Cough =e Never, ars neyer poison yourlungs. cough—2ven from a simple cold only always heal, soothe, ritated bron= ehial tubes. Stiga fying pol t how so1 ison Miy come about. For twety years as cot ¥_wamed people not to i ‘on having Dr. Shoop's (Dr, Shop's it must by t's not only safer but ki ‘and others, should insist re. noo Pi Re ee, No polsor Givers vo on uibemie side be demanding Dr. Fie: s Cough Cure THE PUBLIC DRUG STORE. Business Cards Dentistry. LEDERMAN, Dentist, Lic- entiate of Dental Surgery and Member of Royal College of De: S ialty. ce above ite aaeteligeh Balk, i wentoti: =. | four cen for Bight coats per Jine Jor first insertion and each subsequent inser- i be cha fall transient adver- fieements, Advertisements without specific directions will be inserted until forbid and charged ac- ordingly. Changes for contract advertisements must be in the office by noon Monday. attention. _’Phone.7. MALCOLM MacBETH, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1907 Medical. F, PARKER, M.D, M., Honor Grad- uate and Gold Medallist eal Medical id Se, sist lephone connection with Poole Bann, Monerville and Bontod DR. H. J. M. ADAMS, suesessor to Dr, NetanithOhive in Phat bee ‘Telephone connection with Poole, Brun: ner, Rostock and Kubryville. Calls ans- wered day or night from office. Legai MORPHY & CARTHEW, cele Solicitors, Ete. Ries for t of Hamilton, can, Milver- n, Ont, Permaned olfices ave ee arrange of the firm will tig fi Milverton every the lay. H. B, MORPHY, a 2. CARTHEW, Veterinary. Mornington Fall Fair PRIZE LIST Another milesone has been passed he Mornington Age @he annual fiir ank | Wa8 probabiy the best ever seen here | icity that ue Hotter exhibited her at Toronto Which ‘he ei prgicee of testing. hibit of poultry anc with the exception W. BARR, ,Veterinary Surgeor Milverton, Graduifte of Ontario Verena: |: ‘Treatsall diseases | ay, ary College, Toronto. of domesticated animals. Calls by tele- phone or otherwise promptly attended to. Societies. Hothasrmel © Visiting brethren ayn welcome, W. D, Weir, C. R,, 8. H. Pugh, Rec-Secy. Mere not so numerous ai Sin) of the horses were exceptio in the rain at ay was fine 6 a gan to fall. The Se wi ver 1arge over 3000 pe borhood of eat surplus this year. B given the results of the racing con- % tests and the prize list— t ue RACES 7,30 p. m, in their hall over pubtie Diag | sete Res Store ting brethren always wel: | kentucky Low, Pp. HL come, Lederman, NG.) W.K,Loth, Maudie Collins an Dr. F, Secy,, lsaac Atkin, R. Sey. Notary Public. WEIR, Notary Public, Auc- Perth and an her dnd Proprietor, Hi Focaievatle single 10:d~ ster and sarriage olnss Wap abnormal- ille h 0 be found in the pro- 0 until atone five o'clock when a bor 3 | Struthers; Hamilton R. Hanna; Heifer alte z Hanna John Hamilton; Steer 2 y old, John Hamilt 1 and Hamilton ; Steer one year old, R. eee ee Hamilton. EES roks, ghorns ulf, Geo, . See: Ha burgs, 8, Ford; Piymonee Rocks bir Ply= red, C. 8, Grosch F. Diesenr ue s ers ©. Cam: a genuine success, Not- Campbell; antams, £. R. withstanding iat the past season ich