© batt for the testimony of eyewitnesses. fe the victim young German, and 14 Tis, oppressors were, it is alleged, Cap- duin K. FF Kiistionsen of the Norwegian barque Agat and the first mate of the Same vessel. The Agat arrived at Bon- f aventure tember 1, and finished H feading on September 18. The cruel ties came under the observation <f ve ma day e fe oa d_against the deck until i hed dtiven him. es i ey, boy was taken, ‘of the | i sevécal. Himes imo f i nha at Pian brought: out, ory thestongstion he mate with an iron cling. tho Boy. up through the maging, in rifled ‘mpnner.‘Bating ‘his neck and pie ildérs.. the bo boy showe Smith at Campbellton and others YOLTING German Ship Apprentice Bru- tally Treated. which he said rake ith ith ret tain or tent saying that the stand his ordei is said, was eaptain ‘Bad tava to. Neve Agel, Ta he nuthorities s against cut that while and foot acs that he ying eru was ell of the’ crew who ay. He told rail that if h RUELTY had heen inflicted by the ed-hot iron. monstrated with the eap- ing the boy as he did, ne boy could not under- rs. ‘The about the on} sympathized will the Second e was == & erie the way the boy-was he would Will every man ‘on board and then himselt. stories “of the cruellies were brought ashore by men josie. ie ves- sel, and they reached the local authori- hes, with the result that officers went on bowed Vessel and took the boy Pivapee oes alee wicseovome Ot: Whe facts to the 4 0 veal. ‘The Consul wired Lack the mate and captain. orves formation Taid by ‘the bo Str Ds Ae os Carlisle “and? ond ‘their examination began on ‘Tues day before Magistrate ‘Tremblay. The (| captain was fined $100 and the mate fined $100 and sent. to jail tor three nionths, Another German boy, the eet of ill ipeatinen ay feet ‘ihe was located by one’of the wil- It was brought was tied hand and horri- an the mate. ¢ the boy at was tied to. him, subjected to other THE WORLD'S NARKETS FROM THE TRADE CENTRES. LE REPORTS: DING Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Other Dairy Produce at Home aud Abroad. ‘Toronto, Ort 1, — Flour — Onlario oa at Sacks outside for lents;“S5.60 to $5. a pa nts, $1.90 B-*B5.15, and sirong mpaKers',: Erie there is 1ilUe aigiaiohe stuff fy sale, and priees are very tr. No. at $1.13, me fast and fo. 2 red winter and No 2 sate quoted at 94 to 95c at oul- ‘side poi alee Mo, 2 > hie al G0e outside, and No. 3 ae = Oals-New No. e ‘Onlaio’ while oats are quoted “al 40 to 50e. outside. feba No, 2 white are nominal at Sac 2c, Owen Soun cal an . is Te acted pane hoy Toronto xed at 7 kel is firm at $22 to $23 shorts eve quoted al merican galiow freights, sed, 14 to 15e er 1; chickens, spr ings Te, 10 to 1c; ; ducks, alive, 9; do, Rene: £ timothy quoted al $16.50 to si eee in car lots. Sie to $10.50 a lon on track Pol tatoes—Ontario, 65 to 70c per wane my track, and New Brunswick, pis THE DAIRY MARK) iTS, 2 to ee and les an 224 to ago. Be are worth 20 to 2k. per dozen i case lols. » Cheese—Li ares mnie “ab 180, oAyins al 13 ae AT MONTREAL. Montreal, Oct. ends of Manitoba je at 56 to 5%c, advance of 2 to 3 and 09. 1% to 2¢ uiglicrs a white ae ee a winter wheat ex: lo in bags, $2L 2; shorts, $24 to $25; ‘milled pu, aa » $30 per ton, and straight grais P to $34, Be visions —Barrels short f H $22.50; half-barrels, fat backs, $23. lozen. Peston 135 to Be. . UNITED STATE Ber, $1.06% 10, $1.06%; Dec § ti ae Mak 3 10% ‘0 "sldie N > Old, © $14 hare WINES faithoen: ala: SLI 09%; No: 2°No 2 Northern, io. forth- new, bern, nevi, be Mani: }, d and 7 cattle, bile he with @ $4.80; maine ce id medium b we. leh ave Complaints ¥ lespatch he feature a possible for veya, which successfully hilly, pointing oeuvred for dir mene aver fight i the rant tine airship did cc ccmplee circu the full di coming ‘bi whieh it had ri is eferatey Mar vin, Ane dow, Tearing | Serviceable ro) uickly oieials started escape, ae he