‘ Lumber Yard Business For Sale! Doing a fair trade, with sacapy Cement and Coal in connection. Apply Cc. G. ERB, Brnnner. The Larmour School —oF— Telegraphy and Railway Instruction New Mei ee Paes cote Situations without de! prea orvite for eae giving full information. R. LARMOUR Principal and Instructor Stratford, Ont. Sale of wee Debentures. under- eign ast Drain. $852.00; Di in Improve: of Morhiagton, “Farm for Ss Sale HAT PARCEL OF LAND being the west half of lot 17, con. 4, Mornington, con- sistigagof 100 a here are Seat gaad bneb; tie feet of tae acre Da ; farn¥is {aa good state of editivation. ‘There are about 50 acres under the rest is use ods ew tabling adernenth New driving shed 24x40. Possession givin; anytime, Bor further particulars “apply. t0 JOHN M, ROPP, Poole. (tfn.) May 30th, 1907. Court of Revision of Voters’ List, Township of Ellice JUBLIC NOTIC) reby given that a ee atk be boa garkanae totes Oo Pe ee he Br sis Honns the ofthe County Court of the County of Mipeirciike'e HALL, ROSTOCK, On the 28th day of September 1907, at 10 o'clock, to heageand determine comp! “GTalesions in the Voter Binicipaticy All parties ‘interested Twill Kindly. govern ints of errors List of the ably from others, the chimney. at the same time. to us for Free Booklet. J. ROTHAERMEL & SO une S$. LOCKIE, Ppent But the arrangement of the Pandora flues differs consider- They are so constructed that the draft for baking is also the best for cooking, the heat circulating around the oven twice and under every pot hole before passing up The Pandora bakes and cooks perfectly Do you know of another range that does? If your local peal does not sell the Pandora write direct M‘Clarys London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. John Milverton Newton Agents, - ; iy; E HUM ONT. ft Be in any Comm Shorthand -aph hool in the Province. Weits far obe fees o logue and get fell part ELLioTT & MCLACHLAN, PRINCIPALS. Business Cards Dentistry. R, R, LEDERMAN, Dentist, Lic- ‘tiate of Dental Surgery an of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of ntario, Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- versity. Crown and Wiles work aSpec- ialty. alieake Royereign Haake Miettgat Eo ce CHOOL Siiors OE $2 |. themselves accordingly. JU pebiited at Rostock this 12th day ot septa 1907. In the Surrogate Court of the County o of Perth. In oe estate of John I Freeborn, late of e Tow! alin of Mornington in the Saat of Perth, Province of Ontar- io, gentleman, deceased, NOtmce Is HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Hig Revised Statutes of Ontario (1897) Chap. 129, Sec. in 8, and A: February, ‘1908 “are "post prepaid or délive Preeborn and John che ‘will of the sad iptio: ‘their Haitee with particu of the securities Cif. held by them duly verified. sed’s estates among the parties en- thereto, having regard only to the ice © Dated at Freevorp, Ontario, this 21st day of August, 1907. HENRY FREEBORN, JOHN McK NAL uitors, {| As school. will be opening in about 3 weeks, we call your attention to the fact that we havein stock a splendid line of the best shoes for boys and girls in Dongola, Box Calf and Grain. Just the thing for hard wear. -:- Call in Hs He and see our lines, -:- = WM. ZIMMERMAN he Shoeman Medical. 'ARKER, M.D.C, Grad- nate and Gold Metals ‘Tein Medical ge, also Gold and = Medalist, to ose Store, Bronner, Moserville and Ros Shee ADAMS, sucsessor to Office in Pfaft’s block. Calls ans- wered day or night from office. Legai Telephone sel with Poole | ., ‘ock. wl Brun- | 8oci ' The, Milverton Sun THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2907 GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES estimated that Huron’s apple erop will run 300,000 barrels. “A man is liable not to get much credit in this world,” said Unele Even you's prosperous dey’ll mos? like. ly say y TARR Gane: aw if you’s unprosperous dey’ll you didn’t hab much of either.” now. being asked for hay on the, mar- famine prices before is reaped.