a z EXPLOSION KIGLBD SBVRN/#0¥0 wanes cS nner es MeO HTCTRRY LAWS VIOLATED z BREADSTUFFS. \y including taps WAPRENINGS FROM ALL OV... THE a E - Toronto, Nov. 26.—Onlario Wheat — (70 aoe eee GLO! a ee 2 while or red, 96346 lo 970; No, 2 : xed, 960, Pa Disaster on Construction Work of Trans- ae Pe fn wae ie le aay Bottle tn Telegraph Bieta From oar own ane | NOVOLAL Boats, Many Nets and ¢ a pics minckel. arly fl scarea; No, 2, S110. Other ‘Countries of Recent 4 + 2 ert seen make, 13%¢, late. makes. Q continental Railway. ws ae tits a oe et at 120; lownships, Fee Quobees a! Events. uantity of F ish Seized. . Se Soe eulcteas? CU] Buttor continues active, Grass Landon eae ohn Bec are firm at 20 to 28 ad atdlted 's population by the directory side. from, Bade ee is A despatch from Sault Ste. Marie,] number of pound nets and two : ic he powdéer- to 27 A pes from Kenora, Ont.. says: sion took place, ‘killing the pow Peas 870 outside, fie eae Saar ituluee Pie logging camps in British Colum-| Ont, eays: ‘Tho most important sé tine aunches, _belon nging to Gauthier H. Wehster s ntraclor's camp AS bie Deve tee steady, New ae ‘sie eee ae zures of fishing boalls, net and fish os “ Six of the Baslern Construction Com- ‘Austrians. ‘The foreman, who escaped, Toronlo figh's No, 3 yal re selostod, 265 to “$e to 2ker ane aS rt fo the, ast ike ‘ellevied by tha Hows ion ‘Covasehent ee Noble, Dominion Fish Come Pany’s 50-mile contract on the Trans-1j, a) Austrian, and experienced] | Tee 2 seconds, 17¢ c ioe, . missioner, it is alleged, was found ta edition tar: oitess Wcniiiease eee “A the. lie ‘Bran—$21 to $22 in pate Ae ee loos! oat Taarkeet remains siendy. at apiece! judges for eae and Seskat-|oMcials in years, have been made in} have freshly caught hiteyish, af niles : E is, $23 4, prewar appointed. ‘i ryden, was the scene on Wednesday’ Only a few minutes before the work shat Bes 30: 3 ‘ Manitoba, No. 3 white, 60; Toronto banks are’ charging higher | {@® Relghborhood ‘of Killarney, by Capt.| trout in. his . Noble claim: aaflerndon of the worst-accident ase ae aneotad- by. Diy cngineet Vike Ee “in wheat, $3.90 oboe 0.2, 590 to Sees 5, fdiconmis eeu sie i ae ig) A. C. Duncan, Dominion Inspector of|ed the fish were caught in the open history of the road, Seven foreigners Rlchan, Conteacion. We ster Bee ene ees at S820; | No. 4. 960 lo S7c;] An addition to St. Joseph's Hespital, | Weneries If is expected that wholesale | season and had been kept over, but wie dete 1 Outi and several slight- MucGillvray. ‘They were right) Con vie 5.2021 ind Gee rejected, Sto per bushel: |ixndon, to cos! 840.000, i plarmen, Ss ions. wi insti by the] the officers ~ were 1 infu eeny iat mien rere. let, end Tat 5 akers', exblore. ‘A now $200,000 thealrs is proposed in| vernment. Many thousands of dol-}Even had they been caught in the The pe an oe powderman were!a fortunate aoe holes had COUNTRY PRODUCE. Pro rovis‘ons—Barrels, short a nes oe on Rideau Street~py A. J, | @"S are involved in the seizures. manner desertbed, the offence is none doading a) Teg ti black powder, us-| been sprung the day fears isa were ; 822.50 to $23: halfebarrol ‘0 Sma Capt. Duncan passed through the| the Jess flagrant ‘in eyes of the ing @ wooden tamping stick. “The|sald to be berely Sooke anid Conn Butler—The mar ntinues easy in| $12.25; clear fat back, $23 arges of graft against members of