Milverton Sun, 16 Jan 1908, p. 5

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. pes a te Five once era “Cl as, The Canada Poultry & » Produce Mention ny thie (Limited) gaia STRATFORD, Ont LEARN DRESSMAKING BY MAIL Yn Your Spare Time at Home, Or Take a Personal cle at Scho To enable all to learn, yach on cash or insta ment plan, We also t such personal class at sec fonca_a monthclass commencing last Tuesday fou fies SANDERS DRESS CUTTING SCHOOL ‘Bd Erie Street, Stratford, Ont., Canada. WANTED AT ONCE—We have dccided to instruct and employ ‘a number young ladies to teach Inaklag, having one teacher for the six near est where they live—age 20 to hone wlio have worked at dressmaking kes drawing preferred, Plense do ap y unless you cnn devote your wenole thine Address—THR SCHOOL PAIN Pain in the head—pain anywhere, his its canse, Pain iscongestion, pain fs blood pressure—nothing else usually. At least, so says Dr. Shoop, and ta ove t bo hag mropied s liple pink sabia That Eiioisaatied Dr. he ‘Thblet— Sehetischarming. pi rae etighttal. ently, a ough safely, It sure Eon 3 the blood eirew. blood Seo get red, and nL tice Tea come sure, Youll hind iewhere palo Sees Iwi wage. It's simply Common Sense, t 25 vents, and cheerfully recommend | Dr. Shoop’s Headache Tablets THE PUBLIC DRUG STORE. Business Cards: Dentistry. RR. LEDERMAN, Dentist, Lic- Surgery, and. Mem tario, versity. Crown a ialty. Hours 9a, m_to5 p. aor tie, orn Bank, Milverton, Pane R, M.D.C. Hon Medallist ‘Trinity jilver r Grad- ‘Medi ical Medallist, ‘Telephone coi Brunner, Moserville ain Rostock. H.MOHR’S RELIABLE GROCERY AND BAKERY Fresh Lake Herring “ British Colum- bia Salmon “ White Fish Salt Water Herring Salted Lake Herring in barrels Salted ld Path in barrels Flour 2.90 per cwt. H. MOHR Highest Prices Paid for Produce Synopsis of Canadian North-West Homestead Regulations Legai IORPHY & CARTHEW, Lrg tere 8, Ete. Solicitors for the Ban! ae arranged for, n Milverton every Thursday, HB, MORPY, . M, CARTHEW. Veterinary. J. W. BARR, Milverton, Grediint te 0 ary College, Toronto, ‘Treatsall diseases ofdomesticated animals. Calls by. tele- phone or otherwise promptly attended to. Vine Surgeon, |i of Ontario Veter Societies. polls are Waterloo, Conveyancer, Bstinne es drawn ei ie Village e Clerk. Office in the W: ec itnek over the Sovereign Bank of Canada. Hotels. NY even numbered tion of Dominion eet oS TERS - ay elgands in fanitoha,s ‘Saskadchewan and CHANGE HOTEL, Branner, Ont. rin, exce| vet , as eekttetnd by nar ‘person rho. i Jone Gropp, Proprietor. Hest iquors the hole head of a family, oF ages ale and cigars a First-class Ca one-quarter | Sommodation and large stabling. pplication for entry must roe ‘made in per- goniby the applicant at a Dominion Land At HOTEL, “Mil + bu Fthe district in r AL EL, Mi which the land la situate, “‘Batry by proxy |. O© eu e ae Re ada tlig Soe ay, however, be made gency on eer n fain conditions by the father, ‘mother. son, Semmercial teavellece ane others, Three The homesteader {s required to perform the homestead duties under one of the following, least six months’ residence upon Pk ultivation ofthe laud ineach year for *NG) A homesteader may, if he-s0 desires Eigen the required residence duties. by. liv: onthe farmland owned solely by him, mighty 80 acres in extent the vicinity of Tene owner: sip tn Jana Swlittaoe meet thie Pequirincnt, Xf phe sutoer oe other; if the father Se other, mee ) The term ‘vicinity "in the two preced- ding Paragraphs is defined as meaning not nine milesin a direct Hine, exclu. dtl engl gud allowances crossed v t for the, oe ‘months’ 10 the Com of Dominion finde at Ottawa fiarention fo ‘apply for large somy Good stabling. Best brands brands of liquors and cigars. Chas. Ritter, Proprietor, rae for opel reial travellers mies ‘ mple rooms, Only oe hoje of Wi ‘i- quors and Cigars at the bar, Good