GROWING GIRLS. NEED PIN PILLS ‘This Tonio is faci for Their - be ley cats 1 Proper Development and to Insure Health and Strength, There are throughout Canada thou- young ‘girls oto in cor mnign Ei There is. just one in. cure 15 ee trouble hese pills » stnginen health 2 g & $ not money experimenting with other eines, t delay treatment until you ate in a Williams’ Pink Pills at once and see w si will restore “sour health and strength. Bae is the proof: Mrs. Joseph E. anughlee a. fase ter healt at tne ae of from Goat thought the waa galhig tate 8 de- cline, in this condition for 5 retghbor ad- It was not lon lism, sciatica, indi fion, partial paralysis. St. Vitus dance, the ailments that make the lives women miserable. Sold hy ail medicine dealers or ‘by mail at js a fats The Dr. eee Meaieine ¥ Brockville, Ont, co TO WALK AROUND, THE Englishman Must Go Masked and Push- ing a Perambulator. Mths face 1 @ harih-eoet wind A man started the other morning [rom Trafal- lon J a land, on Bey ur adventurer un- the task for a wager of $100,000. leh Ne gave in.” the WORLD, v. said, “was laid by accept the wager mysel him of the I had come to heal ‘once ined. ‘rangement with ent, well American gentleman to ac- He 1s only doing it for porobany me. When asked how he was going to sub- sist he replied {am starting penniless and 1 shall ‘aphs and pamphlets while the mayor or some In each town. " vayfarer called out merry. a8, he disappeared ; “See you in yoo What & you you call ole inl e—"Reast beef, ane finband— "Wel, eae ha indignle poor de ad Ox has lo Buk up wit t be sure!" thevo angthing more “annoying thon having, yaur. corn stepped. upont there y thing mor uh ‘Fan i ting vid Seite Holloway's Corn Cure will do it, Try “itvand be convinced. ‘The: visitor had already spoken at con- siderable length when he said tothe vhose attention had. begun. 4 ‘And now t want to telly 1 once knew. futher and. moth © contin ued, When he found several pairs ot eyes Dua returned fo, tein survey: of his dia ail-that Tay fit thete: power nake bhi happy’. But the boy. was Mons and ligy.and never “thought of the 1 filling —an ibe and useful position: in life, where. 60 YOu suppose he islands, chil deen, as “He star 41" shiriiled alt the. litle tirls in prompt and joyous tnisen: fue, ote as Kipling prophest ays. woul It is impossi get near enough to a stral rencn cats are only seen darling fron one alley’ to another, and apparently always in a ‘panic. neh LONDON A CATS’ ELYSIUM. You Gan Tell It by the Cats You Mec: in the Street. ca lover of cats once said that he et the general character 0! habitants 3 a city by the way ived his overtures of hip. Paris the cat literally walks alone, cage gives preslige lo_6 Prench m oge, Sell Wiisited, pall el cat a aie respectebfily to an English fausbold: se Stray cals are always treated there. rs ie day comes when they aro gently picked “up by man tn ‘uniform and. placed. ina cart and toke ihe cats’ home, “There the and ‘hen if no one claims wee they sold, if. valuable, or Rey teanalyted ee whatever eh of angel Such Bali rot g the paleo cats’ owners who did not win ior: Th the were: haughtily Ther: Srain “eeollong and these were subdivided into open, no- vice, kitten, team, brace, and breede! classes, accordin sex 101 white, black, blue, chinchilla, smoke, bi by, Ted tabby, orange, cream, lorbise and any other col goiharthsired varieties included Abyssinian, Manx, Dutch, Gn mdieers the Persians, Angoras; ele. ‘The great known to have bee! t was secu in m 00. dog hes. his This year e as being waltissabie ne most