‘PAND RANGE 3 HOLDS FIRE closely before retiring to rest. In five minutes after turning on the drafts she will “have a good, strong fire. Should she sleep two or three hours longer than usual there will still be a fire ready for her. iN The fire-box, flues and dampers are so I scientifically arranged | that the Pandora can be never have morning. London, Toronto, Montrssl. J. ROTHAERMEL & SON, Beene - JAS. S. LOCKIE, Agent, The good housewife always feels like bestowing upon the Pandora a cheerful “good morning.” Why? Because the Pandora always has a nice bed _ of hot coals as a reward for checking off the dampers regulated to hold a fre from 24 to 36 hours. their disturbed with dreams of making a new fire in the If your local dealer does not handle this most perfect of ali ranges, write direct to us for Free Booklet. M°Clarys ORA ALL NIGHT ianipeg, Vancouver, St. John, Hamilton Milverton - Newton The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1907 GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES Canada Farmer and Werkly an ibe Se Family Sey ad Weekly Star to Jan 1909 for $: The township of Stamford, near Niagara “Palle will light its highways by electricity from the Falls. country roads will be a nov alte Tf we are to judge by paid at the sale of dairy cows on Fri- day last the farmers of this district are not worrying about ® scarcity of fe The prices at the sale ranged from $25 to $75 a head, The zecetaerian General Assem- bly’s committee o7 ‘and social reform has RE in favor of adopt- ing a system of public ownership of the liquor traffic in those Provinces in which there is no eee prospect of carrying prohibiti The town of Essex is asking that amount of the fine ee ope hat Michigan Central Railw. a con- sequence of tl Serene Geolosie n of dynamite at phat place be ee over the town instead of going into the rrequant one. seeing that n of Essex sustained all the The Beople of the rest of & Province have no desire to profit the town’s amstardn The ene of a C. P. R. track continues, and in the course of time oS track will ee one of the best in the . The Be passenger and two freight trains eek are will ni elon: e all tests and there is little doubt but that they will continue to prove firm and lasting.—Goderich Star, The London Advertiser says that potatoes were adrug on the market in that city on Saturday and farmers had difficulty in disposing of their loads. ‘There were 60 loads of potutoes on the stands and the loads average: BLENDED round flour or barrel you Ontario Fall “Made in This is the mark of a the best Bread, Cake and Pastry Flour —the best all Just try it once. Look for this trademark on every bag Blended Flours— milled of Spring wheats—have it. FLOUR— in the world. buy, All fine and Manitoba Ontario” about 40 bushels each. Then there were three car loads of i ‘rom Cara reputatoin of being the champion po- tato nals of western aries The price of toes on Saturday was tne 75 to 390 age number of our young men met at. the Oxford Hctel on Monday even- ing to discuss se spar reilly of form- club in the village. ject of the young men is to secure a place of meeting where healthful en- to spend stock Gazette, Master Blake Hay of this town was in Milverton last weel ecame interested in a big bear kept cal barred box there “hey told hin the bear was quiet, and he went u close to investigate. The bear reached through the bars and gather majority Ear of the lads pantaloons. e home with the remnants iced and severai good sized fas] > some broken bones. be kept safe or mt the boys kept away— Listowel Bani That is simply a makeshift. prescription known to Druggists every- whet shoop’s Restorative, ‘The Rertorative is prepared expressly for these weak inside nerves. Strength- en these nerves, build them Cuinted)” | ied) ‘STRATFORD, Ont ¢ Time at Home, doulars, 9s we have short time. Addre SANDERS DRESS CUTTING SCHOO! 31 Erie Street, Stratford, Ont., Canada. WANTED vse one ‘o instruct and employ Rs: RELIABLE 2 eee Ifyou. want to use the best goods, abi must haye our brands, “Canned Vegetables Canned Fruits ho: likes drawing preferred, PI ply unless you can de LEARN DRESSMAKING BY MAIL To enable all to learn, tal. | which might be asked with equal nent plan. ue. one sche. ae sisonl ca gts point in our own it” : once commen p duce |& monty lessons ach howtocut,fiane |it says, “that & nigger nonsense show BeLsmainer any earvent, fom the plaipeat shi« Tecan draw a full house at 36 and 50 fait sult to the, most fa ress. Tho wok Mid ‘amily can learn from one. course, re tavghi ts while a lecture by a college 2ver F000 dressmakers and @ pave $30 professor or a pulpit orator at 25 cts. 0 anyone who ¢: ot learn totween, a wes cf 14 fails h and 40, Youcar Shere Grossmeking as shoe alls than jews, Bower ieehay yon Mere Ors house? interesting and ; imitations ‘etside the schodl, hii the" ony cxparinced profitable lectures have