at Dauph bridges ide, a ‘s drowned at 100-in- other jespatch fi recent ree are colle A fair oe pas ce ue L Py I C istiller: 83 50, ane pals at S wore anged fr *MADE SU Raldwin Airship 2 i guided Ena: iS aw Wealiesday aflernoon. In the 1 he by main. strength forced pote, lespateh. from Madrid’ s The Pee aa River has i ted it lorreat tines ules i fire dillnges have been s The +] streets in the lower part of Malaga have hecn inundated and many families ren- Renamargoza, places in the,’ at oe ane an to butchers’ brant were steady at $20 to $50| 4 not plentiful. — Their tom 3 to Ge per Cee 0, al 50° per cwt, ater made about the large the number { hogs received by Ticalers, swere quoted unchanged at $6.12% for selects, and $5.8734 f lights and fas. ake Ee L ELient. nocuyred at Halifax ir Grounds. from Halifax, N.S., says: ne pcncia)exhIbitcn ant Tjnireray-wassthe befor Baldwin to sel out-on | ene ap ip the wind. , and man- w several minutes in different the grounds, A second lo show the tendency Sonaleniy. turn to tig hy-the rudder. automatically plang: 2 Lover the grounds. ‘Then was made, the surship te. the exact spot fro BOLD BID als LIBERTY, Prisoners at’ Portage la Prainio Caught Alter Breaking Out. from Portage la. Prairie, Joseph rand uberty on absence bold bid Se ars guarding theswin- Some sheets into strips a factured, and A off it “got away. after his arrest pits SEES ES TOWNS SWEPT AWAY. Great Restruction’ of Life and Property Spain ing 8, houses al persons we laga. at Velez de 13 al-Golemer, Dane about Si ah ENE! CONTRA ADE WAS SEIZED, Provincial License Inspector. Had Good ip Through New Ontario. ©» from ‘Toronto says: Dur- nt trip. through “Northern i snnaveliote ot the liquor: aoe At Keowanee, 1 6 °} hilten by a mad dog in New Yor ©} and has ° Fees CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS|®: HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVi.. THE GLOBE. Telegraph Briefs From Our Own and Other Countries of Recent Events, CANADA. An epidemic of diphtheria is raging at ‘Tingon, Que cost over $300, to The Manitoba Legislature will be call- r ed on the second esaay, an Jaiiuary, the 309, ade one of the finest seapoi the continent. Many. sections Government tele. Phones in Alberia have been completed. Retailers propose to advance the price ce Buh es Serves lo mina eens quart |* alte Tere De Sparlin: of Winnipeg, in ¢ address said Oricntal labor was ind spensable. An or, epnieed ind Af ‘ubosebroaket is be! ed to work in eaten N was fun over by in Welinnd anise n s Doan near john Dona sh vat P Fe San SPSS ing: his thanks for kindnesses bim in ane ada Dintie avg ada had Scher snd 99,680 Tag vie tihor men. R.A, Falooner, was. formally tn- s President of the Universily of Toronto on Thursday s sment returns show a 14,065 e 1221 elevate ha total capaci ile hunting near c. was mistaken foi dead, slopherson, the London ved a pin was operate upon, and the pin reniovad: pvern:nent will probably ‘send mated in Brit- ilfrid Lau iG ie Sinmedialely atals, Canadian furniture aun sell “better in Manchester di if better polish Sine Goyernme: At sling of the shareholders of | define Onlaric Bank willbe eld ‘n December when ansiierint report ma, ed. sued a panies hllentign-ot farmere loth dc fuliy testing the yitlds ‘ot their’ dalty herds, Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux. slated at Montreal.on Friday that he is peeping iN to give a one-cent rate "0p: and towns aiieke? i ee £ Young, nd Proving in ihe British: Columbia seeranehiy ae él that the siluation regarding the im- migration of Asiatics was a very graye one y Se GREAT BRITAIN. n English workman was fatally ok Sea by absorpingco acid, which i lle his bod is slated by lhe Brifisit- Foreign ‘ities that cas issue between. Japan and Canada has not yet become an Imperial qu ws i: r Se railw sale Letter pind sterling on Huth of the feai railway servants, PATES. Eddie