successful. A SAFE MEDIONNE YOR ALL ONILURBY. All so-called aati syrups and most of the pow. dese ndueriiogt ta ours the ai invents ‘of babies and young chile ain poisonous opiates, anda Own Tablets have the gua analyst to the truth of this st constipa rhoea and teething eS les. The cure simple fever, break up! cold ent eroup’ and destroy worms. oth dealers or by mail box from The Dr. Will anis” > Medicine Co., Broekville, SSS AIS CX BRITISH SOVEREIGNS’ WRITINGS. ee ee teed ue the Eng- king es ae wr ae. a Sine ul as he seldom had a good pen, h Senn ta chere wrlilen whe Wie mae ane vehemence with which he spoke, and hence the untimely destruction of many an honest, goose-qul Edward Vi. wrote in: a_taie, legible, puiseoneyiais retinas hand, managed to: complete a neal hand, barely leare » reign. Queen Elizabeth, thanks to the-pains of her assiduous tutor, Roger Ascham, ‘i, after the man- school, une had ae ancl the. pen,’ the notions of polite ‘sociely 16 write when he ceased scrawl dicate of “tha? ersonal arried into all the strongly 4 fair, open. Tlatian hiond more correctly, pertiaps, than any rely Who. ‘he oe him on the ish throne eng hatles Il, whole a little, hand. nunning He often wrote in od ons. esses: : and. viv el ls Beaman feath Hays ing the dignity of that of his iitustrions but unhppy taller. James-U. wrote a large, fair hand, and nne’s “writing was, round: and a servile copy of that of her me nuldgraphs ‘of the Georges and ot William were for the most part “sorawly," but beyond this had_no spe- cia’ characteristic. ey ne y y fiee alway ‘ay __ consumption. - warning cough, Teoughise entdses GOSICSOO Don’t neglect your cough, Statistics show that in New York City alone over 200 people “aetna from And most of these consumptives might be living now if they had not — the You. know how quickly Scotr’s ,Emuatsion ‘enables. you to throw off a ALL DRUGGISTS; 60c, AND $1.09.) Ce a ee ee ee $SSOO9GEG0" CHRONIC GATARR cone MRS. F. CARR. RR, . Vineland, Bsa i iad and oughing the disease was “The. ‘complaint es ac sang span (is. ree ‘an auld see er: nay or uae Today, 1 would not take cata ve rr 1s aa it in ie eae ol na RELIED i FEAL Mi cs) St Se ks feeling ‘which lerril finally extended the stomach and 1 was in a wretched “E tried different remedies and — th t pratasioral fre evans all in vaiz.} And people take the fondest cz “Finally, as a Ya tried Pe-|T¢ stamp upon my foot just ther endalion: of ang rpsovened and iy a. thing sally recognized |apy, seve catarrh thou om - sand dollars fer pia this grand medi- CEYLON HAVING A BOOM. de Outlook the Best Eve ate in the ae S Se Ceylon a ‘iod of Shines area trede outlook is the: ber the history of the nuls, ci hess and “eliconelle r dnd. the- cultivation h se-that-there are now so under this prod me 900 acres: question that Tas cro: 's Bridge and the snallos poe ‘of ying between Rames' ‘and ‘i tina at the Tarkio ent of the aah South Indian. Railway Company ‘inging their line to the extreme Sa “of the small isand of Rameswaram ton | India, and will greatly. ben and rubber industries by eee the. tuansportatidn of laborers from eee THE CORN. Ch, what is this that on my-toe, With feslive pains proceeds to grow And. which, with every step 1 take, Sends o'er ‘my soul a twinge of woe? nt, ble. | Yes, what From waking hours every bliss? What have I done that I deserve: fo raise a beastly thing like this? And always Kick ‘the proper “place, Unmindful of my. baleful’ glare. *OUS | But when I don my newest shoes, MY | 1 fairly feel the cold sweat coze From ce a skin, and Well, f all the ills