944444 ++: We wish you a Merry Cbristmas and a DB ew Wear, and when pou ° ° paint gour uutoings Rett EDEN: we bope you forget S. TH. a ee We sel : JAS. S. LOCKIE, 4444 aAppY Pp. is ‘pest, 1 it. Hardware ee’ Newton MILLBANK Fernbank. Mr. and Mrs. W. Reid, who are well | The return hock by “match meee QD known - for ae te ity, again|Burns and Fernbank was. played 01 threw open thei aturday last and was won the evening of this week a alrge|Burns team by a seore of 2 to fl. num thems trichaa: frame” tar Fernbank boys put ( and near. ‘The occasion og for-|game, but failed to seore during the mal opening of their handsome new |Inst half. “Roy Fleming scored for residences, on lot 7, con. 9, Of “Morn= the team, and meron ind ve the enth inten the eleve w nadine. th anniversary. of their a is one of our most | ng farmers and i congratulate on the eee ene denea whieh he has erecte ork was done 4)’ Sponeet zat -Milverton cand, the pe work. by hi e if ails Sanechex Yebencts many svidenees of the excellent workman= hip of these gentlemen. The amusement of the evening con- qiete aneing, music, cing a6! among the enter- ° mentioned Mr. Gor- | yi a highland piper pi iighland Flings aie dances, ate. were indulged in. ‘Phe prize for daneing was won Hs Mr, J. In dition to this the € rticipated in Stoves and ange NOW is the time to Ranges for Fall. Als shown in Milverton. Rifles and We have without a doubt, the finest line ever buy your Stoves and 0 BASE BURNERS. An inspection solicited, Shot Guns If you wish to buy a will pay you to come fore buying elsewhere. Rifle or Shot Gun, it and see our stock be- JOHN ROTHAERMEL & SON ton ably Dayidson of New xeellent. Tul characteristic of ‘the hospitality of Mrs. Reid, was o'clock, after damisinig: was; Yes uumed. and con- the v ma’ hor h ening 's amusement was mmouaht tb yne, the heart- Cetin ae rtainers and . Ohio “Mr rs. J. Ko Sy ivingston, Port large ate r nd yiecess. @ doors, and sian was ata premium. ‘The opened by the’ chairman, Me AS HUENS . who ended a dire by si ba y ion for the erik Sibea. ita an pree Carmunnock, ir. and ‘Mrs. Andrew Campbell of stint ford, ro spending a few weeks with the ss mother, Mrs. A. G saute of this, locality Mr L. Hartmior Srevapinse ced school teacher in this es jast. D. iePhi herson spent 's Day vith friends in Fui- _ Benson, Leake, spent with and Mrs. WV re ine Mi MeNawalt has returned to To- ronto to again ta up her duiics on th hing staff of th belly on mais sday last while attempting to. Urea cold, Mr. John Henry bad a at Mir. Kantiedy “phe Curfew shall not a fost Madly cian, "Misa Buschlen. the Meme liste: ot Lap: i, iv and daw edo iininisenieaks Molesworth apent «few days ing the former's Mr , econ vi to Mill- Mr MePherson Sr., last. week. 4 and Mrs. i ai y etion encored: spent New |" applauded to. the ek Neatitsl yoofstan he comedy end of the entertain- CROSSHILL. to her sister, Miss Pau’ v Kked afier by Alvin ae w tends spending a few w iain Bs et son, ral council of Welles- | the B rker, as held Janvary the aster Lawrence Dietrich 1 bat not ‘with the following oandi-|ing a few days at the bom Chas insets with the total votes ;— mother in Berlin. Glocutiontry we h Robertson, 523 Reoveship Tt N. Huehn. y Bese Ht )c er, ees Councillor ings, f Par pay Lintick, 479. Councillor— ni Co siNor— Our school reopened today with a very good Lien for the. Now y iss Maggie Rannie of Berlin spent |7 hor fonaay at ome. Mrs. Burnett of Glenailan is visit- Vin or Glena’ Mr. James is icknap on Sunday. as et Blue Pill no Longer Used. When the stomach needs cleansing, the Dowels Increased activity, Nyos ‘ndditional power, don't use al pills, tr: Hamilton's Vege- RESe i aaa for fai for biliousness and sic