Sone 1 00) on Thursday on his} law, which distinctly states that none foreman went for more powder, andj van: even conjecture a cause: ~The we cove “ heavier receipts, Wong cut heavy mess, $21 to tn Calgary Council ave to bo investi-} way after inspecting -fisheries|0o? the fish mentioned shall be in the Almost immediately after tho explo-! names of the dead are not available. | ( oF ints barrels do., $10.50 to §$ dry gated. under ‘his Nuruiegdn in the eastern } possession of any bey patter the ae , a ‘ long clear bacon, 10% to 114c; barrels yardmen and switchmen | division, During his operations in the{ing of the season on 4. or = = Seppe a vay Te ss plate beet, at 3.80 to “B15: half-barrels | 2°! sl, iat Deo granted a 12 per} nei; Y, Just below| Rock, a fisherman of Notary . tia : “FIVE BURNED TO DEATH. SEVEN HURT IN COLLISION. do S0lids lo 2c | <k,, 5; barrels. wane mess | CeBt yaiaaeaee it pay. ‘Soo, accompanied | caught with whitefish and trout. in . pu beck, fir i oH: Fates Deals m0 Leltens Fenelved from 9 missionary In} Ly a number of officers from the “Sco,” | his possession, Ponnsyivania Oil ne Children| A Passenger ‘Train Ran Into Freight te. $6; compound land. 100 Se acinoat tees ia late ue aie te ed ee i charge con-| ‘The fish were mit confiscated by ine the Perish Flames. Cars at Sherbrooke. a 12} lo 130; ketlle rendered, ie The exe emi ‘on. ‘spirits: for October at of Me Ug, a sailboat and a gaso-| officers, and boats w! ; hams, 13% 16c, according eounlel fo $821,651, and on toba ine IanO seized vets berated after the pie A ee omy Titusvi , SAYS; a peers from Montreal says: Sev-| 9, ti ‘size: _ breoktast bacon, 1c to 160] and cigars $628,201 = In nearly eet. instance Capt. Dun-| had obta Her oe = rere from. the own- Awakened by the barking fot wis Soe tate were injured in a colle Windsor bacon,.15¢ to 16¢; fresh killed | John’ Boyd. (ealored) was sentenced bet found that the fishery Jove were | Stent cats pendeeer ibe early on Thursday, Thomes W. Zuyer, te of Wednesday at Sherbrooke. ‘The aaien ies c ing olsteds tho’ result being a‘ large| that they are still in the han 2 an oil Heaiee living cast of here, | train va Jeaves’ Montreal for that ak ator dressed hogs, $9; alive, 95.75 be @ hanged 9 ‘on saguacy 8 for the murder | ri niber of seizures, some of ther ene Governm: ent. found his house in flames, and wi wn at 4.30 each morning was: just aeruary ist the Ontario Govern-| Siéered of the most im, portant nature} Capt. Dinean did not {cel inclined is wife and their reaching its destination When It took BUFFALO MARKET, rent will discontinue the distribution of & largest number of infractions of} to deal offhand with the case, cons{d- Is escaped from the sec-| a siding, running Le threo freight rete is es al %e to : immigrants in Ontario, @ law consisted in parte whitefish | ering the extent of the seizures and « but were badly injured. } cars. ‘The front of the engine and aap we ie ‘cn ts ‘oh trade Heed, Buffalo, Nov. 0.—Wheat — Spring |“ “rhe. Ontario “Government will leave AS t out of season and having] thetr importance in the eyes of the ve rea, Emery, ged 12; Roland,| of the freight cars were smashed. ai ‘Gt $1.7 to $1.85 for easier; No. 1 northern, carloads, $1.00% tho placing of immigrants entirely to the| them in their passession Government. He accordingly referred Aged 1; Martha, aged ati, aged | Sineer Fuller received an injury to on . 