se tees nH BOOK OF NEHEMIAH THE BARBER'S UNION Beage = Se avons f bai Montes, Cana AN EASY VICTIM Restoration of O!d Parish jChareh Re EER* IS GOOD FOR MOST FOLKS ment F “3 =5 f calls Tragic Event of nt Failed. Tiel SAGAR? NS IL TO CONSUMPTION Te snhiune atte (HARDLY ANOTHER BEVERAGE FEEDS $0 WELL) Pie hee any -conelent tre = PAPYRUS IN EGYPT. Wi : sn = Of ie NERY OE ways: ‘one, but sith Olio i : he run down system is an inviting iS oor, England,’ late- ys 3 Sela for the germ ot Tuvercutcsis. You ly restorabi ni atthe: work. anipet ean to take jong ‘ire. ais cannot ae nh ff reathing tn Begone eee ad i fee “vor pe hee os EER reall 1 ‘lk 06. they ere every w at @ robual eye a ! s seaagae a of the 47th Year of Derius for sl nme el ee : ‘old cas church, he Cathedral orthe ally excels milk as a food-drink for Lease to Hetita Tense ot Seals lees muchas ¢ [Mec Ue, camo pice most grown people. And many, many 25005 7 vine i g evening ‘s MG Jehovah. ea rate ove f fees | Golo: 2, 163 ee years S #0, with s Ss se digest shee easily, because reaily valuat rhe aples of the ry ¢ fy so. la Clermont Gennesu has. given the derail Mees eee Ger an Tighinin lolit Member oF tke Morcover antec? 4 is in solid food-contents. BRICKS ol Sipe oe x ees ee a a , is so liable to. contagion that it is > tmiaoomibined- with np. at Exeter, Joseph Hall, to seldom pure when we get it in the cities. But Ontarie- cet ae reorhonpiian, the Solan Seery laenoe of the ‘isas- brewed beer is really pure,—brewed in cleanliness, of hateltions raat of Malt a us effects of the lightning is still fo the Bro Reet teary Sedative Finia be seen on the northern buttress of the sound materials, in a sanitary way, and brought to the MY. c5i iS been spent in user in the same fit-to-drink state. enan- te Soria ena car before the stone of Le. TASTELESS cour AGRE — ‘. Jesus, taking us back to the origins 0 p the @ sR ; De ee eae pe ee: ena ea i Twhile explorers. were Pronchtin ere y places that have given Beer Is No Stimulant Ae healed and ? ; artbin relics of the tom. to more ’ the ; ff by lounging on the veran-| ¢ : ipawaeenlden ee “need wif tore, humor and Raster a Drink beer with meals and at bedtime, as am item of diet that a ti ‘ate at ri a Y caught fing that any Sewish traginent was. turned Bis pennies War famous: herd. Ellenhorough. One day. will help the stomach do tts work better, and will feed the body and the next day 1 a i net {eel at all) up. Now, howe ng some papyri le. a young member of the bar rose to ad besid Don’ wi ine my | fox nid by the Ger mans vithin fift ds “BRIOK'S TASTELESS * aes th inte trie i esides, on’t choose beer as a stimulant, though,—it does iy nto x diggers, - fa pat eon geet Babicennonies: ease: Myc uniirfinate selene hath: not contain enough alcohol for that. Use it as a food-drink nie twenty 4) ounce Battlew, retail price at dit two ae three times, that induces lazy stomachs to do their work well, and so helps lopped short. “Go on, sir, them get more good out of all food. go on!” eald Flenbarue “So. far Beer Makes Better Nerves another trip, 1 hed, not pone far Lefore pou very ii and hed to return hate and as had chilis, headac et = RA tre ——— —-—— | dhe Court is: with . m7 value lies in the fact th Pals in ‘ay Biri Pee ties ln ane ia sere a | fn Ian igh pot otierue’| wt Soman ROvEGUET AWARDED SILVER MEDAL es ead te ate he. Sob aula 96 JobeDE ae ee Peper 243 ae Ontario beer is not only deliciously appetising and refreshing, ats Beate car warse 1 asta 4 PE-RU-NA SCORES NEWCOMBE PIANO WINS LAURELS because brewed of pure malt and hops only ; but, besides, all way ain i skeleton psa zealh is aucune 2 by Brot Another Triump in Canada es: % JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION. the power that hops Possess to repair nerve wastes is kept in eneeht Bates seine eh ahah fathe Bins Sicha of Berlin, ae Wynne cit tobe ar Bot SS) Psa £8 Mr, Albert Shaw, the well-known these brews. That is what makes beer so particularly good “supply of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills on Beat President Edward Bousquet Lauds } sfusc'uas sd ste aes ey ae ve Rev wi ot eviews “ind for women to drink regularly. Ask your own doctor what ke th : fall. pariotiars and directions in- "Gly president of the jury : he thi 3 sc pate THIS WONDERFUL DOCUMENT in Glowing Words. Bates a wicazome Jemestown Exposition, has notified the hinks of beer for your household, Gen feral Agents for Canada. Newcombe Pi-ro Compa ard ti sine 248 a Panet president of er ant oni ae “Union, Local ia-a peliton addressed by. the Jewish in- hubitonls af the sland of Eleph decide me 10 ‘continue speaking: thr ue be p priest, Todi hem end 4 took about 1 box e Lord them on their new patent piano equld- | \ BRER in a form which cOvere Mager, ale porter aad einer’ " covers Inger, ales, porter ani ‘and, in the practise of red with the Howard Patent Tension Seer dae heveraes made undet most Evgioute conitioen from Oumasis tener tt iis ‘werld) malt, hops and pure water, oe the Rods. which they are exhibiting at the the blessing ¢ of the “God of Aiiiey tullyvenred ‘moe and Geen eer ga. bine ana ing at K 2 ssitic J Newrombe'’s success able to go about my work without in, eae fkay ronebenoe Exposition. |The News o teeing fatigue » terns h little er no results to nalivecustom, another tribute to thes HER COMPANION. . identical with thos ithe apy-| Vit other girl. ‘This he did by Sleutine over |nadian: manufa : Hho S68 ESTERS ast exertion is den tic n those of the p Twas advised by a friend to, ry. Fug oni CH Mis Feeai “It gests $21_a week Periita, and atier ie 4 ttles enda, ey oad of the the matter finally got more compli- ater. ned like your eyebi re |, Myer (reading) —" An bad Bond Ori: good blood and head of the Nie Wed iy . Pp) Mother (whe in dren have had an y ah yebeor ws. He said they were ed 8 ch relieved. ated, as the man who gct Fazenda died, | equontion sup “ae ie eee Inhor wail be @ pleasure. De. Williams? S pemenarta ie the greatest ‘she became the property of his bro: | CAUst4 uperion to. her sis in reine a : a Mie Vell, at that rate what would ‘ IP small daughter, whom s in the ac exclaimed Miss Passay. ff Pink P he iianahpatarkh remedy oF tke sinacking) Sil tear you net 0 Fae nro aac A the Tenth) amelie teh mroned to. y | cheer' vty recommend pene ee ca mo sist Pe offered 7. 8 all Da Areal (be- | not as “Tick as ney wei ae f i res da t of Mr. Bousquet’s Teach, you mean, ue Bu irjed Helloway's Corn Cure? Vidrang (brib & “cannot be questioned. He SCAUD MEAD ts 5 digaitng and ebctinate |! bas no eqisal for removing these mfaih at 50 cents | 102 \o tne tates Eating papyrus), and frank reo at a A ou ston oe feoquont i ei Beater! Fs tree othe eresences us many: have Seges trort rhe [eer faunas Enna Bepyensh eee inanis Grae aa Gas Weearor Carin, hothers mil be lad lear oUfied who have ted tt Ont. dant. of for ped. him rate ae © cure > hin the re easy it 1s to Totgive an enemy missi you — Hoy of > OPIU! « fi uu eyer notice that the man when he-is in a position: to’ do ere: at. = tne s to take advice is always | favor, DECREASE 9 give it unasked? fa Ch Edict from ‘Throne Has Mace forefathers old