H.R. Danbrook ; .Lang- not so favorable for the product ‘ord; Wyando:tes, 8. Fo:d ob gerden and field’ the isplay was a}land 2; Wyandotves white black or Only in fruit was the lick |bufi, C. S. Grosch ; Minoreas K, ere were some splendid }Geo. Ber-cht 'A. K an; ys gots on exhibition. ‘The ladies ons jouglas J. ra if eese common, John ‘Prachsell; Geese Poulos use, D. Douglas John Trachsel John CHICKS dons, C, 8. Grosch 1 and 2 chins buff, Ande 8. Ford Bult Orpingtons,, Geo. Berscht 1 and horns white, D, Douglas C. R. Woxilerians eghorns brown, H. R. Danbrook Anders Bros. pace orn bu.f, Anderson Bros, Ge: Hamburgs, F. Dieseiroth Plymouch Hom bar th Hwee @- ¢ S. Groseh i White, C. a and 2; Plymouth soeks mpbell 1 and 2; ; Bantams, C. Ri ‘k white oF uf, rahamas hehe ee eS, Rouen, Join Mrachsell i, Du Pigeons ‘fan tail, H. an! Pi 8) variety. G. Krogman # W. Werhor Rabbits, S. Ford J. B. Hammond. GRAIN AND SEEDS, Fall Wheat, white, S. H. Pugh W. Fall Wheat, red, soe: sell; Peas large, J, G. McTavish Ge G. Go yoda Pears, J. F. McTavish pondeath, Any Be varicty Trachs: of; Honey, aes Wilhelm D. Chalmers fome: mel Ww qesncnie Jno. Rothaermel E. Jno. 1 nol chsell_C. R. Ino. peal eas, - Sobneuker Sweet yosch 1 and 25 Ferg, G. rosch; Louise Bon de Jerse Grosch aye areas Wie pears Hugh 2 .F no. Collection of Pear ee ve C.S. Grosch; Lombard viums ode MeTavish C, Honde: Gage Plums, Met nich oak Mec ‘acken Jno. ‘Trachs sell; edling, W. H. erie ch; Burbank Plums, ¥ . MeCrack. ms, W. black, Robt. Merkinger Grapes white grout oP Bage i “collect tion Canned Pickles, Mrs. Merklinger E. Wieder- hold. DAIRY PRODUCTS, ETo. Fleming Hyde A ket Buiter, SMe OEE Wm. Siru- thers Geo. Hyde; 12 Home-made Buns ™ thers J: Do ne m"-made i Geo. Hyde J. B. Ritier ; Honey David Cha fee Strained “made Soap, VJ. Foil armel Hades Mapl: Syrup, W. H. ‘MeCrack- én Wm. Struthers ;'M Maple, ‘Sugar, W H. McCracken. LADIES’ WORK DOMESTIC nau) a hoa Mrs. Zozlner Jno. aed nkets, Jno, Trachsell . Str ie nitted Mitts woo! len esas ors MacBeth Miss Roed- ng; ‘Knict.d Stockings, woo.e. ee Miss ioedding oy, m. Strurthers; Kni. Socks woolle rs, Zoellner Mrs, MacBoth ; ts Suncerpa, a Mac- Roedding ; angway Ji. “Arach sell! Mitts woollen M “ob, pe Fikes 1S Mi — - Zollne rach ag x ie as 2 Siar wed, Robert |ding Mrs. Yocliner; Rag Mat, Miss . 6 4|Kines Jacob Hotfman; Timo.hy Seed |Roedding Mrs. Zozliner ; Wool Mat. ar 46 s H. Pugh; White|Miss Reedding Jno. frachsell; Rag og Sexe oe. - H. McCracken Ja:ob Hotf;|Carpet, Miss Roedding Wm. Siruth- edo nthe wield John {frachsell, /¢?s} Collectiun of Ladies’ Domesiic EXCHANGE HOTEL, Bronner, Ont. Se Hi Wats re Bee mm Corn, H.