Milverton Sun, 13 Feb 1908, p. 3

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THE SENSE OF s z aes sensé ot of Conceptions ‘Thou. art near, O° Lord, and thy commandments a Mi. ‘One does not have to helleve in’ the } te . set did the seers! order to. Some kind of d. singers: of long a god as aT £2 obtain the spiritual values und in the thought of his. meerness Bavid and Brow hog, salah tier, all. the. centu. ie: Tween then,” stil come e thou, kaw thou art neai Throvg’ all oges ahd in all peoples that which other than selves. tin: whlch-ur chlghest: good | mur ideals. and amie if s ‘our being. this feeling after is universal. It the essentiat ae {nore singers! of long ago tried | ss their the infinite life and love Mey bea wont; witch {they thought only in; still, we us @ eeptio ame lay ngage Se tough’ our is ere entirely d'th % It makes falalively? “ite ee what the: ceptions were, so ours neerned, Their. Seite. be not accurate, detailed pen pictures of The great thing erywhere men. fin with a hunger after SUBLIME UNSEEN, themselves THIS Vhe infinite m nit a kk hat whieh embra anotlicr. all spi aid helnte “a Seat Winy “tANe ait he“Alvine: te: hestl-ic-capihie’ of taining, Lhe eligidn devensls' more. upon univer Sat Maina ne te to ever we may feel and know, ever, of that life or en hack of all life and eneruy, 0 ond light which gon 0! igion Does Not Depend on Uniformity re truth.”—Ps. ¢xix., wey. do work great damage when minds ser by je io be ee 4 to be those who Perhaps that ually, pies s sen terms of pesmanaiily 5 Here none may Roguallgar ae hroueh any teen whatso- | w of that slcty neer ond lighten every THE INFINITE of the Divine. Definitions determine nothing, but heing” stereotyped to. them ip pase those defini on their fel as “final, euthortatve, and rgeaential > thelr diving is neither you can-say, Here are his linea- [ui s and he other likeness or ore ance. able fot the a une? there’ en } ewer \ ler. purer ways than yesterd ecncep'ion. must be a depeloping one. A man’s ‘spiritual cepaces develop PANT is aes yision becomes m takes wider flight, aaa inoue iden ‘houshie we discover that which nants compass. ee who ihink. ey must e they cannot believe e ihe Got Be the “tebr ones nthe God a! "he Old. Testam A Satie ‘PERSONALITY. the goowne atheists are more he: are wi f the divine, because they have taken Wefinions and descriptions prepared by others instead of seeking truth for theny elves. We ut poor ee eke these | one: ‘en! teachers if we have ‘scov- le being who can be described or} after: truth, ish as final past photographed. No man has seen the! presentations of truth is to be false to its present. possibilities. fe dy not need to worry over defint- lions of the divine. need to cull'vate the temper of mind. a ing whirlwind of materialism, sense of nothing but a soulless world of things. We need to avoid the mind that shuts the divine up in some. far eaven {> be meus hed only by formal telephony { bout omnipresence, dnl silly: as, delight ovis, Always Gait evar iene Neal RE HENRY F. COPE. THE S. S. LESSON! INTERNATIONAL Lesson VI. Jesus end the Woman o! Samaria, den Text. Jolin 7, 37. THE LESSON WORD STUDIES The Final Testimony of Durmg the petiod that ll his disciples in Judea, kz succeeding the de dite lal lesson; John Was sill bap iate- and its tributaries. Salim. in fount Ebal and the At Acnon, near Jordan, word was. resenting ‘hemserves Ss m, or ther fie “acls to ‘which “t called sien had Mrouahe: ‘ abbi, he that, wa: with thee beyond the Jordan, to ta thou witness, behold, th same baptizeth, and-all_ men Shim,” John utter ye yourselves. bea’ hath’ given ai Me thal believeth on the Son hath ‘the meet iim for whose coming both Jews therefore Ein aad ‘Judea, i ‘op Worle: oe Ss whe 2 pita har, near whieh oi Jacob's: swell northwart casion for jin rough te giv the avenla: with, whieh our F prepa} jes- son Se deals. Ver This me wa sed by him mer aha pent < edt later th eee its } ince 1s The pl The inhabitants ‘cl "4 te true Israeliles and professed to 8. They seem fa ented the hatred the people of Judea reyar: Bae Soa the anci- ed toni) of th sup] sosaah “e cli ahown “in, this vicinity ted Hiensa with stones and rubbish, is still to be ne of the “undisputed sacred ailes cf She , forming, as it does, -o1 and Simaritans catised both as weroureen ith ther. A remni the ancient Saale race ata tee in. parttal tz0- from esher abgbyante at Pales- Baptist.