“Gravenhurst Sailor and Lindsay Teamster' = Share in Carnegie Fund. A despatch from Pittsburg says: ‘The Commission, at its fourth ie Hero cancel meeting hel e lay, d nine silver and seven bronze ta two wid Aes minor children. a awards thu John Bibby, T 20, mate, of Graven- ‘hurst, Ont. “cas, ‘on Oct. 31 y 1905, Tescued Ji Jamieson, aged 40, and a coupetnne ote were thrown into Muskoka Lake Lie 4 pes capsized | de their skitf—silver medal Wm. ey aged 38, a feamster, ot unser: » Canada, on Feb. 27, oisinel a backset, through. alae Wm. Gil Be Seek 34, of Montreal Cine a pane *, who on July 1, 103, eae gene: River staan in A. Moor- - te fe raat ae 10, who et en ae ay silver medal and $1,000. to aodesoe a atiak SHOT HIMSELF ON VESTRY STEPS. French Actor eres Suicide in Mont- he A despatch al says: Re Laurette, a mgees ee at the Theatre Francais here, made a theatrical attempt at suicide esday afternoon. He had been in the Church of the Immacu- ite Con came over. with father Li While descending the steps of the vestry with his spiritual ad- viser he sudden! @ revolver and ot el dis aim. was bad, and he be injured Is right lung, inflicting a may may not aes fa onee taken to tel Dieu, where the bullet was seivate @ you and will perhaps recover. re CIGARS AND) ‘WHISKEY. na ent of C.P. R. Charged With ‘holesale Thieving. A coe from Winnipeg says : Com- wan, man ng 0 FINDS OF COAL IN THE WEST. Announcements in the Geological Sur- vey: Report, despatch from Ottawa says: summary report of t fo} loers. 0: uurvey in e part of Canada cae the last summer D. Cairnes spent oe summer in the Yulon, and young 00 - ‘ number of places along L ergo, Lewes. River and its teuteres, the Teslin and Big Salmon Rivers. tensive ren discoveries are a coal area Durin the year 1,075 specimens reached the chemical laboratory. i TROLLEY HITS SLEIGH. plaints have been reaching the Canadian Pacific. headquarters for regarding shortages in freight In| rour periseets Thrown Out and Sus. innipeg. In some instances whole ie of cigars have gone astray. lained Injuries. Wednesday at noon five ployees,| A Ae from. pate Ont., ed Sidney Mason, E Hai ‘cur persons in. the spilals bert Thompson, este B. Landels and} as the result of an Srtent at the South- a man named Rall nm. western Traction Company's crossing at while on duty. Among tl imooe Street at 6 o'cloc! hursday to have been stolen by the men in| night. A sleigh containing Albert Mur- custody are some hu lollars iden and his. ten-year-old son Albert, werth of cigars, bottles of whiskey and Joseph Hardiman on his twelve-year-old bags of sugar. daughter Beatrice, was crossing the 8s tracks, one of the: hed ears ip ‘struck the vehicle, slewin, round and BARTHQUAKE IN HAYTI. Number of We Were Destroyed and hers Damaged. A sues Bose Port au Prince, Hayti, ocur says: A serious earthquake has oc The fl ret was “es Haylian fepublies It is and has a population ‘of about 18,000. pis SERS OIL GUSHER AT BAKU. Mammoth oe Well Produces 120,000 arrels Per Day. heavily to the un- ee: was foun nut, slightly ttico Hesainan and. tho ghtly “injured, and th was dislocated, ne arin hip oe THREE DIE IN \ THREE WE Brampton Family ¢ Tragic the Victims of a despatch from Brampton says: has @ sadder visitation ov taken a conumunity than that which.has Jomes Fallis, De raped rn Beisel dy. A. despa froty, ae Petersburg says: 8 pot f ago, wes at the deain ois producing firm: on Wednesday | hed and. contracted the disease the tol- ived news f fhe Guucaaus ar lowing day, and died on Jan. 8. Mrs. the opening of a mammoth oil gusher|Fallis, aged 