avast aged ad instantly UNITED § Ill, cul glass and $3,000 . Delafield in Ner conn. eaeatis throat mal- rik ai 3 eveloped syinploms of ra Greeks were killed in the eee wuthern, pes Score fealty i calor, on Frida: e boy and thiftcen fégrots We ombgbee, River De a ferry-boat on looker, of exington, Ky., become violently insane — afler drinking a large bottle of medicine for some sight aut ‘Two boys, 0 teen. at Daauean per into, the eyes aa oe thir- alts, eve disappeared and cannot be reais inne by an ‘automobile’ at hoy, refused fe go ambulance Jest “his mother should be frighten Avanering that he could eateh and nore a bear which streets of ond, Texas, cgay Adam Kaulfer aid hold ‘of the anit and was killed. Fred Wai Ls an electric lineman a‘ haca, trom his hands XM ing a live wire ae ing 2,200 volts. val ne ds were covered with a felt hat. | ( d at the anvertiastion gl into cre) Standard Oil Gompany s| jaws. One of the men arrested was sent} {pat in 1903 the Indiana Pipe Pee atin Neal. 1 pee one for four. ino lise as. it He his: main se ‘idiary of tho Standard, ses 103%; No. 2| second off forrison seized two} made a profit of $14,091,022 ‘or an’ in- September,” "81.00% hanes of stuff which had been shipped | yostment of $2,223958. mnbees $1.08 May, $1129. , ider from the ec side of tl Mrs. Matilda’ Warje, of Paredise, N. Temiskaming Lake lo MeDougall’ Y¥., was walking to hen ome Tate at rr Chutes. e seizure was made at eae night, when three masked men Sloane fo{harl, and. the liquor was confiscated | per and stole from her $60; a pair to Be. fo 63c; December, ext. wae. Toronto, Oct. 1—Liltle business was doing in exponen cattle: ‘The quality. alte offerings is not of the Bea ant e-not inclined to No. 1, 8934¢. ae “S08: sampk a ash, 8 to ple, 76 pay ‘over for, loads. unless ney. were = good. y eral and ‘destroyed. THRESH A despatch as CIR, crop rer ‘Thursday show 2 tbrou ‘ist —— ING IS GENERAL, Crops "iD the eee ees Out a “om San says: The ort, which was issued on seat threshing is a valuable Trooeh and two gold ee Ss GENERAL. ime la ‘nlaggement of Rideau Hall may | j d wi ie to be increased ae 8 cents a | pa an have depreciated | N: of a general strike of | Fy ware {rom the home of 2 thought his” eyenigitl is impaired for sl 1 life of a fellow- in “ri finds a zediun | have been made| ini from. the Simplon aE m Honduras and Guatemala is likely to bea immediate) mperial rescript has been issued seize Americ: lo an vessels for al- ivged fishery offences, eee = JUVENILE Ee CR aie Who ‘Assist or or Susculae inl lo Wrong Should be Puni Ree: behind it all, and should receive. the pee et instead of the chil is frais 5; The Damigion Govere: ment now has before it a bill providing readegt children’s: courts, and one ny. a wil- nly “Socouriges ene guise aa or at the commission by a child Son inert) ee es wilfully does an: producing, ‘pro- or ci hild’s be- ming a juvenile delinquent. ether or not such person is the parent or guardian of the child, or nas Bane the-parent or gui Beingrable to 0-20, bt prevent @ childs: bang uyeniie. delinquent, conditions. which Runde cokes a period not: exe beth (me and imprisonment.” NO HAND GUIDED TRAIN. Engine Driver Lay Unconscious on Fleor of the Cab. from A ich e tiny Robertso fila Rallrodd passenger (re New York says: ony, senitaets of an , lay sense- cab pelle a a6: the locomo- sane at throttle, a speed toward the Jersey c se i the nr Fle enn Sails “theateal a ing des' train ani ei i t have been Sch the eab, und the eee Hig i whero-he tad dropped altetbeing pole when ‘ip wast his (etd A sab cea aN of the passengers, when they ‘elt: tho train; Imew of their narrow escape. Robertson s removed {0 a hospital, where said he probably would die, wh it was TWO KILLED AT © ROSSING, Mitineae From a Dance wien Tl ae Ww ck by a Train lespatch from Readies sa Abo 2 olck oh Wednesday morning a fat aceiden ed at the