— ies See a i |} atime onl: ihe and aca satg Wiecantig ene echt to scurce of refreshi valley,’ between come lo renee ‘ es tical explanation eter- be Aha ohapellt nab. ne Thi oS the stronghold psalm snd Felurns cf Th Perens ya he records in succession e| inh this same vici ity of Ebal an? Living water Wal water, as that of shallow cister fram the latter that the inhabi southern i ave @ . necessary ar oe ipal water 38; Ark thou greater 48 emphasis ij on the pronour The woman could BEE age ianaciiysthia-buneny, wey feo ue possibly furnish Hatlenanter which she and_her Gea Dank thie tadkent and bencead ce procure si ‘well, 13. Jesus Teplies. by expanding ae ha metaphor, a: die with Noses and claims: for “his gift the wonderful pewer fo quench thirst not for 15.In him a well—An inexhaustible ing. 20. In: this mountain—The summit. 2 eae which for centuries had bee) seat of Samaritan worshi which the Samariten. speakers because theirs is the losing side in the debate, were put to death in har- G niony with the terms of a previous greement. 25. sMesela The promised deliverer was expected alike by the Jews and le that is called Christ~A parenthe- of the evangelist, not | aR. of what the womiary said. 27. Mi At seeming Impro- speaking with as nol only a stranger, Bul a. despised Samarilan 93 well, this 0 the permitted’ cus. n this be the Christ?@—That i 29, Can it should thus be her good fortune to amarilans had waited go long, dat fi 0 Ne. hi woman's had ory ace ed hele Sli met ne interest, 32. Meat fo cat that. ye kn not— We have here ‘one of those enigma saying: otten and so effectually ie cae by Jest the purpose of se lating’ the tntelligerce Of his. he Words furnished foad far reteston, were mat understood by the di Jesus Ail the mitenion ciples . tt ‘af Une people from Sycha imagine the picturesque sight furnished y the slow cians ‘at the. people up the slope toward the well, their white he. i hig. eoane whieh a uggested to the mind oh Jesus the’ field. of grain unto meved and Bnaied ce na 5. Solin taentiea with the madern | | aris ‘the. Message of the gospel. 9. Because of the word of the wo- ne before they bud heard Jesus 40. ‘Abode te two ips tne Was also contrary to what might have. este expected of an orthodox J of his word—John ive, ha Sav of the world — satel be Samari y | costo the In Germany a woman fs a ludasion ee fo her dra’ An eee picture 43 little evening before their first communion. children in Britt any, tak the From their innocent, frosting paced Seong vot but thiuk that little, if any, preparation is m Why He Mustn’t Tell weenie! in. this particular 4 been omsrane. a the eoupa= tions of ‘ir pupils’ parents. “onts was @one without difficulty, except in the case of one small, freckle-faced lad. The youngster. obstinately refused the infor “Ts your ak living?” asked the aoe the short response. de She work?” pursued the “Bue doesn't ho Keep you and ycur mother?" ‘The teacher looked disturbed. what is it that your father does? coaxed. ‘Thereupon tears n to thread their ‘way between the freckles on the young- ha she ainr’s cheeks, “My father aay work,” whispered ‘Pa's Ardea lady at the clrcus, ever told she’d lick m A Better Use for Them “ce kina of pills you sold my the other day.”” The L adgrv te usenie hen over his spectacle your father, my son aX hope eae nis are doing him gor 19d." “Oh, 1 Most Sse Peactat es. can you decline “to eat"? ‘William—Yes’m, but I don’t want to. Ore plaatie Caged of He T is not alone to little girls that. interesti Sal oe Duncan drew rein and imp tlently. dives sted one of ‘bia_courtlers to bind ‘poor Ja a horse iead ft t0 the vbalace. ge lace dungeon, Into ‘aniche & father wala not reach Hodericle ot Fasok. watt tate that evening, when he’ retui jong, errand: of Which he bad toed! bent You may be gure: he wept bitterly. at sad tale. Mie gee: for: hia tothe ed to appeal Indeed, there io great was that he at once, determi ncan himself. norother ‘Atter much difficulty, and on he had pleaded a matter of very great importance, Roderick