70 years, ‘at im: in the Bibi-Eybat ficld at Baku, flow-| mediately stricken down with the same ing at the rate of 120,000 barrels a day. | fatal y, and she ed say It far surpasses any other well in tne} about aight o'clock on Thursday night. u region, and unlike new gusher} The family are bale tho oldest and at Surakhant in December,| best known in the tow) i Rea STAGE WENT THROUGH ICE. Siweand 9 | Accident in repr Snow Stems on over the evidence o} con- Lysate Cree chit ah finued vitality of the Baku fleld, Oil lespatoh from Little eae three per cent. on the hee Pon a, night, about i market on account of the discovery, | o'clock, with ‘temperature rero, and in i blindin, Mees te ail stage, with mail for thirty: FOUR RUSSIANS KILLED. four Manitow vent: through sai) the A Toronto (riveler was on Another Explosion of Dynamite on the| board. Driver See ee the GT. taail, Tho stago and | re lost. from Kenora despatch ‘men were killed in a dynamite explo- says: Four sion on Ti north of Hawk, yur were ae iris employed in taking ‘ul rock cut, ee lesion. took place ‘a vai at eae ers np tho. survivors wery nol able to, give the names of thoso killed, ing | ney A reliet rig brought ihe mail Gy nent day al neers eae =< “ BY DOG AND SLEIGH FROM ARCTIC. Woman With Three Children Reaches Winnipeg From Hudson aS espaten | froin Winnipeg says: ‘ark Factory, pint a rea in the city on Thursday morning after having made the jour. ne far né Mes tage was eoonaatate! by children, the object of tho trip being have children placed én the tds school of the city, Seren only npanied Mrs, Ray. S00 STEEL PLANT T0 CLOSE = A Shortage of Pig Iron Is Said to|2si Be the Cause. ‘despat from Sault Ste. Marie, ont. says + sane an interview es oF ae 9 a of all concerned. It is figured that the As ats contemplated will keep about 700 Tho| y, e Geological Sur- 3 . BREADSTUFFS. moe Jan, 21—Manitoba Wheat— 1 northern, $1.22; No. 2 northern, Pir feed wheat, 70c; No. 2 feed, 66c. Ontario. WheatNo. 2 while, 980 10 he sted, 980; No. 2 mixed, Barley—No, 2, 6c to We outside; No, 3 extra, Te Flour—Winter wheat Palen for ex- port, offering at $3.85, bids around 5; Manitoba pales, special brand, $5.80 5.20 ‘$5.40; 5 SeK sitong De bakers $5. 40 to $5.30, sae 2, 0c to 81 n—No. 2. yellow ‘Anica, sie to. 65c, Toronto’ freights; kiln dried, 66340; so: w offering ab 7c, with few iste Quotations nominal at bbe Oats—No, 2 white, 19%6 to. ao oul rag Phas, toe Toronto; No. ised, Es Buckwheat—66c, Bran—$19 outside; shorts, $21.50. COUNTRY. PRODUCE. atte, in poultry shows thio inerease in sar nae, extra. choice. ee 160 doc a. tow 7c Butler—The market continues steady. Creamery prints Be to 306 27e to 28e dy, ae selling at 2t¢ r dozen in case lols; coeees 2c 6c per dozen in leis, reg) fo 26c. New-laid from 0c 6 B5e. Honey—Strainad Steady at ile to 12¢ per pou r 60-pound. pails, and 12c te 130 for 5 to 10-pound pails. Com! at $1.75 to a do ans—$1. 5 for primes and to $1. $1.80 to $1.85, pe “fae -picked. oes—T00 ee per bag in car lets on track ie Baled Sees eg $9.50 to $10.50 er ton on track in car lots on PROVISIONS. Pork—Short cut, $28. ae fo $23 per barrel; these, 18 10.8 ae ierees, lies ar 12c;_ pails, Ye. ape and Dry Salted. Meats—Long oon, 10¢ to 10%c for tans and + lanes medium’ and light, ams, 12340 to 136; ols tee to The shoulders, 100; oli ty 103403 fast bacon, 15¢. to ‘sage; green ieee ae of pickle, 1c less than sino L MARKETS. ) al, Jan, 2.—Thore ii new evelopment inthe loca? flour situation, ‘on Canadian corn largely $22. ES He sea Hay—Tinoty 8 ‘6 50 to $17.50 track aye spring wheat patents, $6. 