MRS. CHADWICK DIRS IN JAIL Woman Who Borrowed a Million Dollars on Vague oe es from Columbus, Ohio, assie when came to light. dent C. T. Beckwith was indict the failure ae that bank. She w Phe ear ae at How ymuch she got was Rever learned, bul it Went well into the Securities. hile also for the indictment of C e First National Prank of eas Ohio. All of Mrs, Chad ick’s borrowing wa: “at bogus Sells, in nes done $5,000, sant “were ‘SUC: deposi the Wade Park Bank at ica. y | Prominent ase Pittsburg being he Held of fos ‘ot her bigi eget = mes. aie swag ord al Eoxtivoos rs ee *Woodst tock, Cut., age when, Ohio, and was 0, same prison where she on Srhursday night died EXTENDING THE WIRELESS. ees Next Move Is for Message: ‘ ym Ireland to Vancouver, A dls atch from Halifax es direc! from ireland to thi noda thing which area WAN ate jempt. ‘wil! soon be ready to send message accoss the ‘Atlantic, and then, as a ste} ject will g p that tt will bo Imlted to perhaps 1,000 r that mere experiments werds, 0: in or mi —1__ FOUR MONTHS IN JAIL. Bentenos of a Streetsville Hotelkeeper on Second Conviction. jespatch from station in the county jail, without Hy Police Mouistrate ai C01 The complaint — wag Brampton says: temper: at mes- day aflernoon sentenced to our months CAN REMOVE BIRTHMARKS. .. s|Krench Doctors Haye Discovered New Jse for Radium. despatch from Paris foremost physicians © A e | the ser eS a report on thei thod of removing nirthmarks by the tion of radium. Such marks have hith: een believed to be indelible. The Tew, method "has. proved equally. suc- eseful in casts of adults and childre to he Marks ere effaced by the simple Spl cation of a plane surfac a varnish containing r pe ae plied oe an infant during sie, “phe doctors add that the birth: raarks most easily cure Which are most highly colore MAILED BOMBS AFTER WARNING. Man Confessed aw Lack of Money Was Cause. A_ despatch ae Denver, ‘Colorads. Kemp V.. Bigelow for sending inte »| ipa the mails 19 Governor Buehtel, nd €. B. Kountz nid Aven st of the. Hcense sparen fo. pet AAC is. cette 4ed to be worth over $20,000. " * MARRIED HIS GRANDMOTHER. ‘Mow a Young Woman's Trick Gaine an Inheritance. A despateh trom San Francisco say hei le the Pied fo marry, although he w: q ep me from inheriting his le young woman ied my grandmother becam ’ Pawns \G JEWS A REST. Wnioniles in Odossa Have Discontinue Raids, A despiteh trom, Odessa says: ‘Unionites on voluntarily _ unexpectedly rastonimiad thet upon the Jewish population whic! Th by contenant "They included @ Co soc asants, who bel Be-<ttclilohary ongankealions, arabeees MURDER THEN SUICIDE. ean Two skeet ae the Sea of an for Divor Ae eae atom enka fas: Ohio, ed ~ Pailing.lo imetf she ‘swallowed. carbolic scid forigon | P Werep by es ae ne the ea men w a s he Je detailed a tri ‘ot Edward Chase's Tesidence, then notified the pe that ho cver! eat | {wo men plotting to blow up the place and ill Buchtel, eottelt and Kountco. 8: THREW ACID AT WIFE. ver, | Feurning Down Woman's Neck. ete. Fluid sf - patch from New: York says ealthy Br tol lyn. It vitric aci id iS W Tuesday evening, agile thea = ¢ husband dashed f the alee came and placed him under arre sear eer ene 4” JAPAN RESTRICTS EMIGRATION. Discourages Companie: in Sending Out § Engaged nigrant A despatch from Tokio sa panese Government recen placed heavy re: He a ‘on emigration com- panies. undement has just heen made of ine “orination of a vast. colon: ination si oa feaeratend anese settlement, el une Tiabses Will ectiel ihe question ob amp: gration to Ame o 4 i FR $200; LOST. LICENSE. Heavy Penalty hope for Mlegal Sale nee ae ae Benes as = Micha Mar