sh ee Seles eat Reduction in Use of Drug. — |! the ian ot, = Seat Fs wie fe os the sae, Die Pana: seltestiat J ean Beep 5 Soyg the North’ Ghina Daily destroyed all’ the temples of the Egyp- frettul the r Graves’ Worm bese tila to canbe: fol: stroo peony Wane Tenl “ANNO! ar ayeller th ties ey develop lor; both equals it. “Procure | deuggiats sell tt - pee one. ae her RE un te al ‘and the 17 {s rest she a bolic and take it aare ed ee woman, shoukt “aifmowlon : oo lowance pes v d financier out of a job is| financial allow S made her her to “the world as a last | husband by making an alisemticeitior nis shortcomings, ie great cha Gpitim is concerned. so far as the le points 0} it that of A frenzied EN Americ or a arge of who ioned by the fe and also by tt WwW hich is excave 5 have learned thie scductive power of the nelped by 70 - Peide wil wv CACO 4 cae n Pus- demolistied the venerable sanctuary, de- ays seep It a | Senger where hitherto there has see thal it cont ye T would recommend it to e g9¢1 the quickest eon fren use of the pipe, there is now away tie mg. and think that no home| W ne cok nay einer ana [ Ba cough & co OTHER PREC ; Hands. JOpu i of E Boils, 2 srineey tral PASS = wl mies wept are (ks no- caly ot i thal on a Sas age on a ane cago poat to ( hianginen hi did not s ile -opiuin smeker, and a Jat at the seventh meocn (Aug "Go s wo men smoke they Get a bottle to-day from your druggist, If it doesn’t cure you quicker than anything youever tried he'll give you your money back he "ala are fo mour ig ca fig upon bayahs So began Zaha ae ne gov * sre did oint- | "TELLS HOW TO MAKE THIS SIMPLE Some ; RHEUMATISM CU what is the | Shiloh’s is et bes 8 A W 1 and co se ND. “What is. the ant end of man? is = da safest, surest and quickest medicine for your children’s coughs th esse curly i caughe ana onide ton ag years. All druggists— and $1.00 a sonstin mption, butt into dis 456; emand for anti- | and to make restit itutio mee cal BS 4 : whi wo i ad executed his. it $ N te svered the ‘small et i a eauae: n just Peeseription Given Which Sulferees of | boy: at Sacbon de te on A Malay States has spread’ inlo tho inte : . fos, di inquires are made for tt Dread Disease Can Make Up and Try | tycy,, Mange, Prairie Scratches ond toot ae iy F ase i ee Soon at Home at Small Cost. every form of contagious Itch in human Ro: 4 arr ates 4 i e doing sal lieve th forms of Rheuma- eR a tae Nant eg a See cad ie bas loing 8 elieve the worst forms ma- ri 5: opin n pills, “a ape! they effect their fae nee fea peonill ‘of the following tee 8 ca atnaate ee cots AGENTS WANTED. x uEOR {mixture after each meal and at bed Sergt aohea ot ite For Ladies P YOUR BABY. ol ord Ext Dandel e-halt oH heer praaloaatn oo exaeeiut abo, Auburn, WY ‘ ‘ : ie Fh ean Rae nies aun litle Mee Sey serOeee will be : soe! “Ladies’ Flanged Beaver” is only : No mothe? can ‘expeet her lit ie — jo escape all tHe ininor childhood, but she can be Sens sure that her ¢hild: w she mye tan occasional Corapound “Syrup Sarsaparilia, three | ""P, | one of a dozen styles, we make especially for Ladies’ use. You will find just the Skates you want— ae eee MACHINERG FOR SALE. harmless ingredients can bo ob- Thage \ulned from any druggist in the smal-| Not « Nouscating Pill—The excipient DYNAMO ker towns, and are easily mixed stance which enfolds | go lights, first-class order. Will be sold ica Se Baby's Owh ‘Tablets, 5] 4 Shaking them well in a bottle, Relief ue ingredients and makes ay eS pill | cheap and must be gotten out of the way for fancy skating, rink use, hockey and absdtely sate ip ea, this sedi, phat the temple of Jehovah as it once iigenerlly. felt fom the fret few That, of Pareles Vegetable |gwing ta. euO‘ightmeching tang Is cing ta eae ae i y neg is so compounded as to eine lace. S. Frank Wilson, 73 Adelaide yst, that: it Ditee no opl-| Mm return for this boon “they will offer |“ iineeemnaotie aE é paisonous soothing stuff. Mrs.