40; seconds, $5.50; winter are ote ae $5.75; ‘straight’ rollers, $5.50; do. in Be $2.60 to $2.65; extra, $2.05 to lanitoba. Ba ei to $24; ates: $27 to bags; milled ara $28. to and pure grain mouille, $35 to $37 per ton. Roll oats—$2.75; corn, $1.60 to $1.70 per bag. There is no change in the condition ef the local cheese market except we slocks are Sea tess ce ae were last wee! jail-ens Awe to 12% c; Sete, aoe os tel, Septembers, 13340 A fair volume of ess is being et in. butter, but supplies are ited. Grass goods, 28¢; current re- Ee 26c to 27c. A fair volume of transacted in eggs. lects, 24¢ to business is being Newly-laid 0c; se- 260; No. 1 limed, 20c to 21c. iene cut heavy jets #o, $10.50" to au: os: sa fall mg clear backs, 10%c fo 11}c; bar- a plate beef, $13.50 to $15; half bar- barrels heavy fecal ialed abattoir 5 to $9; live, $6.25 to $6.35. BUFFALO MARKET. Buffalo ed, $ rn—Low- ers No B white, es No. 2 yellow, 626. Oats— 2 mixed, 54240; No. 2 a8 te, Br MGarley—S1 to to $1.15. Rye . 1, 90c asked, track: NEW YORK WHEAT MARKET. .. New York, Jan, 21 pat ons 6. 2 red, $1.05% elevator; No. 2 red, $1.07 Lob. afloat; hern Duluth: te 21%4 to.b. afloat; No. 8 hard winter, $1.17 f.0.b. a LIVE STOCK MARKET. Toronto, Jan, 21.—Little was doing in exportere! A few bubs were sola at r cwt., with an occa- Shiai bid okt) oe ae streets animal. Some export cows brought BS r i wice loads of butchers’ brought $4.50 to $4.85 per cwt., te id ones paeawarth SA to bases and common to medium $3 lo $4 per ewt. Choice cows. Seo ae at i. Su to $4, medium a! to $3.25, com- mon at ‘su 75 to $2.75, F eatinees 0 bo SL sar owl steers A of lockers and feeders were ora ef ess per cwt. Light stock- for choice, and $25 fo fair. Calves were aay higher at 3 to 6, pouns port. ewes sod $4 to $4.40, Ss and-culls, a 5 ‘sh and lambs fo $35 fer common As wt. gs old at tg 70 and light nie Mats 5.15 per cw ch teennteh, froin Tangier saysi- The Roly war whlch hs often fh Maradeeand jprociatmed here and: Were: by d chiefs, seams now to Mulai Hafid, who is now as Sullan throughout ns, in formally proclaimed aJehad, and criers are exhorting the people rrakesh to rise and exterminale in earnest. acknowledged marohin ing Prengh. “It is expacted that the Jehad HOLY WAR iS PROCLATMED New Moorish Sultan Takes a Long Threatened Step. ic) ay. ee proclaimed at Fez, and of fanaticism through. cut the annie is fear FEARS FOR COAST TOWNS. A baie from London says: Th correspondent of the Times ieegrapne that the Moroccan. situation been ie moré serious owing to the proclamation of the Jehad, ae holy war. He adds that immediate ene Se 2 ed no Europeans are now in the inter- ior, HEALTH THE BACKWARD CHILD. Do you number amon, that child seem, aa ‘backward children generally ton prompt to santeshlet bub slow lo all else? Is. he, though appar- ently iparvions es ot abnormally Swift in resentin: proper ri You Sue perl xe done what $0 many you--be- ‘etted oe ot hopeless. bickering. use! it is wrong. ites with its great ait ever-growing interest in infant. psycho- I , has denoteat pee “tiaiorlt yo! cause lies back of ante sae poorly, and it is the duty of par- Ps Thishie haba Mol that in the ie remedy. not quite hear, does nol i cannot ailtte reat feds. saute will iL quite un- hut lake seh backwaré child to a8 ie life- a o have ys this ee ‘of affairs with ils | and much original sin would vanish at the snip of the il soissers or the pe ling an of properly filled. glasses the casd of huni ‘of poor, nareabot: dowildecod little Ehilaren. 