A.M @ issveR of <—D Everything Confidential “MILVERTON, « ‘SCHAEFER MarriageLicenses | ONTARIO Vol. XVII—No.2 , ..Schaefer & Whaley. a? REEEEEEEE ETE Iho ice harvest in Milverton will soon be in. full swing. | Mr. EB. L. Perry late of The Satisfactory Cash and Produce Store February but only a smal! entage our Notion Sale. The enthusiastic reception given this prised us prepared as we were. The crow bargains. However we have made large purchases for this sale, and the goods continually coming in, so you will find something t mphasize especialy our 5c, erci Each one meets some definite home want— NOTION of what you empting awaiting you. We 10c and 15c bargains—we give quite a number here, will find grouped together in our store. read the list carefully and then come to Sale! sale on our opening day last Saturday sur- d cleaned out several of our big advertised are int Notions at 5c. in this sale Pearl Buttons, Embroideries, aces, Handkerchiefs, Match Safes, Coat Hangers, peed Pitchers, ayelpes, Writing Pads, Prints, Hand Brushes, Fancy Soaps. “Notions at 10c in this sale Children’s is. Curtain Rod ie be Pudding Dishes, issor Grae Pie Plates, y Embroideries, aces, Window Blinds, ree ary Muslins, Ladies Collars, Fancy Combs. Notions at 15c Granite Kettles, Galvanized Pails, Granite Dippers, Mens’ Cashmere Sox, Ladies’ Fancy Collars, Baby’s Bonnets, Baby Wool Bootees, Hair Brushes, Clothes Brushes, Children’s Wool Vests, Dress Goods. Furs ! We will be fair about it —our only excuse for mak- ing these sweeping teduc- ticns in Furs is our stock is away too heavy, and as we do business for cash or produce only, it is much better business to sell our m: Men’s Fur Coats. 1 only Men’s Natural eo sects a beauty, reg. aa for $50.00 2 his Black Russian Calf cong fine pcre iie col- is, wearing quality guar- anteed, reg. $35 for...$25.00 ‘1 only Ladies Fur-lined Coat, best Marmot lining, Russian Rat collar, regular $60.00, for. 52. 50 Also a number of Ladies fine Astrachan Jackets and - Fur Ruffs and Stoles going at less than wholesale prices. Goods Ladies’ Coats. Only a few left at just half price. 6 only Ladies’ Tweed Coats some are lined, all this sea- sons, stylish and well made, regular $7.00, to $10.00, to Clear at.......cceecsee. 0 B4.75 2 ane a Mantles, reg. $16.00, for........ $8 Men’ s Overcoats About twenty-five coats left. You can have your choice of any coat in the me 25 per cent. dis- cou They are all this season’s stock, well tailored and best of trimmings, prices from $6.00 to $20.00, less 25¢ per cent. discount. and Underwear underwear. sidering what cost. lot at per garment. clearing at .. Every garment in store at reduced prices. Big Reductions on All Winter When you attend our Notion Sale don’t forget we are giving the biggest reduc- tions we ever gave on all classes of winter goods. Spring is coming with its chandise! We must make room—we must clean out our remaining stocks, are marking every article at prices remarkable in their money-saving possibilities. Prices during the next twenty days will be cut 20 to 50 per cent. Your dollars will be able often to do you double service, as witness these few sample bargains. mer- so Now is your time to buy We are bound to reduce our stock, and are not con- the goods Just read these fewprices: A of Men’s Wool Shirts and Drawers, sg Ladies’ Fine Union Vests and Drawers, good weight, at per garment .........6+.25€ Men’s Scotch Knit Shirts only, beautiful garments, 50 the COME AND SEE US. Yours for a big February Business & Sun, as scedred a job on the Stratford at stilted spent Bundt Batty aie in MiJve; Le ses take on afat look at our Great Notion, Sale. Schaefer & Whaley. e Owing to the blockades Aast Mask no. mails arrived at Milverton office from Tuesday to Friday. ‘Mr. John A. canlabere left on day for Corning, California, to. visit his sister, Mrs. J onde bee eat ‘Owing to the ees of last week the North Perth Farmers’ Institute meetings were cancelled by President) George Goetz. : Tues- Mr. Schade and youngest son of Evoret, Mich , is at present ve er a brothers, John of Mi bales and .Valontige @f Monkton, er Valentine Leap: Year sla in David Hymor’s of Elms ioe hh the blockade, resumed ‘uesday morni one recent storm has created a de- work on mand for coal and during the fine woather many have taken advantage of the opportunity to get in a fresh supply. tangle at Stratford. One leg was broken and arm torn