= te ‘Mrs. Menno 10, C Ss ome ae aud ehete ae ee Chan iv 4 < Seni an Thurs Masroday Just eee Ronaiot 's on the straix fs : roid toot it he ean do. vert in marriage: a ‘tr J “Gr sbluns 5 the ne. Bet the tats” inio the peonie'e| get the other i ip ids Having the goods. a oN nae treme etting the fact into 2 ‘The patient aia How is. it Renda te’ 08 diftigall Tonnies Tea with’ of and 'Mrs. (ar harder, first: because most. people ice | penis are _hard-heade ed a, secondly, be- : cause it’s ha je, agb at. "em ‘any jhe chief sharaoteristic of the} how. pouting 2 Bushman is his tacitur-| “mo rabies show to do-it. ; splitters dived ere are pesirs ware 0 of going ae i co bush in tee ae small hut, The: ey tea : E a day, in the morning an we you can tell’ your friends a ares F. tan Gol et ee Acti or Grad: meres ; : fi t_you havo: . “hats do- ever. pe aie also Gold and. Silver EE Ae One. morni ioe Tiok said (a Bis 1 se yu hear a cow ey eres te whieh Brg 2 Howing Tet night fe eee avi a with ‘them a [drive cold in one ‘any. Tihale tore 2 Telaphone connection wit Poole Ene, made no reply until Inte that card. i's dong it on a Iit-|Catarrhozone and you wi Brunner, Moserville and Rost wi did you know it weren't a or ‘ou cam pay a bat i distri- Catt hee aes fostae: germ destroying and pleasant, ig Jack packed his swag and deparied. bye That's oie one pet-|Nothing: for colds “Uist frouble ‘and oe “mhore's getting to be ioo much ar-| toy ; Catarrh compares with Catarrhozone gument here,” he said mournfully.|” Or you can sond out letters, on, |Seld everywhere a0 and $1,00. Lithaaeee o Cc RTHEW, Barristers, FINAL! iF ater Sotictar fon We HODES Gcsesing Hig Atlantic with atank ts Ln eae A Fawierei we been | Twain last eummer.” said a ; ember of the ie will | T. “T asked his opin’ on oF ae plans eee how-| ‘The anniversary t the be in Milverton every Thareday. of the prohibition tov. Sen 8) over, | under the same head. Presbyterian phubotis phlei were ee i. B, MORPHY, M, CARTHEW, | ¥er iy * md are all Ade eusisings ‘Merely hay been eld last Sunday, ita legre ee Bs aro poieoe anil ibe task ‘ E o! this month, Materinmrsts s Joan MeAllister is visiting w. R, Veterinary Surgeon, Look at then, I am sorry to ” re “richard apont Sunday at saiiventous Poaitan of Ontario Ve' ae 3 ‘ fee it takes his story to the | his Lome. in Bran arate sik Bags zi Trt i umbe It foe te Pooald oe “the Pejnsinal ‘alls by tele- eae i 8 amount of lof Hoidelber fehool,spen: Sunda, phone or otherwise promptly attended to. | is mi take @ TID SAW | ottoré of the part.of thé behind | st the sores ay z x ¥ oa . ote goods. He me oly writes. the ce s sonichody else Lo - : : : fos fine and pays the newspaper's aber nee ete me Sues YERTON LODGE, No. | 9." ht ‘i Aen labile lo steguiatt ge his ad. io = eet if th ee vel foul outstanding accounts ra ON ORG Ap: | tremens by drinking the legs off the ; aust ablo te go on account if the sovere | oo enger, travel be- THUSE BSCE by nS ted if sw m. G, Stiiverton’ | Eitehen ohne ¢ ' ; has {o Sell every] Mfossrs. Levi and Albert Elslev of meets every Monday evening on. or be <= { ; i visited friends In ma on in 000 of ar err onth he William H. Crane the actor, who od ae ie = : sath Rermitat bch ge i “| renewed Sd acquaintances in, To sh thatet tight ‘talk with all era died after an illness of four : onto last week, tell Oi ek ones pie ee ae days at the heme of Mr. A. Ahren's. a ite Jonger, but then it Js cooler, rs, Wi ring: + Heart, and Kidney ailment Joan Gl cock ere aged 88 yenrs,| and. ee peta a land on ‘od 0! reed To Stone rt months and oe ays. ‘The funeral instead of having to pass 0. F,, No. 99, Milverton, meets|pelled io dine at cheap table dhote Reece Tonat 3 ch weak-|Will take place Wednesday, Feb. 5th. | 2¢Toss the United States, and meet every second and last Tuesday of every i side of {nterment at the Evangelical ceme- iia By experiences I have men- month, at 8 o’clock, in their hall over | Yo: evening . during ch} And it t © same with weak Hearts | tery. Botheanset Der icni ma iwiie: ioe teoures ote such