Milverton Sun, 26 Sep 1907, p. 6

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CANADA'S TRADE RETURNS Increases and Decreases for First Five Months. A despatch from Ottawa says: trade figures of the Dominion for the ve months was $265,867,631. The imports totaled $165.723,630 and e ports of. the about two millions, ag- lbs and manufactures xporis their predate * decreased eid seven millions, forest exports decreased about ‘one million, and fisheries about three eth hs 2 conte gust the zi Phe Natal Bers collected being $5,871,337. NEW MILK REGULATIONS. They Will Form Basis for Future Regulations. despatzh from Toronto says work of drafting a se ion. !or nights of marshy or stagnant waler; rr and no chieken coo} part of those engaged. in the dairy busi ness is also to be insisted upo il GREAT FIRES IN RUSSIA. the Iusendiaries _ Destroying A despatch from Sb Si ek ae says: Turing past fires wave occurred oe in Province ot ‘Ni large aM “Ouneta. avgarod, yo ei “ tends to resign Bee UPATAL NEGLI OF DUTY. Fleyen Nae Killed and Twelve Hurt ‘ion. Boiler Explosion irom — Toluca, Lipa el A prosecution 1S; Crown ihe @_ Provinee ae Ore! aries io diseniistoction with ihe intended ne ny ‘ganization and agriculture, that he in- OPERATOR DRUNK ON DUTY. spatch from Oit awa: says gh instituted ~ by B. pencer, divisional superintendent of the Pacific Railw Ryan, an operator at Mill “being sent to jail ths for being under the infuence “of Tighe when on duly, It appears a couple age the station ae found the operator drunk, and omedtatgiy reported. the matler to headq nadian Thursday before a magistrate Kleck Hill en the sentence above The new law rovisions. against company is en- forsing it whevever “a. violation’ is ort geay eae ee FINED FOR SHORT TWINE, The Dominion oe Was Busy in the for-reaching results ct @ fine, it. actually cost. the com- pany $12,600 by heing forced to relag hat was is of the dealer . making were otter, cases somewhat similar, but this was the first, KILLED IN IN MINE. nil of ee eee Down the teh from oF filled witht men, A Marquette, A beng Howered inlo a mine 0. Michi, shail on, oeidg ay kiited ad a number injured. cident o ura aus steel cable broke and the ca seven hundred feet. The be fe Have Tee saven oUt une the ihe jured are being cared ‘for, rolling mill SEVERI E EARTH “SHOCKS. | exidseacieks (Nov ne | 8 lake por And Was Sentenced (0 Six Months In} § Prison. THE WORLD'S MARKETS REPORTS FROM. THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES. of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Other Dairy Produce at Home aud Abroad. Sept. rc A Prices 24. — Flour — “Ontario patents axon: in_buyers’ sacks outside Manitoba. first patenis and strong bakers’, Toronto, d a for export, to $4. was quie aes qavoled s at $1.05, Mi ee 81.0734, lake ports, and No. Ontario. wheat—No. 2 red winter and No. 2 while quoled at 90¢ at outside points. Barley—No. side, and Ne. 3 extra at fe 2 Onlario whité-oal are ee “at AGé outside. Manitoba 2 white are firmer at 50> lake ports, and No, 2 awhile cor is quoted Torontd. freighls, and is firm at $21 to $22 rls are quoted at ime 60. Ba ein ‘Ob Uns. ~ dressed, 14 to tbe g, alive, 10 to Ie; , alive, De; do, Poull per Ib dressed, car a Peace s—69 t THE DAIRY . AI eater St gee HOG PRODUCTS. ee hows in ent els ave , long ele tot nominal. c per tb in oe 6 $21; aor OK ate fedaee acon, 15% to 1 = 2c; tubs; 12,<¢; pails, AT MONTREAL. Grain—The _ de- yers for Manitoba prin, Wheat 9 tines to be quiel rrione. to. the Tocal. mabe for oats ‘sl fo a ‘or seconds, “etraight rele S, $42. to 40; extras. y Minis hee in Ags, shorls, $25 to $27 per ton; On! 2 per fon, and, straight grain, Provisions , 160 rrels mess beet, $10: Nall on lard, 10% ard, 10 12%; keltie- ber = The People of Son Bernardino, Cal., ee ol FROM ST. JOHN, Sede TO CHICAGO. Giond Triink Mas Longest Stretch of tinuous weve rack, A onda trom Lot ty about neve nes Trunk wit have completed Biretch of conlinuous double track in he re- |, Ont,, says: the Grand mence running be! ) work wae started siete i eight years ago. ——F STANDARD OWL PROFirs. fs Nearly Five unaed at in Seven Year ‘cord, A despatel ra ve York says: Pro- fe Ris aesregating $490, ae 934 were made ~ by the indard Oil pal in ey seven ta from 1899 ay 1906. Tes mony to ane ee was given by fant Comptroller Fi ts. Pedera Se: 100,701 ,6: This is the ‘asst time ‘the company’ 's eae have publ Were Badiy Frightened. A despatch from.San Bernardino, Cal- ifornia, sa: ee earthquake shock ut brought BBee Salen: ind onined A Heer shake-up inthe frrangaien's of quan households was experi lay evening. if ate SaRaRtAe the shock was most severe, Z greal ees ie sway as if w taped: by a mighty No serious damage was re- or Se MHEARTLESS MOTORISTS. They neat a Sra Horse but Gave atch on Sen Ont., wal king his leg on Wednesda ting His feet became entangled in tne ‘and he parly wheeled right ways wilhoul stopping to help the boy. MR. T. C. PATTERSON DEAD Was: ae of ae for Twenty- rs, A despatch tee te ee cee ai Thomas, C. FeNerSOD Pstnaster ‘of the Toronto, with al venue, at He was 7 years 6} d APAN WILL ivr Th “Ottawa's Request tor Less Emigration Will Be Refused. hold 2 as such an-agreement or teat would Dat ea “erst Laurter i confined to discussion seams 10 prevent ony tnfrlendly move. en toward Japs labo ee Subj to sessions. To conse 4 in Bi | a limitatioit cir en 3 limit i] an’s si she would: Trent US 8S a worl Pitss. Promising ae hams, 123% bacon, 1 to 15%e jo 153%4e; fr anal fares hogs, $9 to § Bu rownships, 2c: xi Cc ownships, 12%¢; Baslern, 12% ic. UNITED STATES MARKETS. oe it hard, _ Misi, Sepl:. 24.—Wheat—No. 1 rthern, $1.07 to $4.09; No. 2 Northern, 1.06; Dec., 99 R 1, No. 8; Se: sample, M046 No. 3, cash, 6/to 61%; Barle: car Dec., 56%C Minne, 81.05% Dee Flour—First ond patents, 85 to $5.1 $2.90 fo $4; second clears, eo HO lo $0201 Soe eee tt 81.05%; May, $1.09%4. nls, $5.20 ps ete bulk, $20.75 LIVE STOCK ies Toranlo, Sept. 24.Few heavy export 5.25, G from $4.60. to’ $4.90 quotations ranged $4.00 to $5.25 oy medium; ci mL i good to. cheiee. hee te _ pelectInitchers’ cattle, 60 to: $5.25; good* butchers’ cattle, St to $4.60; ‘common ani cows amd mixed lots, 50 per cavt Heavy feeders were aes dy at $4 to Little business was. benpeen in hich “sold from $2.7 a. 25 pi % xport ewes sold 0 to’ jogs were weak at~$6.12% for lects, and $5.8734 for lights and; fats. fs JAP. STEAMER BURN! Estimated one One Hundred uae i) saree A des; bu and | the Te lost, ade by the bear's heavy cla fo the Osaka Shosen. Kabah Keisha (cempany) of Gein, Japan. She is 999 feet long, } feet beant and draws. i 11% meet of we water, ‘BIG THING “FOR ENG ENGL. AND. Wy, Yarces of Wheat and’ es egal ne Be say: ientisis, y The after eight years’ reated varieties. h will surpass in 2 is quoted at 60c out- { g la Ja No. is eos is quoted at. $15 lot nif, | seme time, and had 5] pel in se. TWO YOUTHS MURDERED. Lrothers are Sk: ain While Pel on New Brunswich Border. A despatch from Woodstock, says: A double a in which two ys were shot oy companion while hunting “ the woods, took place «m Tuesday. afternoon in the woods on ‘The beys. all live N. B., r ole nae parties met in the woods limes, and each time the quarrels .be- tween them grew worse. was-as to the right o Lunt in te woods CU ally, his rifle pea the fence and. oi cd Fred Tardis to do the s toa then went: up to. ie latter and ized him b Oo wn ted ann is, who ed his un the bullet ‘piercing Down- g's lung and coming out at the shoul- ee