out. After a storm comes acalm; the tempest of ast, week: haa, hess follow- ed by weather that is all thalt.could|" i woul ash that Ni ture is trying tanes, ind-is now beaming her sweet- fhe country roids after the recent storm were in very bad condition, and intelligence: on the part of the pathmast ov. Mir. Hassard. representative and Foreign Bible esting! apeakor and the views he large audience au cho Leg! solature at Toronio. Mr. ‘Tor- cane saya t that he sAticipates a busy a stor annivergary services of Burns’ Pres. church, Milverton, wh.ch were rlosiponed on account he late plote blockade There is very ae a differenes of ‘the value ec serer 9 to keep Sah so that the following from the oo of “in wu mally’ there be a dispute be- tween the printe! about the printin inter srebeed te Be Poterboro Teview ap bas x jus ne “the same 8 of while ‘the amount rece’ .|Myrtla by presenting her with A purse Seibert, an Englishman was} ., ne “}ters cents. iedividuala. opened a bat find the vulnerable Ruan bene no matters will | be ua wr | passe! last week is worthy | prossinzs. xs vie as for savin thought, the Sea [ yw ani ae the council mane him | Nicko’son—In Logan, on for $50, ie matter was as v Monte es shat they tt v= as been Ie less than | Wor! ‘Misa He Langtod | es sae friends in Stratford this ‘Miss Bertha Mion ia x present vie- Fie With friends in Toro) “Now you oe “Lue fae once just how, far. om ( aioan i Gu ete ha Dh Fe Rt mornil ape ae Pattern The Sioreh mn on Sunday, 060, ~ Soha and Sam Naw spent ree. days. vi ee frends tn “uilverton ak wee! r. Stewart Lavery a ay gat an aa date to Branton whore Mbt, Lavery has xe- ‘Me- F. Nol ve a Wedngoday last kill a. Sigs bia“ bthok: Were walsh ne tool a cenire of attraction for strangers in -the village Yon the last thren years. revived aay F, abipmbnt of ete, fa ora: Findor will oblige the owner by Ivaving at the’ Sun of- io. A num wae of: the san met at the home of Mr..S Sy on: Monday. mid Sayin SE Mise ~|and a Jamp. mthe, Wellesley | ceaea unable to hold their regular ~ meeting Monday last! dwing to: the blodkea Sage of the roads but will ae at Crosshill on Monday Feb. 40th 3 rites of Stra beers appointed: secretar: abe a eee Perth Agricultura ing’ show and sced fair will be faig ineetie April. The next meeting ot the Milverton bster has heen das soloist in St, Andrew's where ho formerly x entértainment will be held in North Mornington shurch on Monday, F h inet: at 8 o’ol leotnra will per the oboir. Admission fee 15 cents and a fee quantity of cleth‘ng has boon sent to the Shacktown: Relief atifion- sion to many y. that distresa from want of ctothing is now pracui- cally overcome. Ay —Siratford Tenia and profitably on the cha Se eHighe_ A celower. pints on: He was read by A very ily Morley follow- olo by Mi Sfomia Ptetfereniited “A. Message mie Phe mevving next werk in the same place squa te bo dlmost. the highest ‘mileage com- and. the low: The © “|WM. MAYNARD, ds of ‘Mrs. Chas.| = uriderwent 0 va. one repre Tri a The weekly meeting of the M. B.] PT n a we at affected, 5 i t Kingship of Self} \° re 00 tj donee ‘THE. SSA EAD OFFICE, TORONTO BLE Be ee Presid ALEX. LAIRD, General Maes 13 A. H. IRELAND, Superintendent of E Branches COMMERCIAL AND > FARME Deposits of $1 and upwards SMa current rates and paid quarterly. the dep: Manager, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED ” PARED, DISCOUNTED SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT interest allowed The depositor is subject to no_ delay bata in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion = STRATFORD BRANCH No formality or delay in opening Large or small sums may be deposited or withdrawn as desired. Manager. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. RJ. Ranney _ The Blockade Lifted | Wien inierviewed regarding th fect of last week's carn ot | oMr “tpremine jee i in Ayto nd fi village » Tuesday | to | th | and I held in tho base paid for its attendance. an i taken up to astray capone moun cea? ne “ot “as LSiPaasseriaesp ver Monday Mr. Boulboe ett Monday for "Tor ne. S 4 ded io admit schoo! girls esa Sone iar . Robert Met a rae resigned the] membership for 10 cenis and boys for meourt,|15 cont. "Phe study period was de- 2 Crosshill o take sees Ae to the ol te: ; The Farm more pics last Tus even or ove excep’ Ww miles om asaeeh and ihe lines from IL Coboconk, also Haliburion branches, and iH no dt be ry in #9) 20) r ie