was permitted to pass into’ the king's, ‘throne | room. Whrowing himself down before the hard- heirted “monarch, the Jad stated the Feason for his coming, and begged the DIPPED THH WATER OUT Fortunately, the king was in a good humor—quite an uncommon thing for him—an. 50, wishing to have a ittle port with the youngster, he smiled sourly and 6: "ig you sceomplish three tasks which ou T shall see, that OS gon aire T would ao anything to save him!” 1 ‘Um! better walt until you know what the tasks are,” returned the king iron- feally. ‘Tonight, for the first task, Wish ‘you to Ko to the Aktchen, “here you will find a handred fowls. By dawn very one cleanly plucked that not a trace of a feather remi CAREFULLY TENDED With thé-goat and the two little lambs. Jt must be admitted; also, that some: ‘ftom. the flat kin; Lia ner nen’. the father whom he The ig ‘omtied triumphantly as Rod- lov erick sadly took his departure, Surely EVER were dogs cared for so Well. she lay by tho side of the great road as were Flora tan her four little AR a8! agrtne ta) teacarks e , 80. pleas: al puppies. They hi =o ‘a- ‘ve dogs curled up and went to's ble: bed in tl rn, where ever; Ww Suddenly every eye opened, a end eee the farmer and his wife and rend carriage, drawn ee mi nt Ber pore lone: the saoniat were able tort fea, had n pee aa mae fore long pies: never seen aaa hand: ra about the pardyard and to play before id to. loud: carri bark logs shoul sroning. alt thé four ttle puppies ook ‘sitting all in a row, that a, lady in the carriage commanded her driver top the team while she inspected ‘farmer. ‘“SBlacky was overjoyed to think he was to haye such a fine mistrees, but Flora shook her head sadii she was Sor th ASarked ‘with, all his it away to have ager envies the dogs of ‘the rich, nor would her for the World, exchange ‘places with any one of ae ‘on ig shoulder, and whis {De the king bids you, I promise ua that success will greet your every indertaking, Roderick thanked athe little bird and at he would do best. ckattre ho repent te tie See mere eee Plucked: 0 thought the boy “would fail the next evenin} “Tonight,” said he, “you 8 cup end empty by-morningrall tae water from the pond before the cas- Nothing daunted, Roderick began to try again that evening. Once more he orke full hour, without peeing to accomplish anything, Then in orked! Quickly and silently they tossed out cupful after cuptal until. the last of th had ppeared froi Pottom of the pond: Next morning the king was: posi- exclaimed, a his very a ra algo lose his Phe course was set ah judges sta~ oft ‘walk. asped may as the lad steadily rushed for- ward, passed the deer and reached the 1 ‘with several is to . tail, holding 1 moreover, mai mors and rich: rere Rekban Samer | seopeeee whom the king regarded as the most @erful person in his kingdo the German press Given, presented to the Novelists’ Bazaar, belt recently in London, ere they ¢ sold as an aid to cl “the charming ee Beoteh Tiddte, by the salt princesses Rice erat ife, is roe proreectly ee every detail. So, ‘act, are the rest of them. ‘he Tae bride, sent by Queen Maud of Norway, looks as though she were about to step to the altar, Given oy De: Paces [atria be, ried ant live happy ever aft- An usewife ap- cine industrious ish peasant we beauty, which tees from the Guan of eae | Ka one of the handsomest dolls of lot. ut si mustn’t think that all these royal ladies, when the: were little girls, were pleased with only magnificently dressed dolls. Indeed, t of the roehs nurseries many a faporite has bee: hs ge ot wooden Sel eee not » nice as yours; en, no fale is ever as nice as your own! ¥ DOL a eee conta, M cee soiled near ev'ry gown} I'm really driven aisoat wild ‘When wasliong comes aro But pal’ is spose I shouldn't eae think it "must be true PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. ae Gossip About Some pearls People of the Wort Ringling Brothers, who have ‘ocak the Barnum and Bailey show. for $410,- 00, were already ainongst the biggest proprietors of such lies in the United States. T! he the: head of ae own in the Mr. John Ringling, combination, who United ‘States, as ravels in a style the derbi the Sh nowman Kang, 3154 becaee pernnent pass vehicle and. its