H. M. SCHAEFER @ issuer or @ Marriage Licenses Everything Confidential MILVERTON, - ONTARIO “It Shines For All.” W, ik. LOT Ft Marriage Licenses MILVERTON “ISSUER OF...... Strictly Confidential + ONTARIO Vol. XVI—No. 35 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1907, Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher The Sovereign Bank of Canada HEAD OFFICE = Paid Up Capital: Job Printing cal ee : Look over your stock and see i you don’t need some printing done, such as... Bill Heads, BOARD OF Dif agg z 2u1Livs A aciee Esq., RANDOLPH MACDONALD, Ber. Tee Vee aed A. A. ALLAN, Esq., Second Vice-President Hon. 1. Hon, PETER MCLAREN, Letter Heads, Axcy, CAMPBELL, Esq., M.P. W. K. McNaveut, Esq., M.P, d: A. ENT, MP. ALEX. Bruck, Esq., K.C, Note Heads, SG Hamar ee ee Envelopes, Etc. General-, Miniger, ae ‘basta - Manager. If you do, don’t send it out of town, but to... The Sun Savings Bank De Department. Interest at best current cite pee auarterlys MILVERTON BRANCH, MILLBANK BRANCH, nager wn, i nae Mancaer HEEEEE ESSE EER * LOCAL NEWS REEEEEEEEE PER Reduced prices on Slektes ringers at Finkbeiner’s Hardw: arbara Grose is at present visiting frienés da See R. Miller’s ae column re meats for fair and Mrs. Geo. Wilhelm spent ee Haye la eines “and Her last week. The number of entries for the fair |? as we go to press is quite up tothat of any previous year. oat! in another lays fr. and Mrs. Win. Hartmier spent uinday wiith Mr, and Toshia Aion. of TDrpigiidce, The Grand Stand on the Fau ground ha and is nh everhavled free 10 i Vigiters 0! PNE7, *. +. Pe BPE EN *. eee +. Cie | r t .. oe ee ee Ot Oe BR ee eT ee er ee 4 store. COME AND LOOK AND THEN BUY AT YOUR PLEASURE During our business experience in Milverton, we have endeavored to treat every man, woman and child fairly and we feel confident that this invitation will be cordially received and accepted by everyone visiting the fair. The freedom of the store is yours, and our display.of New Fall Goods, especially Furs, Mantles, Millinery, Dress Goods, Men’s and Boy's Clothing, Ete. will amply repay you for the time spent in making a \ : Millinery Opening Thursday, Friday and Saturday MISS HUNT is in charge. We want you to favor us with a call. We will expect you. SCHAEFER & WHALEY j LALLA EH B 4 4 4 # 4 4 4 PE 4 Fe E P 4 4 ES Pe # “3 * Ee # 4 * < FE 4 E 4 4 # 4 4 4 4 4 ES F 4 4 E FE 4 4 cr. 3 ¥ 4 4 4 4 * + FE FE FE F 4 a 4 4 FE 4 4 4 4 4 F FE # 4 4 3 ee drug ., | ‘The Listowel Cheese Board at their 4 Trophy , | National Exhibition, the third time in sucecession, thus becoming per- manent owners. ‘The fall fate is held for the public & | good ; and while o-ganization is ne-- 3 |cessary to GAnMES details: thespebsls will make the show. The object con- the symp and endorsement 0} the people but should rece the e |hearty co-operation and active aid of every = citizen. . Davies, publisher of the Mitchell antes was on up & | residence in ihe eee ne recently 4 purchased by Mr. Davi: Mornington farmer on Monday Hasenp- was brought before Reeve 4 country firs, on ne stant Soe bit.” This paper of a wider aneatinns span" Standen at the meeting it will ee, in are + |thusiastie and instructive ee The mi meeti we ing then closed with. the in the National, Anthem, : 2 ereditors that owing to the stringen- and raisi sass Saat pala ne ee on hand Pou oe hall tak Fair ee concert may be seen at post o: Wrelekt and tie Tee ie please ee at the Sun office. Finder Mrs. L. E. Pfeffer visited fr tends i in Tavistock during the past wee Moyer ationded the at Wat last 3 Mamie ee of Glencoe, is spending wher holidays at her home in Milverton e will ae this week