2 is an bad saying about “tho. blagke sheep in every. floak” ence happily tends more and everthraw.—Yeuth's Companion sate CeESEy, SIX INJURED BY DYNAMITE, Another Explosion on Transcontinental nstruction Work. A despatch from Kenora sa: Ane other feclaatt has occurred at Tromp: You sey that, ious the other chil gous aunt Bgon's sub-contract on dlp ald wad pedals gh ached |, is nig in Camp No, 4, Cot age, he is still Sutkting over his |e flaw Gieneicwee in- vee Xindergarton; that he can- hy. an- explosion of dynamite white ne his sl hands}n a pi excavation work, ‘Tn or take a raniae rand sAdsityy Disk | yar brought here on. Thursday ‘nigitt you are in. despair. Bit you need not| and placed In hospital. ‘Their Injusl @espair unless you are certain that you| oonsist of broke inju Eiletig PUT POISON IN CHOCOLATE. Beamsville Boy .Played a Dangerous Trick on a Playmate, the officials at the offices ‘Thursda: a Saree until the ities staff is specialist, ae it a x tsi again taken The blast fubgines are not affected by the any the pul A child who habitually iret ‘with bo thai Plant fs not f= ‘eat ee ecg th ‘OL times little time it be oat by he men. Tho repairs, it slated, niauid i made } ere , and the closing Beir Per, om bo “onal ts assure em- 1 stall ot men on. the further large Bereniaie Me men wane pS rein ar nt great. the ppenng Ki the ho plants p is proenyad % at| classroom and si | be} cus strain nro a ) It makes open mouth will probably be Roth on Gnd. CHRELARIIDS, ana Wall Sec lise par phyalcally,. FO ts terncical at he will eeeet th Et pene st 5 Le a defeet ae vision, covert unty Constable. puttora “is cesugating ‘te: matter, Ik fs expected thal the Belgian Partie. ussion, will, elect King ty, though it will Bae warned China that she will ing duties on os (teat ‘sent cense pay; 2.1 Mantra uni the c Ws are forced inst Ru: ‘ cs drinking lyo given boy. f acon, 14340 to ise st reseed bogs, [CONDENSED NEWS ITENS RAPPENINGS ibs au. ov mn Telegraph Briefs From Our Own and Other Countries of ESTEne: Events, CANADA. ihe St. Clie River ig Alloa with Moat ei ena on saa Peaies cases havo been reported a8 Hamilton. sa Jess vaccinal R. trains al be SunanS ; ino ora, Oregon, ear! a weet ex-t ePEReE one Dailist Columbia, died at Victoria. Thinteen men are al municipal stone pile at Pelerboro. =p Gendueian 3 A. McDougall was. crush: #4 to death at Coleridge, Alberta, on Fri- five-year-old girl died at Montreal by a youn, The Grand Trunk pects has employ- enaecnpe: experts a by Lew- is for ths ion gs et sae ‘or shootin, Galt’s vital plalisties show a decrease m deaths and an increase in marriages Sees cases of a mild type are Sierepelig: Canney ei oe in in Manitoba, » Winnipe, ‘of Control will at tempt ae Saw in fines from 1s aie oN Pa ee a Winter. has been ap- peta | general trafic manager of west R. = The ¢ Dllewe "Government havo cabled Wales may gust, and the Prince of e. harmbers, found guilty of a series of highway robberies ronto, to imprisonment for life i Friday ithe Geremnment hive passed. a1 JRE abolishing the Tani priv y foreign vessels aft mi bronsdon’s candy establishment at soa ia and Rae & Donnelly'’s ware- of $20,000 on Friday. Fort William has offered ‘Port Arthur $75,000 for the electric railway lines within the sacce of Fort William, with half the ent. pe. Clark, « Sh Catharines newsboy, Vie- change for a dollar in selling a paper, Mr. Hawthornwaite Dunemuir for disallowing the Natal act hout ite advice of his Ministers. The uld nol accept the resolution. Hon. House of Con: aOR, fat take stey secure a Riese Government had. bee: n considering the