| Work, Mrs. % r Miss Roedding. a st for $10 wii is a ys : 5 John Gropp, Proprietor. ett lager kere cr ianidecuone ETRE CERE MeCracken Fodder Corn, Wm. Ope Eavine Griney: work ee ies Bethe Bar Tae 8] Tudge—W. J. MeCully, Stra tford, | Per Geo. Rov. Crochet Work with novelty. braid, Commodation and large stabi imer—P, S, Robinson, Stratior ROOTS Mise Banke Mike Be peel oO ] Owing to an oversigt the running | Bsauiy of Hebron, Robt. Kines, W. Groene Work cotton, Miss L. Bi Fiche GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil|race was started before Mr, Coventry Struthers ; Rural New Yorker, Wm. ler Sikagway-URoShek Work verton, First-class accommodation for | of Woodstock, was able to g is |Struthers, Geo, Cha) Se i Ameri an On ete Strangway Miss Roedding ; commercial arias and nihers: Gti horse into the ring. (he directors af- Wonder, Robert Morriso Empire|Drawn Thread Work, Mrs. Zoellner large somple rooms. Good stabling, | terwards decided to hang up a $1 2, Wm. Struthers Geo: Chapma al : Best brands brands of liquors anit cigars, | Prize as a consolation which was talk: Res:'0 Erin, Wim. Stru Mi ‘hea fetes, Peoprieuar, en by Mr. Loyd with Coventry’s|Kines ; Potatoes any othe: horse.second and Mr. Sebben’s third. |W, wd Robt. Morrison ; Collect- ¥ HORSES ion of Potatoes, Geo. Ch: QUEEN'S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont.| 2 HO Seen Lai Morrison ; Turnips Swede, Geo. ‘The best accommodation for commercial] Heavy Draught—Span, d man Geo. Hyde; Turnips any other 3 travellers and ot! T ge sample | Gillawee Dickson Bros.; Brood Mare; /yind, Geo, Chapman W.H. McCrack- Lean hi : peearae be eae a Wes ‘coms, Only the choicest of Wines, Li-} Chas. ‘Famme On J. Oe len; Field Carrots white, Wm. Struth- ‘ quors and Cigar: bar. Good warm | ram ; \Threeryear-old Filly ov “Geld-0,4° Robt. Kines; Carrot: long red, stables. George ¥. Pauli, Proprietor. ing, Adam Fleming J. Chalmers ;|‘\p. Eydt Robi. Morrison: Carrols x eee ld Billy on Sadingas ae ort, Aug. Eydt Robt. Morrison; 3 mond Dickson Meugel Wurtzels Jong; Geo. Roo * G. T.R. Time Table. Bron OHS TaN eal 9 Gelding, W. H. McCracken; Manget Woriz:ls jas. Ogram Dickson Bros, i}giobe, Geo. Ros W. H: McCracken ; ‘ed sated ily gt oa cal, Wm, Young, Jas.,Oeram — Acataugit Wartzcl intermediate, Geo. pipe }OING NO! : Ww : 4 as 1s W. 8. _-Free-|B* W: 4 MeCracken; Beets long, | ner; Embroi idered “Five, O'elosk Tea ‘hd aS sag Chapman: Beets cloth in Silk, Miss Strangway Mr Ss Jones. Bros. + Broo J. Hammond C. R. Honder- : “! ishes, os cht cay Bros. Chas. Filly or Gel ing, Bar -old. Fil- ly or Gelding, r “Fleming A. Steven- Filly oy ve a course of trainin; WE si or Reegraphic & SAE cur fcc eatelogue aad ‘get full PainciPats: ELLioTT & eR CTL SHINGLES . FOR SALE. . have just received a car of British Columbia Red Cedar XXXxX, best brand, that I will sell at $1 per bunch or $3.1 00 | Geo. per square of 3 bunches. Anyone want- ing shingles, here is your chance at the Brunner Station Lumber Yard, Also other Lumber, Hemlock, Plank Scantling, Dressed Pine and Cedar Posts Ete., at reasonable prices. |s H, Pu G. ERB, Bovanst Fos Hamilton alter + Radishes, Fred. Deisen- se ot VEGETABLES Fall. Cabbages, W. H. MeCracken Noll; Winter Cabbages, W. Fer- dinga Géue Ctaunapscted Cabbie eo. Chapman Aug. By v0} ages, Cauliflower, Hyde; Onions red, W. hers; Onions yellow, M meotrsoken - H.