since J was 2 ane ‘thal that hard-headed little fet rhe common, ordinary corn. NOTES OF INT T FROM AND BRA\ and Lowlands of Auld Scotia. the I burgh Board Bae in Port Glasgow amounts to 25 ne ai Students at Kin, coleg Cemmet re Girvan by telep] 7th ull., displac arent 1d 898 poor. p 36 others with their rent. Ore! abatement of 25 per ree ste rents owing to the bad Jibrariain ae pe Lord Newlands has. give: Glasgow Universily to 5 income for the Snelt ndon Renfrewshire A backing the proposal to erec EM Bank. ndilands, S es le of Sky 800. Ps. nities gh, who as been aw! aed the King’ t deo would have been dull but, for 000 vy bvildin, Galashiels. a shar Jn. in.the local tweed trade. ile. kewie 78,000 Br turn out week, itish workmen rej lion of the A Min Hi tl, Oban. Jaily output of oes fhousan fons, whi Arbroath town council are ishore towar Boies Sth el 105 ners we MP... ips Set ‘as he estal the fhe porls of duced » Tealo reared: in family jars. FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND | xy HER What Is. Going On In the Highlands erage attendance of 33,- schools. ‘at present 5 per 1,000 of the popula- Aberdeen, aus chapel in such aaere that out- d. ot the village ai, Daily haa tach witty ‘The monster bist al Furnace Ghats Last. year the Glasgow Samaritan So- sons, and a tenantry have been allowed an their There are 47 applicants ior tae vacant ‘ovide adaitional etaite In ion years—between 1901 and 1901— |", the number of Gaelic speskers on the Is e has decreased from ve birth to tp r the building trade in Dun- eats of work in restoring burned ion has s\ Most of the have large numbers of looms stand- sewing machine faclory at: Kil- gla t 23,000 complete machines per preliminary Sperations for the Ishire, Consumption Sonalerium. have peed: Shean on Ben- Yb coal at Polmaise ils ipul is already five hundred a, teereation part, the ground Yeading | Ls ‘ds is now the call to Dies of SER has sold to re 26 cremations, in 1906 there were 42, and in the year just closed 7 Mr. of opin- iol. tat lect swale conmintestio for lished m «Council is exer- ——#- y bears. a Tol of bi of fruit that is been In _nighlly, hours. that travel slow toil 1 come" to: kno ee ican teat ot tis Cestiaches treat tne PASS RECIPE AROUND.” TELLS HOW TO. MAKE Till ROEUMATISM CURE. iv Dread Disease at Hore at Small Cost. ‘To relieve the worst forms of Rheuma ti take a leaspo after the each meal and at be Extract _Dancelion, ‘gon, ap! ime: Pluid ounce; See Kai Compound Syrup Si ounces ‘These harmless ingredients a villa, ean be jer shaking them 1s_ generally de: towns, an well 1 fell from. y mixed ty a atte, the firs free irk- aldy a initia Be: fone Sena quesle of £250 and £100, are notifle prepa ei tae oral rangements have béen “made for the toe, his respon reli, dose amalgamation ofthe North of Scotland « Agi g Mines and the auaracen= Town and County or Urinary r Rheumatism. Sab end preserve, It Good ae utenti prescriptions which really 5,000) relieve ar ree, indeed, and when your ned “i you want 1 baaly. Ter. LOOKED BAD FOR HIM. me, ma have.” don't doubt it. AL eal a Dallosinans? ger—“What egtiaunere?Birat rs this umbrella.” isa cures effe °) Dix are considered, manent relief it has brought ‘to ate weiss er it has set imist te thal so Fran the ix simple ingredten enter into its composition. the ing virtue AN IMPORT d. (heir ae P ioe DISTINCTION, od to. gi hunt for the smaller ; RS Sa ie “Don't be afraid? said tho woman 800,000,000. bunches }¢n the front step, “that dog likes: stran- Se uinniee leit sie wirhis males bout | er {wo bunehes-t0 