special: low are on all galvanized pails. Fink- beiner’s Hardw. VPA. Rev. F. convention week. Hear Harry M. Bennett, the great comedian and character singer, in Cook's Hall on Fair Night. Rev. N, D. MeKinnoa is at T o this wel! attending the post cnt Gate cunteene dee ete college. Miss Bartha May Crawford, [oron~ to’s tavauae soprano, has been sunt whistl> did not blow until rain was almost upon them. hereby desire to state to our y of the money market’ that we Want all’ outateudiug areoants paid whe ob Inbsrost? wlll that stand loager than 0 have to accounts business. Pfof 2t adley, C. agent at be anes tainted on the tenutltal hanging pais ot Bey vrs rounding it. Mr. senily married to Miss Mabel Uren, of Ingersoll, and the bringing of his bride to Elmira, no doubt, muel ienehia making: his enemas ings ak heme aoe station as bright al saa ehertil at poltble . P, R. in the list seventeen st time unill the late lamn- ieslaent on Caledon Mountain. singl> Denso er killed is thei flattering i= substantially built cars, uniil. the ae aeeldent prevented any pajsen- er being killed. ‘The Presbytery of Stratford are boldiig Surdty Se 00 Tn ing whieh will be held on Sept. 80th sll. compre: ERS EMMA Bohol aE | Milverton, Wellesley, Listowel, New- | ton. Millbank, ne 8 ea da . THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1867 B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manage: A 3. IRELAND, Gapeclateaint of ogee Capital, $10,000,000 Total Assets, - 113,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED FARMERS’ BANKING Ev: sepility afforded Farmers for their bankin; ery. SL is Notes cashed or taken for collection BANKING BY MAIL.—Deposits may be made or withdrgaly by mail. Oui t-of-town accounts receive every attentio: Bits » MAYNARD, Manager, STRATFORD BRANCH SERRE, A Bank which has conducted a conserya= tive business since 1872, and has steadily increased its assets until they now amount to over thirty-two million dollars, is surely a safe institution to be entrusted with your BANK OF HAMILTON MILVERTON BRANCH ‘i R..J._RANNEY, Manager Rey. H. Dierlamm, of North East- Dice 6 gs bdr chk AGT ear ar ST OP RETO CS PR 1 , of x 5 ‘s Hestesfente stesfentestestectestententestententestentectestontentestestectostestentestestentestetentestertenteeters | hop: upied the pulpit of the Ey-|$¢ for the wir Night concer by #& [angelical caurch on Sunday evening. x #%| Cll and get a piece of our job Tot Fics ; Bee village Se country ~ of enamel ware, Less than halt our | 4s! ing wor Be S #$lregular price. ,Finkbeiner’s ein d= couipeay nee ORR Oren + #& | ware. . Mr, Louis Wright of the | Owen £ BE [on ating foe consent etn BO, tll spent shale = e e er-j “ r & THE + SATISFACTORY + STORE az | (ond ihe wedding of his brother-In- |Win eae + 4] For Quality Send Quantity, ask | ,GlANT {TRIPLETS | “Currency, ” ES your dealer for the new big as gs of Bobs” and “Stag” Chewing Tobai + | S| Bons stae and rreney””/co% in big plugs. Quality always ae Chewing ota cele t < e @ @ e @ 2 ‘ i track has been put in ft 66 99 Miby Crawford ane Tele soprancit, better condition than: it has been for savi ok 4&/has a delightful voice of grea’ aauae, aes and splendid gaces are expect- avings. + X 1 aE rs ee tds RY [en ge gi x z= 5 6 Mr. L. oe Holmes, of the Mooney ef ree ae Pee en NMMPETS OF le nowt dy Binktiord. piene Setae te #H the Fair Night concert programme day a, eee eval his sister, 4B |" lthout enco.es. ‘This should afford jyry. Trarry Spe B: Z BS plenty of entertainmont. pees + *}| Miss Ella Smith left on ‘Tuesday Revs N23. Sen A ae la = We would be pleased 2 | io. Kincardine ‘where sh eee at Cibo ‘ + if every