blades ae ahopped’ dead -instant panting ‘hen an, when Guy red-at hi iking him on ot The head, the bull plowing through his brain and killing asta also. ‘The eee boys paieoManees aid wil bs ‘aigned xefore ‘the magistrate here taped boys were all about 17 or 1 tie top of it way. ‘TUBERCULOSIS IN PRIZE B The Eng‘ish Meat Supply Is Far From Wholesome. pa from London Si on-Bre ninent physician denounced what is Geseribed 6 as ihe prevalent. sree ing aoe sd, ave erers: there Ragen ene by in . i fi ere’ sce gence in alcohol and narcotics. He Siruck Her on the Mead With a k A despatch from SI F sts: WIN the artivel at one asylum here on Wednesday night of Honore eh: anata farmer of ka_ County, se a Last Su ena a hen ioe a ae unten 2 blow on the weed, ailing her Beau ae we and two Teen were present a me and di- ined: the: crazed. fother's cular but before they could disarm him’ the bleeding Dady of hid child was stretch: t. lieu, who is a ‘oung man, hed been loms. of insanity for pean kept under a se weaiat although he had not given of a homicidal tendency pre- e unbalancing of the man’s is altribuled to excessive wai business troul) Dishes othe ane a so of a vee ae Tang over Pes ee NEW REGIMENT mite GUARD CZAR. It Is to = Composed . Especially Seles cted_ Soldier A aespaleh from St. Pel ae Says : For the further protection of his own con Bvpemns Nails hae” oie the création of a new en of life ecially. selected ers soldiers drawn {rom regiments through- aut the entire i nal recomm monet of the: variou e held strictly responsible for K avior of intees. fhembers of lies mew vegtment will he mn indiv via, will be require anifested exceptional trustwor the ness and Aevalencae Sa De of the Imperial palace, AUGUST’S AWFUL RECORD, he police élatistics for the month of August record the carrying out of 31 sonletiens of aealh, tne aseasi nein al 309 Ss, of W 5OVE meu Mics aod 206 ers cilieaiss hail the wounding of 173 ae in various encounter: MAN AND BEAR FIGHT. A Thrilling Encounter in Little Bob CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS nd | member, immediately after being & HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER TUE GLOBE. Telegraph 1 Briefs From Gur Own and Other Countries of Recent ts. CANADA. onan Day has been fixed for e aign for Aci aa street cars wit he caanea ae t. cave of feeble mid womencania- girls: a R. Reid of G railway their balding Mrs. Fred. el were Killed ata whit Dunn. President of the $ Commercial Agency, sp oe ally. of. trade prospects Ontario Government will extend eS provisions of the succession dulies ch fo provide for a reciprocal arrange- meet ein olber Provinges, ih of August Canadian mee ae cammercia 350 Sats aie yiaenee d their 310,00 road He igual Atlorney-General, heen appointed’ to” the’ Suprem nt Bench of Saskatchewan, and N, K. C., to the Supreme Court PAIN. sities ae 5 colin Of Associa’ @ Chambers of ree of Liver- Beal, advocated State AWHeshp oteral roa UNITED STATES. Canad the 200 and 50) yards A negro woman in Weel Pbfiadeipnia turned while, and jow becoming black again. Teepe has an individual who mingles in theatre crowds inne ink oe fine dresses. lle weighin, pounds, and al ere hundred years old, was Cali near Hart's Island, N.Y 5 the new Plaza Hotel at Fifth Ave. in New Five persons, members of the set of Parhamites, are under arrest at Chicag oman to death, witch of finance, Al the: Ohio Peniten: where she is serving a ten-year foriw as hit, in_Willinmshorg -Hosplta, succeeded in curing at (olanus y the persis- jection of anti-toxin. From, mateti thrown ‘spon a fete Tent house ew York, re- Witty families doe lor bed in Suede ne. for the United States Virginia invenio restore life with his artif Otto Schultz and his wif children. were erushed, (0, death