‘In Your Spare Time al Home, Or Take a Personal Course at School. “Single Fane. TORONTO For the Garaslo Horse Breeder’s Exhibition. Tickets es going : Feb, 11,12,13&14 return limit February 15. See local C.P.R. Agent for information and tickets. Weak. cued we st ec orn, aenk, Mines u 73, ‘the ©) rt, cra aes the ete eae ee Se dete Rael ‘back aches or if the uring ee Shoop'sRistratives month . was 1h con and recommend Dr. Shoop’ § Seiterains = THE PUBLIC DRUG STORE. LEARN DRESSMAKING BY MAIL ment plan. We also teach a personal class at school nee & month—- mmencing last Tuesday of gach month. Thess jow to cut, fit and together any tenant, from the pines shirt iploy no th ig the only experienced aoe excelled by coun ni ‘one-third for @ SANDERS DRESS CUTTING SCHOOL 31 Erie eal Stratford. Ont Canada AT ONCE—We have decided eae eked soe uct and employ “a number of smart young ladies to ‘eel course in Dres likes drawing preferred, Plense do not ap ply unless you can devote your whole time Address—Tak SCHOOL H. MOHR’S: RELIABLE GROCERY ) BAKERY Fresh Lake Herring “ British Colum- bia Salmon “White Fish Salt Water Herring Salted Lake Herring in barrels Salted Lake Trout in barrels Flour 2.90 per cwt. H. MOHR Highest Prices Paid for Produce Synopsis of Canadian North-West Homestead Regulations ANY evga numbered section, of Dominion isin Manitoba, Saskatchewan and ne t least six months’ residence upon ads eultivation of the laud in each year for "as x homestender may, if he 90 desires ow fe teacher for the six near-| 1 FOL PEFFEESEHEE SESE ES Goes | cf Stock that is hardy comes aun us. C. P, R. Time Table Ayesteonna Eastbound P.M. P.M. 822 0 83° Wallenstein ‘ 49 637 882 1048 inwood 840 626 842 1054 Millbank 830 616 850 Milverto 821 609 904 1118 West Monkton 807 5 914 MeNaught 757 545 925 1189 Walton TAB BB G. T R. Time Table. Yeffers, going south, 9.12 a.m, 04 p.m, 4.44 p.m.; going portly 8.00 a.m., 11.12 a. m., 7.0: Newton, going south, ONT ain. 1.10 Dey p-m.; going north, 7.55 a,m., 11.06 a.m. ‘ attverton, going south, 9.22 a. LAB! poms 450 p. thoi goin Feats 7.49 a. m., 9 ¥ m. B “unner, eee vaouth; 827-8 mn 1.20 p.m., 5.00 p.m.; going north. 7.42 a.m., 10.50 a, m., 6.42 p.m. nei PRAYED onto the prer igred brovine property’ and paying expenses. 4a- JOSEPH McKAY Horses | Wanted EAVY working horses under 12 y age. ton, Ont. FOR § SALE nid en nd property at Brunn 523-4 Apply to C. HAT halt of ioe sisting of 100 eres of good bi go 0 water 9p by miles fron Sito JON AL ROPE, Feote, May 30th, 1907. (tfn. WE WANT reliable local salesman for Milverton and ‘adjoining country to repr ‘Car Greatest Largest list of commercial and domestic feuits—large and small j orn shade trees ; fio Pr bs Sue seed potatocs—one r -apeciaitic A permanent situa’ right for weer ihe festeeed Bay week. Free equ rite for particulars to STONE & WELLINGTON Fonthill Nurseries (850 acres) TORONTO 1-13t a9 5| THURSDAY, JANUARY, 90 1908. 