The People’s Store.” Our $15,000 24th and lasting until the end of the month. pudamage here. Everything in the store at sale prices, -turn our immense stock ini © cash before stock taking. stock of general ce hadi will be offered at ‘clearing sale prices regardless of profit aie beginnin dee The greatest chance the p people of Milverton and surrounding country ever had-of securing a new rea ea If you want to save money attend our sale. stock at practical lly cost. We want Ms this list carefully. We can a note, = a 5 Dress Goods This store is noted for its fashionable Dress Goods stock. he Sonly _ Skirts, length 50 in. wide, reg. 1.35 for 5 a) a uit Lengths in Green and Blue P ie 54 in. wide, reg. = c "3 suit cat Chiffon and Broadcloth, in Green, ‘Blue Pal eed 50 in. wide, regular 1.25 fo: . 2 pes, Mixed Tweeds, 40 in. wide, reg, 60 ic for, pe my Broad cloths in colors black and bide. reg. 1.75 for....1. ’ cloth in colors garnet, plum, black, grey and fawn, reg. Ligh Gia ai wool, “suitable for skirts, reg hite ‘ “Shepherd” 's Plaid,” reg. 50¢ for 1 pce in black and white check, very new, oF in wide reg 1.25 for Bo Dress N All 1907 patterns, over 60 pieces in white black and colors, just what you want to begin your summer sewing, all new beauti- ful patterns, reg. prices 12 1-2c to 15c, your choice for.......... Prints + 50 pieces best suis guaranteed fast colors, reg. 12 1-2c and 15c . Don’t miss this chance Latest Fashion Sheets Free d Woo! Delains Assorted patterns, beautiful designs, reg 50c for Colored Sateens All colors, regular 12 1-2c and 15¢ for French or Opera Flannels -In colors white, blue, pink and red, a rare bargain, reg 50c for... Wrapperette 300 9 best English quality, all colors and designs, reg 12 1-2c and 15c for ..20¢ Regular 2 25c for .. Art ng The very newest thing in tickings, beautiful designs, reg 25c for 10c z Kimona Cloth Very new, beautiful coloring and designs, reg. 25¢ for... Flannelette Best English flannelette in light and dark shades, narrcw and or wide stripes, checks, etc., reg 15¢ and 18¢ for. é Regular 12 1-2c for Regular to for8. Regular 8 for 6. Grey Flannel somal 28 in. wide in grey and striped, reg. 30c for wy twilled grey flannel, pure wool, shrunk, reg 45c for Miery flannel in brown and grey, reg 50c for Beaver Cloth Best Black Beaver for coats, clocks, capes, etc, reg. $2.75 for.2.00 : Table Linens and Table Napk.ns ba inch pure Irish Table Linen, bleached, — 7 = gage “ ex “ “« inch pure Irish Linen, unbleached, special va 4.5 joie er. fos for 30c for .. “ Cee “« “« “« « “ “« Nai regular is 7 and $1.50 for... cans ® O and 3,00 for . Sag a Tea towelling in blue and white and red and white check, reg. at 7 ble ic per yard 3 Eiderdown “Wool Eiderdown in plain and stripe and colors, regular 12 1-2¢ and 15¢ for 10c per yard _ Ladies’ Ready-To-Wear Blouses and Waists Blouses mode of English Wrapperette, all sizes, regular 75¢ and 5 = this bargain. 