ra, Tete a Wallac cbt Re rom any man for selling after hours. I TiN OF ~~ AVOROPHOBIA A After 261 Bites a Dog Catcher's Wounds Prov e Fatal. e c - “A despatch from New York says: Tsaialy Lees, the official dog catcher: f Yonkers, is dying in St. John’s Hospi- a there, the victim of two hundred and lyone dog ee which have pro- auced reer hobia. Lees was last bitten on Sepé. 27. u Se him on oes st aha oe casio ats setant the Fauna: ever ned. He that he aie 2, ile that a to, pe foal, the w was so serious that he came agatnstg the oe o ate it sare a, Accordin, a admitted Ae the room where he the terril ible ‘ction ef the dread malady caused him to bi mad eS lax fies hiel dog ewes cH Yonkers ir the ar three ai id | times. he we tien of | ‘yap Te 1 says: Two of is, Dr: h vas his were conce BI ‘Poronto, Oct. 0. 2 while or 2 mixe i $1.18 to ality. Tents fri 2 Tote Tic. nomi $3.85 a “2 2 special b strong pacers firm. Creamery, dy solids Daliyepeits my Bt ye. or twin & es to te ae car on oe here. meyed a clear bacon, fic es: . heavy. 14 7 y prcal Atha smoked. Batra long cut hea’ He sali lon es bite beef, $7.50 to $8. Tesh $10; male pound lard. 11% to. 12 ee 740; -ban F w fntce acon, avattoir dr b $6 estern, car. lots. ple market Scoling 6 BUFF: Bu Be 1, siro se. Cant! i New York, firm; No. 2 7 2 red. $1.11) ern Duluth, hard winter, ‘stern. cattle Buteher cattle than they. ha seld te medinu Choiee co common ce ire Tnferio ite fro ich reve due feeding wer pel Si i en awere 4 fo. 2743 Many pe Out ii sights; No. 2 yell Tlour-Onlario, 0 per xa aE in car lot, ed Str oulder: joys 2 trong, the cas further tise el. closing al 58%. cals quoted at 59¢ per bushel, ex store. CATT! S sold fro1 in oe many The inarket for. hog iS rile ee S6.12%55 Habis and ats ve i s neenrding: to qi t $5.25, 15.—Winter red, S106 eee Peas—Ouiet al 870 oulsi Cort yellow Antian RY, low, 72c; No. sevond "3500 to $55 prints (13%6 ‘for. ‘mre ad in job lols hi 20 ere. per dozen in case 7 per Bb. lots s quoted at $17 PROVISIONS. Dressed Hogs $8.25 for h % for iL, 12K; Dry mye to 15¢; 10%¢ t bacon, A in ght rollers 2.45 Lo els Sart lo $ fi 1" at 50. to $24 iB: $14 barrels d kettle renders mc to 15%%c, akiast. bacon, to 15 fre: sqy hogs, $9 ta $0.0: aliv s held at 13¢ to 13% for 12%. Que cent. ate! Wheat — 4 to $1.05; P outiehe vical <> No. 1 northern, $1.18}; No. 2, $1.16. Barley—From 7c to 75c, according fo Oats—No. 2 white, 524c Ae. $3c; mixed 25 in bulk outside; shor'tst m\ COUNTRY PRODUCE. Bulter—Demand is strong ‘and prices Liye chickens are quoted ot and hens at 6c. Ducks, alive, “tie to ze per Mh, for strained for_ combs. Sia), Wo $1.85, and to terns are quoted at 0c on track, and On- ‘on onde “e000 to $10 lightweights ted. Meats—Long 134¢ or tons. ant hams, medium and Went, az tim to another. 15% n meats out of pickle, qc less than MONTREAL MARKETS. Oct. 43.—FI De = Choice t pa 5.00 to $6.10; fer wl $5.1 cut mess, 5 50; dry $10. clear bacon, 10¢ ta. dies bar: arrels. $16; rrels i y mess . o., § fo 10%c; pure lard, to ed, accordin, lo. 15340; sh kille eh r finest townships. lected y range from though some holders are r the best grade of town- BAEZ ne ae for h option in at % ALO MARKI aes — Spring, northern, dy -08 sabi NEW YORK WH Oct, ed. Sit age $1. $1. fag = hard winter, $1.153% f. LE MARKET, 70. more selling rt ordinary butchers ntiful, ie ciate eattle for distil-} | stock were eeane 2.50 fi als remains very Winnipeg bush: Maniloba old crop per b. afloa lols x ae ‘ola ‘ ees si Oe shipping, ai 8 ¥ ie sumably plentiful ve been for many B ape $3 to A with ium trom $2.48 t if ane sold + with buy: 50 for steers and | ay Sine good de. h Prices