4 ‘Apply toJoha J. Whaley livers iarton when the home pf Agnes ‘Thomas was ZARD business oal| wretked and Philip Gilbert shot by Come: efihe ‘Thomas somar ‘The ff ‘re- =| Lo: atayod EG ati ONTARIO ISPURLIEED Savane ‘THURSDAY ‘MomeiNe i ais “The Sun Printing Ottice Main Street, - "SUBSCRIPTION RATES One montie, 38 heels en rhe Subscribers: in arrears willbe liable to Day ay $1.80 per year. ‘CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES: souisht cents per line for first fapertlone ang four cents per line for each enbsequent tn es be charged for all transient ‘adver- specific cording] be ii the office by noon piesa: MALCOLM MacBETH, Publisher and Proprietor mv er ony) oat year: directions willbe Tneericd enti forbid’ aad charged no. a ee for comtrant advertdetmacats eouskl te ot Can Pen last, at the age of]. have Catarrh. rid id yaraalt af nls repulsive Cer {of Racine Wis, t wes a ‘| trial at his hoon Catderh medy A simple * aingle toat, Will {82 surely tell” hase ‘a Catarrh truth well worth your knowing W, today. |! ie ae longer st Poiek, a “earpentor of Strat- Rostock, aged 58, morning. woeks it 0 hospital and a weeks 18 the Brratcord hospisat allt ons to the coontry hee PE ith Proyention hefgre it gots ly seated (Po chock early colds with theso little Candy Cold Care Labor Lemieux, at Ottawa, with a ro-| Tablets ia surely sensible a fe. quert the amendment of the|Preventics contain no Quinine — no penalty azction of toe railway’ act.{laxative nothing harsh or sickening The employes feol thi any umonsa: uld never a) i ations of employes aro taking sary colds wore promptly broken AJ- aca as a result of shill Tara been broken wilfally. mised. tion having business relations with « pombe: railroa The Milverton Sun GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES Tho returns from the thirty-six car Duilding companies in nd output. All of thess domestic use. cars were ‘The w owel,” on the ©. P. B. at Lie I as to tho pi business this}and Poole debating societ: 8 joan oes eh lane and| pestpored wu onday «ening of trém the information obtained, has| noxt re at 5 in Graco ehureh come to the conclusion that r parish hall w. it bs expected not earnings in 1903 will be nolinteres¢ing time will ensue. Theques- greater aan ae two-thirds o f those | tio: at atako 1 be “Resolved that o! Ming off oui noi | christia’ character is davelopetl more uceer | a dividend ‘on most of the|by roveriy than by ", ‘Poole cading dividend pay reieas takoa the affirmative and the A.¥.P. stocks, but would in tho case oot | the negative. Lunch will bo ser- num! r ra siber vad by tha ladies at th oof the porioua matter. fo. . Sil -ollecti 0 doo: Mrs. Aes ‘achan is visiting hee her, ‘Mt. . Weir. Shs O SEE GES ales sootonrnee ’s Prayer. anniversary was enthus- in many places Jast week an “Bi on ay! make Ss zines the shovel dug a canal through ibe big rt . hill wide exough to vet ‘a train of cars F d ovening of this branch will shortly enced, oe pei eae three Lancas- ie part in the riot at by mail in Friday in a few ned their uberty. They ien they aut af Dae in Picton, went t e, of the gravel road, near nt! e anni eae and he ue fruit Chat eugons else in the vicinity, he is in a very favorable position 0 Spee of this The con mand of engineer Gunning was tak- rday sit.ANan Park, Shots ‘uaineer whe was ahero to the heels suffered ternibly by tho his clothes while the perform, the require liv- me yatbetaie and seemed Sade by Si not less than el, 80 acres in extent, Jo mest eat tela ueitinsat, mother, ifthe father te entender intending to perform aa Jdence duties in accordance. with ‘the be Commissioner of Dominion Fane i Ottawa of intention to apply for ‘W. COR’ ie bitiintes at toe ncpeioy apt onearuonses publication, revilecmont will not be pald for, 4 band bey ez Sun & names ss “|The Milverton Witness ..... OUR CLUBBING RATES nada Farmer The eo