| ur. sacrifices to Jehovah on the new “This spe ni ee a well: petals ae Pa ei hod me re tee oe oa Write for the 1908 Skate Book, if ous dealer dose nat handle RR Oe Werner nite naen impr ans BEE ite bully Fe ub caiegectnn: eva: icnhe Joes tale ation te’ Many piles ty oe FAN BLOWER! 3 eee cae” Hockey 8 Hep Qian ete ee nra Cosk, tu wok are ene Seer roi the Wicd neil Gere td ueey Aah foe danierlap? ee lls for sfontaeh troubles Aid. isl tran ote pian aL myst conte DAY: i aie ‘us Watts matter and uric acid, |rclled in powders, which prove mause. | Buffalo make, number four, 9.inch ven | ‘Che Starr Manufacturing €o., Limfted Eisedye:teok sale. When 1 havea box of feive hiln to eo thal he will reap nae i: Bhai ns eon oe ee are that Vegetable | teal disct pet tont fein idea ree et 16 , e hat ” - bet ° ae Sold by all mie NS Hee pee Ik the “olleriige, {painful and. tortueus disease, bul ‘éan-|| agreeable to the redelaes fog, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto, BRANGH OFFICE TORONTO, Ont. 2 : ye PY Wiillame’ Medicine | Without count of the gold, concerning | SN ° et aigee omar ; See 3 = <= —— Sapien : } edicine |e tie has elves vaaateretst alued by many sul] Give a men a good dinner and he yo 8 ton reebille, oni, ; iy in canelason, the Seiten Anat Ter erat ipascwtn abould at once will remain in a good humor for ab { cere they have written also {repent He ae te get tas role Jeast an. hour. if said thal f DELAYAH AND See jake this prescription regularly, a dose RIBING THE NHR ES with opium you : 1 of Sunbullat, Governor of Saniaria gt AWe OMe Ob suat lew. limese: &) ep a cough ba toe int raation goes from ; 4 wir ey Bes bul that the Sattap Arsam, recalled by | "@*k, Would never have serlous Kidney | Oo: 0 Tom ie MS ry nies 3 ius, knows notof the matier.. Prot | Urinary disorders or Rheumatism. Ecard ms of threat and lungs. , i ther papyrus and fragments net yet | , Cul this out and pr eit. Goo é fiilate the “action. of the Pi lished it is seen that, thanks to dre | Sbeumatism Sreceeene which really.|~ gmith—"Excuse me, Jones, but may Noe Kidneys, purify. the blood, of Begohi°and Delayah, the| ‘“Heve are, scarce, and when'|1 ‘ask how you manage to have such You can putona roof that will 7} Xe ¢ was granted and the temple| (24 eed: It you want i badly. delicious thinga. to eat’ Janes—"it's lest hun re ears nd be the } shout ‘ : af Jehovah rebuilt, 13 quite simple. 1 always kiss the cook e snd = eh s ear ~Ostaners, ai ite ee r Ms Tho inestinable value of these new DEBTS ie "AERIGA. Before dinner, and hold her en my pit o ee a fen Be Se gakcer discoveries lies in their corroboration ot knee after dinner.” Smith—“But what inte yo an ic ter the ie oe " the einen Slory tn id, esis. the | They ae Nee Outlawed» Among the] dces your wife say?” Jone: 50h, gh that. will penne bly leet a 4 nf Teh ; ie Teacher Wille this chastisement |e oe ene i eolatnete tee of that Country. dvesn't object, She's the hits it, an peta = es itis pacteiele 2 Old which -L am abut. to sciministor, will | Governor Baganl: ss te Be found in the Ue cites “ie sae 18) PeRn ed ee : i el tin + fur mare tha historian Flavius Josephus, in the Greek | PYe vi sh Cy Spee the pa eae ae nee Punt iie—Well, den, if