3 ed fan hawae Ne. 2 red, 81; winter scarce, Dominion Government. Ono of the tugs, belonging fo Purvis|the matter to the ment, whic! id 5, we et hi Conduc'or G. O'Connoe see au No. 2 yellow,} Samuel. Dutton, a Hamilton. football Ae was seized, as well as a ares will take ection in the near future. 85 )40; “No, £ sos 4640; | player, was fined $50 for kicking an- pee one fendy at te to tae pea eo 1 ie a le. The 5 but were able ‘ 20! No. other player's teeth out during a mateh, rae i! in the floor beneath an over-| i conlinue at. their posts after. their $1.75 to $2.50] $1.10. Rye— Ne 1, B70 3 oi L att elretiog = Army ave phortared FOREST MANAGEMENT, THE MOOR LAKE WRECK. ii Zavel pad hed been dréssed. ‘The two n sailings of steamers for next year — — Pret hatig heen BY ot tating aaa: a eon. sindquatlers, 100 im 1 NEW YORK WHE: bring immigrants to. Canada. How to Supply a Permanent Supply of | Jury Places the Blame on Driver of 4. to s na i 3 parts sas te to &e. Chief of Police Gibeau of Verdun was Fuel for the People. rete see th ae etme ie Se nol ¥ory rg | Receipts: a @ fairly lenge, New Yo ‘Spot easy: No.| ned $20 by Judge Choquet at Montreal ‘Che Golliig GAR hes dae SRL Ee: . Sit, ealing. ta othe . a si ag + B18 to $19 per % Ped "ie “oral No. 2 red, 81.01% fur not interfering in a fight in his we Selting aside of a timbered tract} 4 despatch from Pembroke says: i ia. wile ring the ingale a Silverman: 3 hate A 1’ northern, ' Duluth, | (ym cf country as a forest reserve does not|qnarsday night, at the ‘Town Hell, baby, Sipelng to the one Tot he}iNe clber se as ee aah thou ee aoe Nees. hard winter!| "The Grand Trunk has renewed its lease | mean that this tract is to be a sort ctl crown Allorney. Motealf and Coro tra m at $10 to $10.50, one of th OyS. coming| Several were badly shak Heese 4 “ 3 Sacred enclosure within whose bounds through a Ree he bo ae per ton on tra 5% fo.b. afloat of the northwest ccrner of King and | io tree ie to be cut. On tho contrary, | Josephs opened an inquest into 4 1 TSE Suse ny. = Yonge streets, Toronto, for about $12,000 f death of John Nadeau, flroman, one aeini. he bat Se a FOULD'S: WILL ‘FOUND. PROVISIO! LIVE STOCK MARKET, & yeur. UE ae ene aretv" | the victims of the Moor Lake tragedy . ented Zuver from s vinci ti Beeniering by the window and he als0| the © Romantic er Sharan Smoked and Dry Salted Meats—Long| Toronto, Nov. |26.—Exporters’ alto Serra te jremiaeicn Dera rebeluel eipply of tiiniber end fuel dor | ON eae ae dropped unconscious. from the root, Re INS I clean -paosn alee} { were teady, wih few sates, eR oe gee. the people depending on it, were lost, un the roo! ie Tea oa eh ee ant prices ee 75 | lus joyed from the United] ""In!order thet the “object” may pe| Only four wilnessas - were. called, aaa tch ee Winnipeg says: Old-|15%0! hea ise Be AE a CAD, oy tho best, and’ $4 to Shao tor tant ‘and | States. i Toronto | “ected, the timbered tands must be put| The jurors were only out ‘eee min- timers aene nee George Foulds, ; shot to 10%e rolls, |™ A by-law is to be submitted ta Toronto | under prompt management. ‘The cen-| ules, and renderod the following ver- THE PNDERGROUND BALL. der of the-Foulds block and owner S, to 10% rolls, Butchers! Pre ‘of good quality ae ratepayers to provide for raising $2,500,-| tral idea of this mange is that the| dict, which placds the responsibility {several other very tal edit Propertics: ns 159.10 | watt at $435 fo $4.50. pore OM). for a power and. tight distribution, quantity ct tine : be al-|cn- Hendrio, the engineer who was in Nearly ‘Thousand Guests Sears Dar ig his life he acquired @neiGd able | te cattle brought $3.25 to $3. 