Or, A Great Mistake. PHFEHEH EFF ttt tet t tt ttt CHAPTER XXUL. Miss Gaunt met Gordon when he reach- ed the house se LA dec dat anh tap ts the hall, She er eyes wi wore tie ote rule he EB ke very bea’ felt that he did not for a moment regret the troubles and dangers which his con- nection ee mn him; bot rather which had first made him aeq with her, “Your father is ill, I hear,” ho said. “1am so. very pap fey is he paw ” Vivienne shook her head, eo tl Babs to her voice to reply. ite the “He is no)! better, fe mo said at rate with an fen) even. worse, and that there is—there te no Gor moked, up th pity. But sl juainted “Is ib so ee he aed Usher's | j lool cul uliful, Gordon thought, and he PSCCCT TST T Te oe aes adventuress, or enything wi good and pure, would be Seat T felt he wast rol uly a, thal. murder, eves! while that the crime was hers; L wee “that a was some bere some misundersta) hat was: _ ing; and, v4 ven, poe hall ‘ut ity is not entirely ‘ovel rhe helped to. remove ‘ie greatest ding Mes Gaunt gave a sigh and nk back on his pillow as via wala had been fled: from his mind. ici you ans fergive a raving man for ek it? Hay ve ico—ii any reason at him. koment. ethen the rest of my task is made no idea. Sterrett| simple,” « gontinu ed) Mr, Gaunt _more told-me he sv ii tule easily. “I have fancied, putting. two “Th worse; he aying, one ‘and two together, you know. that, pe Gordon; the. terrible ise be had| haps you had been: a little taken. with worry, stral Mies been| my Vivienne. Though I say it, she is much for him; he ee “nad a bad} peautiful enough for a man to admire attack, the doctor, who is upstairs | even under the Bi cumstances in which now with him, has lold me to prepare} you pave seen her, Heaven knows, it is for the worst, It is useless to disguise. | er beauty whieh Tins Jed to ut ti ‘good of you to come, Colonel | perhaps, hild. she Go “at “must know 1 should he only too | Colon Jad to do anythi can,” returned} and she i Gordon eagerly. when MI do know, I think,” ld: Miss Gaunt] the wo lifting her lovely eyes a ihe ‘Hinidly to | who “his, fand thal i why 1 ve lo. ask | cw you to come. I wis frightened, and We} age Have no friends or relatives near us. pernars partly through her mother ‘You haye already been so kind, you have ne so much, that——” “1 have done nothing, unfortunately,” Make use Bos a2 s at you yourselt that all. It is only a sctatch, tor. But would you care to se0 1 Gordon ert wing and enne led the upstairs «) a bed-room on the firs for met them-at the door of the to em to move is Colonel Gordon?’ he ". Gaunt has been . Lhave managed to pull him ss for a time. but—” , and Gordon t hope we Mivieathe, bowed: her head and’ turnied ayay, while the doctor motioned. Gor- room. i fancy Mr, Gaunt wishes to see you articularly,” he said, “and alone.” M $ Gaunt looked ‘up, surprised, but ahi ‘nodded het ,head to Gordon to fol- arOUnaE y the doctor's instructions, “and with: | twice of me is fosenst my wil iidest hopes ue ea i Een an a eens eand ie a. e eave aly daring com- crew! But “ols i admire her, tbat , pen ner b atthe . ie Bis? “hel enol eaBeE panions succe sing the desert Gordon followed the doctor to the bed- ab it-was af PT si : whara tastoad of Yeilliank | Wey WAL ae sph a feat that has side. It came as al him (6 see] seper. stronger feeling ee Bee nina | Ugubrins picture... Instead o cost many live: he natives who live the great strong ma yhom hie had emie ot to aid her, | flower be sf fee Data gravelled | .r tne: border call it the cince hd sich feof igus true-as tha T sland here now. It w begrimed a : ; nciplee cath she could return my ate F should ere Shere 2 @RT OF THE COUNTLESS DEAD, wet esteem myself the happle st “ot men : a Pp 1d the folklore of the tribe for mites and Answered his murmured gr he will only ‘low my fend] few nd aacleane2 Sea it aa tee ae Ae i why then, 4 ae ae proud PAE A eg chantments and dangers that threat Ss his. petits as maigale ‘of that, . Wii Sete an do But not on all, for at os (aden ve ent