C.P. Norma. as in, Two ‘Propriclor ot nd Ch Olsen ran! youn, the Dail Krist, we lish dance. at Nor- eu fan - Swi man and were cre t rig driver, some ee “hundied feel, escaped with a lew broken ribs. He was conveyed to the Jubilee Hospital. The horses were uninj RUSSIA Thin 3 We INEVITABLE Foresees Struggle Between Japan and United Slates, ar ya on Wedne say publi ie entitled: “The } arid coming even ied the Strait of id sweeps into the tea not conceal reaching out for the mastry o fedag.riac sheone ‘enbughe id altain it.” ise Ni SE a LEFT SHOVEL FOR HARVEST. West Quit Wor espatech from Winnipeg says: An ccimate lets bt aeieral ine teant men for the Haryestltig: which railway, cons! ruction Pied an estern country, AS result. the contractors. am rail are_n who were € Pacific between Portage La aes and all Miniota, a ‘distance of 120 miles. KNEE CAUGHT IN GEAR, Westerner Meir cssti boss to Accident While Moving Threshing Outfit. A despatch Hom La Broquerie, Malis ieces. 2 to. Sram ye ths Mr. Bailey suc- mmbed abort aa hour afiérwards from wed ae of iS COLLISION 1N TUNNEL. Twenty Passengers Injured in Railway Accident in France. despatch from Nantes, France, says The trans-atlantic’ train, jearrying first- class Ber ey ae oener hourg, where ‘e fore White Stat ‘Line Beanier Adriatic nee with crime some adult is really | favo Sod fa DY Swearing Wilh one SF Many Men on Grand Trunk Pacific in| *"°Y, rk. on a re |coats and Fashion : Hints. : lingerie; while stil much in than embroidery mn is less popular for tritaming the corset cover intended The latter both lasts es better tharr lace, even ie G crs fe see mines, oie be given quite an « abe one recently seen was tne desiom lightly th bul not ie ceclyaak MOTI vis pauierw ab thie ry mowel collar is made of many Fak ee ee be rikbon, in bla ack and w! » thy vel fokming flower A sthiking new «pin is of the mother { peuid now $0" fashionable. tor jings, belt buckles, sluds and cufft bul- oS. has a head as large as a pigeon’s egg. he qua: alt and bec ie vider nce iS Ce Tote win a fi th n LS ebjef trimming. The {he Pre SH card “the paces and ran, tthe brim in a di c eigne’ mixed with suit. choux and a knet of black veltak ai: used fabvics ich in-vogue. on the pale gray made 1 ing there isa Sonl ‘The drapery of briele red aii efanatien Wie, CORSE AES oe By. tricamedl with ea ihelderles: ec omen With Bea figures still ike the corselet. skirt. A art suit reeently- seen wes in Kopaceen enitfon penne elcth, worn with a wide-sleeved embroix and swith stitched ic sirappings, With = wes vos a chem- of Alencon and Itish 1a isetle purloueenew: Jets: micenhee pial parrot or. anyother Kind, the fea- thers. stuck on the stin itself. When ot velvet finis! ol dangling elaine Tapani which been seen all nly, spring were only an introduction, as” it~ were, to the scarf idea, whi us is sist eases in many i the la yodels. On ee f motsseline or chiffon are draped nas scarfs made A the material anc ed at ke with deep knotted fr The are sometimés’ plaited Bs the Rnalaees fall low over the arms and are. either kawotted or caught at the bust line, hang: ing loosely pan there on each side ot tk? front, Again, they. are brought srisalniy. ‘ove ae shoulders in. shawl effect and are confined by the girdle. HOW TO WBAR A VEIL, ‘The accepted mode of the moment for tie it in io: disappea Lie Weil soc to being out the the bad and peod-inaaly. young. People: veil at all on their hats, wi better for their -oyesight, thei ‘and their eyelashes. But a at ie forins a Kiidly one 6.2: wvolnan who no tonger | shade to the and a be caught up tighily at the back, there often nivel id and LONG SLEEVES FOR FALL. Every woman planning her fall ward- robe is wondering whether to make long with faa afternoon a dresses are de dilmost “nies ‘with, jong ieee win, angel sleeves are sei made ot ae material, e short sleeve wil! be parted ta rasan that: is. ed = arms