5; | plant. to be taken off the area in any} charge of the light engine: by Duke of Portian. aaa sins ne Ta Mrs. Bowler; a (ccmmon, $2.25 to $3; good cows, $3.25] A charge of forgery wv re probably be period shall not be greater “That aout Nadeau'’s death was due cutting out his famil ani |. Dressed Hogs—88.50 for lightweights 19 $3.50; canners, 50c to rk a Ww laid against Georgo Raymond, fire chief] amount of timber to the s of Engi Hen- A despatch from endore nove: Nestiyt sty fee eco aed eh tha | 88d $8 for heavies ight stockens were steady "50 tofot. Blind River now. in Sault. Sto. |the aren during this period. ‘dele annie past Bass Lake. sidin, ye Re ousand guests sccupied. the Duke) Wil Nas Been, discovore Children ahd 2| © Park—Shork cut, $93.75 ta wea” for | 93° 2 per owt. Choice stackers and me, | Marie jall on a charge of arson. ideal of forest _managem and trying to make Moor Lake si 1 jand’s nelecgeotnat ballroom of! statement of claim has been filed on: bo-| © i s: hipa wwoight Hes) were selling around | Joseph Bethune, a lad at Cobalt, held| to say, the carrying out of ths ing. Abreby running on the time of BY wsday night at {he ball given if of chitdren by Mossts.| _1ard-—Firm, artes, tubs, | ane ow plickily to a runaway team, though both | meels with various No. 8 passenger train, and meeting No. Boner of the King ant Queen of Spain, | \tecaona! Sullivan ak Gare ha pails, “126, PER oes, B88 fo S45 bucks, $3 to [hones of his right leg were broken, | clsilly when scientific “management is | NO cots 13% miles. east of Moos ic ich is 150 feet long and | Seekin (os . iM. giving the BES $2.50; lambs, $4 to $5.25 pe The Inland revenue for the month. ef first introduced. ‘bas on feet rie, om for rrRcoNly decorated | estate jowler and asking that MONTREAL MARKETS. logs aro ‘weak. Selests at © iS $1,594,231, an increase In order ‘that this policy may be car- wilh flowers and nish colors. | probate me Rileected Of tie leek. fou isi tea pees 1 $5.60 at eee eo ae 027 as compared with Oclober at je oul, it is necessary to know, not oes Dancing beg Thecok | ean, i iestaiaada cestitatade& cia) és fontraal Nowe Se Cholee ae Toron selects at last year, only the agtual Seu limber on tho EN Be CZAR'S PICTURE. tumes and uniforms blazed under 1} 000, is understood the will was Sale = 5.30; o $5.80, ao x) ero. and thin ee GREAT BRITAIN reserve at presi so. the rato at ne sai fs ipicgtamnpa:| (und i Vancouter, Weak oe ceed Santer we eat Beh $5 “atolght a 85 p. ss ae ube ee, sonich the Umber ‘is ening ee what] puree Men Were Shot for This Crime he miledong iunnet carriageway, ex-! amongst deceased's papers, and narrow. — i Ba son Friday night broke {8 at Odessa, tending -fr . OSS aye pha ing | pani Sunoe al mee! which Mr, Her-| When these have been found out, the aie: ‘as not ue It 2 kone ee that this was due the ‘treme precautions faken for whe aii ot King Alfonso. urned with what was 5 e amount of timber which ma i ja Aaaire y be removed | A despatch from Odessa says: The - sf Dept cadstane a8 addressing a a gedS: | from