Gis atin ABUbb Da Ke ancas as he could contrive, as you ple L ha vend of the garden -a young] 1, yj. “centre abe sad er tie theie “Ean t come, Gordon,”} tot in a modest wa are walking 03s deity Page his pou said Gawnt at Inst, speaking with éome] jor, you would be giv nd juduing * if we ‘ ee diMiculty. “I wished to see you pacticu- | my wildest Lopes ae der: ak ah errant i Be : : larly. I have something I wish to say) Mr. Gaur jied.. “Alas, 1 ott the five ‘ah ton devotion | Claude and his: party not. depen to, tub re © aid. “I would never fhevshive t 2 tribes livin, rdon bent his head. “I shall be glad attempt to force: dex inclinations, even TE the other, | forcontle to ta. anytlos Wwhfoh is In my power,’ know you av Diack Ks trom the coast to id. no SA on oun ei: sadly. pro) his Rae ace Ae ian side to side He was lying great shoulders ‘of the ead. 1% hoa ok Gordon in ‘the for @ moment aitehing him intently, and alfequesloning er with two, a halt. assured, “Oh, this {5 ctetainty something you last, “and yet should the doctor not. Gor aewcrain vine.” jordon murmured $01 A atta: but Mr. Gaunt, wilh « aesture, stepped him. = “P know. it,” he ‘By this time toanotrow 1 bath be dvad,> 1 have: heen strong man, but this wily in wtih my father and grandfather boil What jen rich soma, She will be a rich woman, Colonel Go! rive Me said the eaningly, a used with sui iste pet Ml after his sa that Gor Be aN suddenly, and then turned while, What was com- ing next, went the wild though’ through he heat “Colonel Gordon,” continued Mr. Gount, hesitating 4. little, but_-speaking in a the tin paar ig when accident so strangely brought 3 nt inio “pontast with Nien you have seul time tittention tern vou tof the so peony wh was using us tor rls 0 ‘poses, ani ae but for voli, Would, Ubdoubtedly hav id | wen “makibg *. Gordon, he by srortia: hardly Ire to and sat star- ities fusedly at the sae han; who met is seas with @-kind but unsious look. “Why did 1 "Yes, why? You did not know me ‘You knew. nothing of my daughter, but pikah yourpany fee nce she might have most ulter adventuress— ‘Colonel dear I do it ” he stammered at! new: a ep ne cr anything, ho affects her not at all, there is no on and Aor sure bk cried Gordon Y pela Mr. 1 like you; Lam a pre and 1 trest yor Peat sib already dane for us did nol If, ag T thinks, and hope gicl and Cae eagerly dge of tion, 1 shall die at peac If, on ine other hand, wali 9 ou feel for her is-only. friends! aca rest, still, if I can ie wilt only be her friend, I shall dle “inp Remember that T have onl, fo live. 1 have been cates ery suddenly.“ have little time to do any- thing, and lot that excuse, if ft m the position 1 am putting mysell in. the other , shou nista nd should you nol B ardon had. +i i flushed en ae ating f dying as I am; fissmpaiticte to es your hands and those of Fate. a simple. way to rel your awn, however, of eny boy. Gordon flushed, ie then hesitated, Mr. Gaunt ate look, and seemed doubls, my huey of: - odin man, which nae me t 1 see now that I was ied on hott my e now that a! ge ies: r voc ea done sce me to-tiorrow, and T have sai lon. pressed his hand g their eyes met {nal understanding in them. them was in {he least decetved @| pointment on the morrow, for seat was already writlen on Mr. Gaunt’s ys over eae CHAPTER XXIV, Miss, Gaunt met Gordon ‘on. his wo out. “There was a questioning. k Per eves bul. wilh. mn effort: he oonAincd himselt a afew siniple senver min eurly on ae _oton put i prigh ee iad. at sil evenisiche felt ial oe v possible to fempt his fate dispo t iio connected with the Regent Stree n a id hat tale with ye at his: hore ‘on receipt of Bron is Saas Bin ch in nection: with al ‘although, it was. fey likely. “tha janvthing feds ave et occurred, he eee Is to be al Hand to awall ows was not meee the morrow, that he wvever. hile he was still at breakfast, aol) wie end 1 tar, a3: follows = ‘J iake ine trip ask for news atthe ‘Red Jieve my mind and|# ye, THAN: , pro- ats ly.