are ready pesu long sleeve wi send to many girls, who regret the tan cd freckles that they spent vall summer ig to get. “The graceful kimono sleeves will be used as much as ever this. a hile for dressy gowns. panese effects. will be see 80} s erin’ braids or fancy: trimmings is | W was pas! ick. with ends Bon spoils the lines cf the hat and head look. slovenly. ‘Tt this it must be brought light over the brim, and to pre- nal “it bei ing loose at the chin i. mauiet & in ies long- Ealpove models, which are be oui for ay kind er a soverinig after two vents sh ap : A save hh patient w oul ane: power ret i eae Doctors Saved the Life ot a Man Almost A despatch of arleries noe oueralean two. The man REMARKABLE OPERATION Decapitated. — from New York says: | The iiiysicians wontiedt oy the pall ent fore | ahd the wndpipe were” nol sonious _ svas cul fmt ent 10, as okanly: ast thoughill as ty @ razor. ording to the Pte more than Twentiw in useles, bs, Satis Paben ene, someof ‘the. vessels- being sor small, that the flaest catgut: hailitoybe used. The Biya eau ed ithe m: only s la move his head because the Tmuséles ‘Ok the Week were Sitti: causing: certaim is expected | t, recover, Dandas Mary Sur sek Down While Walk- ve St a with-all the frits | known esident, “coming to bugs is the fitth time he hesshad his legssbro- to lends. itself. colton, Ont., where h James S; Ward). las. Tee ino el bE employee cf ¢ i brol ee son, can possibly a afford it, Far sompany, ‘and was about sixty bit both Jegs and amarm |, and Piles a eee ae ae are age. | He leaves a widow and | auothen, som, aim, hia od {reeks of baliste oF linen zLO rhe light rain falling | Ken. ‘The family came: from, the Slates silvered ribbou maintains. its" uae the wire more j seven years a popularity dangerous. Hews taken (0. the town -—— z Ay ( sila of chiffon is akind | hall, a few yards from where he was CROSSING THE? WHEAT. . ae at the mae and aston stricken, and medical ald-was sum- : to the at ‘or | uoned Lg) Pee oe Bat ihe sia LOOK Liverpool is becol plies. fell all Te was only ticns fron e al Kamien . ” flys: he biggest lumber deals SOULE. Aen in’ the history of nth: has, : .| Former Montreal vane a Cruel ee thet enue re Muri County fo” American capitis: The A despatch from Monte Carlo says:| properly includes. a: I saw mill at Vere’ St ould, who lived « io Rathurst, a general’ stor res. we ex: same ti lontreal, and carried on a| tensive Jumber areas. Teague that millinery business there, hasawritten to} country. The price: palet fs said a the local Judge confessing that he and| the neighborhood! of $250,000. eta ve Se ES " 0 bis wife, Violet, murdere: SRsere aes AGAUTIE HANTS. I enlarge-the circumference by fasten-| their baggage August at Marseilles. Lockjaw Reet oem ‘matt inne Y. ing it too closely around the throat, but [They robbed the Souter knocking ty we as pwc if itvonly, rests on the top of the chin | her scious, *} upon the wot ee pant Sollee in that feature 1S ey pennaegt screamed they killed her, i than a minute. <5 be must come just below. the OBE Ba son Cinder iv the Eye.=When a cin- se the roll of the chin ‘nto. ae iar flies ‘one eye immediately close oa ta the other eye, put finger on it to keep @ fashions of the day do not lend ae it closed keep. injui eye ‘open : ihemselves tothe easy orrangenienta of RESPONSIBLE FOR, WRECK: Ars a8 jossible. Don't give in, but he veil. Some hats present many difli- | Ecep itu cHies: “OWella shauldche a wyard: ahd a | INe, Decreiers and B ee ee Arrest: | HEP ty ese AB en ino quarter long, the middle placed in’ the x Disaster at Vaui butler in av. serving spoon over the ul ni A fe from Montreal says: np. teaspoonful of common. Staeter, operator at St. Dor aie coal oil and pour slowly down the | e Clarence Howell, brakesman of the fi oat. a, gives instant relief, sheuld be pinned first, and us fasten | (rain, and Loyal Streets, -operator