visitor to the fair tan the wed of her find, Miss | meet Bishop Ingram, of oe ee Fe a od j SP.) Spev. F Meyer teaves today: hurs- 83 Clara Honder left cS would favor us witha call. 3 | Friston to attend tke tuners mhosaay ast for Gue Ih where sh aoe A #& [al of Rey. L. Wagner, late pastor of f oo We do not invite you just Flin range DCRseh aE RERWEL, mesic | So nee at the ‘ MacDonald aaa wea BRET 3 = a tel ieines of all Kinds a s to sell you goods—not at 2 oe re woe ane wants Mr. E. Arnolde Websier’s illustrat-|Mohr’s gro Il b |The Flower if Empire” at Listowel (4 80988 make. a diy ah ea not fail a pears Heoee MoUs bof all. last Patrons Siento: oni Piereeraade: wee tan ae nig) Od rid: " i ‘air Night, Bot 2 Miss ‘Laura Goetz spent Sunday + For the past few months *$| _ special train will run from Btrat- as returced f 0m at her home in Linwood, s ; 5 + |ford to Milverton on Friday, eas a Dushibat: rip. tothe West We tank fe eae tains of Monday and Tues- = we have been improving P7th Jeaving Stratford at 12.80 p.|dorstand that ho hue placed a large} day betoken the approach of fall. We hi b AY US0G meee leaving lilverton number of orders for goods to be d2-| Mrs, W. F. Finkbeiner and daugh- Sd our store. e€ have been . pte ae ae Be ea aa livered this fill and winter. ior, Hazel, spent Sunday with ricadi & . -| Mr. a Fae n eg Re r, in W. :, searching the best markets _g |tamity removed to Toronto on Tucs-| vhttc on Soule te the cooreniinn atl Ae: John. -Pfetfor @nd Afra. ¥ e br lay. Mr. Yost was a good vitizen|iie young P A “ s brahiictimebe os : ne 4 ere rer e @ People’s Alliance of the |Siegner spent past week with < for the choice things in ars shearer: in his new |evangelical church — 1 orion | eeenes Iman len > > cin spent a day in the village last week Hatniites gaa deuskt i . | Hear Harry 25s on Fair Night |renewing acquaintances. Tor & shy te hgh oan SND. Pa F ac dtipenaer’ Mtetninth pndesnuste, Hs Alice, attended the Weber-McLaugh- os urs carries with. him a ‘eunle full of fun- a vs tory ee at Gowanstown on Wed- nieaor Fauyconstumes Stinny nib North | Grey at a meeting of ae ‘Aiber= nesda; + i clog i nad Gienpetriss os Ee TRieae he Messrs, Knechtel & Smith have in % ho iaff of engine>rs have | was ap) jointed eador of tl fouls stock the finest line of fall suitings fae i e h Milverton. Call and Pd Piretaned (oe Blyth where ave |itoa, McKay accepted pending shoes Loa a ech naih act s aia p Beee rat eae Seapets autl 100 TB ‘atiea tion of the riding associa- | “NOO8® @ sult. x any ake Milverton permanent head- ‘ge number of reserved seat $ 1 inery arters until the line from Linwo fickers fave “oleae ceo ould. tee s 4 oi are i been completed, tf aes dead brty unis ap ete the Fair Night Saat Choose éarly ° e ‘urrants, Blac’s-| if you want a ¢ Pd - oss has purchased @|herrjes, Grapes and Raspborries in se Clothing, Etc. bs biaeknth Sie at St. Mary’s and |Canada, also a complete asso:tment ‘s. W. J. Fair left for her Jome mpved is family there on Wednesday | of f.uii and ornamental trees and|in Manitoba o1 Wednesday after vie Fee a 2 Be. fre eee SS shrubs. Write u placing iting for three months with her bro- fo i . as he was A a r. Geol and now while our stock held in very high esteem as a citizen. |Jyne eye Weegee wanted at Ae Pa cap saiat: 4 : Lid, Rid SO ats und.