been given. in aiWe have desided <2t| Drayton on Tuesday, cote your, whole time. ‘Address—THE SCHIOL. Dr. Shoop’s Restorative—tablets or liquid—and ae how quickly help will come. pans test sent on re- uest by Dr. Shoo} acine, Wis , Your health is seats an this. sim- ple test. Public Drug Stor A Kincardine propounds a quested incardine recently with the, result b iL re seca n= orable A very sudden death occur ined id Nov. 5th last, when Mrs. W. 5, Adams passed sud- denly away before medical attendance could reach her. was born in her parents about the year 1854. In bereayed husband, ighted | the prices |j a gradually eae the henry faces ae in a| pri n the ee Heart or Kid-|i | be a Canadian, whereat there is much | King township, York county, in the came to Drayton with) the year 1862 she was married to her and with the Out of the vessels sailing out from St. Pierre, during the last fishing sea- son seven of them were lost, in which 123 souls were victims, the majority of whom left large families. Trial eatarrh treatments are on eq Shoop, Racine, Wis. These tests ars proving he people—without a penny’s cost—the t yalue of this scientific prescription known to soe gists everywhere as Dr. Shoop’s Ca- farrh Remedy. Sold by the Public drug store. y not advertise said the scribe 8 na few days ago. e said. Now, an keeps pounding away, telling the oe: ple about what he has to “cell, will come off better in the end than the man who thinks it is not necessary. Another surmise, in addition to the|? one mentioned last week, is that the transfer for their boat service to and from tl ort. ae h Star rishman was sitting in tha apt smoking the other day, when a w in, and sitting down paid: were a gentl oe poisons Irishman, a8 he pul ye was me woife, tscepere Ti take To check a cold quickly, get from ur druggist some little Candy Cold Tablets called Proventies. Druggists everywhere are now dispensing Pre- Taken at the ‘sneeze stage” Preyen- tics will prevent Pneumonia, Bron- chitis, La Grippe, etc. ce the name Preventics. Good for feverish children. 48 Preventics 25¢, ‘Trial boxes 5c, Sold by all dealers. Ata recent meeting of the Clinton town council it was decided that the town would buy its own local i errors ment debentures amounting to al C. v. K. may secure the Wm. 2, Detlor and Holmes properties which | grain and wet from his farm of 15 “4 would afford good dock room, as well] acres, had 900 bushels of wheat ventics, for they are not only safe pe # surance companies. ree of these in Ontario, which paid losses totalling $1. 628. The Ontario Gazette announces that 9 of the Ontario Act, the pur chase or sale of snipe, quail, woodcock and partridge, shall be probibited for ‘a period of one year from September Ist, 1907, A relic of Confederation was shown ce morning last week by Mr Bogar- Tt was none other as an old Dottision of Canada one dollar bill. oe ay one of the first bills iseued, be- e “A” issue, It is altogether Giseiet from the present $1 bill, be- color and different in he bl is in Snot condition a =o Mei Mui ; eat Saugeen, ine ae ech ae $4500 worth of stoc! which he Sola at $1 per bushel, and and over 300 bushels ot peas at 850 a bushel. Mr. Muir is one of the most intelligent farmers of this section. His advanced methods of cultivation, and how whatean quarter section would make such a showing in the most favorable season.—Port Elgin A well informed farmer said to the Times this week that the talk about their stock, or rater giving it away in many cases. A more economical handling of feed, togetlee with fawer cattle and horses on hand, will likely leave more feed in the country next pring than most Pepple expect. of no have hear igs Times. Sure Cure for Sciatica. Sciatica is feally inflammation of the C. R Honderich & Son | PARLOR are as popular to-day as 20 years ago We still have too many Parlor suites on our floors, so we have decided to extend goods for ten days more. Your last chance to buy Parlor Suites at such a sacrifice. Come and look them over. only, 5-piece Parlor Suite, velour covering, show Sood frames, plush bands, regular $32.00, sale $19. 85 price. UITES our sale prices on these only, §- piece stuff over plush band Sau and back, regular $42.00, sale $81, 49 price.. 1 only, 5-piece suite, show wood frame, silk cover- j ing, plush bands, regular price $37.00, sale $98. 50. price.. 5-piece suite, best only, ful deter mahogany frame, regular sages oo ERO Th ens only, 5-piece, big stuff over suite, ee rug 0 holaerins plush ;front and back, roll arms, guaranteed for 10 years, reg. $64, sale price... 1 only, 3 covered seat, Saal back design, eel hae sale price -piece birch mahogany suite, best grade silk _ seen eeeneewenene suite, Velour upholstering - silk “upholstering, beauti- $46.00 $38.50 only, 3 silk in Pat and back, beautiful $44.00, sale price............. Remember, we aie Sata = the latest designs, and newest coverings, All guaranteed. Terms, Strictly Cash. 3-piece birch mahogany suite. 