ottone Sun & eekly sane and Empire The Milverton Sun and as me ald and Weekly Stac Sun and Montreal «+ 1.60 The Milverton Sun and Toronto Weekly Sun ....4 Spy get AO ofthis ad- | The Milverton Messenger Sun bie—Crisp Bread and some flour—to} hoon, di ft the | PF ete a altars eves ae of INE BAKERY vertiser and. Northern 1.85 Tho Milverton Sun and Western Ad- tiSer enw no ate Tho Milverton Sun and Toronto Daily World v= 8.00 Tho Milverton Sun and Toronto Daily 2.50 The Milverton Sun and Toronto Daily ene 00 or A up well” in. the time of ti jal al re worthy of high praise.— Te over, Post fr. So aA! Cromwell ee who in Picton. Youn went. to Canada ° sa "Cromwell bi Je, where ver Cregawell Soups was bor! ‘Mr. Kelso the Sse icaueas of ne- injavadyt while um: Jegal voters and attempt to ent ranchise ® number of cbetnere baal ab eeatt iD ‘Throughout the province Boers. have i at wiite ty siuleg | ates the |a in. 1800 other United Empire Sara ines but fe a Crom- serene nate. aes ie of the © township of Sidney, eee Belle- i eM ere children calls attention to the are accused of thin! they but tho evi = Mr. ‘oir of Stratford, was a reppectiet irene sometimes | nose visite: in tho village. ond here is a prayer said to have |“ Eh pent Bunday et boen offered bp by, 8 Scottiah minis- Poti Sas an : __ | Mies H. Miller, of Wellesley, apen “Oh L we approach Thee this fies F. 2 Linnie the at ithas of heave | Sar he eee edeotind Jikewise ‘©’ complaint en we — f|eam’ tao ‘tho lan’ of eet Regained! Nerve and Vital ergy pectot tae fi’ a lan? flowin’ ‘ith milk and 1 but instead o' that we foun’ a Ian’ peopled wi? ungodly Irish | prom Walton. P.O» Q0. comes the Nits Thy great merey drive |rliowing from Mr 6 Begin--" them tao tho uttermost pairfs 0 ):nyone had told me say eaniedy aout Canady mak’ thom hewer o' wood}; ing up my nervous sysiem so well an’ drawers o° water; gi nae}; would not huve believed them. Re- emoluments gie them nae place 0 |rore using Ferroxone 1 was run dow: Yer mak’ them magistrates |: nerve and vital energy and in te rulers amang Thy people but ane ry weak health. I didn’t get en any, favors to bestow or ‘Mak’ tl a’ ” “iain nt rulers amang ‘Th ople. them fa’ in ffhine for ever ai’ ever. —_——_——— Easy to Retain Health important of all is proper a els. Avoid eons ‘Most tention to the bowels. in © Teavse of the trcste es gor de return. No a ress or attends the vse which are voele famous for their mildness a fog iency. where 25e. per bo: cies sist edad Outlook for Ontario Whi for Ontario wheat, an farmers, and some of tong face and im Ontarlo wheat Bites met are atout fifty years Beard ‘Western hard. patent flour: soventifio farmer knew: ‘Western flour. as abou © his 80 M sow, that it was the ene of ‘Man wheat that sent down the pela ki abadoby thi: noy he Mae mended outs captains Ontario wheat, ond a king itanitena Pan Alberta. All tl aside, however, there for tho most gratifying su 0: od demand for Ontario wheat. t of the tim vane ap help $0 Ince. in that] tor, De} days Yelitipgs strionds in fPralee. ‘Mr. 90 e rules have Consideration | Al Jarge eastern industrial corpora e [cently made aes among tho road 6 in churches ee Sonus Pain to the ¢ tee Thine the day time. Ferrozone mai as for thao ungodly Tisih ta of Dr. Hamilton's Pile Sold every- Ask our milion aod roe ait at there is no money never fingled They use ort | Even Her Blood ys Bo When Dying of “peta TS