hehe, unfailing in acaipatlon trouble, excep! indigestion, no mediein 5: A Ny needed in every Dr. Haiitton’s {Pills. for the ung, the old, the sick and the we! iva, the benefits of ilton Pills ave manifold. Sold” everywhere in 2he: Miss the Helm. Mri Abbie Brenner of St. guest of her Clement friend, Miss IC Abate Isley Sr., and Mis: Ss esday in cha oh Toronto Willow ere Miss Myrt: MeL: is spending a few parental roof. baad ‘Hyndinan of Ne couple of weeks visiting her ks under Lee Honey “and brother, usa is Perry, ee have been bertson returned lege on Saturday, aftor spending the} ol mathe iolidays with his Toronto Medica Fall wheat per bus Bacloy por bus 4 Stratford, Jan. 9, 1908 Fall Wheat. of Barley +++. Onid eas dct Apples, per ba, Botatoss: per Edwin Reitzel of Ber- spent Ne Year's cas. ec pay Ja ee parents, Mr. and Mri Botta Better Bros., of eoees ie . Wel mas: bible the Jattor's siete Mrs. reife: Dariegal: preaphedd4 very appropriate New Year's setmol ie the Maingate charele on, Spnday ‘ning. with of Stratford the w Bridges, friend, “Miss: Maggie. Drager ree in and ixkla nd Ba aire ke with her workine for W. to dr wood for the brick lat Mite ceepted. a chell. “Winkler’s sleigh Toad of tho, young and : beauty of this vieinity 9 Mont: SS orn on New s a Sirat- 1 anthoriie given in ‘New Year's, with: Mrs. R. ment of the Mothodise euteaue Mastersc report as hada good time. Misa Johnson spe eal a few days last At Visitors began to| Weck with friends i a Ee Seca the Hires ecm a Se Ended’ Youn, Comoball = Rid hom bird ‘well Hugwitiethis sco: | Camnaly. ot Turns, spent New - tion missing its mate, S Seer lat D Grioves’ travelling towadda ~ the a Mr. and John nate and werner regions, which i res | 300s Hibbert returned home on sibly fi Hectic 4 uréday after spending y at Mrs. ‘Thompson's home here es aiaa J. renbe ed ‘to To- Monkton onto Monday to. ous iniie her atujied his locality, ret turns ° =|senting him with a beautiful fur-lin- od ercoat. Mr. tae thot ot this being a hard year. nd the fact that he had only been * Jinx Millbank a short 6 months. made te the present all the apprec began with a chil- the S. children, to last was a most necess. The ieee well, some he e ne sgiptnces to wlieh jeitne amount ri inj recent: yea ating is the order of joy an evening. 1 of the day sath us, Falls 2 his “Wo oM. G eae feats We Poffers have r Willie ster Gillespie of Sh © is visiting his grandparents St 0 combtory. Saturday saftornoon: Miss Boyne from Monkton spent Christmas with Mis, John I. Rein wal Wilson spent. Rutherford from Shee holidays Mor Mr. Henry Sage vot Soneah spent aes with sonacy in-this vie celebration of }and Wm, oe ‘Mary Avtric year, on ihe rk $e Stratfo} Miss Nellie Jee of Milverton v Payer epatit Chtiatnaa’ ed . lesa Gharies Sebiniat and Ibert Dahms made re Reon Sunday ss the home Aikens. with Hens W. Reinwald. bd sunday to: apend a few jeit- [friends and’ relatives ™m, Wrddett fos: Burns. Protestant . Flats atts: Bdward Taylor and family of | Q Man,, is visiting her sister, | Q) Mrs, Robert Coddington of Michigan | ted her aunt, Mrs. Attridge last the young people wean A mumber of at Mr. Witla g -|Q ded the party 2 Henry spent’ Sunday on Q sett, eacher, return rom iets in Listowel to Senne nis Sates as teacher for the coming Our prensilinr: Mr. Gropp, has beeyt yall last w set Cheer up George hin is aor good at present. peiae etre. CARTHAGE Skating is one of the leading sports our village. Robb returned after two 5 holidaye with her mother in rd. the eek with her W. ce serious anes ‘under the ful tre Mr. 7. ned Saturda y to the Medical College, Mo. ronto. Mr. Ja meron called on nun ber ot a friends. pore last wpe before leaving for gston, where he