190 £ 2 1-2c = .95c per ‘dozen 3 95 $1.00, your ahoiak for 5 White Lawn Waists all new 1907 ee very pretty, all must be cleared at half price as follows: — Regular 75c for 3Bc é Regular $1.00 for 5Oc Regular $1.50 for 75c Silk Waists at greatly reduced prices. bargains. Ladies’ Skirts at $1.98 All our 1907-8 skirts will be on sale at $1.98. Regular prices of * these skirts are no less than $3.50 and up to $8(50. hink of Ladies’ and Misses’ Coats : All bought for this winters selling but all must go at positively ccst. Prices will range from $1.50 to : $7.50. Worth just twice the amount. A rare bargain. : Slightly out of date but good stock of Ladies’ and Misses Coats, Jackets, Capes, Cloaks, etc. Regular prices from $4.50 to $12. Your choice of the lot for 75c Bear Cloth 54 in. white curl cloth, extra pate! nap, for children’s coats, regular $2.50 for.. 1. 4 Ladies’ Underskirts = Underskirts made of best Mercerized Italian cloth, nicely eer shirred and Rigs regular $1.00 for. Se Regular $1.2 Regular $2. i eas $2.50 for .. Twill Sientive’ and Pillow Cotton 9—4 bleached twill sheeting, regular 40c for 9—4 bleached plain sheeting, regular 35c for.. ic 9—4 unbleached plain and twill sheeting, regular 35c for 2Oc 40 x 42 inch circular pillow cotton, regular 25c for 18c 40 inch non-circular pillow cotton, regular 15¢ for 12 1-2c Bed Spreads + Double bed size, regular $1.25 for 9c * Extra fine quality, beautiful designs, extra large, reg 4.50 for 2.95 Bed Comforters + Filled with wool also feathers and son, beautiful art sateen and satin coverings, regular $2.50 for........-.-.s-1+s1serees cseerees B Regular $3.75 for 2.75 Regular $6.00 for 4.75 Blankets Grey wool blankets, size 60 x 70, 6 Ibs.t reg $3.00 for 2.25 White wool blankets shrunk and well scoured, size 64 x 84, 7 * Ibs., regular $4.75 for & White wool blanket shrunk and well scoured, size 64 x 84, 9 Ibs., regular $7.00 for......-:.01ccceseecse nest sesctteeeeee treeeeeeteree “5.00 Corded Velvets : Costume corded velvets, just the thing for Boys’ Buster and Russian Suits, in colors cardinal, myrtle, cream and_ black, regular 50c and 60c for Every coat is the latest style. ‘) All C. B. C. and D. & A. corsets, reg $1.25 for. Carpets and Linoleumns This store is noted for its fine range in this line Carpets, Linoleumns and Oil Cloths at a straight 20% discount. Large floor rugs, size 3 1-2x4 yds, beautiful design, ae $20 for $15 Size 3 1-2 x 3 yards. regular aed 00 for 13.5 Smaller floor rugs at 1, 4.00 : Linoleumns 1, 2 and 4 yards wide, varied atetae and colors at 20 4 per cent discount A Great Fur Sale Never before were you offered such bargains in furs as you will t find here during he sale. Wenever carry furs over. e will quote only a few lines. Ladies’ Furs . Ladies’ select Astrachan jacket, reg. 25.00 for 15.00 Ladies’ fur-lined coat, arble collar, regular 50.00 for 38.00 Ladies’ natural sable ruff (very pretty) regular 25.00 for 18.00 + Ladies’ Russian sable muff, pillowgshape, regular 10.00 for 7.00 All ruffs, throws, stoles, etc., in sable, mink, stone martin, etc.. at positively cost : Extra ihe a sett only black persian lamb, scarf and muff, select r, beautiful curl, regular 30.00 for 20.00 sores s ae fur ruffs, regular 75¢ and 1.00, your choice for 25¢ Don’t fail to share in these = Top Shirts in wool and union, reg 50c for 4oc. = Ask to see our Fit-Well,Hats for men. Chamber Settc—Very latest patterns, a big choice, ip 5.50 for 4.25 Men’s Furs 3 only imitation lamb coats with rubber and nee Italian lining, reg- ular 16.00 and 18.00 for 11.0 1 only dyed Wambat, a Soe wearer and a aaah looker, guaranteed, econ lar 38.00 for 30.00 3 only Bishop coats made of glossy black China Dog, a better coat would be hard to find (guaranteed by the Bishop Fur Coat Co.,) regular 25.00 for 19.00, splendid value. 