the tract each year may be caleu:| (rit sob au ie tise military court of 1 ey eee: sretary pieenes will pree| lated. Tt ts to nscertain the Pots Te-| twenty-seven men of the 11th Nicholas I LUE. prepart y Pre-! ferred to that parties have been out | Regiment, on charges of mutiny and in« Wed- vi A sent Leia the estab! ishment of two new unk each summer since 1905 by the Porsine subordination, came fo an end on Fears of fi jon ‘by Rats Eran. Vessels po Branch of the Doparineat of the Inter. | nesday, Twa sergeants and one privates PALL Sir Heit cen Bannerman hés ching Vancouver Total I boon ada ysicians 10. take | io 18 whose charge the management of a Ae st Kaul eeu SE of Vossibte Decrease of 25 Per Com. in| A despaich from Siawe ota! r Restate Bbroad before the” “Tne number and diameter of the brupeauiramerr rau eyen kts owes Valley Log Output, Gover Hee . os le mpor ts and Exports Show Big opening at rerliapent ‘on the tract are srrived at by going aver outieioe is nee for life, twelve were prea ont the poali lagu UNITED STATES. & certain proporticn (previously deter-| gent to the mines for ten years, and the A despatch from Ottawa says: Al-| from getting H toting tf the cities Tnerease mined) of the tract, counting the trees] otivers were acquitted. liatgh no definite éstimate as to the | cf British Co Hat faiters ate i ned e Oklahoma saloons are in porain theroon and measuring the diameters: output of logs from the Oltawa Nattey 3 Shape in Son Francisco and See ttle. In since tho Slate has passed under prohie accurately with “tree calipers,” record of Umber limits for the son hes lorauee ay. abe ihe. 12th of August ~ ae ual nig eee ail which is made at the time and kept, $60,000 LOOT SECURED. can by obtained a the, bal Fi Tie here have “been eighty-four cases of Speeii 8 classes for men were) The relation between the diameter and REqEE ete the end of the month, it is|Degue end Mlly-tour deaths, while one| A despatch trom Stiawa, sa Phe j against $206,350.53 during tt announeed ab the Y. W. C. A., Dubuque, | eight of the trees 1s also. studied, for| Two Olficials of Bokhara ‘Treasury At given out by ms rial aN that there | death occurred in aed 0 weeks ago.} annual report cf the Trade and Com- | ponding period of 1906, itor roe instance, how aa s ie four inches in ‘tacked and Mortally Wounded, Bede cisicaine tiller nk Dr. Montizambert, ireebepenerse ctl iieee Department tor 1907 has {ust been | S601) 6k Bos leakenke Of sk eae seers RUE A Dok’, into. force | diameter sill Dey Hepresen tative: tikes Ma tie akerense hes spon ott public health, is ann eriiee Colum-| issued. While, owing to the chan ois Jonuary. ist, passed. by ed A Bokhara, ; Central gain ne ry as been Be ST RS aiarantine ber crak Tninatign He Sa sel SFE oe a Canadian produce amcunt-| the: Alabama sae Me ee om Asia, says: Two officials of the Bokhara, das high ns 25 per cent, iijedic: aloes as. precau-|June 20th 10 March Bist, the meron ye |o, © $244,180.982, as against s24i2o00| Henry C. Wilder, aged 99, and Esther | men ‘Treasury were attacked in that ayy Keats fiona paint tte fens a ua tong whi: bo necesstry’ to prevent detail cores ‘only the nino ae oes ended | 9.8 sept Beg peer rhs BS bee iy eel “been nae a Hidere | ia ag setae Ean isions spread of the mal ig Canadi h 3 9 aa haw, e duty collected on imports for the| tied at Lowell, 5 t Make the owners. take