—Guelph Mercury. Catarrh treatments are be- ing mailed o1 - 8) Catarrh Seid ie 4 Ge Drug Stor e probability of receipts running below demand, A. physician was recently ealled to his telephor a colored. woman formerly in. Pie Gocvioa Uf his wife. In great agitation the darkey advis- Id was seoma to be the trou tf “What let? asked the she done swallowed a oon "bottle. ‘of ink! I'll be a short while to se dico. meantime done anything for her?” “4 her said the Pain painful h negres3 doubifally.” anywhere, periods, » pain in the Bags ped by a thoroughly safe. little pink Candy Tablet, known by drug) everywhere as Dr. Shoop’s ach2 tablets. gestion, undue bl Ae + ood: pressure at the point pain exists. Dr.Shoop’s Headache Tablets quickly equalize | this unatural blood pressure, and pain immediately departs. Write rr. Shoop, See Boe : get a free trial Large box 25ets. a the Publics Drug Store. Up at Goderich where pagple with social sGiahous tu over them- elves to be Sate: and here the proudest and happiest an @ one who has evolved a new scheme, a shocking thing hap- pen ned recently. One o bring something she could not find ing use for, stil hrow away. The party would have been : Baik sucess but for the unlooked MORPHY & CARTHEW, Hessltterty Solicitors, Ete. Solicitors for jank H. B, MORPHY, J. M, CARTHEW, Veterinary. W. BARR, Veterinary Surgeo: Milverton, Graduate of Ontario Veterin:| -y College, Toronto. ‘Treat bier of Homerticated animals. Calls by’ tele: pho enied' to. Silverware In The Surrogate Court of the Coyaty of Perth. In the Estate of Simon Fewings, late of the Township of Mornington in the County of Perth, Province of Ontario, Farmer, deceased. N° the revised Statutes of Ontario, (1897) , See. 38, an perme eee that quested to send by post pre to the undersig rea a ith partic- sities Gf any) held by them ‘And notices further given that after the sald last mentioned date the said executors eid Ucceased's eptate amony ti titled thereto, having. 1 sft only to. the claims of which they shall pers ersons, notice of Grioke clatmyehall aot have been received’ at ‘the time of such distribution. JOHN FEWINGS, Millbank, Executor. MERS, SARAH HY. Freeborn, Exeeutrix. *THIRZA FORD, Freeborn, Execui OTIQ@IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Have you seen our fine line of Silverware ? If not, you should call and inspect it before buying else- where, The price is the lowest. Jewelery We also have a fine display Hynes, 5 Stick Pins, Ete. Give us a Eyes testa Wee of charge. Societies. 99, Milverton, meets every second a last | month, at 8 o’clocl Rothasrmel- & Sox's hi Visiting brethren always welcome, W. D. Weir, C. R., 8, H. Pugh, Ree-Secy. 7.30 p. m. in their hall over Public. Dra, Store. en. come, lerman, N.G., Roby leaay AUR Secy. F., “Silver Star | 3 which broke it up. even the + nineteen women ought their husbands. occupy PestsioGes Many n of the responsibility hr s the genius will not hesitate to try his hand at the broom. w Catnegi: Stomach troubles, eer and Kid- ney ailments ean be quickly correct- with a Hreenaten known to d-ugzists every e De. ShOop’s Restorative. The prompt and_ sur- rising relief which this remedy im- mediately brings is entirely due to ra upon the con- trolling nerves of es eu: ete A stomach, ca’ dy ‘spep- sia, nerves. Sense Notary Public. W. D. WEIR, Notary rae Aue- tioneer for the Count; Perth and P. BASTENDORFF Jeweler - and =~ Optician Hotels. EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner, Ont. Sohn Gropp, Proprietor, Best liquors and cigars at tl irst-class ac- Dated at Millbank, Ont., this 6th day of Bept., 1907. at LOGE Synopsis of Cinailan North-West cHermsetead:! 