3 e Cough Caution J never poison your Never, positively never Taleo Fy sould sh—even soe asimple ne Ln “on su and ease ise the irritat digi! ay F hial tubes. jon't- blindly suppre: Stupefying poison, It’s strange Mow mus ins The Milverton Suni. Ganityictor bon Fortwent F- Shaop has. ntly warned sige ue tio u duletures or prescriplo taining Opin, ORS Chloroform, or similar: ‘An nd now—a little Tate thou ress uiiton the label, RVERY THURSDAY MORNING poisons Ver i riety | Sacral ghee eect UP ocenss, ‘and othe ers shoud Insist on ae abr. gh 2s fy £0 olson marks on, ‘abel Fe gic in alro inedicines else te must b The Sun Printing Office be ot the jabe el. And Ment ont sate vat it) Stald tbe b viyre |Main Street, - —_milvertoa, Ont, evento sous pon vtake no hanes. then, Pd len our eitiaren. on having ees r Dr. Shoop package with others a1 the. RATES an ren. No. poison bie ae , Hou cn noe r, $1; six months, 50 cents; thre on Mia saiesside athe, 28 ‘cents, in advance, Dr. Shoop’s Cough Cure THE PUBLIC DRUG STORE. Business Cards Dentistry. DR. R. LEDERMAN, Dentist, = i 1 Surgery and Mem four cents per li ti Subscribers in arrears will be liable to pay $1.50 per year. CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES Year 6 Mos. 3 Mos. Mon $40 $25°—« 88 22 12 12 z ES 2 Bight cents per tine for, Girst insertion and e foreach subsequent inser- Hon will be charged for all transient adver- isem ‘Advertisements without specific directions wilt 1 as until forbid and charged ac- Ghanges for contract advertisements must be in the office by noon Monday. "Phone 7. MALCOLM MacBETH, Publisher and Proprietor, ttention. POOLE Mr. Howard Magwood and Miss Blanche Magwood of Stratford, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. - Magwoo ‘Miss Katie Keopf has returned from Waterloo to spend the winter months 8. eopt. Mr. has returned to his home after spending the summer in. Moosejaw. Miss Emily Large spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Stratfor Mrs, ‘Thomas Trowbridge visited in thi last week. 3) nity. Just here ive Danger lies. In many ecatarrh snuffs, cocaine ; . is the largely used conséaitense the drug hal e ral iokly,, safely and formed. {To be ucentne does st ing the cause of the Y dieaaes thoxone is no experiment, it isa and proven. ene that is guaranteed yr bronchial, htrost; nose. and lon etattht ftwo. sines 266. and $1.00 at all dealers. WELLESLEY Porkers are suffering considerably nowadays. [fhe sausage season’ is in ersity. Crown begnd Brid; work 8 1eC~ Hours 9 ialty. ice tty. tite Sovereign Bank, Milverton, |TZURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1907 Medical. Why burn your Toes ? Stop using Acid Corn Sslves, use RKER, M.D.C.M., Honor Grad-| ‘Putnam’s Painless Exttact hats ne Gold Medallist Prt Toe ‘edallist, juccessor rt. rug Store, hone nes ae Poole Brunner, Moserville and Rostock. costs a little more but it’s »|best. Use only Putnam’s—25e. dealer ae the CROSSHILL. M.. ADAMS, suesessor to (The Quaker Medicine Company have De TNaisitdhe Office in 'Pfaf’s block, | been holding concerts here ee Tele} hone connestion wi with Poole, Brun-| Right since las Wieancenayy The ner, Rostock and d Kubryville, Chlls ans iwtend remaining a we ered day or night from. Hastings’ Bros. left Mee week with their sheep to attend the Chicago Stock 5) Legai Meee rine at the heavil he in Milverton every Thursday. H. B, MORPHY, |. M, CARTHEW,, Veterinary. ARR, Veterinary Surgeon, Miveln. Breitate of Ue ed Re is tele- Societies. ) No, 99, Milverton, meets very Oscond aud‘last. Tuesday. of every onth, at $ o'clock, in, thelr hall over Rothaermel & Son's hardware store. Visiting “prethren always welcome, W. ir, ©. R,, 8. H. Pugh, Rec-Secy. a 7.80 p.m, Store, Via ving aeticeeall come. W. F iner, N.G. F, Secy,, E. Tinkbeiner, it. Seey. Notary Public. WEIR, Notary Public, Auc- w. D, tioneer for the County | Waterioo spent ‘Sunday in the v! ie coon in Hendon) some time he Miss Reep is the guest of Miss Bes- sie Playford. 