|K Stitehing, inte Strang em Miss isher; Knitted Shawl .o1 Ee: Miss Stra ed di ed, Faney Skirt for child, H. haicourer anes wool, Mis: MacBeth Mrs. Zoell- ehsell ; Quilt Wi jadevhol : Caliug|ted, Miss Strangway ° Ue—Ox or Steer, Jas. Ham-|R. ‘Honderish E. [ sivetion un anton fe Hamilton; Cow, Jacob |Foeliage, Mrs. Merklinger E, Wieder-|@uilt or Counterpane crochete foffman {1 and 2; Heifer under “three pee lptreee ae Basket, Hy. S:h- Sueneirey. Bs ate Ape 18 PUBLISHED zs ars, Jas. Hamilion. uker C. R. ich. kind, way Mrs. SHEE A 7 aise. Collestion indies Faney "Wo.k EVERY THURSDAY MORNING bi G ‘Ag & = ae UTD Mrs. Zoellner. LeleesteriAged fam, Hastings |Snow, Geo. Chapman J. Rh ar aya : seeeA Beene = aS = Cowan ; var aes ing Ram seevelincelas uF Merevish ish’ Meee SN ee id tS lee Pers . Aah 's Bros. 1 an vish ; Ribstone Pippi nee il Paintings—Painting landscape The Sun Printing Office Hastings ios. J: 8 cow Tavish; Baldwing- dr Mower oe pe Onlvere Meee eae Ewes, Hastings Br = Strawberry, . MeTav ~ $|fer; Painting fruit or ain SEGRE, ao Mil eek Cee ee aiibe, Hastings B, Chapman; “Rhode Island. ‘Greening, {Calvert Mrs. Sshaeter Painting any an; (Ram Lamb, Hastings Bros. J vish Geo. Hyde; Dax. | SUbiect, John Schneider 1 and 2; Mon) SUBSCRIPTION RATES as a. ® MeTavish Robt. Ki >| 04 zs xtord and Shropshire Downs-. | Blenheim Pippin, Ino, Brachsell J. + 1; six months, 50 cents; three Shon. Ram, “A. Stevenson; Aged | MeTavis! ne. nts, in advance, Subscribers 0. 4 ietetcioe sic eee Ewen, A sBierenson 1 and 2; Shear- Mrs. or lin . eG evenson ; Ewe Lambs, ; Painting fruit or flowers, Miss CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES | 4. Taso Ctentd Be Mrs. Schaefer; Painting Mos. 3 Mos. Mon Tenby a. Btevinvon Jas. Crawford .; ert Mi $40 $25 $38 Fat Shee ae Fat Sheep, Hasi- ces % - 3 | tings Bro: _ er. : 3 Peat —Painting on chinr tae ee aged, 21 unity, H. MeTav. ry 0. Brood Sow, Geo. Hyd: ish; St. Lawrenee,, Se cee Ls ou Boar Pig. Geo. Hyd: g.|J- B. Ha ammond Jno. Wilhelm; ‘Tal- Painting on Dleaheny Panel Mee S. Cow: i, Sow Pig, J.'S. Cowan Geo. | 22 Sweet, Geo. Chapan J. F. Me’ aay Hye; ish; Seck No Purther, J. F. Moay.| , OT: Leet. ea Mi 3 Kebire—Bour aged, Geo. Hyde ish; Moiden's Blush i MePacian oF ivinks e ait or fizure, Mrs. prowl Cov a Geo. Hide. |F= MoTavish ;" Pewakee, F. Ponen: | Cale y subject, Mrs. Schacfor Boar Pig oa Sohn Wilhelm roth J. F. MeTavish; MeIniosh red | MTS: “Calvert oe cov ie alee Tpipsl: Geo <tigde: F. Me’ ; Ontario, He| ‘Peneil Drawing. Fite.—Landseape it patchwork or piecework, Cabin, Miss Strangway Jno. or Counterpane knit- Painting on glasi, Seo. rio, Be Pie, Agata : : aro Hon marin, 2 vert Mrs. Schae- ee pee ran ae Ba oe. Trachs 1 Mi nies fer Any. subject, Miss pee eves Hed Tavish J. F. McTavish; Any other ct ar ee a igs Daouate vari-ty Winter iier Hugh MoTav. |» re Ss biving stone as lal a i opie ish: Any other Vatiety Full Apples handwriting, Miss “Livinestone : iB. -Hamond GR women ol} SOpleeiay ok Sivas, POULTRY isetion of Apples for shipping, J. "aes. Calver’, Houdons,, ©. trosch S rd ‘avish Jno. Trachse Collection “~AXIDERMY Coohins bois, Danbrook Ander: |of Apples. for Hom © Use, JF. MeTav-| Bost Case of Stufted. Birds, S. 1 Bro. k Spanish, John Wile uO Trachisells Crab Apples: Gew.