matter for some time, GheAT BRITAIN. Three girls lost Melt tives in : factory uanalist forces, ‘Two Nationalists from Cork, support- ers of Wm. O'Brien, were ejected from a moeting of the directors of the United Irish League at Dublin on Wednesday. UNITED STATES. The United States will coEy. from ba in Febru: mene: pay his t and her jewels for his sweet MeLure, ried in Canada two years herself in a bathtub Inesday. who was. ago, gral in New York on We Col. oon Chairman of the Isth- mian Canal Commission, estimates the actual “ate cost of the Panama Canal ay ah ap alan tai enrollment ie students at Hervant Univers! is yoar is 5,763. reed oe decrease of twenty-six from Jas! AACDIDS tani baa conletad “Oss paul tute himself for Thaw and bo executed if necessary on eandiion that $3,000,- (i is paid his fami Abit t ‘ermont is seeking an \agesnent whereby Canadians. will cease setting seins for fish in the/north- ern end of Lak is Wolfson of Cincinnati has Sune relat Haniel yaaye eutlaning from pains in {he head by haying two nerves in his forehead cut out a girl whom he had met me: ia refus ‘Y m, éecordin, ne police, Sant’ Stanislaw Molke, % fay old, avenue. chica go jeago, shot Hinaif In tho head at his home Tuesday night. GENERAL. The Japanese budget for the Nag 1908- 1909 shows a deficit of nearly The French ee a Seemncret ot Arabs after a ten- Argentine will ye 116,000,000" busi I els of wheat. availible for export this year. Brazilian Government is sicering. a. prop ponies to Sa 20,00) Joy bat ie Chines cir tie have been issued at 2] sanghes aaeettislag a boycott of Bri- President Roosevelt is now blamed by en! ihe German Reichstag for the finameial stringency. ‘Thirty young people skating on a lake in Paris fell into the water and all were Cee ut two. Dutch troops have captured a rebel ext in ue Island of Floras, Ma- iy Archipelago. eas we natives, France compin Japan is not treating ie fairly, gerry distention of rs for war mi ot oessel-has’a Appeal imination “sine him nm the part of the Sanrgmaris trying him. Edwards of Hamilton dropped. us ven 40 her as a joke wi vere damaged by aes to the xtent & ais fell you that it would pay. you better At hon Pet a in ble Seu aee ot Western Dairymen’s Conven- last wetk, Woodst: Aye Laiesly Attended Conver stock Mr. und, Pre- t of the reas neres Stated in his Geis at the good one im Ha children. eres skate on cons! than had hitherto been. the case, LACK OF FARM LABOR. jor The scarcity of ted Mr. months? In wie they ar ng potent PRC ae You pay high ages poor or eig) mo! isdale held. that dairy ic most profitable een of agriculture On! however, re. forced to k for you see in the year. in a good wage and year.” farming was the utmost profit he insist be to a ae licwever, that the New Zealand ae Ital off, since ler was U sae Bi eat es Ree kee = ° feces in “the ee Niieh 3 would” neyer, ne Ruddick thought, factor > situal Neon hed 38 land averaged $30,000, ter was nearest to ‘Canadian in a figures, Stovate that of dairy Wane had. increased vee! i 1903) from $550,000. $24,712,000. Sines 1903, the. banner y in the ind extent; that the farmer should | th ursu ces | keep all the cows possible, and that he 10. Some regard. to a rotation o! Seenee plan in CANADA'S eens TOES Mr. J. A. Ruddick, commissioner on Me Apealinns for Ontario; @ out a measi which _ the Go meant for the protection i ment of the dairy industry. a2 in ure A do MACHINE EXPLODED. teh from Ingersoll acronill at the Accident at a Moving Picture Show at ersoll says: A 0 8 ig flammable cellutoid {tended iy aerious ooh 8 audiel safety