1 Mr. and Mrs. 5 * Mi ited friends M Barton of Elma visited here wee very 3 wreak: Davia’ his. ely finished a i] Sunday. in Cart uictle setts Wm. Burnett of near Wm. Mr. and Glenadlan, spent Sunday at Afr. , | Mon del 3° Mr. abe: Mrs. bier Glaiste: Meanie hasiee.ireied 16 after spending | | PEFFERS. Joseph Martin large number of friagda enti last. Avery all. ‘artin, {Porento, vis- in this localtiy last eck. aoe Mr. Chas. Steven is improving in health. Mrs. Hamilton has returned after few weeks’ visit in. Millbank. Chas. Blair and Miss Maud last Sik. David Munro had a couple of successful plowing bees arge season's thre: Mr. and Mrs. David, Gatoks: epent hage. LINWOOD TH. Marshall and Mia of Monkton, ited Linwood on: Thursday even- Nr. Agron Schnurr spent pais at all]. in full swing. he Messrs. C. D. Soni oe - pipers spent a few da: ireen of the Herald staff spent Baia at home with his fam- ily. Viey Cleghorn is v few aye ut friends, in Ber ub is visiting win City tory ton Barton from Listowel while here Satur- Agpavontly the ‘sie go. The grounds are foundation. ting rin a being Tovelled from Hawkes- lays here and gea turnihe porkers. ine is busily en Program Stratford : District Missionary Campaign SUNDAY, me Ist Stratford (Central). —! G. F. Salton. Se sa cd ae, F. J. Oaten. \- He riangion. For Sale or to Rent. House and lot on William street, comfortable residence, rent Nascuable Poe ms given. Oct, 7th, Apply to Maleolm Sracbeth, Miverton, Oné- FARM FOR SALE HAT valuable farm known as southwest ell with wind mill, Apply to . MILLER, Wiartoa, On Fallarton, <Reva Wm. Penhall, and R. Harmon Embro.—Re Weller Rintore. Rev. Jae, Elford. SUNDAY,’ DEC. 8th Pastors to be on their own Cirenits, for Missionary sermons and distribution of Missionary literatu SUNDAY,” we "a See ae fan saith Dp south. ini ty) Rev: ‘Dr. Suther- an mberson, B.A. janet Lay- Bae Mr. é % ‘Reese A. Rev. Dr, G DEC. 12th os fas 16 has, boon stead that Laymen’s mets be held in foe 3 mre Sti Bre Sas a nt Kintore. programs have been prepares ST y be obtained Pron the The! Epworth Leagues andj Sunday Schools are urged to be strongly re- prevented at these Banquets, Farm for Sale ACRES, Lot 14, con. 9. Moringto roomed Srame house, ood: 44, hardwood good st take ofcultivation, well Daiecty , convenient to school Situated’S miles north of Millbank, for par- Henlars ap apply to MRS. EDWARD GLENN, 100 Lumber Yard Business For Sale ! Doing a fair trade, with Lime; Ce- nt and Coal in connection. Apply to c.G. ERB, BRUNNER. Farm for Sale 25 ACRES the east half of Lot No. $2000. "Apply to W. DAWEIR, Milverton, or WALTER KERR, proprietor, Poole, p. FOR SALE OUSB AND LOT in the Village of New. aining one-half acre of land. Brick dwelling, @ rooms, hard and soft ‘wat. §F. Good stable Also a tot in Millbank, For si Further partict RES Newton, Ont. Estray Ziegtor from MatsHoe with ives. Bt pore at confined | to bed, and Ww. ‘Kelterborn spent gunitay te the ‘Twin City. Gorton Meyer is leaving tomorrow ee where he secured a good 1 in some manufacturing estab- Elma Meyer is accompanying to Detroit, kel last wee her sister, whither they core: Training t the Youth. Mr. f. H. Preston, M-P-P., South Brant, recently delivered a stirring eae before the Canadian E Clas a Orillia on “The Canodis ze and the Making.” “He believed that Canada in th the growth of much with the adults who were oo made citizens of the old-world na- tions, there for the proper training of the ti schools avioclongéy senshing only. tha boys, but w and industrial as well as agencies. Hom ately becoming Pee ania ti reaeca se arental restra: Ameri- He statistics showed ae the health essing need ot ne In view of the ie muaelarer aie nounced the -M has decided that entered th The: ti secured. feet will be sent to the schools. Ellice Council ‘The members of. the council met fe Diehl’s hotel, Wartburg, on Oct. id