ranged from 26° to 6%e adtive ae and to $4.40 lo $3.50 for tae and were offered, per ewt. pecans SR Have Been Washed in the South. Very ics FLOODS IN FRANCE. A despatch from Paris says: Continu- te patent, rt; Manitoba patent, \t, $5.40 tubs, SE: hn wn} real estate ‘han 8 be phenomenal, be- re fing ms HEALTH OPSONINS. i a former arlicle it cans said that a ‘this. feast ay in it reaso rele had any real, me in the preven- tion or cu ise But recently Doctor Wright, an English sclent'st, hos advanced a plausible explanation <f this occurrence. He says that the pha- Piegaorpustes: celia the organism will not acteria, but must have them ‘served in a ears able The substance which thus prepares them for ingestion is called from Greek word meaning to prepave tte quantity of this opsonin in the is not always the same, which ane why a pérso pe resist: nt to a disease at one time, and yet when again exposed, may suc- hat opsonin is not a age definite substance, but that each variely of microbe must be acted upon by a separate. substance, the eb simin or tHe wid-bacilli; | for mple, ne no effect upon the ene of lubereinlosis "This: explains a person may ri sist one disease and readily fall a vi i ae also, There are many details in this theory t but. enough is c saree the pote \yphold ‘opsonin; SAIL Atte found ermined markedly the quantily of typhoid nin in thé blood, am lo make ire living bacilli, which are causing he disease, more vulnerable to the atlacks cf the phagocytes.—Youth’s Companion, DISHES a THE INVALID. Seraped Beef—Scraped beef Is often | recommended for invalids suffering trom chronic d ed’ tender beefs €,| ules over a oinigh « roast beef or mutton chop: may a ° cut this oi ins avolher est aucttel. be passed through ASS this is not apeolutely Season on tin slices of bread-and-bul into little cakes aes thawed slightly. Mutton Broth. unolenari and sui it is often given in upbeia and other vers, Take one pound of mutton from the neck, asi Anorsiehy add ene: pint of. cold water and a little salt, Poi 3 in Find one teaspoonful of bark slowly for two foie orn tn ready to fall from the bones. Strain out all the meal, ele., and skim of the fat. MORE HINDOOS ARRT nes Reach Vancouver, 180 Were Rejected. A des ae from Vancouver sa Out of five hundred and sixteen. Tin- the steamer Ta the Damion Immi- gration Tejectot’ ane: stundte and eighly, over one hundred not hay- up a unique variegated Oriental costume, could speak English. en colt s ois his ‘ficial opinion for “Ollana; for whieh Fides he eft this | afternoon, having completed his investigatio n Paris say: reid in, lie Depavinrent ae aden oThe movement of the earth seri er, g a large lake to demolished a road, carried ay lwo bridges. The department is eiso suffering very severely from floods, ‘The railroads are cut in fifteen places. LES eee, GUILTY OF M RD! fn Hamilton: the verdie' etspaten tee SIXTEEN MILLION INCREASE. Phenomenal ies ae es Real tate lespati He ion ” ae A completed at the ee ‘trait on shows the. increase in asses: 71. in some ‘ill be made ee the as- 1907 will eae tha zs rennin like tehghtened she tough | ¥ i )- | seme syectitl -| sion of the t CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS MAPPENINGS FROM ALL OViX TOE GLOBE. Telegraph Briets From Our Own and Other Counirics of Recent Events. CANADA. Berlin is to have a British Welcome eague. Welland has donated a site for a {| hospital, Chief of Police Shea of Thorold has resigned. J. Whyte, Warden. oh New Wasnt Aan ets Deputy Minister of Public at ‘ota a pu expected to retire. Major is lo assume com- Work e ian ates aes depot, Toron- mi St. John, N. B., teachers have passed a resolution in favor of a Government ces of pensions. The first’ motor car on the Intercolo- ‘Thursday A n of the Temiskaming & North- rn’ Ontario. Railway.’ above New. Lis- Keard has sunk fifte elition of near ny 6,000 signalures, nday cars, is before was sentenced to one year's imprisonment by Mr. Justice Rid- ae at North eer: for *nansinughter. ca, opsonin, | ¢ni Pacific track bh Fort William and trains are running daily. hg sentence Of Edwards, the default- ing stockbrok Winnipeg, has been or by the Appeal Court from ten ars 6 two: The refail milkmen, alter an agreement with the producers, cided to advance prices one cen quart after November William Fitpalriek, at Montreal, fell 80 feet while at wor a building and escaped with roken arm ond. some 1ise reaching de- a The Canadian Pacific Railway and ils operators pee to an agreemé teen per cent. on wages being granted. The St. Lawrence route has pelier lighting and other aids to na than has the Bristol Channel, sa vite and scenic aps |) blown a during the . the canis ‘being € 000 salvation A states that it was proposed fo bring 000 people to Can- the Sactle companies con- frolied Grand Trunk, GREAT BRITAIN. Lord Brampton, in Britain as tho “Hanging at the known Judge,” is dead, s| age of Trade report in imporls and The British Board | of Foiteenid are. low are Hissin at capital. endon Times denies, that the Ge me the ipanese of A score of womerr in , Kansas are prac- sing 10, and fifly others are phys rity C. Royal, whose father fought tinder Wolfe. at Guebec, is dead at F rth, Me. Tene ‘are ‘pow brs than. 156,000,000 eres of land in the nalicnal forests of 1 United State Ae John Roehick, a graduate of To- has been appointed in- in the University of yard, New Mexi has ured into the Jargest sar torium “ad ‘he ‘ountry, and hundreds are recoves fein ape while there, New Public Service Commission ro General Mana Giert Northern TROWay. has resigned: sar vere: Bea alded to death . spropeten Cily Naples on Like > rida; ie ree falling heir 10.3 ts ae tune Se ee at $1,2 ae is captain of ve fecti me of the avenibieet poles Waited tc Of elias Ma: hew metlioi ees oad ‘siti batt . The ulded fish-s aneged ples ahowt $i ot ity ae inches long, the head of a hot projects «pair Ot big employ P hooks. GENERAL. Germany is_negotialing a ew loan. ‘he eon ss of Japan as 16 make a tour of C Unsynmetrieal Dera are prohibi- to in Berlin, Gi Russian guar ae red 01 gang of convicts, ses partir of them. TL is stated ae Let ek dp will a ig fons in her The Grand print of Japan, Admiral Togo, and a UD of nobles will make a Wen of Co — ee MBoxers nate been. killed in Chinese Gov- scheme in Corea and is Peres re gration to By. Sureomen ina ail her tects “at an is and es of tine in Russian Manchuria. _contes Towed to ship Newfound emieite or inside the ihestlte vimite eee EES, FOUR EARTHQUAKES. Severest epee in the Middle of the mh pati London says: Seis- siocaae Milne’s instruments. recor. most aaa since Thursday evel - urthy whieh “5 the everest, seems. ‘ie hase in the mi of the Pai cific esos th the ii increase. for ‘er $18,000,000. Tanto “28377 yrome because rs AY | don series at soe ethane the: The Mighty Cunarder Lusitania Beats All Previous ; A despatch from New York says: The unard steamer Lusitania passed Sandy Hook Lightship at 1.25 o'clock on Thurs- day morning, having made the distance from Daunt’s Rock, 2,779 miles, in. four ays Seven hours. and. thirty: ‘Allsntic’s blue “ribbon from mans. The Lusilania on this trip captures the Ger- . fist ran from Monojon to Halifax €n Eidystne Lighthouse. to “Sandy: Heok, Records. prarticaty | all ae records. {er [aie nine