warm stables. George F, Pauli, Proprietor. °° THURSDAY, ve r of the firm will 7 — Ici HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. |stor INVESTIGATE into the merits of the ees = Stratford, Ont Its the most successful business training school in West ern Ontario, Our Com- of the largest ‘pusl- wince. Deputy of the Miniates of the tnterior | N, B Unauthorized publication ofthis ad- ‘yertisement will not be paid for. cial Gr business men employ Students: are-entering: Each Week. Enter eecace & MCLACHLAN, PRINCIPALS: “We Knead Them Every Hour.” So cr. the Patera Bread and Rolls from wholes flour—to decorate waits ‘ait irs every day of the Tolling yea ouR! INE BAKERY offers delicious Cakes, ne bakery products a angie ‘rial, By you'll never desert u: - Geo. Guenther |W Baker and Coufectiener, = -- Milverto: The Milverton Sun 38 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING The Sun Printing Office Main Street, fs SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year, $1} six m months, 25 seats in a cents; Milyertoa, Ont three Subse ribers Perth County Council. As the recived the township elec tions on Moni council. for 1908. will te bo following, mera ard<Reeve, David Bonis. Dovile-Reewe, John Murray. —Reeye, D. J Smith; Deputy. Geo Reokuen ma—Reeve, John Hamilton; Dep» ichmona. Easthope hed oe Julius — Reeve, Cook. South Easthope—Reeve, D. Yousie. Folarcon Reeve, L. arRery Hibbert—Reeve, eve, John adap hington-<Resye, Yor yallace—Reeve, Listowel—Reeve, 3 it. it Hi 50 pe Highit cents per Tine for, frst insertion and four cents per lin ach subsequent inser- Ibe charged for all transient. adver: Advertisements without specific directions fill ie lnverte@. ant (oN ape charged ac- ordin; Ghanges for contract advertisements must be in the office by noon Monda Mai p MALCOLM Mack Publisher H, \d Proprietor The Milverton Sun JANUARY, 16 1908, ~ GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES Trial h treatments are be- ing ieniled out free on request, by Shoop, Rac These tests ng to the veople i a i eat ue of this prescription reno nt aeinta everywhe Shoop’s h Remedy. Sold ‘by Mie Pablic Drug Store ‘The lack of eniploymént: ao the past pon seems ze inerens¢, bh ago they The. Goder ich B tend making a fees ation. eves iss constables are a eh e eonsus of Health in- job of vac- mak- ing who pier ae to Nesoiunte.. those been don hous: nated, 4 followed up by: the who have>not as yet Seventy-two pounds of light weight joon fisea ted on the Suimeday morning by will distributed were urket and ne No, 99, Milverton, meets Miticcorit Setiest (ble; hes every een and last ‘Tuesday of every | 5 ise eae month, at o'clock, in their hall over | qy halt ounces Rothaerm Son's hardware e Visiting iethsen always Bair ae . Weir, C. B. Pant Ree While Samuel Grouch and da r 0, and David Toll re so eae Pere Springs flag station. 2 im, the y se as 7.30 p. a their ‘hal ‘over Public Drtg he Mi Store, ae Brstirgn atv ere cutiighe and is s come, Ae Tinkbeiuer, N.Gs, W.K,Loth, fajured “Phat “xeoov not oe Finkbeiner, R. on fen Gig aain Sane ako ea ae Premier Roblin, speaking « Notary Public, other night. sid; osphe W. D. WEI otary Public, Auc- nt in ah tioneer for the County oe Perth ant y thanks that nas froched itself a ull the tim of sis subsi legitimate real es- ea busine: niinuonsiy ad: ed and: E Baas th Don’t r stimulate the Heart or ys. t is simply a makeshift. 2 pe eription known te Dr Dr. St - Sho ative stabiete oF Iguidand, how quiekly,, help. will F comple test sent. on -reauiest, by Dr. Shoop isin) Wis. Your is surely ¥ that simple test. Sold y. the ‘Publie Drug Store. The eat, plan. for. thie. dotei candidate in any Pe tion con- ai can th which we are disposing of at reasonable prices, IF IN NEED OF A PAIR OF Lumberman’s Rubbers and Socks Call and see us, we wiil do out -best to please you. ete P, S.