a dinner, one of the}or weak, Kidneys ‘his Is why my ASS SR AS ee pea Seat sce ie OER. cad feos brethren eee ae ciors kept saying—“Ho: rank | pros } € ive} Stop that, feeling Coug! Ke 1h D. Weir, C. BR. Pugh, Ree-See; vt this a geod di net sn’t ly reaches a its of “ eal, Cough Cure. will teal ‘stop ope: vad jour ae ee, Hine Stomi and K ahr It is i an itn neatent safety . F., “Silver Star} Prone { and of ; He a * “Mies tole ete ee iasm, Frank answered— cing 5 yon React dinner! Let’s have another. y will x to mail you free booklet uM uaatan@s acre i vi samples of my Restor bi fe Laie rhere Bible |tive as w Writa for the book to- nothing harsh used tae ruction wai : eo day (day Te will sively interpst you ah rea or suppress Demani Dr. Fae oder the |dress Dr Shoop Box 8, Racine, Wis. |Shoop's. Take no other, Bold bythe WEIR, Notary et ae Hla } ee Dihiie Deak At Fe ee) i i Want i might and Sa benefit ates Linwi PORDAS Eo te : ‘ mee au did Sie eae Bees NO UNION SAYS mes r the Besiesiee Bank of Canada. Pon tea hee Whon this country. beran to fool m § eturned last Wed- — ss tet ‘ie tha currents of new life in her veins | no fter spending a week with | Newfoundland Will Not Throw In Hotels. Bye et Fi Bae ss en Byeeees z frieu nds in ‘Mildmay. Her Lot With Canada. : eally Eve, but the serpeni.|/oosq tne SS tah aegelir | Sine eee ee ost of ;Sit Robert Bond was entertained at CHANGE HOTEL, Branser, Ont. And tow spleens ta eit wae e re-|h at West Indian Club, Lon. Meld Grapp.: Rraptletars “beet tla ore © girl hesitated looked con- edhe Me and iaste SOabe are i fused. Behind her sities ight~ | sy commodation and large stabling. “| yoa rye shied: Get Mand: ai ne his cousins, family fo: 1 few A Ed. Gingerich 8 a iS mint our St. Jaco 1 hould manu- F a ings uae r my The concert given Ae hadt to marry Eve. ; vos i Bol a Ringers. wi m ip i : Fn ‘ands of liquors and cigars, Chas, Ritter, Proprieto aid 5 a | fPlease, pastor, I know.” GRAND CENTRAL. (HOTEL, Mil 1, tell us. How \was Adim|$! modation for | puni ° Att English army officor in charge ori if in South Af é w tho m nvilnge : fi used cer-| thom enjeyed a grand treat. S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. yho acted as his I Englishmen in | pleased to know. that they would ultimately be mos for, cominereial | vant, a pair ailed| travelling through Canad® toa: ve us again, i dinuites foumdlant: of New- WATCH ‘wo sample | a is. Kk vha vere dr ig at. jon't mi: the masq) ‘ade ba 0 Respondinf, hi . Wit ney wanced 4 : it we 2 piven i idt’s hall o1 Tacs- | health, Sir’ B. feaid thet e atch fo: i» Li © Koy was penis with the quors and Cigars at tl Lee Good war: i a down and gout 0% stables. George F, Pauli, Proprietor. | the 3 On "They rae Chics kwedig stort such was.a ‘odere ch 8 L b amberlain’s first pair ae ae ever had inv his 1 vished the Dom-| On out ff the stormy Weaihey | statement that fa for and for ral days afterward } lo be an effieie ga ion. | ra. grees? ‘on Saturday or strutted onda about the ca vit ve int o4 7 3 We Monday. ae G. Te R. to Elmira was m. EY sp blocked. INVESTIGATE om < s e m- ‘Into the merits of the Bui at the end of ihe week hes ys he ecessful Traffia on the ©. P. Re has been y that such a union ai this peared-as usual wiih bare feet, and|in his diplomacy is unde aded since Friday evening. wi i Central BusinessCollege the teats, tied round his_nee.k i ho ‘regular troops) inwood expeels to run a. special elo!” said ses mast: nae ton Britain ar ax}train to Elm mira carnival on 14th. ne you lor Vale 's Da: luding to. the alle; i oat a t Ess “ althou k of | Sts Valentine’ ay. i onference, Te is the mont ono eee training |] (09 small you ? 