1 Regulations Y even numberd section of Domin! Eandsin Mesitoba or the North. et AY Fat the loca ich the land Entry may be m whi ader desires, he Minister of’ the land ofice for the district in is situate, or if the homeste: the ‘ade personall ‘or him. ‘The homesteader is ei to. perform tie; conditions, connected therewith: under ‘one|of the follow! Bede sre Houta resldance’ joe, and Luitivation Of the land ta cach ‘year for ears. SNG) Wethe father (ot mother, if the father is deceased) of the ho a resides upon a farm in the vicinity of the land entered for require: fesido by suck person re or mother. : idence may be sat- (3) Ifthe settler has his permanent resi- | > dence upon farming land owned by him in einity Of Ils homestead, the, bropie sidence may, itisfied b; aid Las Besar notice. 14 writing should ‘be $2'the Commissioner 0 ee Eo iat OFtaied pOieteacion fo for eae) of the Minister of the tntértor Be your friends and acquainta: tthe, Morni ington. ‘fair. Soke ida, e ding with the father an ey stabling. A A FULL HAND MEANS LUCK in any game, and when it’s a handful from Our Fine Bakery some oue’s going to be mightily pleas- You of life Add to this delicious pies and cakes and I fe’s o1 rand sweet song. Have ht given ir bak trial yet? fection every day of the year. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil erton, First-class accommodation for commercial travellers and oth large som; ing. Best brands brands of lguors id cigars Chas. Ritter, Proprieto QUEEN’S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. ‘The best accommodation f travellers and others, ‘Two large sample rooms, Only the chdicest of Wines, Li- quors and Cigars at the bar. Good warm stables. George F, Pauli, Proprietor. G. T. R. Time Table. ‘Trains due to leave Milverton, GOING NORTH, GOING SoUTH. Express. ..9:22 a.m xpress .. 1:16 p.m C. P, R. Time Table | GOING WEST 8.41. MeNanght 7.59 . . Walton 7.49 . GOING East | F Be’ 6.41 a; with'Dr. Shoop’ Restorative and: see tell. this simple trial. Sold by lic Drug Warden out [West was walking abro.d the other diy when hunter with ‘a gun, ed that it ought to be tt ee inly is,” wT killed’ ove of the finest bucks sa terday I ever siw, an eighed over two munideed. Sete sea thie dole son when deer may not be shot without cube the hunter to a heavy fine. hat is a fine on said th ae oi de you Know oy talking to?” Being as- sured that he did not, the o’fi:er said apparently, much rel‘e 45 othe ite to the bigzest an He section ‘The three Lancaster _ brother: John, William and (Walter, wae Cake guilty of rioting at Wiarton each sentet need in Wiarton with the ate of haying th sentence sho;tened. i's who he same o> re easton, was. found, not da LF See high as $18 per 2,000 Ibs. is|°*” ed the physician that her youngest chil s hree pieces o’ bloitin’ paper, Boe | w Tr a simply means con- | It is pas sas eatea men should | ; a €land Butiernut, 25e. -|number of the Pub- |i ay me? | equally to mai -|pression, sleeplessness and Ts. Thom a was charged with, the Aving ti of Ph'lbert Gilbert on tI 0] was TT aaeEe ihe Mivarton. ine rath abwe a fil pak 4a 1800.4 for" one. olla: Hon. Geo. P. Graham, the new Minister of Railways Cani Hon. Wm. Pussy, eam fares of Public Wo each r.- Elected Uy aaclainaliae (ae Bake and St. Johns ‘on Wednesday last. With ncaly 159 acres next Russia with about an poli.eman siw a little he e put in jail. ‘All “Bu sker he ofiicer. “I don’t want to,” re~ plied the boy. “Dad's at lodge, ma’s t uchre party, Bud’s out walking with his girl, and sis is at the theatre with her beau. They left me zane the dog at home. T’ll go to To a a cold aviekly,get tom eyes druggists some little o andy old Tablts ealled Preve:t'cs dtuse ithe Weakly: Sin: jays eaneee ats eta here are now aiopensig tention 3i bomitoMe On Peaten for they are not only the question of hozs, it says,—'There | 8afe maaloudly: Abriallt and will be no glut inghe supply of hogs prompt. Preventies contain no. a in this province during the months [Aine .no laxative, nothing harsh or of September a sickening. Taken