| of the reputed sible saa of ape a oF Lae “Haye gob. the warrant; there was no sce aire sae nese Lion) Wharf Street. Will leave word there if going furlier.” decided thoat he would-call again at Pentonville before making any fresh plans; Stoning over his treakfast, he made this way. tith the Gaunt’s he was. told th fut to ablain some things necessa the sick room, her father being quietly presence essal Gordoh turned away with a lighter heart. It-had not seemed to him on the previous. evening hope of a very, bi tor's conden ‘fone, he eould do tonge he: determined 10 accep’ ferrell invitation and. join aise aller Usher. eyes probable, Gat with that ship after him, the s he had already contrived to , but Gordon. felt. that he wer be on the spot himself, and it three heads might prove, g, t better th nd. in erty case. fell that he might stand better in Vivienne’ Gaur iT he were i first to bring her the news 0 of her from danger; and especially if eh should pave had a further hand in that release. He lefL.a short note informing Pca + intention, and made his way with- clay to the station, he: ad mol long. to wait = his ths Rina will ams of the ful had told Gaunt, and it ails be ine Gearest ay plissed swiflly, for y engaged potion tn he ne nls ae er the Het and aud even given tn hope. Soe et no difficully in fnaing ts and tog. “Red Lion,” the he expect news 0} hes as a quiet and ed one near the docks, and iseif, on the outside, joked pober brid respect s not ab al fhe sort-of place one sould have expect ed to find in such a neighborhood, and don had no hesitation in making his bar and inquiring for the ed 9 served. behind the een told that she nought expect him, his giving his aaune, she disapp, ad at once ino little room Bb MS Kk. ds turned with @ Tt was Tea. ah an bh previous to Gordon's arrival “Are on the track a belowe ma urn sl be a to the States.” ‘0: be continued). In the poorer district of a “great Roethe ae aa 4 to-read he rea now what. some from associations and meé- are thinking, ie ‘ai, quickly, “and 1} m< “rnere are, for instange, the appreciate your hesitation. It would tol Berton of the seas, - suc ch as may” So be Tet seen on & peak to her at he the tfasnnrent iene tortuous ae Scilly Islands, ies spr ines pean v au aeatty and. scarlet, and ar Wight mais green; with, hove’ and thére.a specimen of Jing set mnt, or ils. still pion fe whils| while, perhaps, pine bright silvery fish of ash by war 4 vs shrimp. or tlie ony Barge But i finil Bj ater interest than any spat on & aie He this “Garden Tomb,” ae al alent lieve, the walls of Hobe kept as a quiet spat, and preserv. ed on the one esecralion, and a the: other hand har supersti- tious. usgs.” oP eo AMIABLE FALSEHOOD. “Here's a in dis paper,” Weary ae to lie ett i make . ee Sih ‘said ieee. 4 ank ; Nat won't i die a a ar Tab ways say, ‘No ma’ ; ry [ally ser fly. eee A sell bappeed in. the | no! exer “vou Rage tile cueace One tan 7 t the Union’ Line's wharf jad antioipations realy { eae amid Ist the eo as have already a es rs ae a of - | medal of the Balloon ‘Sociely! is spread fronds ae while! ian who has swam the feted Meats diameter. ho narrow the first cataract of the Toa ‘Passes. aver “1 Nile; “he has escaped trom: the coils: of garden. Beantifut & python, cheated the sharks ‘at Ber- sen-phints of meny 1 amidst in this iain “ots ent. Seale has to s kinds or hover ue Sb SEN of an un- pray Aye, to of the peaulitul te athe this is ‘ane garden of surely: in- other situale at the foot “ol eee outside many Ware ie aalont rsopill hire of ker, “what. hoe it's’ better vuth would ae ts de ae. a “et é ee ee “me;| Engl ah & si cia a firstelass war is not at hand a Every Claude does not, acrine about~ us- | it diMeulty. The youngster sends word M3 | chat vat has peice Suge ed ere NEW LAND uz WHITE MAN one for sadn Su ae: ly intends shipping it. Am'on ition unt Pope ; the job from headquarters, and Jeav- was sent out against the Sotics in East ing iverpool at once. If you care to Africa, the baronet, thro} BRITISH BARONET WILL CROSS THE GREAT