every man, woman and| "Xe nadam, answered Meander- ehikd of the pep ing Mike. “I do not question your as- The directors of the aBambsrgh ea’ hat he would. like me, But af Ret fe have resumed the supply Feleh 0 Mio aa a. seeker tor st rea meals day fo children. attend> aR Eset cher sal eto cumin al th ver Jno in} this’ that makes ‘ine miss when. they ie can guess’ the words 1 use! bo! t makes me Tiel forlora SIMPLE iption Given Which Sufferers of a Make Up and Try nful of the following - ‘one-half ounce; three ob- tained from ‘any. arugelst ‘in ‘the. smal- Relief fer weeks wold ‘eter “have Serious Kidney , but broke into my house the other night and Jett as ama ¢ thing potent a snedicing sion result BY nah wi ecnvinee by most skeptical 4 ae ea VIRGIN Oh, OF PINE It is the only preparation of pine com- wounded from the aclive principles of for- it permeates the with the wholesome, healthful eae. Leys is ene beneficial, affording specdy relief? in cases x rheumatism due wie’ acid in the system, Put up for: dispensing through drug- on only in 34 02. vials, each vial se ly sealed in a round woarlen case ie i Pin ty Leach Chemical Co., Cincinnati, Properties, uses and directions with every vial. 2 WINDOWS BY ‘THE THOUSAND. 1. 4s doublful whether Queen vious of Sparta will ever over" lode iif ils entirely, us ordinary an r if she milies of corrido: weekday 1 would oscup the = curial contains pas has also. if not inching those of ie ‘chureh. arkable- building, comprising at ‘onde a palace, @ convent, a chureh arid @ mausoleum ZAM-BUK CU PILES. This distressing complaint is sucgess- ay dealt with by the m-Buk treat- and every: s ne in giving ZamBuk a thorougl) (rial. Zam-Buk subdues the pain, al- lays the inflammation and enables rest and comfort to come to the worn-out sufferer. Mrs. E. Boxall oe 73 Soatt St, St. ‘Thomas, Ont., writes: “I consider. it my aul to write ot ‘the benelits derived For some months islane. silferer frome blee IT had used a great many omtments, but gotno relict until I a tried Zam-Buk, eured me and relaca of Ui Ses ve advieed othe 3 ons int to n mca ing, tee heard ae tory. m-Buk also cures ulcers, nie orm, oon cuts, itch, burns. pe Soalds. rash Boot Sati bad le: si and b sath on music, eh exercises a bene ci influe the growth th of the hair, ly. . stringed. i struments counteract any latent t cy to baldness, while hase instruments ‘act in We oppasite direction, and, ts proof of the truth: of the first part of this assertion Poinls tritmiphantly lo the fact that afl really violinists and pianists possess uns fine heads { hair. «In future, therefo would that the man’ who aspires i po the-wavilig. locks. of a Paderews Pa nl nged. oily pars a8 = erncl ally as the as frantically as the ave: is ih gratified. —* ac or A 3 co! ey claimed Y bette atta « ‘fad, and, ; thin than a boom of a press health eran rhe os ycle. Might just as velllalke Gla BleAMbOAL oF trolley © boon, there wou) a he-ahoul as muck reom for argun This will EAU seom a prelty road slalement 10: many. read ibis mone the’ lass true, a these rapi¢ continu ly shi av ele has ‘be Ss Antomobi! whole story phrase its aie ¢ other rani: and man bought the wheel as an inve: —it was something to bank on, and it checked: the ARS car fare expenditure siment that was-aly drain on the family Je the street net quick in in the merelag and gelling to the ily ick a at ight ome i rateat “Dal resg=the gre to conquer distance: fore. isu staple and Tt hi ved: its the Sievendie-qnonk value hoth in regard: to “re doc. Is and Street raikway dividends. spring 4) Tune