through @ rear exit. ean picture, machine was being operated in the window, and the large plate glass was shattered, The blaze was extinguished hy the firemen, but not before considerable damage had resulted. e was no insurance on the Sr which was valued at $350, and which, with other ay? was one ney estroyed. i he mage | a bullding filly Save bye sura nee nes HAMILTON ishmen' Slory ante aad Potlea ts th BOY KILLED. é potty Was Slashed With Knife by Companion to in a Fight. h A despatch from Hamilton says lag named Cummings, employed at ita s Pherson shoe etory, died “at our'on Friday night from et ee in a fight ee another si n “ in at mor) alae fire at Scranton, Pa., patrick seized a knife when tie Negatiations. between “Brith mill-| appeared to be going against him Pr ‘owners and cotton operatives have been | slashed Cummings. sever Ames. in broken off he face, Tho wounded man was’ taken Wiliam O'Brien and Timothy Healey | to the hospital, and it was thought at have promised to co-operate with John} frst that his injuries were not seriou E. Redmond in Peat the Irish Na- ee weal ver’ idly. Ww 1 passed away about midnight. Kirk- pate was arrested Bord pes WOMAN FATALLY BURNED. A Lamp Fell and. Set . Fire to Her Chol thing. despatch rom Montreal aye Mis. yi significant. Gopaiorg, grt of No. Al probably Telally burn lier dwelling on Fiidey night. Samp i ing fell, Mrs. Col car fire to the old lady's clothing int bumning het so seslousiy about tl al hat Tho Jad; exam sir Ae he small fire A nnors was ie is feared sho ‘e itself was in- Mrs. pao lived: alone. oR es CUP FOR BRAVE CAPTAIN. +) sler in b, Presented Hd bai canadian Government for antic, thi Rescue on Ath patch from Saat ot the abandoned pehotiiee Carrie Capt. in ai “Pivesitt ) scuing the crew Es- the North Atlantic in March, Population of Town sit we jast Tesource eantlcata the sik 50! and afler a. time prevented aS! end ‘confined the flames to 4 half-dozen buildin : HIGH WATER MONTREAL, Risen, River Has and Low-Level. ss Are ~Now Covered. | A despatch from. Montreal says: river has now reach level covering ie tops Wel The istor We the naror dep! ea total “depth ih the her «a greater ge She summer are been caused “by ae m icing in the he part of the river. SURPLUS 01 OF CAR CARS. 4 More ue stock Than Business Of red Demands. A despatch eis anil says: " roads of the Uy ted States. andcannde have 206,800 freight cars in; eae é q Strona utes boooeg: t has been iss' a@ charge of wounding,| ment t! ued by faeaiae % but ra and likely that he will ars called ts: Goranson of the "Avec ? ‘upd nswer a more serious Charge | Railway Association. tages exist — q owing AB the ass tanitiniions: ‘ot Cum: mings’ injurie: of jo Pay Taxi A eee, ee eats says: Fi L which has been completed the City Hall, showing Mild eae qualified pay their water taxes and certain other taxes by a given date. a ry ees mie a a in- klong Railroad, for timi é inar; lo. the | Tho new phase on of ‘thel This May Be- A despatch from London says: Atlantic passenger rate wat assumed a Wednesday night through the Cunard Steamship Company mak- ing a partial concession {fo the de- mands granling of a different Shillings ir TEN DOLLARS 1 ‘UROPE Reached If- a “Rate War Keeps Up. The competitors by the rate second and yy the rete and Mauretania, lo Whether the new an all vem) ay ean is pte- a ‘the Kon cept the ani sum. the dispute - forily sollléd, pee com ‘1 ihe injemiatonel Mercantile ut ils eastbo: of ten} ana third lass | re e Yate war n. ‘The cut wv 1s by the-Cunard Company, and 0- bable that furl reductions Will D