KALAHARI DESERT. Mas Hunted and Fought in Many Parts ‘of the World, and at 65 Pro- jects More Things. Your genuine soldier of fortune usu- woe -espon. Chanear te year years of recklessness, is 65, plored aes nea is no exception dhe rul le. more eee aes than he has snches ‘of stature to boast of; yet when oe him at his Vauton club, he opene with the amazing assertion that ‘ dia ing of interest nol deter Crespingy. It. fori jest froin his lips chee oint of a mentioned “J don’ mind admitting,” he said, that my chief interest in seeing the famous Kalabari Desert is no! plora- ion, I will leave that. en : of the busi- ness to Major J. R. Scott, late of the ‘Third Hussars, who will nee ny me. mention his name. But I go pri realy for BIG GAME SHOOTING. game al’s expect to get Da elorh A my time and trouble. “The date departure has not will be some time ala es at the eastern ve ‘of the ert, — aes Sst for abo e 2m ne and. then d to the the Nosob an the Molopo vee The total eas covered will be something Vike miles, ne fact that @ large portion of the en ie wperless eal ‘of course, make We shall use camels, Pada ta Unsre S peculiar regio De estaulished tn pee places and supplied from es aus at means of camel transport, We do nob expect to make more sya led yes day, so you see the full trip: ac’ » desert wil take us two months. Majer Sealt_ wamls to seo oh coals on the s of the desert ny ight 6 ave made Danger? Oh, being very thirsty ity, or mouth sale aiger of ‘Ihe savage living near. believe ae: an excursion into the eserb Ww ay misforaine to the family. of ites forever afterward,. “I do not Toole ie ny -gpposilion onthe part ‘of the es," § al “throug the ‘mi non at eit of the beaten ti day traveler a kee ha tan - mu and thereby sane ier the entertainment of a party riends. tent with five years ine geet anOlTsrt tern in the army. d to. gehInio the dancer a vespondent in the: ex- fedilion up. the Nile in: 1870. Bol-veen fights this baronet filled in. the time sto Atle Florida, on the trail When the South African © applied fo Downing Sirect for a billet, Red tape promised cop hint in England until all the was over, as he phrases it. G sng, ibaulent. at the Aelay, Ne 200k a uth Africa as a free huntce, ine anthough he was more than 5 years Ses AS A SCOUT. Was while serving in. this éapactty try, Ee Le neeey ae the Ru od Hishe: ous and later at Port ‘Arthur in. the of oe ian, fuse Tnaily istered’ foe Seint Petersburg if im: bent ba trouble between ie SeUnts and Elnyd0, war al an-end, browgh as aangerously eoustel aflet twice winning the D. S.0., jand- to recuperal just wy "Sir Claude should risk his life in crossing the Kalahari Desert is not plain. i 2 s not. know. himself. Very proba is because it has bal fled all thas “ater that. heretofore re it. No white ntral re stence of] j e Around the edges of the ee all oe a nd: ugh influenc and his reputation a a sae et tie. ine ae coom- ete ORF had Mieeked ahs. sai, at that time on friendly terms wilh the British 3 huradd their villages and es a Sunless petty women. ss “he Massai appealed oie h gover- ‘of the protectorate, a late Sir Donald Stewart, and with 200 rifles and 800s field against them. “This fighting,” said Sir Claude, in real- Major Hennessey, pears took the figured, arrows almost entirely. never ut by one of them I Bee many a8 puess-m} hadn't Tt was after the Saipan panels of ti came the guest of Sir ‘at Nairobi. ing and so. ‘Although I was Tolar of the. first {Nu $s ane ot his most daring feats. Sp yateal of his unbounded, Per caooiuave CONFIDENCE IN HIMSE) cataract of the ‘Aithough he is an aihlele, constantly incite hecheer ane ns to being a swimmer of great pow He was watching the whirl of the waters of the ene with a number ie ne arty of natives Sonnet Sir Claude asked Mt anybody had ever eee gut and sone ca Mi natives replied that it was @ for a European and he who ® 14 8 three famou Rudge, Martin. an Ha E hi ‘ the job. ‘The latter w unfit for the work and Sir E canes a ing anal if the oe was, bungled. 