—On Saturday last in Mil- s is complete, we ask you 3] Trial fede e Sie Vee ao eta ora: verton a Dawe bit Ome wmayhane ‘ Bl ohody: Macnis Wie tee ee and Mrs, Fred. Reid, of Ggie-| same by proving property after ap- 4 to give us the pleasure of irene to the people without ne @ on their honeymoon thip| plying to D. Pugh, Milverton. - . . enny’s cost: t value of thi ina buggy by a G.. TLR, 6 showing you through Mil- # |scientitic prescription known to drug. ee a ee fet Sauna, cachudleseah veka ‘ eitOTS lacueet ance bees gists a noob acs e ota ec Spee ote also act in the napus: ot judge ‘at 3 verton g tarth Remedy. Sold by the Publje e fie, Denyton) fain on /Wedlestag Miss Ethel McNaught, the young ‘locutionist is rapidly coming to the front asa delineater of character. Hear her on. Fair Night, Sept. 27h. Mrs, David Merklinger, of Milver- on, and Mrs, Andrew Lillian, are — spel nang with friends in weeks Port Huron, Mrs. Ducklow and daughier, Miss Edna, are spending a fow days this week in Listowel attending the Dis- riot School and Epworth League Conventions. ‘We are prepared to buy any quan- tity of live or dressed poultry, foi 8: Fashionable Wedding at Burns large house wedding took place einer abo esidence ut five o’clock ai the on m Gray. One hanged o vente wiitnesse cere~ ma wich was performed by Rey. er orth Mornington Pres- pre- Ln: Ay Milver- ent fon Brant‘o, Gs as Bee Goderi rns. he eee o-med in e drawing r 3 green and a: id.on was given away by her father and was gowned in white silk mull with conventional veil and carried cquet of white roses aiden hair fern, ‘The bridesmaid was Miss The weddin: the evening was spent in musit and daneing The wedding gifts were numerous costly, showing the high esteem and | jee a) mui Messrs. Will and John vi as in the Woodsto:k fair last we Girls Wanted, Steady, work. Apply to J. G, Grosch Felt Shoe Co. Mis Louisa Sutter, : of wood, spent Stan with her satan Miss Phoebe Mrs fre Klenck, of Berlin, isat present visiting friends in Milver- iton and Brunner. Willie Hasenpflug, of ees water, is. at present visiting at his home in Milverton Order will be garantood for the Fair Night concer urbances will be summarily dealt ‘wi ith inn Irving, of Innerkip,, is spending vis shelley this week with his ei o# (Okim-and tr, an Mri He Shae and daughter, Annie and Miss Maggie Yeurs re turned nding sever- al weeks with friends in Durham and Hopeville. Why Should ays; Exhibit ? wes following paper was rea 4, (Dr) Parker at the last mae Ssosliak er was “reaueste ca eo ea ne publish: The 8 nabyeoe for discussion this af- ternoon, show re. Ox hibit at the faint’ ie one that admits iz! =e a apts Chace td tee eons from. yeuy'ta-year by these annual expositions, In answer to the question then, should we exhibit at the fair? dons ovehard) factory, ofs:, are to: b found ‘al utcome oe. careful tnd 01 which we pay highest prices. Now 0) = is the time to sell your poultry if} Im ihis way the at ic are permit~ you want best prices.——C. A. Fink-| ted to see and compare the, very bost beiner, merchan' that is produc o date in all _the productive callings of. life. In this een AS Are help Dbt onrrysaway from such exhibitions ejther an in- srenscd Knowle to pleas better in the future then in ¢ or am inereased sto gither @nformation which will ebebla vs to excell in Ning like that whi 2 8° OF people accomplis’~ ing. he child learns by compar- sior. © He walks because. he sees oihers walk. He learns t0 fear fire by being burnt and so all through © more we discover for oursel- it that which others have discovered the greater becomes ur stovehouse of knowledge. bi considered, Japan ier: os i pro; zress' Sais ea ih and all this cee ie hes seen. tke Sseieke of s ae saries: all_ pr ressive countries *o abs sin all dd science and _ with those motherland._ ei suasee and. y what our am ‘airs 5 We are aske to San our pr oducts on exhibition is is the secret of t] anc Glaser tie ‘tional _Snstitations ees mantis.