aount. see “remendois revival “of, tho hieyele oraz ‘ Tad the Cyvie. been The Thing, » then England’ ing. My Apnpadines for a Wheel.” stoves oe a fellow in there that nt wait mo again, male muuch.” ie Tralezsuuslomnens Bs he herged ppt his alae tran the dining-room «nd 1ns- y y dawn on tho pa: Desanlinwed Wis cls dent mind. givtnit Hs J a t Ma should look for this pnesa ketal aS of Black: Watch \ The Big Black Plug. ON THE OCEAN FRONT. ATLANTIC CITY, CHARLES 0, MARQUETTE, Manager. HOTEL TRAYMORE N. J. jpagalScent: fonatory fie:prook adaition Ja Enaiie wort and int ep-ts-aaseot Allende: Clty Hotes. A:Abw ZEAvCe ia the aausual ath attachod with an and fresh w ‘Temperature regulated Pr RRerasesAay er the atest enn size of a a ed rooms, averagi room commandsan sles i or very chamber. Te dlate team Pelephone in every room. "Gol Fo ace : ge be TRAYMORE HOTEL COPIPANY, just boing completed, making this famoug ey te Tope AWeito tor illustrated D. S. WHITE, Prosident, know he. had a gles another shudder, mother | not ten minules ago, pouri “slight! ng oul and lookit at ihe most impassioned par! eye and walked slowly across, and he never even blinked. Oh, another, i awful {" i ‘THE TRADERS’ BANK OF CANADA, Annual Sielwalalas!s Shows Solid Posi the s the alot 7% rest ageount of the Bank ti xd by $100,000, — Tn prosperous: mes has not been unmindful CL its officers, the Guranlee en the midst the Bank's. directara' to cenfidence a the a er is aalering to the so which have vehi © it was estab: eral. manag conservative princi stlerized thie “Banik: Lshed years ago. n2 best man -living— u don't have to cry for him, dew you've gol him." Pale Women foolishly, of err way oon by te trongth. ‘Try the girl asked the polite salesman he good cheese, “We have sor ff quality ‘only s eine “Well,” he reto orted "TI Bickle ane 3s expert Anteleion to of inflammation n, by levelop these ments hopitessiy.atfleken. Sy es of neglected Colds, A ‘trial, whic! costs only 2% cont that this is ¢ Morselli Perhaps they grow ng so: long. at Tormenting jed_ will not come back if man—"I wish, py dear, that my cred’ tors had t intentons.” ‘They Cleanse irmolce's and cause the excretory ves: inypurifies fran the te blood and ‘expel te. deleterious mass hi into th trom al “ade a peor cae N READING SERIALS. “Ib is right to ha a aabiten said the . to a class 6) cling bs sell respe initio subdued by “Oxing him ig wil “Ww hat is your ammition 2 “Please. tremble and quiver like « the bare Peace vat my jes seven million dollars. after a quarrel)—“I wouldn't ery ee SRS oy and: mat ‘Aiould ein -at a certain position and not be ponest in: in ‘Tot Cipaeattoekina ie whom: he pe often: UNNATURAL, “Well? said the anxious mother, Skcaling into the room softly as the front or bang at is mother,” said the sweet gil, shuddering, “L cannot marry. that “Nother,” she continued, “did—did you cae slight infiemity,” said Norah, with Oh, mother, as here, sitting on the sofa is, whole heart and wealth of love for me, ing. at_me with eyes—or, at least, one eye—full of affection, and just a fly yerched right in the corner of the glass he 5 ween are whilst the aS been. in- ot te of the interests ing donated $5,000 to and like amount to the Pension. Fund je balance of en rward to next year, “A nck Of this Bank now stands at 310 and the Rest pount ‘amouat $2.00 x The al deposila, The iminediately available h ssets of this sirong ins titution amounts x ement of Trader Iculated to extend the people. of Canada. in the. institution, and” reflects the greatest credit in the management. It is plainly