With ob seriedeene records prac LA turbiner: ae mités ould be aie erowdin, xe decks, and ae big siren shrieked in answer to he Saute ‘of a lightship. THRESHING NEARLY OVER. Wheat oo in wee in Places verages 23 Bushels. A sept from ¥ crop report issued Py the C. P. Friday morning is again a Ene: able one, showing thal threshing is well pletion Anroughout hea Souris sections the yield is cxeeptionally. good. CANNED GOONS TO GO UP? si So Says Prominent nt Canner of Picton— Fact te ies Were A de ERG from Kingston is will truly be ait gt an advanced. price. The factories. have a far busier season than anticipat- ad é 4 (wa, Bouts oi ——* TO MEET LATE IN NOVEMBER, Partiament Will Assemble Either on Twenty-First or Weel A despatch from Ottawa says: The Cabinet on Thursday discussed the S03: me in a general way, al- are behind and it w ergies of the Pri inting pureau to get ie reports out by the beginning of Decem the Bs ling a Per. fa Nove 2 r 28th, with the ouaies te favor of Te Yor ee SERIOUS LOSS TO HALIFAX, ie mployes Drives way Business. A de nS from Halifax. strike among. the Halifax dry-dock employes, which has Rereon (och ga eeks and is. still “ungated, is new eine in Lig loss to this Two steamers were on hand under con- tract for ¥ amounting to nearly $100,000. The svork twill have to be done in New York peta aba ONE. YEAT IN CENTRAL, Strike of Sentence ae pees ee on|< bury Bai atch se m_ Nor’ Hunter, yo eel qho on Wednesday was of TSN Ey. by causing the deal an tle ejecting him fro 1 Haileybury last sentenced by he Cen- igned petition uspended was th of Ed. the Sanaa Hotel ing that sentence be si handed to the judg HIS BODY CUT IN TWO. Camp Cook Killed ed Trying to Board Mo’ ee Train at Verona. +h from Kingston says: John ie ved Oe st a Kingston and ot the “cars passed 01 welow the heart, eating spa ee com- pee in two; Deceased young | Th of Omaph, Pp) ry. ‘The wheel er the man just ae FOUGHT DUEL WITH PIES. Apple Pumpkin Flew ace ea the Air. - jespatch from Chicago si Mince, sulattered pie all over alled the police, but the duet between y went merrily on. and pumpkin Re. perhaps berry, m 0 duel. seventy-{ river were used in tl gee ON TRIAL FOR HIGH TREASON. Lawyer sae Molise as Gers anys Curse. A ea Karl Tientnieht, William: Lice Wednesday in the Imperial Supreme Court at TLeipate on the char; fe is charged with writing, mphiet entitled Anti-Militarism,”. de- rom Rerlin s fala Ao erste be plats spirit. ebknicht, wifo leads the Extreme Yohuilenary wing ol rats, is a prosperous lawyer and prac- tises in Berlin. He is 36. yoars old. | answer 10, the. presiding © nothing to “ responsi for Fp with Socialism.” Tho a eine PROT ES EN RDN A TORSEMAN KILLED, 5 Vatal Collision a : ztoe Freigits Near Aa wreck occurred at a espatch irs Maleate says: + AY n. carly hour on ovr Sutherland, of Grimsby, which were 01 hy, Sand, Sweet Jane, Gracey K- Rochelle. priereeS TA GASHED BODY IN RIVER. eed: seaeaee ve Tragedy in Mont jo Clue to Mentify. es Montreal ah Ans indicated’ wees gash, indicat- t with fouk ly wi [en a strip- with “the eenon the ‘boo! nothing to ie G ine identi- fteation' ot the dead man. READING TS NOW BASH From England, A despatch from. Fines says: The Pestoflice Department has completed its statistics of British ‘mails coming to| f Canada by Canadian steamers for the mailbags Great Britain during {he months nd Heep as a 462 per a ihe mbes fer July ane being ane nite whil gust, for the sane ‘mont! wet 569 But the i theasure « the increase can eal fro ee mae or 132 per. cen it. less ae amazing. During Ju there were received at the off ee 481 begs of British” mails by the Canadian sleamers. For 1907