—All accounts must be settled by cash or note before Jan, Ist, 1908. WM. ZIMMERMAN Felt hess se 5 We haye in stock a large supply of of Milverton, | 5 nol tie hort a to en, us: @ speaker feels that he has boc meanly. treated, and. these often’ ar unholesone fruit x ome or to auictly step out of office in such a way thai it be said of him that noting in ns ksi ‘life become him ne i vit like “Tt is Avene to’ bo lesa Whom life flows by like & But, the-man worth while one who will mile When everything fee s dead wrong.” e Grand Trunk officials are not t the attitude of their rarntiont Com- that due ad- 01 the month; and that ed to work on » Sonu, which quite fequently: bapp are ndt Hel itled to any iy that the Railway Cominission ill dj clause before settled. @ pron the net hod in, who do not \ fon itl Beeout ‘just about Tout days? pay cach mouth. /Phen men, on Mende fall caleanten sts abinel $5 if such action i ‘the Commission, taken.” ~ fi “| did 1 - | ommended pa arding the de- |: Milverion—Reeve, C. * Masenting. ‘There are two new men in the coun: slli-neeye: Youty Mornington, euecesd= ng. Mr. John Davidson, and Deput: ma. SSS asaseee Waterloo County Council eleven He ee (aia ‘Phe Council willbe composed ‘olloy oa me bers : rloo Township—S. F. Shantz, ae embers, while of Stauffer _Wilmot “DownahivHys Zeller 8 B. Robertson, Mattuseh,.J. J. Wil- “North puntos —E: Alitaot af ne, C.'C. Hahn, ne “Camiteli @. Gardiner alt feLellan, F. Sr Scott, A anan, aterloo town— fom, c Buse e sion— 1 eS Tespelor—Dr R. J. Lockhart. famburg—J. A. Katzenmeier, Gine 3 A, Weidenhammer, n im umpf. Among “the most Tnotable! ajise tous be Messrs. Jaffray and Berl man, of nde o: R ist, oe BVaterioo; Galt will send three new > | representatives and Berlin two. Men Require Nerve and Blood Tonic. How Are Your Nerves? Th: so are of hie bukite up a |man’s vitality faster than he renews its [efile feet at trifles, |tossos in his sleep, to fly off |i handle any aint The nervous man is nervous because hie Wealae mide: wiesiecyene es tarved to death. needs Ferrozone | His first astion is upon ane ion. Ti stimulaies se trie ier, ee pertect dig oe eee pares the food it my eat onee sinilated v nourishe: fora oa made Treader eaichne, abiona= "xa the swiiotias or; nism is imparted and res vig- man worl and font not behing for me. took did mo more e ond sa the Treyious one, and it wasn’ long, bofore I was strong ¢ Bonde: ee move roun In I complete up rong, heathy constitution se is Cs a mi velous rand t Try Fe ne— sold _cverywhere by druggista in 50c, box: A POPULAR RECTOR Ja are, zene rec- tor vay St. Peter's Protes ie piscopal Suey ae tendered well re- n Monday oventig! and gi ray he Tha ish’ home had While doubtless the bad is leaving poking. rece| held in the par- weather served to keep many away, the attendance was large enou be complimentary to to the o* ard convines him tha nany in aus he fim ds it guest of hon- at there are oe ‘ it os und traik tolinete regrets at his survure, words of well wishes for the future, wate served and rs, who were tego in plot, inform been thought Tite. fo » him a little pared ing by which htabula friends, pd gaze fifty was then explained that this re- mombran of a) preeiacion especially of Mr. Miller’s ork oe raising the oe debt. Eat Mill to the halt y yoni ago admi ovine and popular Senor the Elks and iges many. frateenal brothers, join in regret that he is to go away. Hoy si, From. tis, ist a visit often enough tof tnany freinds from forgett Gio atitlecs tere upot is ng charge at. Du nkirk, N. Y., with the year, and hopes that uy auiae people who happen io be in that not fail to im Up. Beacon-Recor Pee his ;m. eae aut day, the Peal sounty rs Reeve Richmond being elected in El- | John’ ing Waterloo County Council will have | °~o The restorative power of Ferro- ous. In a month it stratford, where he had been work- mi fecl like new, just