008 quality seat = ar $35.00 Goods Delivered Free. C. R. Honderich & Son provement! te iy fend of raising these amounts by de ures it was decided to take the ee out of a surplus cash on hand, which amounted to about $9,000 at the first of the year © are aah Fig today be- Hay at $20 per iat GBe nar taste are be value. It is true that the failure of the crops has tek rice, —Wiartor to sell it at cho. At the suggestion of the German Emperor an eychan; any consternation in official circles Prob- ably the authorities of the Harvard University had no intention of mak- ing the tacit admission that the most intellectual portion of the “American people live north of the United States boundary, The Canadian Bank of Commerce, the Dominion Bank and the Tnperial nk are the institutions which mak: a specialty of lending money for cro} ; moving Pe in the Canadian west. Mr Bryan E Walker, president of the first named bank, was inter viewed Bue observed; “The Canadian banks lending ‘money to grain ae as Sarie but they are not aaeadtapion speculation in food stuffs. ‘hey are refusing to advance loans on grain going into store, dor oepeculny te who is buy: ae way of the political transgres- in Englund is hard. After the elec= tion of 1906 a petition was entered against the return of the enc candidate in the ‘city of cester, ‘A trial was held, corrupt sieiciieee and e trial, ‘| Business For Sale ! ‘1G. G. ERB, Snuuiae fee nerve, the largest nerve in the “This passive i is the pro- duct of a run-down condition, and in every case you may be sure the nerves are wora down fine. ‘The pain is the cry of the nerves for more food—for richer, redder blood. Rubbing on a greasy Jiniment can’t nervous system. This oan be promptly done with Fer- Ne ‘builder of nerve force is more pow- ya tone fe quickly forties. the mus is such strength, such Any traces of UI i¢ Acid and Rheuma- i ckly driven out by Fer- i eserve of vigor defies further attacks of Sciatica, lous i s reconstructive and re- building power, quick to gi alte ab are fin Sold by all druggists in 50c. Se Fer oat Lumber Yard Doing a fair trade, PAD EEOGi Ce- ment and Coal in connection. Apply to oe) NEM Gy, BL, “SWATFORD, ONT. Was is eeoa urse of training not sur- ais x Commercial Shorthand or ‘Felegraphie School in the F ‘Write for our free eatalogue and ay fall ELLioTT & MoLacn LAN, PRINCIPALS We aim to produce the high- est quality of Flour that can possibly be milled. wil Flour A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU. Pfeffer Bros., Milverton Manufactured by is the result. A higher rade of blended flour ‘has not yet been pros SHINGLES FOR SALE > Ihave just received a car of British Columbia Red Cedar XXXX, best brand, that I will sell at $1 per bunch or $3.00 per square of 3 bunches. Anyone want" ing shingles, here is wos HE at the Brunner Station Lumber Also other Lumber, Hemlock, Plank Scantling, Dressed Pine and Cedar Posts. Ete., at reasonable prices. C. G. ERB, Bones Loads of FineFurniture 3 ERE facing the holiday rush for dare re of beauty and quality. to have the widest ‘We have been carefa! re, Carpets and cue ~ You'll find half a mane designs in ration Tables here from - R. WHITE & CO. Store fice, Faurnite: pte w The Eas! lines. rita tains. Prices are notch at all times, and the limit of value is given for every dollar, t range possible in all fixed at the lowest 80c to $27 STRATFORD ‘The report |of the tan who tried the ease showed exception of a A tickling cough, from any caus Cough z Beate even to very ‘The wholesome green der stems Sot a Tung healing moun short ‘time spent ab 0, d_ by Dr. Shoop’s harmless and safe, that Dr. Shoop tells mothers everywhere to give it without rabes. | ntain- nish the curative PIO »p’s Cough C: ‘At ffairs were in ba nse Guelet Ae pes ‘ton has Le throughout the city, so bad that E have just unpacked her home all through her ina ife, | special commission was appointed re where she was held in much este ma OF parliament to investigate election Sen eS ers k of it Dessased waa atstot of Mr sobu [eoeuidda te the ol vere was|¢ Jewelery, including all the Gordon, lice! inspeston for Wan the report of the commission that the | ¢ latest novelties in Watch- Wellington. city barely escaped aisfranchinawent es, Chains, Charms, Rings ing elt S ; Hitt every. ae cupier pees in ale cue Tf this | isthe eae offend-}4 to buy or not, we will Bes e "eat iBoiin it litical corruption | $ g a thing ily willing to JEWELERY ! Bracelecs,{Brooches, Stick ; Pins, Etc. Also a fine line ware, Call and inspect our stock, whether you want pPlceed to show y ou what of Cut Glass and Silver- $ SEE THE POINT? how, on a Suit to order we every round For mae satisfaction, come in ; can | Tl Bound to ae you if you give us — the chance, especially _ in the tailoring line. — good joint stares you he face.