sv over the whole railway ‘of the Uniled States. system igh the ie merntiens of the s-| press lie mainly among the poo) Ler domesticity. That is exactly how ee & 35 BE B & y 5 Ee e 3 ES th prides herself upon being any of his colleagues in the Cabinet a ecules -vecarainena competent The has passed, it may be mentioned that i> record has Hae summed up as fift housewife, and Hes always faiceavartd le sel je to her. counirywo- men by Keontig. BaRieeN Oe aloof Irom nents upon , husband, oe * the serious iS nie She ay. beara heniebie ders to help forwa. a in ae of her suffering. and has don philanthropic. and it is in consequence in this direction that se hes tern “Gmpress of Goodness.” AL ie lime Her Majesty is fond of horse-women in the Empire, nae ‘sp. his many other labors, ard ‘Arvnstone slill_keeps up his in- replied that he knew young man, as methodical as a machine, and a poner matters Balen ang concentrating her | jm; Mr, Cortelyou invaluable, Mon a visit to E “a ea smart as lightning, a! & A gress to create a new —that o! secre. ident Roosevelt. found Through all hiz career Mleyou has been an excsedingly frugal and pi ga graduate ‘of the New York University of Music, A picturesque sie: in the person ry ral Porfirio Diaz, President of the Mexican Bares is sald to be nd this year. Story of his career: “alters with. ge going ‘The ¢ seriosly, wounded. Se ae prisoner, HER FIRST LION. Miss Agnes Herbert's Narrow Escape in , Somatitand, hunting, is a declares 6 Dianag in lions, following jhem Up. Throu ete Jungle, and the nearly fatal results’ to Herselt tn thetr apt oooh I realized that 1 relia ‘and majest lcse, and moved at a slow pace from the bush ahead into thicker cover to ¥ s really. al lelt; me, and there was nothing by May Lingling sensation running , about them by the famous re by nd means business acumen which that gentleman showed during. is. etine, sto} WW, Ki Vanderbi iti cidest: 40 of “W. fue ike, es eaulel he ie authori T! Sane with, eae out for 'y look gs! att ah eae ig wat Nis but they cannot reach them without trespassing on Van- derbiit lander employing a zee . de- the of er, bopevtr, ‘and, <i un- ats fer wham Oh were | fe, ‘owes his sttccess to] day ant with the choir of St. Mar’ sington, i well known. It may surprise le to. know. that Lord. Alvei ean in the case. 1 ee asked his jordship. wirily. Cortelyou, Secretary of the Unit- isen o his pre- ° In-a certain =e ee ‘he y chance. One Pee Cleveland ‘asked whether than the Czar over Russia or the Kaiser ut he issa. wise fa) ohas out has transformed Mezica from a that for “every pees robbed & \Handlt caught should ‘once Stal: Amnesty was accep! Eee an ifustration, by the way. of the stirring (ines. through which Diaz. e rougat T v in ingle cover parted, and vatttshe shoulders a Tioness shook ce foe hae iekly 2 Then T dia an 7 ioonely stupid thing. nt, an my Pe aware a an forward to gore wait my mn that anata’ ene arling roar, and al could do anything bu een ip my rifle and fire without the sights, u lion broke big atl pea es Taper aNl mt Ng existing to-day x ges years ago.” Go before T scemed tO relax, and I tried to hurl my- self. one side, ‘There was no power of bt riing left in me, and I simply fel sides AYS, a hat Bae me. sree me, almost cpataaianeg ay my ¢ fired, "t) of the lion's shee ats blown to seraihanaentes and the heavy bedy sank, ‘The whole po 1d seein to me lo De jes north, south, easteand west by. The ene ‘pulled the heavy away sat up, feelin, i Pater sho TU don't rel urate anything clse until f found m res with my é, (pevsta rendering “Arsh ah y Be WASTE OF ENERGY, ‘Tho prize hen Ne tihcs to quit Taying Cone so utterly absurd,” aiuekeede $500. fowl to sper recars ue An strength tn turning out eggs 1 86 ¢ jozen.” “pec ws ‘on her exclusive roost, mmon barnyard hens be- Tow Nee with Totty disdain, Se yu -can’t make Boot ginger-ale if any: ge ey the ginge f the me whit were unknown. on ere eon bad ie ‘ay “iat tb it-has a bed ett a ite. into ride with down baleen Pedestrian: ete of it. have any re fn ‘ never, wie upon. himself you heNeve a word who oe that way be affected.” | from the side of. the brake, My nerves the handle: bar: on

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