as|ing last yea it did Mr. Kant * Newsome, of Rot the-| Mr. Edward Helm has ree writ I ‘a debt of | Berlin, where he is engaged to zon which saved {trad my lifo after a severe siege of Rov. J. Dantzer spent last Fr vpus Droseration, Abou’ my heali th e¥e “Out, XN ‘ry Cook has left for De- able condition T couldn't |troit, where she has secured a situa- s | tion. eh to | its nd _in the city has | a al -jany reason to fear any general that it is He The railwa. Dr. Grentolts Reindeer, ‘The herd of reindeer imported fron a! a id Grenfell, the ‘y, were landed ai ‘remille nar Labrador, a dif- Toute. ‘The ere on joard the steamer Anita at Se Sakae ‘sy — very. eine orts tote throug] th and perished. The bull of the herd was driven ashore safe- time latey a siorm arose but ‘esidealy Tettestive and. -nronipr. Preventies contain no quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh nor sickening. Taken at the “sneeze stage” Pre- venties will preve Boxes 5 cents. Sold by Public Drug Store. ———_—_ Mind Your Own Busin Comber Herald. AN D 8 to aitend to your own business. Your aa help will i jon’i make a nae goes ch: taliting. politios, munteiba and other topics and leaves a in the of amily, is sowing sceds of business cay (Phe m: vho di o his timo to political, municipal, tem- perance and church affairs to the ne- glect of his business, will just as sure- mt: hi one he ee xfie e. To gent ai buses “fo sp t ietorVance: of yin paes eh “attribute 0 “mysterious Providence.” results k than common eglect, The best world will not fill the the proprietor of an ¢: lishment. We heard the other day of a merchant in x missed one of his ne of the seasom by so inter- ested in a sporting event that he uld not be at his office at the proper time. There is as much r for those money es right business ard your business will stiok Sele asin ts nded the funeral _aen, who died at 1th, and was buried Clements, Jos. Helm atte his mothe: ee Bi umberg on at Ae se, St. "Geo. Gohl returned to Detroit Tuesday, after spending sever: Walter Gohl. has yeundnall from Ber Kieffer is spending a relative es and friends and other W, meet Gout's ty our young people tea the wail at Carthage on F day, and from all reports, a ree time. Skating is one of the times at present. The farmers present are busily engaged hauling Sinead and lo: u ing advantage of the good roa Weddin, ng efls are likely toring. in the near fuiure from reports. —_—_————— A Fine New Year's Gift. a: leading pas- ae the Montreal Daily Witness. Year's gi only inany of the ablest men but, beeause of the vast en- teen nee they own and administer on ‘and rivers, the lakes . omen exceptionally i position to judge the lWkely eouras &t the Ceompany, iz of the boatd of dire: spiring <The honvineed that” Canada. will Centinne to progress, and that if ther some essation in the course adopics ars ago, of adding. to. the railways c cilities in e tS anpepared Yoh tae largely Tnorensed trafti hrown on sure to be uel language esto f Witness has p St nd has shown abundantly by facis nd figures, th el is been coniraction of business he action of Railway © springtime ever ae A NEW YEAR RESOLUTION to come to Stratford at your first oppor- tunity and furnish your home greatest. possible satisfaction to. yourself from our attractive stock of Furniture, Carpets and Curtains. DELIVERY is made Free in Ontario and is guaranteed, R. WHITE & CO. The First Furniture Store East of the Post Office. % Satisfaction STRATFORD with A Blended Flour (ef Ontario and Manitoba Wheat), Makes the WHITEST BREAD « LIGHTEST:- BISCUITS < « TASTIEST PASTRY DAINTIEST CAKES BLENDED FLOURS are TWO flours in one. The famous Bread and Pastry making qualities of Ontario fall wheat—are combined with Manitoba spring wheat, which adds strength and nutriment. BLENDED FLOURS are not only the best for all home baking—they are also fie MOST ECONOMICAL. bread, cake and pastry to the pound than any other Try it, and you will use no other. “ Made in Ontario” They yield MORE Look for it Peffers, goii Wee 4: Pp. 8.00 a.m., Newton, "GT R. Time Table. going. south, 947, Pe a : * 2. a, m., going north, p.m. ng horses ly to John J H ton, Ont. nd of Whaley; P"Milver- | m going “north, 56 1.16 p.m.; gine se 749 “g 780, 58 a: m., 6.49 m. BS utnas going south, 21 et any G skye 1.20 p.m, mi going north. | pa ae iat 7.42 a.m., 10.50 - m., ‘0.42 p ° Thi loc: al option give for the fh bring the total Victories for Local Option. © latest returns‘of the voting on 1 the prohibitionisis. irs! column, 9 susta the vote will extinguis munevel ie 8 under Hee SE on, ‘containing one thirty-si s “Ah aio FOR SALE AND 1,0 in the Village of New- half acre of land, hard and soft’ wat= tin Millbank, For - | Purther particdlars appl st ALE met Ree Newton, Ont, and in six pat tr peal the Ac! iets 2 heardsfrorn Fart for’ Sate d rio “i ble parcel, of jand known ip d con. 18, ee cont lagag ees’ the | of 100 acres, more or ‘ess: ‘The farm ie wel bet Neh eke vine aad. trated "sckool si ageae cle mh ‘ame barn, meat Beno in twenty-four others Blowing all done,’ Bor further three-fifths vote was lars ‘apply mete sg a Prt ad on, or strength, Western flours tol}day, there will bs an Hogs He of rary and shorts. i n ico as money. Ss an advantageous market at this time is the most cheering finaneial fea- ture of many months. ~~ . the Westbound Bastbound os " he profit, P.M AM, Py, for, of eolirad, our dajrymbi end oth ity 6 ers using large quantities bran | 882 oe Linwood 840 6 and shorts, have to pay the froight | 42 Millbay 830 6 on such stuffs from Manitboa and {85° 10g Milverton 821 6 Alberta. , (Perhaps. not dir but [904.1118 West Monkton 8 0t6 in 41198 MeNaught 757" 5 HB ton 748 The only "drawback ton i jak of weheato Blonds a W fo nekenaker amount. of ‘mous inoerease in the sale of these and, at the Tica ti y increasing, ver, the gooey kind ot busi- ns there won er big", Toad pk beemieat bE Instead of ch th Ss are Srpntis prices w - |down to normal an in aicying. ah church, school For rfurther pa the farm * 4 a sol OMON G. KUBPPER, fot aoonred: i Topping, Ont. Steadily Advancing Bache fs Sale. era is every indication that the |73 ACRES peing ot 25, con, 18. in the prico for Ontario wheat will steadily | iXy eta ake! ena kD, wctes, cleared advanee. ‘The introduction of blenJed | pasture, ood “dwelling Ms tony Tiaance Ee flours has met m c ah FARM for ‘That parcel of land kno 15 Bil consisting: of 50 On they Kitchens si good wane ones is a good Trove as two. nmer kitchenand woodehed, and A serawehed and SALE wena Toe 10, weres more 0 ‘frame owes with hog nd under- ae as bw “goat a Good rd. farm is*situated 1 combination tO Possession given a POF fuether. pa name | apply to: Herman Racey Ont 0 flavor of our | Soe Property blended ie Ww sr these iss ae oflot 17, con, 4, af 01 siscinte Pra0o astenmots oF} Farm for Sale HAT PARCEL OF LAND betng the west Mornington, ‘con: rien epee Or, iy teeny od bush, the rest of the euind danywan in thes ests tee rang the est ib buy. blended flours. ‘There Fop. | ‘The place ix well fenced and ough users of flour among our « ea HS god well, Sittated about 2 cultural population to keep the mills | with Simmer kitehen’ and woddeleds Rane busy the year round. And if the » 85x80 tabling underneath, eee Tea oLd Saran Lava rie "Bea Fomeasion giving only blended flours were bought “oH fon r Pastloulnes a “an aise be ine uid bah ens ity paying hese ee al ‘on there ~ out tS as a ng inerense ‘n the demand-for Ontario wheat, Our mis s would then make qhe money z tnatoadvbe- the -whest “erowers. dnd iers our west. ur siockmen dairymen wilt sharo in the. good forinne too.) Witt r millers having a good run every ©. P, R. Time Table

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