eEB DE this eonncetion it is hniyg 80 tonne kind words atid 10-18 y passengers who were siorm tied]§ 0 anpresinte the endeavors conducied by the Rey, J. D, of work, and as a awl tie difticutt ata cailw fo: an inexperienced person to give gas ae ros * Judgment as tothe value of worle It i re 5 a inp 'who, comes highly re- krowa nothing about. The wholesale wr een... on Ast ral as feannohate ta ck waptetan chiar tbe cori of stock, the actual cost of Jahor, Prats, a year 1907 showed a sub-{!o the departed Sirat fond, at prssoni hac guentee! tho use Of machinery. | th Peslcer ain bath in frvieht, and] ber § <4 ota it vi (i “haya aa ri light, fuel, taxes, shoald all ba Ine jy, with 1906, |waa_Ann Takis NT eae tlie hie piieirea aeecal end “then the. livin" profil game fers Somme oh save. alike| ac Doworhous> Barish of. Spot: Mid> | apenihva wuptia ae ths town and ve mast bo added, pat tlle Ty i | creditable to the counixy and to the digvon Shire, Scotland, April 6th = one tht a printer is to pay his way. Thé manu [5 ee ind pluck of tho Canadian | 1828. : fneturer knows what ho pays (ie ia hag ne Ue i mahsable; und |. She: © arried to her late hus- mie : . paver i Dis. wagea are |S qrcting part of ub> report relates jo] hand Aion “Golightly at_ Belhaven, f nar. hie @ farmer should Know |"jyo death roll for the yout he| Scotland, Sept, 24th, 1852. leaving Rel igen, Chinsm eet Meno Eo im to produce a ton | pocord of nis shows S87 killed,| mative land the following month, set- Jane, Nant GhDE RCE ONGS ara 1478 d—the greatest num-|tling in Ses Ont. there F. Otuman was a ay ines i a they then ihm to Bima] 3s in. Moronto aight y« in ihe history Of the number killed, 70 \ 294 em; ploy rs, and bnjpred fase 126 wore of those gers. ani oP cinployers. of, Hptifeas tur ni! ir t Born Muesday, 24th, 1907, wife of ho mn Sannary i reba |Loageway, CA bal sare on January m: Rfonkton, “on us A ae of eh Sar asin 1008, “be wife. of Aaron Beune- | ox Ketan wore} “Atisy Ver Tow neh tot ho villay i f Mon 0 ~ sent a feww days. 9 noi le who N vie for the pr le to ca: ee for herself and at-[hor p duties. iy hed a skilled ine P the sick whieh i ii rutorwatten hy ne in years io come. © Presbyter: oh 8 willing to lend|t a isting hand to any off Of her family, of one son and ‘ive casleieors onlyat iNree survive, bo ing George and ‘Mrs. Jas Bee, un, of | Woiwades orchest penitang: and! Mrs. . Mel ‘of/music on several ¢ ‘y, Albortn, Quaker ‘Meatioine. C6 eSB aE MILLBANK too. pret Vert Saturday for his 1g his AR Mrs. W. Cameron Bathe was. in sspie spon! “Tontitute rine nowwithstianding Mr 4 1 program was given “the y wil Take jon before him on the ra Shephard, one of our ant teachers of our public js dangerously. Ida Bordux of | 'Roroi rss be-| spend ig 8 short (ime at home with Mike Mariha soar “one of our i evo join in eine y wedded Tif of sore iiglietde evening Monday in) Maile held hero proved to be the ple of the’ village. 1, B. Campbell itoba iss Mollic Mozden of Firs: fae St. Marya, ‘ hon, the shtef fe ature wn hmave: made to undo, the, work ot at 1 Pe orm king and who have be Ree Bunyan’s| Gen is mightier than the Sword. The Foeeia a PUA er one feo Hnsthwss nt present is vezi tacit on wie a affirmative will be upheld by. M saa ctsors Sets made to clear the in a up ‘with a, rovarn cold, We wish Hebe ribs given the following |MeTavish and Misses O'Neil and Weit,| jinoy, peedy aren Mfonday evenitig 17:h, in the chureb. i i shsppa by “quite a number from here Intend Monday 8 and 10: cons. Lecture isses Mac~ —— taking in the rand onsnivMl at le {6 begin at 8 o'clock. antic ad erat Monkton. . Frida : anidal iatistied! report con: +. _Tho Guelph, and Goderich Tacaday(gorning the. C raalways, whieh | Tho annval congregaaionsl raat : Tent wecayore struggle with |has boen Jaid “botoré’ Par tn of Knox church vook place on ‘Tue ity Here 6 t st The rfieimen' co |day of, this week. Tt had been post-| public mooting was hot list Pris Te ee a Maaiioll WE n feel proud of pot it front ths revi Mucadny’ ov-}diy evening In-Uhe town Hill amex, for road from Gu pe one aN nia! # x to the st b> purpose of nominating three po- RD ali dak tee i orhon of NS ela ancl ia hig es for Ont poll abdesioh, Shee: wba SA i mts of Monk outa and some large ones that Barisan AvBatabcl ee as yet unguarded by storm ‘fen nétne homie. of her Tho line having jusi recently . 1 have to row aye, school Toronto with her ‘s soem whi Le ved mi