evident that the recently appointed gen a vy ry this he ‘ise the. bert Lat they could ay quickly Saaorer ' their health if ne srilt prevent the dire consequene- h will convinee you Professor says that lal) Bus ropeans ard moro given {> Suicide: than short on tired Cold that mado you wretch . jou take Allen's Tang! {Siutgamn-when your throat da raw and aore, Pat 1 | fea ble ems a Tene trom opium. atk Ke i iL fs ame faith in aS ood M Gon tell you this, Ar. ntinue fn pr. ava gi you'll ai y for it same My Wil e front “ihe ad do this without pain or insonvenien a6 to the patlenty x the Spee Bord offices f effect, iz Yocointinendnitiors, ave a oa ela hook acher fe “ i nid like to ae peat at in) | wound SHIP TO US. | Wo pay. hig! ives. 0 Assortment, Prompt rebarns. WRITE on: MogTy P Sacr Tas FEATHER DYEING Gene Sore BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO. MONTREAL FREE Sewetry to tel) at} sive’ hend you three HO 86th GON fit Sie We ieaeyan i widh ee Feliz and a, it et serd us ta MOSTAR MP'G. C0., PROVIDENCE, Ry by Us $s Ae de, yeu pith at individuel, i solulign: eudhe eornoral. afd. famous Irish. regiment, a While on a march in India: the neer corporal went to the quarters ter to born camel to curry a spa tent. The quartermaster refused. nd this spare “1 have only the cart, an eamel 1 am Keebitig tor'a eaze‘of lente gency “Well,” said the corporal, “can’t you put the case of emergency on the cart, sir, and let me haye the camel?” a DON'T OVERDRAW YOUR BANK ACCOUNT. ‘To overdraw your bank agcou visiting “the famous Mineral Salt’ Springs of the “Bt: Catharines Well” of Bt. Cathe 8, postal hae a 3. ands’ District aa ‘Trunk Railway Systeme ‘Toronto itt bring illustrated descriptive’ matter. then,” said, Pel eee ot avimals “what arse LE 1 know,” ventured a haat boy. the tea swell? asked t “Its: ma.” hatte ‘Statement thet will do inore ‘We make the Em “the D & 1” Ment Ftotolos than any other plaster, tins and ‘ 4. rolls, All druggists, Father—"Joe, that old hen pers coal yard?” Joe—"W she has s time to lay why do you suppose ten laying in the jclelness 1 shine: in your : cb ITCH, Mange, Freire Scratches ant every form of contagious Itch in human. or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- ford's Sanilary Lotion, It never fails, Sold by all druggists. rhe Burglar r (to Jones)—“If you venture to say 0 Mrs. another word, madam, shoot.” Mr, oF nes. (fascinated) — . my good m how much will ou take to stay tens “for a week!” Worms cause feverishness, manning, ond ‘restlessness during: 3 Mother ott ASHER pleas- e and effectual. If your drug- st has none fn stock, get him to pro- cure it for you “To be spite candi eomned 8° Sir, es fellow vou see} yn wal yen fu nyt tee NGeorgel : You toupee soueslie Scratching 1s, foolish} tt only makes matte, rata the ‘i Rin of eruptions abdottle tovtay Stranger—“Madam, a boy who I am Informed is your som Has Just Uirown & stone al me, causin hat are nt going go. Mother—"I- don't” know, Thive you tied atnica?” They Advertise Themselves.—Imnie- diately ae eek offered to the public, pele getable Pills beame rae for ther has, grown, amt the finst medicines for UB in + | dyspepsia sand Ditloueny et kidn let ohtd na and complications to which these: aliments giver “hoy, hrowght perfect ome for sexe weeks, i seat ‘iid than nly begar rarouiy “dutegt (ah: ond? asked his” fathe tuitlt,” replied teacher's fat boy that sal hiloh’s Cure; Shiloh’s sie worst cold,, Cure ‘the sharpest cough! "| Cures Coughs and Colds QUICKLY si: 2 the tits xt t pat anything you tried, Safe to: nt, whether