10 ay the murderers would escape hanging thereafter, ATR cen hl {usted the. nooses on the station. e hada U in aE hE “while sl Night came upon wa: aversing @ swanip. and he. wand here phe eave rail about in the we and quicksands, with his’ fifth match “ Gust the hunt sates strip of ground at Jed: to his can: athe doughty Enalion baronet is ue the a rentanGe by be i 0 ASN ie feat and Sec Ea Ain ITTY Leer =n the Graph billeod Waryarsed ago whe the same route. Sir Claude's journey was accomplished at a lime when those who were venturesome up in a. balloon: were CONSIDERED. FOOLHARDY. hod. cane Avex 18: but the enough to go He nus allempt on June ‘as w bad Stark wa ne aut the are was dashed a dries wall, Sir Claude stuck o leg to break the force of the end his leg was broken in two Thq trip was then abandoned by Nee ‘Tho following. your he ned the servic famous nero. neon, Sir Claude ‘the rip as wa would be blo blown But he retused to listen ‘fo “the wate rele out ‘tlovk they vero: traveling rapt a height of 10,000 feet ae in an- thee vs uur had entered q dense mist. nel hearin, dof two hours ‘out of The he mist into bright sun- euun of the sun on the sed them to ris i with as- rame duane a fowuding rapidily from 8,0 17,000 et. The ec ae = opened rane of the gas they ly. descended. now ‘over a Batic anG iney “sided anna: qT 1 without accident ISCO) their delight. that ere in. Walcherom, Holland. Although it is 40 years. since a de is frst ‘steeplechase ride again the coming season. tee “of the man.» that: while he a trip. that may aa hin his trip to Russia to follow his return. SG REE PITH, POINT AND PATHOS. Alor the honeymoon comes the si moon. Some men are born small and some others shrink. Love wih finda wayeeven I-18 ts Sinly ie way a ea hes peut of beating the other eleiow halt a. dozen grudges than look doesn’t 3 other unless he has more Soria uh ki Enso, AIL the werld’s a stage and all the actors try to’ monopolize the spot light. S & cople. § the ae kind, Occasionally a man is. compelled le ecsrat the gts in order to Ee both ends méet. it takes a woman’ graciously to: per- Sit a Man to apologize for some‘injury Gabe has done -him, pcoplé refuse to sow seeds of It was a_ girl 3 for the man There isn't mu Sih. fe nab ets convince: ena Want bor. | Yet e. GOVERNMENT TAKES INHERITANCE, ng and ap bet SBS spect. how. smarty you hand them, but they never forget isn’t, ay a “itt Sele ot his ‘of kerosi _ a os a servant, Phensaioic: THE BARONS ONLY OFFENCE was IPLE MURDER. Law Got~ Him—fertune ‘Taken | Away, Too—The Governmant Confiscated It. “Poor old sighed Bekele. ly bard Baron von Landsegge!” “We has had awful | © o ae a thin, fall mon with’a sn straggling mustache, Nored su his’ hands siunk furtively along os quay. of Vidi, ‘yostok isappeared into a aN ~ ingman’s teahouse, wriles a St, burg correspondent. cy kf you ever le was a ateMonane in the ae regiment stationed at Odessa and was engaged to marry a ‘girl thab-was. rich, handsome, an ily. He had borrowed a lot of money from. y ib back ce tie money to pay him back be fore the marriage. sn HIS ONLY ESCAPE, “Von. Landsegge was in . quandary.’] He pleaded? with. the olde 1 AO Jam! vain. The old cha ‘A . | hundred He did net need “the oReey but hed got it inlo his head that a man ought be straight” with to Se ate all events before getting married. . of} a fered to give nephew . lime the money ada provide ae mar- mage W “Vo did not think hi agmirers, in| 5 Sle only thing to ‘ihely ahe, genwan saint Tar, tyom Odessa, lay. in bis uncle was quite He and Lined him with ann axe. Hey a eating his hands be- escaping unt chance would Bite lee. af hiss an who had come from their esta : a lot of other eligible short he concluded the iis =z a Ks trol £58 a them lalk over some matter of business, tea es entered the room, and, of course, he had to kill them, ‘Was not that the Snares Inek?” the est hte es “The coast was again clear, and Vo! Landsegge wag alveady half way to Te road when he met his rvant ae rain from market. him, so