Drain ee members took and subseribed the The twentieth century | prescribed oath paesaky of a men- pad ote ‘ . a eh, school, si would be immeasurably greater than|bor of a Court to make, and the rane ryan id is one ofthe cholest ia oad naa pies Ee farm properti ‘Count . heh SE es Se United “States in| reeye, Mr. Sinith, |. wad tM | forthe pertlealacn aegis toe » nineteenth, because the world’s|chairman of the Court t JOHN KNOX, Atwood. population a nd hunger were!then duly opened to dae the appeals ea des ane i andes ps a that were made, The Canada Sea sirables and undesira’ i e G 1 Trunk Railwa; and while it was not possi soma, he anor : Farm for Sale fr. The Court considered the appeals and concluded that the assessment ine re: see five appellants Janda rcharged als, and the court al the ale ine ed. TURTUS Ne UTER, Said Court. ——-—_—— Current Topics Discussed i late date at which | bn 1907, to hol rt of Peviaian THAT very desirable’ farm property, being on SC: it under. bylaw No |g, 42t 80 in the 10th Concession of Elma. 2 % peialate ate coceicd a optentid 9. he Fast Blac on becksdwraition ind commodion etyin ‘of 1907.” | bank ba: h straw d and dismissed | far; t abouts will be suit aby rewarded ‘by ARRY L! UDINGTON, nkton, Ont. “The Right House” Colder Weather is Comin Are You Prepared for it ? We have a full stock of Penman’s Natural Wool Heavy Weight Underwear at $2.75 per suit. Men’s Fleece Lined Underwear at...$1.00 per suit. Just put in stock a full line of William Green's Collars which we are selling at......2 for 25 cents. W. G. & R. New Shirts have arrived, in new designs at.........s0e -$1 and $1.50 each. White Shirts in all sizes, at.......$1.00 each. Look for the Special Sale of Dress Goods which we will put on sale on Friday.and Saturday. E> Let us have your Poultry, Butter and Eggs. For Sale or to Rent Aone efidnd: aiore or less, consisting pf lots No, 85 and 26 in the 12th nies ae furtner “particulary ay to T. B.ROR, Mi oT. A. ROR, wood, Wi KOT A MILVERTON uer of Marriage Licens: FOR SALE HAT PARCEL OF LAND being the west half of lot 17, con. 4, Mornington, con- sisting of 100 acres more or less. There are 0) res of good bush, the rest of the a good stateot cultivation. ‘The it 50 acres under rest is ng aston givin ime. For further particulars “apply 7 Nah JOHN M. ROPP, May 30th, 1907, FANCY} WATER SETTS We have just received a lot of fancy water setts selling at from $1.00 to $5.00 a Sett Also a lot of Fancy Dishes, Come in and get first choice. of Pei a andjand Saturday of last To-| of ad eran _Baith Waterloo, Conve s, Wills and | Font on businsa flushes in dolormthing, Ais moral and Goldwin ding the uesessity rigages drawn and” Aff made. Denee of Guelph was the| mental ehargetiir. (he backward. | op Aittending Seriously to the subjeot ving Clerk. . Office in the ‘roi _bloek guest of Dr. and Mrs. McEachert! on|child became the truant, and the of Smmigration, Hitherto we hav ORN over the Sovereign Bank of Cant Bander ii, sehen ae ear Sade te eile been only shouting with detihgt over or e e e for i Bic Shiureh, ison the sick Tist.| im. Canada to he Ober oF pours an nition ob Butcher % and % Confectioner } Hotels. Hi ny friends wish him a speedy] years’ schooling, and : : sion of twent, > hts adie fact that thovsands ee diner table “aid for ten C. P, PACH ANGH MORI Le osmuese Oak |) Wo-me.toxey. to’ repork: the linens) AOS Tate years, quality o! immigrants . P, R. Time Table iquors|of Mr. Geo. Heimler. Bear On ete r no attention hae been ile Westbound i oo debe Rae petal | em feo oman asset fa Rog ge ee ‘man Ament an heart} est class, and they ave 822° 0a wal nei 8 commodation and large stabling. vent Suinday evening Tm Glenatinn, [eater and theres te he tuenished at first with public}882 10 41 eee ae ‘68 ‘ohinston ae was in Mil- ee between the publie and. high services and appliances at the cost 843 10h Millbenk $40 610 GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil Rented ont Wedncsan here should be the same|or the old inhabitants. In [Toronto/850 11 fiverton: 821-4 6:00 OV . First-class modation for) Mr. Almond Rennie spent Sunday | > n ae New |the principal necessaries of Jife have 904 1118 West Monkton 807 555 ompecial ave thers. ances ater “the, tarental- rook Serre eo a8 front an-|risen thirty or thirtystive. per cent. : Moma leNaught 767 (Ob large bling. | Mii Rennie ri ? ible the provi-|of this there are probably more caus- alton 746-535 Bost brenda brands of liguore, tpl Ad Patara Shag pig Rae kerf Ly sizes sions of ‘a compulsory edyeation Inst bres babe ‘one cau it, can the guest of Mr. C. O.-Parsill for alThe ¢ es t , ba Ding. atiteer Proprietor ee ee eae The truaney law was dead letter his flood of im- 4 : inctory aci be | feel 7 “QUEEN'S HOTEL, Miverion, Ont, EGE Cae ieR Ont made much i ioe PT rs r i G. T R. Time Table. NOWis the time to buy your Stoves and * J » iverton, rovide fe t] - ae eS nrwooo mest, He eae ea oe Agito eat aes Ranges for Fall, Also BASE BURNERS. travelor and aie wo large sample —— ing winter. prong aah > ‘ ‘ , tte choicest of Wier Lic] ‘The Newry cheese factory closes speaker hoped sel sae ie |yabal of polities! quarrels and. yor-|6.00 a.m. 1142 a.m. 7.01 p.m We have without a doubt, the finest line ever quor Claas a the bar, Good warm | on Friday after a very successful|pe introduced a gislation would) ‘cnalities, while a vital question has} Newton, going south, 9.17 a.m. ahewia iis Milde anon a paeeetlon Sele tea able George ¥, roprietor. | season's operations. i the Letistntre. f/)0en neglected er see nO: J . Mm. aie north, . iP . qberentt, weddings are reported in}ing of ethies in the schools, 1 —_——_-—— “Milverton, going RoE 9.22 a. Rifl d Sh G q Sess Hiteted: Gia catndyesor: Wises 1.16 p.m., 4.56 ; muel Salton, of Trowbridge,|men who live 7H A wonderful Cow. 16 p.m., Pm} going ort : mes. an Oo uns will conduct missionary sermons in liven, life stories th cas SS ate ie tee Sc ias BA He i 8, 5 i | Brunner, h, 9. Christmas {rer 2 | ort Heine ie chao. ana tinge ating the pat aun] LO... aha a it jou ; Our young man are making prep the hero ae in chnae i 8 olstein-Friesian |7.42 a.m., 10.50 a. m., 6.42 p. ‘ you wish to buy a Rifle or Shot Gun, it OLD COUNTRY aration for a grand ball whieh thoy Cea ann ebe SeoKE ae the |on? ded Hontale QF Ceaitve Will pay youth camie.and seebr ston aes expect will be held about Dee. 13th.|jives of such worthies as Wolfe, |K® es ; i sew! slim Soveral of the enterprising and p-| Brock, DeSalaberry and Laura wes|twenty thousand pounds of mil dots Pinan elec wie, sone tnieaatag siting Bngiana $ {Counts farmers of Elma will he x0p-|eord, Ut should be thoroughly, ground- viii, EEO: Ne ey uedanion th Treland or Scotland during. te resented among the exhibitors of fine/ed in the school chitdren that the fag RO Ne Oe oe ie 4 coming. wint nding he Guelph winter show,|highest aim in living was. sorvice |¢tt Ostober. 27th, 1906, prep i Heke for, ft "domestin, whieh will be held trom Dee. oth, to piving. rather’ than getting? */to October 26th, 1907, she has given : eu 20,778 pounds | of milk, testing | Synopsis of Canadian. North:Wost BERT VERITY bares ‘Phoe. Hunter arrived home on a raction’ over 3.76 per cent, and JOHN ROTHAERMEL & SON Roper and eee Rar ti © now enabled to give tho [containing 781.91 pounds of butter-| Homestead Regulations oA el pees ah 0p d CUR ar Milverton Son and Weekly Mail ad ay i euuiateta phscied. — 4 ute Ne nel Cog in, 0 Britton, Empire to the end of 1008 for $1.25.