| Geetha gud Be Heke Golesen | at Felin John eae ptt Orping- | Hyde Geo. Chapin Fle intish Beauty |Stuffid 'Animals, C. 8, Grosh, tons, Berscht C. {Campbell ;|Pears, Aug. Eydt, C. 8. Gros : Giapp CR ee = ae - The he Larmour Sc School Telegraphy and | Railway Instruction giving Sn ge ot New ee aay Successful. — for graduates a Write for Catalogue, Principal and Instructor Stratford, Ont. “The Right House” On behalf of Miss Gould, we wish to thank the ladies of Milverton and vicinity for the very liberal orders and for the kindly expressions given her in behalf of her work. We can fill all orders now in her department. Our fall stock is now com- plete in everything in the dry goods line. We have a very lame range of Plaid Dress Goods at very moderate prices. 5 Chamber Sets left, regular $4.50, to clear at $2.89. Bring us your produce, we pay highest prices. MAL IS La Td Issuer of Marriage Li MILVERTON enses. CHOOL’) . HOESe Hk WM. ZIMMER MAK ‘| As school will be Opening in about 3 weeks, we call your attention to the fact that we have in stock a splendid line of the best shoes for boys Qe os oe oe oe os or ol es of and girls in Dongola, Box Calf and Grain. Just the thing for = Call in and see our lines. -:- hard wear. The Shoeman Qn ode cdr ole obs ce Qe edn cle oda ede ele of be an se Se Ke ke ke ie * be ke be ie se Se be be hs be 7 7 be xz Silverware Shhh bhibkbbbhdbdke THIS DRESSER AND STAND IN SURFACE OAK Just an example of what we can show you in low-priced dressers in quality and style, The pair illustrated, finished in golden surface oak orsur- face mahogany, long bevel- led plate mirror, ; $18 Net People come to Stratford for” furniture, as they goto New-~ castle for coal, 2B WHITE & CO. The First Furniture Store PM STRATFORD East of the Post Office. LEPEEEDEAEEEEEEERE EEE LEER DF O° De Oe Oh? O° OO? OT ees et 6 Ck ba Re t ra OO OP °F Oh OP Have you seen our fine line of Silverware 7 If not, you should call ahd inspect it before buyingelse- where, The price is the lowest. Jewelery We also have a fine display Rings, Stick Pins, Ete. Give us a call. Eyes tested free of charge. ————— P, BASTENDORFF Jeweler + and - Optician a 3 toves and Ranges NOW is the time to buy your Stoves and Also BASE BURNERS. We have without a doubt, the finest line ever Ranges for Fall. shown in Milvertoh. An inspection solicited, Rifles and Shot Guns x If you wish to buy a Rifle or Shot Gun, it will pay you to come and see our stock be- fore buying elsewhere, JOHN ROTHAERMEL & SON illy or Geld-|Wm. Str } n $444e% Millbrandt -;| McCrae thers; ‘Onions Syne sey Mies eer see R i poin . i mers; Foal, J. Fetch ras EEE E EEE ELAN P EEE EES hn feipel Geo. Butler. 4 secepet sepa Ji vats Wea nelA Eydt W.H 5 isher; Mountmellick Work, Miss 5 = Danbrook ; Brood Mare, J.-Ogram J. lery {all, Aus, Eydt W.H. procr.0: 6a moll > rs Peteh D. W. Chalmers; {hrce-year-|Cclery winter,, W. H. MéCracken Stranigwy Mrs, Zoellner Needle- ae Summer Necessity ! old (Filly or Gelding, D. Douglas J.