing dyspepsia, a weak heart with palpitation or intermittent pulse, always means weak Suma nerves or weal sthen these inside or controlling ser ith Dr. Shoop’s Restorative and is certainly worth ae eee trial, Sold by the Public Dru, In the State of Goce the two y, fare law is admit ccess so far, EXCURSION TO GODERICH THURSDAY, SEPf. 12th, 1907 OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE GUELPH AND GODERICH RAILWAY THREE SPECIAL TRAINS FROM GUELPH Among the attractions arranged for the entertainment of visitors are TRIPS UPON LAKE HURON on the BIG NEW STEEL STEAMER Typewriter Bargains We are agents for second-hand Typewriters of all makes, ranging in price from a few dollars up to $85. If you need a. good re-built type- writer, consult us, -: We also rent machines. M. MacBETH, ~< Milverton Greater Than Ever! Ghe Mornington FALL FAIR at MILVERTON on Single Fare: x SEPT. 26 and 27,07 GREYHOUND Beegrld 3, We ner coe a Hient Baud, of Goderich, for the evening tr For time of trains oo ral train will leave Goderic of the steai THE MOON LICHT THLE The Greyhound will run an excursi amer. fro} ion from Det: > seavin: ing Goderich Saturday, Septemb trains from Guelph and Stratfor 8 despite the gloomy: forebodings of the railwa; Since it h of the White Sele ee ‘The Gualpir Band will fucnieh susie for the aRernoon trip and the 8rd. Regi- aif ny advertising, and don't forget the last troit to Goderich and return, Detroit Wednesday morning, September 11th, and, returning, leav- er 14th, “at noon, after the arrival of morning on G. T. R. and C. P. R. SPEEDING G CONTESTS: é M. MacBeth Sisourist ey 60 35's 10.00 Secretary Green Trot or Pi Purse $50.00 SSS jist $25, 3nd 318, 3rd $10, Open Run, half mile Parse $50.00 | J. Hamilton President it $25, 2nd S18, 3rd $10. Write for premium list for cheapening of transportation has had the same effect on travel that the © pen- ny postage had on the mail servic It is reported that. the receipts of rail- ways have increased two thousand doles adayin Kansas City while in St. Louis the number of passengers cased is as large as during the Exhi- iti will continue to increase as pbente ecome accustomed to its advan- tages. e number of those who travel for business reasons, or other Sac ee The Sun... FOR US Se ee ..Job Printing = make a journey merely to take advantage of the low fares. However that may be, it is eon thai EXCURSION » GODERICH: / MIA GC. P. R. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th, 1907 . There will be a grand demonstration at Goderich celebrating the opening of I; ‘he the road. Arrangements are being made for short trips out on the lake. Goderich at night. Pe See A.united band concert will be held in Agricultural Park in the evening. Ad-|“e Fine Tailoring de mission 15 cents. oe a a. % . < i ours—that can defy the reflection of mirror or of friend. _ Fit, finish Three special trains of forty first-class cars have been chartered for the occasion | ef» i ry style proper curves youre oa ohn sa emphae mene i S Buse Bs and will. teave Goderich after the hand concert. ea hidden or increased trade; and their iert ‘any other The fare to Goderich and return from the following stations will be : fe wy get it but to suit each individual cistomer Here’s your chance, = Se a WALLENSTEIN..... < ee = (2 J. Kelterborn, te taior ; 55, 9 2 50 ee RESELL EE EEEAA AEE EEE EEE ETS 4 E meeting will be held in the Park which will be addressed by C. P. R. officals and other Prominent ‘men. A banquet wilkbe tendered by the town of pr tad laa lath tata i * See Yourself + as Others + See You... and you’ll soon knowif your eo tailor has doné his work well or ill. It takes skill, taste, and long experience to turn outsuch . . C a c a a a a a a a E a a a a :. a a a a * Hi he Se oh he Be Bee Fe fete Bee he Be ee HER