ali which blown down diving a slorm at Fort Wayne, Ind C Minaile Coney. oeEee a petition for divorce because she fone out thal her husband, whom she hud married the day before, wore false th, Jarry Robinson, a Salvation Army ruitted fo, jail-at Cannereville, Ind. ined Austin Ford, and brutally nother prisoner. he: italion beggar is practically ab- sent from the streets of New York city, ua rvation, when. ee two beggars ak ‘encountered in the “busi- ness seation, ne was an Italian Michael Hackett, a former New York inj skyscrapers and especialy the change in style of women’s dresses, GENERAL. sia. will spend — nineteen million adios in fortifications at Viadivostock Zealand’s ‘new. tariff aves, A a preference of from 10 to- 2 Thirty persons ate said to have been killed ih a wreck on the Mexican cand tral Railroad The French Government has hopes. Me ee rebellious he Moorish tribesmen by h ico, 1s retarding the negotiations ‘ Lak x despaleh jitont: Pelerbord—- says: William: Coons, a Kinmount: man, aueeeing expeuenteon Wee way heme in Beat pain: fed lambs were quoted at t e cent uesiy. ik Britain wt. Mich cows wore aehdy in price at} pear $60 each, i bac wee scans inate wale the atlack had evidently infuriated the -ani- ee ee —1— STILL ANOTHER DREADNOUGHT, Orders ee Set of ot 4 dat Portsmouth. lespatcl ae from Porlsmout plans of the ‘Adintrally vessel of the been. re A 4 land, ‘says: ie for a new a saree hos eo alas have 00 Tons Re- r ‘° permanent“ peace in Central ven Japanese. officers and eet t by an ex. Dlesan ‘Oh ae betUeship during target pees taking advantage of her. te- threal aS ed 40. sccupy North Persia un anarchy on the. frontier is suppr —»—. WEST NEED NEEDS. MORE P POLICE, Not Enough ae fc 3 ae Ge Demand for dy =A fence from Ottawa says: Li White, Compiraller of t ate North West Mounlod Bolicg, bas re for the establish- of ‘police posts. NS Spe —— BACHELORS, BEWARE! ‘Thousand Unmarried Women Sail for Ganada_on Baltic, aca from Liverpool aan The’ - of “marriageable T ees shooting at Roches- on T 0 aliildion he} Fut it may, also ed. ‘h from Toronto says: Gon: Ww Grimes and engineer held by avetar Malis rest, soon as the men were notified that they wee wanted, they surrend- ie * ‘ed thomselves at tee ‘ollie of Magis- cE dis the Coroner s | death Rae x immediately leased on bail. The nished $2,000 ditional security was given by. his bee ther, Ua rine, di also bend, eine R ober Cc. pobtnely ‘appeal red. ee ihe sca HEALTH PRECOCIOUS. CHILDREN. nthe ‘care of the grave problem case of site Who inherit or All those entruste e me ot the simple, who turally ee ot ils development a saree ely easy matter. bie ae the ae ily rstood, t par- for example, hait the See ot it of orker worth,” ut’ here. tee nee great ake, are several types of precocious siiiten, presenting varying degrees 11 xril to the training: s peril is greatly lessened. ‘hy a capacily lo classify the typés. e are cor. tain. chil children Fe hatled (iced the leyidnlactonver ring of. theif heredity, and then all concerne ing,of course ei ects do not pated lite by their elders, ! physical Spurs: molded into Sai metsy bya »persisten! folding back, There may nat be much wrong, wi ith the child who reads the ment. at four years o! ae it Eentaimyeecimething wrong witha he purents who let. bi ‘These a dis arc “tte mn eculil ‘ot great mental brilliance © phe nomena ‘enion tae developed al pa of all other Tentay faculties, the cally strong enough xhaust themselves an children should be made 1 hives, every effort Beln vd constitute, ir case, u shou'd be He as panat as. poss! ae os into ne caves f the bedy, or into oe is an ne term edema applied may be cloudy ei ever. milky, et it may int if the finger is pressed firmly o: for a moment a dey epresson, oe