SiG ust ins it Possible thal, in edition, forthe | been zm. or tue pe ae se ane ee Boas chided Sept. 30th was| Black bears are so numerous ci ae tue but the ie mes NOE bs tle as they: possibly: precdiutions _aehich = belng taken: with and: the result fet poeeriint yy sateaie are Hie ctee Beni ara alah liga ———* respect to vessels, that inspectors ma: i t epui: reat Britain amounted to} ing the setllemen’ FIVE BAILA cERe bo placed ‘at ihe various points wher mei Mga 1s to sere ss a ere ist fe i at ar ihe pi sien. 4 ed By subse. ees OWLING VAT! tio railways eross~- the international cover ‘port re Uni Slates tctalled | uses apples fer fuel after the juice the tree may be ‘arrived at, sy sul loded in a Virginia BOILING EGGS wernowr waren. |! a all ana erose be inteenston nths ey a report n increase of 84,788,110. Been Dreesed ‘out oh thorn. t Labor | ent Saar in the office ih may. | The Bolden eo ee ing) An Blectricat " i Chie *- Me 30,872 # previolisct ver, that in- mer pa ration of be determined what is the actual num- Bar trict Soh seta Tnvented by Chi Rtas ona 8 during | the slr Year of October will more| Passed a _ resolution declaring the] ber of. timber (in cords, board feet cr] A despatch from Norfolk, Va., says? EAN Lace the correspondin oninscor ne parative deficiency petehaur dey: Paramount to all other | other peaanremeat) menting on the] Five workmen were killed, ue ciate im A “despatch ‘from eae S8YS:/Deluging Rains, Have » Dama a" the oe eee . the total trade} im the figures for the. period taken, questions. tract. what is t ots wth and} injured, and a number ser: i Bolling eggs without tne tise of water | Peluoing ed (he! during the twelve months to June 30th “Importa. teom Great Britain for ino} Senuel A. Welch Uae US bin eerie at “urs Fil Brow “on fy: the exp sion of nea in H eae ts the tal hovelly exploited at one of Crops, 1907 (unrovised figures), w 617,964, 258 twelve months ended Sept. 30th toialled | > confessed to eight rob eS ee ee il ab the Joi Chieago's Ie leading eae und as the feat} “4 despatch from Stockholm, Sweden, | as Compared with $550,872.6 ‘abot 16,078,752, an ens 3,221, “) say Mass., and fo several more Fis neat Gtim erton, Norfolk sities jae Vmtoge took ea a eo atening | A suminary of the trade of Canada for| while “imports” {rom the Unned ete Eee age eagle ries sas bed eno Le eae eS fa : dis-| {he twelve “‘menths ended Sept. 30U 3229 6, xy Vre-winnens, were donerallyalteacts tention and cone triets of Lapland, where deluging rains {shows to'al imports of case. 150,007, ag $30,508,040. 1 Seo nina Of yuened se death at Rye, N- Y., on Thurs- EARTHQUAKE IN JAPAN, 2 waiter places xlike ap- | have had rous effectsson the crops. day, whe oe Brockside kennels were a fas the a and tuens on a tittle i 6 threatened esti 3 Entire’ Island bw the Blfect of the iectrici pI he. desi m- lograms per MENDS A BI 5 A WMighigen farmer a says that musk- ; hee af eggs in the heater. In about a ‘ Maur dig thet Gee tg oyna ELL. rate are building nesis “high, eed Paes ret ions, aid a hall. or halt ihe tine con: erg ot bi & vet {| Surgeon's Remarkable Operation im| Three Men Lose Thelr Lives at Ayles- Jauge snaye Ba: Upuauelly. <a utobrgas, Bl sdeoceen inal alter toh NRt ‘ale © : Hospital at Montreal. ‘ minutes, was felt throu Fes ape vapokee fo aturn. The process ered to pre- Pi lontre: bury, Sask. The General