he made ‘em ex n the girl from cid ralasa sai Wied: Leaving Bay for dcad, he made off in fancied security, tthe Nived_ ond Wed “ne en P rganized a meine during ‘olunteer company the war, and for a. position, feod fae in good The wo the it was, a_will ieaneathing about a Yon Andsegge, and the sate, it, as the law ides ay sokstal He relMlected the usual speaie coe ho “was unaffected, belied the “unfortuni ers are checked by the cours, a SRS SHORTCOMIN nee: ‘ous, an hour OF GIANTS. Usually Stam one. Spl ouldered, ated i at ne aie old days, abate Goliath to oe Wick, nine welve feet ot, * ies thought nol of. Now obs a yak in the Am Magentis ae scyen feels garded a3: of ston: ‘ehing height for «man. Na Jonger a terror to the community, grants have become the nuldest and most ats ab le Wa are The only | § thing Abies shisee in Sommaiis thetn Abe 1 height, or rather length. “the glanteot teal Hite wop-shouldered, Spliy who could no! amblings| 4 footed reales run a mile at speed to Th ve bi and “are Ss appelites and poor dige’ ms eThey-eoldou- gek beyond Mie Bees elligence a a Shealtiy: boy ok founeny @ curly and from: the mos! giant, Cotnelius \@ Shock of a fall om sip: ping on a pleco of oran ge-peel, and Aama of collapse after a fit of eoughin ‘They seem fo have the vitality of a hu au ee fifty pound man diffused ) three hundred pounds, ad can Be operly “police” their: ow done ter, bu heat up 0) {or bullying their netghbars._ they can lo to attend hey ever did gel ox sevenstengue boots, they would lose a log will strides. “altiougt ‘capable 0 ginnt strength, aye Titaed fora limiled niinber nt oxhibis tion fents, they seldom have any endure | st ance of npc Aon od, ans taligclne dolent, soing, and of weakly amia- dls} n, sae aes he lost, Some dream 0 by contraries, but I % the majority don't go-al all, TOO FASHIONABLE, Give GhsniL foe thay tol nash FA é se pS ets a “Well,” demanded the warden of the money lots of wise guys would ste. | pricon, “what are you~ Kicking wbout| auotive no Kicking about this ane suit, “| complained the new ‘conyic the’ dudes are going stripes now, and it’s a shame to mee us wear yeni as cou Ba giver A LITTLE or 8 Mother=+" : little ‘boy, a rem THE OU’ rsiDE, Amount ti! they pa ‘Tell, mew pi ae you will hav my—“ll ask for Hs teh feathers, Digi, Mun aad non. Tones—"I used to know Mry Snecker, | &™ who was ae your oo I understand ‘that -he tried a em- ose levk—' ta hell) he te, Too, it ele 50 eeoluas as to eal ich a tin * bot: “ont how greeny a bit of and. : Butt the apob where the girl once Btoaa, ii wool as ‘he goy and tet the wales th * m back to the trough. There ed in| eculd word Dee iss ae ihe Bal ttt sored ee for them say they a that ce buch rejects, a: BREEDING AND FREDING, Let him treatment a resul more. vigoro bs cropped if hecran’ wilt the time, even if ‘ expected g roots | day, if they can be-oplained, tit or a to one. pen ob scanty, pasture when they are the Iumbs, and some that are vel he they w it ath, ene they Baus “salt, onco a we the es nate been sheared hae ticks, ae re the | A oe then, 4 & to wil ii tis trouble them formula.for a@ shed t steep from five to fo et BY ae tobacco, | ‘or twiee slems, Accomm mbs, in ves ee ‘nee heep dips o1 y thie Babi with Sarit yho Ni CO soluahy shearing is the-time 4 to Keep lambs to kee} ‘© incre: oon i iia (a) droueae Jambs and keep oi y to make an infe need water every day as mi pn _ animals, bar fthough — et eneh their thirst rzummer and ein tee should be tl sum ient quantity BonalG at ram runs with the y the ew hi lhe ‘morning ge Ht in than Wau sees the flock is Bays in ans ‘smaller and sjower ig a little wheal hehe alow sixteen aii ot {here is. ae out the manure yuo ie ve # het! lambing time save some lan) ewes Pa oy feat or a need, to hay pi nee ° y. ‘Mee that they may’ he well, hey W will breed ear! Be intended for th bn ‘ain feed, about | pee and gradua: ae et fa i i rendy: cima win! tes anes The ne early for poultry. demand: is over, ty hee de has “the high elt all the year,