The Satisfactory Cash and Pro- duce Sale. Our Great February Notion Sale Starts — ED. ot How are we be - Unmatechable Prices at 5 Cents. - Many odds and ends clearing at lower prices than these as the quantities are too small to advertise them. EARS GRAS * GPRD SARS Ue + EO p 7 Wood Coat Frames. Writing Pads. Handkerchiefs. ces “Take advantage of this price, and lay ina supply.” “Buy thesé at just Halt Price. dips lowered shencaniaanon tists,” “The quality of these laces you find hard to match at twice the price”? 1000 yards Valenciennes#nd Torchon Laces, 1 1-2 to 4 10 dozen 16-in. hardwoad polished Coat or Skirt a in. wide with jnsertionfto match, All new goods and { > © Frames, centre copper hook—at half price— } 5 doz. Writing Pads with blotter, sold every- } 10 doz. Men’s Large Size Red Handkerchiefs in j Pe nn NE Aes 5c where at 10c, at 2 for...........csc0..cesr ane 5¢ fancy cesigns® Hach, i. crcssgandecteens tones cone 5¢ New patterns, at per JPG... ceseesesesesesseeeee 5c Pe A i Aas se ASS Saas DESO EI a a oa aut Fee NI ARN ROO. | Ladies Embroideries. Pearl Buttons 9-in. Granite Pie Plates Men's Heavy Cotton Gloves prgh enone Dae ea “Prices to interest close buyers.” “These are the size always retailed at 10c,”” “Thi of buyin gigemee hss von eliraye pad 190 to 150" About 600 yards of New Embroideries 1 1-2 to 3 } 300 doz. two and four hole medium and thin high- 5 dozen good quality Grey Enamel Ware, grey ( 5 down Men’s [Heavy Cotton Gloves, full sizes, | in. wide, direct importations including the new- } ly polished pearl buttons. Usually sold at 5 mottling on heavy steel base, one inch deep 5 wel fleeced QHISEWHy sis... bueesssedetessese 5 est patterns at per yard........csssesceeeseeerees Cc twice the price. Per dozen ..............:6-+ Cc Bagh oh 1s AU ga at Gaga raueet oh Cc Arper pair. Cc 10e - Extraordinary Values at 10c. - /| l0e These are the goods that will make February busy for us. It is good business for us to search the markets for thes specials, and we are willing to hand them over to you at a very small margin of profit. : : Curtain Rods Heavy Pressed Tin Wash Basins Dust Pans , f House Shears n/Tin. nickeled gblade, ‘fitted with heavy tZand bolt. ‘ewes Mee Sikinumanpreetic. St S. SSAA “A Big Bargain.” “One of the best dust pans--in this class—on the market.”’ 3 dozen Standard quality2Heavy Pressed Tin Wash ¥ 3 dozen Dust Pans, half covered to hold duf, q Ris 5 dozen Brass Extension Rods, corrugated silver ball ends, complete with hooks, aida 10 Basins, good laage size,\with eyelet for 10 black japanned, strong and heavy...... 1c 4 from 24 to 48 in., at each....... 0... c hanging\up, at each... ae Cc AE GACH Tibpeceppecnessgyrece comers eouedocon ees ’ q | “Come quick as’quantity is limited.” “hy t- Assortment of Graniteware at each 10c Silk Ribbons Fiannelette House Hammers “You have paid twice the price for these.” Large size Pie Plates...10¢ Seamless Gravy seoheete ts 30 bolts of Ribbon in all the best selling shades | About 600 yards of Heavy Flannelee 34 and Hanging Soap Dishes .10c _ Large Size Mugs............... Ic : . fj ¢ seb a 2¢only House Hammers, fancy head with cl: . —good width and splendid quality— 36 inches wide in datk and light pt nly | » Fancy with claw, Spice Scoops.........+s+seereerees 10c. Regular 15c, at per yard ...........000 10 terns. See these at the price... 10c me 1 plated, Doren handle | Oc x CN Ts sake pcasieda's tus Lada hicbag shot © by. “Just look these over—compare the prices with what you have been paying.” F RERRARAS o Extraordinary Values in Graniteware, Tinware, Dry Goods, etc., etc. These bargain/did not “happei N ot | oO ni S at 1 5c NOTION SALE because we went after them. We wanted the very best possibl/values we coul business for cash or produce only, and that we had the cash to go after them, help¢ Us to ger what goods our profits are pretty thin, but if they serve the purpose of thronging our store with customers during a quiet week, we will be happy. Buy no while our price hey are here for this GREAT FEBRUARY t for tc retail at 15c, and the fact that we do went after: At the hikes we are offering these e at the lowest possible notch. - : ‘ ‘ sSootert + Heetet bt + ee : + 7 3 behets ae 1 ibs Galvanized Pails Roller Blinds Cuspidors = / dardinieres 10 doz.'Galvanized Pails, ten quart size, full size “Why pay more than twice the price we ask for these?” “You will like this value—a bigger va &t 150 “Tf you will come to our Notion Sale we are sure you strong bail, firmly riveted ears, protecting 7 ‘ penne ke found: / mire redncate sine ct. tHees! ’ ( £ fldnbe. Bottoms “ERCH: cete.sass.s verter: seer tons 15 5 doz. only Window Shades firm and heavy made 4 doz. only Cuspidors, assorted d/igns, white oz. only tloral Decorated Jardinieres in three + “Wo cannot repeat this price wuen this lot is gone—be here of standard stock fitted with a good spring rol- bristol body, glazed inside and ¢t, decorated different shapes, assorted decorations, hand- at eight o'elock on Saturday morning.” ler, shades in green, yellow and buff, each 15¢ SIES, CACH oss. seccsececesecencenperteneeess 15c somely bronzed, €8Ch .........cecseeseseeseeee 15c¢ of the following articles for the stall sum of 15. ; : 10 Quart Tin Rinsing Pans 3 Quart Seamless Graniteware Mixing Bowls.. Steel Frying Pans, good size Enameled Frying Pans.... 15c S Full Size Hammers, each... : ELS Vf ; Dry Goods at 15. rir faliy price. > y i B sacrificing nality fo price. | - : Ladies’ Fancy Collars - - 15c. Men’s Silk Ties - 5 =f 15. Ladies’ Flged Cotton Hose . . Ladies’ Belts in Silk and Leather - eer bois Baby’s Fancy Bonnets - : 15c. Wood Cugin Poles complete 5 4 Ladies’ Fancy Back Combs s . pee 18s Men’s Black Cashmere Sox - 5 15¢, Large Siz@ost Card Albums : re a Men and Boys’ Caps : - : 15c. Boy’s All-Wool Bootees : 1Sc, Odds andinds of Dress Goods, Silks, Tweeds, etc., clear- Children’s Wool Hose - - Sader. A lot of Dress Goods at per yd. Fs i 15c, eard - - eas At'8 o’clock Saturday the sale starts. First come, best served. We are selling everyday needs at less than the, big syndicate ten and fifteen cent stores in the city depend on these lines for all their profits and pay big rents and salaries to managers. “amet | sSehaefer &