Musical Director of the pani Hrelaeain eects in_Islands,. at, originated by Professor nd S| Redike of Armour Institute, of starva-} A despatch Swedish Cabinet has been | remarkable patch from Craik, Sask,, says: Hie ENATMApReES Ine iat ‘ ; day at-|et James Allen, three miles beyond ‘t rmsttong ona woman Aylesiury, on Friday _anorning, when 5 ony ae Ba He see Hee we of Ellesmere, Society, ce Ne ha Pie tation the deste w rai ot iow Ns bi : |e THE G IOIAN BUD BUDGET, back. ‘Te woman, Riswold 0 res ees Ae hate ope a Fa aaa 4 B. 4 CANADA NO PLACE FOR HIM. Emigration Office Issues Advice Regard- ere Ae Certain Class of Settlers. z, as z 3S g % 35 2c = 232 3 vert is] erly provine es Bayle of Vancouver, as ile’ tem) repair a} Abrahans bg Meyers of Hanover. Pa.. i ul FOREIGN WARSI Ein rants throne bel The u shay bes Terrase = be as{(. PR. telegraph operator, fell down: oral ig was the first victim, and] theugh he has no hands, shot 18 rabbits is Ne hae acraaeean ae fa ion h stairs ond was believed fo have broken | w hen Forfar went to. tis assistanca| the other day. pulling the trigger of is Sonits ‘Tender t0- Construct’ Span A ich from os says: Ph toms | HEH backe She us bromptitste the hees| ne oo, Was overcome, — Riswold | gun with a strap held by his teeth, ve teva Sh peril Busta ‘of 1908 balances at g6g7~ | Pilal with fee lower limbs completly | thou; sghilesete foowed and shored in} Louis Pitzreuter, Brooklyn, Bee =e ype ne na ineewse of 3 Lb Gon as| Porulyzed. For neurly three haus she the amelonehety: fate. of nis companion: ealth © shd” Spirits, tol hits: ipeareneialn tenon Laan i e $ hat i ttc with last year’s budget. ears cntee chloroform. Ht was found| His body: hag been recovered by-the aid fee he had @ premonition of death: oleate ans ie Hrimary- ones, “inhabie| is appanen Uy the fi at aphnese competi ; origi en hil will be introdueed authorizing the| that the spinal cord was not. injured; Hh. ermppling irons. but the corpses of | 2nd just # week later he Was foumt dead of the forest region make’ consider- pid’ forthe building o: nd cing Of $65,116,520 by 2henins eee but thal the vertebrae had been dislo-| the others le at th rH of the welt} 4, had. bans Sie trot ia summicr visitors ships is reported’ by the: Maduid. corres: Tigh Canadian oficial wont teak the credit operation for the purpase of mieet:| cated anid fect below the si festimony, of the ,oMitints PE the} ho come there. But the: former con- {pendent of the Morning Post in connec- ¢ igra'ion Ollice. as arrangements are | Ute non-recurring sand extinor fiady “taal co fenon be et cermbans nue, usually head” ede en fon, with Spain's proposed new war- et de the Dammieaeaietts t* Fexpenditure, and also fo: lecue treme Roval Commission: pres the bi others - that he} ships. It is stated that an offer has beet emigrants en to an amount not exceeding ifig ae, responsi for the Quetiee Bridge offered, andi neust’ always’ be of Atel r ir) mn. to sonatmuat the. 500,009, oe i eta es ‘Pheadore Cooper, consulting, iiportanee. ity’ the management! of “they bees oe = @ lower cost than any tender coming. bd Analty.¢ Ha Geo. F. Cont not of Port Murcn, Mich. Sean amir omerreneesione Sere coceaeaiee 4 td = ig the inventor of 4 re frst heetpulling rover. vb Z garded as one of the most remarkable cfu beok. fide a se tiie k and successin ever performed at the| p.