Her Li suf Ly hie he "hich jours aro mecting with | cess. The sales as suerte by the Intended fo: Seis s beweok (Phe storm of Saturday and Sundity | hava shat the 1 see: ‘somgoat: ae "A alsigh lead ‘of young Devote ee oe Oar AU ae ha ras iy nig oa \v! s able time. an er ep visiting rats “win cand Mralen ‘Mr. Cha: eLanghlin and sis- ‘auton Fanci spent_a couple 0 of a’ dance on ty Tow. a ‘edi “Mr. John. coy a “vor: at pre- sand slight hopes are entertained for | ree 48 tableta, 25 cents Vest ket boxes 5S cents Sold by tha Pav. lic Drug Sto. 3 poe MILLBANK Moo lato for last wee! vote eS a and lighter contains : yields MORE ea ete to the barrel. Ae Made i in Ontario” — ‘Use A Blended Pier and you use the pee Aetn BLENDED FLOUR Fad the This trademark is on all fine BLENDED U It isthe sign of quality, * ok for it on bag and barrel you buy. m ‘Mr. W. Phaze ‘thos moved to New- has secured a situation a. mpent a fow days aa sigek, in. Milverto: hero Was. No sorvicr of the 5 Gampto 1] has bought ay wv Potters’ fouge and intends movi i byacuair - ‘March. Mr. R. oe Winticta, Ja bila? wh sh sleep at night felt poorly in ough sleep at nig! alt Fa thud ma with inere, onerg C. R. Honderich & Son Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. _ OSTERMOOR eae PATENT ELASTIC FELT When buying a mattress by a @ MATTRESS: $15.00 $15.09 They aro equal to any hair tress at one half the satteen tic! 3 ft. width 4ft, Gin, width. These are standard prices on | First Cost is Last Cost and Only Cost Ostermoor mattresse: C. R. HONDERICH and SON, vim my, weight and aiike aneirt vane ot ‘° rhea and norenity. Price 50e per at all deak RiGee ise SRE ta ES Had it Reduced to a System . Walsh, ts “apomber said aur a Ory peed. in varie: where “Orangemen > o motte evenly divided, married Bri t, a natir 10 of : In tho parlor cir home wall hung a framed picture ‘02 the Pop2, aud on the other an equal legant chrome of ,King William crowing the gi B twas asked ono day by an inquistive one how. the Hiatt peare of the family ane rnin’ be nd wot S)King William ont of pawn. Shure wo get along Watch for the announcement of our February Furniture Sale. Squares, Rugs and Carpets will be included this year, . sweep character of the price re- ductions will be a surprise to you. xa The clean R. WHITE & CO. x STRATFORD | The First Furniture St East of the Post Office, Turned to Water esas) ia ite Was Saved .Ferrozo # e. irotably- very fein caeia arson 70° cord in which an absolute cure has pernicious, ander ery pale a and. opt lenin strength it too weil ‘The a eribed “iterent ‘bottle ee kept getting oweras re She had Anaemia ape for a aie thalt pals might Aryesiivat e he|caso that St Miss escent of stirling, ane nd t for Elaine. 08 jaying blended foe shoul eI a te oni Fea neat eo a Aik nnty, th ft i eho Sraoeee Thameleo Ares “Penofit: by |The credit of her recove: be | zo eine y for their sThgat! stan, | me a hole ‘perfect health is the ighox |for using Fe which: The a Tailors stocking next morning. If for Christmas order them early. We want to put the best of our ability on them, and want — Milverton’s — Up-to-Date: — Tal he is he Jatronger Sot enioys the best oe entatid ely Every grown girl and young woman n bes uy make herself strony, and healthy ‘ith Ferrozot vie makes blood nerve and tissuo,— nakes it fast—makes it to stay. 14,| Comploxion soon '8 perfect et new strength tii ‘rrozone Ww! oat OS pity