|UP, PY the Comme tthe butier-fat, ANT ands in Manivobay Saskatchewan an . S o 06. ‘The ‘ 5 the fine sO seES yeas known as the at prices that have b a Parsee ret tel 6, not reserved, Nichol , £ mile west of Atwood neighboring farmers by the cultope| Cees ont ate oon ‘any Seria ee he 8th con. from Mr. Jan creamery, was, $190.38. e20,. | 18 years of age tothe extent'o one-quarter 4 pdt enn’ pola odeansinncsine des 000 pounds of skim milk and butter- | “Application for entry must be made in per- ° wary. milk were e valued at, say ‘by the applicant at a Domine Lands Rey. E. Hassard, B.A\,B.C., district yer ewt., it would amount to $40. wien theland fe stuate, poe the Attra An. a in fi m seeretary of the Bible Society, will Adding this to the yalue of the but-|may Rare ty, iy pros ot os an address under the auspices er-fat,, the total yield of butter-fat {ala conditions by the father, mothe ch i “feet dry and|%f the society in the Baptist church skim milk would equal $280.88. | homest an intending Keep your (feet dry and}, ‘priday vening a W Dedueting the cost of feed, we have]. The homesteader is required to perform th save doctor bills, ne to see x good turn out at this profit, over feed consumed, of $157.- | homestead duties under one of the following The man who buys meeting. : m2. At the prices for cream which” (i)"At least six months’ residence upon » We handl ones ee: eee et week pur- have been received during the past et eared of the land in each year for ‘ e handle has e cre farm owned by former owner, cart G . 2 Mri Eivtiest. (@urnball cath cona-wear: Rice, of (ilsonburg, Ont., darn tas served renideuce datiee toy tise A Suit or Overcoat Merchant and Berlin |‘ ‘te $8,200. Pecesin fat in this cow’s milk ‘ould have Bie onthe fart in ct owned solely “by hint, fe ene Deen welt $204% "The aki ot les than elglity, $0 ‘acres tn extent i CE Rubbers. zl jn Nor, 20th the members of the milk in this ease would h eon, | ship in land will not ineet this Fequirment.. ENS. TST ERE Hime afutiot Fire Insurance Stet i Eee yeorth 88 ial | oy Ue the father or mother, i She father is HERE always gets the worth of every centhe 3 reside fe nia id = = . . A new lot of White Sew- Several small slaims for damaay - ‘ sby| the ‘Very Best eee ey ab actos in extent puts into it. Whatever his order includes, he pres , and all but one, 5 sl ny of 01 \d, or upoi ing Machines on hand. whieh was le further consid= miatertale; ombined withanill, ceording to the rule for estimating PRUs Sal Ee rae gets the finest goods, the best style, with lin- eration, were ordered id ake One utter yield by adding one-sixt! dence ‘duties by living’ with the’ father or ings, tri and work hip of the high All outstanding accounts |P2lientions for insurance. ine” watike thiecttie-extimated quatic| SPE Dhaai ta sue core pre = ste to $85,000 were accepted, after ‘which Bi d, ¢ k d Pj ity of butter which could have been | ding paraseaphe deoed i aa meaning Sede est order. That's why we call it a paying in- for the years 1905-06 must be|members adjourned to meet again on rea AKES ANG PICS | made trom this cow's milk was prac- |More giles & direct ine, excl y' 905; fan , K Mec of the width of road allowances'c vestment. Come in and select your fall id before N b fter| Pr rei peslitoa are now going (on tor| the most delicious you ever tasted. Y WUnaee lave tEe yisld’ atthe ave | cise memento eda mm a led. ou Or ti i r= 5) A steader ‘ 1 4 paid before November rst after] A" ammions"e nn dwacn yl Me Rates Sad" by. put are conf th cosy, oss ec gue et Sara] = overcoat now, while our stock is complete ; < Fj + coronas om with the ee school, chasing all yur bakery products from us. wo ED pee Ae Sy eae eS > which 8 per cent interest wil |conc’ seported that the people | Delicious in every m or he a Pacha a cel ies oki" ‘the ” ing. should be be charged. sew WM. ZIMMERMAN Peo viod fas slweye. boon tos ses 3 The Shoeman. about aote ded. expected to he “held Butter and Eggs taken in exchange |Geo- Guenther)»: gi Baker and ne ae el aaron. four years old, has a Sen to tac Commlesloner OF Demtaion unde at Ottawa ofintention to apply for —_ Deputy of the Minteter grime tnters oN, B.-Unauthorized CSS eee 4 Knechtel & Smith Milverton's — Up-to-Date — — Tailors $ vertigement will not be paid for. Wits ++ +e4