1 only men’s fur-lined coat, best beaver cloth shell, lined with se- lect Muskrat skins, Persian Lamb collar, a dandy, reg 75.00 for $50 Ladies’ and Children’s Underwear We haven’t space here to tell you about our big and well assort- ed stock of Underwear. Every line.will be offered at sale price nion vest and drawers, regular 25c for 19c Hygiene brand, sone 5oc for 4oc. Regular 75¢ for 6oc Natuaal Woo! (Penman’s,) regular 1.25 for 98c Children’s underwear Pen Sp sc Ladies’ Cotton Vests 12 dozen best quality of cotton vests, long sleeves, always sold every where at 25c. As a special for this sale only loc each Men’s Furnishings We are headquarters for Men’s Wear. : So s and Boys’ Cie at 25 per cent discount. ull and well assorted stoc'! Underwear—Men’s and Boy’s fleece lined, reg. 50c for ae This’ » brand of underwear is sold in most stores at Goc to 75¢ Your choice of any at 4oc Pure natural wool (Penman’s brand) guaranteed not to shrink, regular 1.75 for 1.50, Regular 1.50 for 1.15. Regular 1.25 for 1.00 s Regular 75¢ for 6oc £ Dress Shirts—too colored and white shirts, regular 1.00 for 50¢ Working Shirts—Ordinary shirts, regular 5oc for 4oc. Extra strong and roomy “Colossus” shirt regular 85¢ for 65c Sox—For this sale only a very fine all wool sox, reg. 4oc for 20c Ties—Silk ties in bows, scarfs, puffs, etc., reg25c, and 50c, your choice 2 for 25c = Collars—Regular 15c at 5c each Braces—Best make of men’s and boys’ bracos, regular 25c for 2oc, regular 5o0c for 4oc, a line of boys’ braces at loc a pair. Caps—Men’s and boy’s caps, reg. 25c for 2oc, 50c for 4oc, 75¢ for 6oc, odd lines at loc each. Mitts—All men’s and boys’ heavy and fancy mitts at sale prices + Men’s and Boys’ Sweaters—Boys’ all wool sweaters, red and navy, reg. 50c and Goc for 40c. Boys’ fine worsted (light weight) navy only, reg. 75¢ for Goc, en’s all wool sweaters, reg 1.25 for 95c. Men’s wool jackets, reg 1.25 for 1.10 Special price. during sale. eg 4.50 for 3.25. Reg 300 for 1. £ Dinner Setts—We have a big assortment of apinnet si in various colorings and designs. Reg 8.00 for 6.50 Reg 12.00 for 9.00 Reg 14.00 for 11.00. Reg 15.00 for 12,00 Sale prices on all crockery and fancy china Notion Counter—We will have a table loaded with all kinds of no- ‘tions, good useful things, at prices less than half regular price Remnant Table—Piles of remnants, odds and ends of dress goods, tweeds, serges, flannelettes, linings, waistings, etc., at your own prices Grocery Mees ve granulated redpath sugar for 1.00 bs golden yellow sugar for 1.00 2 ts very best India and Ceylon tea for 1,00 7 lbs our best roasted coffee for 1.00 Prize oats 9c. Toasted corn flakes ge. rice 9c. Quaker berries 9c Parlor matches 4c. Yeast cakes 4c Shoe polish 5c i 3 plugs McDonald tobacco 25¢ 5 plugs Free Trade tobacco 25¢° § plugs Quaker tobacco 25¢ 3 Blige Black Thorn tobacco 25¢ pare val, raisins, the best that can _be bought at Puffed Select re-cleaned currants/at 7¢ lb. The one great t sale that all no — You cannot afford to miss a single item of this announcement. Milverton and vicinity look ioewari to: as the most important bargain aa of the entire year. Bargains all over the store. There will be extra ee to Rae on yo ; A clearance le that has : _ TERMS: -CASH OR PRODUCE. |