ecured 2 het for the com: ing y nd J. Deckey J. G. Hamil- Mr . Johnston spent Sunday with Mr. ton, Milverton. M y Stor esian: left on his studies ,at ea Lis' to resume higih school: BRUNNER The St. Marys ¢ ie ream et ad re- eet over! nee r uses s he rota the ex a cee ed to hi ave Aue: OORT ehowing ou sum- ean, one of Inspectors, ol Fr a 1 tor in liwiell heen burg. a f Sur Coie; has our was thi t average test in June nd made ad fie most c he kni any territory on his trav- Inher. ja cal aye tendeney andard of cream wher and ‘ehoice work together, of the price of che Di prontrentat the world tod: for the confide co-operatiy. s careful hand inorder. to the dairy ay if it ce any had in heir which dems maded wishing you your readers ear, R. F. PETERS DONEGAL Petrie pe 1 ning. Epworth “meeting on api iis Tridel aveerone ae Georgo Acheson, we are pleased to ceport, is recovering nicely from an ple: Word ha ree as death of Peter: Cow ole Wabhidea- io partis hand bub will try to give Gren next week prother of ah a 10th con Elm: The annual meeting of the patrons of the Dor che ‘y was held in the factory on ae y, Dee. at 07. | Quite a cha’ as made ection’ wi d for manu z being tan Ao eene OF) Sheese o' thes patiors paying fon ill belle tho manu: Beciee » Yoid two and 0} oy ght Haribthotured. he poeta 5 quite a turn caver tee =DonoenT: Nebraska Greens Lr aud es “ones Jacobs spent Sund: friends Lr. asd tadlor apaie cH at the ome of Mr. Jones Jaco Chas. Schinidt and Albert 555555 ISKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSOOR Milverton’s Greatest aad Best Store, = We do as we Advertise, — BACK TO THE PRACTICAL AGAIN Now after the Holiday Rush is over and the usually quiet month of January before us. We will put forth special efforts by offering unheard of bargains in all lines/of seasonable Goods. Goods that you need right now. Goods that we must sell now as we need the money. If you really want your dollars to go farther than ever before, Come to The Peoples’ Store. : Womens’ and Misses’ Coats - There's a limited quantity, three-quarters and seven-eights styles. Some collarless and trimmed with Military braid—others with | velvet collars, light and dark tweed mixtures. Good range of sizes. All must go at any price, We cut the prices in two. So come for a bargain at from 1,00 to 7,00. Regular prices $2.50 to $12.00. Womens’ ean Misses’ Furs Never will you buy Furs as cheap again—we will positively sell all our Furs at 25 per cent. discount, which is C ost—(we never carry any Furs over)‘and now fis the time you need them. Ladies’ Select Astrachan Coats at 15.00, reg. price everywhere, 25.00 to 30.00. Men’s Fur Coats from 12.00 to 30.00,"a positive saving of 25%, don’t miss the chance Ladies’ and Misses’ Fur Ruffs, Stoles, Throws, Muffs, etc., all of which must be cleared at 25 per cent. discounts. Prices ranging from 1 50 to 30.00 Extra Special Clearing Sale on Ladies’ 1907-08 Skirts as a special inducement for January Over 50 Ladie: ki all new. styles, every one bought in season of 1907 in Cheviots, Box Cloths, Panamas, Ladies’ Cloths, Lustres, Serges, Tweeds, etc., in plain and colors. Regular prices 3.50 to 7.00, your choice of any at only 1,98. The best skirt bargain ever seen in Milverton or any- where else. Valenciennes, Laces, Embroideries and Insertions We will place our entire stock of Laces and Embroideries on sale at half regular prices, all new and rich designs, over 600 different designs, widths and patterns at positively %c to 25¢, 1c to soc, A rare bargain, FARMER’S ATTENTION--GRAIN BAGS Just received another shipment of grain bags, good strong and servicable, full size for only 15¢ ch. Why pay 25¢ to 4oc when you can buy them here for 