at the ‘st vents. S stage” Preventies will prevent pneu- Ty bleak by’ tha nia, bronchitis, elt ete, be hat] reere|Hence the name’ Preventics. Good onthe eomeyiat ie peter pease for feverish children, 48 Preventics, send of December indieations |25 cents, rial boxes, 8 cen! Sold the by the Public aS Lord Russell, a = jurist ‘once went to Scotland 2 Seip the “Russell; ‘or big- 8 3 pel ty imy?” “Two mothers-in-law,” ihe reply. Mr. Wm.. Coston, Mitchell, has been men on ihe job, and it took them teen minutes to dig Coston ae Gaft- ney wAtthough neither one. of them had an legs were very- badly bruise will be some time before they will ts able io return to work. PERSE 9D See A Cordial Jaytetion to Disease. o He every 8 get it in Dr. Hamilton's, pills Sontel inerease ret fads ivity, restore’ the bowels to perfect action and postiv- J ely cure costa and its atten- dant evils. on Hetaltions ville oi f Se. por bi To Oats in Priveremts ied ne oat crop is the safest grain, erop that ean be fed to live stock, says Prof. Shaw. “It an be fed to.a wid- er range of animals than any other grain. It is adapted to .a uses in ferding than any other grain, and is fed in mo make a splndi ae pregnant, given any , alone, o> along with ee Fi ier than oats for swine that*are be- ing fattened.” KEEP YOUR NERVES STRONG. No Surer Roi to Il-Health Thaw Neglect of the nervous system : ministers n’s physical ‘as it con- © man’s: intelléstuil row tributes t t Modi! ify its” aniivity, we a Have various forms of hallucination, mental de- If you say a~man plies that his strong. uu say that a woman's nerves ‘m what is absolui- physicial * not effect the ner- Raver or sedatives which gives strength. Hohe tones anreHty sain! 1atiop ‘errozone imparts to the whole or- ganism, assures how long this condition has prevail- ed, use Ferrozone, and in a month you will liave eonvincing proot of it tonic and restorativ y safe e us Ul ng ‘errozzone cut by stimula- ion, but by. nourishing and. feet the nervous organization ‘ele ments lacks; try. in 5Qc. boxes by all druggists, - asssssesesss9sss SSSSSSS lron and Brass Beds and Cribs Iron Beds same as cut, 4 feet 6 inches wide, brass rods and knobs, heavy filling, regular $7 special for this fs 25 e week only, = If you are interested in cribs, look up this bargain, as shown in our display. This-Iron Crib is finished in white en- amel, with brass knobs, drop sides, 32” x 48”, filled with good woven spring, regular $8.35, RSP for this 6. 90 week only... A host of other Iron and Brass~Beds kept in stock. New designs. Call in and look over our line. C.R.Honderich & Son Furniture Dealers and Undertakers Ss SSSSSSS SSS SSIS SSSSSSSSSSS FANCY CHINA!: —We have a large and up:to-date stock of Fancy China, which we wish to reduce, and are offering it AT A DISCOUNT _ OF 20 PER CENT. for the next thirty days, If you are in need of anything in this line, call and see what we ave. we will be pleased to show it. Jacob Kelterborn SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ssssssssssssisessssssseses SSSSSSSSS PLEASES THE PEOPLE After all it is the consumer who must judge the flour and thereby make or break its reputation for superior quality and uniformity. JEWEL ~-.... as “the Flour that Pleases the People.” mendation could it have ? many years What better recom- other flour approaches “JEWEL FLOUR” in duality and reputation. Manufactured by . - - + Pfeffer Bros., Milverton Percone| Se ee & 4 E - 4 4 - ~ = 4 4 ¢ E g 2 E 4 4 - - C < LEE ELEEEEE EEE EEE ETE EES FITTING THE FIGURE : I a of every customer is 4 what*we do not do, 4g forcommon-senserea- 4 sons, because Nature 4j and one’s occupation 4 often destroy gracée- 4 ful lines. But we do 4 guarantee to putin all 4 the style and finish a c . * * a a * a also, and you can rest secure eee your garments will have an individuality that means distinction. Try us. J. Kelterborn, tie 2aior PEELE ELLE EEE SETS ONS y