0% our own we may hz spito He ir Robert Bi hatically r space rr ot in Western Ontario. ur Com- * ig: ry" nice Loois, | /o. retiree a if yolne< ms “4 Friday Ie on ‘ i 2 esther 0 a rend 4 8 .Teport was substantially are do : fan very pros Studer ee any pias An Irishman, who had been tox. Why should wa not spend at NOW! Jose both his | hone ihe Jarge sums which we. were ELLIoTT & McLACHLAN, Principat f/arms and hi a le wi sit-| cong fo pay out for’ weapons with ti i hy 2rm our volunteers and the |ta Berlett, skates by W. “Fiaehn; aha ea) with is I's es on} Frieda Berlett, Facinat J. nfie| Ardio. were going to be pink- Bost dressed character, Ladies. — Que he Pi siapr repaying fo: war we should}1st., Etta Schummer, de en of ’ ’ ed Jong and earnestly i ar un and powder | Fiowors, silver mounted purse, by F. ob Printin. an; then, t v wallet orics aie . eace. | Sch 3 2nd., Miss Nais; ie froz ‘tse ho dropped a coin in- | {i was go sinoss and sou i te 1 entont oer of Roser % aes Hutte cu Qusert of Roses,, jardineer, by J. profase in his lest toy on tho ice.—tst. Sam F rai a Reo cvec Vouk ertck nidsace | a i : . He} facture a new Kind of rifles: differ Kos ‘a sloth for pair of pants, by saa fe wa intersted. iJ however, ie any kind in bee ny other] Ed. Berlet: ie Hn mmond Wra; ii 'you don’t need some pointing ‘ iy ba nave, ah os to eh San avert Dee 50. éaeh ie a More Indians Working. done, suchas... ind dropped another coin : od qoucuae dite Ledics! taney ets 2 Fish pring on t dian A Bill Head: begga up. The Irishman called iscent Lee etter than anybody else}$1 cash, by Dr. etachorn: 2nd. | 88 a i eads, blossingd down on the head of his | had, ooh, Ross. 1 0 be | Edith Maer: spree by Boppre bonefi ho paid no heed, b eae ae tbsting. a oe 7] nefacior, who paid no heed, but |; " . ry needed,} Oldest Indy in costume — Edit) | Bum del Sox'igit Hat Pa aa Letter Heads, walked rapidly way, only to return arrangaments for its manuf Amont, 81 yerth oh broad diskette Note Heads, and, for the third ropa Cor however, be-| Jz Lan: » | der wi \d_ crops ate aed f 7 he effect 1h Bost gentleman's coutimextst.. T a pare tseuer of Envelopes, Etc. before known eu osperity. I rifle Shure meats rot, AL cash, by J. Stowayt ana a dieatne ‘ . 8 fl whe © expected 8 ane it, ilker, ‘sweater, by W. J. y, @ farm hints rt If you do, don’t send it out o do knew no boun ie th a q ena frye bei x town, butto... 5 e whic! Sway for Time ihethg Serect dressed ctown.—tat. Notinin = olde ter mining te vale of the wea- Am Tao! he "| ter of tf farming, The indians: ae. are giving intelli- pee t man or the ice —1st. Herb ts alin fly of ce aa ner, Lox choice cigars, by 'T. mower eine ‘ose Tet tote AS is ‘noticeable that “the ieee cae: : $1, by W. 0. Bundy. ie Dr, Grenfell, in whose work in iey-| fac: ur- tl ‘ ee 8 lap | ferior in ther respects, the In- Labradby-en Suan" Cotiatiate: Areca MPANRICDE SE MhNA TRE GEE AR eae oh | ai fo now: baying 2 good bs terested. tells como good stories, and | mililia, but i cit mere: than dlesivabte [mats Ch “taney i tutcly esse t st end. . A. Heimler. ‘any of the Indians ar engag [{0 the. militia shall be} = Two hockey matches took. Slate a in, iin le busindes | Or fi tin, fi ‘il ‘on and one in which |tho atterrosn, The first wa Coat ee the was ¢: ida erfect coxfidence.|a mixe. team ot ation, fe ote Bs ane ia thirty We hiave in stock a large aoe, off Catholic woman at one of oy it fe at they aro as well land son‘o: me eat "om | or forty teams may be passed on the ce opeex suasaluenized by Gil esitione nd found it necessary |arme iw: Sore ich | He it eae wiih supplies for the agency, and ee hoe Co., of i foea 9 amputate o1 her legs near | t » day be’ placed. $6 was 3- tay ‘ood. aetven by Indian, owners. For’ this ae diposing ot ae asl nee. A person with only 5 country Tite, “ours ey othe Phe a ey ne a Bed an aleve: excellent horses are em- Susie Jey aeons voluntary, ex ieee me ai pe fee wu their fe ees (nina and pla © to wait an- “oppor tuntt y to tell ¢ hope that ‘someone 08 ood game vee played, fhe Wahiterers| but so aldom resort to its winning) by © re- | use that tl Aes fore all ara) pur- oY | poses roel a se an 2 an doa bal Ss Ld ot s Hair. < sie sould form eur iTigy6F ark, Our roy A rere ane ee Ate 3 eae ~ show in ne | Bonaparte has been place a. s ae Nottingham Castle Museum. Tt con sists of a lock of hair of ‘the Eamperd ‘| “is was cut. om about an ae ie a \S : and was ia) Napol ns |e