pil, will be caused, which will r = ray. ae the body, the fect and ankles if the peron is out of Led, either silting in hale ae avarking akout. This swening disappears during the night, she the patient is ard it st ed ny the removal ‘of the pull 6 ae it usually is associated with ad- vaneed a: ee of the heart or kidneys. occur’ when’ the blood hier 6 vier al poisonous: material with bl ak iney and nner: a ‘trend of ‘purple, aed sik, broetde. hi ‘esta- Ate different ee engaging eiutaren often are] P! 5 eto, and aller a briiant. childhood aecidealy grayish x country 1 ie is alimst scriepessiy In lal development lo s lying beneath the skin, r parts and tissues of the or- ie the abdominal Asie is called as- The fluid’ of dropsy is usually clear and of a pale amber color, although it Tan inch main for a time efter the finger is ther a Dropsy, begins in the dependent parts in bed, but returns evening of the following it increases so in amount throubh the night un: of due to a number cf contains some which. affects the lining of the minute arteries, and per. nu lis ‘@ leakage of flu The re he Soeai ~ of. suc which may be very aaae am * as edema of the larynx or of t ar ot the brain, but in general the “ooh ba ‘t_may be made to reduce: ae 5 neoesing a “scttion of fluid ex! ceaoaiael times a ee cavity and the fluid wed ty drain. —Youth’s Comp: ss — yr» AUTUMN COSTUMES. Among the advanced autumn styless None are more encouraging than the- tailored suils. In fact, in suits of all kinds simpli cily is the keynole, In cul, B in ae nee, if there happens to Hs 4 is the dominant tone of We- ee Suils nothing is so gas@ as Kk blue serge with killed. skavt. Hie sts Mited culaway jacket. It should be a rather rough serge net ico heey in weight, on accows a the Black Ge & greatly used for such sits. Afler jong absence it seems- ignites se nar ae ania s rival in popularity material: a Re show mixtures and green, and Trequently Spa ths, are, mented by a waistcoat. of handsome- e special novelty of the season ‘is,, ieee the combinati tion ee ‘soli Ded or” checked material, or peer e iighter= effect. t—but, above’ all a very pretly if they are not spoilad Betis a y the hanea that hecker-boa aids d awning stripes wilh Rito Bi have: been surfeited duri par K very stunning. ae? Was a very dark gray coat wilh t of almost invisible check in pate> waistcoat was in old bile of a tint. ‘This mixed: ae far, is only seen The rangement, wa ng sui skirt suits have fancy bps or Jeunty hip jackets, three-quarters, stil) Tonger es that almost reach the ed, we skirt. Bri all kinds, more especially. that ‘euesting the military, is very: SO ip tor Dont jowever, make the abst prmiounal ng this with the flat els ane very’ Pens einta with either’ hose” ae ins mat terial, a curious: ae the ee touch; ik eo one £ their very occasional appearance ab the present ‘moment. . g sleeves are used. in all tailor peculiar Jength is seen in. many e trimmed cous ithe haees ite ‘about Ss ol models, skirt-gores, seven and nine, fic wer THON epee “piece bias atin, (hough the latter are worn’ just as much, Bias bands, simulating a hem, ‘form f} the trimming in this case, Kilts of alt” ae Alepend entirely upon the wear- le only in walkin: ugths, Taneyery and tusk be fault eae fitled above the hip: E Sees ome =i said she thought it aml pe vi sant to be married ‘to ves man.’ me wand what did you ‘Sa Se wife?” “I told her that of course L didn’, now—1 hed ony bean m “Mrs. FATHER AND “Bodies Were Founc Other's Arms. Neya Scotia, 's: caseaenle in he ee of ee after sundown on’ ta eo ae eaea igs ofa far from their A despatch ee Harbor, ft the ne gly bor. As they did not Y peas ay NCENY aoe ies of cua : cient aes fu

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