15¢. Clothing for Men, Boys’ and Youth’s For the month of January we will offer our entire stock of clothing for men, boys’ and youth's at a cash discount of 20 per cent. which means practically at cost, All sizes and styles from 1.00 to 14.00 per suit, Don’t miss this greac saving in clothing. SISSSSS “SPECIAL NOTICE Our goods are marked at the lowest possible prices (in plain figures) at a reasonable profit above cost in order to doa safe and legitimate business, All our goods are marked on a cash basis with a further allowance of 5 per cent. discount on all sales'of Ic up for sj ot cash, We will however allow credit to responsible parties for a limited time. We ask comparison of our prices with our large and up-to-date stock at your com- mand we can serve you better this year than ever, Try us. Help us and we will help you,_ C.A.FINKBEINER & BRO. | re ae S555 Data Auk to Stratford on Saturday nh Bron- a trip to Sebtingville on re pias Sun Neat Toronto Daily Wor % rue... The Milverton Sun and Toronto Daily Star an yeaee 0 on busin m Hd t | i el. cs cate osama on | A at ent orem OURCU BRING RATES ° za orth "Keag’held theis “annnal | Mr Sn aan tie have veturhed (iste BEE mother, tes. oun Maye 3 (4 nnva ee 1 ein the wae its ome after spending ate holidays. with an i home pondin Sharles Schmi me visited friends ms he chureh Yen her brother at n._- Contr NOUN pase os : ends |srhoe Milverton Sun & Weekly Globe he meeting opened ‘with o a Mrs. Rv toes of Stra Sang Farmer $1.25 aa ard} 1 Mr, Robert Taylor ‘spent Saturday | & Canada <Parmer sous $1 in whe ford “spent Phursday with frends Petey of the ung peop of of the diffe Oi ere. Mr. The Milverton Sun & Weekly Mail acquaint ei 04 e rf Ik oa B . 5 \ wora indulged fn by alls oo (eames ee eee, Satine aaa ae Pe : H 8 1 credit unc : ous : ‘he sfiverton Sun, aid Fam Mo ton A, ultural wken all repaired home, fier spent Year's D ist coat spent Sunday under {the parental | sid and. co, valet rnin ni, PIC u ing a mos de enjoyable eve iol. Bo aryhorough [Toor {tere | fis people took |The Milverton § 1 Montreal s is Mad oe : ppaute pana our young people took |™he Milverton Son and Montres . that Mr. Thos. Fite Nae 1 Washburn’ oftieit eile saris aoe in Wartburg hall,| Witne 1.6 Society confined to his bed for some| iM. Washt Chesley, 33 and report a % is pEBy ng. ei seni Pies a ine sity nee ars tor Jast_woek me verion é cae a iota le Monday. | trothor, Rev. @..F) Washburn Mr. and Mrs Jamies faylor were the will be held in COOK’S HALL, MILVERTON, on » : ko; assume his ndatiog as teacher of | yfy, and Mrs. eae gists of Ah th On Chrisi-|The Milverton Stn and Nowtliors u f . wnie. i a % = ae 35 ; < ia sortof the W mis, | Messenger . ona HOD y oy Mitchell visited | eee peers ve sa Ida Harloff ce Simnitord vis: ; < 524 Murray Test, w saan = eres wed Sirs few days'at the Nome of ‘Tho Milverton Sun and Western Ad- Wi, Betteos spent |. M*- McNaught of ‘Toronto called on |arr, VOrtHSer puis sis hte “eect ry f a Sia, t Newstadt with Mr. Betf- | friends here last week. Masave: sGooige:Bebeniat and Rob. a a ‘ Y Real A F z here. OR i De aia ne a Ida | Tho Milverton Sun and Toronto Daily At a at o'clock p. m,, when the officers * ‘Tha remains of the nee Mr Robt. | Harloff were ors at the home New 50. or the ensuin year wi rong was interred. in Grace church ne afr. (has Slain otid dy leat B year will be elected, A detailed statement of the receipts and expenditures, assets and liabilities for a Mr. and Mus. Meni Snider spent nal Mrs. ‘Albert Dahms left on wW in War Beuts, nvernes! tan ai eather tmerciant and Nevitor, ie To Chisholms the past year will be presented. M, Inverness any ‘of James Hamilton, President, al, Locka: land, and ré joat oY