it oe ‘ee Hark [dona ak Bagong. Brot: Clesmant Gane} 01 Ausl Who. con tach SIs Since te) soa hace Whe’ citer. muscular pains you shout Pte same in money at to Dad, why, ease up a bit en| nea. wha gives the above detaila, hag | SEO°Sit imgst the only imporfant it “Os a 1 bad a eee Se aes Oe aire Uelali hae ae he ee from bicycle riding will find Dr. Tho shingled eee se pl abe hon {this discovery, although net -acually | Minor. children. In that caso the hus-| mas’ Hcledirie Oil sowelingwerth ¢ | vend ena father is responsible, Bul in tying. “Ae a lubricant it will keep the aly; an vinope Aa : ——— citrate a an older practice ists, | tnuscles ; win: — SOPPOSOSOGOOISOGOETOOSOOOD | Meee onic nen sees ole (eo fully; and ightng. SAAS IAL dlaw-banmer_ end 4 rel 3 winded they may among) them, without soflening or ir ance citively Thettdtnekanared. j MPS Simplest thing you know—can’t get "em on ny: lent their sf F “6 iL 7 midebt ancy motive, tribes of And oanuastone Tt iesvaihoul a sorains| | Pa thet "Os iia Sehiniot rool will be * Oshawa’? sie four sides—whole roof - : 4 aie ci over outlawed. It descends Beran anes weather poot for acentury. We'll GU. is practically one of doublo-galvanined steel, that f] rom the father to the chlidvens even ‘ arter-century —: —from never needs paint ob Girthood ard Scott's Zmulsion axe unto the third and fourth generation. In| wy Soy ALL aQUys TEE i at i Niaee ay $08, n GuBTee And GU. D— & _ linked together. the journal of G. Harry Agnew ill nen mushand enleral te io eeohae | A ety Pwo don't overlook thet. Guar. sicnary, following account of native aby's ss in writing, & Leen ernie of dealing with otfen.| Se * preted Newpop, Sat ty Goaranteed inwriting }}“Oshawa” Galvanized ars eealat s bites “ lers is given: 5 's the ee quarter-million kee * a The girl who takes Scoft’s Emzel- If a man hes committed some misdeed | My chance I have lo be hea a eee Satnttte hingles are garentecd jeri @ sion: has plenty of rich, red blood; she is . sas ‘ even! That's sayir every, wes; Sue Bese tire 3) — sees me & plump, active and energetic. pane isn'ta Qught to Last a Century |] von oe 4 &e What your & ‘That's: the argument in . ¥ & : . eS say if you ba e same $ & Z The resson is that at a pericd when'a gir!’s thee tee h originated tn in ne gale ale ons to ‘et Aue ie pire es 1 Feige ieagiat heaalee epee ; saad 4 Stes pbants’ tusks perhaps fcrly years certai at “Oshawa”? proposition ¢ gestion is weak, Scort’s Emulsion HpGF An“ trslanteol tals klod Wellin: And even the best ¢ ingled roof will be Tell us the measurement ¢ hae any oot and we'll tell & provides her with newest Bouurishonee 1 in trate the matter leaking badly inside ya ; ctly what i cost to. rout | $ culy eae Ruanda is nalive. Gist ng : Foie less week oak tara : $ €2.8: diges' orm, father is a petty chief. jer eee facts & ’ ; was a kind of underbuyer for a while Dy ee ee ere ° I 5 Sait eves bien. clot X a isa fGed the which to purchase 1 ask, for our Roofin; é 5 f t builds end fet up a ne day a native eat to him with a ht”? A post ecard” will do i & gisl’s strength, = et ahs ivory, more than he had lath to : s¢ he invited the native to go FS é ‘Why © : : Tih {bin to the white man, who woula into the next township. nate Ore YOR A ow Y iG = ny : The Pedlar Peoplem : & ALL DRUGGISTS: BOc. AND $1.00, epsted or paying a A ARB TORONTO — OTTAWA ‘WINNIPEG 5 2 while man.{ook it and drove, them INTREAL ° cher oueiee eecoes ag aie les W. 1 Colborne St, 423 Sussex St, of Oshawa ioe St 76 Lombard St. Pazenda's grandiatnen, sorte “cout hot POSES OSES SS SPSS OOSS OSLO: