Milverton Sun, 23 Jan 1908, p. 4

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They All Failed. When Onidrss Are Sick f Many have tried to devise a oorn| They eat something that disagrees, cure equal to Putnam’s, but after}eatch cold, have cramps, or colic. If fifty years nothing has come upon|there is pain, just apply sane ibe the market that so painlessly eures|—it’s good to rub on, and for the : corns and warts. Don’t experiment, |inside it’s most comforting. Effective Th Mi ily ti S the nd that’s “Putnam’s.” |and pleasant, you can’t hee id a house- e I ver on un ‘ase 2. i a 4 ime ouse- SSS Se hold panacea to equal, Pi m’s Nervi~ | 10 ToPrevent Flooding Hine, "Used with satistastion: tor half tila ced a century and in pete demand every EVERY THURSDAY MORNING sp Berento, Jane VM ance, |@2¥. because it doves stop pain, ease MPP. for an AT SMe jdorrance; | suffering and cure tie shaednans Reyer: no a, Sa n your} rou salle cole only: the anid ense the Tena ES ‘bron OLD ene. ED we wal pay ik highest ss SLY ‘ough Mix fre en for ‘hiSveryengonimotheny she n having Dr. Shows to come to Stratford at your first oppor- oe ono ils that constantly arise in the) The Sum Printing Otttice See 1° for 25e: Main Street, - mMilvertdn, Ont TURKEYS, and all the Govern- tunity and furnish your home with greatest possible satisfaction to yourself from our attractive stock of Furniture, Carpets and Curtains. i laa cre of the DELIVERY . is made Free in Gra etllp Saeko ne ta Sa eae e Ontario and Satisfaction The townsh eR ea is guaranteed. eat ee Love is Cruel you recep Iarnee Tforvnee, "No, vison marks, thorel YoU Gam. aways be on tho safe side by demanding: Dr. ee Ss. Cough Cure — THE PUBLIC DRUG STORE. ae 3 SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year, $1; six months, 60 cents; three months, 26 cents, in advance, Subscribers in Love comes unbidden and ee froma those who pray at his shri comes like all-conquering wings = free-hearted, generous, Great; he goe me o CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES Mention: paper. n esti- | yet. we are i i ight cents per line for first insertion and 5000, and it is mi | ever ready again and again foureents pet ine for each tae inser- a to ur hi ‘ts to the bl . Men | tion will be ct fc it adver- : tio that. Gov- | feet love vith, more tibet uence ie “MY 1 NAIL Business Cards ernment assistance is now being ask-| women and they forget more swift= dvertisements without aiecibe directions WHITE & oO ed. ly.—Mrs. L. Marshall, im Madams. wiiibelnserisd oti tora ‘and charged ac- ‘ 'e Se rat platessa fet cording! Dentistry. “Skidoo” For (Your Headache It Creeps Like a Serpent oh ee for contract advertisements must Tho, Frat Furniture Store x STRATFORD Tian has Se aR EMR LS NOL UGA LEDERMAN, Dentist, Li. East of the Post Office. ; a ae it an cure | Steals through the system like a entiate of Dental Surgery ai find rats to the stom-| thief in the night. That’s how catarrh of Royal College of De: jurgeons of : h bow. t you hanes acts. Don’t trifle with ‘such a MALCOLM. MacBETH, tario, Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- pated, isn’t you x ii * | scou Don't experiment with a Publisher and Proprietor versity. Crown and Bri ge worn ie pen ee ete tating Fie doubtful treatment. Time and ¢sx- ialty, Hours 94. m to “ ‘ punlenee ee that’ Catarrhozone doe: above the Sovereign Bank, Filiverton, influence of — Dr. erteie effect is gives quick relief and sof The Milverton Sun thoroughly” bet oye the disease, that 3. e el s id all the ailing organs flush out all |jt dies forever. bheal hy matte! nd tone ue the e Leading Tailors jo 22 2 2a) ee cen lamer tere ow Saee your stoma 2 es ploy hi i the only experienced 0 nada. and.excalled by hind tor m sting “because Medical. CUTTING PA F, PARKER, M.D,C.M., Honor Grad- Sei Po aa For rea 51.00 sizes at at Beeio es and gusrait: 4 Erie Street, Siraliord Ox! eae feat Pills Fo a Bae Be fe ae al ——— GENERAL NEWS WANTED AT peti Aeciaea | Trinity University, Tor dealers. os The Three-Fifths Clause ‘ = OY Ais SES Hebets Sige ia Batlle Drag pros ae ne inking, hav : lephone connection STERE is a peculiarity about tailoring in The Ideal Way ‘Toronto News. Sia Sao ekoee Those’ who have worked ieaeesea Brunner, Moserville and Rostock. ee mee eae bate Toco Salta Night o eeekeneme that, anponents of) sue. afolesworth Independent ‘Tele-| PY tse so'cun devise yous, whale te eae ‘ou can’t place an order on the day betor H. of W. oodstack was phone Co.have made arrangements Week ie 5 f edur to vonnect their system with fhe Bel) = Christmas and get your suit of clothes tn your at ae "orth ee ee ling as soon as completed. MORPHY & CARTHEW, Barristers, t stocking next morning. If you want clothes plained his viewseon school matters, Mr. Allan Huber of Berlin nas be Solicitors, Etc, Solicitors for the Bank i for Christmas order them early. We want to very plain eakas informed the h was allowing . his tha te wana a du > of Hamilton. Money to loan, Milver- surpcted is aoictoraér- MeBriae, ©] EY, IME OQ FL RR’ §$| tour Bat, “Bermunonl sce hare bom arranged for, A member of the firm will > he felt this t ik ‘ou to have a suit of clothes that is right. to Ste afrort RELIABLE GROCERY be in Miuiverion every Thursday. Tos if AND BAKERY H, B, MORPHY J. M, CARTHEW, We make it right, and it takes several days to : re election. i: : vanted, him to serve he do that. Get your order in now. but he eopaidered. that a ereater thy tas ae as oe aren ag. to the people —wighouk thas they. conferred” oh o1 a .e¢ et * ng Ont, those terms rate toe prestiae at Fe bs ome in se title preseription known i Fresh Lake Herring witeel’s Pat Veterinary, Sargeon was and . The Sentinel-Re-| Act may safeguard many communi- oN ilverton, Graduate of Ontari . viow says that, unusual as it teis against attempts at repeal with {sath Remedy. Sold by the Pablis “British Colum- $| ary College, Toronto. Treatsall diseases nee e. mil iepreaoanaid icin ugh Ways the: elt OF the me HRFOR oer | eae Stes bis:Sadaen of domestonted wninali; Ontis Uy eel Tail tho. eleet: yplauded. On|It may in the long run prove good AD eo fete the Wong: phone or otherwise promptly attended to, » ae -to- — Tailors _ MeMtanon was elect-|stragegy for the prohibitionists to|stock board of education, a resolu- ta r ¥ Milverton’s Up-to-Date to show that it isn’t |drop the agitation against the clause wos. i aoe ads Passed B White Fish Societies. $ y to give the voters|in question, and to concentrate their viding that all city and county an Salt Water Herri 8 on carrying as nD alt Water Herring fs MRIS a DAF NE aE EEE cipalitics as possible under thi ¥ GT R Time Tabl Menace On The Pacific d handicap. Once local option Salted Lake Herring ‘3 . 5 _ sstablished it a lity t i Hovves: Wanted : ime Thre Saterday Nie Fae dente ti duc | ont sar none ht hn bak in barrels spate going south, 912 a.m! somo time 4€ wn iathted in (dore® t ed A Na eae cba ban Some time ago it was stated in |ders*of its opponents, and E apnis toyoun ds. wiae Stiteer 4.44 p.m; POI 8 Re i Poo ER ROIS Cee aS i pe ENS Sapatieck a: oat quick ly, Salted Lake Trout in ton, Ont. on the Pacific Coast would prove to| manent one. your druggist some little Candy Cold barrels - bo ie hott a that ever burnt Tablets called Preventics. Druggists cones i a Ee The hands Chuan politicians 5 a3 everywhere are now dispensing Pre- C. 0. F., No. 99, Milverton) “sheets Strayed that ot High srhawere n| TheJanuary Rod and Gun | ventics, for they are not only safe, mone a Ga I y' 4 ut decidedly effective and prompt Flour 2.90 per cwt. $| every second and last Tuesday of every the fie would ; b 8 o'clock, in their hall over sti i we | Tt is often said that « good begin- | Preventies contain no quinine, no Son’ as falls to| Ming is half the battle, the Can-}}axative, nothing harsh nor sickening, a TOWN us nation. adian Sportsman’s “R 3 felt tha and Gun and Motor Sports in Canad" strayed into the premises of the un- 1 lot 14 con. 18, Blliee, a good ars. ‘The saine Dy paying expenses. JOuN BECKER, ing brethren always welcome, W. r, C. R., 8. H. Pugh, Ree-Secy. isi ventics will prevent Pnevmon a, 6 Bronchitis, La Grippe, ete. Hence the it ood = for 2 1.0, ae Bs hers Star oat name. Proventive: Gi oT Highest Prices Paid for Produce erate @ question. while /stoc es : ‘o |ning tor the Ne ew ¥ fore children, 48 Preventics 26 fC FOR SALE ilver night at — nts. ‘rial Boxes 5 cents. Sol {BER YARD business with Lime, Coal the Public Drug Store, 144 44444464446464444646064 Gee i in ia Be at Dru ae Sie Se sport in several ore, ng brethren always _wel- pukegrecadons dhe: situation “ro Consul H. A. Conant, of Windsor, Bee come, W. Finkbeiner, N.G,, W.K,Loth, ERB, BRUNNER. 4 aati dee oe axine aca tite 3 sea | Canada, reports that the average an- F, Secy,, B, Finkbeiner, R. Secy, —— Ss Taleaarae : re developme: et on|if they agree with t Cin ears $486, whe, pivcsaiepohianks 92-0 “Pin 3 whiPehe A| most important subject oe the Ink 7 3 Farm for Sale C. P, R. Time Table Asnatch injnational Control of the Great Lakes teachers. ‘receive $245. Th Notary Publilo: tan Bast a’ ther daily y ic- | Fis! icaeslt. within aagditent pears ie n British Columbia, 7 fats parcel of Jand known ab BMS oun eee he 2 ‘ is Kelly Se an W. D, WEIR, Notary Public, Auc- ae nies, cousating | 2_M. A: M ‘ peck delivers conference. of merican Fisheries tioneer for the County of Perth and Tha a, Young. orchard nrg nea ete tr le Sih ia, fOEMEY- Waterlou, Conveyancér, Deeds, Wills and. frame barn, near. schoo! a F called the a Ish; rtgages drawn and Affidavits made. jowing!all'done,” For further 842 1054 Ailfbank 830 ted a they receive $246, while in the Pro] Homestead Hegulations Village Glos, Omtve in the Welt block ‘app! 5 a juebec female teachers reigi x SOLOMON 6. KURPEER, 804 1118 West Moniton 8 07 : oe it Reece ae AX <4 action of Domtaton | °VE® the Sovereign Bank of Canadas 757 an oe 9.25 Walton 746 I-wide attention, he |e {The Berlin sugar factory’ has ask: 6, not reserved, wetete: Swill “surely. dsapotnt ood things }od thoss who supplied beets for this ea aera en for Sale. the people of India, as well as ignore {awaiting the nme if tein sxcallent (abar's poms ad Lies abéept sugar in| 18 years of a to the extent tok one quartet the opportunities given “hy: healed; sy lover of outdoor life payment. The company offers sugar F OF ees, EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner, Ont, ACRES being jot 2 8. inthe fails ‘to afford protection to the 00 Ibs. ‘A large num- y the eppil ‘Dominion Lands | John Gropp, eoprlbtar aah aan in wt fe of etltivatios millions of India now being oppress eomaatieand y t strict in {and cigars at the First-class ac- good oe The chief British sone any as much as $ Entry by proxy Conniaoa an and large stabling, sie “China whose claims’ run up | tai : ‘ageicy on cet Okama and effestive “story. “Nature's: Blixie are jundeeided. | daughter, speathee or'sinter of an intendiug wie speech the national sentiment of | —and i is not work !” This sugar will sell to | Bomesteater: | ii GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, — Mil rather partianate ai to GEO. - cote 1 steader is required to perform the | yerton, First-class ‘accommodation HEAR DS the nee RR Satieer (The a i ading the whole — the them- homestead duties under bue of the following | oom slaltravelle doth Thi ton. tf aim and Japan is largely an apetiok: freedom and strenuous ex-|sclves. require. (The company sa Ae eaetea * ¥ feria aomple: poo ee Gq Neate bilog: fair ign brings with it health | the able to secure | snd tava oi pant Nenidenees bon betobstien . 9 On ira happiness, though in the eonven-|advanee at the bank on this year's | three Saag Pea coal Gone Bites Beene and elgut FARM for SALE there ern civilization it is no.|erop, and hence ask their patrons to x hoi mist ieel 180 desires a Reopeee F re rk.” Often indeed, as|trade out accounts. Ing on the farm land own tis by, fe British and 5 > r i ele ‘ __ | not less than eighty SO tn ex UEEN’S HOTEL, vith India, Japaneso boats have’ al-lot the hardest possible character, but cui tire governs ie Seta a es Nomentead.” trait fe best Retorimodtel genes anost entire ly supple anted British Since} ivhon it 18 a change from ordinary for Aa fo Mnother there is a closo |2n(B i tceue father or mother If tas father in | oravellors and others, “Tw 8 Han lhe‘ yt t i deceased, of « etry een has a permanent hoicest he jence on farminy 3 rt ‘ 7 of the homestead, 01 Jeorg . . most any time. | “Ror further “particulars éauave: the i a British-| ot, in the Anat mies ors 6 ection 4 Is meste: ered for by him in’ the Spas" Be ite Racey, Rostock Ont. (Old 5 2 r perform his own resi: | ————————= — ier Proper wey : : ithe father or : ndia, while |'sing beginning the sea 3 iain act the wood hare atty”In INVESTIGATE is ‘finds Ghat the muualstay tue strongest possibilities for the fur-| tai rabbit may be taken or killed | ding paragtuphe is dehned ve cteaiee see Into the merits of th Farm for Sale den hounee ther success of this favorite Canadiut lin any manner by the 0% more than nine miles in a ditect line, exelu- “Cniog Hack ver ngagins, hows mesial work “Teh a", manner by Me owner, occa | ANS Gi the wit road alow ssc GoniralBusinessCollage ah ant, 3 suiremen Ti PARCEL oF | LAND being the wert apitate, beer to make the savant se, ee the ich t be prov |,.(5) & homestead intending to perform hal of tot 17,6 ernington, con. Strayed. i Dominion in the regio: t tual his residence duties in accordance with the tra eters os nt. here: ar ulate. Japam beg he }to our people tr pers wie vin Tee parents or: on farm: It 1a the most successful business trainin, is Ebr at heat tren Cao rt figy Ag: | SEP TR ta ig partly one |the whos works Agent for the disteet ofsuch intentions "* | #ehoo! in ee Ontario, Our Come fa | > slay Srey. ab in Bul Ge or Sis OUaaace ot ania Stents relal,, Shorthand and “Telegraphic Suan othe pee hel Sead tot sage maiot Set oeyceramen ey each HU ce ott ial, Orexon: jase, oF “by wen to the Commiutioner of Domaine || pepertiment pre tothe charke fable HS a4 by ene wets Situated about 2 |Gurred =i ‘a Bite aay sion a Mi ayo Sinkin Sensations written license to permit. to shoal ands at Ottawa of intention to Baty ee al Dun. 6 niles + Good. frame house 10 of ed Ms raten ner kitchen and woodshed. New esa that city as saying in a public speech ig trot such owner, occupant or Jes- | : et ths erie Aabag? siineath Stee nite af ihe: Tenauees’ Govern: In the Stomach|**. Depa st ral Li odes yt NEghar'p Ellice Election 1908" ment “had obtained arate nate a When the Stomach, Heart, or Kid- ent will not be paid for May auth, 1907.0 we an of the city of Portland, maps and —— na cf arta Ienbitepiao8: Brutth forthe cea: apecifiationa of every, roadway lead-]Do They Affect You? peby Peg tae 3 into the city fous - pipe St ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN, Pmmoinaue os ‘Theso unpleasant feelings of weak- pee Figg Shs and for the rate- y OUR CLUBBING RATES Sr be tough: ness and collapse indicate that the s ee nervous system is out & Canada Farme: Armstrong tried his tripping to got ep storative. ‘he Restorative is. propar- nim -— whe. “oause is. imi as of nerve |°4 expressly for these weak. inside if ea But sini vetmne out vietorious and faba cari ae Ce Ot mere nerves, Gtreamtnen these nerves @ oe ‘ is Milverton, Bun &. Weekly Glebe Aioedholt-terertaten tector is build them up with Dr. Shoop's Re- r 1°25 |*ho rest led out their dignity to dis- Acute indigestion follows and the |%torative—tablets or iy al eat see i come. Fi Brickman followed up with stern re- he Be Mer ra Sun & Wet ney Junat started ahead with first- ashi jt zea ent ee ele si senate ene es peauant by De. = and ‘ class clothes, : shan eco: % Shoop, eae i i We have in stock a large supply of god: Felt Shoes manufactured by the J. G. Grosch Felt Shoe Co., of Milverton, which we are disposing of at reasonable prices, 8 Tho best, because the quickest and |$Urely worth that simple test. Bold surest cure, is Ferrozot - by, the "Public: Drag Store: It acts at once upon the digestive | Few people stop to ‘think that their ind cabo Rohr it fortifies the stomach—makes the blood nour- | an shing, gives it. es srshy red color, the evidence of health Mho Milverton Sun and Family Her! ald and Weekly Stal 1.65 Fund Tie, ea Sun and Montreal 1.60 was 80 sure the fine nice seat But Brickman ct yuaie very hard and Jundt slaii @he Milverton Sun and “Toronto| ‘The councilors had an cight-hand Weekly Sun sn ‘ - 1.5 ; sae sraeninved “thei hOGA lovin bes n years I suffered acutely Scie rR fhe: WaliFerted Bbw, “aod. Noetbern | mea ae Papclee a ae faba eaitgaa ss oa eoUie: ine’ orality. heerful, |““We Knead Them Every Hour.” ESRD A Bi 6) Messenger . . 1.85] Henry danced to the music so very Maxwell jompson, of ol lo. “I } hopeful tei i fu L b ’ dn aN ici he hurowed “up, it's overs: | Spee te pubic-Crisp Brad and /Lumberman’s Rubbers uo Milverton Sun and. Western Ad- |aa ins oie to the very highest 6 duty. to. cultivate. ‘her : Rolls. from the wholesome flour—to vertiser Pein sk See heautiful legend “that. at. orealon's Cp Seal altars every day of the and Socks S The Milverton Sun and Toronto Daily aus did rip the figure 8 so very a eee dawn an angel came down to earth, | fling ye: ; ait eet tomach, I read about seeking; something to take back with OUR FINE BAKERY i a : oo Wah Ver wal allowed his! scout oon in reared six hoe Fone it to heaven, i ote halltens: Gates oraks Call and see us, we wiil do our : Tho babs hey un an ae Soles atts Crowley appeared in, first-class cos- gist. was no time at al ‘ore oxquek of flowers, a baby's smi : ‘akes, Tarts, etc,; oe ee Gh ene oe se: [ta mere ean a en eg a oe yell to the music, we © o wi . ed the pearl es _ - soe Mhe Milverton Sun and Toronto Daily pes enna ee néw lease of lite: thd cowera shea with terials used absolutely the best. Give =— : Star «. e ove 2.80 | For he tripped it well and'took bis ighter, and f ¢ smile hed» 5 pela ry prod Kets Pe ate, trial and < % abe © than before trying Ferrozone. It is a love was found to be as pure and you'll never desert us ‘S.—All accounts must be settled , = And all the rest of candidates did beat | ic splendid tonic, the best ternal as the waters that flowed by pe by Sa or note before Jan, Ist, 1908, ; The other five were left on tho|oasion for doing 60 ari ds not |" Ferrozone ia “unrivalled in curing | the heavenly throne, and all the a ‘ floor to strive nccessary 4 i 8 to dis ae pineme, try it an con- | gels exclaimed ; “There is nothing on ze ba _ Lax-ets 5 © Sweet to Eat | po, ie %utnre Weir glory to revive.| various poiits? 11. is enough to line id by all druggists in |>arth pure enough for Heaven tut "'Geo. Guenther sa ZIM M an MAN i COMMUNICATION. |them up for review. 500. jae mother’s love,” Baker and Confectioner, -- Milverton

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