|Tomatocs red; Geo. Hyde F. namental, Mis isher cS Peich Jobn Famme; «Two-year-old | roth; ffomatoes perserving, xi a Living one ; ‘Teneritte Lace, ee Thi The 8 ki cl we Filly or Gelding, Jones Bros. N. Roth |Eydt 1 and 2; Citrons, Wm. St Miss Livings’one Miss 4 Sis eason Geo. ; On-+ycar-od Filly dies Geld- ae G an; Watermelon, W,|Netting Centrepiece and ales Miss = £ Maile othes = ing, D. W. Chalmers Jas. Ogram A.|H, McCracken John ‘rachsell; F ‘ai cS MeGillaweo; Foal, W, Holman nC Post fenips; Soh ‘Teacheell Geo,” Chap: ish- « fe are Necessary ‘Chalmers ; aes Horse, P.H.}man; Collection = Vegetab’es, Aug. pies d vebtloh 1, 2 an Eydt Jno. (Prachsell C, R.'Honderich. her: Pillow |. 4 FULL HAND MEANS LUCK z bag ‘Buggy Horses—Single - Roadster, WERS _Zoewner j | | te & we EkaG Wee. Giiehrist ge Han Mrs. Jin any game, and when it's a handful e imond : Single Ceres tne ae tower Ae rots isher } Sofs Pil- | from + When we make the garment for you, there is e C, Loyd, A. Manz; Lady Drivers 3 ie Geraniums single,, Mrs. Merklin- oellner j ‘ he doubbab et d es a echderccd P. ae pe ger; Geraniums double, Mrs. Merk- ros ‘fo'a Eillow any Our Fine Baker: no doubt about its fit and quaiity. Our-sum- linger; Geraniums ivy leaved, Mrs-Joiher kind, Mi Liv. y i an mer fabrics fc II we ry s CAITLE erklinger; Geraniums new va: nm ps Mies PEER Woy ke 1 laprics. jor excellent suitings and’ our ; Shoréhorns—Bull @ years: old, &, lies single or doubl2, Mrs. Merklinge: mi, Mrs, |S0mMe one’s going to be Srige tly plesk: summer ideas for cutting and fitti ie bs a H. Pugh ; Bull Calf, Geo. D. Hoffman ; | Begonias single, Mrs. Merklinger Jno. ‘Table You can’t play the game of life | ¢§¢ gs ng them, rx Milk Cow, 5 x. Pugh; Heifer Calf,|Rothaermel; Begonias double, . pou cotton crochet, Miss Strangway |UDless you're prepared for the risks se will insure satisfaction. A = linger; Fuchias: single," “Mrs. Miss Wiederhold; Ladies’ Underwear |'¥, Pourishing, wholesome bread foods. Ce Se 36 t Horefords-Bull @ years old, Robt./Merklinger; Fuchias double, Mrs:|machine ma Strangway Miss | S44. to, this delicious pies and cakes | f* 3 Hai r Calf, Robt. Hanna‘; |Merklinger ; Cacti, C. S. Ervach Jand|L, B. Fisher; Slumbering Robe, Miss |¢?¢ ! fos one grand sweet gong. Have | of Bull Call Robt, Hanna, Bie Pets nina, Mrs. Merklinger ; y-|strangway Win. Siruthera} Chila's|704 BiveN on ery a trial yet t| 2 ae Jersey Grades Milk Cow, MT Jdrangea, it Mrs. Motkinger Gro-het Booneit in Sik, Miss Fisher Fee eee aeeaae palette ner rs Genin aude es Hence 2 years oid looeetisie oe wouse Plants, Hy. Sch-/ Miss Roedding ; Fancy Hardkerchier{fe*tion every day 0 e Knechtel & Smi th c A. Bydt Helfer 1 Sen aids. costes ater tis Merklingers= Lace, Mrs, Zoellner ‘Lena Living- Butter and Eggs taken in se a 1 = E lowers—Asters, Hy. hnea- | ston nis e, x "Shorthorn GradesRest Milk* Cow, |ker M. Grimm ; Balsarns, Jno. Roth-|My-. ZoclIner : & Milverton’s ed = Up-to-Date = Fallors mm gh Jolin Hamilton 8. H, puzh cee Jno. Beaches! ell; a es, Alex. | Nicht shict hand fe - Fe yoees did: yet i Honderieh ; Nai sturti- [hold : Quilt Stk x ; ~ |Roeddit >