at|. To apped Ha eine a the ends as carefully as possil udreuil, are held criminally res druggist “peoptte ‘a solution from equal There is a great ca in the ‘choice Of] sible for the train wreck at Vaudrel paris of alcohol, quvseriny and. witch” the material, — Ch are worn] on ‘the 18th inst., through which Albert| hazel. Keep the prepara tio ‘ a half an inch’ a) te ‘Every woman | Rgbinson, of Kingston, Ont., Jost io iiehen . and after wnshing should choose exactly what suits herself. | jife. “The verdict. was. returh. the | hands oe whi it A clear veil demands a clear complex- | coroner's Eine Wednesday morning. | pour sa litle at the mixture into one ion, ‘The coro! rants for the ar- agen ub 0 ae hand: test of the, amen. nm tl KILLED BY FALLEN WIRE. oe the ken Limbs, A despatch from Dundas says A despatch from stone, Man.,. wel Sutton was killed by an apettlo, waht says: Geo eva me aate anie ai aie ire which had o Hien, ae ae a by a belt on a: gasoline sawing down the mains tb 7.15 01 achine. He wee thrown to the ground day evening. (Me. tion Wile a Welk band hts right arm and keny. This: ane gantsibutel to Ce ounmissione r, ouniry, aionies for their increase of food sup- Hi R importers were in a ines: shipnients of ya mille could be: turned: ing ols s to-Can- en cite icon. ship-| ada. ‘This. stops: the espace Jups in wuld also become greater as the i Hawaiian Government é Reterhof: Priest and ust in Pro- ast ae connate e of Kiangsi- < ersburg pancnent at Mie A despatch: trom! Shandual sags An Sagdsbirg Zeitung suites that’ the Cos. outbreak 0: taken place | sacks on guard over: the Pelerhot Palace “i Ranken @ southern part of surprised on ‘Tuesdiy. “night -twent the Province of Kiangsi. An Italian | arme ans, twelve of them wearing = riest-anid. a. umber ol. converts have military uniforms, inthe woods : been murdered at the village of Taw Pelerhot, It is supposed. that’ they. in- Tr and the Lazarist fathers’ inission [tended to atlack the iinpeniat pal bat the Protestant missionaries there are ‘TREASURES + FOR: THE SURGEON. - Ward Family of Gladstone, Man, Revel! ¢ faller eid ot the was insufli- that reason ity, Prof., McBride of McGill! Reports Cam- bridge Experiments Successful. ich from M Kee Mcbride of MoGilt' University has ‘ot re. Company, sulated, and on si, where RET a7 SIT, s of ees crossing ‘ie sees that DAN. Fe PP) the question has ‘been 30 He claims bade Specie de that the qualities oficertain. kinds of Merchants Hear the Canadian | wheat are due to he and are not Commissioners. i It of the climate, Byya process s- he has got a product a{ which combines the good qualities of Ma Batioee with: those of English. hard wee 4 + Gt yee said the United States Manitoba ‘No. ming Jess and less / }and one which wil double the yield of hey must look to the] the Canadian wi ies fields, le ni Tne shippers that Liverpool a position and deter- MUST et Bie cBErOKIe: to Stop Japan nese Immigration from Hawaii: {ch from Vancouver says: The Dominion immigration agent, Dr. Mon- : ified’ all’ soe and seaport nies carrying Ja- pamess te {ois oly thatno Jupancse: wilt be Hance to Canada Pon oa arr Plan in the course of his ad- with eo matters of provision trade. convinced the falling butter from Canney was. when prices butter bectees better a large Brilish Columbia: from tie: wer> r in Canada, assisting _ exporta- cei dea a TO ATTACK sera sh PABACE. ‘Twenty ak Men Found’ in Woods i, A BOXER OUTBREAK, howfu has been burned. he dd a ei shen Ad- BIG LUMBER DEAL., American Capitalists, Purchase: Extensive . Property: Sond Konto ry te A despatch from: Campbellton, N. B., IS “A. despal Balfour, tightness, ete hav Balke the financial eanatdens. BTTER THAN 1 aah: fon winnipeg ayes Mr. General. Mana, aie sie edn that n- aay through the Wea wich bout “seven t« 3, he ul regarding the state of} aie ‘money, respecting. which | io re: been mn ts. ppeared to pba