\ I work of from ten to fifleen inén ad ab big hospital. ba =| # much Tess expense, Be cesar aes is GENERAL. : Se £ BRAITHWAITE 15 DEAD. Unrest stil continues. “among the . tock. ¥ 1 z Troubl 0: he Second Longest Liv Grenfell Man Shot by Officer White Nicaragua lave pros - . @ on the Sec My ve i teeing Mie a ee secaiim of a ue contro /O» Pe R, Has Surveyors at Work in d = wre, ° jected her. nerican States. » x ‘ ‘ : : : the Country. |X ase aloht hep BebtnuPonga: nonan Ee ne ee ssc a Ha 16 P Pevih hag eee Eal et Heian Washington State Seana é Brvtiwaiie. the old former, wha. ss] and costs ora month ty jal anil Japanese merchants in Norih China. Ss g s ‘i Shot by Corporal. ; * é lussian mutineers wei . \ : ‘ es ue ee alee ate oe SSS executed at Viadivostock. last’ week. : a zt on Thursday, C-, = x 2 A far-reaching plot against the dic- | ering ae Se al See Paar ian will be placed von (rfal for mir-| — TO FACE ORDEAL OF KNIE. | «torship hus bee diem oe OS neh pee ten 2 some, Was, eee Pg Aiea of the, Le ete ee 0 some cases driving off with ser Will Ue a an Operation for 700" bens! and nacie aa yea FEN that: tus. Canadian: Pacific Rullway has | th: Canadian Basine ite spares Suite te tae and oe Hat -—- is peak large parties of ete: en the es noe now have a coast ihe perman- ~ are ‘rious! Wit 5 eS Manes ati ve fi invasion oi xe with’ the engin See snes en | by the strike. They have heen ohlteat Be ee A ney ie ash says: ‘The j ioe Se ea oe ye estate ae Dine es an, on Tuesday and pei ere - feat cause of the Kaiser remaining jn PTECTIVE J =D. 5 ¥ Spo- REOKE Minto of asivas| eh me ‘of Peal and it marae we Steamen, Majestic: Browaht 1.327 Cases Eng Zngland. after the termination at hs DETECUNE ACRUIETED. ae a Sk ae ee Sins gh msident Shai oe ea belonging to the traffic staff joined in the tie-up will delay beading outward. to-“New York. late-visil fo the. British court:is: to pre] winnipeg Bes, oe le Fleeing} {he Cascade mountains to Tacoma ‘and {water {ideland terminals’ adjoinin; the movement. The most. important | bound ships. A. despatch Irom New Youk says: Ts | DAVE (OF, 40 operation, which ue aks Fre Stolle,” The alles "is “a conneling} those of She Chisago. Milwaukee us mplain or |cxerwork White "star ae ae amet, MAjestic, (ii! Yo. throu: oe sintle After | North and south line. from Sumas. on ue Eooae here within thinty eh the ear, alfecting: the} A sees Fiaee ad says: After ‘3 ie "olrtke ee which arrived on Thirsddy. | throat, < Te touches be Kais sri si hours? del ee ne zy ee the some ee to “Seat tay exercise his is option and meet ay se a few | brought 1.327 cas ot eges, the first trouble there, BM is heredit qquatted Detective” ge Tecoma, An important conference} the Chamber of Commeros, — The Cana ion of th ‘Indian tions, whieh 870] inportatio fom Bnglana in modern | oyeralion is nol m serious one’ 1h is pro: [Hinueday.ellernoon: Oheine cae ot eegardio, as is Slate was dina Paolte now . Oh | becomin More widespread, ne- i ‘ oe vere | sumably. ‘ptentea® So telieve ie thheat mans! langle Smith shot and ae dj Held yesterday “at Winnipeg Been ‘Seattle under --tracka, Nagpur. a on BIS ‘he sitters | she: Pees transportation of| prought “ecal if resent | thr sae the operation on tlle ie. passages ‘Oscar pee he was eng Sir Thomas: Shan; Laan eg ie eee Notthern: are ane its are {relief su big 2 ing the ear and (hroat, Teva Sh the Canadian Paci, D: C. Co year.